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    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习
    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习01
    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习02
    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 1 单元话题阅读理解练习03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations精品课后复习题

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations精品课后复习题,共16页。试卷主要包含了5 meters deep等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (2022秋·河南开封·高一河南省杞县高中统考期中)In Oaxaca, Mexic, there is a special festival n December 23 called la Nche de Rábans, r the Night f the Radishes(萝卜). Every year, artists frm all ver the cuntry shw their amazing radish sculptures. The artists wrk very hard, since the winner receives mney and becmes champin. On the day, lcals and turists line up starting in the afternn t see the sculptures.
    Mre than ne hundred years ag, there was a market n December 23 called la Vigila de Navidad. It was a special Christmas market with decratins. It’s said that lcal businessmen at this market used t carve radishes as decratins. The carved radishes became very ppular, and peple started t buy them and take them hme.
    Nw, yu might be thinking, “Why radishes?” Prbably because there are lts f radishes at this time f year. Als, their red and white clrs are perfect fr making designs. Over the years, peple started t cmpete t see wh culd make the best sculptures. Finally that traditin has becme tday’s yearly festival, which brings turists frm all ver the wrld.
    Every year peple are excited t see what designs the artists will create. There are tw types f sculptures: traditinal designs and free designs. The traditinal designs are related t Christmas, r designs related t Oaxaca. The free designs can be anything.
    As yu walk thrugh the radish art, yu’ll hear live music, and yu can even see the firewrks at the end. Clse by there is delicius street fd, Christmas markets, and many stres.
    If yu want t travel fr Christmas, Oaxaca is an excellent place t visit. There are lts f different events alng with la Nche de Rábans. The weather in December is usually warm, and the sky is ften sunny.
    1.What can we knw abut la Nche de Rábans?
    A.It is a new radish.B.It has a lng histry.
    C.It is an ld market.D.It falls n Christmas.
    2.What makes radishes perfect fr creating designs?
    A.Their leaves.B.Their tastes.C.Their clurs.D.Their shapes.
    3.What can peple d at the radish events?
    A.Attend artists’ lectures.B.Enjy the firewrks.
    C.Plant sme radishes,D.Take any radish fr free.
    4.What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A.T intrduce a festival.B.T remember an artist.
    C.T share his wrk experience.D.T shw his lve fr radishes.
    (2022春·贵州六盘水·高一统考期末)Tp Festivals In Eurpe
    Carnival f Venice
    Dates: 12 Feb, 2022—1 Mar, 2022
    The Carnival f Venice, which began in 1979 as an effrt t revive the culture f this city, is ne f the best festivals featuring masks. Each year, almst 3,000,000 peple attend this 20-day-lng biggest festivals in Eurpe. There is a water parade, a grand ball with ld and mdern music, and a ppularity cntest fr best mask design.
    Glastnbury Festival
    Dates: 22 Jun, 2022—26 Jun, 2022
    Of all the famus Eurpean music festivals, the Glastnbury Festival has a special place. Held in Smerset, England, since the 1970s, the festival is a majr part f the British culture. Majr pp act perfrmers are invited t perfrm and headline. The festival sees as much as 175,000 peple in attendance and is the wrld’s largest greenfield festival.
    Dates: 22—24 Jul, 2022 & 29—31 Jul, 2022
    Fr the music lvers, Tmrrwland is ne f the largest electrnic music festivals which takes place in Belgium. The festival is hsted at the twn f Bm, Belgium. First rganized in 2005, this festival has becme an annual traditin which is visited by peple frm far and wide.
    Sziget Festival
    Dates: 10—15 Aug, 2022
    The Sziget Festival is ne f the best cultural festivals in Eurpe. Started in 1993 and hsted in an island f Budapest, this festival gives an amazing hliday, with arund 400,000 fans frm arund 70 cuntries. The festival features the nn-stp party and amazing live cncerts.
    5.What can peple d in the Carnival f Venice?
    A.Swim in the river.B.Design different masks.
    C.Attend music cntests.D.Watch pp perfrmances.
    6.Which f the festivals has the shrtest histry?
    A.Tmrrwland.B.Sziget Festival.
    C.Carnival f Venice.D.Glastnbury Festival.
    7.What d the fur festivals have in cmmn?
    A.They each have a parade.B.They are related t music.
    C.They are British festivals.D.They take place in summer.
    (2023秋·江苏徐州·高一统考期末)It was Christmas Eve when my elder sister and I decided t pen ur presents befre ur mm gt hme frm wrk. She usually came hme abut an hur after we gt hme frm schl, which we thught was plenty f time t take a peek at the gifts under the tree.
    My elder sister pened present after present while I was rdered t stand guard at the big windw in ur frnt rm. Finally, when my sister’s curisity was satisfied, we traded places.
    After unwrapping a few presents, I fund it faster t pen ne end f a present and peek inside.
    “Cl! Mm and Dad gt me head phnes fr my stere!” I pulled the headphnes ut f the bx and was abut t put them n when my sister shuted, “Quick! Wrap it back up! Mm’s cming!”
    I put the headphnes back hurriedly in the bx but my hands were shaking. My heart punded harder as I tried t get the tape t stick. I had just finished burying the package with my headphnes in it when my mther came int the frnt rm. I jumped up and said, “Hi, Mm!” She smiled at me and said “Hi” back, but didn’t appear t suspect a thing. My heart began t slw as I tk a deep breath. On Christmas mrning, my sister and I smiled and gave award-winning perfrmances when we pened ur presents-again. “Headphnes!” I shuted. “Thanks, it’s just what I wanted.” After everything had been pened, my sister and I lked at each ther, and ur eyes met. Our secret was safe, but smehw Christmas mrning didn’t feel the same.
    My sister and I never pened ur Christmas presents early again. I dn’t knw if it was that pening ur gifts fr the secnd time just wasn’t as much fun as the first time, r if we came t clse t getting caught and didn’t want t think abut what ur mther wuld have dne t us.
    8.What did the authr and his sister d befre their mther came back?
    A.They pened Christmas presents in advance.
    B.They put Christmas presents under the tree.
    C.They bught and hid sme Christmas presents.
    D.They changed Christmas presents quickly.
    9.Hw did the authr feel when his mther was cming?
    A.Grateful and inspired.
    B.Cheerful and excited.
    C.Nervus and frightened.
    D.Curius and surprised.
    10.Why did that Christmas mrning give the authr a different feeling?
    A.His secret was fund ut.
    B.A pleasant surprise was lst.
    C.His request wasn’t satisfied.
    D.The atmsphere was everywhere.
    11.What can we infer abut the authr frm the last paragraph?
    A.He didn’t like the headphnes.
    B.He missed his Christmas present.
    C.He wasn’t pleased with his mther.
    D.He regretted what he had dne.
    (2022·高一单元测试)China’s Natinal Day hliday, therwise knwn as Natinal Day glden week, is an annual seven-day public hliday, the lngest public hliday ther than Chinese New Year, which typically falls arund February.
    Beijing is the biggest city t hst celebratins, particularly at Tiananmen Square, which features a special flag-raising ceremny arund sunrise. Other cmmn natinwide activities include flag raisings, sng and dance perfrmances, and firewrk displays.
    Peple typically like t travel dmestically during the Octber hliday, with many visiting their hmetwn. During the hliday perid, ffices, embassies, factries and restaurants will likely clse fr at least a day r tw—making it the perfect ccasin t catch up with family and friends.
    Falling in autumn, the weather during the hliday is generally pleasant and sunny, with a cl breeze and lw humidity—creating perfect travel cnditins.
    In 2019, as a Britn living in China, I faced the same dilemma lcal citizens did—with pretty much everyne in the cuntry wanting t enjy a week ff wrk and wndering, “where can I g t enjy myself withut getting stuck in crwds?” I did plenty f research t find a hidden gem in China, smewhere I culd avid the flcks f turists. It seems there were plenty f ptins, but I left it t the last mment and discvered flight and train tickets were all sld ut, s I decided t just spend sme time in the city I was living in: Shanghai. After my first Natinal Day hliday as a freigner in China, I learned what nt t d ver this perid, that is, try t avid traveling t ppular destinatins during the glden week.
    Allw me t recall my trip t The Bund in 2017. I first tk the metr t East Nanjing Rad; I was flred as the queue fr the security check was almst 100 peple lng. On my nrmal cmmute t wrk, I went straight thrugh, scanning my bag in less than 10 secnds, s naturally, I was shcked. Once I finally reached the metr, the drs pened and peple swarmed ff in the hundreds, while just as many piled n. Once I exited the metr, what wuld nrmally be a 10-minute walk tk arund an hur, as I slwly walked dwn East Nanjing Rad, shulder t shulder with ther turists all lking t catch a glimpse as the impressive Bund lit up at night.
    Being frm a small twn in England, I had never befre seen s many peple gather in ne space. I fund it fascinating t hear all the different dialects, accents, and peple seemingly unphased by s much nise and such a large crwd.
    Once I finally reached the frnt f The Bund, I managed t squeeze thrugh the selfie sticks and tur grup flags t gaze in amazement at the buildings that appeared t tuch the sky.
    12.What sentence best describes the authr’s feeling abut China’s Natinal Hliday?
    A.It is a time when peple enjy travelling abrad.
    B.It is a time when peple can have family reunins.
    C.It is a hliday as imprtant and lng as the Spring Festival.
    D.It is a hliday falling in very pleasant weather cnditins.
    13.Why did the authr advise peple t avid travelling t ppular destinatins during the glden week?
    A.Because he was stuck in the crwd during his first Natinal Day Hliday.
    B.Because he experienced being trapped in the crwded metr in 2017.
    C.Because he discvered n flight and train tickets left during the hliday.
    D.Because he had unpleasant experiences n his first Natinal Day hliday and smetime in 2017.
    14.It can be inferred that the authr will ________ during next Natinal Day hliday.
    A.remain in the city he lives in
    B.travel t a famus place
    C.return hme t visit his family
    D.enjy being alne at hme
    (2022秋·北京·高一北大附中校考阶段练习)Carnival: One Day in Ri
    Last year I went t the Ri de Janeir Carnival, and it blew my mind. It had been my dream t attend the famus carnival fr many years, s I was excited. Hwever, the mment I arrived, I was a little bit nervus because there were s many peple n the streets. They say that five r six millin peple cme t Ri during carnival time and abut tw millin f them are n the streets n any given day. Luckily, I had a lcal guide, my sister’s friend Rnnie. He said he wuld take care f me and shw me all the highlights. He did nt let me dwn.
    Well, the carnival is mst definitely all abut the samba. It’s a style f music and dance which has its rts in Africa. Lts f Africans were used as slave labr by the Prtuguese when Brazil was being clnized, s this mixed culture f African, Latin and Eurpean styles is really strng here. Samba music is usually fast and exciting with a lt f drums and harmnic vcals. It’s the kind f music that yu can’t help dancing t, and I was learning that as I fllwed Rnnie thrugh the crwd, my hips and shulders were swinging almst invluntarily.
    Rnnie had gt us tickets fr the samba parade, the icn f Brazilian culture, inside the Sambadrme where the tp samba schls cmpete fr the champinship title, but we still had a lng way t g thrugh the street parties. He said mst peple enjy the carnival by making their wn parties in the street. Abut the samba parade, twelve main teams cmpete fr the champinship, and if they win, their perfrmance will be talked abut fr years t cme. S, yu must be wndering hw it was. Well, I’m afraid I can’t tell yu. Rnnie and I never made int the Sambadrme. We spent the day mving frm ne street party t anther. There were mre snacks, mre drinks and lts f dancing. D I regret missing the main parade? Nt at all. I experienced the carnival like the lcals, and it was truly amazing.
    15.What was the main cause fr the authr’s tensin in the beginning?
    A.The dubts abut the visit.B.The nervusness ver the crwd.
    C.The inability t find a lcal guide.D.The anxiety abut visiting a new cuntry.
    16.What can we learn abut samba frm this passage?
    A.Samba has its rts in America.
    B.Samba is nt the taste f the writer.
    C.Samba has a lng and mixed culture.
    D.Samba music is usually slw and sft.
    17.The authr didn’t regret missing the parade because ________.
    A.she met sme amazing lcal peple
    B.she didn’t have the tickets fr the parade
    C.she celebrated the festival in a lcal way
    D.she enjyed the carnival by making her wn parties
    18.Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Rnnie?
    A.Mdest and determined.B.Humrus and ambitius.
    C.Creative and sympatheticD.Reliable and cnsiderate.
    (2022秋·江苏镇江·高一统考期中)Every year n June 21st, Wrld Music Day is cmmemrated in ver 120 cuntries, including its birthplace f France, t hnr bth amateur and prfessinal musicians. Citizens f a city r cuntry are permitted and encuraged t perfrm music utside in their neighbrhds, public areas, and parks n Music Day. Free cncerts are als held, where musicians perfrm fr the jy f it rather than fr a fee.
    In the 1970s, American musician Jel Chen, wh was then wrking fr a French radi statin, came up with the idea f having musicians perfrm n the evening f June 21 t celebrate the start f summer. It was finally accepted by France’s Ministry f Culture in 1982. The day started in France and has since extended t cuntries such as Belgium, the United Kingdm and thers. It’s the ideal time t learn a new instrument r listen t sngs they wuldn’t rdinarily include n their playlist. Every type f musician can celebrate Wrld Music Day with friends, family, and even strangers, whether they are yung, elderly, new, r seasned prfessinals. The purpse is t prmte music.
    It makes n difference hw gd yu are at making music; everyne can d it. This day can be used by even the mst tne-deaf flks t sing their hearts ut and appreciate the beauty and pwer f music. Music is nt nly a great way t express yurself, but it may als be beneficial t yur health. A sng might bring back a jyful memry r make yu feel energized when yu listen t it.
    19.Where did the Wrld Music Day begin?
    20.Why are sme cncerts held fr free?
    A.Fr reputatin.B.Fr entertainment.C.Fr experience.D.Fr ccupatin.
    21.What d we knw abut the Wrld Music Day?
    A.Thse wh are nt expert in music are nt welcme.
    B.Jel Chen put frward the idea f perfrming music fr free.
    C.The purpse f it is t instruct tne-deaf peple in music.
    D.Yu can listen t sme sngs nt included n the playlist.
    22.What’s the authr’s attitude twards music?
    (2021秋·福建泉州·高一石狮市第一中学校考期中)Mst f us cnsider winter a great time t stay inside with a gd bk. Yet the winter mnths ffer great utdr events.
    The Ice Festival at Lake Khvsgl, March 2~3
    Lake Khvsgl, called the Blue Pearl f Mnglia, freezes up t 1.5 meters deep. Each year lcal residents have a tw-day celebratin, sharing their traditinal sngs and dances. Activities including sled races, skating and much mre take place n the frzen lake. Visitrs frm different cuntries are always surprised t see hw much weight the lake can hld.
    Anchrage Fur Rendezvus, February 27~March 8
    Nrth America’s largest winter festival takes place in Anchrage, Alaska. In the past, the fur trade was ne f the state’s mst imprtant industries. The festival’s 86th anniversary this year will celebrate Alaska’s pineer way f life. Peple can enjy nearly 70 different activities. Winter games and sprts are a special feature as visitrs celebrate the seasn. Turists cme frm arund the wrld t attend the festival.
    Trms Internatinal Film Festival, January 12~18
    If film is yur passin, then Nrway’s Trms film festival is fr yu! Yu will get t meet and interact with peple frm the internatinal film industry. And yu’ll be able t view sme f the wrld’s best internatinal films n Trms’s enrmus utdr screen. Mre than 50,000 peple attend the festival each year.
    Grindelwald Wrld Snw Festival, January 19~24
    Every January, ice art takes center stage in the beautiful Swiss village f Grindelwald. Artists frm arund the wrld arrive in mid-January t accept the ice challenge. They start with meter-high blcks f ice and spend six days creating spectacular sculptures (雕塑). Festival-gers are delighted t see the prcess as well as the finished pieces.
    Dn’t let the cld weather keep yu inside this seasn. There are lts f fun and exciting events t attend!
    23.What is the purpse f this text?
    A.T explain why winter is nt a gd time t stay inside.
    B.T shw benefits f sme exciting winter festivals.
    C.T tell abut the histry f the winter festivals.
    D.T intrduce sme fun-filled winter festivals.
    24.If yu’re curius abut the early life f peple in Nrth America, yu can attend ________.
    A.The Ice Festival at Lake KhvsglB.Anchrage Fur Rendezvus
    C.Trms Internatinal Film FestivalD.Grindelwald Wrld Snw Festival
    25.In which sectin (部分) f a website can the text be fund?
    (2022秋·安徽·高一校联考期中)Americans celebrate Labr Day this year n September 5. The natinal hliday began mre than 100 years ag t hnr lw-paid factry wrkers.
    Labr Day als marks the end f summer. Many students return t schl after Labr Day. The ht days f summer turn cler. Many Americans celebrate the hliday with an utdr family picnic.
    But Labr Day started with a struggle(奋斗). On May 1,1889,wrkers marched(游行) n the streets f Paris, France. Internatinal Labr Day was brn. Mst industrialized cuntries in the wrld—except the United States and Canada—celebrate Labr Day n the first f May.
    On September 5, 1882, in New Yrk City, abut 10,000 wrkers walked thrugh the streets t shw the strength f labr rganizatins. Fr many years after that, American wrkers used the first Mnday in September t ask fr better wrking cnditins and pay. Music was a part f many f thse marches.
    Labr sngs traditinally tell stries f cnflicts(冲突) and hpes fr a better life.Many traditinal American labr sngs came frm wrkers in the cal mines f the Suth. Mine wners were against wrkers’ unins. In Kentucky, the cmpany plice searched fr unin leaders. They waited utside a wrker’s hme fr several days t stp him frm rganizing marches. The cal miner’s wife, Flrence Reece, stayed inside with her children. She wrte this sng, “Which Side Are Yu On?”
    Anther American labr sng is called “Bread and Rses”. Based n a pem by James Oppenheim, it was published in December f 1911. The pem speaks abut the wmen’s labr mvement. At that time, cnditins in factries, where many wmen wrked, were dreadful. A fire at a clthing factry in New Yrk killed 146 peple.
    A mnth after Oppenheim’s pem was published, wmen wrkers in Lawrence, Massachusetts went n with their marches, which wn them higher pay and better wrking cnditins. Oppenheim’s pem received mre attentin.
    26.What des Labr Day mean t students in the United States?
    A.It’s time t have a picnic.
    B.Their summer vacatin is ver.
    C.It teaches them t respect labr.
    D.They can learn abut histry thrugh activities.
    27.Why did the cmpany plice wait utside a wrker’s hme?
    A.T frce him t stay at hme.
    B.T prevent his wife writing the sng.
    C.T try t cmmunicate with him.
    D.T stp marches frm being rganized.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “dreadful” mean in paragraph 6?
    29.What d we knw abut Oppenheim?
    A.He cared fr wrking wmen’s rights.
    B.He created the sng “Bread and Rses”.
    C.He reprted the fire at a clthing factry.
    D.He led the labr mvement in Lawrence.
    1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A
    1.推理判断题。根据第一段“In Oaxaca, Mexic, there is a special festival n December 23 called la Nche de Rábans, r the Night f the Radishes(萝卜).”(在墨西哥瓦哈卡州,每年12月23日有一个特殊的节日,叫做 la Nche de Rábans也就是萝卜之夜。)及第二段 “Mre than ne hundred years ag, there was a market n December 23 called la Vigila de Navidad. ”(一百多年前,每年的12月23日有一个名为la Vigila de Navidad. 的市场。)及第三段“Finally that traditin has becme tday’s yearly festival, which brings turists frm all ver the wrld.”(最后,这个传统已经成为今天的年度节日,吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)可推断,la Nche de Rábans是由100年前的集市演变来的节日,说明它历史悠久。故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段“Als, their red and white clrs are perfect fr making designs.”(而且,它们的红色和白色是做设计的完美颜色。)可知,萝卜的颜色使得其适宜雕刻设计。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据第五段“As yu walk thrugh the radish art, yu’ll hear live music, and yu can even see the firewrks at the end.”(当你走过萝卜艺术,你会听到现场音乐,你甚至可以看到最后的烟花。)可知,人们可在萝卜之夜可以欣赏烟花。故选B项。
    4.推理判断题。根据第一段“In Oaxaca, Mexic, there is a special festival n December 23 called la Nche de Rábans, r the Night f the Radishes(萝卜). ”(在墨西哥瓦哈卡州,每年12月23日有一个特殊的节日,叫做 la Nche de Rábans也就是萝卜之夜。)可知,本文旨在介绍墨西哥瓦哈卡州萝卜节—la Nche de Rábans(萝卜之夜)。故选A项。
    5.B 6.A 7.B
    5.细节理解题。根据Carnival f Venice部分的“There is a water parade, a grand ball with ld and mdern music, and a ppularity cntest fr best mask design.(有水上游行,有古老和现代音乐的盛大舞会,还有最佳面具设计的人气比赛)”可知,在威尼斯狂欢节,人们可以设计不同的面具。故选B。
    6.细节理解题。根据Carnival f Venice部分的“The Carnival f Venice, which began in 1979”;Glastnbury Festival部分的“Held in Smerset, England, since the 1970s, the festival is a majr part f the British culture.(自20世纪70年代以来,这个节日在英国的萨默塞特举行,是英国文化的重要组成部分)”;Tmrrwland部分的“First rganized in 2005”以及Sziget Festival部分的“Started in 1993”可知,Tmrrwland历史最短。故选A。
    7.细节理解题。根据Carnival f Venice部分的“There is a water parade, a grand ball with ld and mdern music, and a ppularity cntest fr best mask design.(有水上游行,有古老和现代音乐的盛大舞会,还有最佳面具设计的人气比赛)”;Glastnbury Festival部分的“ Majr pp act perfrmers are invited t perfrm and headline.(主要的流行艺人被邀请表演并成为头条新闻)”;Tmrrwland部分的“ Fr the music lvers, Tmrrwland is ne f the largest electrnic music festivals which takes place in Belgium. (对于音乐爱好者来说,Tmrrwland是比利时最大的电子音乐节之一)”以及Sziget Festival部分的“The festival features the nn-stp party and amazing live cncerts.(节日的特色是不间断的派对和令人惊叹的现场音乐会)”可知,四个节日的共同之处是它们都与音乐有关。故选B。
    8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D
    8.细节理解题。由第一段“It was Christmas Eve when my elder sister and I decided t pen ur presents befre ur mm gt hme frm wrk. She usually came hme abut an hur after we gt hme frm schl, which we thught was plenty f time t take a peek at the gifts under the tree. (那是圣诞节前夜,我和姐姐决定在妈妈下班回家之前打开礼物。她通常会在我们放学后一个小时回家,我们认为这段时间足够看一眼圣诞树下的礼物了)”和第三段中的“After unwrapping a few presents, I fund it faster t pen ne end f a present and peek inside. (打开几件礼物后,我发现打开礼物的一端并偷看里面会更快)”可知,出于好奇心,作者和姐姐在圣诞节前夕趁母亲不在时偷偷提前打开了圣诞礼物。故选A项。
    9.推理判断题。由第五段中的“I put the headphnes back hurriedly in the bx but my hands were shaking. My heart punded harder as I tried t get the tape t stick. (我急忙把耳机放回盒子里,但我的手在发抖。当我试图让胶带粘住时,我的心跳得更厉害了)”可知,听到母亲马上要回来,作者双手发抖、心跳加快。由此可推知,作者既紧张又害怕。故选C项。
    10.推理判断题。由倒数第二段“On Christmas mrning, my sister and I smiled and gave award-winning perfrmances when we pened ur presents-again. “Headphnes!” I shuted. “Thanks, it’s just what I wanted.” After everything had been pened, my sister and I lked at each ther, and ur eyes met. Our secret was safe, but smehw Christmas mrning didn’t feel the same. (在圣诞节的早晨,我和姐姐微笑着并用获奖般的演技再次打开礼物。“耳机!”我喊道。“谢谢,这正是我想要的。”一切都打开后,我和姐姐看着彼此,目光相遇。我们的秘密是安全的,但不知为何,圣诞节的早晨感觉不一样)”可推知,圣诞节清晨作者打开礼物后假装激动和兴奋,其实那份惊喜是不存在的,可得出那个圣诞节的早晨给了作者一种不同的感觉是因为失去了一个惊喜。故选B项。
    11.推理判断题。由最后一段“My sister and I never pened ur Christmas presents early again. I dn’t knw if it was that pening ur gifts fr the secnd time just wasn’t as much fun as the first time, r if we came t clse t getting caught and didn’t want t think abut what ur mther wuld have dne t us. (我和姐姐再也没有早早打开过圣诞礼物。我不知道是因为第二次打开我们的礼物没有第一次那么有趣,还是因为我们离被抓住太近了,不想去想妈妈会对我们做什么)”可知,作者和姐姐从此以后再也没有提前打开过圣诞礼物,作者分析可能的原因是第二次打开礼物不再有真正的惊喜和兴奋感。由此判断他对自己之前提前打开礼物的做法是感到后悔的。故选D项。
    12.D 13.A 14.D
    12.细节理解题。根据文章第四段内容“Falling in autumn, the weather during the hliday is generally pleasant and sunny, with a cl breeze and lw humidity—creating perfect travel cnditins.(在秋天,假期期间的天气通常是宜人的,阳光明媚,凉风习习,湿度低,为旅行创造了完美的条件。)”可知,在作者看来,十一假期在秋天,这时的天气是宜人的,即这是一个天气非常宜人的假日。故选D项。
    13.细节理解题。根据文章第五段末尾内容“After my first Natinal Day hliday as a freigner in China, I learned what nt t d ver this perid, that is, try t avid traveling t ppular destinatins during the glden week.(在我作为外国人来到中国的第一个国庆假期后,我学会了在这段时间里不要做什么,那就是尽量避免在黄金周期间去热门目的地旅游。)”,并结合第六段内容“Allw me t recall my trip t The Bund in 2017.(请允许我回忆一下2017年的外滩之行。)”作者2017年的外滩之行可知,作者经历了当时国庆节外滩的拥挤。因此,提出尽量避免在黄金周期间去热门目的地旅游。故选A项。
    14.推理判断题。根据文章第五段内容“After my first Natinal Day hliday as a freigner in China, I learned what nt t d ver this perid, that is, try t avid traveling t ppular destinatins during the glden week.(在我作为外国人来到中国的第一个国庆假期后,我学会了在这段时间里不要做什么,那就是尽量避免在黄金周期间去热门目的地旅游。)”可知,作者认为国庆假期应该避免去热门目的地旅游,这也包括自己所在的城市上海。因此,D“enjy being alne at hme(享受独自在家的时光)”应是作者的最佳选择。故选D项。
    15.B 16.C 17.C 18.D
    15.细节理解题。根据第一段“Hwever, the mment I arrived, I was a little bit nervus because there were s many peple n the streets. (然而,当我到达的那一刻,我有点紧张,因为街上有那么多人)”可知,作者开始的时候紧张是因为街上人很多的缘故。故选B。
    16.细节理解题。根据第二段“It’s a style f music and dance which has its rts in Africa. Lts f Africans were used as slave labr by the Prtuguese when Brazil was being clnized, s this mixed culture f African, Latin and Eurpean styles is really strng here. (这是一种起源于非洲的音乐和舞蹈风格。当巴西被殖民时,许多非洲人被葡萄牙人用作奴隶劳工,所以这种非洲、拉丁和欧洲风格的混合文化在这里非常强大)”可知,桑巴舞有悠久的历史并且是多种文化的混合。故选C。
    17.细节理解题。根据最后一段“D I regret missing the main parade? Nt at all. I experienced the carnival like the lcals, and it was truly amazing. (我后悔错过了游行吗?一点也不。我和当地人一样体验了狂欢节,这真是太棒了)”可知,作者不后悔错过了游行,因为他以当地人庆祝狂欢节的方式体验了狂欢节。故选C。
    18.推理判断题。根据第一段“He said he wuld take care f me and shw me all the highlights. He did nt let me dwn. (他说他会照顾我,给我看所有的亮点。他没有让我失望)”和最后一段“We spent the day mving frm ne street party t anther. There were mre snacks, mre drinks and lts f dancing. D I regret missing the main parade? Nt at all. I experienced the carnival like the lcals, and it was truly amazing. (我们花了一天时间从一个街头派对转移到另一个。有更多的零食,更多的饮料和很多的舞蹈。我后悔错过了阅兵式吗?一点也不。我和当地人一样体验了狂欢节,这真是太棒了)”可知,罗尼是一个可靠又考虑周到的人。故选D。
    19.A 20.B 21.D 22.C
    19.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Every year n June 21st, Wrld Music Day is cmmemrated in ver 120 cuntries, including its birthplace f France, t hnr bth amateur and prfessinal musicians.(每年的6月21日,包括其诞生地法国在内的120多个国家都会纪念世界音乐日,向业余和职业音乐家致敬)”可知,世界音乐日始于法国。故选A。
    20.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Free cncerts are als held, where musicians perfrm fr the jy f it rather than fr a fee.(免费音乐会也会举行,在那里音乐家们表演是为了快乐,而不是为了收费)”可知,有些音乐会免费是为了娱乐。故选B。
    21.细节理解题。根据第二段中“It’s the ideal time t learn a new instrument r listen t sngs they wuldn’t rdinarily include n their playlist.(这是学习一种新乐器或听他们通常不会出现在播放列表中的歌曲的理想时间)”可知,世界音乐日,可以让你听一些不在播放列表中的歌曲。故选D。
    22.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Music is nt nly a great way t express yurself, but it may als be beneficial t yur health. A sng might bring back a jyful memry r make yu feel energized when yu listen t it.(音乐不仅是一种很好的表达自己的方式,而且可能对你的健康有益。一首歌可能会勾起快乐的回忆,或者让你在听的时候感到精力充沛)”可推知,作者对音乐是积极态度。故选C。
    23.D 24.B 25.C
    23.推理判断题。根据第一段内容“Mst f us cnsider winter a great time t stay inside with a gd bk. Yet the winter mnths ffer great utdr events.”(我们大多数人认为冬天是待在家里读好书的好时机。然而,冬季的几个月提供了很棒的户外活动)可知,本文主要介绍了四个冬季活动,包括下文提到的“The Ice Festival at Lake Khvsgl”、“Anchrage Fur Rendezvus”、“Trms Internatinal Film Festival”和“Grindelwald Wrld Snw Festival”,都是有趣的冬季节日。由此可知,本文的目的是介绍一些有趣的冬季节日。故选D项。
    24.推理判断题。根据“Anchrage Fur Rendezvus”部分关键句“Nrth America’s largest winter festival takes place in Anchrage, Alaska. In the past, the fur trade was ne f the state’s mst imprtant industries. The festival’s 86th anniversary this year will celebrate Alaska’s pineer way f life.”(北美最大的冬季节日在阿拉斯加的安克雷奇举行。在过去,毛皮贸易是该州最重要的产业之一。今年该节日的86周年纪念日将庆祝阿拉斯加拓荒者的生活方式)可知,“Anchrage Fur Rendezvus”是北美最大的冬季节日,今年该节日将庆祝阿拉斯加拓荒者的生活方式。由此可知,如果你对北美人的早期生活感到好奇,可以参加Anchrage Fur Rendezvus。故选B项。
    25.推理判断题。通读全文,结合第一段内容“Mst f us cnsider winter a great time t stay inside with a gd bk. Yet the winter mnths ffer great utdr events.”(我们大多数人认为冬天是待在家里读好书的好时机。然而,冬季的几个月提供了很棒的户外活动)可知,本文主要介绍了一些有趣的冬季节日,这与我们的生活有关,是可供我们选择的休闲活动。由此可知,在网站的生活部分可以找到这篇文章。故选C项。
    26.B 27.D 28.C 29.A
    26.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Many students return t schl after Labr Day.(许多学生在劳动节后返回学校。)”可知,许多学生在劳动节后返回学校,即对学生而言,劳动节意味着暑假的结束。故选B项。
    27.细节理解题。 根据第五段的“They waited utside a wrker’s hme fr several days t stp him frm rganizing marches.(他们在一名工人家门口等了几天,阻止他组织游行。)”可知,安保人员等待的目的是为了阻止他组织游行。故选D项。
    28.词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段后面的“A fire at a clthing factry in New Yrk killed 146 peple.(纽约一家服装厂发生火灾,造成146人死亡。)”以及全文语境可知,那个时候,许多妇女工作的工厂里条件是很恶劣的,故可猜测,该词与terrible同义。故选C项。
    29.推理判断题。根据第六段“Anther American labr sng is called “Bread and Rses”. Based n a pem by James Oppenheim, it was published in December f 1911. The pem speaks abut the wmen’s labr mvement. (另一首美国劳工歌曲叫做《面包和玫瑰》。根据詹姆斯·奥本海姆的一首诗改编,于1911年12月出版。这首诗讲述了妇女劳工运动。)”可知,另一首美国劳工歌曲叫做“面包和玫瑰”。它是根据Oppenheim在1911年12月发表的一首诗改编的。这首诗讲的是妇女的劳工运动。即Oppenheim关心劳动妇女的权利。故选A项。

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