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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What clr is the man's hair?
    A. Brwn. B. Green. C. Black.
    2. Hw des the wman get the infrmatin at hme?
    A. Frm TV. B. Frm the Internet. C. Frm the newspaper.
    3. Why wn't the wman eat any mre fd?
    A. She is n a diet. B. She is ill. C. She has had enugh.
    4. What did the speakers see last night?
    A. A red bird. B. A yellw bird. C. A quiet bird.
    5. What time will the wman leave fr Chengdu?
    A. At 1: 00 p. m. B. At 2: 30 p. m. C. At 4: 20 p. m.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What d the speakers wrk fr?
    A. Museum. B. Neighbrhd. C. Factry.
    7. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Paint the wall. B. Plant trees. C. Empty the rubbish can.
    8. What's the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Custmer and seller. C. Bss and secretary.
    9. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Bk the flight. B. Bk a htel. C. Plant grapes.
    10. Why des the wman suggest ging Egypt by ship?
    A. It's mre interesting. B. It's cheaper. C. It's mre cmfrtable.
    11. What d we knw abut the man's wife?
    A. She is nt in gd health. B. She is busy with her wrk.
    C. She always wrries t much.
    12. What will the man and his wife prbably d in the end?
    A. G t Egypt. B. Stay at hme. C. G t the seaside.
    13. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. On a radi shw. B. In a classrm. C. On TV.
    14. When did the wman start the prgram?
    A. One year ag. B. Tw years ag. C. Three years ag.
    15. What is the purpse f the prgram?
    A. T give pr peple jbs. B. T raise mney fr schls.
    C. T help ld peple and kids.
    16. Hw many vlunteers jined the prgram last year?
    A. 200. B. 2, 000. C. 14, 000.
    17. Wh is Jessica?
    A. The university tur guide. B. The Helpline fficer.
    C. The Student Unin President.
    18. What will the speaker hand ut?
    A. Maps. B. Guide brchures.
    C. Business cards.
    19. What are the wrking hurs f the ffice n Saturdays?
    A. 9: 00 a. m. -4: 00 p. m. B. 9: 30 a. m. -6: 00 p. m.
    C. 10: 00 a. m. -4: 00 p. m.
    20. What shuld the visitrs d during busy time?
    A. Wait in a line. B. Sign their names n the list. C. Walk arund fr a while.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题,每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    When peple make travel decisins regarding destinatins, recreatin usually sits at the tp f the mst cnsidered factrs. But in recent years, with a rising awareness f health, travelers are beginning t upgrade their expectatins. We have chsen several places arund China that have a perfect cmbinatin f recreatin and health, in case that is what yu have in mind fr yur next hliday.
    Beijing Olympic Park
    Lcated at the nrth end f the Beijing central axis line (轴心线) , Beijing Olympic Park saw the glry f the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Apart frm visiting the renwned Bird's Nest and Water Cube, yu can try sme leisure and sprts activities.
    Wanlng Ski Resrt, Nrth China's Hebei Prvince
    Wanlng Ski Resrt in Shijiazhuang City is nicknamed “heaven fr ski lvers”. The 2022 Winter Olympics has been held here, which has bsted ski develpment and turism activities in Hebei Prvince. If yu happen t be a skiing fan, try the prfessinal trails here!
    Qingda Olympic Sailing Center, East China's Shandng Prvince
    The Olympic sailing center has becme a new landmark in Qingda, a castal city in East China's Shandng Prvince. It was a hst venue f the sailing games fr the 29th Olympics in 2008 and the 13th Paralymic Games. Yu culd visit the match venue and enjy a cruise arund Qingda.
    Shaptu, Nrthwest China's Ningxia Hui Autnmus Regin
    Shaptu scenic zne in Nrthwest China's Ningxia Hui Autnmus Regin is a transitin zne between grassland and deserts. Apart frm its unique natural landscape, Shaptu ffers a sprts prgram like sand skiing and rafting acrss the Yellw River.
    Wulng Karst Regin in Chngqing
    Wulng is abut 130 kilmeters frm dwntwn Chngqing. The 2, 900-square-kilmeter district basts karsts, caves, frests, springs and primitive wilderness. UNESCO named Wulng's karsts as a Wrld Natural Heritage in 2007. Sprts ptins here include muntain climbing and hiking.
    21. If yu are a skiing lver, yu will prbably g t ________.
    A. Beijing Olympic Park B. Wanlng Ski Resrt
    C. Wulng Karst Regin D. Qingda Olympic Sailing Center
    22. What's the unique feature f Wulng Karst Regin in Chngqing?
    A. It has grassland and deserts.
    B. Turists can enjy sprts activities there.
    C. It was named as a Wrld Natural Heritage.
    D. Peple can d rafting in Wulng Karst Regin.
    23. Where is this passage mst likely frm?
    A. Science fictin B. Textbk C. News reprt D. Travel magazine
    Many years ag, Mike Huss attended Ine Elementary Schl as a student. He went n t wrk there-first as a janitr (看门人) , then as a teacher, and nw as a principal.
    Huss said he never wanted t be an educatr, but his seventh-grade teacher felt therwise. “I remember Mrs. Cllier telling me, ‘Yu will be such a great teacher smeday,’ and I laughed at her. It is nt ging t happen, but here Lam,” he said.
    Huss ended up starting as Ine Elementary Schl's janitr 30 years ag. He then spent 19 years there as a teacher and nw is starting his first year as the schl principal.
    “I was really lking frward t teaching fifth grade again, and they reached ut t me and said, ‘We think yu're the leader the schl needs.’ ”
    Huss thinks his success cmes frm a push frm family. He wanted t shw his yung sn, wh was 3 years ld when Huss went back t schl fr teaching, that yu can d anything yu put yur mind t.
    Huss's c-wrker Melanie Crtez was als nce a student f the schl. She said, “The kids aren't used t seeing him in the ffice, s we have kids cme in all day lng asking ‘Is Mr. Huss busy? We miss him s much!’”
    Fr Huss, it's abut the pprtunity t change a child's life. “Believe in every child. I'm here t help them see themselves in a different light, because that's what peple have dne fr me my whle life,” he said. “I'm trying t help students believe in themselves that they can achieve great things if they just stay the curse.”
    24. Hw did yung Huss respnd when his teacher encuraged him?
    A. He thanked the teacher fr her kind wrds.
    B. He culd hardly believe what the teacher said.
    C. He didn't understand what the teacher meant.
    D. He kept the teacher's wrds in mind and wrked hard.
    25. Accrding t Huss, what pushed him t make prgress in career?
    A. The anxiety t supprt his family.
    B. The hpe t make the schl better.
    C. The eagerness t be his sn's rle mdel.
    D. The desire t meet his teacher's expectatins.
    26. What des the authr want t tell us by mentining Melanie's wrds?
    A. Huss is devted t his wrk. B. Huss is ppular with the kids.
    C. Huss is supprted by his c-wrkers. D. Huss is an example t his c-wrkers.
    27. What d the underlined wrds “stay the curse” mean in paragraph 7?
    A. Set clear gals. B. Ignre bad wrds.
    C. Fllw wise advice. D. Make cntinuus effrts.
    Many centuries ag, all peple had t gather seeds and plants t eat. They did nt knw hw t farm r raise animals fr fd. We call them the Stne Age peple because they used stne tls and arms.
    Yu may feel surprised in the wrld tday there are still peple wh live like the Stne Age peple. They live in the places that are hard t reach. Because they have met few peple frm the utside wrld, they rarely hear f mdern inventins. They have nt gained ways f ding things frm thers.
    Fr 25, 000 years, grups f peple have lived alne in the middle f Australia. One f thesegrups is the Arunta tribe (部落) . They d nt knw hw t farm and hw t raise sheep r cattle.
    The Aruntas spend mst f their time searching fr fd and water. The men hunt animals with stne-tipped spears. The wmen and children lk fr rts, seeds and nuts. They use sticks t dig up the rts. Several Arunta families live tgether. They have n huse. At night, they sleep arund small fires.
    Nw ther peple are mving int the center f Australia. Sn the Aruntas will n lnger be a Stne Age peple. Maybe that's a piece f exciting news fr them.
    28. The Stne Age peple are called s because they _________.
    A. gathered seeds and plants t eat B. didn't knw hw t farm
    C. used stne tls and arms D. didn't raise animals fr fd
    29. Why d the Aruntas still live in the way as they lived befre?
    A. Because they haven't yet learned new ways frm ther peple.
    B. Because they d nt want t change their way f living.
    C. Because ther peple are mving in and living with the Aruntas.
    D. Because each family live alne withut knwing thers.
    30. Frm the passage we can knw that _________.
    A. peple in ld Australia didn't use stne tls
    B. the Aruntas d nt like t hunt
    C. everyne in Australia lives in large cities
    D. the Aruntas dn't knw much abut mdern inventins
    31. What's the Aruntas' attitude tward mdem life?
    A. psitiveB. negative C. neutral D. indifferent
    Have yu been exercising and eating healthy, but when yu step n the scale, it says yu've gained a few punds? “That's nrmal, and it desn't mean that yur wrkuts are nt effective”, says Jeffrey A. Dlgan, an exercise physilgist in Miami Beach, Flrida.
    “A persn's scale mass (质量) is a cmbinatin f muscle, fat, bne, bld, and even the air that we carry in ur lungs,” he says. “Immediately after a wrkut rutine, the percentage f mass in each bdy part can shift as much as 15 percent. S if yu're gaining weight while wrking ut and eating healthy, it's prbably nt the type f weight gain that yu think it is.”
    The scale can't tell yu hw much f yur bdy weight is muscle r fat, which means if yur gal is t imprve yur fitness level, the scale is nt the best tl fr measuring imprvements. When yu start t change yur bdy cmpsitin with yur wrkuts— by building mre muscle mass and decreasing yur bdy fat — yur scale weight may increase, while yur bdy fat percentage may decrease. These changes happen ver weeks and mnths (nt hurs r days) s the scale is useless when tracking them.
    Yu may argue that yu weigh a few punds less after a high intensity (强度) training class. Dn't get t excited— it's just water lss due t sweat. Water makes up apprximately 65 t 90 percent f a persn's weight, and variatin in water cntent f the human bdy can mve the scale by ten punds r mre frm day t day.
    S ignre the scale and pay mre attentin t bjective measurement tls like bdy cmpsitin. Keep in mind that if yu're exercising but gaining weight, yu may actually lk slimmer.
    32. What can we knw frm Dlgan's wrds frm paragraph 2?
    A. Yur weight changes little during a day.
    B. Yur scale mass is affected by many factrs.
    C. Yur wrkut is nt effective if yu gain weight.
    D. Yur weight is determined nly by muscle and fat.
    33. What will mst prbably happen after yu exercise and eat healthy fr 3 mnths?
    A. Yu will weigh mre. B. Yur muscle mass will decrcase.
    C. Yur bdy fat will increase. D. Yur bdy cmpsitin will change.
    34. Hw much water may a man weighing 150 punds have in his bdy?
    A. 30 punds. B. 60 punds. C. 100 punds. D. 140 punds.
    35. Which f the fllwing culd be the best title fr the text?
    A. Why D We Gain Weight? B. Hw t Wrk Out Effectively?
    C. What Is the Cmpsitin f Our Bdy? D. Why Des My Wrkut Cause Weight Gain?
    第二节(共5小题,每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Running with a grup has numerus benefits, especially when running lng distances. But grup running als requires that yu fllw sme basic etiquette (礼仪) and behavir rules. Here's advice n running etiquette fr grup running.
    Leave yur headphnes at hme. Sure, music helps push sme runners alng. Hwever, it's antiscial (不爱交际的) t wear headphnes during a grup run. It can als be dangerus because listening t music means yu'll be less aware f yur surrundings. 36
    Dn't jingle (发出叮当声) . 37 , but yu can bet that it will anny at least ne persn in yur grup. Yu dn't want t becme knwn as “The Annying Lse Change Guy”.
    Be prepared with what yu need. 38 . Carry yur wn water and fd, as well as sme cash r a credit card, just in case yu need it.
    Dn't run withut cnsidering the safety f thers. Nt nly is it rude t take ver a path and blck ther runners, walkers, r cyclists, but it can be a ptential safety risk. T make ther runners and cyclists easily pass, make sure yu're running n mre than tw abreast (并排) , especially n busy rads, sidewalks, r paths. 39 , such as running in a clckwise directin n a circular rute.
    40 . Runners jin grups fr the scial element, but that desn't mean they want t hear the same persn talk nn-stp abut their running achievements, injuries, r life prblems during every run.
    Ask peple, especially the new members f the grup, questins t give them a chance t speak.
    A. Be silent smetimes.
    B. Shw up early r n time fr the start f runs.
    C. Dn't expect t rely n ther runners fr supplies.
    D. Even if yu knw sme grup members very well.
    E. Be aware f any special rules fr running in parks r n paths.
    F. Running with cins r keys in yur pcket may nt bther yu.
    G. Besides, yu wn't be able t hear instructins frm ther runners in yur grup.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Agnes Llyd's 70th birthday came, but the day went nrmally. Her husband 41 many years ag. She had nt heard frm her children fr a lng time, which was 42 .
    The last bell f the day rang. She picked up her 43 and walked twards her car planning t buy herself a chclate dessert althugh her dctrs dn't 44 it fr her age. But wh cares? It was her birthday, and she 45 it.
    The thught made her smile as she 46 her car when a sudden “MRS. LLOYD!” 47 her. Agnes drpped her purse nt the grund. She lked arund and was 48 by what she saw.
    Her students were standing there carrying birthday signs. She hadn't 49 they had prepared such a surprise fr her. Her student Christian came ver, picking up her purse, and 50 her t the rest as they all started singing Happy Birthday.
    As the sng cntinued, tears 51 in her eyes. As they finished the sng, small pieces f clured paper began flying all ver the place 52 . But that wasn't the best part.
    Sme f the students parted and her three children stepped ut hlding a birthday cake with tw 53 that frmed the number 70. “Happy birthday. Mm!” They exclaimed tgether, and that's when Agnes lst her 54 fr the first time.
    Dn't frget yur parents, 55 yur life gets busy. We need t act and remind them that they are lved.
    41. A. shwed up B. set ut C. fell ill D. passed away
    42. A. wrrying B. depressing C. surprising D. puzzling
    43. A. purse B. bk C. chair D. fd
    44. A. recgnize B. admireC. demand D. recmmend
    45. A. prmised B. ignred C. deserved D. permitted
    46. A. apprached B. discvered C. startedD. tuched
    47. A. mved B. frightened C. delightedD. satisfied
    48. A. disturbed B. inspired C. amused D. shcked
    49. A. mentined B. realized C. dubted D. admitted
    50. A. fllwed B. invited C. guided D. intrduced
    51. A. gathered B. dried C. disappeared D. remained
    52. A. gradually B. frequently C. secretlyD. suddenly
    53. A. presents B. flwersC. candles D. cards
    54. A. strength B. enthusiasm C. calmness D. interest
    55. A. as ifB. even ifC. s that D. nw that
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    “Asian Games fr All” eches beynd brders
    The “Asian Games fr AⅡ” campaign t enable the 19th Asiad (亚运会) t engage the public beynd Hangzhu city, Zhejiang prvince, the cuntry f China and the wider cntinent tk center stage, as the curtain 56 (cme) dwn n the prgram at the Main Media Center n Sept 22.
    The campaign, 57 (rganize) by the Olympic Cuncil f Asia, cnsisted f three 58 (event) — namely, the Hangzhu Asian Games Fun Run, Asian Games Yuth Reprter Prject 59 Hangzhu Asian Games Children's Art Cmpetitin.
    Media persnnel, 60 jined the Fun Run activity, tk part in such traditinal Chinese exercises as baduanjin and tai chi.
    Australian phtgrapher fr AI-Iraqia newspaper, Rafeq Mhammed, jins 61 (week) tai chi classes near his hme in Sydney and tried baduanjin 62 the first time during the Fun Run. “Tai chi has made me mre patient,” he said. “Baduanjin is 63 (amaze) . It makes me feel 64 (pwer) , relaxes me and 65 (strength) my mental health . During the practice, I als acquired discipline.”
    第三节 单词拼写(每空1分,满分15分)
    66. In the fllwing year, the cuntry will f________ n prductin and the creatin f jbs.
    67. China's Su Yiming claimed a histric gld m________ in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics men's snwbard big air.
    68. Many ________ (毕业生) dn't make a living by themselves but depend n their parents.
    69. I just spent a hliday there and wuld ________ (推荐) it t anyne.
    70. Ging thrugh the city's ________ (狭窄的) streets, listening t peple talk abut their life, yu can learn the culture there.
    71. 显然,教育对一个国家的经济发展至关重要。
    ________, educatin is central t a cuntry's ________ develpment.
    72. 保护环境,人人有责。
    It is everyne's ________ t prtect the envirnment.
    73. 每个观众都会被考虑到,不论他的年龄、性别或国籍。
    Every ________ will be cnsidered, regardless f his age, sex r ________.
    74. 被邀请到这个极其重要的会议,我深感荣幸。
    I feel ________ t be invited t the ________ imprtant meeting.
    75. 如果我们共同努力,我们的行动将对世界产生影响,并带来更美好的未来。
    With jint effrts, ur actins can ________ ________ ________ t the wrld and lead t a better future.
    第四部分 写作(满分25分)
    1. 表示理解;
    2. 具体建议;
    3. 表达祝愿。
    注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    听力 (1.5*20)
    1—5 ABACB 6—10 BCCAB 11—15 CBACC 16—20 ABACB
    阅读理解 (2.5*15)
    A篇 21. B 22. C 23. D
    B篇 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. D
    C篇 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. A
    D篇 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. D
    七选五 (2.5*5)
    36.G 37.F 38.C 39.E 40.A
    完形 (1*15)
    41. D 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. C
    46. A 47. B 48. D 49. B 50. C
    51. A 52. D 53. C 54. C 55. B
    语法填空 (1.5*10)
    56.came 57.rganized 58.events 59.and 60.wh
    61.weekly 62.fr 63.amazing 64. pwerful 65. strengthens
    66.fcus 67.medal 68.graduates 69.recmmend 70.narrw
    71.Obviusly, ecnmic
    72. duty / respnsibility
    73.audience, natinality
    hnred / hnured, extremely
    make a difference
    Dear Peter,
    Many f us feel smehw nervus whenever we are taking an imprtant exam. Nervusness nt nly des harm t students’ health but als disturbs ur studies. S it’s necessary fr us students t learn t relax. I’d like t share my advice with yu.(表示理解)
    I think it’s very imprtant t have a right attitude twards exams. Exams are nly a means f checking what we have learned.【高分句型一】Therefre, there is n need t wrry t much abut the results f the exams. 【高分句型二】Befre an exam, making a scientific study plan and keeping a peaceful mind can help t reduce the pressure frm the exam. We can als relax urselves by ding sprts and listening t music. Besides, enugh sleep and a balanced diet will wrk as well.(具体建议)
    Hpefully, my advice will be f sme use fr yu.(表达祝愿)
    Li Hua
    高分句型一:Exams are nly a means f checking what we have learned.
    高分句型二:Therefre, there is n need t wrry t much abut the results f the exams.
    分析:这句话使用了There is n need t d sth. 意为“没有必要做某事”。
    Text 1.【原文】W: Yu have nice hair.
    M: It’s cmmn. It’s nt dark and it’s nt light. It’s just brwn.
    Text 2.【原文】M: Why dn’t yu have a TV set in yur huse?
    W: Why shuld I? The Internet has even taken the place f my radi and newspapers.
    Text 3.【原文】M: Anther piece f meat pie?
    W: N, thanks, really. I’m n a diet.
    M: But yu’ve hardly eaten anything.
    W: It’s delicius, but I dn’t think I ught t.
    Text 4.【原文】W: D yu see smething abve us?
    M: Yes, it seems like a bird.
    W: Is that what I saw flying abve us when we were utside last night? The very big white bird that flew withut making any nise?
    M: Yes. I saw it, t.
    Text 5.【原文】W: I want t buy a train ticket t Chengdu fr tmrrw.
    M: OK, we have tickets available fr 1:00 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4:20 p.m.
    W: 2:30, please. Thank yu.
    Text 6-7.【原文】M: Hi, Helen. What are yu ding?
    W: We are having a neighbrhd cleanup.
    M: Really? Sunds interesting. What des it invlve?
    W: Well, we are picking up the trash, and the kids are painting n that wall, and we are planting sme trees alng the sidewalk.
    M: That’s great. Can I help yu?
    W: Sure, yu can help Tina. She is emptying that rubbish can ver there.
    M: OK.
    Text 8-9.【原文】M: Carl, cme int my ffice. I’d like t give yu sme infrmatin abut my trip t France.
    W: Yes, fine.
    M: Right, I need t be back in Lndn n Friday evening. D yu think yu culd check the times f direct flights frm Brdeaux?
    W: Yes, certainly. What abut htels? D yu want me t bk yu a htel in Brdeaux?
    M: Thanks, but that wn’t be necessary. I’m ging t stay with friends. They’ve gt a little castle in the cuntryside and they plant very gd grapes.
    Text 10-12.【原文】W: Egypt is an interesting cuntry t see, and it’s well wrth travelling there.
    M: But we can’t make up ur minds yet. Yu knw, a rund-trip ticket t Egypt csts a lt.
    W: I think yu may spend less than half f the mney if yu g by ship.
    M: But dn’t yu think it wuld take a lng time and...
    W: But yu can enjy the beauty f the sea and the rising sun. Yu’ll enjy yurselves, I’m sure.
    M: Dn’t be s sure. We mst prbably wn’t g anywhere. My wife always wrries t much.
    W: Abut what?
    M: Well... Wh’s ging t lk after the garden and the pets? We have these prblems every year. And in the end we stay at hme and lk after everything urselves.
    Text 13-16【原文】M: Thanks fr being ur guest tday n 94.1 FM.
    W: Yu’re welcme. Thank yu fr having me n yur shw.
    M: It’s ur pleasure. S, Ms. Allen, tell us a little bit abut yur prgram.
    W: Sure. I started this vlunteer prgram three years ag. I was wrking at a center fr the elderly. I nticed that a lt f them seemed t be very lnely.
    M: Yes. That’s a big prblem in many cities.
    W: At the time, my husband was a teacher. He recgnized that many students were having truble at schl. They needed help with their hmewrk, but their parents were wrking and didn’t have time t help them.
    M: S, yu decided t create a prgram that wuld cnnect ld peple with students in need f tutring.
    W: Yes. I knew there was a need fr such a prgram. Last year, we had 200 vlunteer tutrs. Tgether, they did mre than 12,000 hurs f tutring.
    Text 17-20【原文】M: Welcme t the University Helpline. Nw, let me tell yu sme details s that yu knw where t g and wh t see if yu want t pay us a visit. Generally, yu will see yur Helpline fficer Jessica. Jessica is a full-time emplyee f the Student Unin and she wrks in the Student Welfare Office — that’s the ffice that deals with all the matters related t students, and it’s lcated at 13 Marshall Rad.
    I have sme maps here fr thse f yu wh haven’t been there yet. If yu wish t call the ffice, the number is 362-9940. The ffice is pen frm 9:30 a.m. t 6:00 p.m. n weekdays and frm 10:00 a.m. t 4:00 p.m. n Saturdays. If yu want t make an appintment, yu can call r cme int the ffice in persn. Please nte that it may nt be pssible fr anyne t see yu right away, particularly if it is a busy time — lunch time, fr example — and yu may have t add yur name t the waiting list and then cme back later. Well, enugh frm me. Any questins?
    A篇 21.B 22.C 23.D
    21.细节理解题。根据Wanlng Ski Resrt, Nrth China’s Hebei Prvince部分的Wanlng Ski Resrt in Shijiazhuang City is nicknamed “heaven fr ski lvers”.可知,如果你是滑雪爱好者,你可能会去Ski Resrt。故选B。
    22.细节理解题。根据Wulng Karst Regin in Chngqing部分的“UNESCO named Wulng’s karsts as a Wrld Natural Heritage in 2007.(2007年,联合国教科文组织将武隆喀斯特列为世界自然遗产。)”可知,重庆武隆喀斯特地区的独特之处在于它被评为世界自然遗产。故选C。
    B篇 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Mike Huss通过自己的努力从一名看门人转变成一所小学的校长。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Huss said he never wanted t be an educatr, but his seventh-grade teacher felt therwise. “I remember Mrs. Cllier telling me, ‘Yu will be such a great teacher smeday,’ and I laughed at her. It is nt ging t happen, but here Lam,” he said.( Huss说,他从未想过成为一名教育家,但他的七年级老师却不这么认为。“我记得科利尔夫人告诉我,‘有一天你会成为一名伟大的老师’,我朝她笑着。不会发生的,但我在这里,”他说。)”可知,当他的老师鼓励他时,他几乎不敢相信老师说的话。故选B项。
    25.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Huss thinks his success cmes frm a push frm family. He wanted t shw his yung sn, wh was 3 years ld when Huss went back t schl fr teaching, that yu can d anything yu put yur mind t.( Huss认为他的成功来自家庭的推动。Huss重返校园教书时,他的小儿子才3岁,他想让他知道,只要你下定决心,你就能做任何事情)”可知,渴望成为儿子的榜样促使他在事业上取得进步。故选C项。
    26.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中“She said, “The kids aren’t used t seeing him in the ffice, s we have kids cme in all day lng asking ‘Is Mr. Huss busy? We miss him s much!’ ’’(她说,“孩子们不习惯在办公室看到他,所以我们有孩子整天进来问‘Huss先生忙吗?我们非常想念他!’ ”)”可知,Melanie的话表明Huss很受孩子们的欢迎。故选B项。
    27. 猜测词意题。根据最后一段“I’m trying t help students believe in themselves that they can achieve great things(我试图帮助学生相信自己,他们可以取得伟大的成就)”以及第五段“Huss thinks his success cmes frm a push frm family. He wanted t shw his yung sn, wh was 3 years ld when Huss went back t schl fr teaching, that yu can d anything yu put yur mind t.( Huss认为他的成功来自家庭的推动。Huss重返校园教书时,他的小儿子才3岁,他想让他知道,只要你下定决心,你就能做任何事情。)”可知,Huss想让孩子们明白,如下定决心并且努力就可以取得伟大的成就,因此stay the curse的意思是“不断努力”,故选D项。
    C篇 28.C 29.A 30.D 31.A
    28.细节理解题。根据第一段的“We call them the Stne Age peple because they used stne tls and arms. ( 我们称他们为石器时代的人,因为他们使用石器工具和武器。)”可知,被称为石器时代的人是因为他们使用石头工具和武器。故选C。
    29.细节理解题。根据第二段的“They have nt learned ways f ding things frm thers. (因为他们很少遇到来自外部世界的人,所以他们不知道现代发明。他们还没有从别人那里学会做事的方法。)可知,因为他们还没有从别人那里学到新的方法,阿兰达人仍然以他们以前的方式生活。故选A。
    30. 推理判断题。根据第二段“Because they have met few peple frm the utside wrld, they rarely hear f mdern inventins”,故选D。
    31.人物态度题。根据最后一段“Nw ther peple are mving int the center f Australia. Sn the Aruntas will n lnger be a Stne Age peple. (现在,其他人正在向澳大利亚的中心地区迁移。很快,阿兰达人将不再是石器时代的人。)”可知,阿兰达人迟早会改变他们的生活方式。且a piece f exciting news fr them,对于阿兰达人来说是一个令人兴奋的消息,所以他们对现代生活是一个积极的态度。故选A。
    D篇 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. D
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“ “A persn’s scale mass (质量) is a cmbinatin f muscle, fat, bne, bld, and even the air that we carry in ur lungs,” he says.(他说:“一个人的体表质量是肌肉、脂肪、骨头、血液,甚至是我们肺中携带的空气的组合。”)”可知,体重是肌肉、脂肪、骨骼、血液甚至肺里空气的质量总和。由此可推知,体重受多种因素影响。故选B。
    33.推理判断题。根据第三段的“When yu start t change yur bdy cmpsitin with yur wrkuts — by building mre muscle mass and decreasing yur bdy fat — yur scale weight may increase, while yur bdy fat percentage may decrease.(当你开始通过锻炼来改变你的身体组成——通过增加更多的肌肉量和减少体脂——你的体重可能会增加,而体脂率可能会降低。)”可推知,在坚持锻炼并进行健康饮食后,最有可能发生的是你的身体组成会发生变化。故选D。
    34.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Water makes up apprximately 65 t 90 percent f a persn’s weight(水大约占一个人体重的65%到90%)”可知,人体的含水量约占人体体重的65%到90%。由此可知,体重150磅的人体内含水量应在(150×65%=97.5)磅至(150×90%=135)磅之间。故选C。
    35.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Have yu been exercising and eating healthy, but when yu step n the scale, it says yu’ve gained a few punds? “That’s nrmal, and it desn’t mean that yur wrkuts are nt effective”, says Jeffrey A. Dlgan, an exercise physilgist in Miami Beach, Flrida.(你是否一直在锻炼,饮食也很健康,但当你站在秤上时,秤上显示你胖了几磅?“这很正常,这并不意味着你的锻炼没有效果,”佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩的运动生理学家Jeffrey A. Dlgan说。)”和第二段的“Immediately after a wrkut rutine, the percentage f mass in each bdy part can shift as much as 15 percent. S if yu’re gaining weight while wrking ut and eating healthy, it’s prbably nt the type f weight gain that yu think it is.(在例行锻炼后,身体各个部位的质量百分比会立即发生15%的变化。所以,如果你在锻炼和健康饮食的同时体重增加,这可能不是你想的那种类型的体重增加。)”可知,文章主要分析了坚持锻炼并进行健康饮食后体重不降反增的原因。D项“Why Des My Wrkut Cause Weight Gain?(为什么我锻炼后体重反而增加了?)”能概括文章主要内容,最适合作本文标题。故选D。
    七选五 36.G 37.F 38.C 39.E 40.A
    36.根据上文“It can als be dangerus because listening t music means yu’ll be less aware f yur surrundings. (它也可能是危险的,因为听音乐意味着你对周围环境的意识会降低。)”可知,上文介绍了跑步时听音乐的危害,G项意为“此外,你将无法听到团队中其他跑步者的指示。”选项能够承接上文,介绍的也是跑步时听音乐的危害,你将无法听到团队中其他跑步者的指示。故选G。
    37.根据下文“but yu can bet that it will anny at least ne persn in yur grup. (但你可以打赌,这会惹恼你团队中的至少一个人。)”可知,上文介绍的应该是一种会惹恼你团队成员的事情,F项意为“口袋里装着硬币或钥匙跑步可能不会打扰你”选项与下文构成转折关系,口袋里装着硬币或钥匙跑步可能不会打扰你,但硬币或钥匙发出的叮当声可能会惹恼你团队成员。故选F。
    38.根据段落小标题“Be prepared with what yu need. (准备好你需要的东西。)”可知,跑步之前我们要准备好我们需要的东西,C项意为“不要指望依靠其他跑步者获得补给。”选项符合段落主旨,我们要准备好我们需要的东西,不能指望依靠其他跑步者获得补给。故选C。
    39.根据下文“such as running in a clckwise directin n a circular rute. (例如在环行路线上沿顺时针方向跑步。)”可知,下文介绍了一种跑步规则,E项意为“注意在公园或小路上跑步的任何特殊规则。”选项能够引起下文,下文正是对特殊规则的举例,例如在环行路线上沿顺时针方向跑步。故选E。
    40.根据下文“Runners jin grups fr the scial element, but that desn’t mean they want t hear the same persn talk nn-stp abut their running achievements, injuries, r life prblems during every run. (跑步者加入团体是为了社交,但这并不意味着他们希望在每次跑步中听到同一个人不停地谈论自己的跑步成绩、受伤或生活问题。)”可知,跑步者不希望在每次跑步中听到同一个成员不停地谈论自己的事情,A项意为“有时保持沉默。”选项能够概括段落主旨,在团队跑步中,有时我们需要保持沉默,不要一直谈论自己的事情。故选A。
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了学生们给退休教师Agnes Llyd准备了一个惊喜,让她度过了一个难忘的70岁生日。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她丈夫多年前去世了。A. shwed up出现;B. set ut出发;C. fell ill得病;D. passed away去世。根据后文“planning t buy herself a chclate dessert.”可知,她的丈夫已经去世,她独自生活。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她已经很长时间没有孩子们的消息了,这让她很沮丧。A. wrrying令人担心的;B. depressing令人沮丧的;C. surprising令人惊讶的;D. puzzling令人费解的。根据语境和前文“She had nt heard frm her children fr a lng time”可知,她独自生活,很久没有孩子们的消息,这令人沮丧。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她拿起钱包,走向自己的汽车,打算给自己买一份巧克力甜点,尽管她的医生不建议她这样做。A. purse钱包;B. bk书籍;C. chair椅子;D. fd食物。根据后文“planning t buy herself a chclate dessert”可知,她拿起钱包。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她拿起钱包,走向自己的汽车,打算给自己买一份巧克力甜点,尽管她的医生不建议她这样做。 A. recgnize认出;B. admire钦佩;C. demand需求;D. recmmend推荐,建议。根据常识及后文“fr her age”可知,医生不建议她吃这些。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天是她的生日,这是她应得的。A. prmised许诺;B. ignred忽视;C. deserved应得;D. permitted允许。根据前文“It was her birthday”可知,她认为那是她生日应该得到的。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她走近自己的车时,突然一声“Llyd夫人!”把她吓了一跳。A. apprached靠近;B. discvered发现;C. started开始;D. tuched触摸。根据语境和前文“She picked up her ___3___ and walked twards her car”可知,她走近她的汽车。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她走近自己的车时,突然一声“Llyd夫人!”把她吓了一跳。A. mved使感动;B. frightened使惊恐;C. delighted使高兴;D. satisfied使满意。根据语境和前文“a sudden ‘MRS. LLOYD!’”可知,突然的一声吓了她一跳。故选B项。
    考查形容词(过去分词)词义辨析。句意:她环顾四周,被眼前的景象惊呆了。A. disturbed受干扰的;B. inspired受启发的;C. amused逗乐的;D. shcked震惊的。根据语境和后文“Her students were standing there carrying birthday signs.”可知,对眼前的景象,她感到震惊。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她没有意识到他们为她准备了这样一个惊喜。A. mentined提到;B. realized意识到;C. dubted怀疑;D. admitted承认。根据语境和后文“they had prepared such a surprise fr her”可知,她本打算独自过生日,没有意识到会有这样的惊喜。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的学生Christian走了过来,捡起她的钱包,带她到其他人那里,他们都开始唱生日快乐歌。A. fllwed跟随;B. invited邀请;C. guided指导,指引,带领;D. intrduced介绍。根据语境和后文“her t the rest”及“they all started singing Happy Birthday”可知,这位学生引领她参加下面的活动。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着歌曲的继续,她热泪盈眶。A. gathered聚集;B. dried使干燥;C. disappeared消失;D. remained保持不变。根据前文“they all started singing Happy Birthday”可知,Agnes很感动,热泪盈眶。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:当他们唱完歌的时候,彩色的小纸片突然到处飞扬。A. gradually逐渐地;B. frequently经常地;C. secretly秘密地;D. suddenly突然地。根据前文“She hadn’t ___9___ they had prepared such a surprise fr her.”可知,学生们要给老师一个惊喜,唱完歌后,彩色纸片突然飞扬。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的三个孩子拿着一个生日蛋糕走了出来,蛋糕上有两支蜡烛,组成了数字70。A. presents礼物;B. flwers花;C. candles蜡烛;D. cards卡片。根据常识及前文“a birthday cake”可知,蛋糕上插着蜡烛。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们异口同声地喊道,就在这时,Agnes第一次失去了平静。A. strength力量;B. enthusiasm热情;C. calmness平静,镇静;D. interest兴趣。基于前文的分析可知,学生们给教师Agnes Llyd准备了一个惊喜,让她度过了一个难忘的70岁生日。根据前文“Happy birthday. Mm!”可知,Agnes异常激动,失去平静。故选C项。
    考查复合连词词义辨析。句意:即使生活再忙碌,也不要忘记你的父母。A. as if好像;B. even if既使;C. s that以便;D. nw that既然。前文“Dn’t frget yur parents”和后文“yur life gets busy”存在让步转折关系,既使忙,也不要忘记父母。故选B项。

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