高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教案
展开Unit2 English Around the World period4
Section 1: Approaches to process writing 程序写作教学法
I. Pre-writing
1. Brainstorming
Getting started can be difficult, so students divided into groups quickly produce words and ideas about the writing.
2. Planning
Students make a plan of the writing before they start. These plans can be compared and discussed in groups before writing takes place.
3. Generating ideas
Discovery tasks such as cubing (Students write quickly about the subject in six different ways. 1. describe it 2. compare it 3. associate it 4. analyse it 5. apply it 6. argue for or against it.)
4. Questioning
In groups, the idea is to generate lots of questions about the topic. This helps students focus upon audience as they consider what the reader needs to know. The answers to these questions will form the basis to the composition.
5. Discussing and debating
The teacher helps students with topics, helping them develop ideas in a positive and encouraging way.
II. Focusing ideas
1. Fast writing
The students write quickly on a topic for five to ten minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised.
2. Group compositions
Working together in groups, sharing ideas. This collaborative writing is especially valuable as it involves other skills (speaking in particular).
3. Changing viewpoints
A good writing activity to follow a role-play or storytelling activity. Different students choose different points of view and think about /discuss what this character would write in a diary, witness statement, etc.
4. Varying form
Similar to the activity above, but instead of different viewpoints, different text types are selected. How would the text be different if it were written as a letter, or a newspaper article, etc.
III. Evaluating, structuring and editing
Students take the notes written in one of the pre-writing activities above and organize them. What would come first? Why? Here it is good to tell them to start with information known to the reader before moving onto what the reader does not know.
2. Self-editing
A good writer must learn how to evaluate their own language ─ to improve through checking their own text, looking for errors, structure. This way students will become better writers.
3. Peer Editing and proofreading
Here, the texts are interchanged and the evaluation is done by other students. In the real world, it is common for writers to ask friends and colleagues to check texts for spelling, etc. You could also ask the students to reduce the texts, to edit them, concentrating on the most important information.
4. The importance of feedback
It takes a lot of time and effort to write, and so it is only fair that student writing is responded to suitably. Positive comments can help build student confidence and create good feeling for the next writing class. It also helps if the reader is more than just the teacher. Class magazines, swapping letters with other classes, etc. can provide an easy solution to providing a real audience.
5. Writing as communication
Process writing is a move away from students writing to test their language towards the communication of ideas, feelings and experiences. It requires that more classroom time is spent on writing, but as the previously outlined activities show, there is more than just writing happening during a session dedicated to process writing.
6. Potential problems
Writing is a complex process and can lead to learner frustration. As with speaking, it is necessary to provide a supportive environment for the students and be patient. This approach needs that more time be spent on writing in class, but as you have seen, not all classroom time is spent actually writing. Students may also react negatively to reworking the same material, but as long as the activities are varied and the objectives clear, then they will usually accept doing so. In the long term, you and your students will start to recognise the value of a process writing approach as their written work improves.
Section 2: Background information on English Around the World
I. British English, American English and Chinese
Cars and Driving | ||
British English | American English | Chinese |
car park | parking lot | 停车场 |
driving license | driver's license | 驾照 |
flyover | overpass | 天桥 |
four way | crossroads | 十字路口 |
hire car | rental car | 租用车 |
motorway | freeway(Western U.S.) expressway (Eastern U.S.) | 高速公路 |
petrol | gasoline(gas) | 汽油 |
tyre | tire | 轮胎 |
windscreen | windshield | 挡风玻璃 |
Food | ||
British English | American English | Chinese |
biscuit | cookie | 饼干 |
chips | French fries | 炸土豆片 |
crisps | potato chips | 油炸土豆片 |
jacket potato | baked potato | 带皮烤的马铃薯 |
jam | jelly | 酱 |
mince | hamburger | 碎牛肉;牛肉饼 |
porridge | oatmeal | 稀饭 |
pudding | dessert | 布丁;甜点 |
sweet | dessert | 餐后甜点 |
tin | can | 罐头 |
Others | ||
British English | American English | Chinese |
autumn | fall | 秋天 |
bill | check | 清单 |
bin liner | trash bag | 垃圾袋 |
botanic garden | botanical garden | 植物园 |
braces | suspenders | 吊裤带;吊杆 |
charity | non-profit organization | 慈善机构 |
chemist’s | pharmacy/drug store | 药店 |
cinema | movie theater, theater | 电影院 |
coach | bus | 长途汽车 |
DIY | do it yourself | 自己动手做 |
dustbin | trash can | 垃圾箱 |
engaged (as in telephone) | busy | (电话)占线 |
fee (for schooling) | tuition | 学费 |
fit (verb) | equip, fit out | 安装 |
flat | apartment | 单元住宅 |
football | soccer | 足球 |
freephone | toll-free | 免费电话 |
toll-free | dress (noun) | 外衣;服装 |
gents | men’s room | 男厕 |
headmaster | principal | 男厕 |
hire (hire a car) | rent (rent a car) | 租借 |
holiday | vacation | 假日 |
ill | sick | 有病的 |
in future | in the future | 未来,将来 |
in hospital | in the hospital | 住院 |
join the train | get on the train | 上火车 |
jumper | sweater | 毛线衫 |
licence (noun) | license | 执照 |
lift | elevator | 电梯 |
lorry | truck | 卡车 |
maths | math | 数学 |
nil | zero | 零 |
note | bill | 纸币 |
on stream | on line | 在生产中 |
post | 邮件 | |
queue | line | 长队 |
railway | railroad | 铁路 |
return | round trip | 返程 |
rise (noun - in salary) | raise | 加薪 |
rubber | eraser | 橡皮擦 |
rucksack | backpack | 背包 |
shopping trolley | shopping car | 购物手推车 |
“sorry” | “excuse me”, “pardon me” | 对不起 |
stand (for election) | run (for election) | 竞选 |
swear word | curse word | 咒语 |
subway | underpass | 餐巾 |
subway | underpass | 地下道;地铁 |
tea towel | dish towel | 餐巾 |
telephone box | telephone booth | 电话亭 |
toilet | restroom | 厕所 |
torch | flashlight | 火炬 |
trainers | sneakers | 运动鞋 |
transport (noun) | transportation | 运输 |
trousers | pants | 裤子 |
trolley | cart | 手推车 |
tube | subway | 地铁 |
underground | subway | 地铁 |
vest | undershirt | 背心 |
waistcoat | vest | 马甲 |
II. Different English, different spellings
American English theater, center, liter color, honor, labor, favor, vapor traveler, woolen skillful, fulfill check program story realize, analyze, apologize defense, offense, license burned dreamed smelled spelled spoiled | British English theatre, center, litre colour, honour, labour, favour, vapour traveler, woolen skilful, fulfil cheque programme storey realise, analyse, apologise defence, offence, licence burnt/burned dreamt/dreamed smelt/smelled spelt/spelled spoilt/spoiled |
III.Websites recommended to the students 推荐网站
www.e-l-e.net.cn www.bg-map.com
www.esl.about.com www.english-zone.com
www.effingpot.com www.topics-mag.com
Going to any of the websites may enable the students to learn more about the differences between American English and British English.
Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit 2 English Around the World
Include 1. v. to be one of the parts; to make something or someone part of a larger group: Our tour party included several retired couples. The team is looking strong; especially now they have included Beckham. 2. including & included: Everyone has to go to the dentist’s, you included. There were twelve of us, including Tom and me.
role: n. 1. the character played by an actor in a play or film; the position that someone has in society or an organization: Matthews plays the role of a young doctor in the film. Women are often forced into a supportive role in the family. 2. play a leading/major/key role in=be important in making changes happen: Mandela played a leading role in ending apartheid in South Africa.
because of=as the result of a particular thing or someone’s action: He had to retire because of ill health. c.f. She got the job because she was the best candidate.
native: 1. adj. your native country or town is the place where you were born: They never saw their native land again. 2. native language/tongue: the language you spoke when you first learned to speak. 3. n. a person who was born in a particular place:Are you a native of New York?
come up: 1. to be mentioned:A lot of new questions came up at the meeting. 2. to be about to happen soon:Don’t you have a birthday coming up soon? 3. to move near someone or something by walking: Come up to the front of the room so everyone can see you.
Other verbal phrases of “come”
come about=to happen in a way that seems impossible to control;
come across= to meet or find something or someone by chance;
come along=get along; to appear at a time you don’t expect; to encourage sb. to try harder;
come by=to obtain something that is difficult to find; come up with=to think of an idea;
(The small word “come” has many phrasal verbs. It is better to ask the students to refer to a good dictionary.)
present: adj. 1. be present: a) to be in a particular place: How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?(opposite of “ absent”) b) to be remembered for a long time: The memory of the disaster last year is still present in her mind. 2. (only before noun) existing now: What’s your present address? c.f. What he said amused all the people present.
such as: used to give an example of something; such…as/that: used to emphasize that there is a small amount of something or that it is of good quality: The local economy still relies on traditional industries such as farming and mining. c.f. Such food as they gave us was warm and nutritious.
Command: 1. vi & vt. to tell someone officially to do something, esp. if you are a military leader or a king to get something such as attention or respect: The general commanded that the regiment (should) attack at once. Or The General commanded the regiment to attack at once. Dr. Young commands a great deal of respect as a surgeon. 2. get/ have a good command of English=to get/have a good mastery of English.
request: 1. vt. to ask for something politely or formally request that (should) + v/ request sb. to do sth.: The staff requested that he reconsider his decision. All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting. 2. n. a polite demand for something: They have made a urgent request for international aid.
recognize: vt. 1. to know who someone is or what something is, because you have ever seen them or it before: Susan came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly recognized her. 2. to accept that an organization has legal or official authority: British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada. 3. be recognized as= to be thought of as being very good by a lot of people: Jules Verne’s novel was recognized as a work of genius.
人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教学设计: 这是一份人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教学设计,共6页。
高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教案设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教案设计,共5页。
人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教学设计: 这是一份人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world教学设计,共4页。