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    这是一份2023-2024学年江西省上饶市广丰中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷听力含答案,共30页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7,B.In 2000, 5分,满分37, 入场费为30元,活动费全免等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1.Hw lng is the park pen n Saturdays?
    A.10 hurs.B.9 hurs.C.13 hurs.
    2.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.Rice fields.B.Childhd memry.C.Game playing.
    3.What will the wman d tnight?
    A.Reschedule the meeting.B.Jin a sprts club.C.See a dctr.
    4.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.The making f a rbt.
    B.Their hme in the future.
    C.Technlgy’s impact n their lives.
    5.What d we knw abut the man?
    A.It always takes the man twenty-five minutes t drive hme.
    B.It smetimes takes the man fifty minutes.
    C.His hme is far away frm his ffice.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6.Why did scientists invent the rbt?
    A.T study seabirds.B.T prtect seabirds.C.T accmpany seabirds.
    7.Hw did seabirds react t the rbt?
    A.They refused it.B.They ignred it.C.They accepted it.
    8.What is the wman ding?
    A.Reserving a rm.B.Checking int a htel.C.Packing her luggage.
    9.What will the wman d next?
    A.Walk in a park.B.Have dinner.C.G t a bank.
    10.What is Dr. Tilly expert in?
    A.Renewable energy.
    B.Educatinal curses.
    C.Sea life cnservatin.
    11.What prblem did Dr. Tilly’s devices have?
    A.They weren’t efficient.
    B.They harmed sme sea life.
    C.They didn’t have enugh pwer.
    12.What des Dr. Tilly ffer besides the curse?
    A.A jurney t the sea.
    B.A chance t create devices.
    C.An pprtunity t wrk at a lab.
    13.In what way was the handshake impressing?
    A.Flexi shk hands with a human fr the first time.
    B.Flexi ffered t shake hands with the wman.
    C.Flexi mved his hand just as the wman did.
    14.Where are Flexi’s visual sensrs?
    A.In his head.B.In his hands.C.In his chest.
    15.When did the first versin f the rbt cme int being?
    A.In 1993.B.In 2000.C.In 2023.
    16.What can we learn abut Flexi?
    A.He is used in special situatins.
    B.He is cntrlled by a cmputer system in the phne.
    C.He can perfrm tasks itself.
    17.What is n special ffer?
    A.Family tickets.B.Teenagers’ tickets.C.Children’s tickets.
    18.When will the special ffer end?
    A.On June 21.B.On June 25.C.On June 30.
    19.What d we knw abut the newest slides?
    A.They are the biggest in the state.
    B.They are ppular with kids.
    C.They are less exciting.
    20.What des the speaker suggest peple d in the end?
    A.Visit the website fr mre infrmatin.
    B.Prtect themselves frm the sun.
    C.Bk tickets sn.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    The 2022 Wrld Internet Cnference clsed n Nvember 11, 2022 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Prvince. There were a lt f cl inventins shwn there. Let’s have a lk at sme f them.
    A Smart Helmet
    When delivery peple send fd arund, they ften use their mbile phnes while riding. It’s very dangerus. T make them safer, a cmpany has created a new helmet. It cnnects with the mbile phne and can “talk”. It can tell delivery peple new rders and where the custmers are. Delivery peple can als take rders and answer messages by talking t the helmet. If the wearer has an accident, the helmet can make a call fr help right away.
    Type with Eyes
    Many disabled peple can’t mve their hands. They find it hard t type n a cmputer. A cmpany has develped eye-cntrlling technlgy. By lking at the screen and mving their eyes, peple can type wrds easily.
    A Business Card? A Cmputer!
    A cmputer which was as big as a business card caught peple’s eyes. It’s called Raspberry Pi. It’s ne f the wrld’s smallest cmputers. Althugh it nly csts a few hundred yuan, it has a memry f 8G. It is designed fr learning cmputer prgramming. It can d a lt f difficult calculatins. Yu can als use it t create yur cmputer games.
    Magic Mirrr fr Health
    Scan yur face, and then the sftware will knw a lt abut yur health. This is what Magic Mirrr can d. It’s a smart health check system. Yu dn’t need t wear any devices. Just stand in frnt f it fr 30 secnds, and it will knw yur heart cnditins, bld pressure and the risks f sme diseases.
    21.Which is true abut the smart helmet?
    A.It can help delivery peple ride slwly.B.It can remind delivery peple f danger.
    C.It can make delivery peple relaxed by talking.D.It can help delivery peple wrk much safer.
    22.Hw d disabled peple type wrds with the new technlgy?
    A.By talking ludly.B.By mving their eyes.
    C.By waving their hands.D.By tuching the keys.
    23.Magic Mirrr can tell peple sme infrmatin EXCEPT ________.
    A.eating habitsB.bld pressure
    C.heart cnditinsD.risks f sme diseases
    Seaweed farming, which has a lng histry in Asia, is spreading arund the glbe. Over the past 30 years, accrding t the Fd and Agriculture Organizatin, wrld prductin f seaweed has bmed mre than six times t ver 35 millin tnnes, with emerging markets in the Americas, Eurpe and Africa. The mst recent numbers, frm 2019, shw that Nrth America prduces sme 23,000 tnnes f wet seaweed per year.
    Cascadia, which was funded in 2019, claims t be the largest cultivatr in Nrth America, with a harvest f 200 wet tnnes s far this year. Farms, small and large, are ppping up fast. Many see this expansin as a gd news stry. The Glbal Seaweed Calitin (GSC)—a research and industry grup—says humanity culd, and shuld, be harvesting 15 times mre seaweed by 2050. Calitin member Vincent Dumeizel is a senir adviser n ceans t a United Natins prgram wrking tward crprate sustainability. He talks abut a “seaweed revlutin” t feed the grwing glbal ppulatin—a transfrmatin as dramatic as the ancient shift t land-based agriculture. “In the cean, we are still hunter-gatherers,” he says.
    The Glbal Seaweed Calitin estimates that seaweed (high in prtein and ther nutrients) culd add 10 percent t the wrld’s fd supply using just 0.03 percent f the cean surface. One recent study cncluded that substituting 10 percent f human fd with seaweed by 2050 culd spare 110 millin hectares f land fr purpses ther than agriculture. That’s abut tw percent f all farmland tday.
    Advcates like Dumeizel cast seaweed as the slutin t many scial and envirnmental prblems: The industry requires n fresh water, pesticides r fertilizers; it desn’t take up any land; it can verlap (重叠) with ther uses f the cean like ffshre wind farms; it can help t decrease pverty in the develping wrld; and sme cmpanies, including Cascadia, are cllabrating with lcal cmmunities.
    Seaweed creates a rich habitat fr sea life, saks up carbn dixide, cunter-acts acid and absrbs run-ff nutrients, althugh evidence quantifying hw farms, specifically, help with such things remains scarce.
    24.What can we learn frm paragraph 1?
    A.New seaweed farming markets increase in Africa.
    B.Seaweed farming in Eurpe is earlier than in Asia.
    C.Seaweed prductin is ver 35 millin in Nrth America annually.
    D.Seaweed prductin f Asia was abut 6 millin tnnes 30 years ag.
    25.Accrding t the GSC, what is the ptential f seaweed as a fd surce?
    A.Saving tw percent f agricultural land fr ther applicatins.
    B.Adding 15 percent t the wrld’s fd supply by 2050.
    C.Bringing mre nutritius fd and greater prfits t GSC.
    D.Prviding human beings with mre high-fat fd.
    26.What is an advantage f seaweed farming mentined in the text?
    A.It helps increase the diversity f sea plants.
    B.It slves the pllutin prblems f the cean.
    C.It prevents cean plant species frm dying ut.
    D.It can be cmbined with ther uses f the cean.
    27.What des the underlined wrd “scarce” mean in the last paragraph?
    Vehicles n ur rads are nw mstly petrl and diesel (柴油) cars, but their days cannt cntinue fr much lnger. A recent university study fund that current electric cars culd be used fr 87 percent f daily car jurneys in the US. That figure culd rise t 98 percent by 2024.
    One hurdle t the widespread adptin f electric cars has been “range anxiety” — drivers’ cncerns abut running ut f electricity n a jurney. While petrl statins are cnveniently lcated acrss natinal rad systems, the necessary netwrk f electric charging statins is still being develped. That said, charging pints are becming increasingly cmmn thrughut the USA.
    Attitudes twards electric vehicles have changed greatly ver the last few years. Nt that lng ag, electric cars were met with distrust, and their high prices drve custmers away. Thanks t imprvements in battery capacity, recharging times, perfrmance and price, the current generatin f electric cars are starting t persuade picky cnsumers.
    As well as develpment n the rad, electric vehicles are taking t the seas and skies. Electric bats are amng the ldest methds f electric travel, having enjyed several decades f ppularity frm the late 19th t the early 20th century befre petrl-pwered utbard mtrs tk ver. Nw, the glbal drive fr renewable energy surces is bringing electric bats back. Steps twards electric air travel are als being made, with Airbus and NASA amng the rganizatins develping and testing battery-pwered planes.
    Electric vehicles d nt prduce any emissins (排放). If the US culd replace 87 percent f its cars with electric vehicles, it wuld reduce the natinal demand fr petrl by 61 percent. That said, as many cuntries cntinue t increase their use f renewable energy surces, electric vehicles will becme even cleaner.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “hurdle” in Paragraph 2 prbably means?
    29.Why did many peple refuse t buy the electric cars in the past?
    A.They were dependable.B.They were nt widely prmted.
    C.They were expensive.D.They culdn’t travel at a high speed.
    30.What is the functin f Paragraph 4?
    A.T intrduce the histry f electric travel.
    B.T explain why the wrld needs mre electric cars.
    C.T shw why mre peple have interest in electric cars.
    D.T describe different ways electric vehicles can be used.
    31.Which is the best title fr this passage?
    A.Driving int a Cleaner FutureB.Histry f Electric Cars
    C.Prblems with Petrl and Diesel CarsD.Best Means f Transprtatin
    Plants may tell us when they’re in truble. Thirsty tmat and tbacc plants make clicking sunds, researchers have fund. The sunds are ultrasnic (超声波的), meaning they are t high-pitched fr human ears t hear. But when the sunds are transfrmed t lwer pitches, they sund like ppping bubbles (爆破的泡泡). Plants als make clicks when their stems (茎) are cut.
    “It’s nt like the plants are screaming,” says Lilach Hadany, an evlutinary bilgist wrking at Tel Aviv University in Israel. “Plants may nt mean t make these nises. We’ve shwn nly that plants create infrmative sunds.”
    Hadany and her clleagues first heard the clicks when they set micrphnes next t plants n tables in a lab. The micrphnes caught sme nises. But the researchers needed t make sure that the clicking was cming frm the plants. S, the scientists placed plants inside sundprf bxes in the basement, far frm the nise f the lab. There, micrphnes picked up ultrasnic pps frm thirsty tmat plants. Thugh it was utside humans’ hearing range, the clicking made by plants was abut as lud as a nrmal cnversatin.
    Cut tmat plants and dry r cut tbacc plants clicked, t. But plants that had enugh water r hadn’t been cut stayed mstly quiet. Wheat, crn and grapevines als made sunds when stressed ut.
    The researchers dn’t yet knw why plants click. Bubbles frming and then ppping inside plant tissues that transprt water might make the nises. But hwever they happen, pps frm crps culd help farmers, the researchers suggest. Micrphnes, fr example, culd mnitr fields r greenhuses t detect when plants need t be irrigated (灌溉).
    Hadany wnders whether ther plants and insects already tune int plant pps. Other studies have suggested that plants respnd t sunds. And animals frm pests (害虫), mths t mice can hear in the range f the ultrasnic clicks. Sunds made by plants culd be heard frm arund five meters away. Hadany’s team is nw studying what the living things near the plants will d after hearing the sunds.
    32.What is the main idea f the first paragraph?
    A.Interpreting plant sunds isn’t easy.
    B.Plants sund ff when they’re in truble.
    C.It’s interesting t hear the sunds f plants.
    D.Plants make sunds in a different way frm humans.
    33.Why did the scientists put plants inside sundprf bxes in the basement?
    A.T enjy the sunds made by the plants.
    B.T have a better cnversatin with the plants.
    C.T find ut whether the plants did make sunds.
    D.T keep the plant sunds within their hearing range.
    34.In what way can micrphnes be used t benefit plants?
    A.Weed preventin.B.Pest cntrl.
    C.Temperature mnitring.D.Timely irrigatin.
    35.What still remains unknwn t Hadany’s team?
    A.Whether the sunds f plants can travel far.
    B.Whether animals can hear the sunds f plants.
    C.Hw the neighbrs f plants respnd t their sunds.
    D.Hw plants and animals cmmunicate with each ther.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Stare at a blank wall in any rm, and yu are unlikely t learn much mre than the paint clr. But a new technlgy can unnticeably scan the same surface fr shadws and reflectins. 36 But they can be gt by ne tl and analyzed t determine details including hw many peple are in the rm — and what they are ding. This tl culd gather infrmatin frm a partial view f a space. It can spy n activity frm arund a crner. 37
    As peple mve arund a rm, their bdies blck a prtin f any available light t create subtle and indistinct “sft shadws” n walls. 38 But these faint signals are usually drwned ut by the main surce f surrunding light. Sharma and ther researchers separated that main surce f surrunding light by filming a wall in a rm as its ccupants mved arund and averaging the frames ver time. Then the researchers remved shadws frm furniture r ther still bjects frm the vide in real time, nly revealing humans’ mving shadws n the wall.
    39 They cruched, jumped r mved arund, alne r in pairs, utside the camera’s view. Then the team fed the vides int a machine-learning mdel t teach it which sft shadw patterns indicated which behavir. The resulting system can autmatically analyze ftage f a blank wall in any rm in real time, determining the number f peple and their actins.
    40 It can register nly grup sizes and activities fr which it has been trained, and it requires a high-reslutin (清晰度) camera; a standard digital camera creates t much backgrund nise, and smartphne camera results are even wrse.
    A.The technlgy is thught advanced.
    B.These can’t be detected by the human eye.
    C.Brightly clred clthing can even cast a dull, reflected light.
    D.It als can mnitr smene wh avids a camera’s line f sight.
    E.Next, researchers recrded blank walls with peple in varius scenaris.
    F.The system is cnsidered a unique and wnderful discvery by camera specialists.
    G.Althugh this system can functin in any rm, it perfrms prly in dim lighting.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Alexis Lewis, a 7-year-ld girl, set ut with her family n a trip t explre different parts f the cuntry. During the hurs n the rad, her grandfather, a rcket scientist, wuld 41 cl ideas with Alexis abut science. Eventually, everything her grandfather said 42 Alexis t becme a(n) 43 .
    Fast frward t the 2017 Kid Inventrs’ Day event held n January 17 in Brklyn, New Yrk. Alexis, 17, was ne f the seven kid inventrs wh attended the 44 . With an audience f 50 peple in persn and mre than many thers watching n Facebk Live, Alexis 45 her award-winning inventin, the Bamb Travis. It is a lightweight device made f bamb, a net rpe as well as wheels. A persn can use the travis t carry smene else while walking lng 46 .
    Alexis als 47 anther ne f her inventins: the Emergency Mask Pd. It is a ftball-shaped canister (小罐) that 48 a smke mask and can be thrwn thrugh the windw f a 49 building. Peple inside the building can put n the mask t 50 themselves frm smke inhalatin (吸入). 51 firefighters helped her test the 52 by thrwing it hundreds f times int windws f secnd-strey buildings.
    The wrld 53 new thinkers like Alexis and ther yung inventrs wh 54 the event. Kids are the nes wh can slve the 55 that the lder generatin creates. It’s ur jb as adults t shw kids the pssibilities f what they can make and create.
    45.A.cmpeted frB.talked abutC.gave upD.lked int
    第二节:(共10个小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Benjamin Lu is a cmputer scientist and advcate wh was brn with a rare genetic disrder 56 (call) spinal muscular atrphy (SMA), which affects the muscles used fr mving the bdy. At the age f ne, he became 57 (cmplete) paralyzed (瘫痪) frm the chest dwn, making it difficult fr him t breathe, feed himself, r mve arund withut assistance. Despite these 58 (challenge), Benjamin beat the dds and entered Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy, 59 he earned a degree in cmputer science and artificial intelligence.
    By nw, Benjamin 60 (becme) an inspiratinal figure fr individuals with disabilities, using his experiences t raise 61 (aware) abut the imprtance f accessibility t technlgy and advcating plicies that make digital tls mre usable fr peple with disabilities. He has als wrked n 62 (develp) assistive technlgies, such as a vice-cntrlled cmputer interface that can be used by peple with limited mbility.
    In additin 63 his wrk in technlgy, Benjamin is a passinate advcate fr disability rights, using his platfrm t challenge steretypes and prmte understanding f living with a disability. Thrugh his writing and speaking engagements, he hpes t encurage thers 64 (accept) their differences and wrk twards creating 65 mre inclusive sciety fr all.
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    66.以下是临沂王羲之公园(Wang Xizhi park)的简介,请根据以下内容要点写一篇100词左右的短文。
    1. 王羲之公园位于临沂市东部;
    2. 在王羲之公园中可以领略书圣(calligrapher)的早期生活以及欣赏王羲之的书法;
    3. 可以在公园出口处的戏院里欣赏表演;
    4. 在戏院后面的美食街(the Eating Street)可品尝各种各样的食品;
    5. 入场费为30元,活动费全免。
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)
    This mrning, I saw the shcking headline: “Passenger Dies When Car Crashes in Driverless Mde”. In the article, varius peple said that the public shuld ppse the idea f develping driverless cars. They said that sme advances in technlgy were unnecessary and culd even be dangerus. Hence, we shuld cease accepting technlgy just because it is new. The newspaper reprted that the car cmpany had already aplgized fr the accident, but the families f the deceased said it was nt enugh. Nevertheless, the cmpany still claimed that mst peple wuld be travelling in driverless cars ne day sn.
    On the ne hand, there are many different grups f peple arund the wrld wh live happily in the absence f new technlgy. Prbably the mst well-knwn are the Amish, a grup f Christians living in rural America. They d nt wn r drive cars, watch TV, r use the Internet. They have lived mainly as farmers since the 18th century and they will prbably be living the same way in the distant future. They advcate a simple life with an emphasis n hard wrk, family, and cmmunity. They think that is better than caring abut luxuries r fllwing the lives f the rich and famus. It culd even be argued that the Amish’s quality f life is better since they live in and appreciate the natural envirnment rather than living in large, plluted cities.
    1. 续写段落不少于150个词;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    参考词汇: the Internet keep in tuch scial media health mnitr
    Paragraph 1:
    On the ther hand, new technlgy has prvided peple everywhere with many benefits ver the years. Fr example,
    Paragraph 2:
    Persnally, I have benefited quite a lt frm technlgical advances.
    【原文】M: Hell, Aqua Park. Can I help yu?
    W: Yes, please. I’d like sme infrmatin. Are yu pen n Saturdays?
    M: We’re pen every day, frm 9: 00 in the mrning until 6: 00 pm. But n Saturdays we clse much later, at 10: 00 pm.
    【原文】M: The green rice fields here remind me f my childhd. It is sweet. What abut yurs?
    W: Abslutely great! I ften remember playing hide and seek with my friends.
    【原文】W: I’m srry James, I can’t make the sprts club meeting tnight.
    M: That’s kay. Is everything alright?
    W: Yeah, I just have an appintment at the clinic right in the middle f the meeting time.
    M: N prblem. We can’t reschedule it but I hpe t see yu next week!
    【原文】M: Seeing the dctr at hme, shpping at hme, h, we can d s many things at hme nwadays.
    W: We certainly can. We’ll have a rbt t d the husewrk sme day!
    【原文】W: Hw lng des it take yu t drive hme when there is nt much traffic?
    M: Only twenty five minutes. But if I can’t leave my ffice befre 5: 30 pm, it smetimes takes me fifty minutes.
    6.A 7.C
    【原文】W: D yu knw, Jack? Scientists in Antarctica have used a new inventin t help them study seabirds clsely — a tiny rbt n wheels that lks like a baby bird.
    M: Yes. I nce saw it n TV. The rbt is similar t thse used in the explratin f the mn. Scientists, wrking sme distance away, cntrlled every mvement the rbt made.
    W: Yu’re right. It was immediately accepted by seabirds’ families as ne f them. The adults even sang t it, thugh t their disappintment, the “baby” didn’t reply.
    M: That’s funny! Scientists are nw wrking n a new mdel with ne imprtant imprvement — it will be able t play seabird sngs.
    8.B 9.A
    【原文】W: I reserved a rm fr three nights, but it turns ut I’m ging t have t stay fur.
    M: That shuldn’t be a prblem. Here’s yur key——Rm 107. D yu have any luggage?
    W: Just this suitcase. Yu knw, it’s s nice and warm ut. I thught I’d g fr a walk nw befre dinner. Is there a park near here?
    M: Yes. Just g dwn t the cmer, where yu’ll see a bank. Take a left nt Main Street, and yu’ll see the park right in frnt f yu.
    10.A 11.B 12.C
    【原文】M: Gd afternn, students. My name is Dr. Adam Tilly. Fr ver 20 years, I’ve jurneyed frm an eager student like yurselves t an expert in renewable energy. I’m here tday t share my jurney. Early in my career, I saw the cean as an endless pwer surce. We designed devices t efficiently transfrm the cean’s energy int electricity. But then, smething happened. A vide shwed ur devices were harming sme sea life. We didn’t give up. Instead, we made ur devices safer. We als started lking at ther ways t make pwer, like using wind n land. This way, we culd prtect the cean and still make renewable energy. Because f this, I’ve made a curse called “Renewable Energy and Envirnmental Impact”. Yu can take it next semester. It’ll help yu learn abut energy and hw t prtect the envirnment. In additin, we ffer an exciting wrk experience pprtunity at ur Renewable Energy Lab. Here, yu can apply yur classrm learning and witness first-hand hw innvatin and envirnmental respnsibility cmbine. Remember, educatin is nt just abut gaining knwledge, but als abut understanding its applicatin and implicatins in the real wrld. Yur jurney twards being prfessinals starts nw, and I urge yu t apprach it with bth ambitin and awareness. Thank yu.
    13.C 14.A 15.B 16.C
    【原文】W: Tnight n ur shw, we have Prfessr Phillip Jacb. And with him, Flexi, the wrld’s mst advanced rbt.
    M: Gd evening. I am very pleased t be here with my friend, Flexi.
    W: Gd evening, Flexi. And let me tell all f yu that this is definitely the first time I have ever shaken hands with a real live rbt! That handshake was rather impressing - he was able t mve his hand exactly at the right times and at the same speed as l mved my hand!
    M: He has tw visual sensrs in his head, and he can als sense mvement and pressure in his hands. He is able t recgnize yur hand mvements as a wish t shake hands.
    W: Amazing! Tell us a little abut hw Flexi came int being.
    M: Well, Flexi is the latest f twelve versins f the rbt since we started develping it in arund 1993. It tk us seven years t invent the first ne. in the fllwing 23 years, ur aim has always been t prduce a rbt which can help peple in their everyday tasks.
    W: Des Flexi have smene cntrlling him ffstage?
    M: N, he’s able t get things dne by himself thanks t a high tech cmputer system which he carries arund with him.
    W: I can’t see anything. Where is it then? M: It’s actually lcated inside his chest area.
    17.A 18.C 19.A 20.C
    【原文】M: Are yu ready t have sme fantastic family fun in the sun? Then cme and visit Wild Waters Adventure Theme Fun Park just ff the 1-99highway exit in Brentwd. We have smething fun fr everyne in the family t enjy. Kids will lve ur big wave pl. We have water slides fr all ages, including ur famus “Typhn Tumble” and “Niagara Falls Extravaganza.” Our newest slides are bigger and mre exciting than thse ffered by any ther water parks in the state. We are pen fr the summer frm the 21st f June and we are nw ffering special family packages which are up t 35% ff ur regular prices. This ffer is nly until June 30th s t rder please call 333-5464 r visit ur website at and receive an additinal 5% ff the package price! We’re the best value Water Park in the area. Dn’t wait! Wild Waters Adventure Theme Fun Park: Fantastic Family fun in the sun fr everyne!
    21.D 22.B 23.A
    21.细节理解题。根据A Smart Helmet部分中“When delivery peple send fd arund, they ften use their mbile phnes while riding. It’s very dangerus. T make them safer, a cmpany has created a new helmet.(外卖员在送外卖的时候,经常在骑车的时候用手机。这很危险。为了让他们更安全,一家公司发明了一种新的头盔)”可知,智能头盔能让外卖员更安全工作,故选D。
    22.细节理解题。根据Type with Eyes部分中“A cmpany has develped eye-cntrlling technlgy. By lking at the screen and mving their eyes, peple can type wrds easily.(一家公司开发了眼控技术。通过看屏幕和移动他们的眼睛,人们可以很容易地打字)”可知,残疾人可以利用新技术通过移动眼睛来打字。故选B。
    23.细节理解题。根据 Magic Mirrr fr Health部分中“Just stand in frnt f it fr 30 secnds, and it will knw yur heart cnditins, bld pressure and the risks f sme diseases.(只要站在它面前30秒,它就会知道你的心脏状况、血压和一些疾病的风险)”可知,神奇的镜子可以告诉人们心脏状况、血压和一些疾病的风险,A项“饮食习惯”没有提及,故选A。
    24.A 25.A 26.D 27.B
    24.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Over the past 30 years, accrding t the Fd and Agriculture Organizatin, wrld prductin f seaweed has bmed mre than six times t ver 35 millin tnnes, with emerging markets in the Americas, Eurpe and Africa.(根据粮食及农业组织的数据,在过去30年中,世界海藻产量增长了六倍多,达到3500多万吨,新兴市场在美洲、欧洲和非洲。)”可知,在非洲增加了新兴的海藻养殖市场。故选A。
    25.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“One recent study cncluded that substituting 10 percent f human fd with seaweed by 2050 culd spare 110 millin hectares f land fr purpses ther than agriculture. That’s abut tw percent f all farmland tday.(最近的一项研究得出结论,到2050年,用海藻替代10%的人类食物,可以腾出1.1亿公顷土地用于农业以外的用途。这大约占今天所有农田的2%。)”可知,将海藻作为一种食物可以节省2%的农田用于别的地方。故选A。
    26.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“it can verlap (重叠) with ther uses f the cean like ffshre wind farms(它可以与海洋的其他用途重叠,如海上风电场)”可知,海藻养殖可以和海洋的其他用途相结合。故选D。
    27.词义猜测题。althugh表明前后之间是让步关系,“Seaweed creates a rich habitat fr sea life, saks up carbn dixide, cunter-acts acid and absrbs run-ff nutrients”讲述了海藻为海洋生物创造了丰富的栖息地、吸收二氧化碳、对抗酸性物质、吸收径流中的营养物质,由此可推测出,“evidence quantifying hw farms, specifically, help with such things remains scarce”表示的是关于量化农场帮助解决这类事情的证据仍然很稀少。scarce意为“缺乏的,缺少的”,与insufficient(不充分的,不足的)意思最接近。故选B。
    28.B 29.C 30.D 31.A
    28.词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句“One hurdle t the widespread adptin f electric cars has been “range anxiety”—drivers’ cncerns abut running ut f juice n a jurney. (电动汽车被广泛采用的一个hurdle是“里程焦虑”——驾驶者担心在旅途中电量耗尽)”可知,“驾驶员担心在旅途中耗尽电能”是电动汽车的缺点,这是电动汽车普及的一个“问题”。由此可知,hurdle与prblem意思一致。故选B。
    29.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Nt that lng ag, electric cars met with distrust, and their high prices drve custmers away. (不久前,电动汽车遭遇了不信任,高昂的价格让消费者望而却步)”可知,过去很多人拒绝购买电动汽车是因为人们认为电动车太贵了不值得买。故选C。
    30.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“As well as develpment n the rad, electric vehicles are taking t the seas and skies. Electric bats are amng the ldest methds f electric travel, having enjyed several decades f ppularity frm the late 19th t the early 20th century befre petrl-pwered utbard mtrs tk ver. Nw, the glbal drive fr renewable energy surces is bringing electric bats back. Steps twards electric air travel are als being made, with Airbus and NASA amng the rganizatins develping and testing battery-pwered planes. (除了在道路上的进步,电动汽车也正在走向海洋和天空。电动船是最古老的电动交通工具之一,从19世纪末到20世纪初,在汽油动力的舷外发动机接管之前,电动船已经流行了几十年。现在,全球对可再生能源的推动正在使电动船回归。电动飞机的发展也在取得进展,空客和美国国家航空航天局都在开发和测试电池驱动的飞机)”可知,电动交通工具以不同的方式出现在陆路,海上及空中。由此推知,第四段的作用是描述电动交通工具的不同的用途。故选D。
    31.主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“Vehicles n ur rads are nw mstly petrl and diesel(柴油)cars, but their days cannt cntinue fr much lnger. A recent university study fund that current electric cars culd be used fr 87 percent f daily car jurneys in the US. That figure culd rise t 98 percent by 2020. (汽油和柴油车可能仍然主宰着我们的道路,但它们的日子屈指可数了。一项最近的大学研究发现,目前美国87%的日常汽车出行可以使用电动汽车。到2020年,这一数字可能上升到98%。)”和第四段中的“As well as develpment n the rad, electric vehicles are taking t the seas and skies.(除了在公路上的发展,电动汽车正在走向海洋和天空。)”可知,汽油和柴油交通工具可能仍然主宰着我们的道路,但很快会被电动交通工具所替代,而未来的交通工具一定是更清洁的电动时代。由此可知,A项:Driving int a Cleaner Future(驶入更清洁的未来)适合作本文最佳标题。故选A。
    32.B 33.C 34.D 35.C
    32.主旨大意题。文章第一段讲到“Plants may tell us when they’re in truble. Thirsty tmat and tbacc plants make clicking sunds, researchers have fund. (植物可能会告诉我们它们什么时候有麻烦。研究人员发现,口渴的番茄和烟草会发出咔嗒声)”可知,第一段的主旨是植物遇到麻烦时会发出声音。故选B。
    33.细节理解题。文章第三段讲到“But the researchers needed t make sure that the clicking was cming frm the plants. S, the scientists placed plants inside sundprf bxes in the basement, far frm the nise f the lab. (但研究人员需要确保这种滴答声来自植物。因此,科学家们把植物放在地下室的隔音箱里,远离实验室的噪音。)”可知,科学家们把植物放在地下室的隔音箱里是为了弄清这些植物是否会发出声音。故选C。
    34.细节理解题。文章倒数第二段讲到“Micrphnes, fr example, culd mnitr fields r greenhuses t detect when plants need t be irrigated (灌溉). (例如,麦克风可以监控田地或温室,以检测植物何时需要灌溉)”可知,麦克风可以通过检测植物何时需要灌溉使植物受益,故选D。
    35.推理判断题。文章最后一句讲到“Hadany’s team is nw studying what the living things near the plants will d after hearing the sunds. (哈达尼的团队正在研究植物附近的生物在听到声音后会做什么。)”可知,哈达尼的团队还不知道的是植物的邻居对它们的声音有什么反应,故选C。
    36.B 37.D 38.C 39.E 40.G
    36.上文“But a new technlgy can incnspicuusly scan the same surface fr shadws and reflectins.(但是一项新技术可以在不明显的情况下扫描同一表面上的阴影和反射)”提到了一项可以扫描阴影和反射的新技术,下文“But they can be gt by ne tl and analyzed t determine details including hw many peple are in the rm — and what they are ding.(但它们可以通过一种工具获得并分析,以断定包括房间里有多少人以及他们正在做什么在内的细节)”说明可以通过一种工具获得并做出分析,由But可知,空处与下文是转折关系,B项“这些是人眼无法捕捉到的。”符合语境,且句中these指代上文“shadws and reflectins”,与下文是转折关系。故选B。
    37.上文“This tl culd gather infrmatin frm a partial view f a space. It can spy n activity frm arund a crner.(这个工具可以从一个空间的局部视图收集信息。它可以在角落里监视活动)”阐述了这个工具的功能,可以在角落里监视,收集信息,D项中的“mnitr”与“spy”意思相近,因此推断D项“它还可以监控那些避开摄像头视线的人。”符合语境,与上文是并列关系,als是关键词。故选D。
    38.上文“As peple mve arund a rm, their bdies blck a prtin f any available light t create delicate and indistinct “sft shadws” n walls.(当人们在房间里走动时,他们的身体会挡住任何可用的光线,在墙壁上创造出微妙而模糊的“柔软的阴影”)”讲述人们可以挡住光线在墙壁上留下阴影,C项“cast a dull, reflected glw”话题一致,因此推断C项“色彩鲜艳的衣服甚至可以投射出一种反射的光。”符合语境,与上文是并列关系,故选C。
    39.下文“They cruched, jumped r mved arund, alne r in pairs, utside the camera’s view.(他们蹲着,跳着或四处走动,单独或成对,在相机的视野之外)”描述了实验参与者的动作,是对E项“Next, researchers recrded blank walls with peple in varius scenaris.(接下来,研究人员记录了人们在不同场景下的空白墙壁)”中“varius scenaris”的举例说明,上下文语意连贯。故选E。
    40.下文“It can register nly grup sizes and activities fr which it has been trained, and it requires a high-reslutin camera; a standard digital camera creates t much backgrund nise, and smartphne camera results are even wrse.( 它只能记录它为之受训过的团体规模和活动,而且它需要一个高分辨率的相机;标准的数码相机会产生太多的背景噪音,而智能手机的拍摄效果更差。)”说明这个系统的不足之处,因此推断G项“虽然这个系统可以在任何房间里工作,但它在昏暗的灯光下表现不佳。”符合语境,故选G。
    41.C 42.A 43.D 44.A 45.B 46.B 47.D 48.A 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.C
    41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在路上的几个小时里,他的祖父,一位火箭科学家,会和Alexis分享他关于科学的酷想法。A. receive接受;B. ask问;C. share分享;D. make制作。根据下文“everything his grandfather said ___3___ Alexis t becme an inventr.”可知,Alexis的爷爷和她分享了很多知识。故选C。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,她祖父所说的一切激励Alexis成为了一名发明家。A. inspired鼓舞,激励;B. suggested建议;C. persuaded劝说;D. praised赞扬。根据“During their many hurs n the rad, his grandfather, a rcket scientist, wuld ___1___ his cl ideas with Alexis abut science.”及下文Alexis成为小发明家可以推知,她因为受到了爷爷的启发和鼓励,所以成了一名发明家,inspire sb. t d sth.意为“激励某人做某事”。故选A。
    43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终,她祖父所说的一切激励Alexis成为了一名发明家。A. nurse护士;B. teacher老师;C. artist艺术家;D. inventr发明家。根据第5空后的“her award-winning inventin”可知,她成为了一名小发明家。故选D。
    44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:今年17岁的Alexis是参加这次活动的七名儿童发明家之一。A. event赛事,比赛;B. accident事故;C. rganizatin组织;D. club俱乐部。根据上文“the 2017 Kid Inventrs’ Day event”可知,Alexis参加了比赛。故选A。
    45.考查动词短语辨析。句意:现场有50名观众,还有100多人在Facebk Live上收看。Alexis讲述了他的获奖发明——Bamb Travis。A. cmpeted fr争夺;B. talked abut谈论;C. gave up放弃;D. lked int调查。从下文“It is a lightweight device made f bamb”对于雪橇的描述来看,这里指Alexis在介绍自己的发明,空格处用“谈论”。故选B。
    46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:走长路时一个人可以用雪橇拉着别人一起。A. highways高速公路;B. distances距离;C. blcks街区;D. vyages航行。根据上文“while walking lng”可知,雪橇应该是在长距离旅行中比较适用。故选B。
    47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Alexis还展示了他的另一项发明:紧急面罩。A. made制作;B. discvered发现;C. gave给予;D. presented展示。从下文“It is a ftball-shaped canister”可知,这里指Alexis展示自己的另一项发明。故选D。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它是一个足球形状的罐子,里面有一个烟雾面罩,可以从燃烧的建筑物的窗户扔出去。A. cntains包含;B. means意思是;C. avids避免;D. attaches系上,贴上。根据上文“canister”和下文“a smke mask”可知,它是一个足球形状的罐子,里面有一个烟雾面罩,空格处用“包含”。故选A。
    49.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它是一个足球形状的罐子,里面有一个烟雾面罩,可以从燃烧的建筑物的窗户扔出去。A. rising升起的;B. burning燃烧的,着火的;C. nice美好的;D. tall高的。根据下文“Peple inside the building can put n the mask t __10___ themselves frm smke inhalatin”可知,这个罐子可以从燃烧的建筑物的窗户扔出去。故选B。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:建筑物内的人们可以戴上口罩,以保护自己免受烟雾吸入。A. escape逃脱;B. bring带来;C. prtect保护;D. help帮助。根据上文“Peple inside the building can put n the mask”可知,建筑里的人们可以戴上面具防止吸入烟尘。prtect sb. frm意为“保护某人免受……”。故选C。
    51.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当地消防队员帮助她测试了这个发明,他们把它扔进了第二层楼的窗户上百次。A. Lcal本地的;B. Freign外国的;C. Brave勇敢的;D. Famus著名。根据下文“firefighters helped her test”可知,能帮她测试的人应该是本地的消防员。故选A。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当地消防队员帮助她测试了这个发明,他们把它扔进了第二层楼的窗户上百次。A. discvery发现;B. inventin发明;C. examinatin考试;D. intrductin介绍。根据上文“ne f her inventins”以及下文的测试方法中可知,此处表示当地消防队员帮助她测试了这个发明。故选B。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:世界需要像Alexis这样的新思想家和其他参加这次活动的年轻发明家。A. appears出现;B. leaves离开;C. needs需要;D. develps发展。根据下文“Kids are the nes wh can slve the __15__ that the lder generatin creates”可知,孩子们可以帮忙解决问题,所以世界需要像Alexis这样的新思想家。故选C。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:世界需要像Alexis这样的新思想家和其他参加这次活动的年轻发明家。A. knw知道;B. cause导致;C. arrange安排;D. attend参加。这里的“ther yung inventrs”所指的就是与Alexis一起参加比赛的其他选手。故选D。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:孩子们能够解决老一辈人制造的问题。A. chances机会;B. psitins位置;C. prblems问题;D. jbs工作。根据上文“slve”可知,此处表示“孩子们能够解决老一辈人制造的问题”。故选C。
    56.called 57.cmpletely 58.challenges 59.where 60.has becme 61.awareness 62.develping 63.t 64.t accept 65.a
    56.考查非谓语动词。句意:Benjamin Lu是一名计算机科学家和倡导者,他出生时患有一种罕见的遗传性疾病,称为脊髓性肌萎缩症(SMA),这种疾病会影响用于移动身体的肌肉。动词call和“genetic disrder”之间是动宾关系,应用过去分词作后置定语,故填called。
    59.考查定语从句。句意同上。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导,故填where。
    60.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,Benjamin已经成为残疾人的一个鼓舞人心的人物,他利用自己的经历提高了人们对无障碍技术重要性的认识,并倡导制定政策,使数字工具更容易为残疾人所用。根据“By nw”可知句子用现在完成时,主语表示单数意义,故填has becme。
    62.考查非谓语动词。句意:他还致力于开发辅助技术,例如可以为行动不便的人使用的语音控制计算机界面。wrk n ding sth“致力于做某事”,故此处应用动名词形式,故填develping。
    63.考查固定短语。句意:除了从事科技工作外,Benjamin还是残疾人权利的热情倡导者,利用他的平台挑战刻板印象,促进对残疾人生活的理解。in additin t除了,固定短语,故填t。
    64.考查非谓语动词。句意:通过他的写作和演讲,他希望鼓励其他人接受他们的差异,并努力为所有人创造一个更加包容的社会。encurage sb t d sth“鼓励某人做某事”,故此处应用动词不定式,故填t accept。
    Wang Xizhi park, which is lcated in the east f Linyi city, is a gd place fr relaxatin and amusement.
    In this park, nt nly can yu learn a lt abut the early life f the great calligrapher but als appreciate the different styles f his unique handwriting. Besides, yu can appreciate wnderful perfrmances at the theatre, which is near the exit f the park. By the way, walk t the Eating Street and yu can treat yurself t the varius fd f different flavrs. Traveling in this park wn’t cst yu t much, with the admissin fee t the park 30 yuan and all the activities in the park free.
    Why nt cme t enjy yurself at Wang Xizhi park? Yu are sure t have a great time.
    坐落于:be lcated in→be situated in
    除此之外:besides→in additin
    各种各样的:varius→a variety f
    原句:Besides, yu can appreciate wnderful perfrmances at the theatre, which is near the exit f the park.
    拓展句:Besides, it is wnderful perfrmances that yu can appreciate at the theatre, which is near the exit f the park.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Wang Xizhi park, which is lcated in the east f Linyi city, is a gd place fr relaxatin and amusement.(运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】In this park, nt nly can yu learn a lt abut the early life f the great calligrapher but als appreciate the different styles f his unique handwriting. (nt nly放到句首,后面的句子为部分倒装句)
    67.On the ther hand, new technlgy has prvided peple everywhere with many benefits ver the years. Fr example, the latest weather-tracking cmputer prgrams give peple lts f warnings abut ptential natural disasters, which saves many lives. Mrever, the Internet has made it pssible fr friends and family t keep in tuch easily even if they are n ppsite sides f the wrld. It has als made finding pprtunities in life much easier, as it allws peple t make larger netwrks f friends thrugh using scial media.
    Persnally, I have benefited quite a lt frm technlgical advances. I fund my career as an AI designer thrugh a scial media netwrk. My health mnitr, which I wear all the time, has als helped me get int the best shape f my life. Of curse, when new technlgy changes the way we live, it can be a scary prspect. Nevertheless, I will always lk n the psitive side f change and accept it rather than resist it.
    ①保持联系:keep in tuch/stay in tuch/keep cntact
    ②看待:lk n/view
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Fr example, the latest weather-tracking cmputer prgrams give peple lts f warnings abut ptential natural disasters, which saves many lives.(由关系词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] My health mnitr, which I wear all the time, has als helped me get int the best shape f my life.(由关系词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3] Of curse, when new technlgy changes the way we live, it can be a scary prspect.(由when引导的时间状语从句)

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    江西省上饶市余干县蓝天中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月考试英语试卷: 这是一份江西省上饶市余干县蓝天中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月考试英语试卷,共25页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.$5, 5分,满分37,词汇激活等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年江西省婺源天佑中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷+听力含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年江西省婺源天佑中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷+听力含答案,共28页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7,B.30, 5分,满分37,词汇激活等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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