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    这是一份山东省泰安市宁阳一中2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题+答案+听力,文件包含山东省泰安市宁阳一中2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题+答案doc、山东省泰安市宁阳一中2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)
    答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
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    改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 ( 30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What des the man ffer t d?
    A. Paint the drs. B. Paint the ceiling. C. Lk fr a jb.
    2. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme. B. In a shp. C. In a restaurant.
    3. What time is the train leaving?
    A. At 10:55. B. At 10:35. C. At 10:25.
    4. Hw des the wman feel abut the man?
    A. Sympathetic. B. Indifferent. C. Angry.
    5. What will the man d next?
    A. G fr a bike ride. B. Play basketball. C. Have a rest.
    6. What did the man d last Saturday?
    A. He studied a lt. B. He jined a club. C. He went camping.
    7. Why d peple jin “Flash Play”?
    A. T experience a crisis. B. T make friends. C. T earn mney.
    8. When did the wman have an interview?
    A. 2 days ag. B. 5 days ag. C. A week ag.
    9. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Give a call t ask abut the result. B. Have sme cffee fr relaxatin.
    C. Be patient and wait fr the result.
    10. Hw will the wman spend her summer hliday?
    A. Study at hme. B. Wrk in the shp. C. Travel with her mther.
    11. With whm des the man plan t g t the seaside?
    A. His parents. B. His friends. C. His brthers.
    12. What lessns des the wman want t take?
    A. Pian. B. Swimming. C. English.
    13. Where des Sally want t g?
    A. The z. B. The Lndn Eye. C. The Cvent Garden.
    14. What is Billy interested in?
    A. Bats. B. Operas. C. Paintings.
    15. What des the man suggest the wman d in Oxfrd Street?
    A. D sme shpping. B. Enjy an pera. C. Visit her parents.
    16. What is the wman related t the man?
    A. His mther. B. His wife. C. His guide.
    17. Whm is the speaker talking t?
    A. Students’ parents. B. Visitrs. C. New students.
    18. Hw many departments are there in the cllege?
    A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.
    19. Where d the teachers in the English department mainly cme frm?
    A. England and America. B. America and Australia. C. America and Canada.
    20. Which is the largest building in the cllege?
    A. The main library. B. The dining hall. C. The English department building.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Fds f the Future
    We asked yung scientists t write an advertisement that answers this questin: Hw will fd ptins, fd availability, and individuals’ fd chices change in the future? A selectin f their suggested marketing campaigns is belw. Read previus NextGen Vices survey results at —Jennifer Sills
    Persnalized Meal Plans
    Send us yur DNA, and we will predict yur fd preferences! Receive yur persnalized fd basket, with a day-by-day diet prgram. We will send yu full meals and persnalized smthies (水果奶昔) based n yur genetic taste tendency.
    Ada Gabriela Blidner
    Twitter:@ adagbb
    Fresh Fruit
    If yu miss sweet temperate fruits, welcme t ur Mn Farm. Our fruit trees are planted in hybrid-sil and artificial air that reprduce Earth’s envirnment frm 5,000 years ag. Pick fruits with yur family r ship t yur drstep with MnEx. Freshness guaranteed.
    Yngsheng Ji
    Our steaks are surced frm natural grasslands, where cattle nw fill the eclgical rles. With FdFtprint feeding system, we enhance natural grazing(放牧) t imprve animal grwth effectively while minimizing methane prductin and water cnsumptin. At nly $219.00/kg (including carbn taxes and eclgical taxes), ur steaks are affrdable fr the whle family.
    Falk Buschke
    21. Which f the fllwing needs yu t prvide the infrmatin f yur genes?
    A. Meat. B. Fresh Fruit. C. NextGen Vices. D. Persnalized Meal Plans.
    22. Wh shuld yu cntact if yu want t have fun with yur family?
    A. Jennifer Sills. B. Yngsheng Ji.
    C. Falk Buschke. D. Ada Gabriela Blidner.
    23. Which f the fllwing best describes the steaks in Meat?
    A. Fresh. B. Green. C. Expensive. D. Persnalized.
    Last year, my ldest sn Matthew went ff t cllege. Things at hme were nt as "busy" as they used t be. We still had ur 15-year-ld sn Gabriel with us, but we missed having Matthew arund.
    My wife sn had a crazy idea. "Let's get a dg," she suggested. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, but I agreed. I mean, what better way t replace a kid that has gne ff t cllege than t get a dg.
    When we gt t the animal shelter, it seemed like every dg was a pit bull(比特犬). I'd had many bad experiences with pit bulls as a child, s I didn't want t take ne f them hme with me.
    While I walked alng the rws and rws f cld metal cages, a dg caught my eye. He was scared, and lked like he'd given up n life. There was nly ne prblem: he was a pit bull.
    As he lked at me with his big, beautiful eyes, I culd see int his sul. I culd see hw scared he was and that he just wanted a happy life. I culdn't just walk away - I had t at least g ver and lk at him. I apprached his cage, and he just sat there, lking at me. I stuck my finger thrugh the hle in the cage and petted him n the head. I expected him t get mad, but he didn't.
    I knew that this dg had never felt lve befre, and that he was enjying every bit f the lve I culd give him in that mment. Tears began t stream dwn my face because I felt everything that this pr creature was feeling right then. He just wanted t be lved; he just wanted a hme and a family.
    It's been a year since we tk the dg hme, and ur lives have been changed frever.
    Nw, his favrite thing t d is give us kisses with his giant tngue every mrning. He is always there t greet us when we cme hme with a huge smile. He's shwn us mre lve than any ther living creature n Earth ever had befre. And every time I lk int his eyes I see lve, cmpassin(同情)and gratitude-things I never thught that a pit bull was capable f feeling.
    24. Why did the authr's wife want t get a dg?
    A. Because she wanted the dg t replace her kid. B. Because she likes pit pull.
    C. Because she thught it was a crazy idea. D. Because their kid went t cllege.
    25. Which wrd has the similar meaning t the underlined wrd "thrilled"?
    A. Accepted. B. Excited. C. Frightened. D. Delighted.
    26. What was the authr and his wife's life like with the pit bull?
    A. They missed having Matthew arund even mre.
    B. They fund it hard t get alng with him.
    C. They lived a life full f lve. D. They regretted adpting him.
    27. What is the main purpse f the article?
    A. T share a warm stry abut adpting a pet.
    B. T stress the benefits f keeping a pet.
    C. T suggest peple keep a pet f their wn.
    D. T give advice n hw t keep a pet.
    The rise f the machines is always ging t cme at a cst, as each wave f technlgy destrys what has been put in place. The fast pace f technlgical develpment in the areas f artificial intelligence(AI) and rbts is causing massive changes in the finance industry.
    The effect is already being felt n Wall Street, where there have been far-reaching and significant changes. Many investment banks and big institutins, in rder t cut cst and meanwhile increase the amunt f wrk, use AI t take n financial tasks usually dne by humans, such as wealth management, peratins, risk management and trading, where rbts carry ut between 50% t 60% market trades, accrding t CNN.
    The preference fr technlgy ver human traders results frm the inability f the vast majrity f traders t act cnsistently reasnably when trading. Often, peple fail t cntrl themselves,allwing emtins t get in the way f their thughts and actins.Machines dn’t suffer frm these psychlgical issues when a majr trading decisin is being made.This is because they remve emtin frm shrt-term trading activity,allwing fr a mre bjective apprach t trading.
    Artificial intelligence and rbtics is fast advancing int the investment sectr, where its unbelievable ability t learn and think will eventually make them the mst advanced and cmplex investment systems capable f helping crpratins t make mre effective chices. Activities such as calculatins based n structured data and ther repetitive supprt tasks are well-suited fr rbts.
    While AI is prbably the mst pwerful technlgy tday, its ability t perfrm cmplex tasks is limited. Trading machines can nly learn histrical data and trade patterns. Hwever, stck market behavir changes all the time and cmputers can be less skilled in the face f unexpected market perfrmance. Humans can easily adjust themselves t these changes. Getting the rbts t d the same, hwever, will require changing their algrithms (算法), which can be t expensive and time-cnsuming.Fr this reasn, humans will always be a step ahead and remain relevant.
    28. Why d many institutins use AI t replace human emplyees?
    A.T shw a preference fr new techs. B. T prmte wrking prductivity.
    C.T expand the applicatin f AI. D. T increase the safety f wrk.
    What advantage d machines have ver humans?
    A. They are hardly disturbed by mds. B. They can make subjective decisins.
    C. They are far mre lyal t their jbs. D. They never d any wrng tradings.
    30. What are rbts mst gd at?
    A. Investing in stck market. B. Perfrming a cmplex task.
    C. Adapting t new surrundings. D. Handling fixed data and patterns.
    What will happen in the future accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. There will be an bvius rise in skilled wrkers.
    B. AI can create all-arund prfits at a little cst.
    C. Humans still have a place in the jb market.
    D. Rbts shall substitute humans at high speed.
    Empathy(同理心) is ne f thse strange qualities—smething almst everyne wants, but few knw hw t truly give r receive it. In a wrld where self-satisfactin is emphasized, it is in shrt supply but high demand. This is all the mre reasn t teach the next generatin what it means t have empathy fr thse arund them.
    What Is Empathy?— Many peple cnfuse sympathy and empathy, but they are tw distinct values. Empathy is nt just the ability t understand smene’s feelings; criminals ften take advantage f peple by appearing t understand their feelings and subsequently gaining their trust. Empathy is mre than that. Nt nly is it the ability t recgnize hw smene feels, but it als values and respects the feelings f anther persn. It means treating thers with kindness, dignity, and understanding.
    Kids Need T See Adults Shw Empathy — While sme children are gifted with naturally kind hearts, in mst cases kids need t see empathy mdeled by the adults arund them. It begins with the way parents relate t their children. Parents wh shw an interest in the things that matter t their kids and respnd t emtins in a psitive and caring way are teaching the skill f empathy.
    Meet Emtinal Needs — When children have their emtinal needs met, tw things happen. They learn hw t meet the emtinal needs f thers and they are anchred in what they are receiving, meaning that they are secure enugh t give t thers when the need arises but first they need t receive. An empty jug cannt fill a cup.
    It’s a gd idea t talk t kids abut emtins and hw ther peple experience them. Give their emtins names(fr example, jealusy, anger, and lve) and teach them that these are nrmal. Talk t them abut hw t handle emtins in a psitive way and pint ut situatins where ther peple are experiencing emtins. Teach them abut respecting the emtins f thers and shw them hw t act in a situatin where a respnse is required.
    32. Why is it that the next generatin are taught t have empathy?
    A. Because peple tend t center themselves.
    B. Because everyne lacks empathy.
    C. Because empathy is a strange quality.
    D. Because it’s better t give than t receive.
    33. Which situatin can empathy be used in?
    A. When a mathematician is calculating the area f a farmland.
    B. When a teacher is cmfrting a student abut his failure in exams.
    C. When a criminal is cheating a victim.
    D. When a dancer is dancing t music.
    34. What des the underlined sentence “An empty jug cannt fill a cup.” mean?
    A. An empty jug is t small t hld a cup.
    B. It’s a must t talk t kids abut emtins.
    C. Adults shuld set an example t kids.
    D. Kids give empathy with their emtinal needs met first.
    35. What is the main tpic f the passage?
    A. Hw t train kids t have empathy.
    B. Hw t distinguish sympathy and empathy.
    C. Hw t help kids finish empathy-related tasks.
    D. Whether kids can be trained t be mre empathetic.
    第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    T sht a scene f peple eating fd, yu need tw different perspectives(角度). T recrd a bus jurney t schl, yu need three quick cuts. T cmplete this shrt, mrning rush-hur vide blg — r “vlg(短视频)”— yu need fur pieces f music. 36
    With mre than 90 millin vlgs available nline, and 2, 000 psted every hur n the YuTube vide--sharing site, CBS News says they are mainstream with peple brn after 1995.
    37 Mre yung Chinese peple have becme inspired t grab a camera and recunt the details f their day n Sina Weib, Bilibili r WeChat Mments.
    “The mst imprtant thing abut vlgging is t tell a gd stry. Other visual effects are auxiliary(辅助的),” wrte US vlgger Casey Neista, wh has almst 10 millin subscribers(用户) n YuTube.
    Chinese vlgger Wang Xiaguang is an example f a gd stryteller. In ne f his ppular vlg psts, Wang tells the stry f traveling t Japan. While there, he tk a ride in the wrng directin and gt lst. Wrse, he frgt t bring a phne charger. 38
    Anther key aspect f vlgs is that the cntent is based n everyday life, accrding t Ouyang Nana, 18, a yung Chinese musician. She dcuments her life at Berklee Cllege f Music. Ordinary as vlgs are, as many as 15 millin fans share her wws and wes(喜怒哀乐) n a daily basis.
    39 Peng Yixuan, a news reprter with China Daily, recrded her first experience attending and reprting n the tw sessins in March f this year. With a relaxed, chatty and persnal apprach, she presented the cnferences, “bringing mre warmth” t the grand plitical event, accrding t Peple’s Daily.
    There are ppular vlgs fr beauty, gaming, fashin, fd and travel. Vlggers are learning new ways t experience the thrill f them. 40 Then what are yu waiting fr? Grab a camera!
    A. They cme frm all walks f life.
    B.Hwever, he didn’t take the number f his htel.
    C. Vlgging has taken China by strm ver the past year.
    D. Sme ther ppular vlggers chse t shw their careers.
    E. Vlgs pave the way fr future advertising and sales campaigns.
    F. Luckily he was able t brrw mney frm a stranger and escape truble.
    G. Vlggers have these techniques in mind as they film their daily activities.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题 1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
    I did nt remember her, but recently her email surprised me. The email began, “We met in a subway train in Queens.” Fate had 41 us next t each ther.
    She 42 that she had been sad and depressed. Her sad feelings did nt 43 me. I cntinued t talk t her abut 44 and lve. I gave her qute cards that she put in her bag.
    At hme she was 45 t find the wrds n the qute cards resnated(共鸣) with her present situatin. She became very happy and her 46 heart wanted t see me again t thank me abut the 47 she received.
    She 48 me fr 3 years with n 49 . She did nt knw I was cnnected t Kind -Spring. Last week she talked with her family and thught I might be wrking at Kind -Spring. rg. In an email t KindSpring, nt knwing my 50 , she explained my face and ur 51 . I am very grateful t KindSpring fr ging the extra mile t find my email ID and be the cnnecting 52 between us.
    Fatemah is eager t meet me when I visit New Yrk next year. She said my 53 changed
    her life. I have 54 prbably ver fifty thusand cards, but the ne she received is 55 .
    41. A. intrduced B. saved C. seated D. cheated
    42. A. wrte B. frgt C. realized D. guessed
    43. A. mve B. bther C. stp D. surprise
    44. A. friendship B. lss C. sadness D. hpe
    45. A. shcked B. excited C. embarrassed D. puzzled
    46. A. anxius B. grateful C. brken D. curius
    47. A. lessn B. kindness C. respect D. sympathy
    48. A. turned dwn B. relied n C. passed ver D. searched fr
    49. A. cmplaints B. excuses C. results D. regrets
    50. A. clleague B. name C. bss D. appearance
    51. A. prmise B. appintment C. meeting D. misunderstanding
    52. A. bridge B. barrier C. persn D. way
    53. A. visit B. talk C. email D. wrk
    54. A. paid fr B. sld ut C. used up D. given away
    55. A. well-kept B. specially-made C. wrthless D. priceless
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Yueyang Twer is 56 ancient Chinese twer n the shre f Lake Dngting. It is ne f the Three Great Twers f Jiangnan. Yueyang Twer became famus fr Memrial t Yueyang Twer(《岳阳楼记》) 57 (write) by Fan Zhngyan, wh was an excellent minister f the Nrthern Sng Dynasty (960-1127) in China.
    58 (lie) n the city wall f the west gate f the ancient city in Yueyang City, Hunan Prvince, China, Yueyang Twer faces Junshan Island and verlks Dngting Lake, being extremely beautiful and 59 (impress). Since ancient times, it 60 (enjy) the gd reputatin that Dngting Lake is the 61 (gd) amng lakes, and Yueyang Twer is incmparable amng twers. Yueyang Twer's rf cvered with yellw glazed tiles(黄色琉璃瓦) lks like a general' s helmet in ancient China. It is the nly ancient 62 (build) with a helmet rf structure(构造) in China.
    Befre the Tang Dynasty (618-907) Yueyang Twer mainly used 63 the military purpse. After the Tang Dynasty, it 64 (gradual) became a famus scenic spt in 65
    men f letters chanted petry and wrte fu.
    第四部分 写作 (共40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    你们年级计划举办一场英文演讲比赛, 主题为“我最喜爱的运动”。请写一篇参赛演讲稿。内容包括: 1.运动项目; 2.喜爱的原因。
    My Favrite Sprt
    Hell, everyne.

    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    “Nw, parents and students separate int tw grups. Yu will be reunited at the end f the campus tur.”
    Grups f incming freshmen happily left their parents upn hearing this annuncement. I was less than thrilled abut starting cllege, let alne leaving my mther’s side t tur the campus with ther freshmen. I felt a little anxius.
    We fllwed the senir tur guide. The ther freshmen chatted and made casual intrductins as I dragged behind. Hw culd I have believed I was ready fr this? After all, it had nly been a few mnths since I left the hspital. I was feeling better fr the first time in years. But
    My thinking was interrupted by a sweet female vice, “Hi, I’m Jennifer.” “I’m Lauren, ”I replied. “Where d yu prefer t live? At hme r n campus?” she smiled. “I’m nt sure, ”I said. “Yu shuld live n campus! It will be a lt f fun!” she said. Befre I culd reply, the tur guide annunced it was time t create ur schedules and select the curses we wanted t take.
    We crwded int the Student Activity Center. Three senirs handed ut thick curse bulletins(课程公告) and frms that needed t be filled ut. All arund me, the sunds f turning papers and writing sunded like thse given by an alarm clck. Others seemed t be mving thrugh the prcess quickly but I hadn’t even pened my curse catalg(目录).
    “Fcus,” I tld myself. “Just read thrugh the catalg and find the curses yu like and a schedule that wrks.” Psychlgy A r B, Gelgy 101, English, Histry, sectins 1, 2, list went n and n.
    I panicked and almst started t cry. Hw was I suppsed t knw hw t cmplete it? I was just relearning hw t live in the real wrld, and they wanted me t make a schedule. Hw I wished smene culd help me.
    Sn, ther freshmen were handing in their frms.

    Then, I felt a warm hand n my shulder.

    英 语
    第一部分 听力 (满分30分)
    1-5. BCAAC 6-10. CBACB 11-15. CABAA 16-20. BCBCA
    阅读 (满分50分)
    A [语篇解读] 本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了未来个人食物选择新趋势。
    21. D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Send us yur DNA,and we will predict yur fd preferences!”可知,Persnalized Meal Plans需要提供基因信息。故选D。
    22. B细节理解题。根据Fresh Fruit部分的“Pick fruits with yur family...”以及后文给出的联系方式可知,你想和家人欢度时光时需要联系Yngsheng Ji。故选B。
    23. B推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句可知,能最好描述牛排的是纯天然,无污染:green。故选B。
    B [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一对夫妻在大儿子上了大学之后为了排解孩子不在身边的孤独而萌生了养狗的想法。而后发现养狗之后家庭生活发生的变化。
    24. D细节理解题。根据文章第一段Things at hme were nt as "busy" as they used t be.
    We still had ur 15-year-ld sn Gabriel with us, but we missed having Matthew arund. 所以妻子才有了这个“疯狂”的想法。故选D。
    25. B词义猜测题。根据I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, but I agreed.可知,作者同意了。thrilled“兴奋,高兴”。 故选B。
    26. C推理判断题。根据文章最后两段,It's been a year since we tk the dg hme, and ur lives have been changed frever. 他们的家庭感受到了前所未有的爱。故选B。
    27. A写作意图题。作者描述从儿子上大学后妻子突发奇想去养狗,作者本人对这种狗有不好的印象,但还是接受了。后来家庭生活发生了变化,感受到了很多爱。故选A。
    C [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。机器人的出现确实让部分行业的从业人员付出了失业的代价,尤其是金融行业。但是机器人真的能够完全取代人类的工作吗?
    28. B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,许多机构使用人工智能来取代人类员工,这样做是为了提高工作效率。故选B。
    29. A细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句可知,机器几乎不会受到情绪的影响。故选A。
    30. D细节理解题。据第四段最后一句可知, 机器人最擅长处理固定的数据和模式。故选D。
    31. C推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,人类在工作市场上仍有一席之地。故选C。
    D [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了在一个强调自我满足的世界里,我们更有理由教导下一代,对周围的人抱有同理心意味着什么。同时说明了同理心的含义,以及如何培养孩子的同理心。
    32. A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“In a wrld where self-satisfactin is emphasized,... ... t teach the next generatin what it means t have empathy fr thse arund them.”可知,下一代人被教导要有同理心,因为人们往往以自己为中心。故选A。
    33. B推理判断题。根据第三段中的“While sme children are gifted with naturally kind hearts,in mst cases kids need t see empathy mdeled by the adults arund them.”可推知,B选项“当老师安慰学生考试不及格时”符合同理心使用的情况。故选B。
    34. D句意理解题。结合上文“Meet Emtinal Needs—When children have their emtinal needs met, that they are secure enugh t give t thers when the need arises but first they need t receive.”可知,要想孩子们有同理心,必须首先满足他们自己的情感需求。故选D。
    35. A主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“This is all the mre reasn t teach the next generatin what it means t have empathy fr thse arund them.”可知,文章主要内容为如何教导孩子拥有同理心.故选A。
    [语篇解读] 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了当前在年轻人中非常流行的短视频——Vlg,从明星到普通人,大家都在用短视频记录自己的日常生活,可以说,全民Vlg时代已经来临。
    36. G设空句为段末句,可总结本段主旨大意。根据前文内容可知,本段在讲述一些拍摄 技巧。选项G“视频记录者在记录他们的日常活动时,脑海中已经有了这些技术”是对以上内容的概括总结,符合语境。故选G项。
    37. C设空句为段首句,为本段中心主题句。根据后文内容可知,本段在讲述短视频拍摄对中国的影响。选项C “在过去的一年里,短视频拍摄席卷中国”贴合主题。故选C项。
    38. F本段主要讲述了中国短视频博主王晓光去日本旅游的故事。选项F“幸运的是,他能够向一个陌生人借到钱,摆脱了麻烦”承接上文,适合作为这个故事的结局。故选F项。
    39. D设空句在段首,应是本段中心主题句。根据后文内容主要讲述了记者彭译萱的工作经历可知,选项D“其他一些流行的视频博主选择展示他们的职业生涯”贴合本段主题。故选D项。
    40. A根据上文“There are ppular vlgs fr beauty,gaming,fashin,fd and travel.”可知,视频包含各种不同的领域。选项A“他们来自各行各业”恰当地总结了前文内容, 符合语境。故选A项。
    第三部分 (共30分)
    第一节 完形填空 (满分15分)
    [语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者和女孩Fatemah偶然在地铁上相遇, 作者的鼓励让女孩摆脱了痛苦, 重获新生。多年来, 心怀感恩的Fatemah一直在寻找作者。最终, 两人通过邮件再次联系上了彼此。
    41. C解析intrduce介绍;save挽救;seat使就座;cheat欺骗。由上文中的“We met in a subway train in Queens.”可知,作者和女孩在地铁上相遇,命运让两人挨着坐在了一起。故选C。
    42. A解析write写;frget忘记;realize意识到;guess猜测。由上文中的“but recently her email surprised me”可知,作者最近收到了女孩的邮件,在邮件中,女孩描写了她那时的情绪状态。故选A。
    43. C解析mve感动;bther打扰;stp阻止;surprise使…惊讶。由下文中的“I cntinued t talk t her”可知,女孩糟糕的情绪并没有阻止作者继续与其交谈。故选C。
    44. D解析friendship友谊;lss失落;sadness悲伤;hpe希望。由下文中的“and lve”及语境可知,作者继续和女孩谈论希望和爱(的话题)。故选D。
    45. A解析shcked震惊的;excited兴奋的;embarrassed尴尬的;puzzled困惑的。由下文中的“the wrds n the qute cards resnated(共鸣) with her present situatin”可知,卡片上的文字与她当下的境况是有共鸣的,所以当女孩看到卡片上面的话语时感到很震惊。故选A。
    46. B解析anxius担忧的;grateful感激的;brken破碎的;curius好奇的。由下文中的“wanted t see me again t thank me”可知,女孩变得很快乐,感恩的心使她想再次见到作者并向作者道谢。故选B。
    47. B解析lessn课;kindness善意;respect尊重;sympathy同情。由上文内容可知,女孩受到了鼓舞,重新获得了幸福,她对自己(从作者那里)获得的善意深表感谢。故选B。
    48. D解析turn dwn拒绝;rely n依赖;pass ver回避;search fr寻找。由下文“She did nt knw I was cnnected t KindSpring.”及语境可推知,她这三年一直都在寻找作者。故选D。
    49. C解析cmplaint抱怨;excuse借口;result结果;regret遗憾。由文章内容可知,三年来女孩没有找到作者。故选C。
    50. B解析clleague同事;name名字;bss老板;appearance外貌。由下文中的“she explained my face and ur ”可推知,女孩不知道作者的名字。故选B。
    51. C解析prmise许诺;appintment约定;meeting见面;misunderstanding误会。由语境可知,女孩通过描述作者的相貌和他们见面时的情况,让别人知道她要寻找的人是谁。故选C。
    52. A解析bridge桥梁;barrier障碍;persn人;way方式。KindSpring帮助女孩找到了作者,它成了他们之间得以再次见面的桥梁。故选A。
    53. B解析visit参观,拜访;talk交谈;email邮件;wrk工作。由上文中的“talk t her”可知,作者与女孩的那次交谈改变了女孩的一生。故选B。
    54. D解析pay fr付款;sell ut卖完;use up用完;give away赠送。由语境可知,作者共赠送出5万多张卡片。故选D。
    55. D解析well-kept保存得好的;specially-made特别制作的;wrthless不值钱的;priceless无价的,极其珍贵的。由上文语境可知,作者与女孩的那次交谈对女孩的影响很大,所以说作者分发给女孩的那张卡片(对女孩来说)是极其珍贵的。故选D。
    语法填空 (满分15分)
    56. an 57. written 58. Lying 59. impressive 60. has enjyed/has been enjying
    61. best 62. building 63. fr 64. gradually 65. which
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    My Favrite Sprt
    Hell, everyne. My favrite sprt is swimming and here are my reasns.
    First, it’s an affrdable sprt. Even thugh yu have t buy an admissin ticket, it isn’t pricey. Secnd, swimming is beneficial t yur heart and lungs. In additin t its physical benefits, swimming is als an effective way t relax. Spending hurs in the pl in ht summer is always my favrite pastime.
    In cnclusin, as a very gd wrkut, swimming can give yu peace f mind t cntinue with yur day.
    II. 读后续写:
    Sn, ther freshmen were handing in their frms. Many f them rushed ut t meet their parents. Anxius and helpless, I culdn’t breathe and felt as if I were sitting n pins and needles. My head was punding. Mments later, I culdn’t resist weeping srrwfully. And several students started t stare at me.One f the senirs in charge walked ver t my table. “What’s the matter?” she asked impatiently.“ can’t d this!” I said in tears. “All yu have t d is make yur schedule, just like everybdy else, ” she said, clearly annyed.
    Then, I felt a warm hand n my shulder.I lked back and fund Jennifer standing behind me. “Everything is alright, ” she tld the senir. “I’ll help her.” The senir walked away. “What’s wrng, sweetie?” Jennifer asked cnsiderately. Hearing Jennifer’s kind wrds, I cried even harder, saying, “It’s just t much!” Then Jennifer put her arm arund me and said gently, “Let me instruct yu.” She then guided me thrugh the prcess step by step until I cmpleted my schedule. Later, when waving gdbye, we made a prmise t keep in tuch.
    Text 1
    W: I have painted the drs, but I dn’t think I can finish painting the ceiling.
    M: Cme n, it’s man’s jb. Leave it t me.
    Text 2
    W: My husband and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hur fr ur meal!
    M: I am srry. Our staff have been kept unusually busy nw. We have s many guests tday. I will see t it persnally.
    Text 3
    M: When are the ther guys ging t get here? The train is suppsed t leave in fifteen minutes.
    W: It is 10:40 already. I tld them t be here by 10:20.
    Text 4
    M: I have t d the washing-up early in the mrning.
    W: Pr yu. While yu are ding the washing-up, I will be having breakfast in bed.
    Text 5
    W: Why dn’t yu g utside? Yu’re always sitting inside the huse, mstly watching TV. It’s summertime. G fr a bike ride with yur friends r play basketball in the park.
    M: I dn’t feel like it. Summer is fr being lazy. I wrk hard all year at schl, and all I want t d in the summer is sit arund and relax.
    Text 6
    W: Hi, Tm. What did yu d last Saturday?
    M: I camped ut in the suburbs f Beijing by jining a making-friend grup.
    W: Oh, really? It is s called “Flash Play”?
    M: Yeah. I had dubt abut it befre. But nw, I think it is a gd way t make friends.
    W: Abslutely. Sme f my friends have such experiences. But I prefer t g ut by myself.
    M: Ha ha, yu are ut. Nw it is ecnmic crisis. Everyne wants t save mney but als wants t g ut fr fun. “Flash Play” can keep yur mney in yur pcket. If yu are upset, maybe they can make yu happy.
    Text 7
    M: Oh, the phne is ringing!
    W: Wait! Let me answer the phne. It must be mine! Hell, this is Betty speaking. Wh’s calling? What? Happy Cffee Shp? Wrng number!
    M: Ww. Why did yu speak s rudely and ludly?
    W: I thught it was a call abut the result f my interview.
    M: Darling. Please stp being s anxius. Didn’t yu say that they wuld infrm yu in a week?
    W: It has been tw days…
    M: Yu need t be patient. They can never decide an imprtant thing like this in a great hurry. Try t calm dwn.
    W: Perhaps yu are right. I’ll just try t wait peacefully.
    M: Gd.
    Text 8
    M: Hi, Jane. Where are yu ging this summer hliday?
    W: Nwhere. I’m staying at hme t help my mther in the shp. What are yu ging t d fr the hlidays, Tm?
    M: I’m nt sure yet. But I’m thinking f ging t the beach with my brthers.
    W: That’ll be nice. Hw lng are yu ging t stay there?
    M: Cuple f days, I guess. Say, wuld yu like t cme alng with us? We can g swimming in the sea.
    W: Thanks, but maybe next time. My mther really needs sme help in the shp. Besides, I dn’t want t miss my pian lessns. S have fun, and I’ll see yu in September.
    M: Well, see yu then. Enjy yur hlidays.
    Text 9
    W: Gerry, cme and lk at the infrmatin pack fr ur trip t Lndn.
    M: There are s many things t d, Penny. I dn’t knw where t start.
    W: Well, why dn’t we start with the kids? I dn’t think Sally wuld like the z. She always feels srry fr the animals, but she’s been asking abut the Lndn Eye fr weeks, s we have t g there.
    M: Yu’re right. What abut Billy? He lves bats, s it’s either the Thames r the z.
    W: Definitely the Thames fr Billy. What abut an pera at Cvent Gardens fr yur parents?
    M: That wuld be great. S yu dn’t want t g shpping in Oxfrd Street then?
    W: Which page is that n? Ww! This lks fantastic. There are s many great shps in Oxfrd Street. Will yu cme with me?
    M: I’ll cme if yu really want me t, dear.
    Text 10
    M: Bys and girls, ur schl is an internatinal language cllege. As yu see, there are a lt f buildings n campus. The cllege used t have fur departments — English, French, German and Russian. But there is nw als a Chinese department. At the mment we’re utside yur department, the English department, which is the largest department in the cllege. There are ver 750 students in each grade and we have 350 teachers, including 150 prfessrs. These teachers are frm different cuntries, mainly frm the USA and Canada, with a few frm England and Australia. Yu’ll have all yur classes here in this building and all the prfessrs frm Canada are wrking here, s yu can talk with them in yur spare time. Nw, let’s walk ver t the main library, which is the largest building in the cllege, just next t the English department building. Ah, this is the main library. OK, let’s cme t the next building — the dining hall, where yu will have yur meals every day.

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