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      Unit 5 单元综合测试习题检测(解析版) .docx
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world优秀单元测试精练

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world优秀单元测试精练,文件包含Unit5单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Unit5单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Meet me n the page. In this curse, we’ll push urselves creatively, freely playing with wrds and explring new ideas. By the end, yu will have writing wrks f at least five pems, three pieces f mini-fictin, r tw shrt essays, as well as dzens f pages f free-writing and lists f ideas fr future writing prjects.
    Designed fr peple new t creative writing, the curse includes wrd play, experimentatin f structure, and live-writing t develp thughts that might later grw int pems r ther styles f writing.
    T d this, we’ll first learn frm the Surrealists, wh tried t inspire the imaginatin by fcusing n prcess, as we apply intuitin (直觉), chance, and surprise t ur writing practice. Next, we’ll set abut writing n the blank page based n Jhn Keats’ cncept f negative capability, by which we’ll be capable f being in uncertainties, mysteries (神秘), dubts withut any hurriedly reaching after facts and reasn. Then we’ll make creative use f ther art frms, thus seeing hw sight can lead t insight. In the furth step, we’ll explre mdes f imagery, including the bdily senses, and we’ll be encuraged t write acrss text types, create diverse wrks, and cperate with each ther.
    Class discussins will center n the writing prcess, the writer’s life and hw t best deal with the fur stages f writing. In just a few weeks, yu’ll develp frm inexperienced beginner t a creative writer wh knws hw t cmmand the blank page, as well as methds fr finalizing wrks-in-prgress.
    Schedule: Beginning February 14th, we will meet every Wednesday frm 7 t 8 p.m. Eastern. The last time we meet will be n March 27th.
    1. Whm is this curse intended fr?
    A. Readers interested in petry.B. Beginners f creative writing.
    C. Students enjying playing games.D. Writers f cntemprary literature.
    2. What will be dne in the third step?
    A. Inspiring imaginatin.B. Creating varius wrks.
    C. Develping critical thinking.D. Using ther art frms creatively.
    3. Hw lng will the curse last?
    A. Fr ne week.B. Fr tw weeks.
    C. Fr fur weeks.D. Fr six weeks.
    (2024·山西省省际名校联考)Frederick Phiri knwn as the junk-art king f Zambia, set ut n a remarkable jurney at the age f 22 when he began earning an internatinal reputatin fr being able t make cmplex and elegant sculptures frm deserted metal fund in his cmmunity.
    Phiri’s path t artistic recgnitin was filled with challenges. His childhd was marked by the lss f his father and his mther leaving him behind, making him under the care f his grandfather. While his grandfather prvided fr his basic educatin, Phiri faced financial struggles when he entered secndary schl, frcing him t take n varius jbs t fund his studies. Yet, despite these bstacles, his passin fr art remained grwing, and he dedicated his free time t drawing and crafting in the classrm.
    Upn cmpleting his educatin, Phiri sught t supprt himself by creating wire animal sculptures (雕塑品), which he sld t turists. It was during this perid that his exceptinal talent caught the attentin f Karen Beattie, the directr f Prject Luangwa, a nnprfit rganizatin cmmitted t educatin and ecnmic develpment in central Africa.
    Teaming up with lcal welder (焊接工) Mses Mbewe in 2017, Phiri cntributed t the creatin f a cmplex set f drs fr Prject Luangwa during the rainy seasn. Impressed by his wrk, Beattie presented Phiri with a challenge: t create art frm abandned waste metal. Undiscuraged, Phiri embraced the pprtunity, transfrming frgtten keys, brken bike chains, and ld metal bttles int attracting abstract animal sculptures, including elephants, cranes, giraffes, and mnkeys.
    Tday, Phiri’s artistic pursuits cntinue t flurish as he transfrms deserted junk int striking sculptures shwcased at the Prject Luangwa headquarters. His talent has earned recgnitin and admiratin frm the cmmunity, fueling his dreams f pursuing frmal art educatin at the Evelyn Hne Cllege in Lusaka and creating even mre magnificent sculptures in the future. Thrugh creativity and determinatin, Phiri has turned adversity (逆境) int artistic success, leaving a lasting impact n Zambia’s art scene.
    4. What is Phiri distinguished fr?
    A. Serving his cmmunity.B. Cllecting wrks f art.
    C. Being the king f Zambia.D. Turning trash int treasure.
    5. What aspect f Phiri’s childhd shaped his early life?
    A. His struggle t pay fr primary schling by himself.
    B. The lss f his father and abandnment by his mther.
    C. His dedicatin t part-time jbs while attending schl.
    D. His respnsibility t supprt his grandfather financially.
    6. What challenge did Karen Beattie present t Phiri?
    A. T create sculptures frm wire.
    B. T sell his sculptures internatinally.
    C. T create art frm deserted waste metal.
    D. T design a cmplex set f drs fr Prject Luangwa.
    7. What attitude des Phiri exhibit twards his future?
    A. Uncertain.B. Cnfident.C. Depressed.D. Cnfused.
    (2024·龙西北高中名校联盟)TIf yu see a yung persn in their early 20s driving a car in any Western city, yu wuld nt nrmally give them a secnd glance. Hwever, in Christchurch, a city in New Zealand’s Suth Island, peple d lk suspiciusly at anyne under 20 in a car. What they are really lking fr is a yellw sticker n the car windws. The reasn: a new scheme (方案) is targeting car thefts, using a yellw sticker prgramme.
    Half f all car thefts in the quiet city are cmmitted by peple under 25, plice say, and each year vehicles wrth 6.2 millin disappear “fr gd”. Plice say that car theft is nw s wrrying that if a gd idea “cmes alng”, they’ll use it. They say ne has. It is called the Under 25 Scheme.
    Because f the yung age f car thieves in general, plice invite wners whse cars are nt nrmally driven by peple under 25 t place a yellw triangle n frnt r back car windws. If plice see anyne under 25 driving the car with a yellw triangle sticker n the windw, they can stp the car and check the driver.
    Plice nw say it has wrked well enugh ver the last 18 mnths fr them t test it natinally. Rbin Sctt, a Christchurch crime preventin fficer says, “Fr the 13 mnths until last Octber we had 42 fewer cars stlen in Christchurch than the previus year and nly eight carrying stickers were stlen.”
    Meanwhile, yuth advcates in Christchurch feel ffended with it. Sam Fisher, a city cmmunicatins emplyee, says, “If yu divide peple up like this, yu’re ging dwn the rad t asking, ‘Wh are the thieves in the cmmunity? What is the clr f their skin? Where d they live? What’s their gender?’ s yu target yung black males living in a suburb. That’s the prblem yu end up with.”
    As fr the plice, the real issues seem t be finding a spnsr t pay fr the whle sticker scheme.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “ne” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. An ideaB. A thiefC. A stickerD. A pliceman
    9. What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. Why the Under-25 Scheme was intrduced.B. Hw the Under-25 Scheme functins.
    C. Wh benefits frm the Under-25 Scheme.D. What effects the Under-25 Scheme has.
    10. What is Sam Fisher’s attitude twards the Under-25 Scheme?
    A. CuriusB. OptimisticC. DisappintedD. Indifferent
    11. What can be inferred abut the scheme frm the last paragraph?
    A. It needs the apprval f the gvernment.B. It needs extra funds.
    C. It remains under discussin.D. It has cvered the whle natin.
    (2024·江苏省南通市名校联盟)Over the past few mnths, the Let Them Thery has been making waves nline. It started when Mel Rbbins, a ppular mtivatinal speaker, shared it n Instagram. In her vide, Rbbins talks abut the imprtance f letting g f cntrl in certain situatins, advcating fr a mdel shift in hw we interact with thers.
    Rbbins insists that t ften, we waste time and energy trying t push thers int meeting ur expectatins. Instead, she prpses a simpler, mre liberating apprach: “letting them” be themselves. “Let them be themselves because they are revealing wh they are t yu. Just let them. Then, yu get t chse what yu d next.” she said.
    Dr. Sphie Mrt a clinical psychlgist and mental health expert, ffers deeper insights int the psychlgical fundatin f this Thery. She said that ur natural desire t cntrl thers ften riginates frm a need t relieve ur wn anxieties and uncertainties. Hwever, such attempts ften result in disappintment and exhaustin as we realize the uselessness f ur effrts. Basically, the thery emphasizes the acknwledgment that we cannt cntrl the actins r decisins f thers. It urges us t give up the burden f frcing ur desires nt thse clsest t us and accept the mindset f acceptance.
    While the thery may nt be frmally recgnized in clinical settings, its principles cnnect with established cncepts such as acceptance and mindfulness. It shws the essence f acceptance and cmmitment therapy, emphasizing the imprtance f accepting ur thughts and feelings withut judgment. Meanwhile, marriage and family therapist Chapell Marsh further explains the resemblance between the thery and the psychlgical cncept f “lcus f cntrl.”
    The thery received a lt f psitive respnses. Many claim that adpting this apprach has fstered harmny and minimized cnflicts in their interactins. Hwever, it’s urgent t recgnize the limitatins f the thery. While it prmtes acceptance and nnjudgmental attitudes, it must nt be emplyed in situatins where safety is cmprmised r where necessary cnversatins are avided. “Aviding difficult cnversatins can lead t prblems,” said Chapell Marsh.
    12. What’s the cre f the Let Them Thery?
    A. Taking cntrl f thers in every situatin.
    B. Letting thers expse their true self t us.
    C. Pushing thers int meeting ur expectatins.
    D. Insisting n ur way f interacting with thers.
    13. Why d peple want t cntrl thers accrding t Dr. Sphie?
    A. T be satisfied with themselves.
    B. T make thers accept their mindset.
    C. T ease their wn wrries and dubts.
    D T frce their desires nt the clsest nes.
    14. What des the authr cnvey in paragraph 4?
    A. The Let Them Thery shuld be recgnized clinically.
    B. We shuld accept ur thughts and feelings withut judgement.
    C. Marriage and family relatinships need psychlgical cncepts.
    D. The Let Them Thery is cnsistent with the existing accepted theries.
    15. In which situatin shuld the Let Them Thery be avided?
    A. Yur friend’s safety is being threatened.
    B. Smene says smething mean behind yur back.
    C. Yur kids dn’t want t get up and g shpping with yu.
    D. Yur friends are nt inviting yu ut t brunch this weekend.
    Jn Fsse was brn n September 29, 1959, Haugesund, Nrway. He is an authr f nvels, plays, pems, children’s bks, and essays. ____16____ He received the Nbel Prize fr Literature in 2023 “fr his innvative plays and prse (散文) which give vice t the unsayable.”
    Fsse grew up n a rural farm near Strandebarm, Nrway. He started writing at age 12 r 13, first cmpsing sng lyrics (歌词). ____17____ Then he started t create pems. In 1979 Fsse graduated frm high schl and mved t Bergen, where he began wrking fr the newspaper Gula Tidend, Thrughut the 1980s he studied at the University f Bergen, receiving an M. A. in cmparative literature in 1987.
    During the 1980s, Fsse published his first nvels, namely Red, Black in 1983 and Stringed Guitar in 1985. Bth wrks feature the simple style f prse. ____18____ By this time, he had becme an instructr at the Academy f Writing in Hrdaland.
    ____19____ And he initially refused t write plays when asked. He gave in in 1992, hwever, when he needed mney. He started writing the dialgue fr Smene Is Ging t Cme in 1996 and fund it t be surprisingly easy. Many plays quickly fllwed. It was, hwever, French directr Claude Régy’s 1999 staging f Smene Is Ging t Cme in Paris that led t Fsse’s breakthrugh in Eurpe.
    Fllwing that success, Fsse fcused primarily n writing plays. At the turn f the 21st century, prductins f his plays included A Summer’s Day and I Am the Wind. The frmer ne is abut a wman wh anticipates the return f her husband frm a trip ut n his bat. ____20____
    A. He later jined a band.
    B. Fsse became wrld famus.
    C. Fsse never planned t becme a dramatist.
    D. He als wrks as an instructr and a translatr.
    E. He als released his first cllectin f pems in 1986.
    F. He had t earn mney by writing nvels after marriage.
    G. The latter fcuses n tw men experiencing an existential crisis in a fishing bat.
    (2024·河北省邢台市邢台市名校联盟)On March 18, 2018, I was alne at hme in San Jsé, Csta Rica, drinking a cup f tea, ____21____ that my life was abut t change. I received an e-mail ____22____ with the subject “schlarship selectin result”.
    My heartbeat quickened as I read thrugh it, and I was mad with jy: I had been chsen t receive a(n) ____23____ schlarship fr a master’s degree in cnducting at the Shanghai Cnservatry f Music. Finally, I wuld be able t gain a deeper understanding f the ancient tales f dragns and the ld legends f China, which had always ____24____ me.
    Five mnths later, I arrived in Shanghai, ____25____ an entirely new wrld. At the airprt, tw f my Csta Rican friends were waiting fr me and accmpanied me t the ____26____ at Lingling Rad.
    I remember clearly when I apprached drm building N 3, I was ____27____ by the sweet meldy f a dizi(Chinese flute), which was ttally different frm all that I used t hear in my ____28____.
    In Csta Rica, I learned the cnducting technique well. ____29____, it was my prfessr, Ca Tngyi at the Shanghai Cnservatry f Music, wh ____30____ me in prmting my skills. His teachings ____31____ nt nly careful attentin t detail but als the art f letting the music flw as gracefully as T’ai Chi.
    In my pinin, that’s the ____32____ f life in China. Yu can see it n every ____33____ when yu ntice hw the traffic flws r n the way peple walk t the subway, and even n hw the delivery system wrks thrughut China. ____34____, music can surpass the bundary f ntatin (符号) and paper, ____35____ frm the musician t the audience, enriching the wrld ne nte at a time.
    21. A. unawareB. unnecessaryC. uncertainD. unsure
    22. A. invitatinB. ntificatinC. imageD. instructin
    23. A. fullB. amateurC. regularD. average
    24. A. mvedB. thrilledC. fascinatedD. cmfrted
    25. A. breaking intB. bursting intC. lking intD. stepping int
    26. A. drmitryB. campusC. canteenD. entrance
    27. A. affectedB. drawnC. attachedD. reminded
    28. A. fieldB. studiC. cuntryD. lifetime
    29. A. MreverB. WrseC. TherefreD. Hwever
    30. A. attendedB. guidedC. fllwedD. develped
    31. A. deservedB. ignredC. emphasizedD. distinguished
    32. A. essenceB. galC. designD. ambitin
    33. A. cityB. crnerC. prvinceD. spt
    34. A. PermanentlyB. FrtunatelyC. EventuallyD. Similarly
    35. A. transfrmingB. changingC. flwingD. varying
    Chinese-made cabins(小屋) are prviding Wrld Cup fans with a budget accmmdatin ptin in Qatar, a cuntry ____36____ the htel rms are expensive and hard t cme by during the turnament.
    A fan village ____37____(cnsist) f 6,000 such cabins is welcming guests in Dha. Targeting custmers n a lwer budget, the 3.1 square-kilmeter site can huse up ____38____ 12,000 peple, and features facilities such as a metr statin, bus stp, temprary restaurant and stre, which make their stay ____39____(cnvenience).
    Each cabin, designed t accmmdate ne r tw peple, ____40____(cntain) basic furniture including twin beds, nightstands, a small table and chair, air cnditining, a tilet and a shwer. ____41____(cmpare) with Qatar’s htels, the fan village is a ____42____(relative) cheap ptin, with each cabin csting arund $200 a night.
    The cntainer-style cabins ____43____(prduce) in China several mnths ag, mstly by factries in Guangdng and Zhejiang prvinces. Chinese ____44____(cmpany) have prvided abut 10,000 such cabins t Qatar Wrld Cup rganizers.
    “The cmpnents f the cabins were shipped t Qatar, after which the lcal wrkers assembled(组装) the cabins like building Leg huses. It nly takes abut fur hurs fr tw r three _____45_____(experience) wrkers t finish assembling each cabin,” explained CCTV reprter Zha Yuanfang.
    Dear finder,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Arnld and Iris were sitting utside the ffice f the children’s hme, excited and nervus. Then the ffice dr pened, and Mrs. Rnald appeared. “Mr. and Mrs. Arnld, please cme in.”
    Arnld and Iris entered the ffice. Arnld handed Mrs. Rnald a flder f dcuments. She carefully reviewed them. Finally, she lked up at the cuple.
    “Here’s the thing,” she began t say and Iris felt her heart quicken. Mrs. Rnald’s tne sunded unprmising.
    “I’ve read yur applicatin t adpt Patrick,” Mrs. Rnald cntinued. “Yu are indeed a great cuple, with n legal issues, but yur incme is, frankly, nt the best fr guardianship. Mr. Arnld is a repairman. Besides, Ms. Arnld, as a nurse, desn’t have enugh time. Last week, we fund the by suffered frm depressin(抑郁) because f the lss f his parents in an accident and may need regular visits t prfessinals, which adds t the expenses. In my pinin, yu are nt suitable as guardians.”
    “We can prvide Patrick with a lving hme,” Iris said, trying t hld back tears. “We have interacted with Patrick fr several times. We’re the nly family that Patrick is willing t interact with! We lve him and will d everything t make him happy.”
    “But we’re ding what’s best fr Patrick. I’m s srry we can’t allw yu t take Patrick hme,” Mrs. Rnald said.
    “Wh will take care f Patrick then?” “We are lking fr his nly relative, his aunt. Althugh she is really busy, maybe she can lk after him.”
    Iris asked, “Can I see Patrick?”
    “Of curse,” Mrs. Rnald replied.
    Patrick was sitting at the desk in a rm, drawing smething.
    “Hey, Patrick, it’s me, Iris. What are yu drawing?” she said sftly. Patrick handed her the paper.
    “Is this yur father and mther?” Patrick ndded. Iris felt really srry fr the pr by, thinking he needed a warm family.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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    Leaving the children’s hme, the cuple decided t cntinue t take gd care f Patrick while wrking hard t earn mney.
    One day, they heard Patrick’s aunt culd n lnger lk after him due t wrk change.
    Fund a grey-clured bag in the schl library n Saturday. It is a bag with nt much weight. Owner may please cntact 36254927@htmail.cm.

    英语必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters精品单元测试课堂检测: 这是一份英语必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002230_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 Natural disasters精品单元测试课堂检测</a>,文件包含Unit4单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Unit4单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness优秀单元测试达标测试: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002229_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 3 Sports and fitness优秀单元测试达标测试</a>,文件包含Unit3单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Unit3单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

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