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    考点19 完形填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过(浙江专版) 试卷
    考点19 完形填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过(浙江专版) 试卷01
    考点19 完形填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过(浙江专版) 试卷02
    考点19 完形填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过(浙江专版) 试卷03
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    考点19 完形填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过(浙江专版) 试卷

    考点十九 完形填空

    1. 能够掌握足够的词汇量,正确运用词类和词语的正确搭配。包括名词、代词、冠词、动词等词类和短语等。
    2. 基础语法知识。包括句法、固定搭配、句型、词语加惯用法、时态、语态、主从复合句等。
    3. 还应具有一定的语言运用能力、阅读能力、理解能力、综合分析能力和逻辑判断能力。
    ① 以语篇为载体,测试语言知识和语言能力。试题既考查学生对短文的整体理解能力,也考查学生运用语法知识、词汇知识的能力以及对事物的逻辑推理、分析判断能力。
    ② 以意义填空为主。试题在着重考查考生阅读理解能力的前提下,兼顾对语言知识、常识、逻辑推理能力的考查。
    ③ 降低对单词本身词义的考查要求,注重考查对全文意义的理解。中考完形填空备选项中所涉及的词汇基本上都是常见的初级词汇。
    ④ 考点分布符合考查目的。试题以名词、动词、形容词和副词等信息词汇为考查重点,淡化对介词、连词、冠词等结构词的考查,以检测学生在具体情境中灵活运用所学知识的能力。
    1. 选文特点:
    ① 以叙述文体的小故事为主;
    ② 篇幅一般在200~300词之间;
    ③ 难度略低于阅读理解中的短文;
    ④ 所选短文语言地道、纯正,结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强。
    2. 设空特点
    ① 首句通常不挖空,以便考生对短文前提和背景有个较清楚的了解,从而使考生尽快熟悉语境、推测文章大意。
    ② 短文设空平均密度为10—20个单词设一个空。
    3. 选项特点
    ① 每个小题所给的四个选项一般都属于同一词性,语意范畴相同。长短相宜,避免了对答案的明显暗示,彼此之间也不会出现相互包容的情况。偶尔有个别小题的四个选项的词性不同,但其语法功能大都一样。
    ② 单从语法角度,甚至从某一句的角度来看,干扰项都可以和空前或空后的文字形成某种搭配,从而形成一定的干扰或起到迷惑作用。
    ③ 选项使用词汇没有重复,尽可能增加考查内容的覆盖面。
    4. 考查特点
    5. 难处暗示特点

    1. 通读全文,了解大意。
    2. 重视首句的开篇启示作用。
    3. 抓住关键词,根据上下文解题。
    4. 重读全文,验证答案。
    1. 充分利用首句作为解题的突破口。
    2. 根据上下文的逻辑意义确定答案。
    3. 从词汇的意义和用法方面考虑。
      4. 积累习惯用法和固定搭配。
    5. 依据作者的态度和观点。
    6. 注意分析句子结构。
    7. 依据生活经验和常识。

    People who have special needs for children understand that even small success means a lot. We’ve learned to respect people who work very hard to do ____1____ things, like learning to tie shoes.
    My eight-year-old son, Brian, wanted to win an award(奖,奖金) by learning to tie his own shoes. He was given ten days to prepare for the goal. Because Brian has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症), our whole family ____2____ him. Days passed and he could not do it and he cried. We cried with him. The day came for the meeting. We were worried about our lack of ability to teach such a simple task and spoke ____3____ about not taking him to the meeting that night. We didn’t want to make him sad.
    I nearly opened my ____4____ to tell him that it wasn’t important for him to learn to tie his shoes. But before I did that, his older sister ____5____ a new idea.
    "Brian," she softly asked, "why don’t you try closing your eyes? See if you can tie your shoes in your imagination. That way, if you get up to go someplace early before the sun comes up, you can tie your shoes in the ____6____ ."
    Brian sat, with eyes closed, and tied his shoes perfectly. We looked at each other excitedly. And then we ____7____ to his meeting.
    Brian went first. He, with eyes closed, ____8____ an award that might weight more than an Olympic Gold Medal. Tears of joy fell.
    Brian turned something difficult into something ordinary, small and simple. When he found a new ____9____ to solve the problem, it became an important event because it was really difficult for him. We all cheered for him. Brian still ties his shoes as his big sister suggested so many years ago.
    Since then, I believe that when things get difficult and I can’t find a solution to a problem, I just close my eyes and find a ____10____ way.
    1. A. strange B. simple C. creative D. difficult
    2. A. stopped B. fed C. found D. taught
    3. A. quietly B. excitedly C. happily D. loudly
    4. A. mouth B. eyes C. book D. door
    5. A. forgot B. needed C. had D. cancelled
    6. A. daytime B. flat C. space D. dark
    7. A. walked B. flied C. hurried D. dropped
    8. A. lost B. got C. bought D. sent
    9. A. bridge B. business C. way D. lab
    10. A. different B. useful C. wonderful D. formal
    Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are. When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, it’s 1 to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China it’s OK to 2 a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isn’t noisy and 3 , you may think there’s something wrong with it. However, in many western countries, restaurants are 4 places. If people at a table talk too loud, other people who are eating there might even 5 to the owner of the restaurant.
    Paying the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for 6 . In western countries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients (宴请宾客), but 7 friends eat together, they usually share the cost. This is called "going Dutch (均摊费用)". Also, when westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the 8 . This is called "leaving a tip". Leaving a tip is thought to be polite. In the U.S., it’s 9 to leave tips of 10%, 15%, or 20% of the bill, which is decided by how good the service(服务) is. Good waiters can make a lot of money!
    The way people eat food is not the same in different parts of the world, but you can 10 the same kinds of food in many countries. Chinese and Indian foods, for example, are popular all over the world.
    1. A. popular B. difficult C. important D. enjoyable
    2. A. cause B. keep C. hear D. make
    3. A. lively B. friendly C. lucky D. polite
    4. A. noisy B. quiet C. busy D. clean
    5. A. shout B. explain C. complain D. speak
    6. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none
    7. A. until B. when C. unless D. since
    8. A. gatekeeper B. seller C. waiter D. visitor
    9. A. terrible B. common C. serious D. unusual
    10. A. invent B. discover C. prefer D. find

    (一)【2019 • 浙江省绍兴市】

        A video showing a 12-year-old boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlight, has been watched several million times on Facebook after being 1  by local police.
        Staff at the Moche police station first 2  Victor Martin late last month, while checking security cameras(监控摄像). They found a young boy sitting on the sidewalk by 3  at night. At first, they thought he was doing something bad, but later they realized he was 4  writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight overhead. Moved by the boy’s 5 , the police shared the video on Facebook.
        At the time of this writing, Victor’s heartwarming and 6  heartbreaking story has spread all around the world. Local TV station 7  to find the boy and sat down with his mother to learn why he was doing his homework on the street instead of at home.
        It turns out that the 12-year-old’s family is so 8  that they couldn’t pay for electricity(电), so they just depended on a 9  during the night. Unluckily, Victor Martin could 10  finish his homework before the sun went down, and recently he couldn’t 11  the weak candlelight any more.
        "One day, my son said 12  I continue with the candle, I will be crazy! I’d better go outside to finish my homework, "Rosa Angulo Cordoba told Panamericana TV. She 13  that Victor’s neck would often become hard to move because of tilting(倾斜) his head to let the candlelight through.
    Victor’s mother said that although he 14  housework and takes care of the family sheep every day, the sixth grader takes 15  very seriously and gets good grades.
    1. A. shared B. taken C. discussed D. praised
    2. A. met B. interviewed C. noticed D. caught
    3. A. itself B. yourself C. myself D. himself
    4. A. shyly B. actually C. carelessly D. certainly
    5. A. wish B. plan C. spirit D. hobby
    6. A. by the way B. at least C. at the same time D. in the end
    7. A. managed B. stopped C. promised D. refused
    8. A. traditional B. popular C. special D. poor
    9. A. flash B. candle C. camera D. fire
    10. A. seldom B. even C. only D. still
    11. A. change B. stand C. enjoy D. protect
    12. A. Although B. Because C. If D. Until
    13. A. added B. warned C. hoped D. lied
    14. A. puts off B. worries about C. gives up D. helps with
    15. A. health B. school C. friendship D. safety
    (二)【2019 • 浙江省杭州市】
    Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete(运动员), and a person who also refuses to accept the words no or I can’t.
    She was born without the lower half of her 21 and has worn prosthetic(假体) ones all her life. She grew up in Alabama, US and had a(n) 22 childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. She feels lucky 23 her family treated her in just the same way as the other members.
    When a person is born without legs, there are plenty of things that are 24 to do. But Katy believed she could 25 anything. So she chose two jobs that are difficult, 26 with both legs. As a teenager, she once saw a good movie. Before it was 27 , Katy had made her mind up to be a(n) 28 .
    She did a degree in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has played 29 in theater, television and movies. She has a positive(积极的) view of life. She thinks that if you believe 30 can do something, you should 31 it. So when Katy’s friend asked her 32 she’d like to try running, she said "yes". She was given a pair of running legs and she 33 her new life.
    Katy was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to 34 running as a competitive sport. She entered the final of the 100 meters in the 2012 London Paralympics.
    Katy’s family, friends, and fans look up to her as an 35 of someone who has overcome her difficulty and achieved her dreams.
    21. A. arms B. legs C. feet D. hands
    22. A. embarrassing B. lonely C. active D. strange
    23. A. though B. unless C. before D. because
    24. A. difficult B. important C. possible D. easy
    25. A. achieve B. accept C. examine D. prevent
    26. A. just B. also C. even D. ever
    27. A. up B. over C. on D. out
    28. A. athlete B. writer C. actress D. coach
    29. A. games B. music C. sports D. roles
    30. A. you B. we C. she D. they
    31. A. depend on B. go for C. get used to D. look after
    32. A. whether B. how C. when D. why
    33. A. shared B. started C. changed D. prepared
    34. A. fix up B. show up C. take up D. set up
    35. A. ancestor B. enemy C. influence D. example
    (三)【2019 • 浙江省湖州市】
    My neighbor is a doctor. He and his wife are some of the 1 people I have ever met. A few years ago, we started this kind of "favor war" where one of us would do something kind for the other, such as 2 the driveway or building a shed, and next time the other would 3 to top it with another favor.
    Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I 4 he shoveled(铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip last 5 . So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor 6 . It took a while but I finished it with another favor.
    That night I got a 7 on my door. It was my neighbor. He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling 8 driveway and side walk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and 9 a boy.
    "As soon as I started the car early this morning, a(n) 10 came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. 11 , my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance(救护车) 10 minutes," added he. "A young boy got to live his life 12 you did me that favor earlier this morning. "
    It wasn’t too much 13 to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.
    14 favor is too small. Even the smallest favor can make the biggest 15 . One favor will always be followed by another.
    1. A. nicest B. busiest C. richest D. happiest
    2. A. looking for B. going down C. cleaning up D. walking across
    3. A. try B. stop C. agree D. refuse
    4. A. saw B. thought C. expected D. remembered
    5. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
    6. A. soon B. back C. again D. first
    7. A. note B. kick C. gift D. knock
    8. A. my B. our C. his D. your
    9. A. met B. saved C. supported D. encouraged
    10. A. call B. card C. letter D. invitation
    11. A. Finally B. Actually C. Luckily D. Suddenly
    12. A. when B. unless C. because D. though
    13. A. practice B. trouble C. attention D. experience
    14. A. No B. Any C. Some D. Each
    15. A. choice B. progress C. decision D. difference
    (四)【2019 • 浙江省金华市】
    After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate to walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced(瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there. I knew right then that I had 2 my best friend.
    After dinner, Mom asked, "Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?"I shrugged(耸肩) and said nothing. The next morning, Mom asked, "Today is 3 , What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again. " 4 is Jemma?"Mom took a look at me. Then she said, "Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?" 5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went 6 her. Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug.
    Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a (an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table. Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair."That’s Beth Lambert, " she said. "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." I was 8 at that."Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn’t want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt 10 that."I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I knew I’d start 11 if I opened my mouth.
    Grandma hugged me again. "Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen to anyone," she continued. "Then, see him?" Grandma’s finger 13 to a boy with glasses in the photo. "He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, I said ‘hello’. And we became friends."
    "So if we want to start a new friendship," she smiled. "One 15 is all it took."
    As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, "Hello."
    1. A. it B. them C. her D. him
    2. A. lost B. hurt C. forgotten D. beaten
    3. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday
    4. A. How B. Where C. Which D. Who
    5. A. As B. Before C. After D. Until
    6. A. to B. past C. with D. against
    7. A. card B. photo C. poster D. advertisement
    8. A. glad B. angry C. satisfied D. surprised
    9. A. together B. outside C. differently D. quickly
    10. A. less than B. because of C. more than D. instead of
    11. A. singing B. laughing C. shouting D. crying
    12. A. old B. separate C. strong D. close
    13. A. moved B. connected C. returned D. waved
    14. A. so B. but C. for D. and
    15. A. hug B. smile C. word D. question
    (五)【2019 • 浙江省宁波市】
    Charlie Chaplin’s parents separated a year after his birth in 1889. He lived with his mother and elder brother in a flat in London.
    Mrs. Chaplin managed to ___1___ her children, her own with the money she made as a singer.
    ___2___, their economic(经济的) situation changed when she became ill with laryngitis(喉炎) in 1894. Instead of resting her ___3___ until it got better, Mrs. Chaplin kept on singing. Her voice got weaker and weaker and she began to find it ___4___ to find well-paid work.
    One evening Charlie happened to be in the theatre ___5___his mother singing on
    stage. Suddenly, her voice ___6___ . She tried to finish the song, but the audience (观众) began to whistle and got angry. Mrs. Chaplin could not continue any longer and walked ___7___ the stage crying.
    The stage manager knew he had to do something quickly ___8___ the embarrassing situation. He remembered Charlie once sang at a party. He ___9___ took Charlie by the hand to the stage. After a brief introduction, he left Charlie to please the audience.
    Charlie began to sing and dance in front of hundreds of people. The audience enjoyed the_____10_____ very much and began to throw money ____11____ Charlie saw this, he immediately stopped singing and announced to the audience that first he would ____12____ the money and then he would finish the song. The audience found this announcement especially ____13____ and started to throw even more money onto the stage.
    Charlie felt perfectly at home on stage. He did not feel ____14____ at all and danced and sang more songs to the audience. To his amazement, there was more ____15____ and more money throwing.
    That night was Charlie’s first public performance on the stage and his mothers last.
    1. A. support B. leave C. ask D. face
    2. A. Although B. So C. However D. Besides
    3. A. sight B. voice C. smell D. hearing
    4. A. easy B. difficult C. interesting D. boring
    5. A. feeling B. keeping C. realizing D. watching
    6. A. rested B. dropped C. broke D. raised
    7. A. onto B. off C. towards D. around
    8. A. create B. save C. continue D. explain
    9. A. slowly B. patiently C. quickly D. coldly
    10. A. thought B. description C. speech D. performance
    11. A. If B. Till C. When D. Before
    12. A. take out B. throw away C. put down D. pick up
    13. A. funny B. lucky C. helpful D. painful
    14. A. shy B. sad C. satisfied D. excited
    15. A. trouble B. anger C. silence D. laughter

    From the start, I sensed something special about my brother Joe. Born premature (早产), he spent his first few 1 in an incubator (恒温箱). I was four years old, having no 2 of babies. “What is that?” I said the day he 3 came home. “That’s your brother,” said my mother softly. “Call him Joe.” I touched him gently with my little hand and he grabbed hold of my finger. “Wow,” I said, “he’s strong.”
    Little did I know, Joe would prove 4 than the sum of his diseases: the weakness in his legs, the limits of his mind, the never-ending night of his vision.
    When he was six months old, my mother brought him home from a regular checkup from the hospital and told me to watch him while she was 5 supper in the kitchen. We started playing a game that I called “dogs” — rolling on the floor like pups (小狗). Then I looked up and saw my mother watching us. She was crying sadly. “Poor Joe, he’s 6 ,” she whispered, with 7 in her eyes. “The doctor told me today.”
    I looked at Joe, who was laughing happily. “He can’t be blind,” I argued. “He’s truly smiling at my face.”
    “Oh, no, honey. He smiles at your 8 ,” she replied. “He’ll never see your face.”
    When he was seven, Joe spent a month in a hospital, following an operation that failed to help his legs. Walking without support seemed 9 for him ever since. From the age of eight, he 10 a school for the deaf and the blind, learning to read Braille (盲文). He was always 11 , and when he was 16, the school said he had learned enough and sent him home. However, nothing could 12 him from learning and becoming independent. At 21, Joe moved out to live on his own, as he said, “Like a man, I am able to 13 by myself as a consultant (顾问).” He learned to cook, clean, do his own laundry and almost anything he 14 , which were joyful experiences for him.
    Then he met the 15 of his life. They dated three weeks before getting married. Joe called me proudly, “Even a blind man can fall in love at first sight.”
    1. A. seconds B. minutes C. weeks D. years
    2. A. understanding B. judgment C. practice D. opinion
    3. A. gradually B. especially C. finally D. luckily
    4. A. brighter B. stronger C. weaker D. slower
    5. A. paying B. serving C. preparing D. examining
    6. A. mad B. dumb C. deaf D. blind
    7. A. disappointment B. embarrassment C. delight D. anger
    8. A. performance B. influence C. expressions D. voice
    9. A. easy B. crazy C. difficult D. relaxing
    10. A. graduated from B. boarded at C. dropped by D. passed by
    11. A. hard-working B. warm-hearted C. stressed out D. polite
    12. A. tell B. excuse C. separate D. prevent
    13. A. take actions B. make a living C. make progress D. keep secrets
    14. A. regretted B. enjoyed C. copied D. hated
    15. A. love B. example C. courage D. challenge
    Many years ago my dad fell seriously ill. He was unable to work alone as a 16 in his studio because he would fall suddenly ill and have to stay in hospital. Suffering from the great pain, he still wanted to help others, which could keep him 17 . So he decided to volunteer at the local children’s 18 . My dad loved kids. He would talk to them and teach them how to paint as he used to do in the studio.One of his kids was a girl whose disease paralyzed her from the neck down. She couldn’t move any parts of her body except her 19 . It was so sad for a little girl that she just 20 in be all day long, doing nothing. So my dad decided to help her. He started 21 her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He 22 the paper on the wall, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint with his mouth. At first, the little girl 23 responded to my father, she just glanced at him and then turned her head away. However, it didn’t shake my father’s determination of cheering her up. He continued to visit her whenever he 24 and painted without his hands at all. All the time he told her, "See, you can do 25 as long as you set your mind to, even walk again" Gradually, she began to change and took an interest in 26 my father had taught her-painting with her mouth. She and my dad became friends. Before long, the little girl was sent home because the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. My dad also left the children’s hospital and returned to work. They didn’t see each other until one day she appeared at the front door of my father’s studio with 27 on her face, The little girl who had been paralyzed was 28 this time! When she saw my father, she ran straight 29 him and hugged him really tight. She gave my father a picture she had drawn with her mouth. At the bottom it read, "Thank you for helping me walk."
    Sometimes love is more 30 than doctors, and my dad, who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture, loved every single child in that hospital.
    16. A. singer B. dancer C. painter D. doctor
    17. A. busy B. tired C. anxious D. free
    18. A. center B. stadium C. hospital D. library
    19. A. head B. arms C. legs D. feet
    20. A. read B. lay C. ate D. played
    21. A. protecting B. visiting C. joining D. treating
    22. A. put up B. pointed at C. went through D. handed in
    23. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never
    24. A. should B. must C. might D. could
    25. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
    26. A. why B. what C. how D. where
    27. A. pleasure B. kindness C. pressure D. purpose
    28. A. talking B. walking C. smiling D. waiting
    29. A. past B. beside C. around D. towards
    30. A. reasonable B. generous C. positive D. powerful
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Thank you for coming to attend the graduate ceremony. First of all,I’d like to 31 all the students who are here today. I remember 32 all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school. You were so full of energy and thirsty 33 knowledge. And some of you were a little difficult to deal with!But today,you’ve all grown up so 34 and I am so proud of you.
    Although you’ve all worked very hard over the last three years,none of you did it 35 . I hope you’ll remember the important 36 in your lives who helped and supported you. Please consider what they’ve done for you. Never 37 to be thankful to the people around you.
    Lastly,the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new 38 . You will have many difficult tasks 39 you. You’ll make mistakes along the way,but the key is to 40 your mistakes and never give up. But along with difficulties,there will also be many 41 things waiting for you. Learn the new things,and you’ll have the ability to make your own choices. Choose 42 and be responsible for your decisions and actions. 43 you have to go your separate ways now,I hope that you’ll come back to visit our school in a few years’ time. As you 44 on your new journey,you shouldn’t forget where you came form. The future is 45 .
    Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!
    31. A. introduce B. congratulate C. suggest D. support
    32. A. meeting B. met C. meet D. to meet
    33. A. of B. with C. for D. in
    34. A. little B. much C. few D. many
    35. A. lonely B. quickly C. alone D. correctly
    36. A. things B. moments C. schoolwork D. people
    37. A. fail B. hope C. remember D. continue
    38. A. job B. ride C. life D. idea
    39. A. across form B. ahead of C. behind D. above
    40. A. copy B. write down C. follow D. learn from
    41. A. exciting B. excited C. boring D. bored
    42. A. quickly B. slowly C. wisely D. quietly
    43. A. If B. Because C. Unless D. Although
    44. A. set off B. set out C. set up D. set down
    45. A. theirs B. yours C. his D. hers
    "When you start to talk about responsibility(责任), I thought of a time in my life when I didn’t want to accept(承担) responsibility for anything," Elena said. "It was one of the most 1 times of my life. I don’t know 2 , but I just felt like I had no control over anything. Part of the problem was that I was feeling very unsure of myself."
    "I started going around with a group of children who were always in 3 . I guess all of us were unsure, but nobody talked about it. Some of the children were taking drugs(毒品), so I had to prove (证明)how cool I was and 4 them too. I started staying out late, not doing my homework, and 5 my parents a lot. And if they tried to talk with me about what was wrong, I’d tell them they didn’t understand me. 6 I didn’t feel that the children I stayed with understood me, either. Most of them just listened to music all the time and didn’t talk much."
    "I was really going downhill until an old friend visited me from Toronto — we were the best friends, but she moved away two years ago. We could talk about 7 . She really understood me and looked at me and said, "Elena, what is wrong with you? You’ve changed so much, and I don’t like that!" She really felt worried about me. And she 8 to help me out. From then on, I began to know I must 9 responsibility for my life. That group of children decided what I should do, but I know they didn’t really care about me 10 ."
    1. A. unhappy B. unusual C. different D. important
    2. A. how B. why C. it D. that
    3. A. danger B. trouble C. love D. need
    4. A. played B. made C. enjoyed D. wanted
    5. A. talked with B. communicated with C. worried about D. argued with
    6. A. So B. But C. Or D. For
    7. A. anything B. something C. some things D. nothing
    8. A. got in the way B. was on the way C. went out of her way D. got out of her way
    9. A. accept B. finish C. forget D. stop
    10. A. anymore B. after all C. no longer D. at all
    This is a story about love.
    There was once a 1 girl who hoped so much for love. One day 2 she was walking in the woods, she found two hungry songbirds. She took them home and put them in a small cage, caring them with love. Luckily, the birds grew strong little by little. Every morning they greeted her 3 a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds.
    One day the girl 4 the door to the cage open accidentally. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was so frightened that he would fly away so as he flew close, she caught him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her success in catching him. Suddenly, she felt the bird go limp(无力的), so she opened her hand and looked 5 at the dead bird. It was her strong love that had killed him.
    She noticed 6 bird moving back and forth in the cage. She could feel 7 strong wish to fly into the clear, blue sky. 8 , she carried him from the cage and tossed(投掷) him softly into the air. The lucky bird circled once, twice, three times.
    The girl watched delightedly at the bird. Her heart was no longer concerned(忧虑) with her loss.
    What she wanted to see most was that the bird could fly happily. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the 9 song that she had ever heard.
    Remember, the fastest way to 10 love is to hold on it too tight. The best way to keep love is to give it wings!
    1. A. alone B. cheerful C. lonely D. clever
    2. A. after B. while C. before D. then
    3. A. with B. through C. for D. without
    4. A. found B. forgot C. saw D. left
    5. A. in danger B. in surprise C. in trouble D. in need
    6. A. the other B. another C. other D. the others
    7. A. her B. their C. his D. it
    8. A. Uncertainly B. Certainly C. Unwillingly D. Willingly
    9. A. saddest B. sweetest C. loudest D. coolest
    10. A. get B. catch C. accept D. lose
    (湖北省黄冈市2017届九年级中考模拟)Wonder is the story of a ten-year-old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August, or Auggie, is an ordinary (普通的) boy in ____1____. He rides a bike and likes playing computer games. ____2____ Auggie has deformities (身体畸形的) and looks very ____3____ from other children. At the start of the book, he says, "My name is August. I won’t describe ____4____ I look like. Whatever you’re ____5____, it’s probably worse. " In the street, people look at Auggie and his appearance shocks ____6____ .
    Auggie ____7____ to school because he has spent a lot of time in hospital. His mother teaches him at home, but now he’s ten, she thinks he should go to ____8____. At first, Auggie doesn’t want to go. He ____9____ that other student will look at him and say terrible things. But then he visits a school with his mom; he ____10____ the headmaster and decides to go. Auggie’s first year at school has good times and bad times. Auggie makes some good friends but other children are ____11____ to him.
    Wonder is R.J. Palacio’s first ____12____. On her website, she explains that she got the idea for Wonder ____13____ seeing a girl with deformities on the street one day. Many schools use the book to start discussions ____14____ bullying (欺凌), friendship and being different. The book is very ____15____ and has won prize. There will be a film of Wonder, and many people are looking forward to seeing it.
    1. A. days B. ways C. places D. stories
    2. A. So B. And C. But D. Though
    3. A. different B. amazed C. similar D. away
    4. A. how B. what C. why D. which
    5. A. doing B. making C. reading D. thinking
    6. A. him B. her C. us D. them
    7. A. has gone B. has never gone C. has never been D. has been
    8. A. bed B. work C. hospital D. school
    9. A. hopes B. agrees C. worries D. promises
    10. A. likes B. asks C. helps D. cheats
    11. A. blamed B. generous C. unfriendly D. kind
    12. A. song B. book C. film D. photo
    13. A. after B. before C. unless D. since
    14. A. in B. to C. for D. about
    15. A. east B. popular C. heavy D. expensive
    Colour is a part of life. The whole world is full of colours. Almost 1 has a colour. Some things are yellow like cheese, lemons and bananas. 2 things are red. For example, warning signs are usually red. 3 is the colour of most spring leaves and grass.
    4 is blue? Blue is the colour of 5 .We can also see the blue sky, blue eyes, blue birds and blue jeans. There are many 6 colours too, such as orange, brown, purple, white and black.
    The world changes its colours with the 7 of the year. Spring is green. Summer is red. It turns gold in autumn and then 8 in winter. When winter is gone and spring is back, the world turns green again. When winter is gone and spring comes back, the world turns green again.
    9 a rainstorm you may see something that has many different colours in the sky. It is a rainbow. But 10 different colours, can you imagine what the world looks like?
    1. A. none B. nothing C. something D. everything
    2. A. Few B. A little C. Lots of D. Little
    3. A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Blue
    4. A. When B. What C. Who D. Why
    5. A. the sun B. grass C. sea D. ground
    6. A. other B. another C. extra D. else
    7. A. months B. seasons C. days D. weeks
    8. A. red B. green C. yellow D. white
    9. A. Until B. After C. Before D. But
    10. A. with B. without C. for D. within

    【文章大意】本文叙述了Brian 得了唐氏综合症,生活不能自理,就连生活中最简单的事情做起来都很难,有一次他要参加一次系鞋带比赛,家人都在教他系鞋带,可是,到了时间了他还是学不会系鞋带,这时他的姐姐突然有了一个主意,让他闭上眼睛系鞋带,他很快就系好了,家人很兴奋,他在比赛中得了第一名。
    1. B 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. strange奇怪的;陌生的;B. simple简单的;C. creative创造性的;D. difficult困难的。句意:我们已经学会尊敬那些努力工作的人做简单的事情。例如:学会系鞋带。根据Because Brian has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症), our whole family ____2____ him.可知,由于Brian得了一种病,即使做很简单的事情,对于他来说也是太难了。故选B。
    2. D 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. stopped停止;B. fed喂养;C. found发现;D. taught教。句意:因为Brian 得了唐氏综合症, 我们全家人都在教他。根据My eight-year-old son, Brian, wanted to win an award(奖,奖金) by learning to tie his own shoes.可知,他要学会系鞋带,是由家人来教的。故选D。
    3. A 【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. quietly安静地;秘密地;B. excitedly兴奋地;C. happily高兴地; D. loudly大声地。句意:我们担心我们缺乏能力教他这样一个简单的任务,悄悄地说那天晚上不要带他去参加会场。根据Days passed and he could not do it and he cried. We cried with him. 可知,Brian还没有学会系鞋带。故选A。
    4. A 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. mouth嘴;B. eyes眼睛;C. book 书;D. door门。句意:我几乎张开我的嘴想告诉他对于他来说学会系鞋带是不重要的。根据to tell him that it wasn’t important for him to learn to tie his shoes.告诉某人某事,当然要张开嘴说。故选A。
    5. C 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. forgot忘记;B. needed需要;C. had 有;D. cancelled取消。句意:在我做那件事之前,他的姐姐有了一个好主意。根据"Brian," she softly asked, "why don’t you try closing your eyes? See if you can tie your shoes in your imagination. That way, if you get up to go someplace early before the sun comes up, you can tie your shoes in the ____6____."可知,这里是姐姐想出来的一个办法。故选C。
    6. D 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. daytime白天;B. flat平的;C. space空间;D. dark黑暗。句意:如果你早早地起床在太阳出来之前到达某个地方,这样你可以在黑暗中系好你的鞋带。根据 before the sun comes up太阳出来之前,天是黑的,故选D。
    7. C 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. walked步行;B. flied飞行;C. hurried匆忙;D. dropped下降。句意:我们匆忙来到了会场。根据spoke ____3____about not taking him to the meeting that night. We didn’t want to make him sad.因为家人最初看见Brian 还是不会系鞋带,想放弃去会场的机会,后来姐姐想到了一个主意,一家人又来了,所以时间比较匆忙。故选C。
    8. B 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. lost失去;B. got得到;C. bought买;D. sent送,寄出。句意:Brian 赢得了第一名,他闭上眼睛得到了比奥运会金牌都要珍贵的奖励。根据Brian went first.可知,他赢了奖励。故选B。
    9. C 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. bridge桥;B. business生意;C. way方式;D. lab实验室。句意:当他发现一个新的解决问题的方式时,它就会成为重要的一件事情因为对于他来说真的很难。根据I can’t find a solution to a problem这里可知与solution对应的词是way。故选C。
    10. A 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. different不同的;B. useful有用的;C. wonderful极好的;D. formal正式的。句意:当我不能找到解决问题的方法时,我就闭上眼睛找到一个不同的方式。根据I can’t find a solution to a problem可知,当正常地找不到解决问题的方法的时候,就另辟不同的路径。故选A。
    1. C 【解析】句意:当你去世界不同的地方的餐馆时,知道哪些是正确的哪些是错误的很重要。A. popular 流行的,受欢迎的;B. difficult困难的;C. important重要的;D. enjoyable快乐的;根据句意故选C。
    2. D 【解析】句意:比如,在中国吃饭时发出很大声音是可以的。 A. cause造成,引起,强调引起……后果;B. keep 保持;C. hear 听见;D. make制造,make a noise发出噪音;根据句意故选D。
    3. A 【解析】句意:事实上,如果一个餐馆没有什么吵闹声不那么活跃,你可能会认为这个餐馆有问题。根据上文it’s OK to ____2____ a lot of noise in a restaurant. 在中国吃饭时发出很大声音是可以的。可知,在餐馆没有噪音,好像就没有生气似的。A. lively活泼的,生气勃勃的;B. friendly 友好的;C. lucky 幸运的;D. polite礼貌的;根据句意故选A。
    4. B 【解析】句意:但是在一些西方国家,餐馆都是一些安静的地方。根据后文If people at a table talk too loud, other people who are eating there might even ____5____ to the owner of the restaurant.可知餐馆是个安静的地方;A. noisy吵闹的;B. quiet安静的;C. busy 繁忙的;D. clean干净的;根据句意故选B。
    5. C 【解析】句意:如果就餐的人说话声音太大,在那里就餐的其他人会向餐馆老板抱怨。根据上句餐馆都是一些安静的地方。可知客人不满意,向老板抱怨;A. shout 喊,叫;B. explain 解释;C. complain 抱怨;D. speak说;根据句意故选C。
    6. A 【解析】句意:在中国,一个人会为一起吃饭的每个人付钱。 根据中国的风俗习惯,通常是一个人为所有的人付钱;A. everybody 每个人;B. nobody 没有人;C. somebody 某人;D. none没有一个;根据句意故选A。
    7. B 【解析】句意:但是,当朋友们一起吃饭时,他们会各自付账。A. until直到;B. when 当……时候;C. unless 除非;D. since自从;根据句意故选B。
    8. C 【解析】句意:还有,当西方人付账时,他们会留一些小费给服务员。根据文意,一直在讲就餐的情况,所以应是小费给服务员;A. gatekeeper 守门人;B. seller 卖东西的人;C. waiter 服务员;D. visitor参观者;根据句意故选C。
    9. B 【解析】句意:在美国,留给服务员账单的10%,15%或20%是很普遍的。 A. terrible 可怕的;B. common 普通的;C. serious 严肃的;D. unusual不寻常的;根据句意故选B。
    10. D 【解析】句意:人们吃食物的方式在世界各地都不一样,但是在不同的国家你也会看到相同种类的食物。A. invent 发明;B. discover 发现,指本来存在,以前从未被发现;C. prefer更喜欢;D. find发现,强调结果,又可以表示偶然发现;根据句意故选D。
    1. A【解析】句意:一个来自秘鲁莫切的12岁男孩在街灯下的人行道上做作业,在当地警方分享后,在Facebook上被观看了数百万次。A:shared 分享;B:taken 拿走;C:discussed讨论; D:praised表扬。根据上文  A video showing a 12-year-old boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlight, 可知只有被分享后才会在Facebook上被观看。故选A。
    2. C【解析】句意:莫切警察局的工作人员在检查安全摄像头时,第一次注意到维克多·马丁。A:met 见到;B:interviewed面试,采访; C:noticed注意到 D:caught抓住。根据下文while checking security cameras,可知只有在检查摄像头时才会注意到,故选C。
    3. D【解析】句意:他们发现一个小男孩晚上独自坐在人行道上。A:itself 它自己;B:yourself你自己; C:myself 我自己;D:himself他自己。根据by oneself ,单独地,此处指a young boy ,要用himself,故选D。
    4. B【解析】句意:起初,他们认为他在做坏事,但后来他们意识到他实际上是在用头顶上的路灯在笔记本上写东西。A:shyly害羞地; B:actually实际上; C:carelessly粗心地; D:certainly当然。根据下文 writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight overhead. 可知事实上在利用头顶上的路灯光写东西,故选B。
    5. C【解析】句意:警察被这个男孩的精神所感动,在Facebook上分享了这段视频。A:wish 希望;B:plan计划; C:spirit精神; D:hobby习惯。根据下文the police shared the video on Facebook.可以推知分享的原因是被男孩的精神所感动,故选C。
    6. C【解析】句意:维克多的感人和心碎的故事同时也传遍了全世界。A:by the way顺便问一下; B:at least 至少;C:at the same time同时; D:in the end最后,终于。由  Victor’s heartwarming and heartbreaking story 可知感人和心碎是同时发生的,故选C。
    7. A【解析】句意:当地电视台设法找到了这个男孩,并和他母亲坐下来,了解他为什么在街上而不是在家里做家庭作业。A:managed设法,管理;B:stopped停止;C:promised承诺; D:refused拒绝。根据下文 ...find the boy and sat down with his mother to learn why he was doing his homework on the street instead of at home. 才会有电视台设法找到他为什么这样做,manage to do sth.,设法做某事,固定搭配。故选A。
    8. D【解析】句意:结果发现,12岁的孩子家里太穷了,连电费都付不起。A:traditional传统的; B:popular流行的,受欢迎的; C:special特殊的; D:poor贫穷的。根据下文 they couldn’t pay for electricity (电), 可知才会在路灯下写作业,故选D。
    9. B【解析】句意:他们付不起电费,所以他们晚上只能靠蜡烛过夜。A:flash动画; B:candle蜡烛; C:camera相机; D:fire火。根据上文they couldn’t pay for electricity可知在夜里只能靠蜡烛照明,故选B。
    10. A【解析】句意:不幸的是,维克多·马丁很少能在太阳下山之前完成作业。A:seldom 很少;B:even甚至; C:only 仅仅;D:still还。根据  Unluckily ,可知很少能在太阳落山时完成作业,故选A。
    11. B【解析】句意:最近他再也受不了微弱的烛光了。A:change改变;B:stand忍受;C:enjoy 喜欢;D:protect保护。根据下文...  I continue with the candle, I will be crazy!可知他再也不能忍受微弱的烛光了, 故选B。
    12. C【解析】句意:有一天,我儿子说如果我继续用蜡烛,我会疯的!A:Although尽管; B:Because因为; C:If 如果;D:Until直到……为止。根据前后句的意思可知前句是后句发生的条件,主句用一般将来时,从句用的是一般现在时。要用连词if,故选C。
    13. A【解析】句意:她补充说,维克多的脖子经常会因为倾斜头部让烛光穿过而变得难以移动。A:added加,补充; B:warned 警告;C:hoped希望; D:lied撒谎。根据上文  "One day, my son said ... I continue with the candle, I will be crazy! I’d better go outside to finish my homework, " 可知这只是说明不用蜡烛的原因,另外又说明下儿子的脖子经常会因为倾斜头部让烛光穿过而变得难以移动。这是个补充说明,要用added,故选A。
    14. D【解析】句意:维克多的母亲说,尽管他每天帮忙做家务,照顾家里的羊A:puts off推迟; B:worries about 为……担心; C:gives up 放弃;D:helps with帮助。根据下文 ...takes care of the family sheep every day,可知他也会帮助做家务,故选D。
    15. B【解析】句意:但六年级的孩子对学习非常认真,成绩也很好。A:health健康; B:school 学习;C:friendship友谊; D:safety安全。根据句末gets good grades.可知对学习一定非常认真才会有好的成绩,故选B。
    21. B【解析】句意:她生来就没有下半截腿,终生都戴着假肢。考查名词辨析。arms胳膊;legs腿;feet脚;hands手。根据空后….has worn prosthetic(假体) ones all her life…..以及下文When a person is born without legs…可知,Katy没有下半截腿。故应选B。
    22. C【解析】句意:她在美国的阿拉巴马州长大,有一个积极的童年。考查形容词辨析。embarrassing令人尴尬的;lonely孤独的;active积极的;strange奇怪的。根据下句话She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool.可知,Katy小时候跟着兄弟姐妹在体育馆和游泳池,可见她的生活是非常积极的。故应选C。
    23. D【解析】句意:她感觉很幸运,因为她的家人对待她就像对待其他成员一样。考查连词辨析,though虽然,尽管;unless除非,如果不;before在……之前;because因为。根据句意可知,空前说She feels lucky,"她感觉幸运",空后her family treated her in just the same way as the other members解释她感觉幸运的原因,故应选D,引导原因状语从句。
    24. A【解析】句意:当一个人生来就没有腿的时候,有很多事做起来都是很困难的。考查形容词辨析,difficult困难的;important重要的;possible可能的;easy容易的。根据句意和常识可知,如果一个人生下来就没有腿,那么做很多事都是很困难的。故应选A。
    25. A【解析】句意:但是Katy相信她能完成任何事。考查动词辨析,achieve完成,获得;实现;accept接受;examine检查;prevent阻止。根据句意和下文可知,Katy觉得自己能完成任何事情,下文举例进行了介绍,故应选A。
    26. C【解析】句意:因此她选择了两份困难的工作,甚至需要用腿完成的。考查副词辨析,just仅仅,刚刚;also也;even甚至;ever曾经。根据空前she chose two jobs that are difficult可知,她选择的工作非常难,空后表示递进关系,甚至需要用到腿。故应选C。
    27. B【解析】句意:在电影结束之前,她下定决心成为一名演员。考查副词辨析,up向上;over结束;on在……上面;关于;out出去,外出。根据文意可知,受电影的影响,Katy决定成为演员,这个决定在电影还没结束的时候就有了。故选B合适。
    28. C【解析】句意:在电影结束之前,她下定决心成为一名演员。考查名词辨析,athlete运动员;writer作家;actress女演员;coach教练。根据短文第一句话Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete(运动员), and a person who also refuses to accept the words no or I can’t.可知,Katy是一个演员…,故选C。
    29. D【解析】句意:她获得了戏剧学位,然后搬到了洛杉矶,在那里她在剧院、电视和电影中扮演角色。考查名词辨析,games游戏;music音乐;sports运动;roles角色。根据空后in theatre, television and movies可知,这里考查短语play roles in….在……中扮演角色,故应选D。
    30. A【解析】句意:她认为如果你相信你能做到某件事,你就要为它全力以赴。考查代词辨析,you你,你们;we我们;she她;they他们。根据句意you believe…,you should…可知,这里应表示"你能做到某件事",故应选A。
    31. B【解析】句意:她认为如果你相信你能做到某件事,你就要为它全力以赴。考查动词短语辨析,depend on依靠,依赖;go for努力争取;get used to习惯于;look after照顾。根据句意可知,想要做到某件事,应该全力以赴,努力争取。故应选B。
    32. A【解析】句意:所以当Katy的朋友问她是否愿意尝试跑步的时候,她说"行。"考查连词辨析,whether是否;how怎样;when当…时候;why为什么。根据下文she said "yes"."她说行"可知,这里问的是是否愿意,故应选A。
    33. B【解析】句意:她得到了一双跑步的腿,开始了她新的生活。考查动词辨析,shared分享;started开始;changed改变;prepared准备。根据句意和空后的new life可知,Katy开始跑步,她的新生活开始了。故应选B。
    34. C【解析】句意:Katy是世界上第一个用两条假肢从事竞技跑步运动的人。考查动词短语辨析,fix up修理,解决;show up出现,露面;take up拿起,从事;set up建立。根据句意可知,这里表示"从事竞技跑步运动",故应选C。
    35. D【解析】句意:Katy的家人、朋友和粉丝都将她视为克服困难、实现梦想的榜样。考查名词辨析,ancestor祖先;enemy敌人;influence影响;example例子,榜样。根据文意可知,Katy虽然没有腿,但是她非常坚强、乐观,她不仅能像正常人一样生活,还成了演员、跑步运动员,因此她是我们的榜样。故应选D。
    这篇短文给我们讲述了残疾人Katy勇敢、积极面对生活,成为了一个演员、远动员的故事。短文是记叙文,叙述详细、清楚,主题突出,比较容易理解。题型是完形填空,考查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读短文,了解大意;然后根据上下文语境作答,先易后难,注意空前后的固定搭配,并仔细辨析选项中每个单词的意思和用法;最后将答案代入原文,再读一遍,检查答案是否正确。例如第1小题,考查名词辨析,arms胳膊;legs腿;feet脚;hands手。根据空后…has worn prosthetic (假体) ones all her life…..以及下文When a person is born without legs…可知,Katy没有下半截腿。故应选B。再如第9小题,考查名词辨析,games游戏;music音乐;sports运动;roles角色。根据空后in theatre, television and movies可知,这里考查短语play roles in….在……中扮演角色,故应选D。
    1. A【解析】句意:他和他的妻子是我见过的最好的人中一些。考查形容词辨析和语境。根据nicest最好的,busiest最忙的,richest最富的,happiest最幸福的;根据后文邻居做的善事,可知是最好的人;故选A。
    2. C【解析】句意:例如扫马路。考查动词短语和语境。根据looking for寻找,going down沿着走下去,cleaning up打扫,walking across横着穿过;根据he shoveled(铲) my driveway for me可知是扫车道;故选C。
    3. A【解析】句意:下一次另一个尽力用另一个善举接下去。考查动词辨析和语境。根据try尽力,尝试,stop停止,agree同意,refuse拒绝;根据we started this kind of "favor war" where one of us would do something kind for the other和because it was my turn to do a favor可知是尽力把好事做下去;故选A。
    4. D【解析】句意:我记得他为我铲了车道。考查动词辨析和语境。根据saw看见,thought想,expected期待,remembered记得;根据when I was out on a business trip last ... So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor可知是我记得他为我铲雪;所以选D。
    5. D【解析】句意:当我去年冬天出差时。考查名词辨析和语境。根据spring春天,summer夏天,autumn秋天,winter冬天;根据Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I ___4___ he shoveled(铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip可知是冬天;故选D。
    6. B【解析】句意:因为轮到我做善事回报了。考查副词辨析和语境。根据soon不久, back回,again再, first第一;根据Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I ___4___ he shoveled(铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip,和it was my turn to do a favor可知是做好事回报;故选B。
    7. D【解析】句意:那天晚上有人敲我的门。考查名词辨析和语境。根据note笔记,kick踢,gift礼物,knock敲,根据on my door. It was my neighbor, He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling可知是敲门;故选D。
    8. C【解析】句意:感谢我为他铲车道和人行道。考查代词。根据my我的,our我们的,his他的,your你的;根据so that he was able to get to work earlier可知是铲开了他的车道;故选C。
    9. B【解析】句意:因此他能更早的到达工作地点救了一个男孩。考查动词辨析和语境。根据met遇见, saved挽救,supported支持,encouraged鼓励;根据"A young boy got to live his life可知是挽救一个男孩;故选B。
    10. A【解析】句意:一个电话进来,我们社区的一个男孩得了严重的疾病。考查名词辨析和语境。根据call 电话, card卡片, letter信, invitation邀请;根据As soon as I started the car early this morning和a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill可知是一个电话打进来;故选A。
    11. C【解析】句意:幸运的是,我的伙伴和我仅仅2分钟就离开了。考查副词和语境。根据Finally最后, Actually确实,Luckily幸运的,Suddenly突然;根据a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. 和 my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance(救护车) 10 minutes,可知是幸运的是,2分钟就离开了;故选C。
    12. C【解析】句意:因为你早晨做的好事。考查连词。根据when当……时候,unless除非,because因为,though尽管;根据A young boy got to live his life和you did me that favor earlier this morning.之间的关系,可知是因为你做的好事,男孩得救了;故选C。
    13. B【解析】句意:铲开车道不是太难。考查名词辨析。根据practice练习,trouble麻烦,attention注意力, experience经历;根据句意和but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.可知是铲开车道不是太难;故选B。
    14. A【解析】句意:善事无小事。考查形容词。根据No没有,Any任何的,Some一些,Each每个;根据favor is too small. Even the smallest favor can make the biggest ___15___.可知是没有善事是太小的,所以选A。
    15. D【解析】句意:甚至最小的善事都能起到最大的作用。考查名词辨析。根据choice选择,progress进步,decision决定,difference不同;根据句意和No favor is too small和make the biggest difference起到最大的作用;故选D。
    【点睛】根据前后文语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如:小题11 句意:幸运的是,我的伙伴和我仅仅2分钟就离开了。考查副词和语境。根据Finally最后, Actually确实, Luckily幸运的, Suddenly突然;根据a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. 和 my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance(救护车) 10 minutes,可知是幸运的是,2分钟就离开了;故选C。
    1. C【解析】句意:然后我看到她和其他一些女孩在愉快地说笑。考查代词及语境理解。A. it它;B. them它们;C. her她;D. him他。根据上文提到我在学校门口等着和Jemma一起回家, 可知此处应是我看到她和其他一些女孩在愉快地说笑;再结合后面的She glanced(瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there.可知Jemma是女性,所以这里应用her;故答案选C。
    2.D【解析】句意:我那时就知道我失去了我最好的朋友。考查动词及语境理解。A. lost失去;B. hurt受伤;C. forgotten忘记;D. beaten打败。根据上文She glanced(瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there. 她瞥了我一眼,把我一个人留在那里。由此可推知是Jemma不再想和我做朋友,瞥了我一眼,不理我,所以判断应是我失去了我最好的朋友,故答案选A。
    3.C【解析】句意:今天是星期六,你和Jemma打算去做什么?考查名词及语境理解。A. Monday星期一;B. Friday星期五;C. Saturday星期六;D. Sunday星期日。根据上文After school on Friday,星期五放学后,以及The next morning,第二天早上;可知今天应该是星期六,故答案选 C。
    4.B【解析】句意:Jemma在哪儿?考查疑问词及语境理解。A. How怎样;B. Where哪里;C. Which哪一个;D. Who谁。根据上文Mom asked, "Today is Saturday, What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again.妈妈问:"今天是星期六,你和Jemma打算去做什么?"我耸了耸肩;可判断此处句意应是"Jemma在哪儿?"故答案选B。
    5.A【解析】句意:当我走在街上时,附近一个新来的女孩微笑着向我走来。考查连词及语境理解。A. As当……时;B. Before在……之前;C. After在……之后;D. Until直到…时。由上文可知妈妈让我把杂志拿给奶奶,根据下文a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling.附近一个新来的女孩微笑着向我走来,结合... I walked down the street,可知此处表达的是当我在街上走的时候,故选A。
    6.B【解析】句意:但我只是从她身边经过。考查介词及语境理解。A. to到、朝;B. past经过;C. with和……一起;D. against反对。根据上文a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. 附近一个新来的女孩微笑着向我走来,结合本句的转折词but,可知此处表达的是但我只是从她身边经过,go past"经过",故答案选B。
    7.B【解析】句意:坐在沙发上,我注意到桌子上有一张孩子们穿着老式衣服放照片。A. card卡片;B. photo照片;C. poster海报;D. advertisement广告。根据下文Until a week before we took this photo.可知此处指的是"照片",故答案选B。
    8.D【解析】句意:我对此感到很惊讶。考查形容词及语境理解。A. glad高兴的;B. angry生气的;C. satisfied感到满意的;D. surprised感到惊讶的。根据上文 "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo."我最好的朋友,直到我们拍这张照片的前一周。由奶奶说的话,可知作者对奶奶说的话是感到惊讶的,be surprised at固定短语,对……感到惊讶,故答案选D。
    9.A【解析】句意:我们一起做每件事情。考查副词及语境理解。A. together一起;B. outside在外面;C. differently不同地;D. quickly迅速地。根据上文Beth and I were best friends in school. Beth和我在学校是最好的朋友,可知好朋友应该是一起做每件事情,故答案选A。
    10.C【解析】句意:没有什么比这更伤人的了。考查比较级及语境理解。A. less than比……更少;B. because of因为;C. more than比……更多;D. instead of代替。联系上文语境,结合Nothing hurt ... that.可知意思是没有什么比这更伤人的了,more 是much是比较级,在这里修饰前面的动词hurt,表示受伤的程度,than在这里是连词;that指代上文中她的朋友说交了新朋友不再和她一起玩这件事情;故选C。
    11.D【解析】句意:我知道我一开口就会哭。考查动词及语境理解。A. singing唱;B. laughing笑;C. shouting喊;D. crying哭。根据上文I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t.结合语境,可知奶奶应是非常难过,所以不能说任何话,由此可推知应是一开口说话就会哭,故答案选D。
    12. B【解析】句意:Simone,有时候朋友之间会变得疏远。考查形容词及语境理解。A. old老的;B. separate分开的;C. strong强壮的;D. close关闭的。联系上文语境,结合Simone, sometimes friends grow ... It might happen to anyone,可知此处奶奶是说有时候朋友之间会变得疏远,任何人都可能发生这样的事。grow在这里用作系动词,后接形容词作表语,故答案选B。
    13. A【解析】句意:奶奶的手指移向照片中戴眼镜的男孩。考查动词及语境理解。A. moved移动;B. connected连接;C. returned归还;D. waved挥动。根据上文Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair.奶奶指着一个金色短发的女孩,再结合Grandma’s finger ... to a boy with glasses in the photo.可判断是奶奶的手指移向了照片中戴眼镜的男孩,故答案选A。
    14. D【解析】句意:当我一个人走路回家的时候,这个男孩也是。考查连词及语境理解。A. so因此,表示因果关系,引出结果;B. but但是,表示转折;C. for为了,表示目的;D. and和、又、而且,表示并列、顺承关系。根据When I was walking home by myself ... this boy was, too.可知前后句之间是并列关系,故答案选D。
    15. C【解析】句意:一句话就够了。考查名词及语境理解。A. hug拥抱;B. smile微笑;C. word单词、话语;D. question问题。联系上文语境I said ‘hello’. And we became friends.我说"你好",我们就成为了好朋友;可知此处奶奶是说:如果我们想开始一段新的友谊,只需要一句话就够了,故答案选C。
    【点睛】解答完形填空首先要通读全文,掌握大意。结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。在理解全文意思的基础上,结合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。必须弄清空缺词句的确切含义,空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,最后根据语境,结合选项,选出正确答案。如,第3小题,根据上文After school on Friday星期五放学后,以及The next morning第二天早上;可知今天应该是星期六,故答案选 C。第7小题,根据下文Until a week before we took this photo.可知此处指的是"照片",故答案选B。
    1. A【解析】句意:Chaplin夫人用她当歌手挣的钱养活她的孩子们和她自己。考查动词辨析,support支持,赡养;供养;leave离开;ask问;face面对。根据句意her children, her own with the money she made as a singer.可知,卓别林的妈妈挣钱养活他们。故应选A。
    2. C【解析】句意:然而,他们的经济状况在1894年她生病得喉炎的时候改变了。考查连词、副词辨析,Although虽然,尽管;So因此,所以;However然而;Besides此外。根据上下文的意思可知,卓别林的妈妈本来唱歌挣钱养活家人,但后来她得了喉炎,很难再赚钱养家了。因此前后是转折的关系,选C。
    3. B【解析】句意:Chaplin夫人并没有让她的声音休息直到变好,而是继续唱歌。考查名词辨析,sight视力;景象;voice声音;smell嗅觉;hearing听力。根据上文…when she became ill with laryngitis可知,卓别林的妈妈得了喉炎,所以影响的是她的声音,应该让声音休息一下,不要再继续唱歌。故应选B。
    4. B【解析】句意:她的声音变得越来越差,她发现找到报酬好的工作很困难。考查形容词辨析,easy容易的;difficult困难的;interesting有趣的;boring无聊的,厌烦的。根据上文their economic(经济的) situation changed when she became ill with laryngitis(喉炎) in 1894.可知,卓别林的妈妈得了喉炎,而她是一位歌手,所以找到报酬好的工作是非常困难的。故应选B。
    5. D【解析】句意:一天晚上Charlie碰巧在剧院看他的妈妈在舞台上唱歌。考查动词辨析,feeling感觉;keeping保持;realizing意识到;watching观看。根据句意…his mother singing on stage.可知,卓别林在剧院看妈妈唱歌。故应选D。
    6. C【解析】句意:突然,她的声音破音了。考查动词辨析,rested休息;dropped下降,掉落;broke打破;raised提高。根据下文but the audience (观众) began to whistle and got angry可知,这里指卓别林的妈妈在唱歌时,嗓子破音了。故用broke,指声音破了,选C。
    7. B【解析】句意:Chaplin夫人不能再继续唱下去,哭着离开了舞台。考查介词辨析,onto到…上;off离开;towards向,朝;around围绕,周围。根据句中Mrs. Chaplin could not continue any longer可知,观众们吹口哨,很生气,Chaplin夫人不能再继续唱下去,故这里表示"离开舞台",选B。
    8. B【解析】句意:舞台经理知道他必须马上采取措施来拯救这尴尬的情形。考查动词辨析,create创造;save拯救;continue继续;explain解释。根据空后…the embarrassing situation. 和下文He ___9___ took Charlie by the hand to the stage.可知,经理找Charlie救场。故应选B。
    9. C【解析】句意:他马上拉着Charlie的手走上舞台。考查副词辨析,slowly慢慢地;patiently有耐心地;quickly迅速地;coldly冷淡地。根据上文The stage manager knew he had to do something quickly可知,经理得赶紧做点什么来救场,故这里也用quickly,选C。
    10. D【解析】句意:观众们非常喜欢这个表演,开始扔钱。考查动词辨析,thought认为;description描述;speech演讲;performance表演。根据上句话Charlie began to sing and dance in front of hundreds of people可知,Charlie开始在舞台上唱歌、跳舞,即表演,故应选D。
    11. C【解析】句意:当Charlie看到这个的时候,他马上停止唱歌,并向观众宣布首先他会捡起钱,然后他会完成这首歌曲。考查连词辨析,If如果,引导条件状语从句;Till直到……时候;When当……时候,引导时间状语从句;Before在……之前。根据句意可知,这里应表示"当Charlie看到这个的时候,他……",故选C。
    12. D【解析】句意:当Charlie看到这个的时候,他马上停止唱歌,并向观众宣布首先他会捡起钱,然后他会完成这首歌曲。考查动词短语辨析,take out拿出;throw away扔掉;put down放下;镇压;pick up捡起。根据文意可知,钱是观众们扔的,所以A和B不对;C选项意思不合适,故应选D,表示把观众们扔的钱捡起来。
    13. A【解析】句意:观众们觉得这个宣布非常有趣,开始向舞台上扔更多的钱。考查形容词辨析,funny有趣的;lucky幸运的;helpful有帮助的;painful痛苦的。根据空后started to throw even more money onto the stage.可知,观众们开始扔更多的钱,说明他们喜欢卓别林的表演,觉得很有趣。故应选A。
    14. A【解析】句意:他一点儿也不害羞,给观众唱了更多的歌,跳了更多的舞。考查形容词辨析,shy害羞的;胆怯的;sad伤心的;satisfied满足的,满意的;excited兴奋的,激动的。根据上句话Charlie felt perfectly at home on stage.和句中… danced and sang more songs to the audience.可知,Charlie在舞台上表现非常放松,表演了更多的节目,因此他并不感到胆怯。故应选A。
    15. D【解析】句意:令他惊讶的是,笑声更多,扔的钱也更多了。考查名词辨析,trouble 麻烦,困难;anger生气,愤怒;silence沉默;laughter笑。根据空后more money throwing.可知,观众们扔的钱更多了,说明他们喜欢卓别林的表演,所以应该是"笑声更多了",选D。
    这篇短文给我们讲述了著名的戏剧大师卓别林的第一次登台表演。短文是记叙文,按照事情发展的顺序记叙,比较容易读懂。但文章篇幅较长,也有一些长句,增加了理解的难度。题型是完形填空,这是中考的经典题型,考查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读短文,了解大意;然后根据上下文语境做题,先易后难,注意空前后的固定搭配,并仔细辨析选项中每个单词的意思和用法;最后将答案代入原文,再读一遍,检查答案是否正确。例如第3小题,考查名词辨析,sight视力;景象;voice声音;smell嗅觉;hearing听力。根据上文…when she became ill with laryngitis可知,卓别林的妈妈得了喉炎,所以影响的是她的声音,应该让声音休息一下,不要再继续唱歌。故应选B。再如第14小题,考查形容词辨析,shy害羞的;胆怯的;sad伤心的;satisfied满足的,满意的;excited兴奋的,激动的。根据上句话Charlie felt perfectly at home on stage.和句中… danced and sang more songs to the audience.可知,Charlie在舞台上表现非常放松,表演了更多的节目,因此他并不感到胆怯。故应选A。
    1. C【解析】句意:早产后的最初几周,他一直待在保温箱里。考查名词辨析。A. 秒;B. 分钟;C. 周;D. 年。根据in an incubator可知ABD三项意思都不合句意,故选C。
    2. A【解析】句意:那时我四岁,对婴儿一无所知。考查名词辨析。A. 了解;B. 判断;C. 实践;D. 意见。根据下文的问话“What is that?” I said可知understanding符合句意,故选A。
    3. C【解析】句意:他终于回家的那天,我说“那是什么?”。考查副词辨析。A. 逐步地;B. 尤其;C. 最后;D. 幸运地。根据句意语境,可知finally符合句意,故选C。
    4. B【解析】句意:乔比他所有的疾病加在一起还要强大。考查形容词辨析。A. 更亮的;B. 更强的;C. 更弱的;D. 更慢的。根据上文“Wow,” I said, “he’s strong.”可知选B。
    5. C【解析】句意:告诉我她在厨房准备晚饭时要照看他。考查动词辨析。A. 付款;B. 服务;C. 准备;D. 检查。根据in the kitchen可知是准备晚饭,故选C。
    6. D【解析】句意:“可怜的乔,他瞎了眼,”她低声说,眼里流露出失望。考查形容词辨析。A. 疯的;B. 哑的;C.聋的;D. 盲的。根据下文“He can’t be blind,” I argued.可知选D。
    7. A【解析】句意:“可怜的乔,他瞎了眼,”她低声说,眼里流露出失望。考查名词辨析。A. 失望;B. 尴尬;C. 高兴;D. 愤怒。根据句意语境,可知妈妈很伤心失望,BCD三项意思都不合句意,故选A。
    8. D【解析】句意:她对你的声音微笑。考查名词辨析。A. 表演;B. 影响;C. 表达;D. 声音。根据句意语境,可知ABC三项意思都不合句意,故选D。
    9. C【解析】句意:从那以后,在没有支撑的情况下行走对他来说似乎很困难。考查形容词辨析。A. 容易的;B. 疯狂的;C. 困难的;D. 放松的。根据Walking without support可知不容易,故选C。
    10. B【解析】句意:从8岁起,他就在一所聋哑学校寄宿,学习盲文。考查动词短语辨析。A. graduated from 从…毕业;B. boarded at 寄宿;C. dropped by造访;D. passed by经过。根据下文when he was 16, the school said he had learned enough and sent him home.可知弟弟在聋哑学校寄宿,故选B。
    11. A【解析】句意:他一直很勤奋。考查动词辨析。A. 努力工作的;B. 热心的C. 压力过大的;D. 有礼貌的。根据下文the school said he had learned enough可知乔很努力,故选A。
    12. D【解析】句意:然而,没有什么能阻止他学习和独立。考查动词辨析。A. 告诉;B. 原谅;C. 分开;D. 阻碍。nothing没有东西,表否定;根据句意语境,可知prevent from(阻止)符合句意,故选D。
    13. B【解析】句意:我可以靠自己当顾问谋生。考查动词短语辨析。A. 采取行动;B. 谋生;C. 进步;D. 保守秘密。根据下文He learned to cook, clean, do his own laundry and almost anything he enjoyed可知弟弟可以靠自己谋生,故选B。
    14. B【解析】句意:他学会了做饭、打扫、自己洗衣服,以及几乎所有他喜欢的事情。考查动词辨析。A.后悔;B. 喜欢;C. 复制;D. 憎恨。根据下文which were joyful experiences for him可知ACD三项意思都不合句意,故选B。
    15. A【解析】句意:然后他遇到了他一生的挚爱。考查名词辨析。A. 爱;B. 榜样;C. 勇气;D. 挑战。根据最后乔的话Even a blind man can fall in love at first sight可知选A。
    16. C句意:他不能独自在画室里画画,因为他会突然生病,不得不住院。A. singer 歌手;B. dancer舞者;C. painter画家;D. doctor医生。根据He would talk to them and teach them how to paint as he used to do in the studio. 他会像以前在画室里那样和他们交谈,教他们如何画画。可知,父亲不能独自在画室里画画。故选C。
    17. A句意:受着巨大的痛苦,他仍然想帮助别人,这会让他很忙。A. busy忙碌的;B. tired疲倦的;C. anxious令人焦虑的;D. free不受限制的。根据So he decided to volunteer at the local children’s___3___.可知,父亲想做些事情让他忙起来(busy),所以他决定在当地的儿童医院做一名志愿者。故选A。
    18. C句意:所以他决定在当地的儿童医院做志愿者。A. center中心区;B. stadium体育场;C. hospital医院;D. library图书馆。他决定在当地的儿童医院(hospital)做一名志愿者。与下文“One of his kids was a girl whose disease paralyzed her from the neck down.” 他的一个孩子是一个女孩,她的疾病使她颈部以下瘫痪。相呼应。因此他是在当地的儿童医院做志愿者。故选C。
    19. A句意:除了头部之外,她不能移动身体的任何部位。A. head头;B. arms手臂;C. legs腿;D. feet脚。根据One of his kids was a girl whose disease paralyzed her from the neck down. 他的一个孩子是一个女孩,她的疾病使她颈部以下瘫痪。可知,除了头部之外,她不能移动身体的任何部位。故选A。
    20. B句意:对一个小女孩来说太伤心了,她整天躺在床上什么也不做。A. read阅读;B. lay躺;C. ate吃;D. played玩耍。根据She couldn’t move any parts of her body except her____4____.除了头部之外,她不能移动身体的任何部位。可知,她只能整天躺在床上什么也不做。故选B。
    21. B句意:他开始去她的房间里看望她,带来颜料、刷子和纸。A. protecting保护;B. visiting看望;C. joining加入;D. treating把…看作。根据So my dad decided to help her. 所以我爸爸决定帮助她。可知,要帮助她就得去她的的病房。故选B。
    22. A句意:他把纸贴在墙上,把画笔放进嘴里,开始用嘴画画。A. put up张贴;B. pointed at指向;C. went through穿过;D. handed in交上来。结合后面的the paper on the wall可知,应该是把纸贴在墙上,故选A。
    23. D句意:起初,这个小女孩对我父亲没有反应,她只是瞥了他一眼,然后把头转过去。A. always总是;B. usually通常;C. sometimes有时;D. never从不。根据she just glanced at him and then turned her head away. 她只是瞥了他一眼,然后把头转过去。可知,小女孩和父亲不认识,因此对我父亲是没有反应的。故选D。
    24. D句意:他随时都会去看她,在不用手的情况下画画。A. should应该;B. must必须;C. might可能;D. could可以。whenever he could只要他能,是指父亲只要有时间,就去看她。故选D。
    25. C句意:你看,只要你下定决心,什么事都可以做,甚至可以再走路。A. something某事;B. nothing没有什么;C. anything任何事;D. everything每件事。根据 as long as you set your mind to, even walk again. 可知,只要你下定决心,什么事都可以做,甚至可以再走路。因此选择anything任何事;故选C。
    26. B句意:渐渐地,她开始改变,对我父亲用嘴教她的绘画产生了兴趣。A. why为什么;B. what事情;C. how怎样;D. where哪里。in是介词,后面跟代词,在选项中只有what是代词,指父亲教她用嘴绘画这件事。故选B。
    27. A句意:直到有一天,她出现在我父亲工作室的前门,脸上洋溢着喜悦之情,他们才见面。A. pleasure高兴; B. kindness仁慈;C. pressure压力;D. purpose意图。根据The little girl who had been paralyzed was___13___this time! 那个瘫痪的小女孩这次在走路!可知,小女孩出现在我父亲工作室的前门时,脸上是洋溢着喜悦之情的。因为小女孩能走路了。故选A。
    28. B句意:那个瘫痪的小女孩这次在走路!A. talking说话;B. walking走路; C. smiling笑;D. waiting等候。根据When she saw my father, she ran straight___14___him and hugged him really tight. 当她看到我父亲时,她径直向他跑去,紧紧地抱住了他。可知,小女孩这次能走路了!故选B。
    29. D句意:当她看到我父亲时,她径直向他跑去,紧紧地抱住了他。A. past过去的;B. beside在旁边;C. around周围;D. towards向;朝。根据hugged him really tight紧紧地抱住了他。说明小女孩径直向父亲跑去。因此选择towards向;朝。故选D。
    30. D句意:有时候爱比医生更强大,我的爸爸,在小女孩给他绘画几个月后就去世了,他爱医院里的每一个孩子。A. reasonable公平的; B. generous慷慨的;C. positive积极乐观的;D. powerful强有力的。根据前文的句子Before long, the little girl was sent home because the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. 不久,这个小女孩就被送回了家,因为医生觉得他们无能为力。以及句子The little girl who had been paralyzed was___13___this time! 那个瘫痪的小女孩这次在走路!说明爱比医生更强大。故选D。
    31. B【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. introduce介绍;B. congratulate 祝贺;C. suggest建议;D. support支持;句意:首先,我想要祝贺今天这里所有的学生。根据Thank you for coming to attend the graduate ceremony. 可知此处大家毕业了,因此要表示祝贺,故选B。
    32. A【解析】考查动名词及语境的理解。A. meeting遇见;B. met 遇见;C. meet遇见;D. to meet遇见;句意:当你刚在这所学校七年级开始时,我记得遇见你们所有的人。remember doing sth记得做过某事,故此处为动名词meeting, 故选A。
    33. C【解析】考查介词及语境的理解。A. of ……的;B. with用;C. for为了;D. in在……里;句意:你如此充满精力,渴望知识。be thirsty for渴望,故此处为介词for,故选C。
    34. B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. little 少的,修饰不可数名词;B. much 所的,修饰不可数名词;C. few 少的,修饰可数名词;D. many多的,修饰可数名词;句意:但是今天,你们都已经长大很多,我对你感到如此骄傲。修饰grow up表示长大很多,表示抽象的内容,故用much。故选B。
    35. C【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. lonely孤独地;B. quickly 快地; C. alone 独自;D. correctly正确地;句意:尽管你们在过去的三年里都努力学习,但是你们没有一个人是独自学习的。根据后文的I hope you’ll remember the important ___46_____ in your lives who helped and supported you. 可知你们互相支持,帮助,因此不是一个人独自学习。故选C。
    36. D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. things 事情; B. moments 时刻;C. schoolwork学业; D. people人们;句意:我希望你会记住在你们生命中帮助和支持你们的人们。根据定语从句 who helped and supported you可知此处修饰人,故用名词people。故选D。
    37. A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. fail 失败;B. hope 希望;C. remember记住;D. Continue继续;句意:从来不要忘记感激你周围的人。根据Please consider what they’ve done for you. 可知要考虑他们为你做的事,因此应是感激他们。Never fail to do sth不要忘记做某事,一定要做某事,故选A。
    38. C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. job 工作;B. ride 骑;C. life生活;D. idea主意;句意:最后,初中生活的结束是一种新生活的开始。根据the end of junior high school可知初中生活结束,因此要开始新的生活。故选C。
    39. B【解析】考查介词短语及语境的理解。A. across form 在……对面; B. ahead of 提前;C. behind 在……后面;D. above在……上面;句意:在你面前你将有很多困难的任务。根据后文的But along with difficulties,there will also be many ____51____ things waiting for you. 可知未来伴随很多困难,故应在你面前有困难,故选B。
    40. D【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. copy抄;B. write down 写下;C. follow 遵循;D. learn from向……学习,从中吸取教训;句意:你将会犯很多错误,但是关键是要从你的错误中吸取教训,不要放弃。根据后文的Learn the new things,可知要学习新东西,故应是从错误中学习东西,故选D。
    41. A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. exciting 激动人心的; B. excited激动的;C. boring无聊的;D. bored枯燥的,无聊的;句意:但是伴随着困难,也会有许多激动人心的事等着你。根据连词but,可知与difficult相对立,故应是令人激动的事,修饰things,故用形容词exciting,故选A。
    42. C【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. quickly快地; B. slowly 慢地;C. wisely 明智地;D. quietly安静地;句意:明智地做出选择,为你做的决定和行为负责。根据you’ll have the ability to make your own choices可知你有能力做出选择,故此处应是明智地做出选择,故用副词wisely。故选C。
    43. D考查连词及语境的理解。A. If 如果; B. Because因为;C. Unless除非;D. Although尽管;句意:尽管你们现在不得不分道扬镳,我希望你们几年后回来参观我们的学校。结合句意,此处表示让步关系,尽管要走,仍希望回来看看学校,故用连词although。故选D。
    44. B【解析】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. set off +for+地方,出发;B. set out 开始;C. set up建立;D. set down记下;句意:当你们在新的旅程开始出发时,你不要忘记你们来自哪里。根据on your new journey应是出发在新的旅程上,故选B。
    45. B【解析】考查代词及语境的理解。A. theirs 他们的(东西);B. yours 你的(东西);C. his 他的(东西);D. hers她的(东西);句意:未来是你们的。根据前文的As you ____54____ on your new journey,you shouldn’t forget where you came form. 可知这是对“你们”讲的,故对应代词是yours“你们的”,故选B。
    1. A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. unhappy不高兴的,B. unusual不同寻常的,C. different 不同的,D. important重要的。句意:它是我一生中最不高兴的时期。根据前文的 I thought of a time in my life when I didn’t want to accept(承担) responsibility for anything,可知我不想承担任何责任,因此这是我不高兴的时期,故选A。
    2. B【解析】考查代词及语境的理解。A. how 如何,B. why 为什么,C. it 它,D. that那个。句意:我不知道为什么,但是我只是觉得我无法控制任何事情。根据but I just felt like I had no control over anything.可知我觉得无法控制任何事,因此我不知道为什么不高兴,故选B。
    3. B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. danger 危险, B. trouble 麻烦,C. love 热爱,D. need需要。句意:我开始和一群总是惹麻烦的孩子们一起四处走动。根据后文的Some of the children were taking drugs(毒品),可知有些孩子们吸毒,因此表示惹麻烦的孩子,in trouble处于麻烦中,故选B。
    4. C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. played 玩,B. made制作,C. enjoyed 喜欢,D. wanted想要。句意:一些孩子们吸毒,所以我不得不证明我是多么酷,也是多么喜欢它们。根据I had to prove(证明) how cool I was可知我要证明我是多么酷,因此要和那些孩子一样喜欢吸毒,故选C。
    5. D【解析】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. talked with 和……交谈; B. communicated with和……交流; C. worried about 担心;D. argued with和……争论;句意:我开始在外面待到很晚,不做作业,还经常和父母吵架。根据后文的And if they tried to talk with me about what was wrong, I’d tell them they didn’t understand me.可知我和父母争论,故选D。
    6. B【解析】考查连词及语境的理解。A. So 所以,B. But 但是,C. Or 或者,D. For因为。句意:但是我感觉和我待在一起的孩子也不理解我。前半句表示我的父母不理解我,后半句表示和我在一起的孩子也不理解我,前后表示转折关系,故用连词but,故选B。
    7. A【解析】考查代词及语境的理解。A. anything 任何事, B. something 某物, C. some things 一些事情, D. nothing没什么。句意:我们可以谈论任何事。根据前文的we were the best friends,可知我们是最好的朋友,因此可以谈论任何事,故选A。
    8. C【解析】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. got in the way 妨碍, B. was on the way在……途中, C. went out of her way 她不遗余力, D. got out of her way别挡她的路。句意:她不遗余力地帮我。根据前文的We were the best friends,可知我们是最好的朋友,所以她不遗余力地帮助我,故选C。
    9. A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. accept 承认, B. finish 完成,C. forget 忘记,D. stop停止。句意:从那时起,我开始意识到我必须为我的生活负责。根据前文的And she 8 to help me out.可知她帮助我,因此我开始认识到我的责任,故选A。
    10. D【解析】考查介词短语及语境的理解。A. anymore 不再, B. after all 毕竟,C. no longer 不再,D. at all根本。句意:那群孩子决定了我该做什么,但是我知道他们一点也不关系我。not ……at all一点也不,故选D。
    1. C【解析】句意:从前有一个孤独的女孩,她对爱给予厚望。考查形容词及语境理解。A. alone作为形容词,意为"单独的",只作表语,不能作定语;alone还可以作副词,意为"单独;独自";B. cheerful欢乐的;C. lonely作为形容词,意为"孤独的";D. clever形容词,聪明的。根据后面的hoped so much for love,可知此处应是"一个孤独的女孩",形容词作定语,修饰后面的名词girl;故答案选C。
    2. B【解析】句意:一天,当她在树林里散步时,她发现了两只饥饿的鸣禽。考查连词及语境理解。A. after在……之后;B. while当……的时候;C. before在……之前;D. then然后。根据语境可知是当她在树林里散步时,她发现了两只饥饿的鸣禽,故答案选B。
    3. A【解析】句意:每天早晨,它们用美妙的歌声迎接她。考查介词及语境理解。A. with和、随着;B. through通过;C. for为了;D. without没有。greet sb.with…,固定搭配,意思是"以……问候某人",故答案选A。
    4. D【解析】句意:有一天,女孩偶然离开了开着的门的笼子。考查动词及语境理解。A. found找到、发现;B. forgot忘记;C. saw看见;D. left离开。根据下文The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage.可知是女孩偶然离开了开着的门的笼子,故答案选D。
    5. B【解析】句意:于是她张开手,惊讶地看着那只死鸟。考查介词短语及语境理解。A. in danger在危险中;B. in surprise惊讶的、惊奇的;C. in trouble处于不幸中;D. in need在危难中。 由上文 caring them with love 可知女孩儿很爱她的鸟儿,所以看到心爱的鸟儿被自己不慎杀死,第一反应应该是惊讶,其它选项均不符合题意,故答案选B。
    6. A【解析】句意:她注意到另一只鸟在笼子里来回移动。考查代词及语境理解。A. the other两者中的另一个;B. another指三者或三者以上中的另一个;C. other"别的,另外的",一般只能和复数名词连用;D. the others表示在一个范围内的其他全部。根据上文提到she found two hungry songbirds,可知是她发现了两只鸟儿,这里指的是另一只,故答案选A。
    7. C【解析】句意:她能感受到他的强烈愿望。考查代词及语境理解。A. her她的;B. their他们的;C. his他的;D. it它。根据下文she carried him from the cage and tossed(投掷)him softly into the air.中的"him"可知此处应用his,故答案选C。
    8. C【解析】句意:她不情愿地把它从笼子里抱了出来,轻轻地把它抛向空中。考查副词及语境理解。A. Uncertainly没把握地;B. Certainly确定;C. Unwillingly不情愿地;D. Willingly乐意地。联系上文The girl was so frightened that he would fly away so as he flew close, she caught him wildly.可知女孩不愿意让鸟儿飞出笼子,所以此处应是她不情愿地把它从笼子里抱了出来,轻轻地把它抛向空中,故答案选C。
    9. B【解析】句意:它唱了她从未听过的甜美的歌声。考查形容词及语境理解。A. saddest最悲哀的;B. sweetest最甜美的、最悦耳的;C. loudest最大声的;D. coolest最冷漠的。根据语境可知鸟儿获得自由后,唱出"最甜美的"歌声,故答案选B。
    10. D【解析】句意:失去爱的最快方法是紧紧抓住它。考查动词及语境理解。A. get得到;B. catch抓住;C. accept承认;D. lose失去。由题干可知此处与后文的keep love相反,可知句意为"失去爱的最快方法是紧紧抓住它,保持爱的最好方法是给它翅膀!"故答案选D。
    1. B 【解析】句意:Auggie在许多方面都是一个普通的男孩。in a way在某一方面;in many ways在许多方面;根据句意可知选B。
    2. C 【解析】句意:但是Auggie有一张畸形的脸。根据上文Auggie, is an ordinary(普通的) boy可知这里表示转折;A. So 所以;B. And和;C. But但是;D. Though尽管;根据句意故选C。
    3. A 【解析】句意:看起来与其他孩子非常不一样。different from与……不同;故选A。
    4. B 【解析】句意:我不会描述我长什么样。look like看起来像,根据句意应是看以来像什么;A. How怎样;B. what 什么;C. why 为什么;D. Which哪一个;故选B。
    5. D 【解析】句意:无论你怎么想,它可能更糟糕。根据上句我不会描述我长什么样,可知应是想;A. doing 做;B. making制造;C. reading 读;D. thinking想;故选D。
    6. D 【解析】句意:他的出现令他们惊愕。A. him 他;B. her 她;C. us 我们;D. them他们;根据people look at Auggie 可知是他们;故选D。
    7. C 【解析】句意:Auggie从来没去过学校。have/has been to去过某地;have/has gone to去某地了;根据because he has spent a lot of time in hospital.可知是没去过学校;故选C。
    8. D 【解析】句意:她认为他应该去上学。根据other student will look at him and say terrible things.可知是去学校;故选D。
    9. C 【解析】句意:他担心其他同学会看他说不好的话。A. hopes 希望;B. agrees同意;C. worries 担心;D. promises承诺;根据other student will look at him and say terrible things可知是担心;故选C。
    10. A 【解析】句意:他喜欢校长,决定去上学。根据decides to go和 A. likes喜欢;B. asks问;C. helps帮助;D. cheats欺骗;可知选A。
    11. C 【解析】句意:但是另一些孩子对他不友好。A. blamed 该死的;B. generous 慷慨的;C. unfriendly 不友好的;D. kind善良的;be unfriendly to sb.对某人不友好;根据Auggie makes some good friends but other children;故选C。
    12. B 【解析】句意:《奇迹》是 R.J. Palacio 的第一本书。根据Many schools use the book to start discussions可知是书,故选B。
    13. A 【解析】句意:她解释说一天她在街上看见一个畸形的女孩后有了《奇迹》的主意。A. after 在……以后;B. before 在……之前;C. unless除非;D. since自从;根据句意故选A。
    14. D 【解析】句意:许多学校用这本书开始讨论关于欺凌、友谊和不同。A. in在……里面;B. to到;C. for为了;D. about关于;根据句意可知选D。
    15. B 【解析】句意:这本书非常受欢迎,赢了奖。A. east东边;B. popular流行的,受欢迎的;C. heavy重的;D. expensive昂贵的;根据There will be a film of Wonder, and many people are looking forward to seeing it.可知是受欢迎的;故选B。
    1. D【解析】句意:几乎所有东西都有颜色。考查不定代词。A. none没有人,没有任何东西;B. nothing没有东西,无物;C. something某物,某东西;D. everything一切,所有东西。根据上文The whole world is full of colours.(整个世界充满了色彩。)可知此句是“几乎所有东西都有颜色。”结合句意可知填everything;选D。
    2. C【解析】句意:很多东西都是红色的。考查形容词辨析。A. Few很少,几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数;B. A little一点,一些,修饰不可数名词;C. Lots of许多,大量的,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;D. Little很少,几乎没有,修饰不可数名词。根据下文For example, warning signs are usually red.(例如,警告标志通常是红色的。)可知“很多东西都是红色的。”选C。
    3. A【解析】句意:绿色是大多数春天叶子和草的颜色。考查名词辨析。A. Green绿色;B. Red红色;C. Yellow黄色;D. Blue蓝色。结合句意可知填Green;选A。
    4. B【解析】句意:什么是蓝色?考查特殊疑问词。A. When什么时候;B. What什么;C. Who谁;D. Why为什么。根据下文“Blue is the colour of 5 .(蓝色是海洋的颜色。)”可知此句是“什么是蓝色?”结合句意可知填What,选B。
    5. C【解析】句意:蓝色是海洋的颜色。考查名词辨析。A. the sun太阳;B. grass草;C. sea海洋;D. ground土地。结合句意可知填sea;选C。
    6. A【解析】句意:还有许多其他颜色,如橙色、棕色、紫色、白色和黑色。考查形容词辨析。A. other其他的;B. another又一个,再一个;C. extra额外的,附加的;D. else其他的,一般修饰不定代词或特殊疑问词,且要后置。结合句意可知填other;选A。
    7. B【解析】句意:世界随着一年中的季节颜色的变化而变化。考查名词辨析。A. months月;B. seasons季节;C. days白天;D. weeks星期,周。结合句意可知填season;选B。
    8. D【解析】句意:秋天变成金黄色,冬天变成白色。考查形容词辨析。A. red红色;B. green绿色;C. yellow黄色;D. white白色。结合句意可知填white;选D。
    9. B【解析】句意:暴风雨过后,你会看到天空中有许多不同颜色的东西。考查连词辨析。A. Until直到;B. After在……以后;C. Before在……以前;D. But但是。结合句意可知填After;选B。
    10. B【解析】句意:但是如果没有不同的颜色,你能想象这个世界是什么样子的吗?考查介词辨析。A. with有,和;B. without没有;C. for为了,给;D. within在……的范围内。结合句意可知填without;选B。






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