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    高中英语Unit 1 Cultural Heritage达标测试

    这是一份高中英语Unit 1 Cultural Heritage达标测试,共19页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.At 7, B.5,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (120分钟 150分)

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



    1.What is the wman's plan fr tnight?

    A.T visit a friend. B.T see a mvie.

    C.T g swimming.

    2.What will the weather be like this afternn?

    A.Rainy. B.Snwy.


    3.What will the man prbably change?

    A.His jacket. B.His shirt.

    C.His tie.

    4.Hw will the wman g t the twn center?

    A.By bus. B.By train.

    C.By taxi.

    5.What are the speakers talking abut?

    A.A student. B.A bk.

    C.A language.




    6.What clr clthes is Mary in?

    A.Red. B.Blue.


    7.What will the man d next?

    A.G talk t Anna. B.Invite Mary t his hme.

    C.Intrduce the wman t Mary.


    8.When will the speakers meet this Saturday?

    A.At 7:00. B.At 7:15.

    C.At 7:30.

    9.What will the man prbably d arund 4?

    A.Watch a match. B.D his hmewrk.

    C.Attend a cncert.


    10.What des the man's mther want him t becme?

    A.An artist. B.A dctr.

    C.A cmputer expert.

    11.Wh is the man's favrite painter?

    A.Lenard da Vinci. B.Vincent van Ggh.

    C.Pabl Picass.

    12.What is the wman?

    A.A cllege student. B.A high schl student.

    C.A primary schl student.


    13.What des the river lk like?

    A.Dirty. B.Dry.


    14.What des the wman usually d t help the earth?

    A.Clean rivers. B.Plant trees.

    C.Recycle ld things.

    15.What's the wman's attitude tward the man's club?

    A.Interested. B.Surprised.


    16.What d the speakers mainly talk abut?

    A.Hw t stp air pllutin. B.Hw t prtect the envirnment.

    C.Hw t start an envirnmental club.


    17.Hw lng will the tur take?

    A.Abut 6 hurs. B.Abut 8 hurs.

    C.Abut 10 hurs.

    18.What will the weather mst prbably be like tmrrw?

    A.Rainy. B.Sunny.


    19.Hw many turist attractins is the speaker ging t visit tmrrw?

    A.4. B.5.


    20.Wh is a histry expert?

    A.Tracy. B.Peter.


    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




    If yu think abut Wrld Heritage Sites, yu prbably think f places cnnected with ancient art and culture, histrical buildings and mnuments. And f curse,many f these are n the Wrld Heritage List (WHL)(世界遗产名录). But the WHL cntains a lt f sites that are nt s bvius. Let's lk at a few f them.

    Rbben Island in Suth Africa

    This island was used thrugh the centuries as a prisn,a hspital and a military base. But it's prbably mst famus as a maximum­security prisn fr plitical prisners in the twentieth century. Nelsn Mandela was ne f its mst famus residents. The WHL says it represents “the victry f demcracy (民主) and freedm ver ppressin and racism (种族主义)”.

    Brders f France and Spain

    This is an area f great natural beauty and the muntains have many interesting gelgical frmatins. But it is als an area f small farms. Peple there still use a type f agriculture that used t be cmmn in muntainus areas f Eurpe but has almst cmpletely disappeared in mdern times.

    The city f Brasilia ,Brazil

    Brasilia is a capital city that was created frm nthing in 1956. The WHL calls it “a landmark in the histry f twn planning”. The different areas f the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time carefully. Every part f the city shws the ideas f the planner and architect(建筑师).

    Simien Natinal Park ,Ethipia

    Simien Natinal Park was ne f the first sites t be listed in 1978. It is ne f the highest muntain areas in Africa,and the WHL calls it “ne f the mst spectacular landscapes in the wrld”. It is als imprtant fr its wildlife. The ppulatin f sme rare animals is getting smaller and smaller.

    21.The passage mainly talks abut ________.

    A.the remains f ancient cultures n the WHL

    B.the husehld heritage sites n the WHL

    C.sme f the nt s bvius sites n the WHL

    D.places f artistic r cultural imprtance

    22.The WHL has listed Brders f France and Spain prbably because ________.

    A.it shws us past Eurpean sciety thrugh the type f agriculture

    B.this is an area f great natural beauty

    C.the muntains there have many interesting gelgical frmatins

    D.peple there still use a type f agriculture that is cmmn in Eurpe in mdern times

    23.Which f the fllwing sites was listed n the WHL fr its plitical symbl?

    A.Simien Natinal Park,Ethipia.

    B.The city f Brasilia,Brazil.

    C.Brders f France and Spain.

    D.Rbben Island in Suth Africa.


    American Mark Hugh lives near Ls Angeles, Califrnia. He was just abut t start his weekend with an alchlic drink called a margarita and a dip in his ht tub when he heard sticks breaking and leaves mving in his backyard. At first, he thught the sunds were cming frm his neighbr. But then, the nise grew luder.“S I gt up, lked ver in the bushes and there was a bear climbing up ver my fence,” Hugh said.

    After seeing the bear, Hugh decided t g back int his hme fr safety reasns. When Hugh lked utside a shrt time later, the bear had made himself at hme in Hugh's backyard. The bear had entered Hugh's unheated ht tub.

    “He was playing, having a grand ld time,” Hugh said. He fund his phne and began recrding vide f the bear's activities.

    After a few minutes f pl time, the bear gt ut and walked slwly arund the yard. Then it made its way ver t Hugh's margarita. The bear pushed the drink ver and drank it ff the grund.

    Later in the day, Hugh was talking t a neighbur when sme tree leaves fell t the grund. Hugh lked up t see the bear sleeping in the tree. “S he had his margarita, and nw he's ready fr an hur nap,” Hugh said.

    Hugh's vide f the bear's relaxing afternn has been a hit n scial media. One Twitter user said the bear is “clearly having a better summer than yu”. Other users called the bear a “summer her”. One called it her“spirit animal”. And ne lcal news statin in Iwa suggested the bear's activities wuld be a great way t celebrate America's Independence Day.

    24.Why did Mark Hugh decide t return t his hme?

    A.T avid being attacked.

    B.T recrd a vide.

    C.T have a drink.

    D.T call the lcal news statin.

    25.Wh recrded the vide f the bear's activities?

    A.Mark Hugh himself.

    B.Hugh's neighbr.

    C.One Twitter user.

    D.A reprter in a lcal news statin.

    26.Where was the bear fund finally that day?

    A.In the pl.

    B.Near the fence.

    C.In a big tree.

    D.In his neighbr's backyard.

    27.Hw did the Twitter users feel abut the bear's activities?

    A.Unpleasant. B.Surprised.

    C.Hrrible. D.Impssible.


    The Frbidden City is well knwn fr being full f Chinese cultural and histrical relics. But Masters in the Frbidden City (《我在故宫修文物》) des nt just fcus n the stries f the past. Instead, the dcumentary film, which came ut in Chinese cinemas n Dec. 16, fcuses n rdinary peple-the restrers (《做修复工作的人》) f relics and antiquities (古董).

    The stries are tld at a slw and relaxed pace, reflecting the restrers' wrk. Restratin f cultural relics and antiques can be time­cnsuming, and smetimes bring. Yet these restrers' patience and peace f mind are especially precius in a sciety where everything is changing s fast.

    “If yu chse this jb, yu have t stand hurs f wrk sitting n a chair. Yu need t be quiet and get used t being quiet,” says Wang Jin, an ancient clck repair expert.

    A tuching part f the dcumentary is the spirit f craftsmanship (工艺) in the restrers. “Years f humdrum wrk requires nt nly skill, but als faith and spirit,” China Daily cmmented. “Lking fr precisin and perfectin, devting yurself t wrk, patience, endurance (忍耐力), these qualities cme frm the‘craftsman spirit ’.”

    But unlike the ppular idea f serius experts wh sit arund being serius, the dcumentary shws ff the enthusiasm f the restrers. They play their guitars and make jkes abut each ther after a lng day f restratin wrk.

    One scene that has been very ppular with Internet users features a yung female restrer riding a bicycle thrugh the empty Frbidden City n a Mnday. While she is ding this, a narratr says, “The last persn t d this was Puyi, the last emperr f the Qing dynasty.”

    Masters in the Frbidden City has prved many peple's ideas abut antique restrers wrng, allwing them t realize that they are nt ld, dull prfessrs, but peple in their 40s, 30s and even 20s wh can be quite pleasing t the eye.

    28.Accrding t the text, what's the main purpse f the dcumentary Masters in the Frbidden City?

    A.T shw peple hw antiques are restred.

    B.T display relics seldm seen by rdinary peple.

    C.T draw attentin t Chinese antique restrers' lives.

    D.T praise the craftsmanship f Chinese antique restrers.

    29.Accrding t Wang Jin, we can learn that ________.

    A.he ften gets tired f his wrk

    B.there is n need t d restratin wrk fast

    C.antique restrers need t be patient and peaceful

    D.it takes years f hard wrk t adapt t antique restratin

    30.The underlined wrd “humdrum” prbably means ________.

    A.bring B.different

    C.relaxing D.unusual

    31.The bicycle­riding scene in the dcumentary is used t ________.

    A.remind the audience f the last Qing emperr

    B.shw the strange hbbies f yung antique restrers

    C.encurage the yung cnsider a career in antique restratin in the future

    D.break the ld, dull image f antique restrers


    A new study shws that rising levels f planet­warming gases may reduce imprtant nutrients (营养物) in fd crps.

    Researchers studied the effects f carbn dixide n rice. In the experiment, scientists grew 18 kinds f rice in fields in China and Japan. They set carbn dixide levels t what scientists are predicting fr ur planet by the end f the century. Rice grwn under high carbn dixide cnditins had, n average, 13 t 30 percent lwer levels f fur B vitamins and 10 percent less prtein (蛋白质). The crps als had 8 percent less irn and 5 percent less zinc than rice grwn under nrmal cnditins. Hwever, vitamin E levels increased by abut 13 percent n average.

    The researchers said the effects f planet­warming gases wuld be mst severe fr the prest citizens in sme f the least develped cuntries. These peple generally eat the mst rice and have the least cmplex diets. That includes abut 600 millin peple in Indnesia, Cambdia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Las and ther natins, mainly in Sutheast Asia.

    Other studies have shwn that higher temperatures frm climate change and weather extremes will reduce fd prductin. And scientists are finding that rising levels f carbn dixide and ther planet­warming gases threaten fd quality.

    Earlier studies shwed that wheat, rice, field peas and sybeans grwn under high carbn dixide cnditins all had lwer levels f prtein and minerals. Scientists predicted that almst 150 millin peple might be at risk f having t little prtein r zinc in their diet by 2050.

    The new study suggests a way t lwer the nutritinal harm f climate change. That is t grw different frms f rice that can adapt t higher carbn dixide levels.

    32.Grwing rice under high carbn dixide cnditins may ________.

    A.increase irn in the rice B.make it less nutritius

    C.cause lsses f vitamin E D.make it mre delicius

    33.Hw can peple reduce the nutritinal harm f climate change?

    A.By imprting rice frm China and Japan.

    B.By taking ther kinds f fd instead f rice.

    C.By aviding eating rice frm Sutheast Asia.

    D.By grwing rice suitable fr the envirnment.

    34.What's the authr's purpse f writing the text?

    A.T infrm readers what nutrients fd crps cntain.

    B.T call n peple t care fr the planet they live n.

    C.T share the results f sme studies n peple's diets.

    D.T tell readers where fd crps are mainly prduced.

    35.In which part f a magazine can yu read the text?

    A.Advertisements. B.Art and culture.

    C.Science reprts. D.Business news.



    Hw t Start a Schl Club

    Yu might hear abut all the different clubs at yur schl and wnder where did they all cme frm. __36__ This simple step­by­step guide will shw yu hw t start a club by yurself right frm the beginning t the end, including the extra things that will help yur chances f a club t be apprved.

    __37__Fr example, if the club is abut yur schl, what yu can d t imprve it, what isn't ging well, etc., fr example, Cayuga Elementary Schl, yu culd call it “Cayuga Elementary Club”.

    Find respnsible friends.__38__Every club has certain psitins that need t be filled by respnsible peple, als intelligent, and hardwrking. A club cntaining peple like this will certainly succeed. Als starting t talk with the respnsible friends will help in the planning f the club s that ne will nt have t d it by neself befrehand.

    Persuade thers t jin. Once the club is accepted,all f the wrk rests in the hands f the club's fficers. __39__ The mre members there are, the better.

    Stay rganized well. Nw that a club has started, it is nt ver yet. All f the hard parts may have passed, but there is still the maintenance f the club, withut which the club wn't stay practical.

    Prepare a speech. On the first day f yur club's start, make sure that the peple in yur club acknwledge the reasn f yur club and different requirements needed in the club. __40__

    A.Chse the club's name.

    B.Hw d yu start a schl club?

    C.Talk with the ther club members.

    D.The first thing is t get peple t jin.

    E.Yu can't start a club with nly ne member.

    F.It will make club members knw their jbs well.

    G. This will prvide a clear idea fr the club members.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



    Tw miles back dwn the rad I smelled the freshly brewed cffee. I culd almst __41__ the ht cffee, as I pulled int the lt. I wndered why it wasn’t packed. It was still __42__. S, I waited.

    In the wait, I nticed there were nly tw cars __43__, and in frnt f me was a stalled (失速的) car. I had __44__ minutes t arrive where I wrked. Unexpectedly, a __45__ hurried ut f a car tward me. She was in tears. __46__ the stranger asked me t drive arund her car. My __47__ went wild. S far, I had a perfect attendance __48__. The baseball parking lt wuld be filled by the time I wuld arrive. Even wrse, I culd __49__ my bss in the elevatr.

    __50__, I felt impressed t help the lady. I felt a little unsure, __51__ I asked her if she wuld like me t pray fr her car t start. She quickly __52__. Sn afterward, she began t weep with jy and then speak with a new cnfidence. She bravely __53__ and asked the n­lkers t help push the car ut f the drive­thrugh line.

    Befre __54__, I pushed a check int her purse, t help with the much­needed car repairs. Later that day she called t __55__ me fr everything. She was filled with excitement. Hpefully my desire fr cffee will direct me every mrning.

    41.A.ck B.taste C.sell D.deliver

    42.A.nisy B.windy C.early D.strmy

    43.A.n exhibitin B.n sale C.in fear D.in line

    44.A.nly B.still C.much D.als

    45.A.turist B.stranger C.dctr D.dancer

    46.A.Surprisingly B.Nrmally C.Gradually D.Aplgetically

    47.A.pulses B.thughts C.dreams D.requirements

    48.A.gesture B.reward C.recrd D.salary

    49.A.treat B.praise C.threaten D.meet

    50.A.Basically B.Gratefully C.Hwever D.Suddenly

    51.A.and B.s C.but D.because

    52.A.sped B.agreed C.wept D.jined

    53.A.turned B.bent C.lied D.rse

    54.A.checking B.leaving C.sighing D.fcusing

    55.A.blame B.punish C.thank D.mistake



    At present, mre and mre peple arund the wrld are learning Chinese. Last mnth, I 56.________ (receive) an email frm my cusin Jack in Canada. He said he was enthusiastic 57.________ Chinese, and asked me t find him sme bks, 58.________ (intend) fr Chinese beginners. I was very pleased t d such a favr. S I went frm ne bkstre t anther, 59.________ (hpe) t find smething 60.________ (suit) fr him. Finally, I selected a set f Chinese 61.________ (textbk) amng a variety f similar nes. Then I went t a pst ffice 62.________ (have) them sent by air withut delay. Several days later, I gt Jack's email saying that he 63.________ (real) appreciated all the bks 64.________ were given t him. I'm very glad t knw the fact that Jack is starting t learn Chinese just like many ther freigners abrad, althugh I knw it may be 65.________ enjyable challenge fr him.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)










    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


    It was raining pretty hard n Hallween,_but that wasn't ging t stp my little sister Kate and me frm trick­r­treating. We decided t start at Miss_Parsn's huse. Miss Parsn was lved by us kids wh lived nearby because she ften shared her self­made ckies with us. We usually finished them in a secnd, especially when we were hungry after class. Smetimes, when we visited her r did smething fr her, she always gave us surprise.

    Kate and I wndered what kinds f treats she'd ffer. As we walked dwn the street, I held an umbrella, and my sister's hand, a bag fr candy. Jack­'­lanterns gave sft light alng the street. Spider webs hung in all the windws. Parents wh were dressed up like mnsters (怪物) std in drways. After we had walked a few blcks, we were wet frm head t tes, and I felt Kate was trembling with cld.

    There was a light n at Miss Parsn's huse, but there were n ghsts, gblins(小妖精), r Jack­'­lanterns. We climbed up the steps and saw Miss Parsn thrugh a windw. She was drinking a cup f ht tea.

    “Maybe she desn't celebrate Hallween,” Kate said with a sigh, disappintedly.

    “Well, even if she desn't, she usually likes it when we visit her,” I said and kncked n the dr.

    Miss Parsn seemed surprised when she pened it and saw ur dressing. “Is tday Hallween?” she asked. “I cmpletely frgt. I am s srry !”





    Paragraph 1:

    Miss Parsn rushed us int her huse.______________________________________________________








    Paragraph 2:

    The next mrning,a ht and sweet discussin abut Miss Parsn and Hallween spread amng us kids.______________________________________________________








    单元素养评估(一) Unit 1


    答案:1~5 CACBB 6~10 CCBAB 11~15 CBACA

    16~20 BBAAB


    (Text 1)

    M:Wuld yu like t g t the cinema tnight?

    W:I'd like t, but I've already planned t g swimming with my friend Tina.

    (Text 2)

    W:It was such a lvely bright mrning. I almst wish I didn't have t wrk.

    M:Well, there is snw t cme later tnight, but there'll be sme heavy rain first in the afternn.

    (Text 3)

    M:OK, hw d I lk?

    W:Well, the jacket is very nice, and the shirt is all right. But dn't yu think that tie's rather thick and heavy? Perhaps a thin ne wuld be better.

    M:Oh ... I suppse yu're right.

    (Text 4)

    W:Shuld I take a taxi r a bus t the twn center?

    M:Yu can take either, but the train ges there directly. It's cheaper, t.

    W:Thanks. I'll d that instead.

    (Text 5)

    W:Why d yu use this bk t learn French?

    M:Why? Is there a prblem?

    W:Well, the texts in it are t ld. They are n lnger suitable fr tday's students.

    M:Well, actually I quite agree.


    (Text 6)

    W:James, lk at the girl ver there. She's pretty, isn't she?

    M:Wh? The girl in red r the ne in blue?

    W:Neither. I mean the girl in white behind them. She lks really pretty.

    M:Oh, that's Mary. She's a friend f my sister Anna.

    W:S d yu knw her?

    M:Yes. Anna invited her t ur hme last Sunday. We talked fr a while. I'm sure she remembers me. D yu want me t intrduce yu t her?



    (Text 7)

    W:Hi, Mark, have yu finished the maths yet?

    M:Yeah, it was really difficult.

    W:Well, I've gt tw free tickets fr the Muse cncert. I wnder if yu want t g this Saturday.

    M:Oh yeah. What time des it start?

    W:It starts at 8:00, s I'll call fr yu arund 7:00.

    M:Culd we make it a little later? I'll g t a basketball match at 3:00 and I wn't be back till just befre 7:00.

    W:OK, well 7:15, but n later — the traffic culd be quite bad.

    M:OK, n prblem.


    (Text 8)

    W:Hi, Mark. What are yu studying at cllege?

    M:Medicine. But I dn't really like it.

    W:Why? Dn't yu want t be a dctr in the future? Dctrs are respected and well paid.

    M:Yu sund just like my mther. But that's nt what I want. I'm studying medicine because my mther has always wanted me t study it.

    W:Then what d yu want t study?

    M:Art. I lve painting.

    W:Well, which painters d yu like?

    M:Lenard da Vinci, Vincent van Ggh and Pabl Picass. And I like Pabl Picass mst. S what d yu want t learn when yu g t cllege next year?

    W:Cmputer Science. Luckily, my parents supprt me.

    M:Yu're really lucky. Hw I wish I were als learning smething I truly lve!


    (Text 9)

    W:Lk at the water in the river. It is s dirty.

    M:Yes. I'm afraid the water is plluted. There must be a factry nearby.

    W:I agree. It seems that pllutin has becme a big prblem. I think we all shuld d what we can d t help imprve the envirnment.

    M:Yu can say that again. S what d yu usually d fr the envirnment?

    W:I usually recycle ld things. I think if we all recycle ld things, we can greatly help the earth. S what d yu d t help the earth?

    M:I'm in an envirnmental club. We d many things t help the earth.

    W:Can yu give me sme examples?

    M:We plant trees, clean rivers and give speeches abut the imprtance f prtecting the earth.

    W:What did yu d recently?

    M:We went t East Park and planted sme trees.

    W:Can I jin the club?

    M:Of curse yu can!


    (Text 10)

    W:Hell, everybdy! My name is Tracy. I am ne f the three lcal guides in Lndn. The ther guides are Peter and Andy. We'll take yu n a tur arund the city. The tur tmrrw starts at 10:00 am and lasts abut eight hurs. I suggest yu bring an umbrella as it is said that it is likely t rain. And wear cmfrtable walking shes if yu can. Dn't frget yur camera as there will be lts f pprtunities t take pictures. We'll visit St Paul's Cathedral, the Twer f Lndn, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. There are mrning services in St Paul's Cathedral, s please be very quiet when we are there. By the way, Peter is a histry expert. S, if any f yu are interested in histrical facts, I suggest that yu ask t jin his grup. If yu are interested in learning mre abut the amazing city, there is a guide bk n sale in the htel. It csts £2.50. I hpe yu will enjy the tur. See yu all tmrrw mrning! Try nt t be late!




    【语篇解读】 本文介绍了几处不太知名的世界遗产,南非的罗本岛、法国和西班牙的边境、巴西的巴西利亚、埃塞俄比亚的锡门国家公园。

    21.答案与解析:C 主旨大意题。由第一段“But the WHL cntains a lt f sites that are nt s bvius.”这一信息可知。

    22.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。由第三段“But it is als an area f small farms. Peple there still use a type f agriculture that used t be cmmn in muntainus areas f Eurpe but has almst cmpletely disappeared in mdern times.”这一信息可知。

    23.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由第二段“But it's prbably mst famus as a maximum­security prisn fr plitical prisners in the twentieth century.”这一信息可知。


    【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。一只熊闯入Mark Hugh家的后院,Mark Hugh用手机录下了这只熊的活动过程。

    24.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“fr safety reasns”可知,Mark Hugh唯恐遭到熊的袭击而回到家。

    25.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段中“He fund his phne and began recrding vide...”可知,Mark Hugh自己用手机录下了视频。

    26.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Later in the day, Hugh was talking t a neighbur when sme tree leaves fell t the grund. Hugh lked up t see the bear sleeping in the tree.”可知,那天熊最后被发现时是在树上。

    27.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据倒数第一段中推特用户的评论可知,推特用户对这只熊的行为感到惊讶,故B项正确。其余选项与文章不符。


    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了电影《我在故宫修文物》的故事情节。

    28.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的Instead, the dcumentary film, which came ut in Chinese cinemas n Dec. 16, fcuses n rdinary peple—the restrers(做修复工作的人)f relics and antiquities(古董).可知这部纪录片的主要目的是让人们注意文物修复者的生活。

    29.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“If yu chse this jb, yu have t stand hurs f wrk sitting n a chair. Yu need t be quiet and get used t being quiet,” expert.可知古董修复者需要有耐心并习惯这种安静的生活。

    30.答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。根据文章第四段中的nt nly skill, but als faith and spirit和“Lking fr precisin and perfectin, devting yurself t wrk, patience, endurance(忍耐力), these qualities cme frm the ‘craftsman spirit’.”可推知这种工作很无聊、单调。

    31.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Masters in the Frbidden City has prved many peple's ideas abut antique restrers wrng, allwing them t realize that they are nt ld, dull prfessrs, but peple in their 40s, 30s and even 20s wh can be quite pleasing t the eye.可知纪录片中骑自行车这一幕是用来打破古董修复者年老呆滞的形象的。


    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了温室气体如何减少粮食作物中的营养物质以及降低气候变化对营养物的损害的方法。

    32.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Rice grwn under high carbn dixide cnditins had, n average, 13 t 30 percent lwer prtein (蛋白质).”可知,B项为正确答案。A、C、D三项的表述均与原文表述不符。

    33.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“That is t grw different frms f rice that can adapt t higher carbn dixide levels.”可知,D项为正确答案。

    34.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文通过介绍温室气体增加对粮食作物的影响来唤起人们对人类赖以生存的地球家园的保护,故选B。

    35.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是文中的“study”“Researchers”“studies”等可推知,本文是一篇研究报道,在杂志的科学报道部分能读到本文。


    【语篇解读】 在学校里,有各种各样的俱乐部,也许你会想,它们是怎么成立的呢?本文对于如何建立俱乐部给出了一些具体的建议。

    36.答案与解析:B 考查过渡衔接句。根据后面的“This simple step­by­ step guide will shw yu hw t start a club by yurself righ frm the beginning t the end(以下是简单的一步一步地指导,都是指导如何建立一个学校俱乐部的)”,因此是回答B项的问题,故选B。

    37.答案与解析:A 考查主旨概括句。根据本段的“ culd call it ‘Cayuga Elementary Club’.”可知,本段主要介绍如何给自己的学校俱乐部起名字。故选A。

    38.答案与解析:E 考查过渡衔接句。根据空格前面的主题句“Find respnsible friends.”和后面的“Als starting t talk with the respnsible friends will help in the planning f the club”可知,这里是要求寻求能帮助你的人,不能一个人建立俱乐部。故选E。

    39.答案与解析:D 考查细节注释句。根据本段的标题“Persuade thers t jin.”“劝说人们加入俱乐部”,可知D项与此意义呼应。故选D。

    40.答案与解析:F 考查细节注释句。根据空格前面的“make sure that the peple in yur club acknwledge the reasn f yur club and different requirements needed in the club.”可知,这里是说告诉人们俱乐部成立的原因、要求等,与F项“让俱乐部成员了解他们的工作”意义一致。故选F。



    【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文。我上班途中遭遇堵车,因为一辆车的缘故差点导致我迟到。但是在那时我主动伸出了援助之手,帮助那位车主摆脱了困境。

    41.答案与解析:B 根据前面I smelled the freshly brewed cffee.判断,我几乎可以品尝(taste)到咖啡。

    42.答案与解析:C 根据上文it was nt packed,可知,还很早(early)。

    43.答案与解析:D 根据前面的In the wait,后面的in frnt f me was a stalled(失速的) car.判断,我注意到前面只有两辆车排队(in line)。

    44.答案与解析:A 我到达工作的地方只有(nly)几分钟的时间。

    45.答案与解析:B 后面提到the stranger asked me t,判断stranger恰当。

    46.答案与解析:D 她的车失速并且挡在我车前面,所以她来道歉(Aplgetically)。

    47.答案与解析:B 后面提到了自己的一些想法,这里指我的思绪(thughts)无法控制。

    48.答案与解析:C 我在等车,可是离上班时间只有几分钟。同时根据a perfect attendance判断,我的考勤记录(recrd)很完美。

    49.答案与解析:D 担心迟到时在电梯里会遇到(meet)老板。

    50.答案与解析:D 这里指我的思绪突然(Suddenly)转变,希望帮助这位妇女。

    51.答案与解析:C 前后句子在逻辑上为转折关系,所以用but。

    52.答案与解析:B 根据前面提到的asked her if she wuld like me t pray fr her car t start.和后面说she began t weep with jy判断,她很快就同意了(agreed)。

    53.答案与解析:A 她让旁观者帮忙,她勇敢地转身(turned)。

    54.答案与解析:B 在离开(leaving)前,我把一张支票放到她钱包里。

    55.答案与解析:C 我给予了她帮助,所以她在那天晚些时候给我打电话表示感谢(thank)。


    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过介绍“我”的表弟想学中文,让“我”买相关书籍说明世界各地越来越多的人都在学习汉语。

    56.答案与解析:received 考查动词的时态。根据本句时间状语“Last mnth”可知,用一般过去时。

    57.答案与解析:abut/ver 考查介词。be enthusiastic abut/ver意为“对……有热情”。

    58.答案与解析:intended 考查非谓语动词。be intended fr sb./sth.表示“为某人/某物而提供(设计)的”,此处用过去分词形式作后置定语。

    59.答案与解析:hping 考查非谓语动词。I与hpe之间是主动关系,所以用动词­ing形式。

    60.答案与解析:suitable 考查词性转换。修饰不定代词smething,用形容词。

    61.答案与解析:textbks 考查名词。上面提到“a set f”,所以是“一套中文教材”,需用名词的复数形式。

    62.答案与解析:t have 考查非谓语动词。此处为动词不定式短语作目的状语。

    63.答案与解析:really 考查副词。修饰动词短语“appreciated all the bks”,应该用副词形式。

    64.答案与解析:that 考查定语从句的引导词。设空处引导定语从句,从句中缺少主语,同时先行词有不定代词all来修饰,故用that而不用which。

    65.答案与解析:an 考查冠词。置于元音音素开头的单词enjyable前面修饰名词challenge,所以用不定冠词an。




    The Great Wall, which is mre than 6,000 kilmeters lng, is the lngest wall in the wrld. It has a histry f mre than 2,000 years. It is made f stne and bricks and almst all the cnstructin was dne by hand withut any machine. As the wall was built t defend the cuntry against freign invaders, there were watchtwers every few hundred meters alng the wall. Nw, the Great Wall is ne f the mst famus places f interest in China and it attracts many visitrs every year.

    If yu have a chance t visit it, yu will be delighted with the great turist attractin.



    Paragraph 1:

    Miss Parsn rushed us int her huse. “It's cld ut here,” she said. My sister's face was shining frm the rain and Miss_Parsn dried her cheeks. “Thank yu,” Kate said. “Trick r treat?”

    “Oh,right! Treats,” said Miss Parsn in surprise. Then she disappeared fr a mment and came back with a big smile n her face. “Open thse bags wide,” she said. She drpped tw bxes f cca (可可) int ur bags. “Winter is just arund the crner,” she said. “Sme ht cca will keep yu warm.”

    “Thank yu,” we bth said. “Happy Hallween!”

    Paragraph 2:

    The next mrning, a ht and sweet discussin abut Miss Parsn and Hallween spread amng us kids. We tld Mm abut hw Miss Parsn had frgtten Hallween and abut what she had given t us and the ther kids. “It sunds as if nbdy was very upset,even thugh she frgt Hallween,” said Mm. “N,we were happy,” I said. “Althugh she didn't give us candy,_it was kind f fun fr us all t get smething different fr a change. I hpe it will becme a Hallween traditin t give ut unusual treats.”

    有2 000多年的历史
    世界上最长的城墙,长6 000多千米;



    期末素养评估(二) 【新教材】人教版(2019)必修第二册: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册本册综合精品课时练习,共20页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.In 1902, Take a hike !等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions优秀练习: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions优秀练习,共19页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.$20, B.20,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀当堂检测题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀当堂检测题,共19页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.On July 11, B.17,________ alive等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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