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      2020-2021学年度高二英语期中考试卷-01 教师版.docx
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      2020-2021学年度高二英语期中考试卷-01 学生版.docx
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30)

    第一节 (5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5)

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    1What is the man interested in?

    AEducation. BMedicine. CTechnology.

    2Why does the man want to move?

    ATo be near his office.

    BTo go to a good school.

    CTo live in a bigger house.

    3Where are the speakers?

    AIn Singapore. BIn Canada. CIn America.

    4How many languages can the woman speak altogether?

    ATwo. BThree. CFour.

    5How does the man feel?

    AHappy. BTired. CPeaceful.


    第二节 (15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5)



     听第6段材料.回答第6. 7题。

    6What does the man want to do?

    AColor his hair. BReserve a room. CShorten his pants.

    7How will the man go home?

    ABy car. BBy plane. CBy train.



    8Where does the conversation probably take place?

    AIn a laundry. BIn a store. CIn a tailor’s.

    9What kind of shirt does the woman like?

    AThe one with a lighter color.

    BThe one with long sleeves.

    CThe one with a small collar.



    10What does the woman think of the bedroom?

    ABright. BNew. CSmall.

    11What does the woman like best?

    AThe kitchen. BThe view. CThe living room.

    12What will the speakers do most probably?

    AHave the shower repaired. BBuy some furniture.

    CKeep searching.



    13What happened to the man last time he ate Chinese food?

    AHe had a headache.

    BHe had a stomachache.

    CHe had a toothache.

    14According to the woman, what is most Chinese food like?

    ASpicy. BTasteless. CDelicious.

    15What does the man want to eat?

    ASoup. BFish and chips. CNoodles.

    16Where will the speakers probably eat today?

    AAt a British restaurant.

    BAt a Chinese restaurant.

    CAt a French restaurant.




    17What is the purpose of the talk?

    ATo announce changes of a race.

    BTo tell about a weekend event.

    CTo introduce some runners.

    18When should runners arrive at the Town Hall?

    AAt 8:30. BAt 9:15. CAt 9:45.

    19What are the prizes especially for the winners?

    AMoney. BT-shirts. CRunning shoes.

    20What’s the special price for the whole family?

    A$6. B$5. C$4.5.



    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40)

    第一节 (15小题;每小题2分,满分30)



        A new research, presented on Monday, suggests that parents who go down slides with their kids are actually making slides even riskier for their little ones.

    Led by Dr. Charles Jennissen, a professor at the University of Iowa, the research found that placing children (especially infants and toddlers蹒跚学步的小孩) on adult laps increases the risk of injury to their lower legs, including broken bones.

    "I've seen a lot of these injuries all through my career, and I hadn't seen anybody talk about this problem," says Jennissen.

    So Jennissen and his colleagues found that about 350,000 children under the age of six were injured on slides in the U.S. from 2002 to 2015. Injuries were most common among kids from 12-23 months of age, and the most common injury was lower leg fractures (骨折).

    The researchers found that 94 percent of 600 cases include lower leg injuries. This is important, because that's not how a kid falling off a slide alone would usually get hurt. The fact that so many kids are getting lower leg injuries—and that those injuries seem to get less common as kids get older—suggests something else is at play.

    Jennissen thinks that when children are sliding alone, they aren’t going fast enough or carrying enough body weight to hurt themselves. When they’re sitting on an adult’s lap and their foot gets caught, they have the added momentum of an adult body.

    "We think a lot of these lower extremity injuries are because they're on the lap," says Jennissen. "We don't know that for sure, because no parents say that. But from my experience, and the data that suggests it, we think almost all of these are kids are on the lap."

    Jennissen isn’t arguing that you should never go down the slide with your kid—he agrees that it’s fun and that he’s done it with his own kids—but he thinks adults should realize the risks.

    21What can we learn about the research from the passage?

    AMany parents are hurt when going down slides with their kids.

    BDr. Charles Jennissen is the leader of the research team.

    CMore and more adult laps are found hurt in the accidents.

    DMany people have discussed the possible reasons for the injuries.

    22The underlined phrase at play in Para.5 probably means _____.

    Ataking effect Bpaying attention Cmaking efforts Dsolving problems

    23What is Jennissen’s attitude towards parents’ going down slides with kids?

    AHe supports it. BHe is against it.

    CHe is careful about it. DHe doesn’t care about it.



     Hawking died early Wednesday at his home in England at the age of 76. Throughout his career as one of the world’s most recognizable cosmic thinkers, he regularly threw himself into pop culture’s comedic ring with cameos(客串)on programs such as The Simpsons and Late Night with Conan O’Brien.

    These appearances defined Hawking’s personal life as mush as his universe-shaking theoretical work. Humor, however, was not just one side of his personality, but a key to overcoming the disease he struggled against since 1963.

    “Keeping an active mind has been vital to my survival, as has maintaining a sense of humor,” Hawking said in a 2013 documentary. “I am probably better known for my appearances on The Simpsons and on The Big Bang Theory than I am for my scientific discoveries.”

    At 21, Hawking was diagnosed with a condition similar to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. According to the ALS Association, “Half of all people affected with ALS live at most three or more years after diagnosis. Twenty percent live five years or more; only ten percent will live more than ten years.”

    The disease would eventually shut down Hawking’s motor functions, making him speechless and unable to move without a wheelchair. Doctors initially said he would be dead in two years. His condition, however, proved to be a rate slow-acting version.

    But Hawking fought through his worse physical state, rising to a position as a celebrated professor of mathematical at the University of Cambridge and altering the popular conception of physics with his 1988 bestseller, A Brief History of Time.

    “When I turned 21, my expectations were reduced to zero,” he said in a TV show. He added, “It was important that I came to appreciate what I did have. It’s also important not become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can lose all hope if you can’t laugh at yourself and at life in general.”

    24What was Hawking like according to the text?

    AHe was kind and brave. BHe was friendly and adventurous.

    CHe was humorous and strong-minded. DHe was shy and uncommunicative.

    25How did Hawking deal with ALS?

    AHe did further research into the disease.

    BHe kept a positive attitude towards his disease.

    CHe did more exercise and spoke a lot with others.

    DHe went to hospital to have a health check regularly.

    26What can be learnt from the story of Hawking?

    ALaughter is the best medicine.

    BLost time is never found again.

    CEverything comes to him who waits.

    DA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    27What can we know from the text?

    AALS is a common disease in England.

    BDoctors once abandoned treatment for Hawking.

    CPlaying roles in comedy was Hawking’s favorite.

    DIt’s almost a wonder that Hawking can survive the disease.



     Londoners are great readers. They buy vast numbers of newspapers and magazines and even of books—especially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap in spite of ever-increasing rises in the costs of printing. They still continue to buy ‘proper’ books, too, printed on good paper and bound between hard covers.

    There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in book-selling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charing Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the celebrated one which boasts of being ‘the biggest bookshop in the world’ to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens’ time. Some of these shops stock, or will obtain, any kind of book, but many of them specialize — in second-hand books, in art books, in foreign books, in books on philosophy(哲学), politics or any other of the myriad subjects about which books may be written. One shop in this area specializes solely in books about ballet.

    Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charing Cross Road is not the cheapest. For the really cheap second-hand volumes, the collector must venture(冒险) off the beaten path, to Farringdon Road, for example, in the East Central district of London. Here there is nothing so grand as bookshops. Instead, the booksellers come along each morning and tip out their sacks of books on to small barrows(手推车) which line the gutters(贫民区). And the collectors, some professional and some amateur(业余爱好者)have been waiting for them. In places like this one can still, occasionally, pick up for a few pence an old volume that may be worth many pounds.

    28According to the passage, we can infer that __________.

    ALondoners like borrowing books from libraries

    BLondoners like buying books, magazines and newspapers

    CLondoners like reading books in libraries

    DLondoners don't like buying ‘proper’ books.

    29Charing Cross Road which is well-known for ________ lies in the __________ of London.

    Abookstores, East Central district Bpublishing houses, downtown

    CBookshops, center Dlibraries, countryside

    30The underlined word “solely” in the second paragraph means__________.

    Awholly Bpartly

    Cjointly Dseldom

    31The third paragraph mainly tells us _________in London.

    Awhere to buy the dear new books

    Bwhere to buy the cheap new books

    Cwhere to buy the cheap second-hand books

    Dwhere to buy the dear second-hand books



    Trash and garbage are other words for waste. In San Francisco, they are also words for art. A local recycling (回收) company, called Recology, created a program to give artists the opportunity to reuse unwanted objects. Artists are paid to work for four months on changing things like old tires and toys.

    Ma Li, one of the artists at the center, is working on a project that includes plastic bottles and cloth. She is turning them into sculptures (雕塑). She says she learned recycling from her parents while growing up in China in the 1980s.

    San Francisco artist Michael Arcega works with recycled wood and old leather belts (皮带). His artwork shows what he says is the wasteful culture of the American people. He says looking through the trash is not easy. It is hard to separate what is useful and what is really garbage.

    A gallery (美术陈列室) in Los Angeles is exhibiting some of the art from the San Francisco project. The show includes sculptures from old metal and saws (锯子) cut to look like trees. Los Angeles gallery owner Liz Gordon says artists have a history of recycling. “People who don’t have resources find supplies from garbage and have been using them for many years.”

    Artist Ma Li says these art works have a message. “So everyone can come together to actually make a change in their daily life to save the environment and resources.”

    Mike Sangiacomo heads the recycling company. He says he hopes to see as much waste as possible reused. “Along the way, if some of it is made into some fun pieces of art and draws people’s attention to the problem, we think it’s a great way to do something that’s good for our business, good for our community, and good for society.” The project shows how a little imagination can change one person’s trash into another’s art work.

    32What do we know about Ma Li?

    AShe grew up in a rich family.

    BShe learned art from her parents.

    CShe spent her childhood in the U.S.

    DShe learned recycling at a young age.

    33What does the underlined word “exhibiting” mean in Paragraph 4?

    AChanging. BShowing. CSupplying.     DOwning. 

    34The recycling program is intended to     .

    Amake a large amount of money

    Bhelp people to find beauty in daily life

    Chelp poor artists who can’t afford supplies

    Dencourage the protection of environment

    35What is the best title of the text?

    ALiving in San Francisco

    BA Promising Career

    CThe Choice of Artists

    DTurning Trash to Treasure



    第二节 (5小题;每小题2分,满分10)


        Jane Eyre was published in 1847. It is not just a romance novel, but an educational story. Women can learn so much from this great Victorian heroine. This is not to suggest that Jane didn’t have shortcomings. 36

    You can overcome your past, however bad it is. Jane Eyre is made miserable (悲惨的) as a child by her horrible relatives. 37 He constantly reminds her that she’s an orphan (孤儿). But she learns a lot about letting go when she is sent to a boarding school and makes friends with Helen.

    38 Jane notes, “The world is a varied field of hopes and excitement waiting for those who have the courage to go forth.” If Jane hadn’t been brave, she might have returned to the cruel woman who raised her.

    Don’t be afraid to speak out your mind. She is not scared to voice her opinions when necessary. It is much better to talk about your feelings rather than hide unspoken anger. 39

    Be positive. When Jane is younger, she has a tendency to feel sorry for herself. 40 But as she gets older, she learns to be happy despite her past.

    AYou can decide your life.

    BHer childhood is miserable.

    CHer cousin, John, is the worst.

    DTalking also helps heal relationships as well.

    E.The possibilities for life are endless for those who take risks.

    F.Still, there’s much to be learned from the way she chooses to live.

    G.It is weak and silly to say you can’t bear what your fate requires you to bear.



    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45)

    第一节 (20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)


        Alonzo Johnson stopped. He decided to help a(n)    41    elderly man down an escalator (自动扶梯) in a Massachusetts shopping mall last week,    42    the 23-year-old could never have predicted that his simple, random act of kindness would win him the    43    of thousands of people on line.

    An old man    44    at the top of an escalator and a few people started gathering    45    to get on. It was clear he was feeling    46    as to whether to step on to the escalator or not. Johnson spotted the senior citizen hesitating and    47    the simplest kindness. He reached out a(n)    48    and asked with a smile on his face, “Can I help you, sir?”

    The old man quietly started to    49    to the young man that he had gotten stuck on an escalator once and was a little    50   . The young man gently offered his assurance, they    51    each other eye to eye for just a moment and the old man    52    his arm. Everyone else remained    53    and waited.

    Paula Picard and a friend were standing nearby and    54    to take a touching photo of the pair linking arms as they    55    the escalator together. She posted the    56    on Facebook and it spread    57    with more than 420,000 likes and 25,000 comments in just a few hours.

    Johnson said he never    58    his action would reach so many people.

    “He looked very afraid and I thought maybe I could    59   .” Johnson said, “My Mom always tells us to be nice and do the    60    thing. It’s really the way I was brought up and how I was raised.”

    41Abusy Bfrightened Cinjured Dblind

    42Aso   Bif Cbut Dbecause

    43Apraise Bblame Chappiness Danger

    44Astopped Bworked Cread Dfell

    45Arunning Bpushing Cshouting Dwaiting

    46Ahopeful Bconvenient Cunsure Duncomfortable

    47Aoffered Bsold Cwanted Dtook

    48Aeye Barm Crope Dstick

    49Apromise Bprove Capologize Dexplain

    50Aexcited Bsurprised Cscared Ddisappointed

    51Aargued with Blistened to Clooked at Dran into

    52Aaccepted Bshook Crefused Dleft

    53Aanxious Bpatient Cinterested     Dworried

    54Amanage Bavoided Casked Dfailed

    55Atalked about Bran towards Cwent down    Dsearched for

    56Amessage Bcomment Cexample      Dphoto

    57Adifferently Bquickly Cstrangely      Dcompletely

    58Ameant Badmitted Cunderstood     Dexpected

    59Ahelp Bfollow Csee Dsmile

    60Aeasy Bfamous Cright Dperfect



    第二节 (10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15)


    “Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet," a 58-minute documentary released recently on BBC introduces Du Fu to the Western world for the first time 61the form of documentary. In the film, Michael Wood, one of BBC’s most popular hosts, visited a number of Chinese62 (city) to retrace Du’s steps. The documentary invited well-known British actor IanMcKellen, 63 played Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings movies, 64(read)15 of Du’s poems that have been translated into English.

    Born in 712, Du Fu lived through the violent fall of China’s brilliant Tang Dynasty. He had the desire to serve his country, but his life 65 (destroy) by the An Lushan Rebellion of 755. Of _ 66  numerous poems he wrote, 500 have been preserved over the ages. For generations he67(be) the guardian of the moral conscience ( 良知) of the nation.

    The documentary compared Du to Shakespeare to help audiences68 (well) understand the poet’s great achievements in literature. It also highlighted Chinese poetry, noting that its 3000-year-old history makes 69 the oldest living tradition of poetry in the world.

    During an interview, the director even quoted a line from Du to encourage the people 70(suffer)under COVID-19 .



    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35)

    第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题一分,满分10分)






    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    I live in Brighton, where is not a big town. It is about 50 miles far away from London. Of course it isn’t as interested as London. But the air is a lot clean and better. There are a few factories, but not much. It isn’t easy find a job here. My father used to working in a steel plant which shut down a year ago but my father lost his job. In the summer the small town is full of travelers. My father decided to open a small shop to sell gift. I do believe our family will have a good life in the future.


    节 应用文写作(满分25)

    进入高三以来,同学们倍感学习压力,有的同学熬夜学习,甚至课间十分钟也不放过。假设你是李华,请针对这一现象,在penpal world.com网站上用英语发表一下自己的看法与外国中学生进行交流。

    注意:1. 词数100左右。

          2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




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