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    2020-2021学年高中英语新人教版选择性必修四 Unit2 Iconic Attractions Using Language 学案
    2020-2021学年高中英语新人教版选择性必修四 Unit2 Iconic Attractions  Using Language 学案01
    2020-2021学年高中英语新人教版选择性必修四 Unit2 Iconic Attractions  Using Language 学案02
    2020-2021学年高中英语新人教版选择性必修四 Unit2 Iconic Attractions  Using Language 学案03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions导学案

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions导学案,共21页。学案主要包含了即学活用,文章大意等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
    Using Language
    Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
    1. the unfair distribution (分配) of wealth
    2. a temporary(暂时的) measure
    3. the final phase(阶段) of the project
    4. a UK driving licence(执照)
    5. a training session(一段时间)
    6. a high / low frequency(频率)
    7. meet with a violent(暴力的) death
    8. building a nest(巢穴) of twigs and dry grass
    9. protect mammal(哺乳动物) species
    10. the biology(生物学) of marine animals
    11. hatch(使孵出) a chicken
    12. a fuel tank with a capacity(容量) of 50 litres
    13. a house surrounded with a strong fence(栅栏)
    14. the prison(监狱) population
    15. a very grand(宏大的) house
    Ⅱ. 根据语境选择恰当的介、副词填空
    1. A flock of birds flew towards us slowly from far away.
    2. We must find a way of achieving a more equitable distribution of wealth.
    3. The electrical work will be carried out in phase with the other renovations.
    4. All the chicks have hatched out.
    5. He’s spent a lot of time in prison.
    Ⅲ. 翻译下列课文原句, 并观察黑体部分
    1. Our topic today is “Creatures Unique to Australia”, with questions answered by wildlife expert, Dr Jim Smith.
    我们今天的主题是“澳大利亚特有的生物”, 野生动物专家吉姆·史密斯博士回答了问题。
    2. Koalas are cute, and we see so many pictures of people holding them.
    考拉很可爱, 我们看到很多人抱着它们的照片。
    3. While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird, it’s really a primitive mammal, with a unique biology.
    虽然它可以像鸟一样在巢里产卵, 但它确实是一种原始哺乳动物, 有着独特的生物学特性。
    Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构
    1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks

    2. What is the text type of the passage?
    A. Narration. (记叙文)
    B. Argumentative essay. (议论文)
    C. Expository writing. (说明文)
    D. Practical writing (应用文)
    答案: C
    3. What’s the main idea of this passage?
    The text is mainly about some iconic animals in Australia, such as kangaroos, koalas, etc. and their special features.  
    Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息
    1. Choose the best answer
    (1)What can we infer from the last two sentences of the first part?
    A. Kangaroos can be dangerous sometimes.
    B. It is hard to take kangaroos as family pets.
    C. Meeting kangaroos is always a lucky thing.
    D. It is always good to pet a cute kangaroo.
    (2)When does a kangaroo try to be independent?
    A. After they were born for ten days.
    B. Until they can dive under the water.
    C. Since they were born immediately.
    D. When they are about seven or eight months old.
    (3)Why is it forbidden to touch koalas in some places?
    A. It may disturb their daily activities.
    B. It can change their living habits.
    C. It will bring pressure on their life.
    D. It may attack people by surprise.
    (4)What do we know about Tasmanian devils?
    A. They are aggressive against humans.
    B. They frighten their prey to death.
    C. They belong to a rat family.
    D. They make loud and frightening noise.
    (5)What animals use electrical sensors to find food?
    A. Koalas.
    B. Kangaroos.
    C. Tasmanian devils.
    D. The duck-billed platypus.
    答案: (1)~(5)ADCDD
    2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanks
    The amazing animals of Australia
    ▲The (1)symbol of the country
    ▲They cannot walk backwards and they are always moving forwards
    ▲Baby kangaroos stay safe and warm in their mother’s (2)pouch
    ▲They gradually learn to be (3)independent
    ▲Kangaroos can hit and kick very hard
    ●They are really quite cute
    ●Koalas are very (4)sensitive creatures
    ●They spend quite a lot of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks
    ●In many places in Australia, it is against the law to (5)touch them
    ◆Tasmanian devils (6)hunt at night
    ◆The noise they make could wake the dead
    ◆They are about the size of small (7)dogs
    ◆They look like rather large black rats
    ◆Their diet is mostly (8)dead animals
    ◆They are generally not violent towards people
    The duck-
    ★It may lay eggs in a nest like a bird
    ★It’s really a primitive (9)mammal
    ★Its nose looks like a duck’s bill
    ★It has feet like a duck’s
    ★It has a capacity to find food in the water by using (10)electrical sensors in its bill
    Ⅲ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用
    1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句
    (1)If you want to hold a koala, (条件状语从句) you have to go to certain licensed zoos(主句) where animal experts make sure that the koalas selected for each session are in a good state for human contact and that they are handled for only a limited time and on a limited frequency of occasions(where引导定语从句, 其中that引导宾语从句).  
    译文: 如果你想养一只考拉, 你必须去一些有执照的动物园, 那里的动物专家要确保挑选的考拉都处于与人接触的良好状态, 而且它们只在有限的时间和有限的频率下和人类接触。
    (2)Tasmanian devils hunt at night, so(并列连词表示因果关系) you won’t usually see them, but(并列连词表示转折关系) you may hear their loud cries when they are fighting or eating(when引导时间状语从句).  
    译文: 塔斯马尼亚魔鬼在夜间狩猎, 所以你通常不会看到它们, 但当它们打架或进食时, 你可能会听到它们的叫声。
    2. 阅读主题活动
    (1)Why do koalas spend most of time sleeping?
    Koalas spend so much time sleeping due to their diet. As you are most likely already aware, the diet of a koala is eucalyptus leaves. As you can probably imagine, these leaves aren’t all that nutritious and are very high in fiber. To get the most out of the leaves the koalas have very low metabolisms. Having a low metabolism keeps the leaves in the digestive tract for longer periods of time which allows them to extract more nutrients from their only food source. The off side to having a low metabolic rate and needing to conserve energy is that they need to spend large amounts of time sleeping, which is exactly what they do.  
    (2)Why are Tasmanians called devils?
    Tasmanian devils have a reputation for flying into a rage when threatened by a predator, fighting for a mate, or defending a meal. Early European settlers dubbed them “devils” after witnessing displays such as teeth-baring, lunging, and an array of terrifying rough howls.  
    (3)Why does Australia have so many unusual animals?
    Climatic and geologic events helped Australia to form its unique fauna. Australia was part of Gondwana, the huge super-continent of the southern hemisphere. About 50 million years ago Australia became an island. Due to this isolation and the lack of predators, Australia’s unique animals developed. Animals like kangaroos that originated in Gondwana adapted in Australia, and survived until today. Australia’s climate became drier about 15 million years ago, resulting in more uniquely adapted species.  
    1. phase n. 阶段; 时期
    *After this phase, they go out to try their legs.
    在这一阶段之后, 他们出去试试自己的腿。
    *The program to phase down waste in natural sources is progressing successfully in the country.
    *We should phase in the new working plans.
    *The factory has already phased out a batch of production equipment. 这家工厂已经淘汰了一批生产设备。

    phase down  逐步减少
    phase in 逐步采用
    phase out 逐步淘汰

    (1)The company has phased in a series of new production plans.
    (2)The machine has been phased out.
    (3)She wonders if there will be a phase down of the tax rate over time.
    2. violence n. 暴力; 暴行
    *Fortunately, they are generally not violent towards people.
    幸运的是, 他们一般不会对人暴力。
    *In dealing with the conflict, they are reluctant to appeal to violence.
    在处理冲突时, 他们不愿意诉诸暴力。
    *Having done violence to his children, this father was put into prison.
    这位父亲因对孩子们施暴, 被关进了监狱。

    by /with violence   用暴力
    appeal to violence 诉诸暴力
    do sb. violence 对某人施暴

    (1)The game was overshadowed by violence.
    (2) The drunk husband often did his wife violence (violent).
    (3) That country tried to appeal to violence in seizing the land of its neighboring country.
    3. hatch vi. 孵出; 破壳vt. 使孵出; 策划; (尤指) 密谋
    *Its eggs hatch after about ten days, and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother like all other mammals.
    鸭嘴兽的蛋在大约十天后孵化出来, 然后幼鸭嘴兽像其他哺乳动物一样从母亲那里哺乳。
    *The hen has hatched all her chickens out.
    *Which animal can hatch from the egg?

    hatch out         (使)得出结果; 制定
    hatch sth. from sth. 从……中孵出……

    (1)No one knows how the new plan will hatch out.
    (2)Chickens hatch from the eggs, but eggs are laid by the chickens, arousing endless debate over each side of the arguments.
    4. prison n. 监狱; 监禁
    *Typical tiger reserves with fences have greatly improved the distribution of the wild tiger population across India, and local police are now entitled to give longer prison sentences to hunters.
    有围栏的老虎保护区极大地改善了印度野生虎的分布, 当地警方现在有权对猎人判处更长的监禁。
    *The judge had threw her into prison before she had time to explain.
    法官没等她辩解, 就把她关进了监狱。
    *He spent his time in prison praying and studying.

    break prison         越狱
    throw sb. in (into) prison 把某人关入监狱
    in prison 在狱中
    out of prison 越狱/出狱

    (1)The thief was put into prison for one year.
    (2)He has been kept in prison for weeks without food and dies like a dog.
    (3)When he came out of prison, they watched him to see what he would do.
    5. a handful of一把(的量); 用手抓起的数量; 少数人(或物)
    *There are only a small handful of animals in the world that can do that! 世界上只有很少的动物可以那样做!
    *City kids can probably see only a handful of stars.
    *Every 90 minutes she’ll rest for 2 minutes and eat on bread or a spoonful of peanut butter.
    每隔90分钟她会休息2分钟, 吃面包或一勺花生酱。
    *The girl carrying a basketful of flowers is walking towards him.

    a spoonful of     一勺
    a basketful of 一篮
    a mouthful of 一口
    a houseful of 一屋子

    (1)He published nothing except a handful of short novels.  
    除了为数不多的几篇短篇小说, 他没发表过什么东西。
    (2)He put a spoonful of salt into the soup, trying to make it tasty.  
    他往汤里放了一匙盐, 试图使汤变得可口。
    (3)The hungry boy bit a mouthful of bread, and swallowed it quickly.  
    饥饿的男孩咬了一口面包, 很快就吞了下去。
    (4)When the lecturer came in, he found that there were a houseful of students waiting eagerly for the speech.  
    当演讲者进来时, 他发现有一屋子学生在急切地等待演讲。

      说明文是用说明的表达方式来解说事物、阐明事理的文章, 以解释、阐述事物的形状、特征、性质、成因、关系、功能、作用为目的。而说明是对事物的发生、发展、结果、特征、性质、状态、功能等进行解释、介绍、阐述的一种基本表达方式。

      大熊猫是中国的标志性动物。请根据以下要点, 写一篇80词左右的英文文章, 介绍大熊猫的生活习性, 独特的特点等相关知识。内容包括:
      1. 大熊猫的概况;
    2. 行为、栖息地和繁殖;
    3. 保护。

    1. 大熊猫是生活在中国中部山区竹林中的熊科哺乳类动物。
    Giant panda is bearlike mammal inhabiting bamboo forests in the mountains of central China.  
    2. 它引人注目的黑白相间的外表, 加上庞大的身躯和圆圆的脸蛋, 使它具有一个迷人的外观, 从而受到全世界人民的喜爱。
    Its striking coat of black and white and its large body and round face, gives it a charming appearance that has endeared it to people worldwide.  
    3. 大的雄性的身长可达1. 8米, 体重超过100千克, 而雌性通常较小。
    Large males may attain 1. 8 metres in length and weigh more than 100 kg while females are usually smaller.
    4. 大熊猫对竹子有着贪婪的胃口。一只大熊猫需要28磅竹子才能满足日常饮食需求。
    The giant panda has a greedy appetite for bamboo. It takes 28 pounds of bamboo to satisfy a giant panda’s daily dietary needs.  
    5. 这种物种不能在凉爽潮湿的竹林之外自然生存。
    The species cannot naturally survive outside bamboo forests which are cool and wet.  
    6. 但它们被圈养时候, 可以吃谷类、牛奶和花园里的水果和蔬菜等。
    But in captivity they have been maintained on cereals, milk, and garden fruits and vegetables.  
    7. 大熊猫很孤独。它们有一种高度发达的嗅觉, 雄性用它来避开对方, 并在春天找到雌性交配。
    Giant pandas are lonely. They have a highly developed sense of smell that males use to avoid each other and to find females for mating in the spring.  
    8. 改进的保护措施和更好的调查方法表明野生大熊猫的数量在增加。
    Improved conservation efforts and better survey methods show an increase in the wild giant panda population.  
    9. 用过去分词短语改写句2
    Its striking coat of black and white, combined with a large body and round face, gives it a charming appearance that has endeared it to people worldwide.  
    10. 用though合并句5和句6
    The species cannot naturally survive outside bamboo forests which are cool and wet, though in captivity they have been maintained on cereals, milk, and garden fruits and vegetables.  

      Giant panda is bearlike mammal inhabiting bamboo forests in the mountains of central China. Its striking coat of black and white, combined with a large body and round face, gives it a charming appearance that has endeared it to people worldwide. Large males may attain 1. 8 metres in length and weigh more than 100 kg while females are usually smaller.  
      The giant panda has a greedy appetite for bamboo. It takes 28 pounds of bamboo to satisfy a giant panda’s daily dietary needs. The species cannot naturally survive outside bamboo forests which are cool and wet, though in captivity they have been maintained on cereals, milk, and garden fruits and vegetables. Giant pandas are lonely. They have a highly developed sense of smell that males use to avoid each other and to find females for mating in the spring.  
      Improved conservation efforts and better survey methods show an increase in the wild giant panda population.  

    1. 话题词汇
    ①movement  活动
    ②mass 大量的
    ③amazing 惊人的
    ④awareness 认识
    ⑤survive 活下来
    ⑥observe 观察
    ⑦magical 奇妙的
    ⑧such as 例如
    ⑨in fact(as a matter of fact/in effect/actually) 事实上
    2. 话题句式
    ①There are many animals in nature.
    ②The monkey is one of the most intelligent animals in the wild.
    ③Most of the movements of monkeys are in the tree.
    ④The jumping ability of monkey is amazing to human beings.
    ①We should be aware of the importance of protecting wildlife.
    ②In fact, they are an important part of nature.
    事实上, 它们是自然界重要的一部分。
    ③No one can deny/doubt that protecting the animals is helpful to humans as well.
    没人能够否认/怀疑, 保护动物同样有利于人类。
    Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确单词
    1. The map shows the distribution (分布) of this species across the world.
    2. The project is only in the initial phase (阶段) yet, but it’s looking quite promising.
    3. Children should not be allowed to watch violent (暴力的) movies.
    4. Humans, dogs, elephants and dolphins are all mammals (哺乳动物), but birds, fish and crocodiles are not.
    5. The book deals with the reproductive biology (生物学) of this special animal.
    6. During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch (孵出) eggs.
    7. Limited resources are restricting our capacity (能力) for developing new products.
    8. Villagers say the fence (栅栏) would limit public access to the hills.
    9. They should put him in prison(监狱) and throw away the key!
    10. The bridge that crosses the bay is a grand (宏大的)structure.
    Ⅱ. 选词填空
    a flock of, a handful of, at birth, in the interest of, pick up
    1. This disease is usually incurable, but in a handful of cases the patients have survived.  
    2. So long as it’s in the interest of both sides, it’s worth talking about.  
    3. He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
    4. In the fall we sometimes hear calls as a flock of geese fly south.  
    5. The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different environments.  
    六 Unit 2 Using Language

    Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
    1. The Red Cross organized the distribution (distribute) of food and clothing in the disaster area.
    2. The young man became a licensed (license)doctor after graduating from college.
    3. Complaints about the frequency (frequent) of trains rose by 201% in the last year.
    4. The report documents the shocking amount of domestic violence (violent) against women.
    5. We invited twenty people, but only a handful of them came.
    6. It is against school rules for the girl students to wear high-heeled shoes.
    7. When you’re in a good state, you remember things better!
    8. She’s old enough to have the freedom(free) to do as she likes.
    9. The west believes it has a greater capacity to adapt (adapt) to climate change.  
    10. I noticed a flock of birds picking worms in the garden when I watered the vegetables.
    Ⅱ. 完成句子
    1. I didn’t realize my problem until I attended the session sponsored by the Ministry of Education.  
    2. We finally found the kind man who/ that dived into the river to save the drowning boy.  
    3. Hearing the news, she wept oceans of tears.  
    听到这个消息, 她泪如泉涌。
    4. Whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin.  
    每当我们看到地上有垃圾, 我们应该把它捡起来, 扔到垃圾桶里。
    5. I know it’s hard work, and I’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations.  
    我知道这是艰苦的工作, 我会碰到许多困难和挫折。
    6. Although/ Though/ While his qualifications entitle him to a higher salary, the young man has decided to teach in the remote area.  
    尽管那个年轻人的资格使他有权享有较高的薪水, 但他决定在偏远地区教学。

    Ⅰ. 阅读理解
      Visiting Washington, D. C. is not a waste of your time and money. There are many destinations in Washington, D. C. that you can include in your journey, which make your travel to this great city worth your time and money. Here are some notable attractions that the city can offer.
      Smithsonian Institution
      It is the image of 19th sandstone called Castle. This is an institution that has got more than nine museums. A one-day tour is not enough to cover it all. The best places to visit are Air and Space Museum and Museum of Natural History.
      Jefferson Memorial
      This place houses the 19-foot statue of America’s third president. In addition, there are some writings in the wall like Declaration of Independence and some Jefferson’s writings.
      Michel Richard Citronelle
      This famous chef got a restaurant at the heart of Washington, D. C. He prepares wonderful dishes to dignitaries who frequent this place. It is not only about attractive menu, but the service is professional. The multi-course is accompanied with wine. The restaurant’s wine cellar houses thousands of bottles.
      Mandarin Oriental
      This is a taste of Asia in the district. The hotel amenities (设施) are world class with pool and spas. The restaurant shows the city’s view on a flat screen TV and the rooms have Internet access.
      The White house
      It should not be missed. It is one of the most significant buildings in the city. Its architecture is grand and suits the city’s landscape. There are guided tours that you can join in.
      Twins Jazz
      If you want to enjoy jazz music, this is the place to be. You can hear grassroots musicians play. The food is also good.
    1. What can you visit in Smithsonian Institution?
    A. Castles.      B. Museums
    C. Statues D. Restaurants
    【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第二段中的“This is an institution that has got more than nine museums. A one-day tour is not enough to cover it all. The best places to visit are Air and Space Museum and Museum of Natural History. ”可知在Smithsonian Institution你能参观博物馆。故选B项。
    2. What can you do in Michel Richard Citronelle?
    A. Taste Asian food.
    B. Cook delicious dishes
    C. Enjoy good food and service.
    D. Swim and enjoy free Wifi.
    【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第四段中的“He prepares wonderful dishes to dignitaries who frequent this place. It is not only about attractive menu, but the service is professional. The multi-course is accompanied with wine. ”可知在Michel Richard Citronelle你能享受美食和服务。故选C项。
    3. Which of the following is your best choice as a music lover?
    A. Jefferson Memorial.
    B. Mandarin Oriental.
    C. The White House.
    D. Twins Jazz.
    【解析】选D。细节理解题。由最后一段中的“If you want to enjoy jazz music, this is the place to be. ”可知Twins Jazz是你作为音乐爱好者的最佳选择。故选D项。
      Climate change, not human hunting, may have destroyed the thylacine (袋狼), according to a new study based on DNA from thylacine bones.
      The meat-eating marsupials (有袋动物)died out on mainland Australia a few thousand years ago, but survived in Tasmania, an island of southeast Australia separated from the mainland, until the 1930s. Until now, scientists have believed the cause of this mainland extinction (灭绝)was increased activity from native Australians and dingoes (Australian wild dogs).
      Scientists behind the University of Adelaide study, which was published in the Journal of Biogeography on Thursday, collected 51 new thylacine DNA samples from fossil (化石)bones and museum skins. The paper concluded that climate change starting about 4, 000 years ago was likely the main cause of the mainland extinction.
      The ancient DNA showed that the mainland extinction of thylacines was rapid, and not the result of loss of genetic diversity (基因多样性). There was also evidence of a population crash (大跌)in thylacines in Tasmania at the same period of time, reducing their numbers and genetic diversity.
      Professor Jeremy Austin said Tasmania would have been protected from mainland Australia’s warmer, drier climate due to its higher rainfall. He argued that climate change was “the only thing that could have caused, or at least started, an extinction on the mainland and caused a population crash in Tasmania. ”
      “They both occurred at about the same time, and the other two things that have been talked about in the past that may have driven thylacines to extinction on the mainland were dingoes and humans. So the only explanation that’s left is climate change. And because that population crash happened at the same time the species (物种)went extinct on the mainland, our argument is there’s a common theme there and the only common theme is that there is this change in climate. ”
    4. What did scientists believe in the past according to the passage?
    A. Marsupials were all meat-eating animals.
    B. Dingoes should be removed from Australia.
    C. Thylacines had no enemies on mainland Australia.
    D. Human activities may cause the extinction of thylacines.
    【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段中Until now, scientists have believed . . . and dingoes (Australian wild dogs)可知, 科学家过去认为人类活动可能会导致袋狼的灭绝。故选D。
    5. What’s the difference between mainland Australia and Tasmania?
    A. Tasmania has more dingoes.
    B. Tasmania has more rainy days.
    C. Tasmania has a higher temperature.
    D. Tasmania has more native activities.
    【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第五段Professor Jeremy Austin said Tasmania would have been protected from mainland Australia’s warmer, drier climate due to its higher rainfall. 可知, 塔斯马尼亚有更多的雨天。故选B。
    6. The reason why Jeremy Austin had strong argument is that    .  
    A. something similar occurred on mainland Australia and Tasmania
    B. Tasmania was protected from mainland Australia’s warmer climate
    C. humans and dingoes may have driven thylacines to extinction
    D. mainland Australia suffered from much higher rainfall in the past
    【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中He argued that climate change . . . a population crash in Tasmania. ” 可知, 杰里米·奥斯丁(Jeremy Austin)之所以有强有力的论据, 是因为澳大利亚大陆和塔斯马尼亚岛也发生了类似的事情。故选A。
    7. What’s the best title for the passage?
    A. The Cause of Disappearance of Thylacines
    B. The Ways of Protecting Meat-eating Animals
    C. The Result of Warmer Climate in Australia
    D. The Effect of Climate Change on Wildlife
    【解析】选A。标题判断题。根据第一段Climate change, not human hunting. . . on DNA from thylacine bones和第二段中Until now, scientists have believed the cause of this mainland extinction was increased activity from native Australians and dingoes (Australian wild dogs)可知, 这篇文章讲述的是袋狼消失的原因。故选A。
    Ⅱ. 阅读填句
      The cicada(蝉)has an interesting life cycle, but most of us only become aware of these insects in summer when they reach adulthood and begin their calls.   1 Some, like the Golden Emperor, have complicated songs. The summer time calls of the cicada are made by adult males to attract females. Their eggs are usually laid in scratches cut through the skin of the tree. Once it has been completed, the adults die.  
      When the eggs hatch, the larvae(幼虫)drop to the ground and live under the soil.  2  They spend as little as several months for some species or as long as several years for other species buried under ground, shedding(蜕下)their skin as they grow. They shed their skin for the last time to become adult cicadas with their wings.  3  A few days after coming out of the soil, the males call for mates and cycle begins again.  
      The Golden Emperor, whose call is quite different from others, is one of Australia’s biggest and prettiest cicadas.  4  The Golden Emperor calls in groups, but getting to see one up close is very difficult as they fly away when approached. Also, as their breeding season progresses, they gradually move higher up the tree trunks.  5  The Golden Emperor is a delight just to listen to if you can’t see the insect itself.  
    A. Not all cicadas have simple, loud noise.
    B. This act makes their call the only sign that they are still around.
    C. The larvae attach themselves to tree roots and feed on their liquid.
    D. When they have become mature, they come out of the soil as a group.
    E. Their songs call on female to fly to them and fight for next generation.
    F. If that happens, they will fly away and go to some place that they really love.
    G. Their call starts with two notes and then rises sharply before it suddenly drops down.
    【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了蝉的一生, 其中专门介绍了澳大利亚的一种名叫Golden Emperor的蝉和其他蝉的不同之处。
    1. 【解析】选A。根据下文Some, like the Golden Emperor, have complicated songs. 可知有些蝉可以发出复杂的声音, 例如金皇大帝。A. Not all cicadas have simple, loud noise. 并非所有的蝉都发出简单、吵闹的声音。符合文意, 选项中的simple与后句中的complicated形成对比, 故选A项。
    2. 【解析】选C。根据前文When the eggs hatch, the larvae drop to the ground and live under the soil. 可知蝉的幼虫由卵孵化后, 就会生活在地下。C选项讲述了幼虫在地下生活的状态, larvae是关键词, 故选C项。
    3. 【解析】选D。根据前文They shed their skin for the last time to become adult cicadas with their wings. 可知它们最后一次蜕皮, 变成有翅膀的成年蝉。D选项中的mature和前文的adult是关键词, 故选D项。
    4. 【解析】选G。根据前文The Golden Emperor, whose call is quite different from others, is one of Australia’s biggest and prettiest cicadas. 可知金皇大帝是澳大利亚最大最漂亮的蝉, 它们的叫声和其他蝉不一样。故选G项。
    5. 【解析】选B。根据前文Also, as their breeding season progresses, they gradually move higher up the tree trunks. 可知随着繁殖季节的推进, 它们会逐渐爬到树干的高处。故选B项。
    Ⅰ. 语用功能表达
    heavy重的, light轻的, big大的, small小的, little小的, tiny微小的, tall高的, short矮的, fat肥胖的, thin瘦的, skeletal骨瘦如柴的, giant巨大的, underweight消瘦的, wide宽的。
    round圆的, square方形的, straight直的, triangular三角形的, oval椭圆的, sleek圆滑的, blobby滴状斑点的, flat扁平的, elliptical椭圆的, crooked弯曲的, wavy波纹的。
    pink粉色的, red红色的, orange橙色的, black黑色的, yellowish淡黄色的, blue蓝色的, dark黑色的, green绿色的, purple紫色的, white白色的, gray灰色的, brown棕色的。
    quick快的, fast快的, slow慢的, swift迅速的, speeding快速的, rushing急速的, hasty匆忙的, bustling忙乱的, rapid迅速的, snappy生气勃勃的, brief短暂的, springy有弹力的。
    ferocious凶猛的, dangerous危险的, poisonous有毒的, tame驯服的, agile活泼的, clever聪明的, aggressive好争斗的。
    fur毛皮, mane鬃毛, snout鼻子, paw爪子, hoof蹄子, tail尾巴, whiskers腮须, claw爪, 钳子, beak鸟嘴/鹰钩鼻子, wing翅膀, feathers羽毛, scales鱼鳞, horn(羊、牛等动物的)角。
    Ⅱ. 话题情景交流
    A: Birds are animals with feathers on their bodies, also, birds have no front legs but they have a pair of wings, instead. Am I right?
    B: Yes, you are. Birds have many different types of feathers. Some are 1. small and fluffy(小而毛茸茸的) and others are long and flat. Their feathers come in many different colours.  
    A: That’s true. Birds use their wings to fly. But the wings of some birds, such as penguins and emus, are small and stubby. These birds can’t fly, you know.
    B: Yes. Have you noticed that the two 2. black legs(黑色的腿) of a bird bear a few toes that end in claws? The mouth of a bird is in the form of a hard bill or beak. 3. The shape of(形状) the bill depends on the type of food the bird eats.  
    A: I find birds that search for frogs and worms in the mud, such as storks and flamingoes have 4. long pointed bills(长而尖的喙).  
    B: That’s it. You know, birds lay eggs that have hard shells. The eggs of different birds are 5. of different shapes, sizes and colours. (不同的形状, 大小和颜色)Do you know where birds lay their eggs?  
    A: Of course in their nests.
    B: Mostly, not all of them. The young that hatch from the eggs are called chicks. The mother bird takes care for her eggs and chicks for some time. Also, she feeds the chicks and keeps them warm.
    A: Exactly.


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