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    这是一份2022-2023学年贵州省贵阳市普通中学高一下学期期末监测英语试题含答案+听力,共7页。试卷主要包含了 每题限选一个答案,多选不给分,5分,满分2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、座位号用钢笔填写在答题卡上。
    2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。
    3. 每题限选一个答案,多选不给分。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分10分)
    1 Hw did the man get the pen?
    A He bught it.
    B. The schl gave it as a prize.
    C. The wman bught it fr him.
    2. What des the man want t brrw?
    A. A car. B. A ftball. C. An eraser.
    3. What is brken?
    A. The cellphne. B. The switch. C. The lamp.
    4. Why is Jack a gentleman, accrding t the wman?
    A. He buys her nice things.
    B. He cks her favurite meal.
    C. He hlds the dr pen fr her.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn. B. Teacher and student. C. Librarian and reader.
    6. Where des the man want t g?
    A. T a bank. B. T a pst ffice. C. T a library.
    7. Hw will the man g t his destinatin?
    A. On ft. B. By bike. C. By bus.
    8. What subjects interest Linda?
    A. Music and PE. B. PE and writing. C. Science and writing.
    9. Hw des Eric feel abut music?
    A. It’s easy and fun. B. It’s easy but bring. C. It’s hard but interesting.
    10. What is the wman ding?
    A. Checking the phne. B. Preparing the lunch. C. Making a cake.
    11.What des the wman ask t drink?
    A. Juice. B. Cffee. C. Water.
    12. When will the man be back?
    A. In ten minutes. B. In half an hur. C. Tmrrw.
    13. Wh is the man prbably?
    A. The wman’s sn. B. The wman’s friend. C. The wman’s dctr.
    14. What des the wman recmmend as a cure?
    A. Medicine. B. A ht bath. C. Ht water with lemn.
    15. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy. B. Cludy. C. Sunny.
    16. What did the man frget t buy?
    A. Tea. B. An umbrella. C. Bath salts.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Living a gd life. B. Driving safety. C. Ging places.
    18. What are the students learning?
    A. Hw t get a driving permit. B. Hw t pass a car C. Hw t drive.
    19. What is the attitude f the speaker?
    A. She is happy. B. She is wrried. C. She is disappinted.
    20. Why d thusands f drivers have accidents accrding t the talk?
    A. They try t pass slw cars.
    B. They refuse t listen t fficials.
    C. They frget t fasten their seat belts.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共4篇,15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    第一节 阅读下面短文,从21—32小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能完成所给句子或回答所提问题的最佳选项,并在答题卡内将相应的大写字母涂黑。
    Famus wrld film festivals and awards
    Venice Internatinal Film Festival, Venice, Italy
    Held yearly frm 1932, it’s the wrld’s ldest film festival. The awards are lin trphies (奖杯) including the Glden Lin and Silver Lin. Chinese directr Zhang Yimu has wn the Glden Lin twice.
    Festival de Cannes, Cannes, France
    It’s held yearly frm 1946. Held in May in the beautiful French seaside twn f Cannes, it celebrates and awards artistic achievement in film. The highest prize is the Glden Palm trphy (金棕榈奖). Chinese filmmaker Chen Kaige wn the prize at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival.
    Oscar Awards, Hllywd, USA
    The first Academy Awards ceremny was held n May 16, 1929, at the Htel Rsevelt in Hllywd t hnr the utstanding film achievements f the 1927/1928 film seasn.
    Winners had been annunced three mnths earlier. Hwever, that was changed in the secnd ceremny f the Academy Awards in 1930. Since then and during the first decade, the results were given t newspapers fr publicatin at 11 p.m. n the night f the awards. This methd was used until the Ls Angeles Times annunced the winners befre the ceremny began. As a result, the Academy has used a sealed envelpe t tell the name f the winners since 1941.
    The Glden Glbe Awards, Ls Angeles, USA
    It was first held in January, 1944 at the 20th Century Fx Studis in Ls Angeles, where the winners in five categries received scrlls. The actual Glden Glbe award started in 1946, when the statuette f a “glden glbe” was intrduced. The list f award categries has grwn and changed ver the times.
    1. Which f the fllwing is held in France?
    A. Venice Internatinal Film Festival.B. Festival de Cannes.
    C. Oscar Awards.D. The Glden Glbe Awards.
    2. What can we knw abut Zhang Yimu?
    A. He wn the Glden Lin twice.B. He wn the Oscar Awards twice.
    C. He wn the Glden Palm trphy nce.D. He wn the Glden Glbe awards nce.
    3. What happened in the year 1932?
    A. Chen Kaige wn the Glden Palm trphy.B. The first Oscar awards ceremny was held.
    C. The wrld’s ldest film festival was held.D. The 20th Century Fx studis launched.
    4. When did the Glden Glbe Awards actually start?
    A. In 1929.B. In 1930.C. In 1944.D. In 1946.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D
    细节理解题。根据第二个小标题“Festival de Cannes, Cannes, France(戛纳电影节,戛纳,法国)”可知,戛纳电影节是在法国举行的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第一个小标题Venice Internatinal Film Festival, Venice, Italy下列“Chinese directr Zhang Yimu has wn the Glden Lin twice.(中国导演张艺谋曾两次获得金狮奖。)”可知,张艺谋两次获得金狮奖。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第一个小标题Venice Internatinal Film Festival, Venice, Italy中“Held yearly frm 1932, it’s the wrld’s ldest film festival.(从1932年开始每年举办一次,是世界上最古老的电影节。)”可知,1932年,举办了世界上最古老的电影节。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“The actual Glden Glbe award started in 1946, when the statuette f a ‘glden glbe’ was intrduced.(真正的金球奖始于1946年,当时推出了‘金球奖’奖杯。)”可知,金球奖实际上始于1946年。故选D项。
    Ralph Wald Emersn nce wrte “the nly way t have a friend is t be ne”, and I ttally believe that this is true.
    Almst everyne, especially elders, thinks that it’s dangerus t make friends n the internet. I als thught s at first. Hwever, deep in my heart, I still wanted t give it a try. S last term, I made a new friend wh lives thusands f kilmeters away.
    She and I weren’t meant t becme great friends; we just intended t have sme simple cnversatins at first. Hwever, as time passed by, we began t talk heart t heart and we slwly became clser. Our friendship grew strnger thrugh lts f chatting, and I fund ut that we have a lt in cmmn. It seemed like we were meant t be. Fr example, we’re bth girls with a strng will. During the winter vacatin, we encuraged each ther t hunt ur dreams. It was ur mutual (相互的) trust that helped establish ur great friendship. I’m sure that it will be ne f the best memries f senir high schl.
    Nw, we memrize the vcabulary f the CET-4 tgether thrugh WeChat and encurage each ther nt t give up. We even send each ther gifts t express ur best wishes when festivals cme.
    Hw d yu define the wrd “friend”? Views vary frm persn t persn. But in my pinin, true friendship desn’t mean getting tgether every day. It means that yu knw ne anther’s dreams, and will help each ther t make them cme true.
    Kindness is fund everywhere. Our heart desn’t shw a lack f a sense f kindness, but a lack f trust, especially fr strangers. Smile at the wrld and it will smile back.
    5. What is the purpse f the first paragraph?
    A. T shw hw t make friends.B. T praise the authr’s gd friend.
    C. T make her friend knwn t us.D. T intrduce the tpic f the text.
    6. Hw d the elders think f making friends nline?
    A. Unusual.B. Dangerus.C. Magical.D. Easy.
    7. What des the authr think f her nline friend?
    A. She is a very beautiful girl.B. She needs a lt f encuragement.
    C. She has a lt in cmmn with her.D. She is experienced in CET-4.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “It” refer t in the passage?
    A. One’s dream.B. Sense f kindness.
    C. True friendship.D. Getting tgether every day.
    【答案】5. D 6. B 7. C 8. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Ralph Wald Emersn nce wrte ‘the nly way t have a friend is t be ne’, and I ttally believe that this is true.(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生曾写过‘拥有朋友的唯一方法就是成为朋友’,我完全相信这是真的。)”可推知,作者写第一段的目的是介绍正文的主题——网络友谊是可能的。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Almst everyne, especially elders, thinks that it’s dangerus t make friends n the internet.(几乎每个人,尤其是老年人,都认为在网上交朋友是危险。)”可知,老年人认为在网上交朋友是危险的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Hwever, as time passed by, we began t talk heart t heart and we slwly became clser. Our friendship grew strnger thrugh lts f chatting, and I fund ut that we have a lt in cmmn.(然而,随着时间的推移,我们开始谈心,我们慢慢地变得更亲密了。通过多次聊天,我们的友谊变得更加牢固,我发现我们有很多共同点。)”可知,作者认为她网上的朋友和她有很多共同之处。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。划线词句前文“Hw d yu define the wrd ‘friend’? Views vary frm persn t persn. But in my pinin, true friendship desn’t mean getting tgether every day.(你如何定义‘朋友’这个词?观点因人而异。但在我看来,真正的友谊并不意味着每天都聚在一起。)”说明作者认为真正的友谊并不意味着每天都在一起,从而推知划线词句“It means that yu knw ne anther’s dreams, and will help each ther t make them cme true.( It意味着你们知道彼此的梦想,并将互相帮助,使它们成真。)”其中划线词指代“真正的友谊”的意思。故选C项。
    Ltus, ginkges, Chinese rses On the campus f Beijing 101 Middle Schl, there are mre than 200 types f plants. T keep a recrd f the rich natural resurces there, the schl’s students made a beautiful bk: Flra f 101.
    “We chse 30 plants t shw with pictures, basic infrmatin and particularly, a pem fr each plant written by urselves,” said 17-year-ld Wang Jianyuan, the chief editr f the bk.
    The pems are nt just describing the plants. They als reflect students’ stries. “One day I was a little upset when I smelt a fragrance (芳香). Lking dwn, I saw humifuse euphrbia, r dijinca (地锦草), a very cmmn plant. Suddenly I felt cmfrted—it just grws and gives ff a sweet scent, regardless f peple stepping n it. S I wrte a pem fr it,” said Wang Jianyuan.
    “Every pem in the bk shws students’ unique understanding f the plants, shwing ur schl’s character and spirit thrugh the bk,” Wang Jianyuan added.
    Wang Jingyue, 17, painted the pictures fr the bk. “Many students in ur schl lve painting. We tk phts f the plants and drew them in a realistic (现实主义的) style,” Wang Jingyue said. “Siting there and painting give us a chance t clsely watch a plant and cnnect with it. It feels amazing.”
    The students plan t print 300 cpies f the bk this September t give ut t new students. “We hpe the yunger students can fall in lve with the plants and the ecsystem in ur schl. Hpefully, when they walk alng the green alleys (小径), they can find peace and inspiratin,” said Wang Jianyuan.
    9. Why d the students make the bk f plants?
    A. T make a recrd f them.B. T publish a bk abut plants.
    C. T finish their hmewrk.D. T make themselves becme famus.
    10. What is the character f dijinca?
    A. Prud.B. Week.C. Selfish.D. Strng
    11. Hw many plants did they chse t put in their bk?
    A. 30.B. 101.C. 200.D. 300.
    12. What wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. The Stries f the Plants in 101.B. 101—A Campus With 200 Plants.
    C. A Bk fr the Plants in 101.D. A Bk With 300 Pictures Published.
    【答案】9. A 10. D 11. A 12. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“T keep a recrd f the rich natural resurces there, the schl’s students made a beautiful bk: Flra f 101.(为了记录那里丰富的自然资源,学校的学生们制作了一本漂亮的书:《101植物志》。)”可知,学生们制作了这本植物书是为了记录这些植物。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Lking dwn, I saw humifuse euphrbia, r dijinca (地锦草), a very cmmn plant. Suddenly I felt cmfrted—it just grws and gives ff a sweet scent, regardless f peple stepping n it.(往下看,我看到了大戟或者叫地锦草,一种非常常见的植物。突然我感到安慰——不管有人踩它,它都会生长并散发出甜甜的香味。)”可知,地锦草的特点是坚强的。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“‘We chse 30 plants t shw with pictures, basic infrmatin and particularly, a pem fr each plant written by urselves,’ said 17-year-ld Wang Jianyuan, the chief editr f the bk.(该书主编、17岁的王建元说,‘我们选择了30种植物,并附上图片、基本信息,尤其是我们为每种植物写了一首诗。’)”可知,他们选了30种植物放在书里。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Ltus, ginkges, Chinese rses On the campus f Beijing 101 Middle Schl, there are mre than 200 types f plants. T keep a recrd f the rich natural resurces there, the schl’s students made a beautiful bk: Flra f 101.(荷花、银杏、月季……在北京101中学的校园里,有200多种植物。为了记录那里丰富的自然资源,学校的学生们制作了一本漂亮的书:《101植物志》。)”以及全文可知,文章主要介绍了北京101中学的《101植物志》。C项“101的一本关于植物的书”为最佳标题。故选C项。
    第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡内将相应的大写字母涂黑。其中有一项为多余选项。
    What is SEO and Types f SEO in digital marketing?
    SEO stands fr Search Engine Optimizatin (优化), which is the prcess f imprving the visibility (能见度) and ranking f a website r web page in the search engine results pages (SERPs). It invlves ptimizing varius n-page and ff-page factrs that affect a website’s search engine ranking, with the gal f driving rganic traffic t the site. ____13____:
    On-page SEO. It refers t the ptimizatin f individual web pages t imprve their ranking and visibility in search engines. It invlves ptimizing varius elements f the page such as title tags, meta descriptins, header tags, cntent, and internal linking t make the page mre relevant and user-friendly.
    Off-page SEO. ____14____. This includes link building, scial media marketing, influencer utreach, and brand building. The gal f ff-page SEO is t build the website’s authrity and credibility in the eyes f search engines.
    ____15____. It refers t the ptimizatin f a website’s technical aspects t imprve its search engine ranking. This includes ptimizing site speed, mbile respnsiveness (响应能力), site architecture, schema markup, and mre. Technical SEO is imprtant fr ensuring that search engines can index the website’s pages prperly.
    All three types f SEO are imprtant fr a cmprehensive SEO strategy that can help imprve a website’s search engine ranking and drive mre rganic traffic t the site.
    A. Technical SEO
    B. There are three main types f SEO in digital marketing
    C. Here are at least fur main types f SEO in digital marketing
    D. It refers t activities that are dne utside f a website t imprve its ranking and visibility
    【答案】13. B 14. D 15. A
    上文“SEO stands fr Search Engine Optimizatin (优化), which is the prcess f imprving the visibility (能见度) and ranking f a website r web page in the search engine results pages (SERPs). It invlves ptimizing varius n-page and ff-page factrs that affect a website’s search engine ranking, with the gal f driving rganic traffic t the site. (SEO代表搜索引擎优化,这是提高网站或网页在搜索引擎结果页面(SERPs)中的可见度和排名的过程。它包括优化各种影响网站搜索引擎排名的页面内和页面外因素,目标是为网站带来自然流量。)”说明SEO的概念和内容,选项B“数字营销中的SEO主要有三种类型”承接上文,说明数字营销中的SEO有三种类型,引出下面几段,逐一介绍它的类型。故选B项。
    上文“Off-page SEO. (线下SEO。)”介绍SEO线下活动,选项D“它指的是在网站之外进行的活动,以提高其排名和知名度”承接上文,具体说明线下活动是在网站之外进行的。选项中utside f a website和上文中Off-page语义相关。故选D项。
    下文“It refers t the ptimizatin f a website’s technical aspects t imprve its search engine ranking. (它指的是一个网站的技术方面的优化,以提高其搜索引擎排名。)”介绍技术方面的优化,选项A“技术SEO”概括下文,符合本段主题。选项中Technical和下文中词汇重叠,语义一致。故选A项。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    It was the start f spring several years ag. I ____16____ my ld lawn mwer (割草机) t cut my grass. I pushed it ver t my frnt ____17____. There mixed in with many grass species, and I saw smething new. A single buttercup (金凤花) ____18____ its way thrugh the sil. It was bright yellw with five pedals making a ____19____ shape. I smelt it and ____20____ at its sweet scent (香味). It lked t ____21____ t cut dwn s I mwed arund it.
    The next year when I nce again pulled ut the lawn mwer, I saw that nw there were several buttercups blming where the first ne had been. It ____22____ my day seeing hw the beautiful little flwer had increased s nce again I ____23____ arund it fr as lng as I culd.
    Nw, several years later my frnt yard is ____24____ with buttercups. I als see buttercups everywhere blming alng the sides f the rads and n the grassy hills near my hme. I wnder smetimes just hw many f these lvely little creatins came frm that first _____25_____ that I didn’t mw dwn.
    It makes me think abut all the things we can _____26_____ thrugh ur lives. Every smile we share creates ther _____27_____ as well. Every act f kindness we d brings ut the kindness in thse arund us. Every mment f lve we create increases in all the hearts it _____28_____. In the garden f _____29_____ what we give is what we grw. May all f yur days be as bright and _____30_____ as a billin buttercups.
    16. A. put ffB. pulled utC. put upD. pull up
    17. A. lakeB. drC. yardD. windw
    18. A. was sailingB. was pushingC. was lightingD. was walking
    19. A. star-likeB. leaf-likeC. mn-likeD. ball-like
    20. A. sighedB. shutedC. smiledD. kncked
    21. A. smellyB. luckyC. friendlyD. lvely
    22. A. brightenedB. darkenC. ruinedD. destryed
    23. A. satB. jumpedC. walkedD. cut
    24. A. cncernedB. filledC. familiarD. delighted
    25. A. leafB. grassC. flwerD. tree
    26. A. useB. decreaseC. increaseD. frgive
    27. A. wrinklesB. ideasC. tearsD. smiles
    28. A. makesB. tuchesC. hldsD. injures
    29. A. lifeB. shelterC. campusD. city
    30. A. beautifulB. calmC. frighteningD. free
    【答案】16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. A
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我开出我的旧割草机来割草。A. put ff推迟;B. pulled ut拔出,拉出;驶出;C. put up提高,提出,张贴;D. pull up拉起。根据后文“t cut my grass”以及“The next year when I nce again pulled ut the lawn mwer”可知,此处作者是把旧割草机开出来。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把它推到了我家前院。A. lake湖;B. dr门;C. yard院子;D. windw窗户。根据后文“several years later my frnt yard”可知,此处指前院。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一朵金凤花正穿过泥土钻出来。A. was sailing航行;B. was pushing推;C. was lighting照亮;D. was walking走路。根据后文“its way thrugh the sil”可知,此处是从泥土中钻出来,push ne’s way“强行通过”是固定短语。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它是亮黄色的,五个花瓣形成了一个星形。A. star-like星状的;B. leaf-like叶状的;C. mn-like像月亮的;D. ball-like球状的。根据前文“with five pedals”可知,五个花瓣形成了一个星形。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我闻到了它的香味,笑了。A. sighed叹息;B. shuted大喊;C. smiled微笑;D. kncked敲。根据后文“its sweet scent”可知,作者因为闻到了花香味,然后笑了。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它看起来太可爱了,我不想砍掉它,所以我在它周围割草。A. smelly有臭味的;B. lucky幸运的;C. friendly友好的;D. lvely可爱的。根据语境和后文“s I mwed arund it”可知,这棵花太可爱了,作者不舍得砍掉。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到这朵美丽的小花长得这么大,我这一天都很高兴,所以我又一次尽可能长时间地围着它剪。A. brightened照亮,使高兴;B. darken变暗;C. ruined毁灭;D. destryed破坏。根据后文“seeing hw the beautiful little flwer had increased”可知,此处是指这朵美丽的花,使作者高兴了一天。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到这朵美丽的小花长得这么大,我这一天都很愉快,所以我又一次尽可能长时间地围着它剪。A. sat坐;B. jumped跳;C. walked走;D. cut砍。根据前文“nce again”可知,作者像之前一样,把金凤花周围的草砍掉。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,几年过去了,我的前院长满了金凤花。A. cncerned担心的;B. filled充满的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. delighted高兴的。根据常识和前文“several years later my frnt yard”及后文“with buttercups”可知,此处是指前院长满了金凤花。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有时会想,这些可爱的小东西中有多少是来自我没有砍下的第一朵花。A. leaf树叶;B. grass草;C. flwer花;D. tree树。根据前文“A single buttercup”及后文“I didn’t mw dwn”可知,作者当时没有砍掉的是第一朵花。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它让我思考我们可以在生活中增加的所有事情。A. use使用;B. decrease减少;C. increase增加;D. frgive原谅。根据后文“Every mment f lve we create increases in all the hearts”可知,此处是指一些可以增加的事情。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们分享的每一个微笑也会带来别人的微笑。A. wrinkles皱纹;B. ideas想法;C. tears眼泪;D. smiles微笑。根据语境和前文“Every smile”可知,此处是指自己的微笑可以带来别人的微笑。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们创造的爱的每一刻都会在它所触碰的所有心灵中增加。A. makes做,制造;B. tuches触碰;C. hlds持有;D. injures伤害。根据前文“all the hearts”可知,此处指触碰的所有心灵。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在生活的花园里,我们付出什么就会收获什么。A. life生命,生活;B. shelter避难所;C. campus校园;D. city城市。根据后文“what we give is what we grw”可知,此处指生活的花园。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:愿你所有的日子都像无数的金凤花一样明亮美丽。A. beautiful美丽的;B. calm冷静的;C. frightening害怕的;D. free自由的,免费的。根据前文“seeing hw the beautiful little flwer”及后文“as a billin buttercups”可知,此处指生活像金凤花一样美丽。故选A项。
    Pillws have been ____31____ (use) in China fr thusands f years and hld ____32____ significant place in Chinese culture. The rigins f pillws can date back ____33____ the middle Palelithic (旧石器时代) perid ____34____ (base) n archaelgical evidence. During that time, peple uncnsciusly used bjects like stnes, sticks, bundles f straw, r pieces f animal skin as head supprt, serving as the earliest prttypes (原型) f pillws.
    The Chinese wrd fr “pillw”, zhentu, ____35____ (believe) t be cined by Ca Ca, a prminent strategist and ruler during the Three Kingdms perid (220-280). One night, while Ca Ca was reading in his military tent and becming ____36____ (sleep), there was n extra space available t place several ____37____ (bk). A servant spntaneusly (即兴地) placed the bks at ne side f the bed, and Ca Ca fell asleep ____38____ (quick) n the bks. Then the servant ____39____ (create) a padded headrest using sft materials, _____40_____ shape was like the pile f bks. Ca Ca later named it zhentu.
    【答案】31. used
    32. a 33. t
    34. based 35. is believed
    36. sleepy 37. bks
    38. quickly
    39. created
    40. whse
    考查被动语态。句意:枕头在中国已经使用了数千年,在中国文化中占有重要的地位。动词use与名词Pillws之间是被动关系,根据时间状语fr thusands f years以及have been可知,此处应用其过去分词构成现在完成时的被动语态。故填used。
    考查介词。句意:根据考古证据,枕头的起源可以追溯到旧石器时代中期。date back t“追溯到,始于”为固定搭配。故填t。
    考查过去分词。句意:根据考古证据,枕头的起源可以追溯到旧石器时代中期。该句的谓语是can date,空处应用非谓语动词,动词base与名词perid之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语。故填based。
    考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:“枕”一词被认为是曹操创造的,他是三国时期(220-280)著名的战略家和统治者。分析句子结构可知,空处应为句子的谓语,根据句意可知,此处描述一般事实,用一般现在时,动词believe与名词wrd之间是被动关系,用被动语态。主谓一致,故填is believed。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    41. 请你根据2022感动中国年度人物杨宁的简介,按照以下要点用英语写一篇发言稿,在班会课上介绍其事迹。
    1. 她的事迹,
    2. 你的感悟。
    Dear classmates,
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    【答案】Dear classmates,
    Tday, I’d like t intrduce Yang Ning t yu, wh is the 2022 “Tuching China Persn f the year”. The details are as fllws.
    Yang Ning, female, Mia peple, was brn in Octber 1985. After graduating frm university in 2010, she chse t cme back t her hmetwn withut hesitatin and became a lcal village fficial. Then, she has been wrking there fr 6 years t settle all kinds f difficulties that the lcal peple met, winning the sincere supprt f the masses. Besides , she led the villagers ut f pverty. What a tuching persn! Frm her stry, I learned that we shuld study hard and becme the persn like her.
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    努力学习:study hard→swt
    原句:Yang Ning, female, Mia peple, was brn in Octber 1985.
    拓展句:Yang Ning, female, wh is frm the Mia peple, was brn in Octber 1985.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Tday, I’d like t intrduce Yang Ning t yu, wh is the 2022 “Tuching China Persn f the year”. (运用了wh引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Then, she has been wrking there fr 6 years t settle all kinds f difficulties that the lcal peple met, winning the sincere supprt f the masses. (运用了that作引导的限制性定语从句以及现在分词作状语)
    第二节 读后续写(满分10分)
    42. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段话,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When the night fell, James, a middle schl student in Lndn, dragged his tired bdy hme. In rder t save mney t buy himself a new bike, he had been wrking at a restaurant fr ver a mnth during the summer vacatin. He had already earned sme mney. With ne mre week, he wuld have his dream bike.
    Entering the rm, James fund his yunger brther Adam sitting n the edge f his bed with an uneasy expressin n his face. James stared at Adam cnfusedly.
    “Srry. I did smething wrng.” Adam said n the verge f tears.
    “What’s the matter with yu?” James asked.
    “This afternn I went t play ftball n the rad utside the huse and accidentally hit ur neighbr Mr. Black’s car. I was s scared and I hurried hme in panic withut telling him,” Adam said, full f guilt.
    “Is the car seriusly damaged?” James culdn’t wait t cntinue asking.
    “The ball hit the car back and the tail light gt brken,” Adam said in a lw vice.
    “It’s truly yur fault. It’s really dangerus t play ftball n the rad. What’s wrse, yu shuldn’t have cme back withut telling Mr. Black abut it. Yu are such a naughty by,” James raised his vice. Hearing this, Adam lwered his head and bit his lips hard. James added, “Anyway, it’s never t late t mend. I’ll take yu t his huse tmrrw t aplgize. Nw it’s time t sleep.”
    When Adam went t bed, James culdn’t g t sleep himself.
    【答案】When Adam went t bed. James culdn’t g t sleep himself. Father always tld him t be hnest, t be a by admired by the peple and t be an example f his brther. He was srry fr his brther’s behavir. He shuldn’t have blamed his brther after he did smething wrng. But he culd understand him. Anyway, Adam was nly a by f seven and what had happened really scared him. But as his elder brther, he shuld pay fr it thugh this might delay his plan f having the bike. “Nthing serius. At wrst, I can take mre summer jbs.” he said t himself.
    ①.抱歉:be srry/regret
    ②.理解:understand /cmprehend
    [高分句型1]. Anyway, Adam was nly a by f seven and what had happened really scared him. (由连接词what引导的主语从句)
    [高分句型2]. But as his elder brther, he shuld pay fr it thugh this might delay his plan f having the bike. (由连词thugh引导让步状语从句)
    听力答案:1—5 BCBCA 6—10 ABBCA 11—15ABBCC 16—20 ABCAA

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