- (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册教学讲义:Welcome unit Section Ⅲ Grammar——句子成分及简单句的基本句型 教案 17 次下载
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人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit精品教案设计
展开Section Ⅴ Writing——写一个学生的自我画像
1.My name is...,I'm in Grade 10 at...school.
2.I'm...,I'm studying at...school.
3.I'm...,I'm 16 years old.
4.I'm...,coming from....
5.My name is...,studying at a senior high school in....
1.I have an outgoing personality so I can make friends....
2.I'm an active person and I love sports.
3.My favourite subject is....
4.I like...best.
5....is my hobby.
1.I plan to become...in the future.
2.My dream is to start my own...company when I grow up.
3.I wish I would be a...one day.
4.I hope I can become...in the end.
5.I feel much more confident that...
6.I think that my future tomorrow will....
体裁 | 应用文 | 时态 | 一般现在时为主 |
主题 | 自我简介 | 人称 | 第一人称 |
结构 | 第一段:写清楚自己的年龄、姓名、就读学校等。 第二段:分析自己的性格特点、爱好等。 第三段:明确自己的理想目标或计划等。 |
1.personality 性格,个性
2.outgoing 爱交际的,外向的
3.organize 组织;安排
4.make an impression on 给……留下好印象
5.senior high school 高中
6.be curious about 对……好奇
1.I have an outgoing personality,so I like taking part in all kinds of sports.
2.I am curious about everything new around me.
3.I think it very important to learn Chinese well.
4.My dream is to become an English teacher when I grow up.
我的梦想是长大当一名英语老师。(to do作表语)
My name is Li Hua,I come from XinHua senior high school in Beijing.
→My name is Li Hua coming from XinHua senior high school in Beijing.
6.我想知道周围的一切新事物。(用be curious about改写)
I went to know everything new around me.
→I'm curious about everything new around me.
I like English best and my English teacher was impressed by me on the first day of senior high school.
→My favorite subject is English and I made a good impression on my English teacher on the first day of senior high school.
My name is Li Hua coming from XinHua senior high school in Beijing.I'm in Grade 10 now.
I have an outgoing personality,so I like taking part in all kinds of sports.At the same time I like organizing some games in our school.Dancing is my hobby.I'm curious about everything new around me.I think it very important to learn well.English is my favorite subject,and I made a good impression on my English teacher on the first day of senior high school.
My dream is to become an English teacher when I grow up.
【导读】 每个人都有着不同的童年,作者希望可以重新回到童年,培养自己不同的素养,那么刚刚走出童年的你读完这篇文章有什么感悟呢?
If I Were a Boy Again
If I were a boy again,I would cultivate courage.“Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage,nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice,” says a wise author.We too often borrow trouble,and anticipate that may never appear.“The fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear.” Dangers will arise in any career,but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them.Be prepared for any fate,and there is no harm to be feared.
If I were a boy again I would look on the cheerful side.Life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it,it smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it,you will get a similar look in return. Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner,but of all that come in contact with it.“Who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut from love.”
If I were a boy again,I would school myself to say “No” oftener.I might write pages on the importance of leaning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect,and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.
If I were a boy again,I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends,and indeed towards strangers as well.The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long,and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
Finally,instead of trying hard to be happy,as if that were the only purpose of life,I would,if I were a boy again,try still harder to make others happy.
假如我又回到了童年,我就要培养勇气。一位明智的作家曾说过:“世上没有东西比勇气更温文尔雅,也没有东西比懦怯更残酷无情。”我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天。 “怕祸害比祸害本身更可怕。”凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能克服最严重的危险。对一切祸福做好准备,那么就没有什么灾难可以害怕的了。
假如我又回到了童年,我就要事事乐观。生活犹如一面镜子:你朝它笑,它也朝你笑; 如果你双眉紧锁,向它投以怀疑的目光,它也将还以你同样的目光。内心的欢乐不仅温暖了欢乐者自己的心,也温暖了所有与之接触者的心。“谁拒爱于门外,也必将被爱拒之门外。”
假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成经常说“不”字的习惯。一个少年要能挺得起腰, 拒绝做不应该做的事,就因为这事不值得做。我可以写上好几页谈谈早年培养这一点的重要性。
最后,假如我又回到了童年,我不会力图为自己谋幸福,好像这就是人生唯一的目的; 与之相反,我要更努力为他人谋幸福。
1.cultivate vt.培养
2.cowardice n.怯懦, 胆小
3.exceed vt.超过,胜过
4.erect adj.竖直的, 笔直的
5.companion n.伙伴, 同伴
6.courtesy n.礼貌
原著作者:本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)(1706.1.17-1790.4.17),出生于波士顿,是美国著名政治家、科学家,同时也是出版商、印刷商、记者、作家、慈善家,更是杰出的外交家及发明家。
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