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    人教版英语选择性必修四 Unit2《Iconic Attractions Learning About Language》学案
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    人教版英语选择性必修四 Unit2《Iconic Attractions  Learning About Language》学案02
    人教版英语选择性必修四 Unit2《Iconic Attractions  Learning About Language》学案03
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    英语选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions导学案及答案

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions导学案及答案,共14页。学案主要包含了过去分词作定语,过去分词作表语,过去分词作宾语补足语,过去分词作状语等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    观察上面句子, 并说出画线部分的作用
    1. fallen 过去分词, 作前置定语
    2. made by nature过去分词短语, 作后置定语。
    过去分词是非谓语动词形式之一。过去分词保留着动词的部分特性, 有完成或被动含义, 可带状语构成过去分词短语。在句法功能上, 过去分词(短语)与形容词或副词作用类似, 在句子中可充当定语、状语、宾语补足语、表语等成分。
    及物动词的过去分词作定语往往表示被动和完成; 不及物动词的过去分词作定语不表示被动, 只表示完成。
    a plluted river一条被污染的河流
    the watered flwers浇过水的花
    (2)只表示完成, 不表示被动
    fallen leaves落叶
    the risen sun升起的太阳
    单个的过去分词作定语时, 通常放在所修饰词的前面; 过去分词短语作定语时, 通常放在后面, 其作用相当于一个定语从句。
    *A watched pt never bils. [谚语]心急锅不开。
    *The student dressed in white is my daughter.
    =The student wh is dressed in white is my daughter.
    (1)Sme f the peple invited (invite) t the party can’t cme.
    (2)The trees blwn (blw) dwn in the strm have been mved ff the rad.
    (3)The plice will cme sn t take away the damaged (damage) car.
    位于系动词(如be, get, becme, lk, feel, seem等)之后, 多表示主语的状态或状况, 它所体现的是形容词的特性。
    *She lks disappinted.
    *We were encuraged at the news.
    过去分词作表语时, 强调主语所处的状态, 而动词的被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者, 强调动作。
    *The cup is brken.
    *The cup was brken by Tm.
    (1)I was t tired (tire) t walk any further.
    (2)When he heard the mving (mve) stry, he was deeply mved (mve).
    (3)Tm was mre surprised (surprise) than disappinted (disappint) at this news.
    (4)Bth he and I are satisfied (satisfy) with the result.
    过去分词作宾语补足语与宾语有着动宾关系, 宾语是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者。
    *He watched the TV set carried ut f the rm.
    *Last year they had the huse rebuilt.
    1. 表示感觉或心理状态的动词(短语), 如see, watch, bserve, find, lk at, hear, listen t, feel, ntice, think等。
    *I heard the sng sung in English.
    2. 表示“致、使”意义的动词, 如have, make, get, keep, leave等。
    *They managed t make themselves understd by using very simple English.
    *Dn’t leave thse things undne.
    *I’ll have my hair cut tmrrw.
    (2)表示“遭遇某种不幸; 受到打击”
    *He had his wallet stlen. 他的钱包被偷了。
    *I had my huse repaired last week.
    上周, 我修补了房子。
    3. 表示“希望、要求”等意义的动词, 如like, want, wish, rder等。
    *The teacher desn’t wish such questins (t be) discussed in class.
    *The plice, finding the film unhealthy, rdered it banned.
    警察发现这部电影不健康, 令其禁演。
    (1)Yu’d better have yur shes mended (mend).
    (2)The father wants his daughter taught(teach) the pian.
    (3)I saw an ld man kncked(knck) dwn by a car.
    (4)I’d like the jb dne (d) when I cme back frm the jurney.
    表示被动或完成的动作, 可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。
    1. 作时间状语
    过去分词作时间状语时, 相当于一个when, while, after, nce等引导的时间状语从句。
    *Once published(=Once it is published), the dictinary will be very ppular.
    一旦出版, 这本词典将大受欢迎。
    2. 作原因状语
    过去分词作原因状语时, 相当于一个as, since, because等引导的原因状语从句。
    *Absrbed in painting(=Because Jhn was absrbed in painting), Jhn didn’t ntice evening appraching.
    由于专心画画, 约翰没有注意到夜幕正在降临。
    3. 作条件状语
    过去分词作条件状语时, 相当于一个if, unless等引导的条件状语从句。
    *Given anther hur(=If I am given anther hur), I can als wrk ut this prblem.
    如果再给我一个小时, 我也能把这道题算出来。
    4. 作让步状语
    过去分词作让步状语时, 相当于一个thugh, althugh, even if/thugh等引导的让步状语从句。
    *Beaten by the ppsite team(=Thugh we were beaten by the ppsite team), we didn’t lse heart and encuraged each ther.
    虽然被对方的队打败了, 但我们并没有灰心而是相互鼓励。
    5. 作方式或伴随状语
    过去分词作方式或伴随状语时, 可以转换成一个并列句。
    *The ld man gt n the bus, supprted by a girl(=and he was supprted by a girl).
    在一位姑娘的搀扶下, 老人上了公共汽车。
    (1)过去分词作状语时, 其前面可以带有相应的连词, 如when, thugh, althugh, as if, as thugh, if, unless, until, nce等, 表时间、让步、条件、方式等。
    *If (I am) invited, I will attend the wedding f my friend.
    如果受到邀请, 我会参加我朋友的婚礼。
    (2)过去分词(短语)作状语时, 分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语要一致。
    *Caught, the thief will be punished by the plice. (caught的逻辑主语为the thief)
    小偷如果被抓, 就会受到警方的处罚。
    (3)有些过去分词已形容词化, 作状语时表示人的状态。常见的有satisfied, surprised, interested, mved, wrried, pleased, disappinted等。
    *Disappinted at the examinatin results, the girl std there withut saying a wrd.
    因为对考试结果很失望, 小女孩站在那里一句话也没说。
    (1)Left (leave) t himself, the baby began t cry.
    (2)She accepted the gift, deeply mved (mve).
    (3)We went t the cinema, filled (fill) with excitement.
    (4)Once pured (pur), water cannt be taken back.
    Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
    1. The bridge was damaged in the fld, resulting(result) in the train falling int the river.
    2. Guided(guide) by an artist, the girl made much prgress.
    3. Blamed(blame) fr her faults, the little girl was in lw spirits.
    4. The salesgirl at last handled the difficult custmer and gave a satisfied(satisfy) smile.
    5. Dn’t drink plluted(pllute) water because it can cause diseases.
    6. Tm was ging thrugh the crwd when he heard his name called(call).
    7. When I came in, I fund a strange girl seated(seat) in the crner.
    8. Thugh defeated(defeat) many times, the man didn’t lse heart.
    9. Raised(raise) in the prest area f Glasgw, he had a lng, hard rad t becme a ftball star.
    10. N matter hw frequently perfrmed(perfrm), the wrks f Beethven still attract peple all ver the wrld.
    Ⅱ. 用过去分词完成下面的句子
    1. They became s wrried that they stayed awake all night.
    他们变得如此担心, 以至于一整晚都没有睡觉。
    2. Fr breakfast he nly drinks juice frm fresh fruit grwn n his wn farm.
    3. The yung man, tired f wrking fr thers, is determined t start his wn firm.
    这个年轻人厌倦了为别人工作, 决心创办自己的公司。
    4. Children, when accmpanied by their parents, are allwed t enter the stadium.
    5. Clearly and thughtfully written, the bk inspires cnfidence in students wh wish t seek their wn answers.
    这本书写得清晰且深思熟虑, 激发了那些希望寻求自己的答案的学生的信心。
    6. Claire had her luggage checked an hur befre her plane left.
    7. When he gt t schl, he saw the dr lcked.
    当他到学校时, 他看见门锁着。
    8. Yu’d better have/get the dangerus building pulled dwn.
    9. The cncert given by their friends was a success.
    10. I quickly lwered myself, ducking my head t avid lking directly int his eyes s he didn’t feel challenged.
    我迅速弯下身, 低下头, 避免直视他的眼睛, 这样他就不会感觉受到了挑战。
    这位年轻的女画家雄心勃勃, 她想把她的画陈列(display)在画廊里, 但她不知道这些画是否会很受欢迎。在父母的鼓励(encurage)下, 她按计划(plan)展出了她的作品。这些画得(paint)很漂亮的作品一经展出, 人们就赞不绝口。她和她的父母都对这个结果感到满意(satisfy)。
    The yung wman painter was ambitius and she wanted her paintings displayed in the gallery, but she wndered whether they wuld be very ppular. Encuraged by her parents, she had them shwn as planned. Once the beautifully painted wrks were n shw, the peple praised them a lt. Bth she and her parents were satisfied with the result.
    五 Unit 2 Learning Abut Language
    Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
    1. A heavy sandstrm is ging t envelp ur city. It is unwise t have yur car washed (wash).
    2. There is nthing changed(change) here since I left this twn.
    3. Ordered(rder) ver a week ag, the bks are expected t arrive nw.
    4. When asked(ask) fr his views abut his teaching jb, Philip said he fund it very interesting and rewarding.
    5. In art criticism, yu must assume the artist has a secret message hidden(hide) within the wrk.
    6. The audience seated(seat) befre TV set are listening t his stries with their eyes fixed n him.
    7. Absrbed (absrb) in the research wrk, he had n time t make any trip.
    8. The yung man became much tired(tire) f the wrk and wanted t quit it.
    9. The children will get cnfused (cnfuse) if they are asked t learn t much at a time.
    10. There was a puzzled(puzzle) expressin n the girl’s face.
    Ⅱ. 完成句子
    1. It is said that listening t music makes a persn feel relaxed when he is tired.
    据说, 当一个人疲劳时, 听音乐能够让他感到放松。
    2. The suggestin made by the freign expert was adpted by the manager.
    3. Besides the tips already mentined in the article, she advises peple nt t put things in piles.
    除了文章中已经提到的建议外, 她还建议人们不要把东西堆放在一起。
    4. Jim has retired, but he still remember the happy time spent with his students.
    Jim已经退休了, 但是他依然记得和学生一起度过的快乐时光。
    5. The new apartment built a few mnths ag is large enugh t accmmdate 200 peple.
    几个月前建造的那个新公寓足够大, 能容纳二百人。
    6. I need a new passprt s I will have t have my phtgraphs taken.
    我需要一个新护照, 所以我将不得不拍照片。
    7. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures.
    8. Ordinary sap, used crrectly, can deal with bacteria effectively.
    如果正确使用的话, 普通的肥皂可以有效地处理细菌。
    9. Earth Day, marked n 22 April, is an annual event aiming t raise public awareness abut envirnmental prtectin.
    地球日于4月22日举行, 是一项旨在提高公众环保意识的年度活动。
    10. It is bvius that the flwers that her friends gave her as a gift will die unless watered.
    很明显, 除非浇水, 否则她朋友送给她作为礼物的花就会死。
    Ⅰ. 阅读理解
    Kangars have lng been a nuisance t many Australian farmers. Keeping these kinds f animals away frm their crps and water supplies has becme a cntinuus fight. A traditinal way has been a series f the huge screaming(尖叫) frm ludspeakers. Researchers have fund that kangars ften becme used t these man-made sunds and take little ntice f them.
    Australian farmers culd be abut t get an unusual new weapn(武器)t prtect their crps frm kangars. Researchers in Melburne have fund that kangars can be frightened away by the lud sund f their wn large feet. It appears t be quite a breakthrugh. This is the nise these animals make when they feel danger befre running away quickly. Using the animals’ wn alarm system culd be what angry farmers have been lking fr.
    Animal rights prtectrs are happy abut this new finding. When peple cmplain that the number f kangars has risen quickly, they say that a large number f kangars have been killed r injured n Australian rads by cars and trucks. Als, they dn’t want several millin t be sht dead every year by human beings. Researchers, wh are hping t develp their ftstep sund technlgy, believe it culd als be used t lead kangars away frm busy highways. The prtectrs are in favr f this slutin which can prevent kangars frm being harmed and als please the farmers.
    【文章大意】本文是说明文。在澳大利亚由于袋鼠数量增长较快, 它们经常破坏农民的庄稼。研究者们发明了一种预防和保护的方法, 用袋鼠的脚步声驱逐袋鼠。这样既能保护袋鼠不被农民杀害又能解决袋鼠破坏庄稼的问题。
    1. What prblem d kangars bring t Australian farmers?
    A. Breaking int huses.
    B. Making nises.
    C. Frightening farmers.
    D. Destrying crps.
    【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段Keeping these kinds f animals away frm their crps and water supplies has becme a cntinuus fight. 以及第二段t prtect their crps frm kangars. 等内容可知, 在澳大利亚, 袋鼠经常破坏农民的庄稼, 故选D。
    2. What is the new way t drive away kangars?
    A. Cutting ff water supplies.
    B. Killing them with guns.
    C. Using the sund f their wn ftstep.
    D. Sending man-made sund thrugh ludspeakers.
    【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段可知研究者发现袋鼠会被自己的脚步声吓跑, 因此用这种声音驱逐袋鼠很有效。故选C。
    3. Why d animal rights prtectrs agree with this new slutin?
    A. Because it csts less.
    B. Because they prefer new technlgy.
    C. Because it’s a preventin-and-prtectin way.
    D. Because it can help reduce the traffic accidents.
    【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后可知用袋鼠的脚步声驱逐袋鼠既能保护袋鼠不被农民杀害又能解决袋鼠破坏庄稼的问题, 让农民们高兴。这是一种预防和保护的方法, 故选C。
    Ⅱ. 完形填空
    A cuple f mnths ag, I was texting a friend in Australia during their widespread bushfires, begging her t cme back t New Yrk. “It’s just nt 1 ” I said. “Yu can’t even breathe! ”
    She simply replied, “N. I need t bear witness (见证), ” 2 the way her gvernment prly handled the prblem, ignring scientists’ 3 abut glbal warming. Her need t “see” was 4 in her deep lve fr her peple and cuntry.
    Nw here I am, 5 my wn city n “fire”. A fire that shuld have taken n ne by surprise. This isn’t just abut Brenna Taylr, Ahmaud Arbery, Gerge Flyd r any black citizen. This is abut a 6 that exists within this cuntry that makes ur lives seemingly less valuable t the peple in pwer wh 7 mst times, t be white.
    In all this gd truble, we can’t keep lking away. We can’t keep 8 . If we dn’t bear witness t these mments f unfairness, they have the chance t 9 themselves.
    If we’re afraid and cnfused, that’s 10 , because we are nly human. But n the ther side f fear is 11 . On the ther side f 12 is knwledge and pwer. Maybe we are unsure what t d r really what we can d in this mment 13 there are s many cnfusing suggestins. But the nly thing we 14 have t d is keep being ur unique selves.
    I’m Black. My father, mther, brther, and everyne in between are Black. I 15 being Black. Friends and family frm all ver have asked me t leave. And I say n. I, t, need t bear witness.
    【文章大意】本文是议论文。作者通过讲述澳大利亚大火时, 朋友不愿意离开去外国, 要见证政府的失职, 谈到自己也处于相同的境地, 对于政府的不公平对待, 我们应该有所作为, 真正做些什么, 特别是要保持独特的自我。
    1. A. harmful B. imprtant
    C. safeD. beautiful
    【解析】选C。根据下文“Yu can’t even breathe! ”可知, 那里不安全。故选C。
    2. A. referring tB. cheering up
    C. defending againstD. carrying n
    【解析】选A。根据空后的the way her gvernment prly handled the prblem可推断, 朋友提到了政府处理问题的方式很差。故选A。
    3. A. limitsB. warnings
    C. mannersD. wishes
    4. A. absrbedB. filled
    C. rtedD. buried
    【解析】选C。根据 her deep lve fr her peple and cuntry. 可知, 朋友想要见证事实, 是因为她对于国家和人民的爱。be rted in“根植于”, 符合语境。故选C。
    5. A. settingB. putting
    C. makingD. watching
    【解析】选D。根据上文“Nw here I am” 可知, 我现在和朋友的处境一样, 也是看着自己的城市在“火”上。故选D。
    6. A. supprtB. statement
    C. scheduleD. system
    【解析】选D。根据下文that exists within this cuntry that makes ur lives seemingly less valuable t the peple in pwer可知, 这是一种国家体系。故选D。
    7. A. happenB. prmise
    C. manageD. intend
    【解析】选A。根据下文mst times, t be white可知, 大多数时候碰巧是白人的当权者。故选A。
    8. A. aliveB. balanced
    C. silentD. bred
    【解析】选C。根据上文we can’t keep lking away. 可知, 我们不能视而不见, 不能保持沉默。故选C。
    9. A. hurtB. repeat
    C. beatD. win
    【解析】选B。根据条件状语从句推断, 如果我们不举证这些不公平时刻, 他们就有机会再次复制, “重复自己”表示再次做出这样的事情。故选B。
    10. A. unbelievableB. enjyable
    C. reliableD. understandable
    【解析】选D。根据下文because we are nly human可知, 因为我们只是人, 因此我们害怕和困惑是可理解的。故选D。
    11. A. interestB. bravery
    C. luckD. sadness
    【解析】选B。根据常识可知, 恐惧与勇敢相对。故选B。
    12. A. cnfusinB. fl
    C. lssD. news
    【解析】选A。上文提到了fear, 与afraid同义, 因此推断此处阐述cnfusin“困惑”。故选A。
    13. A. whenB. where
    C. whatD. that
    【解析】选A。在这个有这么多令人困惑的建议的时刻, 也许我们不确定该做什么或我们能做什么, 空格处引导定语从句, 先行词是this mment, 从句中作时间状语, 引导定语从句用关系副词when。故选A。
    14. A. nearlyB. gently
    C. hardlyD. truly
    【解析】选D。根据下文keep being ur unique selves可推断, 这是我们真正必须做的事情。故选D。
    15. A. regretB. avid
    C. lveD. try
    【解析】选C。根据下文Friends and family frm all ver have asked me t leave. And I say n. 可推断, 作者对于自己是黑人的身份认同。故选C。
    Ⅲ. 语法填空
    One f the mst recgnizable 1. (building) in the wrld, the Sydney Opera Huse, 2. (have) a very interesting histry. It all started in the 1940s, when the Sydney Symphny Orchestra had nwhere t play. The rchestra’s cnductr, Eugene Gssens, asked the Australian gvernment t think abut building a place and the gvernment 3. (final) agreed t build an pera huse in 1954.
    The gvernment held 4. internatinal cmpetitin t find a design fr the pera huse. Many f the 233 designers frm arund the wrld 5. entered the cmpetitin were famus, but the design f an unknwn Danish architect 6. (name) Jrn Utzn was chsen as the winner. Utzn travelled t Sydney 7. (shw) his mdel f the pera huse t the gvernment, 8. then returned t Denmark t draw up building plans with an engineering cmpany.
    While 9. (draw) up the plans, Utzn remembered the temples he had seen in Mexic in 1949 and used them 10. his inspiratin fr the base f the pera huse in Sydney.
    【文章大意】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了悉尼歌剧院一段非常有趣的历史。建造歌剧院时政府举办了一场为歌剧院寻找设计方案的国际比赛, 但一位不知名的丹麦建筑师Jrn Utzn的设计却获得了冠军。Utzn到悉尼向政府展示了他的歌剧院模型, 然后回到丹麦与一家工程公司拟定建筑计划。
    1. 【解析】buildings。考查名词复数。此处recgnizable“可认识的”是形容词, 修饰名词, 再根据ne f+名词复数, 所以该空填buildings。
    2. 【解析】has。考查时态和主谓一致。这里在说一个客观事实, 所以句子用一般现在时, 且句子主语是One f the mst recgnizable buildings in the wrld, 单数第三人称, 故填has。
    3. 【解析】finally。考查副词。此处agreed是动词, 由副词修饰, 故填finally。
    4. 【解析】an。考查不定冠词。此处表示“一场国际比赛”, 用不定冠词, 且internatinal是读音以元音音素开头的词, 故填an。
    5. 【解析】wh/that。考查定语从句。此处designers是先行词, 指人, 分析句子, 把designers放在后面的定语从句中, 作主语, 故填wh/that。
    6. 【解析】named。考查过去分词作后置定语。句中architect和name之间是被动关系, 用过去分词作后置定语, 故填named。
    7. 【解析】t shw。考查动词不定式作目的状语。此处动词不定式作目的状语, 故填t shw。
    8. 【解析】and。考查并列连词。此处是并列谓语, 故填and。
    9. 【解析】drawing。考查状语从句的省略。本句为状语从句的省略, 还原后为: while Utzn was drawing , 因主句主语和从句主语相同, 且从句有be动词, 所以主语和be动词被省略。故填drawing。
    10. 【解析】as。考查介词。固定搭配: use. . . as. . . “把……当作……”。此处是“把它们当做灵感”, 故填as。

    英语选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions导学案: 这是一份英语选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions导学案,共21页。学案主要包含了即学活用,文章大意等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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