展开牛津译林9A U5-6重点句子背默
- 发现更愉快的事 find something more pleasant
- 音乐才能/乐器 musical talent/musical instruments
- 每当奖牌颁发给获胜者时,颁奖音乐就播放。
Each time a medal was presented to a winner, the award music was played.
- 淙淙的流水声和飒飒的风声 the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind
- 用石头和纸一样的普通东西来制造音乐
make music with common objects like stones and paper
- 逐渐认识来自世界的伟大音乐家get to know great musicians from around the world
- 通过控制水流的速度by controlling the speed of water flow
- 以一种西方的/传统的风格 in a Western/traditional style
- 他成功地将中西方音乐结合在一起。
He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.
- 高度评价某人 /某人被高度赞扬 think highly of sb/ sb be thought highly of
- 古典音乐很严肃,具有持久的价值。Classical music is serious and has a lasting value.
- 当他气喘吁吁地赶到电影院时,电影已经放了10分钟了。
When he hurried into the cinema out of breath, the film has been on for ten minutes.
- 因某事表扬某人praise sb for sth
- 对画画很有天赋have a real gift for painting
- 鼓励我不要丧失信心 encourage me not to lose heart
- 难道你不对待在家感到厌烦吗?Aren’t you getting bored with staying at home?
- 带有最新信息的一周摘要a weekly round-up with up-to-date information
- 许多对著名运动员的采访a number of interviews with famous players
- 就看电视的习惯采访他们interview them about their TV viewing habits
- 现场直播 cover…live/ be covered live
- 被发现死了be found dead
- 容易害怕get scared easily
- 这部一小时的纪录片对老虎的生活进行近距离的观察。
This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers.
- 这个形势将会继续下去除非人类停止猎捕他们要皮和骨头。
The situation will continue unless humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones.
- 你将有机会观看如何录制电视节目。
You will have a chance to see how a TV programme is recorded.
牛津译林9A U5-6重点句子背默
- 发现更愉快的事 ______________________________________________________________
- 音乐才能/乐器 _______________________________________________________________
- 每当奖牌颁发给获胜者时,颁奖音乐就播放。
- 淙淙的流水声和飒飒的风声 ____________________________________________________
- 用石头和纸一样的普通东西来制造音乐
- 逐渐认识来自世界的伟大音乐家_________________________________________________
- 通过控制水流的速度___________________________________________________________
- 以一种西方的/传统的风格______________________________________________________
- 他成功地将中西方音乐结合在一起。
- 高度评价某人 /某人被高度赞扬 ________________________________________________
- 古典音乐很严肃,具有持久的价值。____________________________________________
- 当他气喘吁吁地赶到电影院时,电影已经放了10分钟了。
- 因某事表扬某人______________________________________________________________
- 对画画很有天赋______________________________________________________________
- 鼓励我不要丧失信心__________________________________________________________
- 难道你不对待在家感到厌烦吗?________________________________________________
- 带有最新信息的一周摘要______________________________________________________
- 许多对著名运动员的采访______________________________________________________
- 就看电视的习惯采访他们______________________________________________________
- 现场直播 ___________________________________________________________________
- 被发现死____________________________________________________________________
- 容易害怕____________________________________________________________________
- 这部一小时的纪录片对老虎的生活进行近距离的观察。
- 这个形势将会继续下去除非人类停止猎捕他们要皮和骨头。
- 你将有机会观看如何录制电视节目。