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    人教版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land学案
    人教版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land学案01
    人教版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land学案02
    人教版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land学案03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land精品学案设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land精品学案设计,共16页。

    A Pineer fr All Peple
    devte vt. 把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于
    1. Cnsiderable resurces have been devted t prving him a liar.
    2. After her marriage, she culdn’t devte herself ttally t her music.
    devte…t (ding) sth. 把……用于;献身;致力;专心
    devte neself t (ding) sth. 献身于;致力于
    devted adj. 挚爱的;忠实的,忠诚的
    be devted t 致力于
    devtin n. 奉献;关照;忠诚
    cnvince v. 使相信;使确信;说服
    1. Althugh I sn cnvinced him f my inncence, I think he still has serius dubts abut my sanity.
    2. His mther has been trying t cnvince him t see a dctr.
    cnvince sb. t d sth. 说服某人做某事
    cnvince sb. f sth. 使某人相信某事
    cnvinced 确信的;深信的
    cnvincing 令人信服的;有说服力的
    be cnvinced f 相信
    cnventinal adj. 传统的;习惯的
    1. “Have yu had yur meal?” is a cnventinal greeting in China.
    2. Althugh we can nw pay nline, sme peple still prefer the cnventinal methd f cash.
    scial cnventinal 社会传统
    cnventinal methd 常规方法
    cnventinal industries 传统产业
    usual 普通用词,概念广泛。指经常发生或意料中的事,既可指自然发生的现象,也可指按个人习惯或惯例而做的事。
    habitual 指按个人习惯反复发生的事情。侧重经常性、习惯性。
    regular 着重遵守约定俗成的规则。
    cnventinal 语气强,指遵守已成习惯的事情,强调符合惯例,由人们普遍认可。
    I need t stand n the bus as usual.
    They waited fr his habitual respnse.
    The regular pening hurs are n the paper.
    The cnventinal practice flurishes in the United States.
    shrtage v. 不足;缺少;短缺
    1. Vietnam is suffering frm fd shrtage.
    2. There is a shrtage f cuncil husing.
    lack, absence, shrtage, scarcity 这些名词均含“缺乏,不足”之意。
    lack: 普通用词,指部分或完全的不足。
    absence: 指某物根本不存在或完全短缺,或某人虽存在,但未到现场。
    shrtage: 指不足,但侧重达不到规定的,需要的或已知应有的数量。
    scarcity: 指产量不足或缺乏某物难以应付或满足需要。
    1. What cncerned him mst was that farmers ften had pr harvests.
    2. Hw this culd be dne was a challenge at that time.
    3. What impresses peple mst abut Yuan Lngping is his nging ability t fullfil his dreams.
    That she was chsen made us very happy. 她当选了使我们很高兴。
    What caused the accident is a cmplete mystery. 是什么导致了这次事故还完全是一个谜。
    Whether she will cme r nt is still a questin. 她是否来还是一个问题。
    Which team will win the match is still unknwn. 哪个队会赢得这场比赛还不知道。
    Whever cmes t the party will receive a present. 参加聚会的每一个人都将收到一份礼物。
    When they will start has nt been decided yet. 他们何时出发还没决定。
    It is a pity that she has made such a mistake. 她犯了这样一个错误,真是遗憾。
    It depends n the climate whether they are ging shpping tday. 他们是否今天去购物还得看天气情况。
    1. It is + adj. / n. +从句
    It is a pity/shame that... 遗憾的是……
    It is pssible that... 很可能……
    It is unlikely that... 不可能……
    2. It +不及物动词+从句
    It seems/appears that... 似乎……
    It happened that... 碰巧……
    3. It + be +过去分词+从句
    It is said that... 据说……
    It is knwn t all that... 众所周知……
    It is reprted that... 据报道……
    It is believed that... 据信……;人们相信……
    It is suggested that... 有人建议……
    It must be pinted ut that... 必须指出……
    It has been prved that... 已证明……
    It is believed that at least a scre f buildings were damaged r destryed.
    It is suggested that the meeting shuld be put ff.有人建议会议延期召开。
    It’s reprted that three peple were killed in the accident and five were hurt badly.
    It is knwn t all that Taiwan is an inseparable part f China.
    1. 引导词that和what
    What is dne can’t be undne. (谚语)已成定局,无可挽回。
    What we can’t get seems better than what we have. 我们得不到的东西似乎比已得到的要好。
    That we shuld wrk ut a plan t deal with the present serius situatin is imprtant.
    That a new teacher will cme t teach us gegraphy is true. 一位新老师将来教我们地理,这是真的。
    2. 引导词if和whether
    Whether she will g hme r nt is unknwn. 她是否回家还不得而知。
    Whether we shall raise ducks r geese remains t be decided. 我们是养鸭还是养鹅仍没决定。
    =It remains t be decided whether/if we shall raise ducks r geese.
    但我们不能说If we shall raise ducks r geese remains t be decided.
    3. 连接代词和连接副词
    连接代词wh, which, whm, whse有各自的意义,起连接作用,并在从句中充当语、宾语、表语、定语等;连接副词when, where, why, hw等有各自的意义,起连接作用,并在从句中充当状语。
    It is clear wh is afraid f having a change in land wnership.
    It is nt yet decided which cash crp will be prduced next year.
    When we’ll start tmrrw will be tld sn.
    Where we can buy xen is smething we need t find ut.
    It be + adj./n. + that从句与强调句型均有It 之类的语言标志,但不同的是:
    前者中的that从句是主语从句。若删掉其中的It be和that,则剩余部分不论结构还是语意都不能成为一个句子;但若将后者中的It be和that去掉,则剩余部分的结构和语意仍能构成一个完整的句子。
    It is surprising that Mary shuld have wn first place. 令人惊奇的是玛莉竟然获得了第一名。
    It is Mary that has wn first place. 正是玛莉得了第一名。
    第一句话中的It是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。句中的It is和that无法删除,一旦删除句子就不成立。
    第二句是强调句型,其中的It is和that可以去掉,因为没有It is和that句子仍然很通顺。
    1. Des _______ matter if he can’t finish the jb n time?
    A. this B. that C. he D. it
    2. It wrried her a bit _______ her hair was turning grey.
    A. which B. that C. if D. fr
    3. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an internatinal language.
    A. There B. This C. That D. It
    4. It matters little _______ a man dies, but _______ matters much is _______ he lives.
    A. hw; what; hw B. hw; it; hw C. why; it; why D. that; what; that
    5. _______ she culdn’t understand was _______ fewer and fewer students shwed interest in her lessns.
    A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that
    6. It is pretty well understd _______ cntrls the flw f carbn dixide in and ut the atmsphere tday.
    A. that B. when C. what D. hw
    7. Have yu decided ________fr Australia?
    A. when will yu leave B. when d yu leave
    C. yu will leave when D. when yu will leave
    Chemical Versus Organic Farming
    cmprise vt. 包括;包含;由……组成
    1. The funds f the assciatin shall cmprise f members’ subscriptins.
    2. Twelve departments cmprise this university.
    cmpse, cmprise, cnsist这些动词均含"组成,构成"之意。
    cmpse: 正式用词,多用被动态。指将两个或两个以上的人或物放到一起形成一个整体。
    cmprise: 正式用词,指整体是由几个独立的部分所组成。
    alternative n. 可供选择的事物 adj. 可供替代的;非传统的
    1. New ways t treat arthritis may prvide an alternative t painkillers.
    2. There were alternative methds f travel available.
    chice, alternative, preference, ptin, selectin, electin 这些名词均含有"选择"之意。
    chice: 侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。
    alternative: 指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。
    preference: 侧重因偏见、爱好或判断等而进行选择。
    ptin: 着重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。
    selectin: 指作广泛的选择,着重选择者的识别力或鉴赏力。
    electin: 强调目的和达到目的判断能力。
    extensin n. 扩建部分;扩大;电话分机
    1. We are thinking f having an extensin built, as we nw require an extra bedrm.
    2. He first entered the cuntry n a six-mnth visa, and was given a further extensin f six mnths.
    extend 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价
    extensive 广泛的;大量的;广阔的
    extended 延伸的;扩大的;长期的;广大的
    extendable 可延长的;可展开的;可扩张的
    extensinal 外延的;具体的;事实的
    extensively 广阔地;广大地
    extensiveness 延伸;大范围
    withut dubt ; prs and cns; be available t; make it impssible t; ingest;is being dedicated t; side effects; live a …life ; free frm
    ① 毫无疑问,有机蔬菜像其他任何事情一样都有利有弊。
    (withut dubt ; prs and cns)
    ② 一方面现在世界人口的压力很大,有机蔬菜不可能被所有人吃到。
    (be available t; make it impssible t)
    ③ 另外,吃有机蔬菜能帮助我们减少健康风险和非有机食物的副作用。
    (nly by.. side effects)
    ④ 世界上更多土地正被用于有机种植。
    (is being dedicated t; rganic farming)
    ⑤ 我梦想有一天我们都能够吃到有机食物。
    ( I have a dream that… ; rganic fd )
    ⑥ 当这一天来临,我们将能够真正过上无忧无虑的健康生活。
    (live a …life ; free frm)
    ① Withut dubt, rganic vegetables, just as anything else, cme with prs and cns.
    ② On the ne hand, the heavy ppulatin pressure f tday’s wrld makes it clearly impssible fr rganic fd t be available t everyne.
    ③ Only by ingesting rganic fds can we avid many health risks and side-effects f nn-rganic fd.
    ④ Mre land arund the wrld is being dedicated t rganic farming.
    ⑤ I have a dream that ne day we will all be able t cnsume rganic fd.
    ⑥ When that day cmes, we will be able t live truly healthy lives free frm wrry and risk.
    Withut dubt, rganic fd, just as anything else, cmes with prs and cns. On the ne hand, the heavy ppulatin pressure f tday’s wrld makes it clearly impssible fr rganic fd t be available t everyne. But n the ther hand, rganic fd are healthier and mre ec-friendly. Only by ingesting rganic fd can we avid many health risks and side-effects f nn-rganic fd. Mre land arund the wrld is being dedicated t rganic farming. As fr the prblem f ppulatin, I’m sure that it will be slved as technlgy develps.
    I have a dream that ne day we will all be able t cnsume rganic fd. When that day cmes, we will be able t live truly healthy lives free f wrry and risk. Let’s supprt rganic fd.
    We have a strange bsessin with the cncept f perfectin. “If I have the perfect parents and perfect grades, then I wuld be happy.” Under cultural influence, we seek what we can’t have withut remembering that we dn’t actually need t be perfect. Imperfectin allws us t be human.
    Parents, teachers and ther high-achieving peers will have us believe that we must be perfect if we wish t remain cmpetitive. Hwever, what jb r schl requires yu t have a 2400 SAT, 4.0 GPA and develp a cure fr sme frm f cancer by the age f 18? Althugh these wuld be great achievements, are they wrth the cst f sleep? We feel like we need the perfect grades t get int the perfect cllege that will prvide us with the perfect educatin necessary t btain the perfect jb. With this miscnceptin, when writing ur resumes(简历), we then seek ut experiences that we think may help build a gd name fr urselves. Feeding n ur thirst fr perfectin, sme cllege and career industries have been set up claiming t help us reach ur gals.
    The truth is, yu nly need t be gd enugh. Dn’t wrry abut anything secndary t yur passins. Yu wn’t becme an expert at anything if yu spend yur time trying t succeed in everything yu d. Yu nly becme an expert when yu devte yur time t the ne r tw prjects that truly bring yu jy.
    As members f this sciety, we have a respnsibility t be excellent in what we d, nt perfect. Althugh perfectin can be a gal, it shuld nt be the nly gal. We nly have 24 hurs in a day. Thus, we need t priritize(优先选择)what we want t d and cut ut the activities we cannt d. If yu enjy debating, take a law class and see hw it suits yu. If yu enjy cking, experiment in the kitchen and see what yu can make!
    Try as hard as yu can and let yur future wrry abut itself. Wrry abut yur task at hand and yu will be successful in achieving yur dreams. Abve all, remember that yu are ging t be kay.
    1. Frm the passage, we can learn that _______.
    A. perfect grades are necessary when applying t clleges
    B. many students devte themselves t the cure fr cancer
    C. many students ignre the imprtance f writing gd resumes
    D. the desire fr perfectin may cst many students their gd health
    2. What can be cncluded frm the passage?
    A. As a member f sciety, we are respnsible fr being perfect.
    B. Actually seeking perfectin is gd fr a persn’s develpment.
    C. Students’ great desire fr perfectin actually benefits sme industries.
    D. We shuld make full use f ur time t d ur planned activities.
    3. What shuld peple fcus n when trying t reach their gals?
    A. Their real interests.
    B. Their resumes.
    C. Their experiences.
    D. Their weaknesses.
    4. What is the mst imprtant thing t remember when peple are achieving their gals?
    A. Getting rid f wrries.
    B. Never trying what they can’t d.
    C. Having great cnfidence.
    D. Accepting their imperfectin.
    When pilts fly ver the grassland f the Pampas regin, Argentina, they’re ften surprised t spt a huge guitar-shaped frest in the rdered fields. The site is mre than an amazing example f land art. Behind the site is a(n) __5__ lve stry.
    When yung Argentine__6__ Pedr Martin Ureta, aged 28, met 17-year- ld Graciela Yraizz in his hmetwn, they fell in lve at first __7__. Tw years later, they gt married and__8__dwn n the farm where Ureta had been __9__. Graciela had many big plans fr the farm in her mind. One day when she was taking a plane n a flight __10__ Pampa, Graciala nticed that anther farm lked like a milking pail(桶) frm the __11__. Graciela thught that her family culd create smething even mre attractive n their wn farm: A huge frest __12__ as her favrite musical instrument—the guitar. Graciela __13__playing the guitar in her spare time and ften played the guitar at the lcal__14__.
    But Ureta didn’t take his wife’s idea __15__saying, “We’ll talk abut it later.” Later__16__ came. In 1977, Graciela died suddenly f brain cancer at the __17__ age f 25 while carrying their fifth child. After her wife’s death, Mr. Ureta __18___nt fulfilling her wish. Still heartbrken a few years later, Ureta decided that the best way t hnr his__19__wife wuld be t fulfill her wish and __20__the giant wrk f art in her hnr.
    After the lcal gvernment refused t__21__with the prject, Ureta and his children tk it __22__. One by ne, they planted rughly 7,000 trees int the shape f a guitar. It tk a few rugh seasns fr the trees t take rt, but Ureta’s dedicatin__23__.
    Watching the frest grw ver the years gave Graciela’s children __24__.
    “It was the clsest thing pssible t have my mther alive,” Maria Julia, Ureta’s secnd daughter, said.
    5. A. thrilling B. exciting C. bring D. tuching
    6. A. farmer B. wrker C. teacher D. engineer
    7. A. place B. time C. sight D. way
    8. A. put B. settled C. laid D. tk
    9. A. picked up B. given up C. made up D. brught up
    10. A. belw B. ver C. acrss D. beynd
    11. A. air B. distance C. beginning D. tp
    12. A. treated B. regarded C. cnsidered D. shaped
    13. A. disliked B. missed C. enjyed D. avided
    14. A. cncerts B. lectures C. games D. shps
    15. A. quickly B. persnally C. seriusly D. prperly
    16. A. hardly B. never C. still D. always
    17. A. yung B. ld C. nrmal D. advanced
    18. A. delayed B. admitted C. appreciated D. regretted
    19. A. late B. early C. slim D. frmer
    20. A. cpy B. paint C. create D. change
    21. A. help B. begin C. argue D. deal
    22. A. in this way B. in their hnr C. n their wn D. in the future
    23. A. tk ff B. paid ff C. gave ff D. gt ff
    24. A. assistance B. cmfrt C. cnfidence D. care
    Oral English, als knwn as spken English, is the frm f English that is used when peple are speaking t ne anther. Students wh are learning English as a secnd language ften feel uncmfrtable using ral English because they fear that they will nt be understd. It is imprtant that a persn wh is learning t speak English practice using the language. The mre a persn practices his r her skills, the mre easily yu can speak English.
    Listening is imprtant fr learning spken English.
    Listen t English radi while getting ready in the mrning. Pay attentin t cnversatins that happen arund yu while yu are shpping. Watch the news every evening while yu have supper.
    Part f learning spken English is in understanding hw English wrds are frmed.
    Watch the muths and tngues f native English speakers carefully. Observe hw much the muth is pened t say certain wrds. Ntice hw the lips frm certain sunds. Cpy what yu see.
    Rent mvies ver the weekend.
    Try t fllw the stry line f cmedy shws. Watching TV shws and mvies allws yu t hear English used in cnversatin. Nt having t respnd in English lets yu cncentrate n simply understanding what is being said. Understanding hw English is used in cnversatin will help yu t better cmmunicate in the language.
    Read ut lud fr twenty t thirty minutes every day.
    When yu are reading, pay mre attentin t the crrect prnunciatin f the wrds yu are reading rather than cmprehensin f each wrd. Read easy bks that were written fr children. Reading simple bks takes away the frustratin f sunding ut hard wrds.
    一、1. D 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,家长、老师和其他高成就的同龄人会让我们相信,如果我们希望保持竞争力,我们必须是完美的。才能有这些巨大的成就,但它们值得学生以牺牲睡眠作代价吗?由此可推断出,追求完美会让学生睡眠不足,这自然会影响学生的身体健康。分析选项可知D项(追求完美的愿望可能会使许多学生以健康为代价)符合题意,故选D。
    2. C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句Feeding n ur thirst fr perfectin, sme cllege and career industries have been set up claiming t help us reach ur gals.(为了满足我们对完美的渴望,建立起来一些大学和职业,它们声称可帮助我们达到目标)。由此可推断,一些人在我们对完美的追求中获取利益。分析选项可知C项符合题意,故选C。
    3. A 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“we need t priritize(优先选择)what we want t d and cut ut the activities we cannt d. If yu enjy debating, take a law class and see hw it suits yu. If yu enjy cking, experiment in the kitchen and see what yu can make!”可知,我们需要优先选择我们想做的事情,并不做我们不能做的活动。也就是做你感兴趣的事。分析选项可知A符合题意,故选A。
    4. D 解析:推理判断题。第一段“We have a strange bsessin with the cncept f perfectin. … Under cultural influence, we seek what we can’t have withut remembering that we dn’t actually need t be perfect. Imperfectin allws us t be human.”本句是指“我们对完美的概念有一种奇怪的迷恋。而因为不完美,我们才是真正的人”。由此可知,人们要接受自己的不完美。分析选项可知D符合题意,故选D。
    二、5. D 解析:考查形容词辨析。A. thrilling令人激动的,颤动的;B. exciting激动人心的;C. bring无聊的,乏味的;D. tuching感人的,动人的。根据下文的故事可知是一个感人的(tuching)故事。故选D。
    6. A 解析:考查名词辨析。A. farmer农民;B. wrker 工人;C. teacher老师;D. engineer工程师。根据下文中的“n the farm where Greta had been ___5__”可知,他是个农民,故选A。
    7. C 解析:考查固定搭配。A. place 地方;B. time时间;C. sight 视野;D. way方法。句意: 28岁的Ureta遇到17 岁的Graciela yraiz,他们一见钟情。fall in lve at first sight 为固定搭配,意为“一见钟情”,在此符合题意,故选C。
    8. B 解析:考查动词辨析及固定搭配。A. put放入;B. settled定居,解决;C. laid 放置; D. tk拿起,接受。句意:两年后,他们结婚后在农场定居了。settle dwn为固定搭配,意为“定居下来”,故选B。
    9. D 解析:考查动词短语辨析。A. picked up拾起,捡起;B. given up放弃;C. made up构成,化装;D. brught up教育,培养,长大。此处是指“他们俩结婚后在Ureta长大(brught up)的地方定居下来”。 根据语境可知,brught up合适,故选D。
    10. B 解析:考查介词辨析。A. belw在……的下面;B. ver在……的上面;C. acrss穿过;D. beynd超过。根据常识及语境可知,此处是指“Graciala坐飞机飞越潘帕时,……”可知,飞机在农场的上空飞,因此要用“在……的上方”,故选B。
    11. A 解析:考查名词辨析。A. air空气,天空;B. distance距离;C. beginning 开始;D. tp顶部。Graciala坐飞机飞越潘帕时,所以是从空中看。因此此处是指“从空中(air)看另一个农场看起来像一个挤奶桶”,故选A。
    12. D 解析:考查动词辨析。A. treated治疗,对待;B. regarded尊敬,看;C. cnsidered考虑,认为D. shaped;塑造,形成。此处是指“被塑造成她最喜欢的乐器吉他形状的巨大森林”,be shaped as…为固定搭配,意为“被塑造成……”,因此选D。
    13. C 解析:考查动词辨析。A. disliked不喜欢;B. missed错过,思念;C. enjyed 享受,喜爱;D. avided避免。根据“her favrite musical instrument”及“playing the guitar in her spare time and ften played the guitar”,可知,“格雷西拉喜欢在业余时间弹吉他,而且经常弹吉他”,此处应填enjyed(喜爱)。故填C。
    14. A 解析:考查名词辨析。A. cncerts音乐会;B. lectures讲座;C. games 游戏,比赛;D. shps商店。分析选项可知,与弹吉它有关的场所,只有cncerts(音乐会)符合,故填A 。
    15. C 解析:考查固定搭配及副词辨析。A. quickly 快速地;B. persnally 亲自地;C. seriusly 严肃地,认真地;D. prperly合适地,恰当地。根据“We’ll talk abut it later.”及下文的内容,可知“但Ureta没有把他妻子的想法当回事”。take sth. Seriusly为固定搭配,意为“把……当回事”,故选C。
    16. B 解析:考查副词辨析。A. hardly几乎不;B. never从未,决不;C. still仍然,还;D. always总是。根据下文可知,直到妻子死后,再也没(never)提过。故选B。
    17. A 解析:考查形容词辨析。A. yung 年轻的;B. ld 老的;C. nrmal正常的;D. advanced高等的,先进的。根据“age f 25”可知,格雷西拉在25岁,很年轻时去世,故选A。
    18. D 解析:考查动词辨析。A. delayed延迟,耽搁;B. admitted承认;C. appreciated感激,欣赏;D. regretted遗憾,后悔。根据前文可知,她妻子去世后,Ureta先生后悔(regretted)没有实现她的愿望。故选D。
    19. A 解析:考查形容词辨析。A. late晚的,已故的;B. early早的;C. slim苗条的;D. frmer以前的。根据前文可知,他的妻子已故(late)。此处是指“Ureta认为,向他已故(late)妻子致意的最好办法是实现她的愿望”。因此选A。
    20. C 解析:考查动词辨析。 A. cpy复制;B. paint涂色于;C. create创造;D. change改变,变化。根据上文的“Graciela thught that her family culd create smething even mre attractive n their wn farm: A huge frest ___8___ as her favrite musical instrument—the guitar.”的语境可知,格雷西拉认为她的家人可以在自己的农场里创造出更具吸引力的东西:一片巨大的森林,形状像她最喜欢的吉他乐器。此处是指Ureta要实现他已故妻子的愿望,创造(create)出巨大的艺术作品——-一片巨大的吉他形状的森林。因此选C。
    21. A 解析:考查动词辨析。A. help帮助;B. begin开始; C. argue争吵;D. deal处理,分配。根据句意可知,当地政府拒绝帮助(help)他完成这个项目。故选A。
    22. C 解析:考查短语辨析。A. in this way 用这种方法;B. in their hnr以他们的荣誉;C. n their wn 独自地;D. in the future将来。在当地政府拒绝接受这个项目后,Ureta和他的孩子们独自(n their wn)承担了这个项目。故选C。
    23. B 解析:考查动词短语辨析。A. tk ff 起飞,脱下; B. paid ff值得的,没有白费,付清,得到回报; C. gave ff放出,发出;D. gt ff下车。分析最后上一段和最后一段的内容可知,本句是指“他们种植了大约7000棵树做成吉他形状,经历了几个艰难的季节,这些树木生根了,Ureta的付出得到了回报(paid ff)。因此选B。
    24. B 解析:考查名词辨析。A. assistance 帮助;B. cmfrt安慰;C. cnfidence信心;D. care在意,关心。根据最后一段最后一句她的女儿觉得“种值像吉他形状的树林让我感觉母亲还在”,可知此处是指“看着森林长年生长,格雷西拉的孩子们得到了安慰(cmfrt)”故选B。
    This text is mainly abut hw t imprve ur spken English. Here are fur ways t imprve ur ral English.(要点 1) Firstly, we shuld attach great imprtance t listening. Only if yu listen clearly can yu speak clearly.(要点 2) Secndly, we shuld understand hw English wrds are frmed. Observe the native speakers carefully and cpy what yu see. (要点 3) Thirdly, we shuld watch English TV shws and films t hear English used in cnversatin.(要点 4) Lastly, we shuld read ut lud. We shuld prnunce crrectly.(要点 5) With these methds, we can surely imprve ur spken English.

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    Unit 5 Working the land——【期末复习】高二英语单元知识点梳理学案(人教版2019选择性必修第一册): 这是一份Unit 5 Working the land——【期末复习】高二英语单元知识点梳理学案(人教版2019选择性必修第一册),共16页。

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