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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品课时作业

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品课时作业,共7页。

    There are three things yu can watch frever:Instagram feeds,YuTube vides and water. Amng them,water is definitely smething n ne argues abut,and there are many unusual water attractins that yu can find arund the wrld.
    Bangkk Flating Markets
    There are many flating markets where gds are sld frm bats.While mdern markets are mre ppular,flating markets are still a huge attractin fr lcal turism.Any visitrs can purchase lcal fds and traditinal handcrafted(手工的) suvenirs.Bargaining is a part f experience.S,start lw and get the price yu are ready t pay.
    Bregenzer Festspiele
    The Bregenz Festival is held every year frm July t August in Vrarlberg.It has the wrld’s largest stage n the water.The perfrmances are different every year but they are usually united by ne theme.The decratins are very impressive and are wrth seeing.
    Marina Bay Stadium
    This stadium was built as a temprary slutin while Singapre Natinal Stadium was rebuilt.The stadium was used fr the pening and clsing ceremnies during 2010 Summer Yuth Olympics.It was a flating platfrm where the Frmula One Grand Prix event was successfully held.
    Archipelag Cinema
    Archipelag Cinema is prbably ne f the wrld’s mst scenic pen-air cinemas that flats in the middle f a lake.The cinema was designed by German architect Ole Scheeren,wh built it using techniques ppular amng lcal peple.This cinema stage was built specially fr the film festival Film n the Rcks Ya Ni.
    1.What is special abut Bangkk Flating Markets?
    A.Lcal fds are free t taste.
    B.Visitrs can make bats by themselves.
    C.Bargaining fr a gd price is an experience.
    D.Perfrmances n water are impressive t see.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Bargaining is a part f experience.”可知,Bangkk Flating Markets的特别之处在于,讨价还价也是体验的一部分。故选C。
    2.Which ne was used fr the Frmula One Grand Prix event?
    A.Archipelag Cinema.
    B.Marina Bay Stadium.
    C.Bregenzer Festspiele.
    D.Bangkk Flating Markets.
    答案 B
    解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中“It was a flating platfrm where the Frmula One Grand Prix event was successfully held.”可知,Marina Bay Stadium曾举办过一级方程式大奖赛。故选B。
    3.What d Marina Bay Stadium and Archipelag Cinema have in cmmn?
    A.They bth hld ceremnies every year.
    B.They bth used lcal building techniques.
    C.They were bth built fr a special purpse.
    D.They bth prvide visitrs with sprts events.
    答案 C
    解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的前两句以及最后一段中的最后一句可推知,Marina Bay Stadium 和Archipelag Cinema的共同之处是它们都是出于特殊目的而建造的。故选C。
    At the first exhibitin f Henri Russeau’s paintings in 1886,the public laughed ut lud,and critics made fun f his riginal,unschled style,ne writing “Mnsieur Russeau paints with his feet,and his eyes cvered.”
    Despite heavy criticism thrughut his life,Russeau kept painting,cnfident in his gift.He never received frmal training in the arts because his family was t pr.Fr mre than twenty years,he wrked at the Paris custms ffice.It wasn’t until the age f 40 that he tk up the brush,teaching himself t paint by cpying wrks at the Luvre and studying nature.“Nthing makes me s happy as t bserve nature and t paint what I see,” he said.
    Thugh his best-knwn paintings are f jungle scenes with mnkeys,lins,and small wds,Russeau never left France r saw a jungle.T paint freign plants and animals,he relied n bks,btanical gardens(植物园) in Paris,and his imaginatin.“When I g int the glasshuse and I see the strange plants f faraway lands,” he nce said,“it seems t me that I enter a dream.”
    Russeau claimed t have invented a new style f painting called the landscape-prtrait,in which he paints a backgrund view and then adds a persn in the fregrund later,as he did in Myself:Prtrait-Landscape(1890).
    Called a naive(天真) artist due t his childlike,untrained style,Russeau painted clrs ne at a time,starting frm the tp and wrking his way dwn.While critics described his wrks as flat and inexact descriptins f nature,he earned the respect f artists like Pabl Picass and Wassily Kandinsky,wh thught Russeau was nt smething new.
    Thugh his art was never accepted by the art wrld in his time,Russeau’s paintings hang in museums arund the wrld tday.And Russeau’s riginal apprach t art has inspired cuntless artists t fllw their wn unique views.
    4.Why did Russeau have n frmal training in arts?
    A.Because he preferred painting in his wn way.
    B.Because he was afraid f being criticized by thers.
    C.Because his family culdn’t affrd the training.
    D.Because there were mre t be fund in nature.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的“He never received frmal training in the arts because his family was t pr.”可知,卢梭没有接受过正式的艺术培训是因为他的家庭负担不起培训费用。故选C。
    5.What can we learn abut Russeau?
    A.He was unwilling t develp a persnal style.
    B.He mved t a jungle t study nature.
    C.He came frm an artistic family.
    D.He was indeed a self-taught painter.
    答案 D
    解析 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,卢梭是自学成才的画家。故选D。
    6.What is Russeau’s art like?
    A.It is black-and-white.
    B.It is simple and riginal.
    C.It presents scial reality.
    D.It emplys persns in the backgrund.
    答案 B
    解析 细节理解题。根据第四段的“Russeau claimed t have invented a new style f painting called the landscape-prtrait”和第五段的“Called a naive(天真) artist due t his childlike,untrained style”可知,卢梭的作品具有独特的原创风格和简单的特征。故选B。
    7.What des the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A.Russeau’s wrks have nw been recgnized.
    B.Russeau earned a gd reputatin in his time.
    C.Russeau encuraged yung artists t fllw his ftsteps.
    D.Russeau’s paintings have hardly ever been shwn in museums.
    答案 A
    解析 段落大意题。根据最后一段内容可知,虽然卢梭的绘画艺术在当时没有得到艺术界的认可与肯定,但是他的作品现在在全球很多博物馆展出,说明卢梭的作品现在已经得到认可。故选A。
    What exactly is intelligence? There aren’t any easy answers.Despite the prgress that has been made in genetics and psychlgy,human intelligence has remained ne f the mst cntrversial areas f mdern science,until nw,that is,fr the discvery f a gene linked t intelligence has made the experts think again.
    Rbert Plmin f the Institute f Psychiatry in Lndn and his clleagues in the US have been lking int genetic make-up.Frm their research,they have discvered that a slightly different gene is mre cmmn in thse with a high IQ.Plmin analyzed DNA frm tw grups f 51 children aged between 6 and 15.What he fund was that the first grup had an IQ f 136,putting them in the tp 5% f the ppulatin,while the ther grup had an average IQ f 103.An analysis f their genes shwed that 32% f children in the higher grup had the gene in questin,while nly 16% in the secnd grup did.Hwever,there is a lt mre research t be dne,and Plmin himself is cautius at this early stage.He suggests that there are prbably many genes that cntribute t intelligence,rather than just ne.
    Several studies have shwn a strng link between IQ and career success,althugh sme psychlgists remain uncnvinced abut this.Prfessr Michael Rwe,wh has written a bk called Genius Explained,is ne f these.“The peple with the highest IQs are nt usually the nes wh d best in their careers.”
    Many psychlgists nw believe that when it cmes t intelligence,IQ isn’t everything.Many alternative views have been put frward recently.One example is the idea f multiple intelligences,which was develped in the 1980s by Harvard psychlgist Hward Gardner.This ffers a much brader view than the IQ thery,including creativity and cmmunicatin skills as relevant factrs in intelligence.
    Tny Buzan,brain expert and authr f Master Yur Memry,is enthusiastic abut this belief,arguing that true geniuses d indeed appear t cmbine high levels f each type f intelligence.He lists Alexander the Great,Pabl Picass and Albert Einstein as examples.At the same time,Buzan believes that everyne can develp their intelligence,nly if they take the truble t exercise their brain.Perhaps there’s hpe fr us all!
    8.What is the tpic f the passage?
    A.The relatinship between genes and intelligence.
    B.IQ benefits a lt frm high intelligence.
    C.Hw t develp intelligence.
    D.What makes intelligence.
    答案 D
    解析 主旨大意题。文章的第一段以“What exactly is intelligence?”开篇,下文均是围绕这一问题展开,由此可知答案为D。
    9.Why des the authr use data in Paragraph 2?
    A.T make a suggestin.
    B.T draw a cnclusin.
    C.T prve an idea.
    D.T give an example.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。第二段中提出研究人员的观点“在高智商的这些人中,他们的基因都有稍微的不同,这点是相同的”。下文中数据显示“在高智商的小孩儿中有百分之三十二都有思考问题的基因”。作者使用数据是为了证明这一观点。故答案应为C。
    10.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Rbert Plmin cnfirms genes have smething in cmmn.
    B.Hward Gardner thinks intelligence includes varius factrs.
    C.Michael Rwe apprves f a strng link between IQ and career.
    D.Tny Buzan agrees geniuses exercise brain t imprve intelligence.
    答案 B
    解析 细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,许多心理学家认为,当谈到智力的时候,智商并不代表一切,许多新的观点已经被提出,其中包括Hward Gardner的多元智力说。故答案为B。
    11.What des the underlined wrd “This” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.The develpment f intelligence.
    B.The idea f multiple intelligences.
    C.IQ isn’t everything fr intelligence.
    D.Alternative views have been put frward.
    答案 B
    解析 代词指代题。根据第四段中画线词的前一句可知,其中的一个例子就是20世纪80年代由Hward Gardner提出的多元智力说,它提供了一个比智商理论更为宽广的观点,由此可知This指代的就是前面提到的多元智力说,故B项正确。
    Have yu ever bserved the streets in the mrning? Yu will see sme peple walking n the street r a few vehicles passing by.There might be sme peple in their gym clthes ging t their gym and there might be sme cming ut fr a nrmal mrning walk. 1 It is because many peple chse t exercise in the mrning.There are many advantages f a mrning wrkut.A few f these advantages are discussed belw.
    One f the advantages f a mrning wrkut is that yu remain fresh all thrughut the day.The wrkuts may be anything like a walk,gym,dance r yga.Yu n lnger feel tired r sleepy. 2
    Peple wh exercise regularly in the mrning are bserved t have healthy diet habits.Als,it is bserved that the diet ptins f peple wh wrk ut in the mrning are healthy. 3 Mrning wrkuts are beneficial if yu are suffering frm indigestin.
    Once yu start exercising in the mrning yu put a schedule t yur day. 4 Everybdy has a busy schedule and it becmes hard t spare time fr exercising.Mrning time is the nly best ptin available fr exercising t a lt f peple.
    5 Exercising with light stmach is very gd and has mre effects than exercising after lunch r breakfast.The mrning air is very fresh and has mre xygen cmpared t the rest f the day.
    A.Mrning wrkuts hardly take yu a lt f time.
    B.The wrkuts make yu have less time t rest than befre.
    C.The fd digestin is prper and the bdy functins better.
    D.This particular scene is quite evident in the mrnings.
    E.The advantage is that yu are mre regular than befre.
    F.The mrning wrkuts are usually befre breakfast.
    G.The mrning wrkuts keep yur skin and face fresh as well.
    1.答案 D
    解析 根据前文:可能有些人穿着运动服去健身房,也可能有些人在早上出来散步。选项D中的“This particular scene”指的就是上文提到的锻炼的场景。故选D。
    2.答案 G
    解析 根据前文:晨练的好处之一就是让你一整天都保持精神饱满,可知,此处是讲晨练可以让人保持清新,所以G项切合文意,fresh是关键词。故选G。
    3.答案 C
    解析 根据后文:如果你患有消化不良,早上锻炼是有益的,可知,此处是讲晨练有助于消化。所以选项C切合文意,选项中的digestin呼应下文的indigestin。故选C。
    4.答案 A
    解析 根据后文:每个人都有一个繁忙的时间表,很难抽出时间来锻炼。对于很多人来说,早上锻炼是唯一的最佳选择,可知,此处是指晨练并不会花费很多时间,适用于繁忙的人们,所以选项A切合文意。故选A。
    5.答案 F
    解析 根据后文:胃轻的时候运动很好,比午饭或早餐后运动效果更好。早晨的空气非常新鲜,比一天的其他时间有更多的氧气,可知,此处是指早饭前锻炼是最好的。所以选项F切合文意。故选F。语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四个有趣的水上旅游胜地。
    语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了法国画家亨利·卢梭和他独创的绘画方式。
    语篇解读 本文是一篇科普说明文,讲述智力并不是受单方面影响,而是受多种因素影响的,文章介绍了多元智力说。
    语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了晨练的好处和最佳时间。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品随堂练习题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002231_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 5 Languages around the world精品随堂练习题</a>,共8页。试卷主要包含了A.purpse B,A.educatinal B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品课后测评: 这是一份英语必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002231_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 5 Languages around the world精品课后测评</a>,共8页。试卷主要包含了A.called B,A.welcmed B,A.hiker B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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