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    这是一份2024年湖北省中考英语冲刺模拟英语试卷(三),共8页。试卷主要包含了选择题的作答,非选择题的作答, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (测试时间:100分钟 卷面总分:90分)
    一、完形填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    Nine years ag, Arn Williams gave up his jb as a magazine editr t becme a freelance cpywriter fr advertisements(广告自由撰稿人), but nw he had mney truble.He says that he wishes he'd never 1 t set up his wn business.
    “I am nw in such a bad situatin,” says Arn, “I hpe I am 2 wrking as an editr. Yu see,I was 3 with my jb, and I used t get really angry at my bss and the way he used t 4 me arund all the time. I talked t a few friends and they said that they culd give me 5 , s I tld my bss I was leaving. At first, everything was 6 :I had s much wrk that I had t take n an assistant, my best friend at wrk, Dn, just t be 7 t finish things n time. And sn we 8 large amunts f mney. Dn and Ihad a really great lifestyle, and when the wrk was finished, we used t take gd 9 in places like Cancun and the Bahamas, just t get relaxed.
    At first, we were busy having fun, and charged everything t my credit cards instead,but then I began t 10 hw much in debt(负债) I was. At last, I had t let Dn 11 . Ithen had t sell all my ffice equipment(设备). Nw I culd d almst nthing even if peple 12 me. Things gt s bad that I even asked my ld bss if I culd d sme wrk fr the 13 , but he said that I'd been s 14 t him when I left that he wuld never emply me again. I've had t 15 my business nw and I dn't knw what I'm ging t d fr mney. It just ges t shw, if yu set up yur wn business, yu shuldn't spend
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第1页(共8页)mney yu dn't have.”
    1. A. pretended B. learned C. failed D. decided
    2. A. specially B. still C. als D. certainly
    3. A. pleased B. strict C. bred D. patient
    4. A. shw B. rder C. serve D. lead
    5. A. time B. mney C. fd D. wrk
    6. A. perfect B. wrng C. hard D. fun
    7. A. afraid B. ready C. able D. abut
    8. A. lst B. brrwed C. dnated D. made
    9. A. vacatins B. pictures C. curses D. chances
    10. A. imagine B. remember C. wnder D. realize
    11. A. leave B. wrk C. enjy D. disappear
    12. A. bught B. helped C. frgt D. asked
    13. A. advertisement B. magazine C. equipment D. lifestyle
    14. A. shy B. rude C. lazy D. straight
    15. A. clse dwn B. pick up C. turn dwn D. set up
    二、阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题2分,满分 40分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第2页(共8页)Giant Pandas Predicting Wrld Cup Results
    Tw giant pandas gt a 33% success rate(率) in predicting
    the Wrld Cup winners. Thuraya and Suhail arrived in Qatar(卡
    塔尔) ahead f the Wrld Cup as a gift frm China t celebrate
    Qatar's hsting the event. They als appeared daily t pick the
    winner fr each game. One panda walked twards tw flags and put the nse n ne f
    them. This was believed t be their predictin and their success rate was 4 ut f 12.
    Schiphl Internatinal Airprt in Amsterdam has brught in
    20 pigs as part f a 6-week prgram t stp birds frm crashing
    (猛撞) int planes, These pigs wuld cme and eat the crp(庄
    稼) which can draw birds t the land between Runway 18R-36L
    and Runway 18C-36C. And as meat eaters, they might als scare away the birds in the
    area t prtect the planes.
    16. All the news abve has smething t d with .
    A. sprts B. envirnment C. art D. animals
    17. Thuraya and Suhail came t Qatar mainly t .
    A. watch the Wrld Cup
    B. make predictins abut the matches
    C. celebrate the cuntry's hsting the Wrld Cup
    D. serve as a symbl f peace and friendship in the games
    18. What wuld be a gd title fr the secnd piece f news?
    A. T Draw Birds t the Land
    B. Plane Crashes in Amsterdam
    C. Pigs Prtect Planes frm Birds
    D. Birds Between the Airprt's Runaways
    19. What can we knw abut the dg fashin shw?
    A. Clmb held the event in a schl.
    B. Over 30 dg mdels appeared in the shw.
    C. Dgs walked n the catwalk just by themselves.
    D. It was a gd time t shw ff dgs' different talents.
    20. It's clear that .
    A. the pigs help the airprt ut by catching birds fr fd
    B. peple in Clmb lve dgs because dgs are always friendly
    C. the pandas predicted the winner by chsing ne f the tw flags
    D. the pigs have wrked at Schiphl Internatinal Airprt fr six mnths
    The first US president, Gerge Washingtn, was appinted(任命) in New Yrk City.Because Americans had never had a president befre, Gerge Washingtn had t wait a week befre lawmakers culd agree n what an inauguratin(就职典礼) shuld lk like.Finally, n April 30, 1789, Washingtn swre(宣誓) at the ceremny. After that, he read a speech t the senatrs(参议员). One f thse senatrs described the scene in his diary.
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第3页(共8页)A Dg Fashin Shw
    The first dg fashin shw was held in Clmb. Mre than
    30 dgs walked like mdels n the catwalk(T型台) in their finest
    fashin and with their wners fllwing behind. It was a shw f
    creative talent and dggy lve.“Clmb has always been dg
    friendly,”said Janette Thmsn, the manager,“And at the end f the schl hlidays,
    it is a gd time t d smething fr children.”
    William Maclay wrte Washingtn appeared nervus and uncmfrtable. The ceremny was shrt, sweet, and—accrding t Maclay—embarrassing.
    Thmas Jeffersn, the third president, had an inauguratin that was even simpler.Befre the inauguratin, he had a sre thrat. When he gave the speech, his vice was s feeble that few peple heard what he said.
    William Henry Harrisn was the cuntry's ninth president. At 68, Harrisn was the ldest persn in histry t take ffice at the time. On his inauguratin day, he wanted t shw that he was strng enugh t serve as president by giving a very, very lng speech. It was a cld day, and Harrisn didn't wear a cat r a hat. One mnth later, Harrisn died—the first president dying in ffice.
    Calvin Clidge was the 30th president. In August, 1923, Clidge was the vice president(副总统). He didn’t have many duties and went n vacatin in Vermnt. In the middle f the night, he received the news that the president, Warren Harding, had died.Clidge was then president. Clidge swre in the living rm, and then the new president was back in bed.
    21. Gerge Washingtn had t wait fr .
    A. the supprt f lawmakers
    B. the cming f the vice president
    C. the first inauguratin in the US
    D. a sunny day t hld the inauguratin
    22. The underlined wrd“feeble”in Paragraph 2 means .
    A. weak B. lud C. sweet D. cld
    23. What can we learn abut William Henry Harrisn?
    A. He died frm a traffic accident.
    B. He was nervus during his speech.
    C. He served as president fr abut a mnth.
    D. He was the third president f the United States.
    24. Accrding t the last paragraph, which f the fllwing is NOT true?
    A. Calvin Clidge became president at midday.
    B. Calvin Clidge was the 30th president f the US.
    C. Calvin Clidge was n vacatin in Vermn t in August, 1923.
    D. Calvin Clidge returned t his bed after he swre in the living rm.
    25. What's the passage mainly abut?
    A. Inauguratin f presidents in the wrld.
    B. The greatest presidents in the US histry.
    C. The histry f the American president speeches.
    D. Sme presidents' inauguratin mments in the US.
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第4页(共8页)C
    Seven-year-ld Madeline lives in Califrnia. She likes unicrns(独角兽) s much that she wanted ne f her wn. She wrte t her cunty's animal cntrl department asking fr permissin(允许) t have ne in her backyard—if she culd find ne. Last mnth, LsAngeles Cunty fficers agreed, and gave her the first-f-its-kind unicrn license.
    Madeline has been interested in unicrns since she was three. She can tell yu anything yu want t knw, including hw t take care f them.“It's imprtant t make sure they can see rainbws, sunshine and mnlight,”she said,“s I'm ging t make a huse with a glass rf”. She als knws where unicrns live: in the magical frest f Sctland.
    But Madeline has never been t Sctland. S hw des she plan t get her unicrn?“I'm ging t take an airplane, and then I'm ging t find the u nicrn in the magical frest and bring it back n the airplane,”she said.
    When she tld this idea t her mm Leilani, she suggested that Madeline write a letter t Ls Angeles Cunty’s Department f Animal Care and Cntrl t get permissin and learn the rules f wning a large animal. Leilani said,“Madeline is a very curius(好奇的)girl and we want t supprt everything that she hpes fr.”
    Marcia Mayeda, directr f Animal Care and Cntrl fr Ls Angeles Cunty, gtMadeline's letter and gave her the license.“I think parents shuld supprt their children's dreams but nt prevent them,”Mayeda said.“It's really imprtant that adults(成年人) d that.”
    26. Why did Madeline write t her cunty's animal cntrl department?
    A. T get a real unicrn frm it fr free.
    B. T get its permissin t have a unicrn.
    C. T ask it t help her build a large backyard.
    D. T ask it t help her find a unicrn in Califrnia.
    27. What des the secnd paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Madeline's great lve fr unicrns.
    B. The weather that unicrns like best.
    C. Madeline's way f getting a unicrn.
    D. The reasns why Madeline lves unicrns.
    28. Why did Madeline plan t g t Sctland?
    A. T lk fr a unicrn. B. T travel with her mther.
    C. T set up a glass huse there. D. T visit the magical frest.
    29. What is Madeline like in her mther Leilani's eyes?
    A. Understanding. B. Warm-hearted.
    C. Helpful. D. Curius.
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第5页(共8页)30. Which f the fllwing may Marcia Mayeda agree with?
    A. Setting an example fr yur children.
    B. Supprting the dreams f yur kids.
    C. Aviding treating yur kids as adults.
    D. Stpping kids frm making mistakes.
    第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    It is a natural part f life t feel dwn r blue. Smetimes peple let us dwn, things g wrng, r we lse the dreams we've valued. 31
    Jack almst gt mad when his yunger brther die in a car accident. 32 Since then he didn't want t talk t anyne. He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brther, even thugh it was an accident. 33 All f his friends tried their best t make him happy. 34 He decided t finish bth his and his brther's duty t lk after their parents. Nw he still misses his yunger brther, he might even cry when he recalled(回忆起) the days with his yunger brther. But he began t cmmunicate with thers and it made his parents happy t.
    Everyne wuld feel sad when smething bad happens. 35 It's all right t cry. But after that, we must try t smile t life.
    A. It's all right t shw we're sad.
    B. His parents were sad and wrried abut him.
    C. It's nrmal t sense a strng sadness and pain.
    D. Gradually, Jack realized it was useless t be like this.
    E. We all have the right t shw the happiness and sadness.
    F. He deeply regretted he didn't lk after his brther well.
    In ancient China, peple called a man f great virtue(美德) a gentleman. In the wrld f flwers, plum blssms, rchids, bamb and chrysanthemums are knwn as the fur gentlemen in China because these 36 natural characters have smething in cmmn with human virtues. They have all lng been cmmn subjects in Chinese art, like paintings and 37 .
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第6页(共8页)admire cldexpress fur histrymemrize
    plant pem predictsmth fr success
    The plum tree is famus fr its flwers pening in the dead f winter(在严冬). Its fine smell fills the air at ne f the 38 times f a year, making it difficult t g unnticed. It stands fr inner beauty and humble display(谦逊表现) under hard cnditins.Accrding t 39 recrds, plum blssms appeared n drawing paper 1,600 years ag.
    Grwn in deep muntain valleys(山谷), the rchid was named as the 40 f China's ten famus flwers. With the smell making peple's minds fresh, and the elegant(优雅的)shapes swinging in the wind rchids stand 41 elegance inChinese peple's eyes.
    The bamb is thin with the inner empty. It stands fr tlerance(耐力) and pen-mindedness. It was 42 by many pets and painters in ancient times. Sushi nce wrte dwn“Rather eat withut meat than live withut bamb”in his pem t 43 his deep lve fr bamb.
    Chrysanthemums were planted as early as three thusand years ag. When nearly all the flwers fall, the chrysanthemum pens in the cld autumn air and 44 the cming f winter. It stands fr the virtue t g thrugh all difficulties 45 . S the chrysanthemum is a traditinal flwer lved by Chinese peple.
    四、读写结合(共两节,满分 25分)
    第一节 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    On May 15, 2023, a 16-year-ld girl frm Changsha, Hunan Prvince made new histry. Xu Zhuyuan became the yungest Chinese girl t succeed in reaching the tp fMunt Qmlangma. What makes it mre meaningful is that the year 2023 marks the 70th anniversary(周年) f the first human being achieving the impssible dream.
    Muntain climbing is ne f the wrld's mst dangerus sprts, and ne f the mst ppular places fr this is Munt Qmlangma. It is abut 8,848.86 meters high and s is very dangerus t climb. Thick cluds, heavy snwstrms and freezing weather cnditins make the climbing mre difficult. Hwever, these difficulties didn't scare Xu away. She wanted t challenge herself. She has been training hard t make her dream cme true.
    On April 15, she left Changsha fr Nepal(尼泊尔). On April 28, she arrived at the base camp and made preparatins fr the huge task. At 10 p. m. Beijing time n May 14, Xu began her jurney frm Camp 4. The climbing was very hard, and it tk her 10 hurs t
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第7页(共8页)reach the tp.
    Althugh she is quite yung, Xu has already climbed five muntains ver 5,000meters in China. When she was 12 years ld, she said n Hunan TV, “I will climbQmlangma.”Fur years later, she kept her prmise. Her spirit shws us that we shuld challenge urselves in the face f difficulties. It als shws that we shuld never give up trying t achieve ur dreams.
    46. When did Xu reach the tp f Munt Qmlangma?
    47. What is ne f the wrld's mst dangerus sprts accrding t the text?
    48. Did the difficulties scare Xu away?
    49. Hw many hurs did it take Xu t reach the tp frm Camp 4?
    50. What can we learn frm Xu?
    第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分15分)
    周末是我们生活的重要一部分,而很多孩子的周末被手机等占据。合理利用周末,对我们青少年至关重要。请你根据下面提示以 Hw t Make Our Weekends Mre Meaningful为题,用英文写一篇短文。
    1. What can yu d n weekends?
    2. Hw d yu feel after ding smething meaningful n weekends?
    3. What's yur plan n weekends in rder t develp gd habits?
    Hw t Make Our Weekends Mre Meaningful
    Life n weekends is an imprtant part f ur daily life. —————
    湖北中考冲刺卷 英语试卷(三) 第8页(共8页)

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