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    选修七  Unit 4《Sharing》单元测试2




    I. 单项选择

    21.The English play _________ my students acted at the new year's party was a great success.

    A. for which     B. at which    C. in which      D. on which

    22. I couldn't do my homework with all the noise _______ .

    A. going on      B. goes on     C. went on     D.  to go on

    23. His carless driving _______ him his life last year.

    A. cost         B. spent        C. paid        D. took

    24. Are all the titles of the articles _______  in the contents?

       Yes, all _______.

    A. listed, included                 B. listing, includes

    C. listed, including                 D. being listed, being included

    25. She ______ the table and said the dinner was ready.

    A. lay      B. laid         C. lied         D. lain

    26. Do you ______ your friends through thick and thin?.

      A. stick out    B. stick to     C. stick with    D. stick

    27. The man I _________ yesterday is Mr. White

      A. paid a visit    B. had a talk    C. dropped in    D. came across

    28. The organization is badly _________ of hands.

      A. relevant     B. donated     C. in need     D. dying

    29. Sue is good at .singing and her voice sounds _________.

      A. soft       B. softly       C. sweetly      D. well

    30. Shut the window, _________ it'll get too cold in here.

      A. so        B. yet          C. but        D. otherwise

    31. _______ is no wonder that he could speak English well.

      A. There      B. That       C. This       D. It

    32. The hill ________ is covered with trees is called Mang Hill.

      A. of which top              B. whose the top

      C. whose top                D. top which.

    33. Can you lend me the novel_________ the other day?

    A. that you talked              B. you talked about it

    C. which you talked about       D. you talked about

    34. The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time ______ the situation improves.

    A. since  B. when    C. unless       D. before

    35. The most exciting thing for him was ______ he finally found two tinned fruits in ______ seemed to him to be a servant's bedroom .

    A. that; what   B. what; what     C. that; that    D. what; that


    II 完型填空


    How did you do it, Dad? How have you managed not to take a drink for almost 20 years? It took me almost 20 years to have the  36   to even ask my father this very personal question. When Dad first   37  drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles every time he got into a   38  that, in the past, would have started him  39   again. For a few years we were  40  to bring it up for fear that the drinking would begin again.

      I had this little poem that I would recite to myself at least four to five times a day, was Dad's  41  to my 18-year-old unasked question. The words were a constant  42  to me that things were   43  so hard that I could not deal with them, Dad said. Then he  44  the poem with me. The poem's  45  , yet profound (深刻的) words immediately became  46  of my daily routine as well.

    About a month after this  47  with my father, I received a gift in the mail from a friend

    of mine. It was a book of daily sayings of wisdom with one  48  for each day of the year.

      It has been my  49  that when you get something with days of the year on it, you naturally turn to the page that lists your own  50  .  I   51  opened the book to November 10 to see  52  words of wisdom this book had in store for me. I was  53  when I looked at the page, and then tears of disbelief and appreciation  54  down my face. There, on my birthday, was the exact same poem that had  55  my father for all these years! It is called the Serenity (平静) Prayer:

    God, grant me

      the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

      the courage to change the things I can;

      and the wisdom to know the difference.

      36. A. chance    B. courage     C. ability      D. right

      37. A. gave up   B. took up     C. went on    D. carried on

      38. A. way         B. habit       C. situation    D. house

      39. A. reciting   B. asking      C. smoking    D. drinking

      40. A. sure      B. uncertain    C. afraid      D. eager

      41. A. reply     B. words       C. excuse     D. explanation

      42. A. fear         B. imagination   C. thought    D. reminder

      43. A. never     B. seldom       C. always    D. ever

      44. A. discussed   B. shared      C. offered     D. talked

      45. A. wonderful   B. long        C. simple      D. boring

      46. A. all         B. that        C. any        D. part

      47. A. talk        B. quarrel      C. trip        D. lesson

      48. A. listed       B. included    C. read        D. said

      49. A. method     B. experience   C. wealth      D. message

      50. A. character    B. birthday     C. qualities    D. favorites

      51. A. doubtfully   B. carefully     C. happily    D. hurriedly

      52. A. where       B. whether     C. what      D. how

      53. A. excited      B. astonished   C. disappointed    D. frightened

      54. A. hung       B. pulled      C. rolled       D. pushed

      55. A. troubled     B. disturbed    C. pleased     D. helped


    III 阅读理解

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


    Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium. Her father was a wealthy English banker. After her parents divorced she went to London with her mother, where she went to a private school. While vacationing with her mother in Holland, Hitler's army suddenly took over the town. It was here that she fell on hard times during the Nazi occupation. After the liberation. Audrey went to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career. As a model, she was graceful and, it seemed, she had found her position in life-until the film producers came calling. After being spotted modeling by a producer, she was signed up for a bit part in the European film Nederlands in 7 lessons in 1948. Later she headed to America to try her luck there.

    Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. This film turned out to be a big success as she won an Oscar as Best Actress. This gained her enormous popularity and more plum roles. Roman Holiday was followed by another similarly wonderful performance in the 1957 classic Funny Face (1957). In 1959, she received yet another nomination for her role in Nun's Story. Audrey reached the top of her career when she played Holly Golightly in the film Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961. For this she received another nomination. One of Audrey's remarkable roles was in the fine production of My Fair Lady in 1964. Her co-star Rex Harrison once was asked to identify his favorite leading lady. Without hesitation, he replied, Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady.

    By the end of the 60s, after her divorce from the actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire while she was on top. Later she married Dr. Andrea Dotti. In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, a position she retained until 1993. She was named to People's magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. She died on January 20, 1993. in Switzerland. She had made a total of 31 high quality movies.

    56. Where did Audrey Hepburn become famous?

    A. England. B. America. C. Switzerland. D. Belgium.

    57. We can infer that Audrey Hepburn was ______.  

    A. a woman with sympathy

    B. a learned woman

    C. very popular as a model

    D. satisfied with her marriage

    58. Choose the right order about the life of Audrey Hepburn.

     a. Audrey began a modeling career.

     b. Audrey went to London with her mother.

    c. Audrey became popular in the film Roman Holiday.

    d. Audrey Hepburn became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund

    e. Hitler's army suddenly took over the town.

    f. Audrey married Dr. Andrea Dotti.

    A. a,b,c,d,e,f      B. b,e,f,c,a,d

    C. c,a,b,f,e,d      D. b,e,a,c,f,d



    One of the strongest arguments for the raising of the school leaving age (ROSLA) has been that it will bring us some way nearer to equality of opportunity.

    Many people like to think of our present system of schooling as providing plenty of steps up the ladder of success for clever children. It would be good to think that no one who is really bright can be missed out when the state system is obviously so complete. It is obvious, for instance, that many children from less wealthy homes reach university or do well in other ways.

    Unfortunately, we now have plenty of proofs that many children of every level of ability do much less well than they could. For instance, during the years of national military service it was possible to test the intelligence of all male 18-year-olds. Half of those soldiers who were placed in the two highest ability groups had left school at 15.

    It has also been shown that the percentage of working class children going to university is almost the same now as it was in 1939. One study of 5,000 children from birth to 21 years old shows that up to half the bright working class ones left school when they reached 16 years old. Moreover, there is no difference in intelligence between the sexes, but far more boys and girls stay in education after 16.

    It is clear from this and many other proofs that many children are still leaving school too early to benefit from the prizes---money, social respectability, and

    interesting jobs--- which higher education gives. It is clear too that the reasons why such children leave have much to do with their social background. Their parents often need the extra money another money-earner would bring in; they don't value education for itself because their own was probably dull and unhappy. It is not much that they force their sons and daughters to leave school, rather that they tend to say, It's up to you.

    59. People would like to think that ____________.

       A. equal numbers of poor and wealthy children reach university

    B. those with the least money get the best education

    C. intelligent children are always selected by the system

    D. only really clever children can be admitted into university

    60. Working class children as thought to be at a disadvantage because __________.

    A. many of the clever ones leave school early

    B. fewer go to university than ever before

    C. more than half leave school when they are 16

    D. fewer boys than girls stay at school after 16

    61. Many children leave school early because ___________.

       A. their social background makes them unhappy

    B. they have to give something to their family's income

    C. their school is a dull and unhappy

    D. their parents don't allow them to make their own decision

    62. This article shows that equal opportunity in education ___________.

       A. is a thing of the past

    B. has not yet been achieved

    C. is there for those who deserve it

    D. has greatly improved our society



    Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably couldn't describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-or even an animal, such as a pigeon-can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.

    We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone's personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.

    Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone's personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a nice face looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a nice person, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, moderate, friendly, warm and so on.

    There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Allport, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people's behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types-people are described with such terms.

    People have always tried to type each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain's or the hero's role. In fact, the words person and personality come from the Latin persona, meaning mask. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the good guys from the bad guys because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.

    63. By using the example of fingerprints, the author tells us that _____.

    A. people can learn to recognize faces

    B. people have different personalities

    C. people have difficulty in describing the features of fingerprints

    D. people differ from each other in facial features 

    64. According to this passage, some animals have the gift of ____.

    A. telling people apart by how they behave

    B. typing each other

    C. telling good people from bad people

    D. recognizing human faces

    65. Who most probably knows best how to describe people's personality?

    A. The ancient Greek audience.

    B. The movie actors.

    C. Psychologists.

    D. The modern TV audience.

    66. According to the passage, it is possible for us to tell one type of person from another because_______.

    A. human faces have complex features

    B. human fingerprints provide unique information

    C. people's behavior can be easily described in words

    D. people differ in their behavioral and physical characteristics



        Believe it or not, optical illusion(错觉) can cut highway crashes.

    Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 % using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons(人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

    Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan's success. Starting next year, the Foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes

    Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one-fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the Foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the Foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards(危险)are the greatest-curves, exit slopes, traffic circles and bridges.

     Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can at first cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bar.

     Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

    67. The passage mainly discusses ______.

    A. a new way of highway speed control

    B. a new pattern for painting highways

    C. a new approach to training drivers

    D. a new type of optical illusion

    68. On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel_____.

    A. they should avoid speed-related hazards.

    B. they are driving in the wrong lane

    C. they should slow down their speed.

    D. they are approaching the speed limit

    69. The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to _____.

    A. try out the Japanese method in certain areas.

    B. change the road signs across the country

    C. replace straight ,horizontal bars with chevrons

    D. repeat the Japanese road patterns

    70. What does the author say about straight, horizontal bars painted across roads?

    A. They are falling out of use in the US.

    B. They are applicable only on broad roads.

    C. They cannot be applied successfully to traffic circles.

    D. They tend to be ignored by drivers in a short period of time.

    71. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former _____.

    A. can keep drivers awake

    B. can cut road accidents in half

    C. will have a longer effect on drivers

    D. will look more attractive



    From a major Windows upgrade (升级) to more powerful Web services and high-definition (高清晰) DVD, there's a lot to look forward to in the coming year.

    Vista View

    Microsoft's next major operating system, Windows Vista, looks different from today's Windows. But the parts you can't see might be even more important. Microsoft is focusing on protecting users from the viruses, worms, and other attacks that have become a serious problem in the last decade. But security isn't the only point of Windows Vista. It includes additional gaming features, a new desktop search function, a new user interface(界面), compatibility (兼容) with high-definition TV and multimedia equipment.

    New DVD on the road

    The next DVD generation has two layers. First, high-definition recording will mean more vivid sound and pictures. It also means you might have to put aside your present DVD collection, as people did with tape cassettes in the 1980's when CD was introduced. The new technology will record high-definition TV programs on a small disk without quality loss. And up to 50 gigabytes (十亿字节) of storage can put 13 hours of programs or eight movies on a disc.

    Wireless Internet Everywhere.

    Wi-Fi is coming. Despite the over publicity surrounding wireless networking, the fact remains that finding a public connection still takes work. Next year, connectivity should get easier, thanks to long-range broadband wireless technology from Intel called WiMax. According to an Intel spokesperson a WiMax signal "can carry 50 miles in tests, but in reality about half that." It means you can get online almost anywhere at any time.

    Next-Generation Game Consoles (控制台)

    Gamers, fasten your seat belts. 2006 will be one of the most exciting with major releases from Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. It's like an election: Every four years or so, gamers get to choose which platform they'll support for the next cycle. As you'd expect, the processing and graphics (图形) hardware powering the consoles is impressive. They'll include HDTV and high-speed Internet connectivity.

    72. Which is NOT included in Windows Vista?

    A. Gaming features.          B. A new monitor.   

    C. High-definition TV.        D. A new desktop search function.

    73. With the new DVDs, you can _____.

    A. play tapes       B. record TV programs or movies  

    C. use smaller disks       D. enjoy a bigger collection of DVDs

    74. What do all the items listed above have in common?

    A. They are convenient for gamers.        

    B. High speed Internet connectivity.   

    C. All involve a great leap in technology.  

    D. High definition.

    75. What's the purpose of writing this passage?

    A. To inform you of ways to upgrade your house. 

    B. To introduce the new technology.

    C. To inform you how to build up a digital centre.    

    D. To introduce the new designs.




    One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly            1. _______

    a man ran his room. His face was red and he could               2. _______

    only say Quick! Quick! The doctor thought he can be           3. _______

    very ill. His assistant helped to get the poor man sit in                4. _______

    a chair. The doctor gave the man some medicine to make            5. _______

    him to sleep. Then he looked into the man's mouth and           6. _______

    pulled out all the bad tooths. As soon as the man woke            7. _______

    up, he said Quick, doctor, Quick, with a low voice.              8. _______

    It's all over now, the doctor told him, You don't understand,        9. _______

    said the man. I came to tell you your house is on the fire.              10. _______


    V 写作

     请根据本单元所学内容,以Tombe 的身份写一篇介绍他的村落或其风土人情的短文.







    21-35.  CAAAB  CDCAD  ACDDA



    36-40 BACDC 41-45 ADABC    46-50 DAABB  51-55 DCBCD


    56-60 BADCA   61-65BBDDB   66-70 DACAD    71-75 CCBCB


    1.workswork   2.ran后加into     3.canmust   4.在sit 前加to    5.

     6.去掉to      7.toothsteeth    8.within   9.去掉all       10.去掉on后面的the





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