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    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册本册综合精品学案及答案,共13页。学案主要包含了一个关于埃博拉病毒的故事等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    The Stry f Ebla

    This is a stry f hw my village survived Ebla. Bats brught the tiny Ebla germs. T small t see. S small yet s dangerus. Withut realizing, grandfather rubbed a little bld in his eye. Ebla germs came int his bdy. Days went by. Then grandfather gt a terrible fever and weakness. We thught it was malaria but he was sn much wrse. He had vmiting and diarrhea. His fever gt even higher. I ran t get the nurse. But grandfather had already died. I was heart-brken. The nurse thught it might be Ebla, a disease caused frm bushmeat but which spreads frm persn t persn. Others in ur regin had already died f this new disease. Unless we understd the disease and fllw their rules, it culd spread further and kill many mre peple. She explained that Ebla was in the bdy fluids f smene wh was sick r had died f Ebla. Their sweat, tears, mucus, saliva, vmit, diarrhea, urine, breast milk, sexual fluids and bld. When we tuch a sick persn’s bdy fluids, the Ebla germs can get int small small breaks in ur skin, r int ur eyes, nse r muth. The Ebla germs spread int ur bdy and make us sick. When smebdy died f Ebla, that bdy is much mre cntagius. N ne shuld ever tuch the dead bdy. The nurse advised us t wash ur hands with sap and water right away.

    She cntacted the trained burial team t help us bury grandfather’s bdy safely. The burial team came. They cmfrted us and explained what they had t d t prtect us. The team wre prtective clthing that kept them safe frm the dangerus germs. This spreads grandfather’s rm and his bdy with chlrine t destry the Ebla germs. They put his bdy safely away in a bag t prevent the spread f Ebla. N ne culd tuch the bdy f anyne wh had died with signs f the disease. They als burned his mattress bedding and clthes, anything that might have this germs. All these actins made us safer. It was t great a risk t fllw all ur traditins. But we still hnred grandfather in the time f Ebla. Our chief gathered all the villagers tgether after grandfather’s death. He explained that it’s natural fr us t fear Ebla. But if we trust in ut health wrkers and fllw their rules we culd stp the disease. The nurse explains t us when a persn has symptms such as fever. Dn’t tuch them. Get them t the treatment center right away. They will have the best chance f surviving and they wn’t spread Ebla. She advised us t wash ur hands with sap and water many times a day. The whle village agreed t fllw these rules. Since we all had clse cntact with grandfather, we were at risk f getting Ebla. We had t stay at hme. A health wrker visited us every day t see whether we had fever r signs f sickness. We wuld shw signs within 21 days if we had Ebla. Many days pass and I thught we wuld all stay healthy. But ne mrning, I fund my mther burning with fever. I knew I culdn’t tuch her. She was nw cntagius. My father came in. He tld me he was taking my mther away t ur uncle’s huse in the nearby village. He was afraid t take her t the treatment center and afraid he’d never see her again. I knew I had t stp them. I was yung but I std up t bth f them. I tld them if this culd be Ebla. She must g t the treatment center right away. We need t trust in ur health wrkers t save her, save urselves and ur village. I saw in their faces that they understd. Running away wuld nly lead t mre death and suffering. My mther tested psitive fr Ebla. They fund her a bed. At first the health wrkers lked scary but I knew they wre the suits t prtect themselves. And inside there were nrmal peple like the nurse. They tk gd care f my mther. They gave her fluids medicine and fd, and helped her bdy stay strng t fight Ebla. I missed my mther very much but I culd still talk t her n the phne. Sadly sme peple in my village didn’t survive but my mther gt better day by day. Sn we were able t see her frm a safe distance. One day the nurse annunced that my mther wuld leave. Nw we were safe t hug and kiss her. It was a day t celebrate. Our village fllwed their rules. We trusted ur health wrkers, brught us sick fr care right away. Call fr the safe burial team when ne f ur peple died. And we always wash ur hands with sap and water. Our village survived Ebla. Yurs can, t.


    1. survive v. 幸免;幸存;活下来;生还;比活得长

    survive n 靠……存活下来

    survive sth. 幸免于;从……中活过来


    The ld wman survived her daughter by ten years.

    He survived the crash and landed n a deserted island.

    2. die f 和die frm 死于

    (1) 若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 f。

    die f illness (heart truble, cancer, a fever, etc) 死于疾病(心脏病、癌症、发烧等)

    (2) 若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词 frm。如:

    die frm an earthquake (a traffic accident, a lightning, a strke, etc)


    (3) 若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用 f, frm 均可。如:

    die f [frm] a drink ( a wund, verwrk, starvatin, hunger and cld, etc)


    Many peple died f hunger befre liberatin. 解放前许多人因饥饿死去。

    The ld man died frm a traffic accident.那位老人死于交通事故。

    3. bury v. 埋葬;埋藏;使陷入;覆盖;隐藏

    burial n. 葬礼;埋葬 adj. 埋葬的

    bury sth. in...把某物埋在

    bury neself in埋头于,专心于 be buried in 专心于


    He walked slwly, his hands buried in his pcket.

    She sat there, burying herself in thught.

    Because she buried herself in the film,she didn’ t knw it was snwing utside.

    4. cntagius adj.有传染性的; 传染病的; 有感染力的; 会蔓延的

    (1)He has a cntagius enthusiasm fr the beautiful aspect f fd.


    (2)Scarlet fever is highly cntagius.


    (3)It’s a highly cntagius infectin.


    5. suffer v.&n. 受苦;遭受;经历

    suffer frm遭受……折磨;患……病


    It is likely that yu culd suffer frm bad health if yu keep smking.

    After they had suffered such a heavy lss in the earthquake, they gt help frm all ver the wrld they gt help frm all ver the wrld.



    1. Yu need t be tugh t __________ in the jungle.

    A. survive B. surviving C. survived D. survives

    *2. She was the nly ne __________ the wreck.

    A. survivingB. having survivedC. t surviveD. survived

    3. Thse species inadaptable t changing cnditins may __________.

    A. die fB. die dwnC. die awayD. die ut

    4. If we dn’t take sme measures t prtect this kind f plant, it will _______________ sn.

    A. die utB. die dwnC. die frmD. die f


    1. Yur prblems are being __________ (discuss) at the meeting nw.

    2. Lucy has been hunting __________ a jb everywhere since she graduated last mnth.

    *3. I’d appreciate __________ if yu culd let me knw in advance whether r nt yu will cme.

    4. Many cuntries are nw setting up natinal parks __________ animals and plants can be prtected.

    5. It is a city where peple f different languages have lived tgether __________ peace fr centuries.

    6. The health reprt stresses the __________ (imprtant) f fresh fd in a diet.

    7. The class burst int __________ (laugh) when they heard the funny stry tld by Jack.

    *8. Many traditinal custms __________ (die ut) s far because they are ut f date.

    *9. As a matter f fact,many peple have realized the imprtance f __________ (respnd) t wildlife prtectin.

    10. Fr many students, great attentin must be paid t __________ (imprve) their handwriting, especially in the fresh year.


    Bth men and wmen are living lnger these days in industrialized cuntries. ____1____ In general, they can expect t live six r seven years mre than men. One reasn fr this is bilgical.

    One imprtant bilgical factr that helps wmen live lnger is the difference in hrmnes between men and wmen. ______*2___ Between the ages f abut 12 and 50, wmen prduce hrmnes that are invlved in fertility (生育能力). These hrmnes als have a psitive effect n the heart and the bld flw. In fact, wmen are less likely t have high bld pressure r t die frm heart attacks.

    ____3____They help the bdy defend itself against sme kinds f infectins. This means that wmen generally get sick less ften and less seriusly than men. The cmmn cld is a gd example: wmen, n average, get fewer clds than men.

    ____*4____ Scientists are still nt exactly sure hw genes influence aging, but they believe that they d. Sme think that a wman’s bdy cells have a tendency (倾向) t age mre slwly than a man’s. Others think that a man’s bdy cells have a tendency t age mre quickly. ___5____

    A. Hwever, wmen, n average, live lnger.

    B. The bilgical factr plays an imprtant part.

    C. Wmen are als helped by their female genes.

    D. The female hrmnes als prtect the bdy in anther way.

    E. Recent research seems t supprt bth f these pssibilities.

    F. Therefre, wmen are mre healthy than men and can live a better life.

    G. Hrmnes are chemicals which are prduced by the bdy t cntrl varius bdy functins.


    1. A 解析:不定式表示目的,应用t+动词原形,选A。

    2. C 解析:当名词前有 the nly/the very/the next 或序数词、形容词的最高级修饰时,常用动词不定式作定语。

    3. D 解析:句意:那些不能适应变化的环境的物种可能会灭绝。die f死于;die dwn逐渐变弱,逐渐平息,逐渐暗淡;die away逐渐减弱,逐渐消失;die ut (指家族、物种等)死光,灭绝。

    4. A 解析:句意:如果我们不采取一些措施保护这种植物,它不久就会灭绝。die ut灭绝;die dwn逐渐消失;die frm / f死于。


    1. are being discussed 解析:考查现在进行时的被动语态。句意:现在你的问题正在会议上被讨论。Yur prblems与discuss之间为被动关系且根据句中出现的nw可知,要用现在进行时的被动语态。

    2. fr 解析:考查介词。句意:Lucy自从上个月毕业以来一直在到处找工作。hunt fr″寻找″,相当于lk fr。

    3. it 解析:考查代词。句意:如果你能够让我提前知道你是否要来,我将不胜感激。I’d appreciate it if是固定结构。


    4. where 解析:考查定语从句。句意:许多国家现在正在建立国家公园,动植物可以在那里得到保护。where animals and plants can be prtected是定语从句,修饰先行词natinal parks,关系副词where在从句中作地点状语。

    5. in 解析:考查介词。句意:它是一个不同语言的人们和平共处了几世纪的城市。短语in peace意思是"和平地,和睦地,安静地″。

    6. imprtance 解析:考查词形转换。句意:健康报道强调了饮食中新鲜食物的重要性。根据空前的the和空后的f可知,此处要用名词形式。

    7. laughter 解析:考查固定短语。句意:当学生们听到Jack讲的那个有趣的故事时,他们放声大笑。此处考查了短语burst int laughter,意思是″放声大笑″。

    8. have died ut 解析:考查时态。句意:到目前为止许多传统的风俗已经逐渐消失了,因为它们过时了。根据句子中的s far可知,此处需要用现在完成时。

    9. respnding 解析:考查动词-ing形式。句意:实际上,许多人已经意识到响应保护野生动植物的重要性。respnd意思是″响应″,介词f之后跟动词-ing形式。

    l0. imprving 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:对于很多学生来说,他们必须要高度注意改进他们的书写,尤其是在一年级的时候。动词短语pay attentin t″注意″,本题用了其被动形式attentin be paid t,其中t是介词,后接名词或动词-ing形式,故填imprving。



    1. A 解析:文章后面说they can expect t live six r seven years mre than men.她们比男人可以多活六到七年,可以推测前面应该讲的是女人。故选A。

    2. G 解析:文章前一句说One imprtant bilgical factr that helps wmen live lnger is the difference in hrmnes between men and wmen.男女荷尔蒙不同;后一句说wmen prduce hrmnes that are invlved in fertility女性的荷尔蒙与生育有关,可以知道这里讲的应该是荷尔蒙的问题。故选G。

    3. D 解析:前面说到These hrmnes als have a psitive effect n the heart and bld flw. 荷尔蒙对心脏和血液有好处;后面说They help the bdy defend itself against sme kinds f infectins. 它们还可以对抗感染,可以推测这里讲的应该是荷尔蒙保护身体的另外一种方式。故选D。

    4. C 解析:后面一句是Scientists are still nt exactly sure hw genes influence aging科学家们还不清楚基因是如何对抗衰老的,可以知道前面应该说的是基因。故选C。

    5. E 解析:文章最后说Sme think that a wman’s bdy cells have a tendency (向) t age mre slwly than a man’s. Others think that a man’s bdy cells have a tendency t age mre quickly. 女性身体细胞老化得比男人慢,或者说男人的细胞必女人老化得快。这两种可能性都得到了目前研究的支持,故选E。



    1. make us safer 让某人…

    make sb. +adj.

    make sb. + d

    make sb. +n.


    (1) The activity makes all f us happy.

    (2) My English teacher makes me like English.

    (3) We wuld like t make him ur mnitr.



    2. fund my mther burning with fever

    find sb. ding sth. 发现某人在做某事

    I find him lking thrugh my schlbag.

    see sb. ding sth. 看见某人在做某事

    I see him playing basketball n the playgrund.

    find sth. dne 发现某事被做

    I fund my watch stlen by smene.


    have sb. d sth. 让某人做某事

    have sb. ding sth. 让某人一直做某事

    have sth. dne 让某事被做

    have sth. t d 有某事要做



    3. Running away wuld nly lead t mre death and suffering.




    Wrking in these cnditins is nt a pleasure but a kind f suffering.


    It is /was + a waste (f…)/n use/hardly any gd/wrthwhile + ding…

    It is a waste f time talking abut such a thing.

    It is n use arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.



    4. Day went by.

    g by 过去,流逝

    with time ging by 随着时间的流逝

    as time ges by 随着时间的流逝


    With time ging by, I gradually realize the imprtance f health.


    Hwever, with time ging by, I grw up and have t cpe with my wn persnal affairs.


    I believe that things will becme easier as time ges by.






    The Stry f Ebla

    This is a stry f hw my village survived Ebla. Bats brught the tiny Ebla germs. T small t see. S small yet s dangerus. Withut realizing, grandfather rubbed a little bld in his eye. Ebla germs came int his bdy. Days went by. Then grandfather gt a terrible fever and weakness. We thught it was malaria but he was sn much wrse. He had vmiting and diarrhea. His fever gt even higher. I ran t get the nurse. But grandfather had already died. I was heart-brken. The nurse thught it might be Ebla, a disease caused frm bushmeat but which spreads frm persn t persn. Others in ur regin had already died f this new disease. Unless we understd the disease and fllw their rules, it culd spread further and kill many mre peple. She explained that Ebla was in the bdy fluids f smene wh was sick r had died f Ebla. Their sweat, tears, mucus, saliva, vmit, diarrhea, urine, breast milk, sexual fluids and bld. When we tuch a sick persn’s bdy fluids, the Ebla germs can get int small small breaks in ur skin, r int ur eyes, nse r muth. The Ebla germs spread int ur bdy and make us sick. When smebdy died f Ebla, that bdy is much mre cntagius. N ne shuld ever tuch the dead bdy. The nurse advised us t wash ur hands with sap and water right away.

    She cntacted the trained burial team t help us bury grandfather’s bdy safely. The burial team came. They cmfrted us and explained what they had t d t prtect us. The team wre prtective clthing that kept them safe frm the dangerus germs. This spreads grandfather’s rm and his bdy with chlrine t destry the Ebla germs. They put his bdy safely away in a bag t prevent the spread f Ebla. N ne culd tuch the bdy f anyne wh had died with signs f the disease. They als burned his mattress bedding and clthes, anything that might have this germs. All these actins made us safer. It was t great a risk t fllw all ur traditins. But we still hnred grandfather in the time f Ebla. Our chief gathered all the villagers tgether after grandfather’s death. He explained that it’s natural fr us t fear Ebla. But if we trust in ut health wrkers and fllw their rules we culd stp the disease. The nurse explains t us when a persn has symptms such as fever. Dn’t tuch them. Get them t the treatment center right away. They will have the best chance f surviving and they wn’t spread Ebla. She advised us t wash ur hands with sap and water many times a day. The whle village agreed t fllw these rules. Since we all had clse cntact with grandfather, we were at risk f getting Ebla. We had t stay at hme. A health wrker visited us every day t see whether we had fever r signs f sickness. We wuld shw signs within 21 days if we had Ebla. Many days pass and I thught we wuld all stay healthy. But ne mrning, I fund my mther burning with fever. I knew I culdn’t tuch her. She was nw cntagius. My father came in. He tld me he was taking my mther away t ur uncle’s huse in the nearby village. He was afraid t take her t the treatment center and afraid he’d never see her again. I knew I had t stp them. I was yung but I std up t bth f them. I tld them if this culd be Ebla. She must g t the treatment center right away. We need t trust in ur health wrkers t save her, save urselves and ur village. I saw in their faces that they understd. Running away wuld nly lead t mre death and suffering. My mther tested psitive fr Ebla. They fund her a bed. At first the health wrkers lked scary but I knew they wre the suits t prtect themselves. And inside there were nrmal peple like the nurse. They tk gd care f my mther. They gave her fluids medicine and fd, and helped her bdy stay strng t fight Ebla. I missed my mther very much but I culd still talk t her n the phne. Sadly sme peple in my village didn’t survive but my mther gt better day by day. Sn we were able t see her frm a safe distance. One day the nurse annunced that my mther wuld leave. Nw we were safe t hug and kiss her. It was a day t celebrate. Our village fllwed their rules. We trusted ur health wrkers, brught us sick fr care right away. Call fr the safe burial team when ne f ur peple died. And we always wash ur hands with sap and water. Our village survived Ebla. Yurs can, t.






    人教版(2019)选择性必修一英语的起源学案: 这是一份英语人教版 (2019)本册综合优秀学案,共13页。学案主要包含了单项选择,阅读七选五,语法填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版(2019)选择性必修一十二生肖的故事学案: 这是一份高中英语本册综合优秀学案,共11页。学案主要包含了单项选择,短文改错,语法填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版(2019)选择性必修一词根词缀记单词学案: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册本册综合精品学案,共11页。

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