Unit 2 Colours
1. 你看见红色,你可以说:______ ( )
A.I see red. B.What’s your name?
2. 你想让迈克把它涂成绿色,你可以说:( )
A.Colour it green. B.Colour it blue.
3. 你在花园里看到很多花,会怎样感叹?( )
A.Wow! Flowers! B.Oh, no!
4. 你想邀请同学一起画画,你会怎么说?( )
A.Let’s paint. B.Let’s do.
5. 和新朋友第一次见面时,你应该说:( )
A.Nice to meet you. B.Me too. C.OK.
6. 家里来了客人,你想请他坐下,你应该说:______ ( )
A.Sit down. B.Stand up.
7. 当你在街上遇到Lily时,你会这样说:_______ ( )
A.Goodbye, Lily. B.Hello, Lily.
8. 明明给你介绍了他的朋友张雯,你很高兴见到张雯,你可以说:( )
A.Goodbye, Zhang Wen. B.OK. C.Nice to meet you.
9. 你和同桌在画画,你想让他把画涂成黑色,你可以这样说: ( )
A.Colour it black. B.Colour it brown. C.Colour it red.
10.下午见到你的老师,你会这样问候他:( )
A.Nice to meet you! B.Welcome! C.Good afternoon teacher!
11.你想知道新同学的名字,可以对他说:( )
A.What's your name? B.Good morning.
12.你想知道对方的身体情况,你可以问:________ ( )
A.What’s your name? B.How are you?
13.报名参加新年节目表演,你会唱彩虹歌,你怎么说?( )
A.I can see a rainbow. B.I can sing a rainbow.
14.当你认识对方很高兴时,应该说:( )
A.Thank you. B.Nice to meet you. C.Hello!
15.当别人跟你说“Nice to meet you.”,你应怎样回答:( )
A.Nice to meet you. B.Nice to meet you, too.
16.早上,你见到你的朋友,你应该说:( )
A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon.
17.你想让同桌把他画的橡皮涂成棕色,你可以这样说: ( )
A.Colour it brown. B.Colour it orange.
18.你想知道对方叫什么名字,你应该说:( )
A.What’s your name? B.Nice to meet you.
19.你让弟弟把刚画的小熊涂成棕色,应说:( )
A.I see brown. B.Colour it brown!
20.你要把你的朋友约翰介绍给大家,你应该说:( )
A.Hello, John. B.This is John. C.I see John!
21.当你想看看别人的书包时,你会说:( )
A.Show me your bag. B.Show me your knife.
22.当你见到你的朋友,你会说:( )
A.Glad to meet you. B.You’re welcome.
23.你想让对方向你展示黄色,你可以说:( )
A.It's brown. B.Show me yellow.
24.当你想让别人出示棕色时,你可以说:( )
A.Show me blue. B.Show me brown.
25.你想表达你看到了红色,你可以说:( )
A.I see red. B.Show me blue.
26.下午你在公园里见到了万红,你可以这样和她打招呼: ( )
A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good, Wan Hong.
27.交通灯的颜色是:( )
A.red, yellow and green B.red, yellow and orange
28.下午见到了李老师,你应礼貌地问候:( )
A.Good afternoon, Mr Li. B.This is Mr Li.
29.当你想表达很高兴见到别人时, 你应该说: ( )
A.Good morning. B.Nice to meet you. C.Fine, thank you.
30.你向妈妈介绍你的朋友王梅,你可以说:( )
A.This is Wang Mei. B.I'm Wang Mei.
31.你认识了一位新朋友,应该对他说:( )
A.Nice to meet you. B.Goodbye.
32.早上来到学校见到老师,你可以说:( )
A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning.
33.早晨,你见到你的朋友,你可以这样打招呼:( )
A.Good morning. B.I’m John. C.Bye.
34.你向对方介绍自己的朋友约翰时,你可以说:( )
A.This is John. B.Nice to meet you.
35.中国国旗的颜色是:( )
A.red and yellow B.red and blue C.green and white
36.你想把约翰介绍给朋友认识,你可以说:( )
A.Hello, John. B.This is John.
37.当你在早上遇见朋友时,你会说:( )
A.Goodbye! B.Good morning!
38.别人问你叫什么名字,如果你是Mike,会怎么回答?( )
A.My name is Mike. B.This is Mike.
39.初次见面,对方对你说“Nice to meet you. ”时,你应该说:( )
A.My name is Chen Jie. B.Nice to meet you, too.
40.同桌问你看到了什么颜色,你说:( )
A.Show me green. B.I see green.
41.你想邀请对方和你一起画画,你可以说:( )
A.Let's sing. B.Let's paint.
42.当你想和别人再见,你会说:( )
A.Thank you! B.Goodbye!
43.你的朋友见到你时说Nice to meet you! 你会怎么回答? ( )
A.Nice to meet you, too! B.How are you?
44.早上见到琼斯先生,你这样和他打招呼: ( )
A.Good morning, Mr Jones. B.This is Mr Jones.
45.清晨在学校门口遇到同学时,你应该说:( )
A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon.
46.遇到吴一凡,你应该这么打招呼:______ ( )
A.Hi, Wu Yifan. B.Hi, this is Wu Yifan.
47.你同意别人意见时会说:_______, Let’s go! ( )
A.Good morning B.Bye C.OK
48.你介绍朋友给妈妈时会说:_______ Lingling. ( )
A.I am B.This is C.He is
49.别人跟你说:“Good afternoon!”,你可以说:( )
A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon.
50.当你想说你看见黑色时,你可以说:( )
A.I see black. B.It's black.
1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B
8. C 9. A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.B
15.B 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.B 21.A
22.A 23.B 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.A
29.B 30.A 31.A 32.B 33.A 34.A 35.A
36.B 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.B 41.B 42.B
43.A 44.A 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.B 49.B