必修第2册 Unit 5-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019)
这是一份必修第2册 Unit 5-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共12页。学案主要包含了听力填空,单词拼写,单句语法填空,选词填空,英汉互译等内容,欢迎下载使用。
必修第二册 Unit 5 Music
classical, hip-hop, techno, soul, energy, bagpipes, stringed, stringed instrument, virtual, virtual choir, composition, opportunity, perform, performer, performance, studio, ordinary, enable, prove, award, composer, conductor, fall in love with, original, phenomenon, stage, altogether, thus, band, rap, nowadays, gradual, capable, relief, cure, absorbed, previous, unemployed, romantic, album, impact, aim, set sth. up, equipment, try out, talent, piano, assume, addition, ache, disease, treatment, from … on, lean, get through, moreover, satisfaction, being, various, somehow, metaphor, repetition, personification, simile, outline, reaction
classical adj. 古典的,经典的,传统的,和古希腊和古罗马文化相关的;受古希腊和古罗马文化影响的,(音乐)古典的,有代表性的,典型的(classic);(语言)古文的,文言的;简洁优美的,朴实美观的
àclassically adv.
classism Un. 古典主义(基于古希腊和古罗马风格,18世纪盛行于欧洲),古典风格
classist n.古希腊文学研究者,拉丁文学研究者,古典学者,(艺术或文学的)古典主义者
energy Un.精力,活力,干劲;(energies)精力,力量;(物理学)能,能源
àenergetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的,需要能量的,积极的
energetically adv.
energize vt.使充满热情,给(某人)增添能量(或精力、活力、干劲);提供电力(或能量);使通电
perform vt.履行,执行;v.演出,表演;V.工作,运转(好/不好)
àperformance Cn.表演,演出 Cn.艺术上的表现;演技;n.表现,业绩,性能,工作情况 Un.做,执行,履行;(不必要的)麻烦,忙乱
performer n.表演者,演出者,演员,表现的……者,表现了……者
virtual adj.很接近的,几乎……的,事实上的,实际上的,实质上的;(通过计算机软件)模拟的,虚拟的
àvirtually adv.几乎,差不多,事实上,实际上,(计算机)模拟的,虚拟,以模拟现实技术
virtual reality Un.(计算机创造的)虚拟现实,拟境,虚拟时空
ordinary adj.普通的,平常的,一般的,平凡的。平庸的,平淡无奇的
àordinarily adv.普通地,平常地,正常地,通常地,一般情况下
able adj.能,能够,有才智的,有才能的
àably adv.能干地
ability n.能力,才能,本领,才智
origin n.起源,源头,起因,身世,出身
àoriginal adj.原来的,起初的,最早的;首创的,独创的,有独创性的;原作的,真迹的,非复制的 n.原件,正本,原稿,原作,(思想、行为、衣着等)不同寻常的的人呢,独特的人,怪人
originally adv. 原来,起初
originality Un.独创性,创意;独特构思
originate v.起源,发源,发端于 vt.创立,创建,发明
originator n.
gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的,渐进的;(斜坡)平缓的,不陡的
àgradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地,渐进地
gradualism Un.(社会改革上的额)渐进主义,渐进主义政策
gradualist n.
add v.增加,添加;补充少;添加(特色)
àaddition n.加,加法;增加物,添加物;增加,添加
additional adj.外加的,附加的,额外的
additionally adv.
additive n.(尤指商品的)添加剂,添加物
capable adj.有能力,有才能,能力强,足以胜任的
àcapably adv.
capability n.能力,才能;(国家的)军事力量,军事武器
relief n.(不快过后的)宽慰,轻松,解脱;(焦虑、痛苦等的)减轻,消除,缓和;(给灾区或交战地区人民提供的)救济,救济金;税收减免;(暂时替代单调乏味事物的)调剂,轻松场面;替班者,接替人,换班者;(被困城镇等的)解困,解围;浮雕,浮雕法,浮雕作品;(光和色彩等产生的)醒目效果;突然的效果,令人瞩目的特征
àrelieve vt.解除,减轻,缓和(不快或痛苦);减轻(问题的严重性);缓解,调解,使有趣;接替,给……换班;将(城镇从敌人的围困中)解围
relieved adj.感到宽慰的,放心的,显得开心的
absorb vt.吸收(液体、气体等);吞并,同化;理解,掌握;吸收全部注意力,使全神贯注;吸收(热、光、能等);减轻(打击、碰撞等的)作用;耗费,耗去(大量金钱、时间等);承受,承担,应付(变化、结果、费用等)
àabsorbed adj.被吸引住,专心致志全神贯注
absorbent adj.易吸收的(液体等)的
absorbing adj.十分吸引人的,引人入胜的,精彩的
absorption Un.(液体、气体等的)吸收,并入,同化,专心致志,全神贯注,着迷
previous adj.先前的,以往的;(时间上)稍前的
àpreviously adv.
employ v.雇用,使用,利用
àemployable adj.具备受雇条件的,适宜雇用的
employee n.受雇者,雇工,雇员
employer n.雇佣者,雇主,老板
employment n.工作,职业,兽骨,就业,雇用,使用,利用
romance Cn.(通常指短暂的)浪漫史,爱情关系,风流韵事;恋爱,爱情;传奇色彩,浪漫氛围;爱情故事,v.虚构(故事),渲染;和(某人)谈情说爱,追求(某人)
àromantic adj.浪漫的,爱情的,情爱的,多情的,表达爱情的;富有情调的,美妙的;富于幻想的,不实际的,空想的;(Romantic)浪漫主义的,浪漫主义风格的(尤用以描述19实际的文学、音乐、或艺术,以情感强烈、想象和回归自然为特征);n.浪漫的人,耽于幻想的人;(Romantic)浪漫主义作家(或音乐家、艺术家)
romantically adv.
romanticism n.浪漫主义(18世纪、19世纪初,盛行于艺术、音乐及文学领域,以情感强烈、想象和回归自然为特征(=Romanticism)
romanticize v.使浪漫化,使传奇化,使更加富有吸引力
react v.起反应,(对……)做出反应,回应;(对事物等)有不良放映,过敏;(化学)(物质)起化学反应,发生物理变化
àreaction n.反应,回应;(对旧观念等的)抗拒;生理反应,副作用;(reactions)反应能力;Un.反对,反动,阻碍;化学反应,反作用力
reactive adj.反应的,有反应的,回应的;易反应的,能起化学反应的
reactor v. (=nuclear reactor)核反应堆
reactant n.(化学)反应物
reactionary n.反对分子,反对政治(或社会)变革者
vary v.(大小、形状等)相异,不同,有别了(根据情况)变化,变更,改变
àvarious adj. 各种不同的,各种各样的,具有多种特征的,多姿多彩的
Variously adv.以各种方式,不同地
Variety n.(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化,多样化,多变性;(指物、语言等)变种,变体,异体,品种;综艺节目(包括歌舞、杂耍等的舞台演出或电视节目)
varied adj.各种各样的,形形色色的,不相同的,变化的,多变的,不同的
variable adj.多变的,易变的,变化无常的,可更改的,可变的,n.可变情况,变量,可变因素
variability Un.可变性,易变性,反复不定
variance n.差额,变化幅度
variant n.变种,变体,变形,adj.不同的
variation n.(数量、水平等的)变化,变更,变异,变异的东西,变种,变体,变奏(曲)
satisfy v.使满意,使满足;满足(要求、需要等);向(某人)证实,使确信
àsatisfying adj.令人满意(或满足的)
satisfyingly adv.令人满意(或满足)地
satisfied adj.满意的,满足的,欣慰的;确信的,信服的
satisfactory adj.令人满意的,够好的,可以的
satisfactorily adv.
satisfaction n.满足,满意,欣慰;令人满意(或欣慰)的事;(希望或欲望的)满足,达到;(抗议、投诉等的)妥善处理;(债务的)清偿,(上海的)赔偿
assume v.假定,假设,认为;承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力);呈现(外貌、样子),显露(特征);装出,假装
àassumed adj.嘉定的,假设的
assumption n.假定,假设;(责任的)承担,担任;(权力的)获得
1. capable
2. aim
3. set短语
4. try短语
5. add短语
6. get短语
7. cure
8. absorb
1. (P.52) Imagine __________ (have) the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people while you at home alone.
2. (P. 52) These videos __________ (upload) onto the Internet, and then they are put together into one video that you can see online— a virtual choir.
3. (P. 52) Anyone can take part in a virtual choir from anywhere —all __________ you need is a video camera and an Internet connection.
4. (P.52) It has proved to be a positive influence __________ on the lives of many people.
5. (P.52) __________ (move) by this music, he said, “It was like seeing color for the first time.”
6. (P.52) __________ (inspire), he asked his fans to make videos, __________ he then joined together __________ into performance.
7. (P.52) Since then, the virtual choir __________ (become) a worldwide phenomenon.
8. (P.52)The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people around the world __________ (sing) with one voice and thus make the world a better place.
9. (P.52) It’s an honor to be here and __________ (share) with you the story of how music has had an impact __________ my life.
10. (P.56) Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult __________ (cure).
11. (P.58) I never thought I was very talented (1)_______ anything (2) __________ (do) with music, but my parents wanted me to learn (3) __________ (play) the piano at the age of six. (4) __________ (be) a good daughter, I agreed to learn (5)________ I wasn’t interested in it at all. (6) __________ (experience) in reading her students’ minds, my piano teacher could tell after a couple of lessons that my heart wasn’t in it. (7) __________, after learning for six months, I was asked to perform something at the year-end concert (8) __________ (arrange) by my teacher. (9) __________ (surprise) and terrified at the same time, I could only agree. (10) __________ (give) my inexperience, I chose a fairly simple composition. In order to perform well, I practiced the same composition for an hour a day for the next two months. On the day of the concert, I was so nervous that I (11) __________ (wake) up with butterflies in my stomach. As it turned out, there was no need (12) __________ (be) nervous because all my hard work paid off, and I played (13) __________ (perfect). (14) __________ (encourage) by this first performance and the positive (15) __________ (react) of the audience, I have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.
1 at 2 to do 3 to play 4 To be 5 although/though/while 6 Experienced 7 However 8 arranged 9 Surprised 10 Given 11 woke 12 to be 13 perfectly 14 Encouraged 15 reaction (given prep.考虑到 with butterflies in stomach 七上八下)
12. (P.59) Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in (1) __________ (German). He (2) __________ (start) his musical training when he was five years old, and his teachers worked (使……工作) him so hard that he often cried. He started writing music when he was nineteen, and two years later he moved Vienna to study music and perform. Beethoven first became famous as a pianist. (3) __________, by 1800, his musical works were so popular that he (4) __________ (think) of the most important composer of his generation. During this same period, he (5) __________ (slow) became deaf. (6) __________ he could not hear with his ears, he could still write music because he could hear music (7) __________ his head. Most of his great musical works were completed after he became deaf. In the later part of his life, he had many health and money (8) __________ (issue). He was also lonely because (9) __________ woman he loved and wanted to marry had left him. His friends tried to help him through his dark times, but his life became (10) __________ (mark) by sadness. He died after a long illness in 1827.
1 Germany 2 started 3 However 4 was thought 5 slowly 6 Though/Although/While 7 in 8 issues 9 the 10 marked
feel like doing
prove sth. to sb.
prove (to be) +n./adj.
be composed of
in relief
relieve sb. of sth.
to one’s relief
cure sb. of sth.
be absorbed in
absorb … from
be absorbed by/into …
have an impact on
be capable of
aim at
aim to do | aim at doing
with the aim of
set down
set aside
set off
set about (doing) sth.
set out to do sth.
equip … with
try on
try for
try out for
try/do one’s best to do sth.
would rather do A than do Bb| would do A rather do B| prefer to do A rather than B | prefer doing A to doing B
treat sb. as …
treat sb. to sth.
treat sb. with sth.
pull through
look through
break through
see through
go through
be satisfied to do … /with …
to one’s satisfaction
in/with satisfaction
react to
There is no need for sb./ to do sth.
There is no hope of doing sth.
There is no sense (in) doing sth.
There is no point (in) doing sth.
There/It is no use doing sth.
It is assumed that …
on the assumption that …
assuming that
It’s proved that …
(七)语法 –ed分词作表语和状语
假定你是李华,你所在学校要举办英语戏剧节(The English Drama Festival)。你们向邀请外交Peter参加。请你写一封信给他,要点如下:
1. 英语戏剧节的活动内容;
2. 邀请Peter一起表演一个节目;
3. 期望Peter对本次活动给出建议;
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
The English Drama Festival of our school is to be held next week. Knowing that you are interested I English drama, I am writing to invite you to participate.
A variety of activities will be included in the festival, such as singing, crosstalk and so on. You are expected to put on a performance with us. Besides, since it is the first time to organize the English Drama Festival, we are at a loss how to arrange it properly. Your advice will be of great value to us.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
词句基础巩固练习·必修第二册 ·Unit 5 Music
Scene 1:情景介绍:周六课外活动时间,音乐社团的M为了策划即将到来的音乐节,对高一的学生W做调查问卷,向知道她和她的同学最喜欢什么音乐,并讨论喜欢的理由。
Hello! Nice to meet you here.
Hi, nice to meet you!
I am from the music society of our school. Have you heard of the coming music festival?
Sure! I can’t wait to attend it!
Attend? It’s so fine! Now I am (1) __________ some relative matters about it. Can you do me a favor?
As a matter of fact, what types of music do you know and like?
Eh, there are (2) __________ so many kinds of music-hip-hop, rock, rap music, classical music, country music, (3) __________ choir, etc. I like hip-hop music! But my desk mate, Li Hua, likes country music, which can touch people’s (4) . And (5) classical music is more popular, which can make us more relaxed, (6) __________ after a tiring and boring task for a whole day.
Every angel has her own taste. Would you like to have an (7) __________ to perform on the stage at the music festival?
(8) ! It’s a great honor to stand on the (9) then!
So you take time to practice (10) and singing. May you have good luck!
Thanks a lot.
Scene 2:情景介绍:元旦来临之际,学校学生会组织了一年一度的音乐节。下面是音乐节的开幕词。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome you all to come to the (11) ! Sitting in this splendid hall, are you happy? Answer me again, are you happy? It’s (12) to extend a warm welcome and gracious(亲切的)greetings to respectable guests, honorable delegate(会议代表)and my dear friends (13) the university. As we all know, we have been waiting for the music festival for such a long time! During the festival, we can (14) , dances and pop songs. Dear friends, you are all so great! (15) , please open your hands and welcome our first singer to show up!
1 investigating 2 altogether 3 virtual 4 soul 5 nowadays 6 especially 7 opportunity 8 Absolutely 9 Stage 10 performing 11 musical festival 12 a great opportunity 13 on behalf of 14 appreciate the elegant music 15 From now on
1. Bears build up fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have enough __________ (能量) to last them through their winter sleep.
2. They gain a good reputation among Chinese for their detailed knowledge and great care for __________ (普通的) people.
3. I don’t believe what you said, but if you can __________ (证明) it, you may be able to convince me.
4. The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the __________ (原来的) building remains now.
5. Aliens’ visiting Earth is controversial (有争议的), but what happened in some places is hard to explain, leaving people puzzled about these strange __________ (现象).
6. Little Jim was only too ready to perform on the __________ (舞台), seldom, if ever, refusing them when someone asked him to do.
7. The development of industry has been a __________ (逐渐的) process throughout human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.
8. Despite the p__________ rounds of talks, no agreement has been reached so far by the two sides.
9. The a__________ of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not to follow others blindly.
10. Although more advanced e__________ can provide you with more choices, it cannot take the place of practice and experience.
1 energy 2 ordinary 3 prove 4 original 5 phenomena 6 stage 7 gradual 8 precious 9 aim 10 equipment
三、单句语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
1. In terms of __________ (compose), it is the quality of the mind that counts.
2. Your __________ (perform) in your study will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.
3. His talents enable him __________ (stand) out among the applicants.
4. It was only after he had read the papers that Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult __________ (complete).
5. It was so noisy __________ we couldn’t hear ourselves speak.
6. The number of smokers, __________ is reported has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.
7. Mo Yan, __________ (award) the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, which made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.
8. When deeply absorbed __________ work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.
9. There were many __________ (talent) actors out there just waiting to be discovered.
10. In addition __________ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.
1 compositions 2 performance 3 to stand 4 to complete 5 that 6 as 7 was awarded 8 in 9 talented 10 to
remind … of take part in fall in love with for the first time
graduate from lead to set up since then
absorb in from then on get through in relief
1. It was a pity that they were not there ____________________ the festival feast last night.
2. It is natural that he should ____________________ such a beautiful girl.
3. I’ll never forget meeting my school headmaster ____________________ in 2019.
4. In June of 2022, he will ____________________ Beijing Normal University with a BA in library science.
5. A full-scale nuclear war could ____________________ the disappearance of the human race.
6. On arriving there, we started ____________________ our tents over there by the edge of the woods.
7. He was completely ____________________ reading and forgot even to take his meal.
8. They met in 1942 and ____________________ there were firm friends.
9. I did try to telephone you but I couldn’t ____________________.
10. After try to the fact, he said fine and then smiled ____________________.
1 to take part in 2 fall in love with 3 for the first time 4 graduate from 5 lead to 6 to set up/setting up 7 absorbed in 8 from then on 9 get through 10 in relief
1. 中国梦旨在提高所有人的生活质量。
The Chinese Dream is ____________________________________________________________.
2. 出生在一个小村子里,他从小就立志要当一名令人尊敬的医生。
____________________, he determined to be a respectable doctor form an early age.
3. 他穿着白色的衣服突然出现,把他的姐姐吓得好几分钟缓不过神来。
________________________________________. It made his sister frightened for a few minutes.
4. 被讨论了好多次之后,这些问题最终被解决了。
____________________, these problems were settled at last.
5. 在危急时刻,我相信我将会得到别人的帮助,一如我帮助别人那样。
In time of emergency, I believe I will be helped ________________________________________.
1 to aim at improving the quality of life for all the people
2 Born in a small village
3 Dressed in white, he appeared abruptly
4 Discussed many times
5 in the way I helped others
语法基础巩固练习 ·必修第二册 ·Unit 5 -ed分词作表语和状语
I 单句语法填空
1. The old may lay on the beach at ease, ________ (expose) to the sun.
2. Not ________ (know) what to do, the children had to wait for their parents to come back.
3. When ________ (offer) help, one often says “Thank you”.
4. ________ (hear) the signal, people ran out of the building.
5. ________ (look) out through the window, we saw the beautiful scenery.
6. ________ (bury) in her novel, the girl didn’t notice the beautiful snow.
7. The case shocked the public, ________ (cause) a hot debate on human nature on the Internet.
8. Even if ________ (tell) many times, he still made the same mistakes.
9. ________ (admit) into a key university, the girl was very excited.
10. Mr. Bissell skillfully organizes historical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-rounded picture of Uzbekistan, ________ (see) from Western eyes.
11. Technological innovations, ________ (combine) with good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.
12. Emma had never taken herself as a crane (鹤,吊车) and became ________ (attach) to humans.
13. More efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the deadline, and may other species appear ________ (head) towards extinction.
14. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become ________ (involve), including workshops and events.
15. And don’t’ forget: we are ________ (surround) by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.
1 exposed 2 knowing 3 offered 4 Hearing 5 Looking 6 Buried 7 causing 8 told 9 Admitted 10 seen 11 combined 12 attached 13 headed 14 involved 15 surrounded
II 改写句子
1. When she heard the news, she burst into tears.
à________________________, she burst into tears.
2. Although we were exhausted by the climbing, we continued our journey.
à ________________________, we continued our journey.
3. She was dressed in white and appeared suddenly.
à ________________, she appeared suddenly.
4. Aunt Wu came in and she was followed by her daughter.
à Aunt Wu came in, ________________________.
5. A flood struck the area and thousands of people were left homeless.
à A flood struck the area, ________________________.
1 Hearing the news
2 Although exhausted by the climbing
3 Dressed in white
4 followed by her daughter
5 leaving thousands of people homeless
这是一份必修第3册 Unit 2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共14页。
这是一份必修第3册 Unit 5-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共10页。学案主要包含了写作提示,参考范文等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份必修第3册 Unit 4-2022年高考英语一轮夯实基础复习学案(人教版2019),共12页。