牛津译林9A 期末复习Unit7-8 重点背默
展开牛津译林9A期末复习 Unit 7-8 重点背诵
- 西部电影 western
- 工业,产业 industry
- 女演员(复) actresses
- 出现,露面 appearance
- 误以为(-ed, -ed) mistake, mistook, mistaken
- 取消(-ed, -ing) cancel, cancelled, cancelling
- 认为,考虑 consider
- 不整洁的(-er) untidy, untidier
- 事实,真相 truth
- 说谎(-ed, -ing)lie, lied, lying
- 使…受伤 wound
- 假定,料想 suppose
- 夫妇 couple
- 大概 probably
- 财富 wealth
- 安全 safety
- 关上(-ed, -ing) shut, shut, shutting
- 偷(-ed, -ed) steal, stole, stolen
- 吸引作家的注意 catch the writer’s attention
- 被挑选扮演主角 be chosen to play the lead role
- 被误认为是个真警探 be mistaken for a real detective
- 考虑/建议做某事 consider/suggest doing sth.
- 平静地去世 pass away peacefully
- 因为糟糕的天气被取消 be cancelled because of the terrible/awful weather
- 特价优惠 a special offer
- 急忙去做某事 be in a hurry to do sth= do sth in a hurry
- 被指控从商店偷了块表 be charged with stealing a watch from the shop
- 受了刀伤结果流血致死 be wounded with a knife and bleed to death as a result
- 她宁愿对父母说谎也不说出真相。
She would rather lie to her parents than tell the truth.
- 她和她的邻居和睦相处有困难吗?
Does she have any difficulty getting along/on with her neighbours?
- 原来/结果他和车祸无关。
It turned out that he had nothing to do with the traffic accident.
- 我以前从未去过日本。我姐姐也没去过。
I have never been to Japan before. Neither/Nor has my sister.
牛津译林9A期末复习 Unit 7-8重点默写
- 西部电影 __________________
- 工业,产业 __________________
- 女演员(复) __________________
- 出现,露面 __________________
- 误以为(-ed,-ed) __________________
- 取消(-ed, -ing) __________________
- 认为,考虑 __________________
- 不整洁的(-er) __________________
- 事实,真相 __________________
- 说谎(-ed, -ing)__________________
- 使…受伤 __________________
- 假定,料想 __________________
- 夫妇 __________________
- 大概 __________________
- 财富 __________________
- 安全 __________________
- 关上(-ed, -ing) __________________
- 偷(-ed, -ed) __________________
- 吸引作家的注意 _________________________________________________
- 被挑选扮演主角 _________________________________________________
- 被误认为是个真警探 _________________________________________________
- 考虑/建议做某事 _________________________________________________
- 平静地去世 _________________________________________________
- 因为糟糕的天气被取消 _________________________________________________
- 特价优惠 _________________________________________________
- 急忙去做某事 _________________________________________________
- 被指控从商店偷了块表 _________________________________________________
- 受了刀伤结果流血致死 _________________________________________________
- 她宁愿对父母说谎也不说出真相。
- 她和她的邻居和睦相处有困难吗?
- 原来/结果他和车祸无关。
- 我以前从未去过日本。我姐姐也没去过。