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    这是一份2022-2023学年河南省商丘市名校联考高一下学期7月期末英语试题含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间: 100分钟 试卷满分: 120分)
    第一部分 听力 (略)
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    February newsletter:
    Greetings riders! By nw yu have been chatting with friends t rganize a team. Cnsider crss-training t get int shape-skiing snwsheing, indr riding, swimming…whatever yu fancy, they are all great ways t stay in shape and prepare fr sme lng-distance riding in May.
    A reminder:
    Online Registratin pens n Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 6: 00 AM Yukn Time. Be sure t read the entire registratin page befre registering.
    What’s changed:
    4-persn teams have been remved.
    Sl (单人的) riders — Icycle Sprt, ur Partner Level Spnsr will cntinue t prvide snacks and drinks at Checkpints 3 and 5 but there is n lnger a fd/drink bag drp at the Start Line.
    Team name — The registratin platfrm will nt allw duplicatin (重复) f team names. Yurs needs t be riginal.
    E-bikes are allwed n 8-persn teams. The team des nt need t cnsist entirely f e-bikes.
    2023 Registratin fees:
    NEW! Early bird registratin fee: (March 15 — 22, 2023) $85 per rider fr a team.
    Regular registratin fee: (March 23 — April 12, 2023) $95 per rider fr a team.
    Other updates:
    The itinerary (行程), Relay Infrmatin, Race Rules, and Registratin are nw updated and psted. Visit Questins? Please email inf@kcibr.rg.
    1. When will the internatinal bike relay be held?
    A. In February.B. In March.C. In April.D. In May.
    2. What is required f team racers?
    A. They shuld have an riginal team name.B. They shuld bring fd themselves.
    C. They shuld register in persn.D. They shuld ride e-bikes.
    3. Hw much shuld a 2-persn team pay if they register n March 24?
    A. $85.B. $95.C. $170.D. $190.
    【答案】1. D 2. A 3. D
    细节理解题。根据February newsletter部分中“they are all great ways t stay in shape and prepare fr sme lng-distance riding in May.(它们都是保持体形的好方法,还能为五月的长途骑行做准备)”可知,自行车接力赛会在五月举行。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据What’s changed部分第三段中“Team name — The registratin platfrm will nt allw duplicatin (重复) f team names. Yurs needs t be riginal.(参赛队伍名称——报名平台不允许重复参赛队伍名称。你的名字必须是原创的)” 可知,参赛人员的队名得是原创的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据2023 Registratin fees部分第二段中“Regular registratin fee: (March 23—April 12, 2023) $95 per rider fr a team.(常规报名费:(2023年3月23日至4月12日)每队95美元)”可知,两人的团队在三月二十四日注册需要支付$95×2=$190。故选D。
    Daniel, at age 17, is a student supprt captain at Armidale High Schl, a mtivatinal speaker and a published authr. He als has autism (自闭症), smething he says desn’t define him but inspires him.
    At just six mnths ld Daniel had a strke (中风) that left him physically impaired (受损的), unable t bear weight in his legs r mve the left side f his bdy. Unable t walk and in a wheelchair until he was six years ld, Daniel turned t bks and culd read fluently at age fur.
    Accrding t the Autism Assciatin f Western Australia, it is estimated that ne in 100 peple in Australia have autism. In 2018, there were 205, 200 Australians with autism, a 25. 1 percent increase frm 164, 000 in 2015.
    The idea f writing a bk had been in Daniel’s mind fr as lng as he culd remember. “It’s been ne f my lng-term gals and I feel very passinate and happy abut ding it,” he said. With Mum’s help, Cracked As A Crab was brn, the stry f Chip, a crab wh has autism and uses humur t make friends. “The respnse t it has been very psitive. Peple are happy and excited fr me,” Jacb said.
    Nw a published authr, Daniel has plans t write mre bks. Nt cntent with sitting idle (无所事事) while mst students are studying fr their exams, Daniel is busy invlving thers in his rle as student supprt captain. He saw a gap in student supprt leaders within his schl and wanted students with autism t be included. He is determined t have a lng and successful career, and wants t inspire ther peple living with autism t achieve their dreams.
    4. What happened t Daniel when he was 6?
    A. He started t read.B. He was able t walk.
    C He suffered a serius strke.D. He experienced a sudden weight gain.
    5 What d we knw abut the bk Cracked As A Crab?
    A. It has wn psitive recgnitin.B. It was finished by Daniel independently.
    C. It is based n Daniel’s persnal experiences.D. It received financial supprt frm Daniel’s friends.
    6. What might Daniel d after publishing his bk?
    A. Prepare fr his exams.B. Cntinue writing bks.
    C. Learn frm ther student supprt leaders.D. Prvide autistic students with career advice.
    7. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Mre Autistic Students Serve as Supprt Leaders
    B. Mum Turns t Writing t Supprt Her Autistic Child
    C. High Schl Pays Mre Attentin t Autistic Students
    D. Teenager Authr with Autism Inspires Other Autistic Students
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。自闭症男孩 Daniel 乐观生活,用实际行动激励其他自闭症青少年实现梦想。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Unable t walk and in a wheelchair until he was six years ld, Daniel turned t bks and culd read fluently at age fur.(6岁之前,丹尼尔都不能走路,只能坐在轮椅上。4岁时,他开始看书,并能流利地阅读。)”可知,Daniel直到六岁才能行走。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“The respnse t it has been very psitive.(对此的反应非常积极。)”可知,Daniel的Cracked As A Crab一书得到了读者的积极回应。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Daniel has plans t write mre bks.(丹尼尔计划写更多的书。)”可知,他有可能会写更多的书。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Daniel, at age 17, is a student supprt captain at Armidale High Schl, a mtivatinal speaker and a published authr. He als has autism (自闭症), smething he says desn’t define him but inspires him.(17岁的丹尼尔是阿米代尔高中的学生支持队长,也是一名励志演说家和出版作家。他也患有自闭症,他说这并没有定义他,而是激励了他。)”可知,本文主要讲述了自闭症男孩Daniel乐观生活,出版了自己的第一本书,并用自己的实际行动激励其他自闭症青少年实现梦想的故事。故选D项。
    Accrding t a new study described by researchers as a glbal breakthrugh, plants are nt as silent as we nce thught they were. They d make sunds, particularly when injured r stressed—just nt nes that we can hear with ur ears. Researchers recrded and analyzed sunds prduced by plants and discvered that they can give ff clicking sunds at a vlume similar t human speech, but t high fr human ears t pick it up.
    In rder t seclude the plants t ensure that any sund picked up by recrding equipment culd nly be cming frm the plants and nt the atmsphere arund them, researchers at Tel Aviv University placed plants in an acustic (声学的) bx in an envirnment with n backgrund nise. The plant types used in this study were mainly tmat and tbacc plants. Researchers used recrding equipment capable f picking up frequencies between 20 and 250 kilhertz, reaching mre than 15 times higher than the maximum frequency the average adult can hear.
    In the greenhuse setting, they als recrded a grup f tmat and tbacc plants as they grew increasingly dehydrated (脱水的), and fund that their sund utpint increased steadily fr the fllwing fur t five days after being watered, and then decreased. Essentially, the thirstier the plants gt, the luder they cmplained—until they reached a certain critical stage f dehydratin, at which pint their vices quieted as they dried up. The researchers als fund that dehydrated tmat and tbacc plants prduced an average f abut 35 and 11 sunds per hur, respectively. Cut tmat and tbacc plants made 25 and 15 nises per hur. Healthy plants, n the ther hand, prduced far fewer sunds, at less than ne per hur.
    Recrding these sunds culd help infrm farmers abut which f their crps are mst in need f water, allwing fr mre precise irrigatin, which culd be a step frward fr agriculture. “When mre and mre areas are expsed t drught due t climate change, efficient water use becmes even mre critical fr fd security. We believe that humans can use this infrmatin, given the right tls—such as sensrs that tell grwers when plants need watering,” said Lilach Hadany, a prfessr frm the Schl f Plant Sciences and Fd Security at the Wise Faculty f Life Sciences.
    8. What is the authr’s purpse in writing paragraph 1?
    A. T state research methds.B. T present research findings.
    C. T clarify the purpses f the research.D. T explain the significance f the research.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “seclude”in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Prtect.B. Develp.C. Separate.D. Discver.
    10. What d we knw abut the experiment?
    A. Plants make sunds mre frequently fr lack f water.
    B. Cut plants prduce luder sunds than dehydrated nes.
    C. Sunds cming frm plants are hard t pick up by devices.
    D. Plants prduce few sunds in the greenhuse envirnment.
    11. What des Lilach Hadany think f the research?
    A. It culd help increase the prductin f crps.
    B. It culd attract peple’s attentin t fd safety.
    C. It culd be applied t deal with glbal warming.
    D. It culd be beneficial fr efficient irrigatin in farming.
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Accrding t a new study described by researchers as a glbal breakthrugh, plants are nt as silent as we nce thught they were. They d make sunds, particularly when injured r stressed—just nt nes that we can hear with ur ears. Researchers recrded and analyzed sunds prduced by plants and discvered that they can give ff clicking sunds at a vlume similar t human speech, but t high fr human ears t pick it up.(根据一项被研究人员称为全球突破的新研究,植物并不像我们曾经认为的那样沉默。它们确实会发出声音,尤其是在受伤或受到压力的时候——只是这些声音不是我们用耳朵能听到的。研究人员记录并分析了植物发出的声音,发现它们发出的咔哒声的音量与人类说话的音量相似,但对人类的耳朵来说太高了。)”可知,第一段旨在呈现研究的结果。故选B项。
    词义猜测题。根据第二段“In rder t seclude the plants t ensure that any sund picked up by recrding equipment culd nly be cming frm the plants and nt the atmsphere arund them, researchers at Tel Aviv University placed plants in an acustic (声学) bx in an envirnment with n backgrund nise.(为了将植物_____,确保录音设备捕捉到的声音只来自植物本身,而不是它们周围的大气,特拉维夫大学的研究人员将植物放在一个没有背景噪音的声学盒子里。)”可知,由此可推测画线词所在部分表示研究人员将植物“隔离”起来,separate意为“隔离”,故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“In the greenhuse setting, they als recrded a grup f tmat and tbacc plants as they grew increasingly dehydrated (脱水的), and fund that their sund utpint increased steadily fr the fllwing fur t five days after being watered, and then decreased. Essentially, the thirstier the plants gt, the luder they cmplained—until they reached a certain critical stage f dehydratin, at which pint their vices quieted as they dried up. The researchers als fund that dehydrated tmat and tbacc plants prduced an average f abut 35 and 11 sunds per hur, respectively. Cut tmat and tbacc plants made 25 and 15 nises per hur. Healthy plants, n the ther hand, prduced far fewer sunds, at less than ne per hur.(在温室环境中,他们还记录了一组番茄和烟草植物在日益脱水的过程中,发现在浇水后的4到5天里,它们的声音输出点稳步增加,然后下降。从本质上讲,植物越渴,它们的抱怨就越大声——直到它们达到脱水的某个关键阶段,在这个阶段,它们的声音就会随着干枯而安静下来。研究人员还发现,脱水的番茄和烟草植株每小时分别平均发出35和11种声音。割下的番茄和烟草每小时发出25和15个声音。另一方面,健康的植物发出的声音要少得多,每小时不到一个。)”可知,植物会因为缺水而更频繁地发出声音。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Recrding these sunds culd help infrm farmers abut which f their crps are mst in need f water, allwing fr mre precise irrigatin, which culd be a step frward fr agriculture. “When mre and mre areas are expsed t drught due t climate change, efficient water use becmes even mre critical fr fd security. We believe that humans can use this infrmatin, given the right tls—such as sensrs that tell grwers when plants need watering,(记录植物的这些声音可以帮助农民了解农作物的需水情况,从而实现更精确的灌溉,这可能是农业的一个进步。Lilach Hadany表示,当越来越多的地区因气候变化而面临干旱时,有效利用水资源对粮食安全变得更加重要。他相信只要有合适的工具——比如传感器,告知种植者植物何时需要浇水,人类就可以利用这些信息。)”可知,Lilach Hadany认为这项研究对农业的高效灌溉大有裨益。故选D项。
    New research led by scientists at the University f Massachusetts Amherst has revealed that the spiny pllen (带刺花粉) f plants in the sunflwer family can reduce infectin f a cmmn bee parasite (寄生生物) by up t 94 percent. The sunflwers”spiny pllen can destry a parasite called C. bmbi (熊蜂短膜虫), which has been significantly reducing bumblebee ppulatins.
    T investigate hw sunflwers help bumblebees resist C. bmbi, the researchers separated the spiny uter shell f the pllen frm the chemical metablites (代谢物) in the pllen’s cre. They then mixed the spiny pllen shells f sunflwers, with the chemistry remved, int the pllen fed t ne grup f bees.
    Anther grup was fed wildflwer pllen with sunflwer metablites and n sunflwer shells. The researchers discvered that the bees that ate the spiny sunflwer pllen shells had the same respnse as bees feeding n whle sunflwer pllen. These bees had a markedly reduced risk f C. bmbi infectin cmpared t thse fed sunflwer metablites.
    Bumblebees, which are vital pllinatrs f crps and wildflwers, are experiencing a rapid decline in their ppulatins wrldwide. Habitat lss due t urbanizatin and agricultural intensificatin is the greatest threat t bumblebees. Climate change is als taking a tll n bumblebees. As temperatures rise, bumblebees are frced t mve further nrth t cler climates, which can affect their ability t find fd and nesting sites. Pesticide use is anther significant threat t bumblebees. These chemicals are harmful t them and can damage their navigatin and immune systems, leading t reduced reprductive success. Bumblebees play a vital rle in maintaining healthy and diverse ecsystems. Understanding hw sunflwers prtect bees frm disease culd help us identify ther flwers that have similar prtective prperties. Thrugh this, researchers can wrk twards develping new strategies t help cnserve bumblebees.
    12. Hw des the spiny pllen f sunflwers benefit bees?
    A. It prtects them frm predatrs.B. It imprves their sense f smell.
    C. It can be used fr their nest building.D. It helps them resist parasite infectins,
    13. Hw did researchers explre the functin f spiny pllen shells?
    A. By cllecting data.B. By making cmparisns.
    C. By referring t previus studies.D. By surveying experienced farmers.
    14. What is the biggest threat t the survival f bumblebees?
    A. Habitat lss.B. Climate change.C. The use f pesticides.D. Envirnmental pllutin.
    15. What is the significance f the study?
    A. It ffers a way t increase sunflwer yield.
    B. It draws public attentin t the rle f ecsystems.
    C. It prvides a new idea fr prtecting bumblebees.
    D. It allws peple t distinguish between different plants species.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C
    【导语】本文是说明文。一项新研究表明,向日葵科植物的带刺花粉可以帮助一种常见的蜜蜂减少高达 94%的寄生虫感染。这项新研究的意义在于其为保护大黄蜂提供了新思路。
    【详解】1.细节理解题。根据第一段中“New research led by scientists at the University f Massachusetts Amherst has revealed that the spiny pllen (带刺花粉) f plants in the sunflwer family can reduce infectin f a cmmn bee parasite (寄生生物) by up t 94 percent.”(由马萨诸塞州立大学艾莫斯特分校科学家领导的一项新研究表明,向日葵科植物的多刺花粉可以将一种常见的蜜蜂寄生虫的感染率降低94%。)可知,向日葵的带刺花粉可以帮助蜜蜂抵抗寄生虫感染。故选D项。
    2.推理判断题。第三段中“The researchers discvered that the bees that ate the spiny sunflwer pllen shells had the same respnse as bees feeding n whle sunflwer pllen. These bees had a markedly reduced risk f C. bmbi infectin cmpared t thse fed sunflwer metablites.”(研究人员发现,食用带刺向日葵花粉外壳的蜜蜂与食用整个向日葵花粉的蜜蜂有相同的反应。与喂食向日葵代谢物的蜜蜂相比,这些蜜蜂感染家蚕的风险明显降低。)可推知,研究人员通过对比试验,来探究向日葵花粉壳的作用。故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Habitat lss due t urbanizatin and agricultural intensificatin is the greatest threat t bumblebees”(城市化和农业集约化造成的栖息地丧失是对大黄蜂的最大威胁)可知,城市化和农业集约化导致的栖息地丧失是对大黄蜂的最大威胁。故选A项。
    4.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Thrugh this, researchers can wrk twards develping new strategies t help cnserve bumblebees.”(通过这种方法,研究人员可以开发新的策略来帮助保护大黄蜂。)可知,这项新研究的意义在于其为保护大黄蜂提供了新思路。故选C项。
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Pets are an imprtant part f the family. Peple can always cunt n the cmpaninship f pets. ___16___
    Pets relieve anxiety.
    While studies have shwn that pets may be imprtant in reducing specific health issues, there is significant prf that they relieve stress and anxiety. When the chips are dwn—whether it was a tugh day at wrk, sad news frm friends r family, r tensin ver a majr life change—pets are the ne cnstant. ___17___
    Pets give purpse t life.
    Pets may give their wners a purpse—a reasn t get up in the mrning and begin again. ___18___ They need t be fed and given water. Mst f all, they need attentin. Attentin may be anything frm a nice lng walk, if the pet is a dg r ther walkable animal, t a nice brushing fr a cat r petting and treats fr birds, whatever the chsen pet.
    Smetimes pets may act really silly—and silliness generates laughter and fun. Cats and dgs lve t play, and playing gives wners a chance t act silly, be natural, and revel in (着迷于) the fun f their pets’ naughty.
    Pets keep harmny in the hme.
    Pets may ften be the reasn a hme feels like a hme. They bring warmth and cmfrt t any situatin, especially when hsting guests. Pets break the ice and becme a way t welcme thers int a hme r even n the street. ___20___ Pets bring happiness, and happiness is infectius (有感染力的)—a way t brighten everyne’s day.
    A. Pets let yu be a kid again.
    B. They require care n a daily basis.
    C. Pets impact a child’s develpment.
    D. Belw are several benefits t having a cmpanin animal.
    E. They are there t give uncnditinal lve, n matter the situatin.
    F. And that’s just the beginning f why pets may be mre imprtant than ever.
    G. Few can resist a smile r kind greeting when passing smene wh is walking a dg.
    【答案】16. D 17. E 18. B 19. A 20. G
    根据下文“Pets relieve anxiety.(宠物可以缓解焦虑。)”,“Pets give purpse t life.(宠物赋予生活目标。)”,以及“Pets keep harmny in the hme.(宠物保持家庭和谐。)”可知,设空处所在段是总括段,故 D 项“Belw are several benefits t having a cmpanin animal.(以下是宠物会给人带来的几点好处。)”符合语境。故选D项。
    根据上文“When the chips are dwn—whether it was a tugh day at wrk, sad news frm friends r family, r tensin ver a majr life change—pets are the ne cnstant.(无论你是在工作中度过了艰难的一天,还是从朋友或家人那里听到了悲伤的消息,又或是因为生活中的重大变化而感到紧张,宠物总是陪伴着你。)”可知,不论你遭遇了什么样的事情,宠物一直都陪着你。E 项“They are there t give uncnditinal lve, n matter the situatin.(不管什么样的情况,它们一直都在那里给你无条件的爱。)”符合语境。故选E项。
    根据上文“Pets may give their wners a purpse—a reasn t get up in the mrning and begin again.(宠物可能会给它们的主人一个目标——一个早上起床重新开始的理由。)”可知,宠物让主人有了开启每一天的理由,后三句具体提到宠物的需求,故设空处应该谈及宠物有需求。B项“They require care n a daily basis.(它们每天需要被照顾。)”符合语境。故选B项。
    根据下文“Smetimes pets may act really silly—and silliness generates laughter and fun. Cats and dgs lve t play, and playing gives wners a chance t act silly, be natural, and revel in (着迷于) the fun f their pets’ naughty.(有时宠物可能会表现得很愚蠢,而愚蠢会产生笑声和乐趣。猫和狗都喜欢玩耍,而玩耍给了主人一个机会,让他们表现得很傻,很自然,并陶醉在他们的宠物淘气的乐趣中。)”该段主要谈了养宠物能带来乐趣。A项“Pets let yu be a kid again.(宠物能让你变成孩子。)”符合语境。故选A项。
    根据上文“Pets break the ice and becme a way t welcme thers int a hme r even n the street.(宠物打破了沉默,成为欢迎别人来到家里甚至是街上的一种方式。)”可知,本段主要谈了宠物能帮助人创造和谐的人际氛围。设空处前一句末尾处提到r even n the street,因此设空处应该和宠物在街上创造和谐的人际氛围有关。G 项“Few can resist a smile r kind greeting when passing smene wh is walking a dg.(当路过遛狗的人时, 很少有人能忍住不微笑或给予亲切的问候。)”符合语境。故选G项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节, 满分30分) 第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    T change my negative thinking, ne day, I wre a rubber band arund my left wrist. Every time I caught myself thinking f a (n) ___21___ utcme, I snapped (使……发出啪的声音) the rubber band, causing mild discmfrt. This simple ___22___ taught me t assciate such thinking with ___23___. I snapped the band many times a day at first. ___24___, after a few weeks, I fund I snapped the band less.
    That lked like prgress t me, s I ___25___ the next step. Nw that I was ___26___ my negative thughts, why nt ___27___ them with smething else? Smething light, bright, and ptimistic? Once I began t ntice the ___28___ f psitive thughts, I fund it was easy t expand my hrizns (视野).
    As my thughts ___29___, I started t jurnal. I went ___30___ at first writing dwn a few phrases at a time right befre I went t bed. I made nte f the psitive things that I had nticed that day. As my list grew, I decided t ___31___ my thinking nce again. ___32___ reflecting upn the psitive parts f the day, I wanted t prject what gd things might be in stre fr tmrrw. By wrking t ___33___ what ccupied my mind, I truly changed.
    I ___34___ t wear that simple rubber band. When bad negative thughts threaten, I quickly snap that band, ___35___ my thinking, and get back n track, cunting my blessings.
    21. A. extraB. newC. badD. direct
    22. A. knwledgeB. devtinC. imaginatinD. exercise
    23. A. discmfrtB. dishnestyC. misfrtuneD. misunderstanding
    24. A. OtherwiseB. BesidesC. HweverD. Therefre
    25. A. std up frB. mved n tC. put up withD. made up fr
    26. A. checkingB. srtingC. recrdingD. interrupting
    27. A. cmpareB. replaceC. illustrateD. equip
    28. A. pwerB. rderC. ppularityD. principle
    29. A. shiftedB. appearedC. matteredD. repeated
    30. A. equallyB. secretlyC. frmallyD. slwly
    31. A. expandB. simplifyC. explainD. annunce
    32. A. Regardless fB. In additin tC. Accrding tD. In terms f
    33. A. enjyB. mixC. cntrlD. share
    34. A. affrdB. prmiseC. frgetD. cntinue
    35. A. sptB. adjustC. applyD. stress
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每当我发现自己想到不好的结果时,我就会拉断橡皮筋,引起轻微的不适。A. extra额外的;B. new新的;C. bad坏的;D. direct直接的。根据上文“T change my negative thinking, ne day, I wre a rubber band arund my left wrist.(为了改变我的消极想法,有一天,我在左手腕上戴了一个橡皮筋)”可知,作者喜欢消极思考,所以是想到不好的结果。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个简单的练习教会我将这种想法与不适联系起来。A. knwledge知识;B. devtin奉献;C. imaginatin想象力;D. exercise锻炼,练习。结合上文“Every time I caught myself thinking f a (n) utcme, I snapped the rubber band, causing mild discmfrt.”可知,作者会用扯皮筋的练习方式来锻炼自己改掉消极想法,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个简单的练习教会我将这种想法与不适联系起来。A. discmfrt不安;B. dishnesty不诚实;C. misfrtune不幸;D. misunderstanding误解。呼应上文“I snapped the rubber band, causing mild discmfrt.”指作者通过扯皮筋来让消极想法和不适联系起来。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,几周后,我发现皮筋少折断了。A. Otherwise否则;B. Besides此外;C. Hwever然而;D. Therefre因此。上文“I snapped the band many times a day at first.(一开始,我一天要扯皮筋很多次)”以及后文“I fund I snapped the band less.(我发现皮筋少折断了)”可知为转折关系,应用hwever。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:在我看来,这是一种进步,所以我继续进行下一步。A. std up fr支持;B. mved n t继续;C. put up with忍受;D. made up fr弥补。后文“them with smething else”提到作者开始用其他东西来代替消极思想,所以是继续进行下一步。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:既然我打断了自己的消极思想,为什么不用别的东西来代替它们呢?A. checking检查;B. srting分类;C. recrding记录;D. interrupting打断。根据宾语“my negative thughts”以及作者通过弹皮筋想要改掉消极思想,所以是打断消极思想,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:既然我打断了自己的消极思想,为什么不用别的东西来代替它们呢?A. cmpare比较;B. replace取代;C. illustrate说明;D. equip装备。根据后文“them with smething else”以及“Smething light, bright, and ptimistic?(一些轻松、明亮、乐观的东西?)”指用乐观的东西代替消极的东西,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一旦我开始注意到积极思想的力量,我发现扩展我的视野很容易。A. pwer力量;B. rder订单;C. ppularity受欢迎;D. principle原则。根据后文“f psitive thughts, I fund it was easy t expand my hrizns”作者发现扩展视野很容易,说明积极思想给了作者力量。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着我思想的转变,我开始写日记。A. shifted转换;B. appeared出现;C. mattered重要;D. repeated重复。根据上文“I fund it was easy t expand my hrizns(我发现拓展我的视野很容易)”可推知,作者的视野扩展了,说明思想有了转变。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:一开始我进展很慢,在睡觉前一次写几个短语。A. equally平等地;B. secretly秘密地;C. frmally正式地;D. slwly缓慢地。根据后文“writing dwn a few phrases at a time”可知,一开始作者一次只写几个短语,说明进展缓慢。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着我的清单越来越多,我决定再一次扩展我的思维。A. expand扩大;B. simplify简化;C. explain解释;D. annunce宣布。呼应上文“expand my hrizns”指作者再次扩展思维。故选A。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了反思一天中积极的部分,我还想计划一下明天会发生什么好事。A. Regardless f不管;B. In additin t除了;C. Accrding t根据;D. In terms f就……而言。根据后文“reflecting upn the psitive parts f the day, I wanted t prject what gd things might be in stre fr tmrrw”可知,作者不止反思积极的部分,还计划明天的好事,表示“除了……还”应用In additin t。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过努力控制占据我思想的东西,我真正改变了。A. enjy享受;B. mix混合;C. cntrl控制;D. share分享。结合上文可知作者通过想积极的部分以及计划好事,是在有意识地控制占据自己思想的东西,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直戴着那个简单的橡皮筋。A. affrd买得起;B. prmise承诺;C. frget忘记;D. cntinue继续。根据后文“I quickly snap that band(我迅速弹皮筋)”可知,作者一直戴着那个简单的橡皮筋。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当坏的消极想法威胁到我时,我迅速拉下橡皮筋,调整我的思维,然后回到正轨,数数我的祝福。A. spt发现;B. adjust调整;C. apply应用;D. stress强调。根据后文“my thinking, and get back n track, cunting my blessings”可知,作者通过橡皮筋来调整自己的思维,回到正轨,故选B。
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    China ___36___ (launch) the Shenzhu-16 manned spaceship, sending three astrnauts t ___37___ (it) space statin cmbinatin fr a five-mnth missin n May 30th.
    Accrding t the China Manned Space Agency, abut 10 minutes after the launch, the Shenzhu-16 separated ___38___ the rcket and entered its designed rbit. The crew members are in gd shape and the launch is a cmplete ___39___ (succeed).
    The crew cnsists f Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haicha. They will witness the dckings (对接) f the Tianzhu-5 carg craft ___40___ the Shenzhu-17 manned spaceship, as well as the departures f the Shenzhu-15 manned spaceship and Tianzhu-5.
    ___41___ an imprtant mment in the histry f China space statin! ___42___ we can see, Shenzhu-16 crew are nw entering the Tianhe cre mdule, while Shenzhu-15 crew are nw waiting ___43___ (welcme) them n the ther side.
    After the swift autmated rendezvus, the Shenzhu-16 spaceship dcked n the Tianhe cre mdule frm belw. The whle space statin cnsists f six spacecraft, ___44___ (include) tw lab mdules, tw ___45___ (man) spaceships and the Tianhe cre mdule and the Tianzhu-6 carg ship.
    【答案】36. launched
    37. its 38. frm
    39 success
    40. and 41. What
    42. As 43. t welcme
    44. including
    45. manned
    【导语】本文是说明文。讲述了5月30日, 中国发射了神舟十六号载人飞船, 将三名宇航员送入空间站, 执行为期五个月的任务。
    考查形容词性物主代词。句意:5月30日,中国发射了神舟十六号载人飞船,将三名宇航员送入空间站,执行为期五个月的任务。根据设空处后面的space statin cmbinatin可知,设空处应用形容词性物主代词。故填its。
    考查介词。 句意:据中国载人航天工程办公室称,发射大约10分钟后,神舟十六号载人飞船与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道。separate frm意为“从…分离”,故填frm。
    考查名词。句意:航天员乘组状态良好,发射取得圆满成功。分析句子结构可知,空格前cmplete作定语,修饰空后的名词,应用 success。故填 success。
    考查what引导的感叹句。句意:这是中国空间站历史上多么重要的时刻啊!根据设空后an imprtant mment可知,用what引导感叹句。故填What。
    考查定语从句。句意:正如我们所看到的,神舟十六号乘组正在进入天和核心舱,而神舟十五号乘组现在正在另一边等待迎接他们。As在此句中引导非限定性定语从句,放在句首,同时在从句中作宾语。故填 As。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:正如我们所看到的,神舟十六号乘组正在进入天和核心舱,而神舟十五号乘组现在正在另一边等待迎接他们。分析可知,此题中非谓语动词不定式在句中作目的状语。故填t welcme。
    考查介词。句意:整个天宫空间站由六个航天器组成,包括问天实验舱、梦天实验舱、神舟十五号载人飞船、神舟十六号载人飞船、天和核心舱和天舟六号货运飞船。根据题干推断可知,空格处用介词including,包括。故填 including。
    考查形容词。句意:整个天宫空间站由六个航天器组成,包括问天实验舱、梦天实验舱、神舟十五号载人飞船、神舟十六号载人飞船、天和核心舱和天舟六号货运飞船。设空处在句中作定语,修饰spaceships,应用形容词形式,故填 manned。
    第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华, 目前淄博烧烤爆火, 请给学校交换生Smith写一封信邀请他去淄博吃烧烤 (barbecue), 内容包括:
    1. 写信的目的;
    2. 介绍淄博烧烤 (每桌一个小炉子stve, 烧烤上桌后, 顾客得自己再加工; 开设公交专线);
    3. 期待回复。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2, 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Dear Smith,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Smith,
    Hw is everything ging? I’m writing t invite yu t enjy Zib lcal barbecue.
    Zib city recently went viral n Chinese scial media fr its lcal specialty fd, Zib barbecue. The high-speed railway trains are packed with visiting turists. But hw did Zib rise t fame? It cmes dwn t the city gvernment’s ambitin, determinatin and creativity. The lcal gvernment f Zib has set up a special barbecue map and added new barbecue bus lines, which are very cnvenient fr turists. What’s mre, Zib lcal barbecue has a small stve at each table. The barbecues served, custmers have t prcess them themselves and wrap them in a thin pancake. Such an unexpected success has shwn the city’s spirit f unity.
    It will be highly appreciated if yu culd cme. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    原句:The barbecues served, custmers have t prcess them themselves and wrap them in a thin pancake.
    拓展句:When the barbecues are served, custmers have t prcess them themselves and wrap them in a thin pancake.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The lcal gvernment f Zib has set up a special barbecue map and added new barbecue bus lines, which are very cnvenient fr turists.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The barbecues served, custmers have t prcess them themselves and wrap them in a thin pancake.(运用了独立主格结构)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    On Mnday afternns at tw ’clck, my dg Beau and I wuld arrive at the Silver Spring Cnvalescent Center fr an hur f pet therapy (宠物疗法) with the senirs wh lived there.
    Rm 114 was hme t Katherine’s, a wman in her seventies wh had stpped talking a few mnths earlier and had been living in a catatnic (木僵的) state in her wheelchair fr the past mnth. I was tld her family had stpped calling r visiting, and she had n friends. When Beau and I walked int her rm, she was sitting in her wheelchair, her back tward us, facing the viewless windw.
    Beau was pulling ahead f me with his leash (牵绳). Befre I culd get arund t kneeling dwn in frnt f her, he was at her left side, with his head in her lap. I pulled a chair up in frnt f her and sat dwn, saying hell. N respnse. In the fifteen minutes that Beau and I sat with Katherine, she never said a wrd and never mved. Surprising as that may be, mre surprising was that Beau never mved either.
    If yu knew Beau, yu’d knw that even ten secnds was lng enugh t wait fr a petting. He wuld wiggle (摇) his bdy against anyne wh was clsest t his nse until they were frced t pet him, r he’d lse interest and find smene else. I became s uncmfrtable with the lack f life in this wman that, much as I wished I felt differently, when the clck struck 2: 30 PM. , I rushed t say gdbye, std up and pulled the reluctant (不情愿的) Beau ut.
    Every Mnday thereafter, Beau and I made a visit t rm 114. Each visit I attempted t ask Katherine questins abut her life and tell her abut mine and Beau’s. N respnse. I grew mre and mre frustrated. I figured we didn’t really make a difference, s why did we bther t stp by?
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    On ur furth visit, I was ready t bypass Katherine’s rm, but Beau had ther plans.
    And then the mst unbelievable thing happened.
    On ur furth visit, I was ready t bypass Katherine’s rm, but Beau had ther plans. He pulled me int Katherine’s rm and tk his familiar pse n her left side, head in her lap. I didn’t say a wrd, but since I had a business meeting later in the afternn with which I was preccupied, I decided t cut shrt ur usual fifteen minutes with Katherine t five. Instead f talking, I remained quiet, fcusing inwardly n my upcming meeting. Surely, she’d never ntice r care. As I std up t walk ut and began t pull Beau away, he wuldn’t mve.
    And then the mst unbelievable thing happened. Katherine’s hand went up t the tp f Beau’s head and rested there. N ther mvement, just her hand Beau cntinued t stand like a statue never mving frm his spt. I sat back dwn in silent shck. Lve has many ways f shwing its face. Each time I am ready t walk away frm a persn n whm I’ve given up, I am reminded f the pwer f Beau’s lving persistence with Katherine and with me. If Beau can give an extra ten minutes, surely, I can t.
    ①全神贯注:be preccupied with/cncentrate n
    ②注意到:ntice/take ntice f
    ③缩短:cut shrt/shrten
    ①震惊:in shck/in astnishment
    【点睛】【高分句型1】 I didn’t say a wrd, but since I had a business meeting later in the afternn with which I was preccupied, I decided t cut shrt ur usual fifteen minutes with Katherine t five. (运用了since引导的原因状语从句和介词+关系代词引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】 Instead f talking, I remained quiet, fcusing inwardly n my upcming meeting. (运用了现在分词作状语)

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