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    外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever课堂教学课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever课堂教学课件ppt,共50页。

    Develping ideas
    Read the shrt intrductin t O. Henry and answer the questins.1 Have yu read any stries by O. Henry? Share ne with the class.2 D yu like stries with surprise endings? Why r why nt?
    O. Henry-style endingsO. Henry’s stries are best knwn fr their twists r surprise endings. S much s that peple nw refer t such endings as “O. Henry-style endings”. In these endings, there will be a sudden twist that results in an unexpected change f the characters’ inner wrld, experience, destiny, etc, thus creating an unexpected yet understandable result. Such endings will make the stry mre appealing and dramatic, as well as mre memrable fr its readers. 
    Read the passage and find ut why the man is standing utside theshp.
    After Twenty Years
    Because he is waiting fr his friend Jimmy.
    Think f a pssible ending t “After Twenty Years” and find evidence t supprt yur ideas. Use the fllwing questins t help yu.1 Did Jimmy cme t meet his friend?2 What has Jimmy experienced ver the past twenty years?3 What might happen between the pliceman and the man?
    Nw read the nte frm the riginal ending and find ut what actually happened.
    1 What des the nte tell yu abut the ending f the stry?2 Hw d yu think Bb wuld react when he read the nte?3 D yu think that Jimmy did the right thing? Why r why nt?4 D yu like this ending? Give yur reasns.
    Think & Share
    Jimmy was the pliceman. He turned up as they agreed twenty years earlier, but he decided t fulfill his duty and have Bb arrested.
    Wrk in grups. Act ut the whle stry.1 Think abut what happened in each f the three scenes, using the infrmatin yu have already read in the stry. Retell the whle stry.The stry is abut tw friends named Bb and Jimmy. Twenty years ag,  Chse a character t play and decide what yu will say and d. 3 Act ut the whle stry.
    Scene 1: Bb dining with Jimmy at “Big Je” Brady’s twenty years ag
    Scene 2: Bb making his frtune in the West
    Scene 3: Bb and Jimmy meeting again after twenty years
    Writing an ending t a stryRead Bb’s stry after he was released frm jail and answer the questins.1 Hw did Bb feel when he finally gt ut f jail?2 What kind f ending is this? Mre than ne descriptin may be suitable.□ A happy ending.□ A sad ending.□ A surprise ending.□ An pen ending.3 D yu like this ending? Give yur reasns.
    Bb felt lst and helpless.
    Writing an ending t a stryRead the ending in Activity 5 again. Find the expressins that describe:settings characters actins
    ut f jail, cld wind, cld, dark night
    stepping ut f, smiled bitterly, heard, turned arund, was surprised t find, replied, unflded, shaking, finished reading, shuted in surprise, smile
    nw 58, lst and helpless, a yung man, a familiar-lking man in his thirties, dubtfully
    Writing an ending t a stryCme up with yur wn ending t Jimmy and Bb’s stry, twenty years after Bb was arrested. Answer the questins t help yu.1 What type f ending will it be?2 D yu want t intrduce ther characters in the ending? If s, wh are they?3 Where will the ending take place?4 What has happened t Bb and Jimmy ver the past twenty years?5 Hw will the stry end?
    One pssible versin: It was a cld winter night when Bb came ut f jail. After twenty years behind bars, he felt like a stranger t the city and everyne in it. Lst and helpless, he didn’t knw where t g r whm t g t. A year after he had been arrested, his wife had left him and taken their daughter with her. Frmer gd friends had cut all cntact with him. “Is there anyne here wh still thinks f me?” he wndered bitterly. Recalling the night twenty years earlier that had cmpletely changed his life, he wandered blindly thrugh the streets. In the dim light f a streetlamp, he nticed an ld man sitting n a bench. “Anther lnely man, just like me,” he thught t himself. “Bb,” the ld man lked up. Althugh twenty years had passed, he culd still recgnize that face—Jimmy’s face. “I’m here fr ur meeting, thugh I dn’t knw if yu still want it. Anyway, welcme hme, buddy!” “Lng time n see,” murmured Bb, his vice trembling. The uncertainty was gne. He nw had a hme.
    Presenting ideas
    Read the tw pints f view abut friendship. Decide which ne yu agree with.
    Think f reasns t supprt yur pinin and make ntes.Pint f view Arguments Supprting examples Team up with a grup with the ppsite pinin and hld a debate.
    Useful expressins·In my pinin, ...·I’m srry, but I dn’t agree because...·I see yur pint, but...·That’s a gd pint, but...
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句p.44 In his stries,he ften fcused n the everyday life f rdinary peple in New Yrk City at that time. 在他的故事里,他经常关注那个时期纽约市里普通人的日常生活。1 rdinary adj. 普通的,平常的in the rdinary way 一般,通常ut f the rdinary 不寻常,出乎意料In the rdinary way,she’s nt a nervus persn. 一般而言,她不是个爱紧张的人。The authr describes the detective as a very rdinary persn. 作者把这个侦探描述成一个非常平凡的人。[词汇复现] This is n rdinary car. 这可不是普通的汽车。
    【词语辨析】rdinary,cmmn,nrmal 与usual
    选词填空(rdinary/cmmn/nrmal/usual) (1)[词汇复现]He referred t the life f the      peple in his bk. (2)It’s      t feel tired after such a lng trip. (3)Sme kinds f birds which were nce a      sight are nw becming rare. (4)[ 词汇复现]As     ,I was fcusing my attentin n writing a nvel n Sunday mrning. 完成句子(5)               (通常),she leaves hme at 7:30. (6)The traffic is nw            (恢复正常)after tw days f heavy fg. (7)The rent in this district is higher          (比往常).
    In the rdinary way
    back t nrmal
    教材原句p.44 The next mrning I was t start fr the West t make my frtune. 第二天一早我就要去西部赚大钱了。2 frtune n. [C]大笔的钱,巨款;[U]运气;机遇make a/ne’s frtune 发财seek ne’s frtune 外出寻找发财机会 be wrth a frtune 值一大笔钱 cst a frtune 要花一大笔钱 try ne’s frtune 碰运气 tell ne’s frtune 给某人算命 have the gd frtune t d sth. 有幸做某事 He made his frtune in car sales. 他靠卖汽车发了财。We had t eat ut all the time. It ended up csting a frtune. 我们不得不总在外面吃饭,结果花了很多钱。I had the gd frtune t wrk with a brilliant head f department. 我有幸与一位出色的部门主管共事。
    【单词积累】be frtunate in ding sth. 因做某事而感到幸运 be frtunate t d sth. 有幸能做某事
    完成句子(1)Knwing that it was easy t find diamnd in the desert,he went there t ________________(碰运气). (2)I                (足够幸运地遇到) the prfessr wh appreciated my paintings very much. 单句语法填空(3)He felt     (frtune)that the interviewer spke highly f him during the interview. (4)      (frtunate),she prmised me an interview chance. (5)I was frtunate     (enjy)such attractive scenery in yur hmetwn. (6)Central Lndn is frtunate      having s many large parks and pen space.
    try his frtune
    was frtunate enugh t meet
    教材原句p.44 We figured that in twenty years each f us ught t have ur destiny wrked ut... 我们当时觉得, 二十年以后,我们应该都能找到出路…… 3 ught t 应该,应当I really ught t g n a diet. 我真的应该节食了。By nw his restaurant ught t be full f peple. 到了这个时候,他的餐馆应该是宾客盈门了。Yu ught t keep yur wrd and frgive her. 你应该遵守诺言并原谅她。【学法点拨】ught t 是情态动词,没有人称、数和时态的变化,后接动词原形, 用法与 shuld 基本相同。否定式:ught nt t ’t t d... 一般疑问句:Ought + 主语 + t
    完成句子(1)T be a tp student,we           (应该)be strict with urselves. (2)Once lst in the frest,yu               (应该留在)where yu are waiting fr help. (3)[词汇复现]We               (应该尊重)thse wh have such gd qualities as genersity and patience. (4)Yu            (不该开车)if yu’re tired.
    ught t remain
    ught t respect
    ughtn’t t drive
    4 wrk ut (1)找到……的答案,解决;计算出(2)成功地发展(不及物动词短语) (3)锻炼,健身(=exercise) wrk ut a prblem 解决问题wrk ut the answer 计算出答案 It’s a very strange situatin. I can’t wrk it ut. 这是一种非常奇怪的情况,我弄不清是怎么回事。Things just didn’t wrk ut as planned. 事情根本没有按计划发展。Mre and mre peple wrk ut at the gym. 越来越多的人到健身房锻炼。[词汇复现] 【归纳拓展】(1)wrk at/n 从事,致力于wrk as 当……,做……工作 wrk fr 为……工作;努力促成(2)turn ut 结果是,证明是break ut 爆发carry ut 执行,实施make ut 理解,弄清楚give ut 分发;发出;用完,耗尽 run ut 用完,耗尽
    完成句子(1)[词汇复现]If yu want t keep fit,yu can         (锻炼)in a gym regularly. (2)Teachers are suppsed t teach teenagers             (如何解决) the psychlgical prblems. 单句语法填空(3)[词汇复现]We’d better discuss everything in detail befre we wrk      the plan. (4)We need t put in ur time and wrk       ur skills. (5)I culd hear vices but I culdn’t make      what they were saying.
    hw t wrk ut
    教材原句p.45Well,yes,fr a time we crrespnded,”said the ther.“嗯,不是的。我们联系过一段时间,”男人说。5 crrespnd v. 通信;符合,相一致crrespnd with sb. 与某人通信 crrespnd with/t sth. 与……相符 She still crrespnds with the American friends she met in Majrca nine years ag. 她仍与9 年前在马略卡岛结识的美国朋友们通信。Yur accunt f events des nt crrespnd with hers. 你对事情的陈述与她的不相符。【单词积累】crrespnding adj. 相应的;相符合的crrespndence n. 通信;信件
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]We have crrespnded      each ther since we graduated frm cllege. (2)[词汇复现]The written recrd f the cnversatin desn’t crrespnd      what was actually said. (3)March and April sales this year were up 8 percent n the       (crrespnd)perid last year. (4)We welcme      (crrespnd)frm readers n any subject.
    教材原句p.45’s wrth it if my ld partner turns up. ……只要我的老朋友出现,这一切就都是值得的。6 wrth adj. 值得;值……钱be wrth ding 值得做(wrth 前常用well 修饰) be wrth it 值得be wrth + 钱数 值……钱The suggestin he came up with was wrth cnsidering. 他提出的建议值得考虑。The museum is well wrth a visit/visiting. 这家博物馆很值得参观。The jb invlves a lt f hard wrk but it’s wrth it. 这工作需要花费很大力气,但是值得。The jewel is wrth abut six thusand dllars. 这个珠宝大约值6 000 美元。
    【词语辨析】wrth,wrthy 与 wrthwhile
    完成句子(1)The Summer Palace                  (值得游览). Therefre I plan t have a lk at it this summer hliday. 单句语法填空(2)This article is well wrth     (read), but it is nt wrthy f __________________________(translate). (3)The nvel is wrthy     (read)a secnd time. (4)It might be wrthwhile      (cnsider) yur attitude t an insurance plicy. (5)—What d yu think f the film? —It is well wrth      (watch). (6)It is wrth cnsidering what makes “cnvenience” fds s ppular,and      (intrduce)better nes f yur wn. (7)This jb is wrth     (d),but it isn’t wrthwhile      (spend) s much time ding it.
    is wrth a visit/is wrth visiting
    translatin/ being translated
    cnsidering/t cnsider
    spending/t spend
    7 turn up(意外地或终于)出现;被找到;调大(音量等) The man didn’t turn up in the pub until clsing time. 那名男子直到关门时才在酒吧露面。Dn’t wrry abut the letter—I’m sure it’ll turn up. 别为那封信担心,我相信会找到的。Turn up the radi. 把收音机开大声一点。 【归纳拓展】turn rund/arund 转身 turn dwn 拒绝;调低 turn ut 结果是,证明是 turn t 求助于;转向;翻到 turn n 打开turn ff 关掉 turn int(使)变成turn ver 翻转;移交
    单句语法填空(1)T ur excitement,several famus players turned      at the stadium. (2)Turn      the radi s that everyne can hear it. (3)His frecast turned      t be cmpletely wrng. (4)[词汇复现]If yu cme acrss any difficulty during yur jurney,yu can turn ________ me. (5)[词汇复现]Despite being unwelcme,the unexpected guest turned     .
    原句p.46 I was at the appinted place n time. 我按时到了指定地点。8 appinted adj. 约定的,指定的at the appinted time 在指定时间 at the appinted place 在指定地点 Everyne assembled in the hall at the appinted time. 所有人都在指定时间到大厅里集合。【单词积累】(1)appint v. 任命,委派;约定,确定(时间、地点) (as/t be)... 任命某人为……appint sb. + t... 任命某人到……任职t d sth. 委派某人做某事Our teacher appinted him as mnitr. 我们的老师任命他为班长。She was the first wman t be appinted t the bard. 她是第一位被任命进入董事会的女性。(2)appintment n. 约定,约会;任命,委任 have an appintment with 与……有约make an appintment 约时间keep an appintment 准时赴约
    单句语法填空(1)Ten minutes befre the      (appint) time,he sat nervusly utside her ffice. (2)Thugh ppsed by many members,he was appinted      head f the cmmittee. (3)I have an appintment      Dr. Smith, but I need t change it. (4)Amie Salmn,disabled,is attended thrugh-ut her schl days by a nurse ____________(appint)t guard her. (5)We wuld like t annunce the       (appint) f Julia Lewis as head f sales. (6)A cmmittee was appinted       (cnsider) the plans.
    教材原句p.46Think abut what happened in each f the three scenes... 想想这三个场景中分别发生了什么…… 9 scene n. 场景,场面;景色,景象;发生地点,现场;(戏剧中的)一场n the scene 到现场 at the scene 在现场 The film cntains sme scenes at a parking lt. 这部影片有几处发生在停车场的场景。[词汇复现] battle scenes 战斗场面 We set ff t admire the peaceful cuntry scene. 我们出发去欣赏宁静的乡村景色。[词汇复现] the scene f the accident/crime 事故/犯罪现场 Firefighters were n the scene immediately. 消防队员立刻赶到了现场。Act I,Scene 2 f “Hamlet” 《哈姆雷特》第 1 幕第2 场
    单句语法填空(1)The band sang a beautiful sng      the scene and all the fans were excited. (2)[词汇复现]The seaside reminds me f many jyful     (scene)f my vacatin. 完成句子(3)[词汇复现]The plice               (到现场)immediately and caught thse criminals. (4)A new chapter in a nvel is smething like           (新的一场) in a play.
    were n the scene
    a new scene
    教材原句p.47Was he ashamed f having a friend like me? 他因拥有像我这样的朋友而感到不好意思吗? 10 be ashamed f 对……感到羞愧或难为情She was deeply ashamed f being defeated a secnd time. 再次被击败,她深感羞愧。【归纳拓展】(1)be ashamed that... 对……感到惭愧 be ashamed t d sth. 因做某事而感到惭愧 As a by,I am ashamed t say that I have a preference fr pink. 作为一个男孩,我不好意思说我偏爱粉色。(2)It is a shame that... 真遗憾…… t ne’s shame 令某人感到惭愧的是 What a shame! 多可惜!/ 真遗憾! 【学法点拨】ashamed 常用作表语。其他常用作表语的形容词还有 alne,asleep,awake,alike,aware 等。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]Yur behavir was shcking. Yu shuld be ashamed      yurself. 完成句子(2)[词汇复现]          (令她感到惭愧的是),she gained back all the weight she had lst. (3)[词汇复现]We shuldn’t              (对……感到羞愧)ur weight because ur inner beauty is mre imprtant. 同义句转换(4)He is ashamed f having misunderstd her. =He is ashamed      he has misunderstd her.
    T her shame
    feel/be ashamed f
    教材原句p.47 als drive the plt frward and create a particular atmsphere. ……而且推动情节发展并营造一种特别的氛围。11 atmsphere n. 气氛,氛围,环境;大气(层) create a(n) 营造……的氛围have a(n) 有……的氛围The lvely relaxed atmsphere here cheered me up a lt. 这里自在愉快的氛围让我心情好了很多。pllutin f the atmsphere大气污染 Carbn dixide can prevent heat frm getting ut f the atmsphere. 二氧化碳会阻止热量从大气层释放出去。【误区警示】表示抽象地点的名词如psitin,pint,case,stage,situatin,atmsphere 作先行词,且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用关系副词 where 引导定语从句。
    单句语法填空(1)The bss f the cmpany is trying t create an easy atmsphere       his emplyees enjy their wrk. (2)These factries are releasing txic gases int      atmsphere. 完成句子(3)The restaurant is famus fr its               (友好的氛围)and excellent service.
    friendly atmsphere
    重点句式 教材原句p.44 Yu culdn’t have dragged Jimmy ut f New Yrk... 你没法把吉米拖出纽约…… 1 culdn’t have dne 过去不可能做过At the time we culdn’t have anticipated the result f ur campaign. 那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。He culdn’t have been mre than furteen years ld. 他不可能超过14 岁。【归纳拓展】can’t/culdn’t have dne 过去不可能做过 culd have dne 过去本能够做(而未做)shuld have dne 过去本应该做(而未做) shuldn’t have dne 过去本不该做(却做了) must have dne 过去一定做过 may/might have dne 过去可能做过 needn’t have dne 过去本没有必要做(却做了) Yu shuldn’t have gne withut telling us. We were really cncerned abut yu. 你不应该不告诉我们一声就走。我们真的很担心你。
    单句语法填空(1)I culdn’t      (enjy)myself mre— it was a perfect day. (2)Yu shuld      (set)dwn his telephne number yesterday,but yu didn’t. (3)It must      (rain)last night,fr the grund is wet. (4)I needn’t      (buy)s much wine— nly five peple came. (5)His rm was dark last night. He might      (g)t bed. 完成句子(6)Why are yur eyes s red? Yu                   (不可能睡好) last night.
    have enjyed
    have rained
    have bught
    can’t/culdn’t have slept well
    教材原句p.44 matter what ur cnditins might be r frm what distance we might have t cme. 不管日后各自情况如何,不管距离多远…… 2 “n matter + 疑问词”引导让步状语从句N matter what(=Whatever) yu say,he will nt believe yu. 不管你说什么,他都不会相信你。Yu must cntinue t see them n matter hw much(=hwever much) yu disagree with them. 无论你和他们之间有多大的分歧, 你都得继续去看他们。N matter hw(=Hwever) bright a talker yu are,there are times when it’s better t remain silent. 不管你是多么聪明的一个谈话者, 有时候保持沉默更好。
    【学法点拨】(1)n matter 意为“不管,无论”,与 what,wh,which,when,where,hw等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句,分别相当于whatever,whever,whichever,whenever,wherever,hwever 等。 (2)“n matter+ 疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,而whatever, whever,whichever 除了可以引导让步状语从句外,还可以引导名词性从句。Whatever David says(名词性从句)sunds right t Helen. That’s why she has made up her mind t be with him whatever/n matter what happens(状语从句). 对于海伦来说,无论戴维说什么都是对的。那就是她决定无论发生什么事都要和他在一起的原因。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]One can always manage t d mre things,n matter      full ne’s schedule is in life. 完成句子(2)I’m cnvinced that we can vercme any difficulty,________________________________(无论它是什么). (3)                    (不管他在哪里),he makes it a rule t g fr a walk befre breakfast.
    n matter what it is/whatever it is
    N matter where he is/Wherever he is
    选词填空(whatever/whever/whichever/whenever/wherever/hwever) (4)I’ll d       I can t help yu. (5)I will lend my e-dictinary t       wants t lk up wrds and prmises t take gd care f it. (6)—When culd yu have a meal with me? — I’d like t g       it is cnvenient t yu. (7)       hard I tried t think abut it,what he said didn’t really get acrss t me.

    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever获奖课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002254_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Friends forever获奖课件ppt</a>,共18页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in ,surprised,doubtful,astonished,moved等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever获奖课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002254_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Friends forever获奖课件ppt</a>,共20页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen优质课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen优质课件ppt,共57页。

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