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    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit6Earth first-Starting out&Understanding Ideas课件
    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit6Earth first-Starting out&Understanding Ideas课件01
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    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit6Earth first-Starting out&Understanding Ideas课件07
    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit6Earth first-Starting out&Understanding Ideas课件08
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    高中英语Unit 6 Earth first说课课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语Unit 6 Earth first说课课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了dangerous,man-eating,terrifying,fierce,horrible,scary等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Starting Out
    What envirnmental prblem des each cartn refer t?
    water pllutin
    air pllutin
    glbal warming
    Step I: lead-in Enjy the cartns n P61 and answer the fllwing questins. 1.What envirnmental prblem des each cartn refer t?______________________________________________________________________ 2.What are the casues f these prblems?______________________________________________________________________ 3.What d yu think is the mst serius envirnmental prblem we face tday? What shuld be dne t help slve it?______________________________________________________________________
    water pllutin; defrestatin; air pllutin; glbal warming
    Students' wn answers
    Useful expressins: ignre; cause/lead t; peple's awareness f envirnmental prtectin ; invest; recycle; classificatin f waste; green energy...
    Step II: Exchange ideas with each ther in grups Step III: Brainstrming Please make a list the wrds related t envirnmental prblems and slutins t them.
    列举分类:Prtect the earth:(保护地球)Damage the earth(破坏地球)Natural envirnment:(自然环境)Natural disasters(自然灾害)
    Understanding Ideas
    Watch a clip frm the film Jaws and find ut what happens.
    What’s yur feeling ?
    Within the text
    Activity 1: Divide the passage int 3 parts and give the main idea f each part.Activity 2: Chse the authr’s purpse in writing the passage. (Highlight the evidence while reading.)
    Lk thrugh the text quickly and finish the tw activities.
    Activity 1: The basic structure f the text
    Activity 2: Chse the authr's purpse in writing the passage.
    A. T criticise Peter Benchley's misleading descriptin f sharks in his bk and advcate the prtectin f sharks.B. T explain peple's misunderstanding f sharks and raise awareness f shark prtectin.C. T infrm peple abut sharks and recmmend the film and the bk t them.
    Abut the text
    1.What des Jaws mainly talk abut?
    2.What influence did Jaws have n peple’s attitude t sharks?
    3.What did they d t these “dangerus” sharks?
    It tells the stry f a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers.
    It strengthened peple’s lng-held idea f sharks as dangerus animals.
    They stpped swimming, started fishing, killed sharks and didn’t care abut the killing.
    Read para. 1&2 and answer the fllwing questins.
    Summary f para.1 & 2:Peple's ________________________ makes sharks' number fall quickly.
    misunderstanding (fear)
    D yu think it is right t ttally believe what a film tells us? Hw shuld we learn abut unknwn species?
    Critical thinking
    We shuld believe ______________________________instead f ____________________________________.
    authrity(权威)and science
    misleading r uncertain infrmatin
    Abslutely nt.
    Finning's effect n sharks is _________.(adj.)
    Finning's effect n Peter Benchley is _______________.(adj.)
    Fins are cut ff. Sharks are thrwn back. They die slwly and painfully.Millins f them are killed.
    Supprtive evidence
    Supprtive evidence
    He used t think sharks were __________ animals.In 1980, he came t see peple as __________ t sharks.After 1980, he _________________ sharks and ________ that his bk was wrng.
    Read para. 3&4 and cmplete the chart.
    a danger
    fught t prtect
    Why are peple crazy abut finning?
    Shark fin sup is a sign f _______ and ________ and they are in high demand and value.
    Further thinking
    Summary f para. 3 & 4:Peple's _________________________ makes sharks endangered.
    desire fr status and wealth
    List sme ther reasns fr the decrease f sharks.
    Think & share
    1. cean pllutin
    2. climate change
    3. vlcanic eruptin
    Useful expressins fr giving reasns: • One f the reasns why sharks are endangered is that ... • Anther reasn fr this is ...
    We shuld take actin !
    Hw des peple’s attitude twards sharks change?
    Read para. 5 and answer the fllwing questin.
    be mre frightened
    want t prtect
    learn mre,understand
    The 1975 film Jaws was a great success, 1.attracting(attract) huge audiences and winning many awards. Peple have always been 2.scared(scare) f sharks, but Jaws made things wrse. Many peple 3.wh/that saw the film cnsidered sharks as bad animals. Sme even began t fish fr sharks. As 4.a result, the number f sharks fell quickly. This was nt nly due t fear f sharks, 5.but als finning. After finning, the sharks 6.are thrwn(thrw) back int the sea where they die painfully. In 1980, Peter Benchley came acrss an awful sight. He 7.admitted(admit) that his bk was wrng abut sharks’ 8.behaviur(behave). 9.Frtunately(frtunate), mre peple becme interested in sharks nw, and they want 10.t prtect(prtect) them frm extinctin.
    Read and fill
    Beynd the text
    Discuss & share
    Share sme ther measures t prtect them.
    Peple? The gvernment ? Experts ?
    say n t shark fin supraise ur awareness f prtecting them stp plluting the cean
    pass laws t stp illegal killingestablish reserves
    d mre research and ffer mre findings abut sharks
    Hw can we prtect sharks?
    Suppse ur schl hld an nline live public welfare activity(网络直播公益活动) themed “Keep sharks in the sea” . Yu are invited t deliver an nline live initiative (网络直播倡议) abut shark prtectin.
    Read fr use
    Yu may rganize it like this:Dear netizens,I'm making this nline speech t raise yur awareness f shark prtectin. It is high time that we shuld start frm urselves and take actin immediately. Jint effrts will change the situatin!
    Make an ral initiative t prtect sharks.(Use what we have learned tday.)
    An nline live initiative abut shark prtectin(保护鲨鱼网络直播倡议)
    situatin, reasns, measures
    Lk dangerus but in fact endangered
    Chinese alligatr (扬子鳄)
    Snw Lepard(雪豹)
    Suth China Tiger (华南虎)
    We shuld start t prtect wild animals frm nw n. Only when we prtect the wildlife can we live in harmny with nature. Please remember n matter what we d, the earth cmes first.
    Language Pints
    SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED?We see a wman swimming at night in a dark sea. Suddenly, she is pulled underwater①. She surfaces②, cries in fear, then disappears frever. This is the pening scene frm the 1975 film Jaws, [1]shwing a shark attack.It tells the stry f a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers. Jaws was a great success, attracting huge audiences and winning many awards.It strengthened peple's lng-held③ idea f the great white shark as a dangerus animal.[1]动词-ing短语作定语,可改写为定语从句which shws a shark attack。
    ①underwater adv.在水面下②surface vi.升到水面, 浮出水面③lng-held长期持有的
    Peple have always been scared④ f sharks, but Jaws [2]made things wrse.It made peple frightened f sharks, especially f the great white shark.[3]Many peple wh saw the film started t believe that sharks were bad animals that ate humans.Sme peple stpped swimming in the sea, [4]afraid f the hrrible creature frm the film. Other peple started fishing fr sharks, [5]killing as many as they culd.At that time, nbdy cared if sharks were killed, r hw many were killed. Peple just wanted them killed.
    ④scare v.使(某人)惊恐,吓唬
    After 1975,the number f large sharks arund America fell quickly, and sn fell arund the wrld.This was nt nly due t⑤ fear f sharks, but als finning⑥.Finning is a type f fishing [6]where sharks are caught and their fins cut ff⑦.The sharks are thrwn back int the sea where they die slwly and painfully. The fins are used in shark fin sup. Finning kills millins f sharks a year.[6]where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a type f fishing;cut ff前省略了are。
    ⑤due t 由于,因为 ⑥fin v.切去(鱼的)鳍n.鱼鳍⑦cut ff切掉;被隔绝;切断(供给);中断
    Finning wuld have an unexpected effect upn Peter Benchley, [7]the man wh wrte the bk the film Jaws was based n.In 1980, Benchley was diving⑧ when he came acrss an awful sight.It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea flr was cvered with dead sharks. Benchley [8]saw sharks being killed and this caused a deep change in him. He came t see peple as a danger t sharks, rather than⑨ the ther way rund⑩.
    ⑧dive v.(通常指使用呼吸设备的)潜水g diving去潜水diver n.(通常指有专用装备的)潜水员⑨rather than而不是⑩the ther way rund相反的情况;颠倒过来,反过来
    Frm that day n, he fught t prtect sharks.He admitted that his bk was wrng abut sharks' behaviur. “Sharks dn't target⑪ humans,” he said. [9]Experts have prved that sharks d nt see peple as fd, and they attack us by mistake⑫.Only arund six peple are killed by sharks every year.
    ⑪target v.把……作为目标⑫by mistake错误地,无意中[近义词组]by chance 偶然,意外地[反义词组]n purpse故意地;有意地
    Frtunately⑬,nt everyne wh watched the film Jaws became afraid f sharks — sme became interested in understanding them. Tday, as we learn mre abut sharks, mre peple than ever want t prtect them frm extinctin⑭.
    ⑬frtunately adv.幸运地[近义]luckily adv.幸运地⑭extinctin n.灭绝,绝种be threatened with extinctin/in danger fextinctin 面临灭绝的威胁/有灭绝的危险extinct adj.已灭绝的,绝种的
    Analyze sme imprtant sentences(1) We see a wman swimming at night in a dark sea. 我们看见一个女人晚上在深色的海里游泳。分析:see a wman swimming ( see +宾语+ding做宾补:“看见某人正在做事”) ding做宾补,表示与宾语之间是主动关系,且表示正在进行。【知识链接】see sb. d (与sb.是主动关系,动作完成) see sb./ sth. dne (表示与宾语是被动关系)【实战演练】a. I saw him ging ut when I came in. b. I saw him g ut. c. I saw the by beaten by his father just nw.
    (2)She surfaces, cries in fear, and then disappears frever. (这个句子是3个并列谓语,正式的语法结构,d, d, and d。原文不太正式)她浮出水面,恐惧地叫喊,之后永远地消失了。【知识链接】容易与分词做状语混淆--看清结构与意义。 a. He put n his cat, picked up his bag, and then went ut. b. He went ut, leaving the dr pen. (3)This is the pening scene frm the 1975 film Jaws, shwing a shark attack. 这是1975年电影《大白鲨》的开场镜头,展示了鲨鱼攻击的场景。 把此句转变为定语从句做定语: This is the pening scene frm the 1975 film Jaws, which shws a shark attack.
    (4) Jaws was a great success, attracting huge audiences and winning many awards.《大白鲨》大获成功,吸引了大批观众,赢得了许多奖项。 attracting… and winning …这一部分是现在分词做伴随状语。 a great success 是抽象名词具体化,类似的词还有failure, success, surprise, hnr, cmfrt, pity…(5)It strengthened peple’s lng-held idea f the great white shark as a dangerus animal.这加强了人们长期以来持有的大白鲨是种危险动物的认知观念。 与strengthen类似的构词:shrten; braden; widen; lengthen… 另一形式:enrich;encurage; enlarge…
    (6) Peple have always been scared f sharks, but Jaws made things wrse. 人们一直都害怕鲨鱼,但《大白鲨》让情况变得更糟糕。 scare v.使害怕 adj. scary令人害怕的; scared感到害怕的;短语: scare sb. away/ff把…吓跑 be scared f 害怕… Seeing the scary film, Linda was almst scared t death.(7)It made peple frightened f sharks, especially f the great white shark. 它使人们更加恐惧鲨鱼,尤其是大白鲨。 make+宾语+形容词短语(过去分词形式的形容词)作宾补, 表示宾语所处的状态。 a. The bk made mre and mre children interested in reading. b. The bss made the wrkers finish the jb within tw days. c. He was made t slve the prblem by himself.
    (8)At that time, nbdy cared if sharks were killed, r hw many were killed. Peple just want them killed. 那时,没有人关心鲨鱼是否被杀了,以及有多少鲨鱼被杀了。 人们只想要他们死掉。care后接if引导的宾语从句;want+宾语+过去分词作宾补(与宾语之间是被动关系)医生们不在乎他们自己是否将被感染(infect)。他们想要病人们被拯救。
    Dctrs dn’t care if/whether they will be infected. They want patients saved.
    (9)This was nt nly due t fear f sharks, but als finning. Finning is a type f fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut ff. 这不仅是因为对鲨鱼的恐惧,还因为割鳍。割鳍是一种捕鱼方式, 在这种捕鱼方式中,鲨鱼被捕获,鱼鳍被割断。 cut ff: 切掉; 隔离;阻断;中断 due t : 由于… a.由于这场可怕的疾病,很多人被与外面的世界隔绝了。 Due t the terrible disease, many peple are cut ff frm the utside wrld. b.由于工人们的努力,他们减少了成本费。 Due t the wrkers’ effrts, they cut dwn the cst. (10)The sharks are thrwn back int the sea where they die slwly and painfully. 鲨鱼被扔向海里,在那里它们缓慢而痛苦地死去.
    (11) Finning wuld have an unexpected effect n Peter, the man wh wrte the bk the film Jaws was based n. 割鳍带给《大白鲨》的原著作者彼得.本奇利预料之外的影响。 have an effect// impact n… 对…有影响 the man 做Peter的同位语,其后是个定语从句,在此定语从句内部, the bk 后是省略which或that 的定语从句。(12) In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came acrss an awful sight. 1980年,本奇力正在潜水,就在那时他看到了可怕的一幕。 cme短语:实现cme true 出版 cme ut 形成 cme int being 加油;快点;得了吧 cme n 提出 cme up with sight短语: 看见 catch sight f… 第一眼 at first sight 在视野外 ut f sight 在视野内 in sight
    13.It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea flr was cvered with dead sharks. 那是一片海域,渔民们正在这片海域采割鲨鱼的鱼鳍, 海底遍布着鲨鱼的尸体。 where 引导定语从句,在从句中作地点状语。14.Benchley saw sharks being killed and this caused a change in him. 本奇利亲眼目睹鲨鱼被杀,这引起了他内心的深刻转变。15.He came t see peple as a danger t sharks, rather than the ther way rund. 他意识到人类才是鲨鱼的威胁,而鲨鱼并非人类的敌人。 the ther way rund: 反过来,反之亦然
    16. Frtunately, nt everyne wh watched the film Jaws became afraid f sharks— sme became interested in understanding them. 本句中nt everyne是部分否定,意为“不是每个人”。 e.g. I hate t disillusin yu, but nt everyne is as hnest as yu. 我实在不愿把实情告诉你,但并非人人都像你那样诚实。
    (1)英语中的all, bth, each, every, everybdy, everything, cmpletely, whle, entirely等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词nt连用,无论nt位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。(2)若表示完全否定,可借助于n, nne, n ne, nbdy, nthing, neither, never等。
    Underline the imprtant phrases
    at night in fear the pening scene tell the stry f… lng-held idea f… be scared// frightened f… fish fr sharks the number f… due t…// as a result f… cut ff have an unexpected effect n… be based n… be ding…when… cme acrss
    rather than the ther way rund frm that day n fight t d sth. by mistake prtect … frm …

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