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    The cakes are delicius.I’d like t have ________ secnd ne fr ________ first ne was rather t small.
    A .a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the ;a
    Our players came back and we all cngratulated them _______ their success.
    A. with B. t C. n D. in
    They left the ffice withut ________ a wrd .
    A. having said B. saying C. t say D. said
    He is a gd man wh never .
    A.breaks his wrd B.keeps his wrd
    C.eats his wrds D.wastes his wrds
    Nwadays, few peple develp the habit f keeping a supply f il-lamps in the huse in case f pwer .
    A. lack B. absence C. failure D. drp
    New genetic analysis has revealed that many Amazn tree species are likely t survive human­made climate warming in the cming century, cntrary t previus findings that temperature increases wuld cause them t die ut. A study, _(1)_ in the latest editin f Eclgy and Evlutin, reveals the _(2)_ age f sme Amaznian tree species — mre than 8 millin years — and _(3)_ shws that they have survived previus perids as warm as many f the glbal warming imagined perids _(4)_ fr the year 2100.
    The authrs write that, having survived warm perids in the past, the trees will _(5)_ survive future warming, prvided there are n ther majr envirnmental changes. _(6)_ extreme drughts and frest fires will impact Amaznia as temperatures _(7)_, the trees will stand the direct impact f higher temperatures. The authrs _(8)_ that as well as reducing greenhuse gas emissins t minimize the risk f drught and fire, cnservatin plicy shuld remain _(9)_ n preventing defrestatin (采伐森林) fr agriculture and mining.
    The study disagrees with ther recent researches which predicted tree species' extinctins _(10)_ relatively small increases in glbal average air temperatures.
    Study c­authr Dr Simn Lewis (UCL Gegraphy) said the _(11)_ were gd news fr Amazn tree species, but warned that drught and ver­explitatin f the frest remained majr _(12)_ t the Amazn's future.
    Dr Lewis said, “The past cannt be cmpared directly with the future.While tree species seem likely t _(13)_ higher air temperatures than tday, the Amazn frest is being transfrmed fr agriculture and _(14)_, and what remains is being degraded (使恶化) by lgging (伐木), and increasingly split up by fields and rads.
    “Species will nt mve as freely in tday's Amazn as they did in previus warm perids, when there was n human _(15)_. Similarly, tday's climate change is extremely fast, making cmparisns with slwer changes in the past _(16)_.”
    “With a clearer _(17)_ f the relative risks t the Amazn frest, we _(18)_ that direct human impacts — such as frest clearances fr agriculture r mining — shuld remain a key pint f cnservatin plicy. We als need mre aggressive _(19)_ t reduce greenhuse gas emissins in rder t make minimum the risk f drught and fire impacts and _(20)_ the future f mst Amazn tree species.”
    (1)A.advertised B.described
    C.published D.presented
    (2)A.frightening B.surprising
    C.exciting D.interesting
    (3)A.still B.nevertheless
    C.hwever D.therefre
    (4)A.assess B.cnfirm
    C.frecast D.prmise
    (5)A.particularly B.prbably
    C.merely D.pssibly
    (6)A.Since B.Althugh
    C.When D.If
    (7)A.rise B.change
    C.drp D.end
    (8)A.cnsider B.decide
    C.guarantee D.recmmend
    (9)A.based B.built
    C.fcused D.made
    (10)A.in relatin t B.in respnse t
    C.in reply t D.in reference t
    (11)A.findings B.thughts
    C.inventins D.writings
    (12)A.threats B.disadvantages
    C.embarrassments D.instructins
    (13)A.accept B.tlerate
    C.permit D.require
    (14)A.farming B.planting
    C.catering D.mining
    (15)A.pwer B.influence
    C.desire D.vilence
    (16)A.difficult B.clear
    C.easy D.imprtant
    (17)A.belief B.directin
    C.understanding D.suggestin
    (18)A.dubt B.cnclude
    C.calculate D.prefer
    (19)A.thught B.guidance
    C.prtectin D.actin
    (20)A.secure B.advance
    C.sacrifice D.evaluate

    When I was little, Friday’s night was ur family game night. After supper, we wuld play card games f all srt in the sitting rm. As the kid, I lved t watch cartns, but n matter hw many times I asked t watching them, my parents wuld nt t let me. They wuld say t us that playing card games wuld help my brain. Still I unwilling t play the games fr them smetimes. I didn’t realize hw right my parents are until I entered high schl. The games my parents taught me where I was a child turned ut t be very useful later in my life.
    Are Yur Clthes Causing Pllutin?
    Very small pieces f plastic, called micrfibers, are plluting rivers and ceans.
    (1) Clthes wrn fr utdr activities and exercise are ften made f artificial material, which is useful in keeping warm. But they cntain very small plastic fibers, which may als be harming the envirnment when yu wash them. When peple wash these clthes, very small pieces g dwn the drain (下水道) with the wash water.
    Pllutin caused by plastic is nt new, but recent studies have shwn the effect f micrfibers in the envirnment.
    Studies shw very small micrfibers are ending up in ur waters, which may cme frm waste water treatment factries. A 2015 study fund them in fish frm Califrnia.
    Micrfibers, effect n fd supplies.
    Beynd the waterways, the researchers say micrfibers may end up in sil and agricultural lands. (3) This means there is much t be learned abut micrfibers and the envirnment. Sme studies have shwn that micrfibers end up inside sea animals, like ysters. (4) Researchers say that the fibers tend nt t mve int the tissue f the fish, but it needs mre study.
    Steps t save r keep micrfibers frm the envirnment.
    Until mre infrmatin becmes knwn, there are steps t take t reduce the amunt f micrfibers in the envirnment. Peple shuld use less f the artificial materials. If we already have thse in ur lives and we’re using them, an imprtant step wuld be washing them less. (5) A bag is being designed in which t wash these clthes. It traps the micrfibers in the bag and it may be available fr purchase sn.
    A. New technlgy may als help.
    B. Studies n micrfibers in the envirnment.
    C. They can als mve arund the atmsphere.
    D. Studies n hw much f the micrfibers is released.
    E. The surce f these micrfibers may surprise yu: yur clthes.
    F. Washing machines keep micrfibers frm escaping with wash water.
    G S if these micrfibers have been fund in fish and seafd, are they safe t eat?

    Jimmy Dlittle was a scientist, an airplane engineer and a general in the United States Army.
    At ne time, he held the recrd fr flying faster than any ther persn. He was the first pilt t crss the United States in less than twenty-fur hurs. He was the first pilt t fly “ blind’’,using nly instruments t guide his airplane.
    And, when his cuntry entered Wrld War Tw, he led ne f the first successful attacks against the enemy.
    Jimmy Dlittle was bm n December, 14th, 18%,in the western state f Califrnia. His family sn mved t Nme,Alaska. Jimmy was a small by. He never grew t be very big. Yet larger bys made a mistake if they thught being small als meant being weak. Jimmy wuld fight if smene tried t hurt him. And he almst never lst.
    As a yung man he became a bxing champin. When the United States entered Wrld War One, yung Jimmy Dlittle jined the army. He als asked t be trained as a pilt. On March 18th, 1918, Jimmy passed the tests and graduated frm flight schl. He had hped t g t France and fight in the war. The army, hwever, had him train ther pilts. When the war ended, Jimmy chse t stay in the army. He thught this wuld give him a chance t cmbine his flying skills and his interest in engineering.
    Fr mst f the years between Wrld War One and Wrld War Tw, Jimmy Dlittle was invlved in the grwth f the airplane industry. He helped test new airplanes. He flew lnger and lnger distances. He als entered the wrld-famus air races f the time.
    On September 27th, 1993, the scientist, racing pilt, aviatin pineer and military leader Jimmy Dlittle died.
    (1)Which f the fllwing statements abut Jimmy is NOT true?
    A.He was the first pilt t fly with his eyes cvered.
    B.He held the recrd fr the flying speed at ne time.
    C.He was the first pilt that crssed America in less than 24 hurs.
    D.He was the first pilt t fly nly by using instruments t guide his airplane.
    (2)What did Jimmy d during the First Wrld War?
    A.He went t France t fight.
    B.He trained ther pilts in the army.
    C.He became a bxing champin.
    D.He led the army t attack against the enemy.
    (3)Why did Jimmy chse t stay in the army when the war ended?
    A.He liked the army very much.
    B.He wanted t train mre pilts in the army.
    C.He thught the army culd prvide better salary.
    D.The army was a gd place t cmbine his skills and interest.
    (4)The last paragraph but ne mainly tells Jimmy's _______.
    A.achievements B.cntributins C.develpment D.strengths
    Traditinal Chinese Medicine (TCM) needs t prve its wrth thrugh rigrus clinical trials, accrding t the head f ne f China's largest herbal remedy cmpanies, as a cntentius new law t bst the $40bn sectr cmes int effect.
    Traditinal Chinese Medicine is estimated by analysts t accunt fr a third f sales in China's $117bn pharmaceutical (药学) market, the wrld's secnd largest. But mst f thse sales are f relatively cheap verthecunter drugs, with many Chinese hspital dctrs unwilling t prescribe TCM remedies because f the lack f evidence fr their effectiveness.
    China's first law prmising equal status fr TCM and western medicine in the cuntry's statedminated healthcare system cmes int effect this weekend. Prvisins include encuragement fr hspitals t set up TCM centres, and a licensing system fr practitiners (从业者). “This law is very imprtant fr securing the status f TCM,” said Wu Yiling, chairman f Yiling Pharmaceutical, a cmpany that makes herbal remedies based n traditinal recipes in the nrthern prvince f Hebei.
    Listed in Shenzhen, Wu Yiling has a market capitalizatin f RMB 20.7bn ($3bn). Mr Wu, the sn f a herbal practitiner, cntrls a family frtune f $1.6bn, accrding t the Hurun Rich List.
    Mr Wu is bth a supprter f the nature f Qi—the mystical energy frce that prvides the basis fr much f TCM thery—and the clinical trials vital t western pharmaceutical cmpanies. “TCM needs t develp using mdern research methds,” he said.
    Fr instance, researchers frm Peking and Cardiff Universities tested the health benefits f Yiling's herbal medicine Yangzheng Xiaji, publishing papers in the Internatinal Jurnal f Onclgy that shwed the drug can slw the grwth f cancer tumurs. “The thery and recipe is TCM, but in practice the evaluatin f ur medicines is carried ut accrding t western evidencebased methds,” Mr Wu said.
    Analysts say such tests can help gain supprt frm dubtful hspital dctrs and bst prescriptins. “Dctrs need strng evidence that drugs definitely wrk,” said Serena Sha, healthcare analyst at brkerage CLSA.“Sme f these cmpanies are currently ding clinical trials, and getting prf that their drugs have the same efficacy (功效) as chemical drugs. That's the way t g.” she added.
    The TCM law has been greeted with dubt frm China's westernschled medical establishment, which pints t a lack f rigrus training fr TCM dctrs, and a recent series f shcking events invlving herbal injectins believed t have been harmful. “Officials will try and encurage TCM, but als will be very cautius abut what kinds f TCM they use in hspitals,” added Ms Sha.
    (1)Why des Traditinal Chinese Medicine need t prve its wrth thrugh rigrus clinical trials?
    A.Because Chinese medicine is all cheap verthecunter drugs.
    B.Because Chinese medicine market is the wrld's secnd largest ne.
    C.Because Chinese gvernment wants t bst the law f Chinese medicine.
    D.Because dctrs are unwilling t prescribe TCM remedies lacking evidence f effectiveness.
    (2)Which wrds can be used t replace the underlined wrd “Prvisins” in the third paragraph?
    A.Articles f law.
    B.Ways f supplying.
    C.Methds f mtivatin.
    D.Appraches t inspiring.
    (3)Accrding t the passage, we can learn that Mr Wu Yiling ________.
    A.is a herbal practitiner, cntrlling a family frtune
    B.has a cmpany in Shenzhen that has a market capitalizatin f $3bn
    C.let his cmpany evaluate herbal medicines with western evidencebased methds
    D.thinks that if we need t develp TCM, we shuld use Chinese traditinal research methds
    (4)Accrding t the last tw paragraphs, we infer that ________.
    A.western dctrs deny the effectiveness f TCM
    B.TCM hasn't been recgnized in the western medicine
    C.there is a lack f rigrus training fr TCM dctrs
    D.a recent series f shcking events has destryed Chinese medicine
    \s 0 参考答案
    (1)解析:选C 此处表示《生物与进化》的最新版发表的一项研究。故选C。
    (2)解析:选B 根据下文“mre than 8 millin years”可知,亚马孙一些树种的年龄是令人吃惊的(surprising)。
    (3)解析:选D 这些古代树种有着超过800万年的树龄,因此(therefre)表明了它们可以幸存于和先前所有时期一样温暖的全球气候变暖的时期,预测为2100年。前后意义上为因果关系。
    (4)解析:选C 根据下文“the year 2100”可知,将来时间只能是预测(frecast)。
    (5)解析:选B 既然亚马孙的树种曾在高温气候中生存下来,所以将来也有可能(prbably)在气温升高的气候中存活。
    (6)解析:选B 虽然随着温度的升高,严重的干旱及森林火灾将会影响亚马孙流域,但这些树木将会忍受更高温度的直接影响。故选B。
    (7)解析:选A 由本句末的“higher temperatures”可知应是温度升高。故选A。
    (8)解析:选D 空后面是作者的建议,故选D。
    (9)解析:选C 此处表示保护措施应当仍然集中于防止为了农业和矿业的发展而采伐森林。故选C。
    (10)解析:选B 这项研究与最近其他研究不同的是他们预测树种的灭绝是对相对小幅度的全球平均气温升高的反应。故选B。in relatin t“关于,涉及”;in respnse t“响应,回答,对……做出反应”;in reply t“答复……”;in reference t“关于”。
    (11)解析:选A 根据上一段的“The study”,再结合第一段第一句话中的“previus findings”可知答案选A。
    (12)解析:选A 教授说这些发现对于亚马孙树种来说是一个好消息,但他警告称干旱和过度采伐森林对于亚马孙的未来来说仍然是主要的威胁。故选A。
    (13)解析:选B 虽然树种好像能忍耐比现在更高的温度,但亚马孙森林正在向农业和矿业转变。由上文第7空后的“stand the direct impact f higher temperatures”可知,此处应用stand的同义词tlerate。故选B。
    (14)解析:选D 由第二段最后一句中的“defrestatin(采伐森林) fr agriculture and mining”可知选D。
    (15)解析:选B 此处指当这里没有人类影响的时候。故选B。
    (16)解析:选A 现在气候变化极快,使之与过去缓慢的变化比较起来很难。故选A。
    (17)解析:选C 更清楚地理解了亚马孙森林所面对的危险,我们推断出人类直接的影响,比如为了农、矿业而采伐森林,仍是保护政策的重点。
    (18)解析:选B 参见上题解析。cnclude“推断,做结论”。
    (19)解析:选D 为了把干旱和火灾的风险降到最低并保护亚马孙树种的未来,我们也需要更多积极的行动来减少温室气体的排放。actin“行动”。
    (20)解析:选A 参见上题解析。secure“保护,使安全”。
    (5)wuld nt后面去掉t
    (4)考查动词不定式。t d表示目的。
    (6)考查人称代词。句意:他们会对我说玩纸牌能锻炼大脑。偷换人称代词,是对“我”说,前面提的I,而不是we, 故把us 改为me。
    (7)考查固定搭配。be willing t d sth意为“愿意做某事”。本文介绍的是过去的情况,故用过去时,所以在unwilling前加was。
    (8)考查介词。play the games with sb意为“和某人在一起”,符合句意。
    (10)考查宾语从句的连接词。teach sbsth,此处宾语从句连接词并不是表示地点状语,而是时间状语。故把where改为when。
    答案:(1)A; (2)B; (3)D; (4)A
    (2)细节理解题.根据第五段中的“The army,hwever,had him train ther pilts. ” 可知B项正确。
    (4)主旨大意题.根据倒数第二段的内容可知,主要介绍的是吉米的成就. 误解分析:易错项是B项,意为“贡献”。
    答案为:D;细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But mst f thse sales are f relatively cheap verthecunter drugs, with many Chinese hspital dctrs unwilling t prescribe TCM remedies (疗法) because f the lack f evidence fr their effectiveness.”可知,医生不愿意开出缺乏有效证据的中医药治疗方法,所以中医需要通过严格的临床试验证明其价值。故选D。
    A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“include encuragement fr hspitals t set up TCM centres, and a licensing system fr practitiners (从业者).”可知,鼓励医院建立TCM中心,以及为从业者提供许可证制度,这些属于规定的具体内容,因此画线词指的是“法律条款”。故选A。
    C 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“The thery and recipe is TCM, but in practice the evaluatin f ur medicines is carried ut accrding t western evidencebased methds,”可知,武夷岭先生让他的公司用西方循证方法评估草药。故选C。
    B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The TCM law has been greeted with dubt frm China's westernschled medical establishment, which pints t a lack f rigrus training fr TCM dctrs, and a recent series f shcking events invlving herbal injectins believed t have been harmful.”可推知,中医在西方医学中尚未得到认可。故选B。

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    2021年高考英语三轮冲刺《考前30天冲刺》练习十七(含答案): 这是一份2021年高考英语三轮冲刺《考前30天冲刺》练习十七(含答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了单项填空,完形填空,短文改错,任务型阅读,阅读理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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