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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters优秀测试题

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters优秀测试题,共7页。

    36-year-ld Juan Dual likes t jke that he’s empty inside.Juan’s stry began when he was nly 13.It was then that he was diagnsed with a terrible disease,which left him with a 99.8% chance f develping cancer f the digestive system.At age 19,right after finishing high-schl,Juan underwent a tugh peratin t take away his cln and rectum.Sadly,it was nly the beginning.By age 28,Juan’s disease had affected his stmach and gallbladder s he had t g under the knife again.
    Having just recvered frm several serius peratins,Juan Dual decided t accept the invitatin f sme friends f his parents and travel t Japan.It was there that things started t change fr the better.He didn’t speak a wrd f Japanese,s he spent mst f his time walking his dg.One day,the dg pulled harder,and Juan realized that he was still able t jg,and he started t d just that.
    Mnths later,he fund himself wrking in a small,peaceful twn in England.There was little in terms f entertainment,but the twn was surrunded by hills,s he devted even mre f his time t running.He befriended sme like-minded flks and tld them what he’d been thrugh,and they seemed amazed at the fact that he was still alive,let alne that he was pushing himself t exercise.That’s when the idea f fcusing n mtivating thers tk rt in his mind.
    With the help f Pepa,a nutritinist,Juan Dual slwly relearned hw t eat t keep his energy level high enugh t sustain him during physical activity.Eight mnths after his last peratin,he finished the Barcelna half marathn in tw hurs.He then started training fr muntain running and ultra-marathns.
    1.Why des Juan Dual say he is empty inside?
    A.Because he has n desire fr anything.
    B.Because he desn’t have much knwledge.
    C.Because he always suffers frm great hunger.
    D.Because many f his rgans have been remved.
    答案 D
    解析 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,Juan Dual开玩笑说他内心空虚是因为他的许多器官都被切除了。故选D。
    2.What made Juan Dual aware that he culd still run?
    A.His parents’ supprt.
    B.A walk with his dg.
    C.The idea f challenging himself.
    D.His quick recvery frm peratins.
    答案 B
    解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的“He didn’t speak a wrd f Japanese,s he spent mst f his time walking his dg.One day,the dg pulled harder,and Juan realized that he was still able t jg,and he started t d just that.”可知,是遛狗让Juan Dual意识到他还能跑。故选B。
    3.When did Juan Dual decide t inspire thers with his stry?
    A.After finishing the Barcelna half marathn.
    B.After being intrduced t a nutritinist named Pepa.
    C.After sharing it with his friends in an English twn.
    D.After making friends with peple with similar sufferings.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,在与英国小镇上的朋友分享了他的故事后,Juan Dual决定用他的故事激励其他人。故选C。
    4.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Juan Dual?
    A.Ambitius and intelligent.
    B.Inspiring and respnsible.
    C.Unfrtunate but determined.
    D.Cnfident but stubbrn.
    答案 C
    解析 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,Juan Dual十几岁的时候就开始生病,身体里很多器官都被摘除了,但是后来他坚持进行体育活动,还完成了马拉松比赛,由此可推知,他是个不幸但坚定的人。故选C。
    Yu’ve likely encuntered the humblebrag befre—basting(吹嘘) disguised as a cmplaint,such as:“I’m having such a stressful day.I gt tw jb ffers and I dn’t knw what t d.”
    This is a typical example f humblebragging,a term cined by cmedic writer Harris Wittels referring t “a specific type f bast that allws the ffender t bradcast their achievements withut the necessary shame and guilt that shuld nrmally accmpany such claims”.In simpler terms,it’s a way t disguise a bast with sme humility.Humblebragging cmes in tw different frms.The first is humility-based,an example being,“I can’t believe I gt the highest grade in my class.”The secnd type cmes mixed with a bit f cmplaint,fr example,“I can’t believe that shpkeeper asked me fr ID.I’m 25!”
    Peple dn’t like it when thers humblebrag because they find they are lacking in sincerity.Sincerity is a critical dimensin f scial evaluatin,which is viewed as fundamental t peple’s identity.In fact,sincerity is prized even abve cmpetence and warmth in thers,accrding t Dr Sezer.
    If humblebragging desn’t wrk,and n ne likes it,why d we still d it?We all want t highlight ur psitive qualities withut seeming prud.By speaking in a cmplaint r an expressin f humility,we hpe we’ll smehw land n the “sweet spt” f self-presentatin:prmting urselves while als cnveying likability.In additin,research suggests that peple may experience psitive emtins while humblebragging.
    Cnsidering that we’re all likely t feel the urge t humblebrag,at least t sme extent,the prper respnse when we hear a friend ding it may be t simply let it g—because ultimately we’re ging t d it urselves,and t be wh really want t be called ut n it.
    5.Which f the fllwing remarks is an example f humblebragging?
    A.Hw I hate hearing my vice n TV!
    B.I’m thrilled t be awarded the first prize.
    C.I’m the nly persn t get prmted in the firm.
    D.Hw I dislike ding the same thing every day!
    答案 A
    解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中对humblebragging的定义可知,humblebragging是一种以看似谦虚的方式或用苦恼的口吻吹嘘自己的说话方式,故A项正确。
    6.Which can best describe peple’s impressin f humblebraggers?
    A.Hnest. B.Humble.
    C.Insincere. D.Incapable.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,当人们听到别人以看似谦虚的方式吹嘘自己的时候,会觉得说话者不真诚,故C项正确。hnest诚实的;humble谦逊的;insincere不诚恳的,虚伪的;incapable无能力的。
    7.Why d peple humblebrag?
    A.T lift their spirits.
    B.T express their cmplaints.
    C.T imprve their mral qualities.
    D.T shw ff withut bringing annyance.
    答案 D
    解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“We all want t highlight ur psitive qualities withut seeming prud.”可知,人们以看似谦虚的方式或用苦恼的口吻吹嘘自己是为了以一种不给人带来烦恼的方式炫耀自己,故D项正确。
    8.What are peple advised t d when hearing a humblebrag frm a friend?
    A.Fllw it up. B.Leave it alne.
    C.Turn against it. D.Get t the rt f it.
    答案 B
    解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“the prper respnse when we hear a friend ding it may be t simply let it g”可知,在面对朋友吹嘘他们自己的时候,我们最好的回应是置之不理,故B项正确。
    There is a picture:A plar bear is lying lifeless n a beach.On the shre,in the backgrund,stand three guards,talking t each ther.One f them has a deadly weapn hanging casually n his shulder.This pwerful image has made peple questin the mtivatin fr this kind f turism,r ecturism.Des ur prximity(接近) t large animals in the wild,frequently fueled by a desire fr exciting images,lead t such animals becming accustmed t human cntact?If that is the case,surely the lsing side will end up paying the ultimate price fr such prximity.
    T my srrw,I have recently returned frm a trip t Svalbard,and indeed std tw weeks ag n the very beach where the bear was sht.The bear’s death shuld never have happened.Was the beach examined befrehand?Was there access t flares(照明弹) t scare ff a bear that appeared suddenly?These are standard measures fr any peratr.The incident is prbably the result f a terrible systematic failure.
    Nevertheless,the incident shuld nt negate the value f ecturism.In its best frm,this kind f travel has very little impact,r indeed has a psitive effect,n the envirnment where it takes place.This can be by making financial dnatins t cnservatin grups,prviding incme t lcal cmmunities,r ensuring prtectin f certain areas r animals.In Svalbard,visitrs becme ambassadrs fr the endangered plar bear,increasing awareness f the fact that the far greater danger they are facing is the sea ice melt in the Arctic Ocean.
    Ecturism is an expanding market that brings benefits as well as challenges t the regins arund the wrld in which it perates.Simply clsing ff these regins is nt the answer.
    9.Why was the plar bear dead?
    A.It was prbably hunted fr its fur by turists.
    B.It was prbably frightened t death by flares.
    C.The prper prcedures weren’t prbably fllwed.
    D.The beach wasn’t prbably equipped with safety devices.
    答案 C
    解析 推理判断题。根据第二段最后四句可推知,北极熊被杀害可能是因为海滩的管理者没有遵循应有的处理方法及程序,故选C。
    10.What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Ecturism culd be develped prperly.
    B.Financial dnatins shuld be strngly advcated.
    C.Envirnmental awareness has greatly increased.
    D.Visitrs have a guilty cnscience abut ecturism.
    答案 A
    解析 段落大意题。根据第三段第一句可知,作者认为该事件不应否定生态旅游的价值,后面接着阐述了生态旅游对当地环境以及当地经济的积极影响,故选A。
    11.What des the underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggest?
    A.Mre challenges haven’t yet been accepted.
    B.Better measures fr cnducting ecturism are a gd chice.
    C.The envirnmental benefits frm ecturism are very bvius.
    D.The psitive effects f prtecting turists haven’t yet been felt.
    答案 B
    解析 句意理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,生态旅游是一个不断扩大的市场,给当地带来了益处和挑战,并结合画线句可知,仅仅关闭这些生态旅游区来保护环境并不是一个很好的解决方法,故选B。
    12.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T cause readers t fcus n plar bears.
    B.T stimulate readers t reflect n ecturism.
    C.T stress side effects that ecturism has caused.
    D.T analyze the reasn why the plar bear was killed.
    答案 B
    解析 写作意图题。文章通过分析北极熊可能被猎杀的原因告诉人们不能因为此次事件否认生态旅游的价值,生态旅游有其积极影响;关闭旅游区不是解决问题的办法。由此可知,本文的目的是为了引发读者对生态旅游的思考,故选B。
    Humans were made fr walking.With ur upright psture and strng leg muscles,ur bdies were designed with walking in mind—which is what makes it such perfect exercise. 1 And best f all,it’s a great way t see new things and meet new peple!
    2 Wherever yu are,in the city r at the campgrund,yu’ll find plenty f walking ging n.Studies have shwn that taking a walk every day significantly reduces yur risk fr heart disease and high bld pressure,and it even lwers stress levels.Recently,science has prved that walking is even gd fr yur bdy shape and brain.
    T get started,sit dwn with a map and make a plan. 3 D yu want t meet ther peple?See new places?Get ut int the wilderness r explre a city?Knwing yur strengths will help yu decide n the type f walk yu want t d.
    If making friends and scializing is yur gal,call up yur friends and schedule walks with them.Ask yur friends where they like t walk and g there,since this will intrduce yu t new places.G nline and lk up yur lcal mall r shpping center.Many malls have grups that cme every day,r every weekend,t “walk the mall”. 4
    Frm the benefits t yur heart t yur verall happiness,walking is just plain gd fr yu.
    This mnth pick up a map and start walking. 5
    A.Headed t a new city?
    B.It’s gd fr ur bdies and great fr ur waistlines.
    C.This mnth,why nt fcus n walking with a purpse?
    D.These grups are always happy t include ne mre walker!
    E.Yu might find pen grups f dg walkers at yur lcal park.
    F.It’s a fantastic way t get t knw the wrld,using yur wn tw feet.
    G.Ask yurself,what d yu want t get ut f walking aside frm the health benefits?
    1.答案 B
    解析 根据后文“And best f all,it’s a great way t see new things and meet new peple!”可知,最重要的是,这是了解新事物和认识新朋友的好方法!由此可知,本空是在说明步行的优点。选项B符合上下文语境。故选B。
    2.答案 C
    解析 根据本段中的“Studies have shwn that taking a walk every day significantly reduces yur risk fr heart disease and high bld pressure,...”可知,本段说明了步行对身体的一些好处,以此来倡导人们多步行。选项C引出下文,符合语境。故选C。
    3.答案 G
    解析 根据后文“D yu want t meet ther peple?See new places?Get ut int the wilderness r explre a city?”可知,步行除了健康方面的好处,还能帮你认识其他人,看到新地方,这就要看你自己想从步行中得到什么了。选项G符合上下文语境。故选G。
    4.答案 D
    解析 根据本段第一句可知,如果交朋友和社交是你的目标,打电话给你的朋友,安排和他们一起散步。以及空处上文“Many malls have grups that cme every day,r every weekend,t ‘walk the mall’.”可知,许多购物中心每天或每个周末都有一群人来“逛购物中心”。由此可知,本句承接上文,继续说明这些团体的情况。故D选项符合上下文语境。故选D。
    5.答案 F
    解析 根据上文“This mnth pick up a map and start walking.”可知,本段属于总结段落,上文提到了步行的诸多好处,那么本段应当是倡导读者去步行,用自己的双脚去了解这个世界。选项F总结上文,符合语境。故选F。语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Juan Dual因为从小患病,身体里很多器官都被摘除了,直到一次在日本旅行遛狗时,他发现自己还能慢跑,于是开始从事体育活动,后来还完成了马拉松比赛。
    语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了一种人们在日常交流中会用到的说话方式:以看似谦虚的方式或用苦恼的口吻自吹自擂,即网络上流行的“凡尔赛”文学。
    语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章通过分析管理人员将闯入生态旅游区域内的北极熊杀死这一事件发生的可能原因,告诉人们不要因此否定生态旅游的价值。生态旅游有利于发展当地的经济进而更好地保护当地的环境。
    语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了步行是最适合人类的运动方式,并介绍了步行的一些好处,倡导人们开始步行,用自己的双脚去了解这个世界。

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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters精品课时训练: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002230_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 Natural disasters精品课时训练</a>,共7页。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters精品综合训练题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002230_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 Natural disasters精品综合训练题</a>,共8页。

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