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    英语必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters精品单元测试课堂检测

    这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters精品单元测试课堂检测,文件包含Unit4单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Unit4单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Tp 3 Best Museums in the Wrld
    Whether yu are a fine art r histrylver, the fllwing three museums are sure t take yur breath away.
    1. Le Luvre, Paris, France
    A visit t the Luvre and its cllectins lets visitrs discver Western art frm the Middle Ages t 1848. as well as a large number f ancient civilizatins. The grand palace that huses the museum. which dates back t the late twelfth century, is a true lessn in architecture: frm 1200 t 2011, the mst innvative architects have in turn built and develped the Luvre.
    ● Official website: Luvre
    ● Highlight: Lenard da Vinci’s “Mna Lisa.”
    2. The British Museum, Lndn, UK
    The British Museum in Lndn was funded in 1753 and pened its drs six years later. It was the first natinal museum t cver all fields f human knwledge, pen t visitrs frm acrss the wrld. N ther museum is respnsible fr cllectins f the same depth and breadth, beauty and significance.
    ● Official website: British Museum
    ● Highlight: the Rsetta Stne.
    3. The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
    The secnd-largest art museum in the wrld, the State Hermitage Museum was funded in 1764 (200 years later than The Uffizi Galleries, Flrence, Italy), when Empress Catherine the Great acquired an impressive cllectin f wrks frm the Berlin merchan t Jhann Ernst Gtzkwsky. Tday, the cllectin f art wrks cntains paintings, sculptures and s n.
    ● Official website: State Hermitage Museum
    ● Highlight: Glden masterpieces frm Eurasia.
    1. When was the British Museum, Lndn, UK pened t the public?
    A. 1564. B. 1753. C. 1759. D. 1848.
    2. What d the Tp 3 best museums have in cmmn?
    A. T have exhibits frm the Middle Ages. B. T have western-style exhibits nly.
    C. T have exhibits cncerned with kings. D. T have bth fine art and histry exhibits.
    3. Which is the largest art museum but ne in the wrld?
    A. Le Luvre, Paris, France. B. The British Museum, Lndn, UK.
    C. The State Hermitage Museum, Russia. D. The Uffizi Galleries, Flrence, Italy.
    (2024·三晋名校联盟)Students at Summit Elementary in Butler, Pennsylvania, are grwing mre than their minds. Under the guidance f lngtime teacher Angela Eyth, they’ve created a generus garden t benefit peple in need at nearby Brad Street Elementary, whse neighbrhd lacks fresh-prduce ptins.
    The prject is nw tw years ld, and ges beynd planting and grwing: Eyth and her fellw educatrs structure lessns in science, math and mre arund their garden. “The kids are in charge f everything,” Eyth says. “They’re s prud f what we’re ding here.”
    “When we grew cabbage my students nticed smething was eating the leaves, ” Eyth recalls. “This led t an investigatin int what was eating them and hw t stp it: the kids analyzed the evidence they fund and acted as engineers in creating varius ways t keep pests(害虫) ut f the cabbage beds.”
    She cntinues, “Peple think gardening shuld be separate frm cre subjects but it’s far frm the truth. The kids’ curisity keeps it rlling.”
    The kids als keep the prduce rlling—s much s that with a $70,000 grant frm Remake Learning/Grable Fundatin, they’re building a farm stand at Brad Street Elementary that will ultimately bring fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and mre t an area f their cmmunity cnsidered a fd desert. Peple will be able t g there and gain the benefits f the harvest.
    This year’s crp included peas, beans, carrts, turnips, squash and pumpkins; plans are in place t keep expanding in the years ahead with items like Christmas trees, a sunflwer patch and a pllinatr garden. “It’s amazing that yu start with a small idea and it can grw,” Eyth says.
    4. What can we knw abut the cmmunity near Brad Street Elementary?
    A. It fcuses n students’ grwth.B. It invites Eyth t create a garden.
    C. Its fresh-prduce variety is limited.D. It relies n students fr fresh prduce.
    5. Hw d Eyth and her clleagues help the students?
    A. By arranging subjects arund the garden.B. By analyzing the structure f subjects.
    C. By deciding what t plant in the garden.D. By prviding them with jb pprtunities.
    6. Why did the students cnduct an investigatin?
    A. T experience the wrk f engineers.B. T make the evidence mre cnvincing.
    C. T find ways t plant vegetables well.D. T figure ut what fed n cabbage leaves.
    7. Which can best describe the students at Summit Elementary in Butler?
    A. Energetic and healthy.B. Creative and respnsible.
    C. Patient and strng-willed.D. Cautius and talented.
    (2024·河南省商丘市部分名校)Ten millin Americans are cnsidering freelancing (从事自由职业), accrding t Upwrk’s Great Resignatin survey. Amng thse planning t quit their jbs, 52% are giving freelancing serius cnsideratin. What’s mre, many are chsing freelancing ver full-time wrk; it’s n lnger just a fallback r a side jb.
    One f the key benefits f freelancing is that yu get t chse yur wn wrklad. Unrealistic expectatins at wrk and the lack f bundaries have seen many a full-time wrker burn ut. Hwever, freelancers have much mre cntrl ver their wrklads. This is nt t say that freelancers dn’t burn ut. They manage their wrklad better and priritize ther aspects f their life. They dn’t usually get t chse their bss r their teammates at a traditinal jb. They get t chse wh they wrk with. Unlike full-time wrkers, freelancers have greater freedm t d the wrk they enjy — and say n t the wrk they dn’t. This results in greater jb satisfactin.
    Of curse, there are disadvantages f pursuing freelancing. Emplyees in many cuntries receive benefits that are part f their emplyment cntracts. When yu’re a freelancer, yu wrk fr yurself s yu let g f these benefits. Yur wrklad may be incnsistent. Smetimes when it rains, it purs and yu may have multiple prjects n yur plate. At ther times, yu may nt have much wrk. This fluctuatin in cash flw can feel like a huge negative fr new freelancers. As a business wner, yur business’s success r failure is entirely dependent n yu, which can feel verwhelming. Yu will als have t learn t becme yur wn best advcate, prmting yur prducts t find new prjects and clients and expand yur business.
    Of curse, t freelance r nt t freelance depends n yurself. Anyway, businesses are increasingly adding skills. Independent prfessinals are pwering the rebuild. Therefre, mre businesses are pen t remte wrk, hiring talent irrespective f their distance frm a crprate ffice. This changing attitude has increased the number f pprtunities fr freelancers t find high-paying and meaningful wrk.
    8. What cntributes t a freelancer’s greater jb satisfactin?
    A. Making self-selectin f jb types.
    B. Being free frm taking respnsibility.
    C. Enjying welfare prvided by gvernment.
    D. Develping harmnius interpersnal relatinships.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “fluctuatin” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Develpment.B. Unsteadiness.C. Inefficiency.D. Exchange.
    10. What will a freelancer have t d t develp his business?
    A. Market himself.B. Cnsult prfessinals.
    C. Depend n clients.D. Imprve emplyment cntracts.
    11. What des the authr think f the future f freelancing?
    A. Challenging.B. Unpredictable.C. Prmising.D. Changeless.
    (2024·山西省省际名校联考)In a grundbreaking achievement, a rhin has successfully undergne embry (胚胎) transfer, marking the first successful use f a methd that hlds prmise fr saving the nearly extinct nrthern white rhin subspecies.
    The experiment, cnducted with the less endangered suthern white rhin subspecies, invlved creating an embry in a lab using eggs and sperm (精子) cllected frm ther rhins. This embry was then transferred int a suthern white rhin alternative mther in Kenya. Despite the unfrtunate death f the alternative mther due t an infectin in Nvember 2023, researchers praised the successful embry transfer and pregnancy (怀孕) as a prf f cncept. They are nw ready t prceed t the next stage f the prject: transferring nrthern white rhinembrys.
    Prfessr Thmas Hildebrandt expressed ptimism abut the findings, highlighting the significance f the successful embry transfer in demnstrating that frzen and defrsted embrys prduced in a lab can survive. This develpment ffers hpe fr the revival f the nrthern white rhin ppulatin.
    Hwever, challenges facing rhin cnservatin remain significant. While the suthern white rhin subspecies and the black rhin species have shwn signs f recvery frm ppulatin declines due t illegal hunting fr their hrns (牛角), the nrthern white rhin subspecies is n the edge f extinctin. With nly tw knwn members left in the wrld, Najin and her daughter Fatu, bth unable t reprduce naturally, and the recent death f the last male white rhin, Sudan, in 2018, urgent actin is needed t prevent the extinctin f this subspecies. Dr. J Shaw, CEO f Save the Rhin Internatinal, emphasized the imprtance f addressing the primary threats facing rhins wrldwide: illegal hunting fr their hrns and habitat lss due t develpment. She stressed the need t prvide rhins with the space and security they need t succeed in their natural envirnment.
    While the successful embry transfer representsa significant advancement in rhin cnservatin effrts, rganized actin is required t address the main challenges facing rhin ppulatins wrldwide.
    12. What is the purpse f the experiment mentined in the text?
    A. T evaluate the efficiency f a new rhin birth prgram.
    B. T bserve the behavir f rhins in a cntrlled envirnment.
    C. T assess the effects f climate change n the suthem rhin habitats.
    D. T develp a way f rescuing the endangered nrthern white rhins subspecies.
    13. Which wrd can replace the underlined wrd “revival” in paragraph 3?
    A. Rebirth.B. Decline.C. Stability.D. Decrease.
    14. What is the current cnditin f the nrthern white rhin subspecies?
    A. Facing extinctin.B. Shwing signs f recvery.
    C. Develping in their natural habitat.D. Recvering frm ppulatin declines
    15. What might be the best title f this text?
    A. Dr. J Shaw’s Call t Actin: Addressing Threats t Rhin Survival
    B. Challenges Facing Rhin Cnservatin Effrts: Urgent Actin Needed
    C. The Successful Embry Transfer: A Breakthrugh in Rhin Cnservatin
    D. Prfessr Thmas Hildebrandt’s Optimism: Hpe fr Rhin Ppulatin Revival
    Scial anxiety is a mental disrder that is ften misunderstd. It’s nt just as simple as feeling shy r nt wanting t engage in big grups. ___16___. Luckily, there are a few small steps yu can take t start/feeling mre cmfrtable in scial settings.
    Generally speaking, the physical symptms (症状) f anxiety include an increase in heart rate, muscle tensin and dizziness (头晕). In all f these cases, it’s imprtant t take a minute and slw dwn yur breathing t help yu gain cntrl back f yur bdy.
    Challenge yur thughts
    Peple with scial anxiety ften have negative thughts when in a scial situatin. Perhaps yu’re wrried yu might trip ver, r laugh r cugh at the wrng time. ___18___. They may cause discmfrt, but try t challenging these wrries and replace them with mre helpful nes.
    Set gals
    The idea f gal setting is nt nly t decide where yu want t end up, but t learn abut where yu are nw. In this way, yu can clearly see yur prgress. Remember thugh, never cmpare yurself t thers in terms f scial success.___19___.
    Say yes
    Maybe yu’ve gtten int the habit f saying “n” t everything yu get invited t. But it’s time t start saying “yes”! If yu’re invited t d smething scial, dn’t turn it dwn and accept the invitatin. ___20___. Hwever, ver time, the mre yu attend scial activities, the less scared yu will feel t g.
    A. Encurage yurself
    B. Fcus n breathing
    C. Yu may feel a little anxius at first.
    D. The truth is, these things happen at any time.
    E. It desn’t mean that thers are ging t think badly f yu.
    F. Fcus n yurself and hw yu are ding week by week, mnth by mnth.
    G. It invlves being fearful f scial situatins, especially unfamiliar nes.
    (2024·河北省邢台市邢台市名校联盟)On March 18, 2018, I was alne at hme in San Jsé, Csta Rica, drinking a cup f tea, ____21____ that my life was abut t change. I received an e-mail ____22____ with the subject “schlarship selectin result”.
    My heartbeat quickened as I read thrugh it, and I was mad with jy: I had been chsen t receive a(n) ____23____ schlarship fr a master’s degree in cnducting at the Shanghai Cnservatry f Music. Finally, I wuld be able t gain a deeper understanding f the ancient tales f dragns and the ld legends f China, which had always ____24____ me.
    Five mnths later, I arrived in Shanghai, ____25____ an entirely new wrld. At the airprt, tw f my Csta Rican friends were waiting fr me and accmpanied me t the ____26____ at Lingling Rad.
    I remember clearly when I apprached drm building N 3, I was ____27____ by the sweet meldy f a dizi(Chinese flute), which was ttally different frm all that I used t hear in my ____28____.
    In Csta Rica, I learned the cnducting technique well. ____29____, it was my prfessr, Ca Tngyi at the Shanghai Cnservatry f Music, wh ____30____ me in prmting my skills. His teachings ____31____ nt nly careful attentin t detail but als the art f letting the music flw as gracefully as T’ai Chi.
    In my pinin, that’s the ____32____ f life in China. Yu can see it n every ____33____ when yu ntice hw the traffic flws r n the way peple walk t the subway, and even n hw the delivery system wrks thrughut China. ____34____, music can surpass the bundary f ntatin (符号) and paper, ____35____ frm the musician t the audience, enriching the wrld ne nte at a time.
    21. A. unawareB. unnecessaryC. uncertainD. unsure
    22. A. invitatinB. ntificatinC. imageD. instructin
    23. A. fullB. amateurC. regularD. average
    24. A. mvedB. thrilledC. fascinatedD. cmfrted
    25. A. breaking intB. bursting intC. lking intD. stepping int
    26. A. drmitryB. campusC. canteenD. entrance
    27. A. affectedB. drawnC. attachedD. reminded
    28. A. fieldB. studiC. cuntryD. lifetime
    29. A. MreverB. WrseC. TherefreD. Hwever
    30. A. attendedB. guidedC. fllwedD. develped
    31. A. deservedB. ignredC. emphasizedD. distinguished
    32. A. essenceB. galC. designD. ambitin
    33. A. cityB. crnerC. prvinceD. spt
    34. A. PermanentlyB. FrtunatelyC. EventuallyD. Similarly
    35. A. transfrmingB. changingC. flwingD. varying
    On March 21, an artist released a vide ____36____ (title) “The Current Status f AI Utilizatin in Game Cmpanies”, demnstrating the prcess f using AI in art. She said that her vides ____37____ (gain) nly a few thusand views befre. But this ne swiftly gt hundreds f thusands f views, ____38____ (cause) heated debate abut the influence f AI n sciety.
    AI painting, ____39____ invlves cping human painting techniques, styles and thught prcesses via algrithms (算法) and mdels, enabling cmputers ____40____ (generate) artistic images, is a frm f generative AI. The AI drawing sftware has achieved great ppularity amng users fr its text-t-image methd, which has ____41____ (dramatic) lwered the threshld (门槛) f artistic creatin.
    Despite the increased efficiency, peple are becming cncerned abut the pssibility f lsing their jbs. Nt that lng ag, painters ____42____ (think) t be immune t being replaced by AI. But nw it appears ____43____ they are amng the first prfessinals wh might be ut ____44____ a jb because f the technlgy. Fr the time being, artists d nt need t verly wrry abut being replaced by AI. _____45_____ takes them years t perfect their ability t express their emtins, values and life experiences in unique ways, which is nt attainable fr AI-generated art at present.
    46.(2024·四川成都蓉城名校联盟)近来越来越多的学生热衷于点外卖,据此你校英语报开设了“My Life at Campus”专栏,想了解大家的看法,请你以“My Opinin f Takeaway”为题,写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    1. 你的看法;
    2. 简述理由。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    47.(2024·山西省部分名校)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I was nt sure why my dad and my uncle always disagreed with each ther in the beginning. They spent many Sundays sitting at ppsite ends f the table, arguing abut everything. I didn’t think they gt alng well.
    When I was eighteen, I gt a call in my cllege drm that my dad was having a health prblem. My mm picked me up at midnight, s I culd be there the next day when my dad was scheduled t transfer(转移) t a better hspital. I didn’t sleep that night, nt a while. I was nervus and almst crazy when we arrived at the hspital early the next mrning befre the transfer.
    That mrning, as my mm and I walked dwn the hallway f the hspital, we culd see straight int my dad’s rm. A tall man wearing a stylish suit std beside my father’s bed with his back t us. In surprise, my mm said t me, “Hw nice it is fr a dctr t cme by t see yur dad s early in the mrning.” The man was quiet and still, lking dwn, but he was hlding bth f my dad’s hands in his wn. It seemed nt t be a typical dctr’s behavir.
    “It’s nt a dctr,” I whispered sftly t my mm. When the man turned arund, we fund that it was my uncle. Hwever, little did I knw I wuld cntinue t reflect n that quiet mment fr decades. And it wuld be the beginning f smething truly wnderful.
    The hurs that fllwed were sme f the mst hardest time f my yuth. My dad had a serius stmach prblem and had t be in hspital fr quite a lng time. My uncle stayed with us the entire time. Fr ne thing, my uncle tried every way t get my dad t eat smething. Fr anther thing, he brught me healthy snacks and made sure I actually ate them even thugh I had n appetite. When my mther and I were scared that my dad’s illness wuld get wrse, my uncle was always by ur side.
    Thrughut thse difficult days in the hspital, I watched my uncle in a new light.
    Frm then n, the relatinship between my dad and my uncle became clser.

    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around精品单元测试习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002228_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Travelling around精品单元测试习题</a>,文件包含Unit2单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Unit2单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语Unit 1 Teenage life精品单元测试精练: 这是一份高中英语<a href="/yy/tb_c4002227_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 1 Teenage life精品单元测试精练</a>,文件包含Unit1单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Unit1单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit精品单元测试综合训练题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002226_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Welcome unit精品单元测试综合训练题</a>,文件包含Welcomeunit单元综合测试习题检测原卷版docx、Welcomeunit单元综合测试习题检测解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共23页, 欢迎下载使用。

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