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    这是一份2022-2023学年贵州省遵义市高一下学期期末质量监测英语试题含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 考试开始前,请用黑色签字笔将答题卡上的姓名,班级,考号填写清楚,并在相应位置粘贴条形码。
    2. 客观题答题时,请用2B铅笔答题,若需改动,请用橡皮轻轻擦拭干净后再选涂其它选项;主观题答题时,请用黑色签字笔在答题卡相应的位置答题;在规定区域以外的答题不给分;在试卷上作答无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. Hw will the man g t the airprt?
    A. By taxi. B. By subway. C. By car.
    2. What is the man ging t d first?
    A. Ck dinner. B. Wash the dishes. C. D sme gardening.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Neighbrs.
    4. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 7:45. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:15.
    5. What is the wman prbably ding nw?
    A. Making a cmplaint. B. Making an explanatin. C. Making an aplgy.
    第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What was the restaurant famus fr?
    A. The price. B. The service. C. The atmsphere.
    7. What did the wman rder?
    A. The baked fish. B. The fried steak. C. The rasted chicken.
    8. Hw des the man describe the Plaza Htel?
    A. It’s hard t find. B. It’s quick t bk. C. It’s cmfrtable t live in.
    9. What is the advantage f Lemntree Htel?
    A. It has friendly staff. B. It ffers big bedrms. C. It prvides cheap rms.
    10. What des the man think f the Greenleaf Htel?
    A. Ppular. B. Expensive. C. Nisy.
    11. Hw lng did the man stay in Suth Africa?
    A. Abut three mnths. B. Abut ten weeks. C. Abut tw weeks.
    12. What was the mst difficult fr the man t get used t during the trip?
    A. The fd. B. The weather. C. The language.
    13. What has the man been busy ding recently?
    A. Organizing a cmpetitin. B. Planning after-schl classes. C. Taking phts fr a newspaper.
    14. What is the wman wndering abut?
    A. Hw t start the paper. B. Where t find material. C. Hw many pages t write.
    15. What des the man advise the wman t d abut the Klehaus bk?
    A. Lk at the cntents page. B. Fcus n the intrductin. C. Read the bk reviews.
    16. Which article can the wman read t study research methds?
    A. The Pehlee article. B. The Wlfsn article. C. The Leebskid article.
    17. Why des nt the man recmmend the Gary article?
    A. It is nt relevant t the tpic. B. It is nt prfessinal. C. It is nt reliable.
    18. What did the speaker study at cllege?
    A. Art. B. Wdwrk. C. Architecture.
    19. Where are the mst f the speaker’s mdels delivered?
    A. Japan and Canada. B. England and France. C. Ireland and England.
    20. What did the speaker find mst difficult when making the mdel huse?
    A. Making windws. B. Clring the walls. C. Ding the statues.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Welcme t Olympic Natinal Park!
    The park is lcated in the Western state f Washingtn. The park cvers mre than 400000 hectares. It has several different ecsystems. Each area f the park ffers visitrs smething special.
    Elwha Valley
    The Elwha Valley is in the central part f the park. It is the Olympic Peninsula’s largest watershed. A watershed is an area f land that separates waters that flw int different rivers r seas. The rivers in this area hld the mst salmn (鲑鱼) utside f Alaska and is hme t bears, eagles, and the Klallam Native Americans.
    Hh River Valley
    The Hh River is n the west side f the park. The river is frmed frm melted glacial ice n tp f Munt Olympus. The river is 80 kilmeters lng. It flws int the Pacific Ocean. Because f the amunt f rain, many different types f plants grw in the Hh rainfrest, frm msses and ferns t huge Sitka spruce trees. The Hh River Valley is prtected frm any lgging (伐术) r develpment.
    Hurricane Ridge
    Hurricane Ridge is a muntain area in the nrthern part f the park. It is easy t enter, and prvides incredible views f the Olympic Muntains. The ridge has many hiking paths. In winter, peple cme here t ski. They als cme here t take part in ther fun winter activities, like sledding and snwbarding.
    The Cast
    The westernmst part f the park is Pacific castline. Olympic Natinal Park has many breathtaking beaches. Kalalch Beach is knwn fr its white sand. It als has three natinal wildlife reserves, which prtect the area’s bird and fish species. The castline areas ffer hiking and camping. They are sme f the mst ppular places in the park.
    1. What is Elwha Valley special fr?
    A. White sand.B. Plentiful salmn.
    C. Varius plants.D. Wildlife reserves.
    2. What d Hurricane Ridge and The Cast have in cmmn?
    A. Bth prvide hiking areas.B. Bth ffer winter activities.
    C. Bth have rare animals.D. Bth feature incredible beaches.
    3. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A news reprt.B. A fashin magazine.
    C. A turism website.D. An academic paper.
    A water bearer had tw large pts, hung n either end f a ple which he carried acrss his neck. One pt had a crack in it while the ther was perfect. The perfect pt was always full f water at the end f a lng walk frm the stream t the huse; the cracked pt nly arrived half full.
    Of curse, the perfect pt was prud f itself. The pr cracked pt was ashamed f itself and aplgized t the bearer. “I have been able t take nly half f my lad because this crack in my side causes water t leak ut (漏出) all the way back t yur huse.” The pt said.
    The water bearer felt srry fr the cracked pt and said, “As we return t the huse, I want yu t pay attentin t all f the beautiful flwers alng the path.”
    Indeed, as they went up the hill, the ld cracked pt tk ntice f the sun warming the beautiful wild flwers n the side f the path, and this cheered it up a little. But at the end f the walk, the cracked pt still felt bad because half f its lad had leaked ut, and s again the pt aplgized t the bearer fr its failure.
    The bearer said t the pt, “Did yu ntice that there were flwers nly n yur side f the path, but nt n the ther pt’s side? That’s because I have always knwn abut yur flaw, and I tk advantage f it. I planted flwer seeds n yur side f the path, and every day as we have walked back frm the stream, yu’ve watered them. Fr tw years, I have been able t pick these beautiful flwers t decrate my table. Withut yu being just the way yu are, I wuld nt have the beautiful flwers.”
    4. Why did the cracked pt aplgize t the bearer?
    A. Fr its ugly appearance.B. Fr its wn imperfectin.
    C. Fr its heavy lad n the neck.D. Fr its failure t water flwers.
    5. What is the bearer’s attitude t the cracked pt?
    A. Unclear.B. Dubtful.C. Psitive.D. Indifferent.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “flaw” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Idea.B. Change.C. Cncern.D. Shrtcming.
    7. What can be learned frm the stry?
    A. Gd helps thse wh help themselves.
    B. Weaknesses can be turned int strengths.
    C. A slw sparrw shuld make an early start.
    D. Gd cmpany n the rad is the shrtest cut.
    A child sits beside a bkshelf at Beijing Bk Building in the dwntwn, listening as his mther reads a picture bk t him, ne wrd at a time. “We g t bkstres every week r tw,” says Wang Bin, the mther. “Kids lve reading.”
    Wang and her child are amng the grwing number f peple in China wh are attracted t physical bkstres, the appeal f which has lasted despite the grwth f digital reading. Fr many, bkstres are a place t hang ut, a venue fr relaxatin, entertainment and cultural enrichment.
    Zha Xianghan, a 20-year-ld cllege student, lks thrugh the bks n display at a PageOne bkstre. He didn’t cme t buy anything in particular, but t see what is n ffer and seek inner peace in preparatin fr a new term. “Bkstres used t simply sell bks, but nw they have mre functins,” says Zha. “Fr example, when selling bks, they may sell sme cultural and creative prducts and statinery. They als increasingly have cffee shps cnnected t them.”
    During the 2023 Spring Festival hliday, mre than 160 bkstres remained pen in Beijing, attracting plenty f visitrs, accrding t the Beijing Municipal Bureau f Press and Publicatin. They presented themed reading events, held lectures and exhibitins, and rganized traditinal cultural activities. At a bkstre in Shunyi district, children gave a cncert in celebratin f Spring Festival. Bkstres als ran prgrams featuring intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产). At Zhngguancun Bk Building, masters f flk art shwed yung readers hw t make small rabbit statues with dugh (面团), t mark the arrival f the Year f the Rabbit.
    8. Why did Zha Xianghan g t the PageOne bkstre?
    A. T sell sme cultural prducts.B. T read picture bks t children.
    C. T purchase bks and statinery.D. T find sme quietness in heart.
    9. What can we learn abut physical bkstres accrding t the passage?
    A. They have gradually changed int cffee shps.
    B. They are a cmbinatin f reading and relaxatin.
    C. They are aimed t prmte intangible cultural heritage.
    D. They attract mre readers cmpared with digital reading.
    10. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The best-sellers in physical bkstres.B. The develpment f physical bkstres.
    C. The activities held in physical bkstres.D. The physical bkstres remaining in Beijing.
    11. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T present varius functins f physical bkstres.
    B. T require mre peple t visit physical bkstres.
    C. T spread traditinal culture via physical bkstres.
    D. T shw the increasing number f readers in bkstres.
    AI Suitcase is a smart suitcase develped by a blind cmputer scientist t aid the blind in navigating (导航) their surrundings mre efficiently withut the aid f guide dgs.
    65-year-ld Chiek Asakawa has been cmpletely blind since she was nly 14, fllwing a tragic accident. She is a cmputer scientist. As smene wh has lng struggled with navigating unfamiliar and crwded places, Asakawa came up with an idea t help the blind get arund easier.
    In 2017, she put frward the idea f a smart suitcase that culd guide its user with the help f built-in sensrs (传感器) and cameras. Six years later, the AI Suitcase is almst ready fr its first public appearance.
    After the user inputs their destinatin n their smartphne, the AI Suitcase, which is small enugh t be brught nbard flights as carry-n luggage, can plan a best rute t that pint. The smart suitcase then relies n a set f sensrs and an exact GPS system that can determine its psitin within a 10-centimeter margin f errr (误差范围) t assess its surrundings and avid bumping int ther peple and bjects n its rute.
    The AI Suitcase ffers infrmatin t the user bth thrugh a built-in cnversatinal device, and thrugh sensrs in the handle. Althugh earlier designs were equipped with small wheels fit fr indr use, the latest versin f the smart suitcase features large, strng wheels and a pwerful mtr that can deal with utdr envirnments as well.
    The device is currently available fr testing by any blind persn in frnt f the Miraikan Museum until February 6th. Asakawa and the cmpanies that prvided mney fr her wrk ver the last few years want t make the AI Suitcase available fr hire at airprts, shpping centers, and train statins in the near future.
    12. What made Asakawa cme up with the idea f a smart suitcase?
    A. Her wn experience.B. Her rle as a scientist.
    C. Her bservatin f daily life.D. Her supprt fr the disabled.
    13. What can we learn abut the AI suitcase accrding t the passage?
    A. It first appeared in 2017.B. It has been put n the market.
    C. It can be taken n a plane.D. It can navigate places withut errr.
    14. What advantage des the AI suitcase have ver earlier designs?
    A. It has a lw margin f errr.B. It can interact with its users.
    C. It has built-in sensrs and cameras.D. It can handle situatins utdrs.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Blind AI Suitcase Inventr.B. AI Navigating System n Phnes.
    C AI Cmpanies Helping the Blind.D. AI Suitcase Designed fr the Blind.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Be Mre Prductive at Wrk
    D yu smetimes feel like yu have a lt t d but very little time t d it? ____16____ Yu are definitely having prductivity prblems but relax, it happens t everyne. With these helpful tips we will make yu a master f yur craft!
    Frm yur habits. In rder t be better, we can start by develping ur habits. ____17____ Actually, small but meaningful nes really cunt as well. Remve the bad habits slwly and stick with thse that make yur wrk a lt easier.
    ____18____ Pay clse attentin t the skills that help yu make the mst ut f yur wrk hurs. If yu are spending time n a specific gal, cncentrate n the certain task and then yu can accmplish it by the deadline.
    Find a cmpanin. Mtivatin and respnsibility can make huge changes t yur wrk rutine. If yu think yu can manage it yurself then it is great. Otherwise, yu will have t find a wrk partner. He will mtivate yu and als d regular checkups. ____19____
    Learn t take a break. ____20____ Hwever, yu really need t knw when t take a break. Use this time t step away frm yur wrk, enabling yur mind t have a rest and return with renewed mtivatin and ptentially new ideas. Regular breaks are actually great in yur wrk and life, which help in reducing stress and als increase yur verall prductivity.
    In all aspects f life, being prductive is the ne thing that matters the mst. Nt nly will this allw yu t perfrm better at wrk but it will als give yu a kind f satisfactin.
    A. Fcus n ne task.
    B Finish all tasks at ne time.
    C. This might seem a bit cntrary at first.
    D. Are yu tired f being behind schedule?
    E. Many peple prefer t start with big changes.
    F. He can even create gals t imprve yur verall perfrmance.
    G. Will yu finish yur wrk in time instead f leaving it until tmrrw?
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    This was my first experience with ne wh was able t “read” the children, and teach effectively. Miss Pratt ____21____ herself t teaching. Mrever, she made us feel that we were imprtant.
    I was nly three when a serius car accident happened, thus leaving a ____22____ belw my nse. Then I was called “Scarface” by many children. Meanwhile, I didn’t put the effrt required, which ____23____ my teacher. Thse made my cnfidence ____24____. Years f treatment cured everything withut any after-effects ____25____, but my emtins stayed scarred. Althugh my parents and relatives cnsidered me as ____26____, I did nt see myself that way.
    One day, after schl, I ____27____ in the classrm, waiting fr my mther t pick me up. Miss Pratt and a fellw teacher kept me cmpany while ____28____.
    I glanced at the clck, saying ____29____ t the teachers. Suddenly, appraching the dr, I happened t hear, “She really is plite and cute.” My teacher respnded, “_____30_____ ! Bernice is lvely.”
    Plite! Cute! Lvely! The wrds _____31_____ me. A delicius warmth surrunded me with a new sense f awareness. Teachers never lie. I felt quite _____32_____.
    At that mment, I was determined t make an effrt t _____33_____. Abut ne week later, Miss Pratt annunced that she was prud f my prgress. The class smiled and _____34_____. Fr the first time, I felt truly gd abut myself. What a(an) _____35_____ ne special teacher can make!
    21. A. adaptedB. devtedC. intrducedD. limited
    22. A. signB. sptC. burnD. scar
    23. A. paid backB. turned dwnC. let dwnD. held back
    24. A. sufferB. increaseC. develpD. miss
    25. A. mentallyB. persnallyC. physicallyD. basically
    26. A. wiseB. prettyC. easygingD. hardwrking
    27. A. layB. struggledC. hesitatedD. remained
    28. A. cmplainingB. teachingC. chattingD. arguing
    29. A. hellB. srryC. yesD. gdbye
    30. A. DefinitelyB. InterestinglyC. FrtunatelyD. Surprisingly
    31. A. interruptedB. grabbedC. greetedD. challenged
    32 A. inspiredB. relaxedC. awkwardD. upset
    33. A. studyB. prepareC. readD. plan
    34. A. shutedB. clappedC. whisperedD. jked
    35. A. chiceB. decisinC. differenceD. impressin
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Baduanjin, a kind f exercise ____36____ (regard) as a special sprt amng the aged, is already ____37____ (huge) ppular amng the yung peple in China.
    Mre than 1,000 vides abut Baduanjin can ____38____ (find) n Bilibili, a vide platfrm in China. A vide released by the General Administratin f Sprt f China t teach the public ____39____ (d) the exercise has gained abut 10 millin ____40____ (view) and 6,000 cmments. Mst f them were frm cllege students and the yung peple wh attach great imprtance ____41____ health care. Sme peple even livestream (直播) in the mrning and share their skills. Film stars and fitness blggers als d this exercise, ____42____ has attracted a large number f fllwers.
    Originating frm the Sng Dynasty (420-479), Baduanjin has ____43____ histry f mre than 800 years. It cnsists f eight mvements, using arms and legs t stimulate meridians (经脉) inside the bdy. Cmpared with Tai Chi and Wuqinxi, Baduanjin is mre ____44____ (suit) fr beginners with its simple and gentle mvements.
    It was mentined in the guidelines fr COVID-19 cases at hme by Traditinal Chinese Medicine t help recvery. _____45_____ (cmbine) physical and mental health, Baduanjin can imprve immunity (免疫力) and help peple relax.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国网友Mike来信询问你校劳动教育(Labur Educatin)活动开展情况。请你给他回信,内容包括:
    1. 活动项目;
    3. 你的感受。
    注意:1. 词数80词左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I live in a small but lvely neighbrhd. Our huse is neither large nr luxurius (奢华的), but it has a fairly big garden. My father lves his garden. He planted sme seeds in it and tk gd care f the plants, watering them, applying fertilizer (肥料), weeding and getting rid f bugs. He was never tired f ding all that stuff. But at that time, I didn’t understand why wrking in the dirt excited him s much.
    Unfrtunately, in early May, my father was seriusly injured in an accident. He had t stay in bed fr a while. My mther had several business trips, s she culdn’t take care f the garden. I didn’t want my father t wrry, s I said that I wuld take care f his garden until he recvered. I assumed that the little plants wuld cntinue t grw as lng as they had water, and luckily it rained fairly ften, s I didn’t think much abut the garden.
    One Saturday mrning, my father said t me, “Christine, the vegetables shuld be abut ready t be picked. Let’s have a salad tday!” I went ut t the garden and was upset t see that many f the lettuce (生菜) leaves and carrts had been half eaten by bugs. There were hundreds f bugs all ver them!
    I panicked fr a mment but then I quietly went t the nearest supermarket t buy sme vegetables. When I gave the salad t him, he said, “Oh, Christine, what a beautiful salad! I can’t believe the carrts are this big already. Yu must be taking very gd care f my garden.” I felt a little bit guilty.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右。
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    When my mum came hme, she saw the bag frm the supermarket in the kitchen.
    I carefully made a salad and lk it t my father.

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