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    1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。
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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Frances Stevens Reese Wooldland Trail Guide
    The Woodland Trail was opened to the public on October 21, 1997. Boscobel’s Board of Directors adopted a formal decision of naming the Woodland Trail in honor of former Boscobel board member, Fances Stevens Reese (1917-2003), one year after his death.
    The trail(小径) is approximately 10 miles in length, leading down to Constitution Forest. When the West Point Glass Factory was operating during the Civil War, trees for miles around were cleared to provide firewood. Walking out of the forest, you will find a large mass of native hard rock about three billion years old.
    Throughout this country path, you will find picture boards identifying birds and plants local to this region. You will also find signs with historic and environmental information written by area specialists.
    When you take a walk through this “undiscovered” forest land, please be a considerate guest.
    Before walking the trail, please purchase a pass in the Carriage House. Plan ahead, so you will be back by closing time.
    Follow the trail markers and remain on the trail. Besides protecting the fragile forest ecosystem, you will reduce the risk of poison plants and snakes.
    Leave rocks, plants, animals and art works where you see them so that the person behind you can have the same experience.
    Carry out whatever you carry in because there are no rubbish containers on the trail. If you happen to see a piece of litter, be a good guest and pick it up.
    1. When was the trail named to honor Frances Stevens Reese?
    A. In 1997. B. In 1917
    C. In 2003 D. In 2004
    2. What can you see along the trail?
    A. An old battle field. B. A glass factory.
    C. Information signs. D. Rock houses.
    3. What should you do as a thoughtful visitor?
    A. Leave the wildlife undisturbed.
    B. Throw the rubbish into the dustbins.
    C. Make reservations in the Carriage House.
    D. Protect the markers of the Woodland Trail.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A
    这是一篇说明文。介绍了一条以博斯科贝尔前董事会成员Fances Stevens Reese(1917-2003)的名字命名一条林地小径的情况和参观的注意事项。
    细节理解题。第一段第二句Boscobel’s Board of Directors adopted a formal decision of naming the Woodland Trail in honor of former Boscobel board member, Fances Stevens Reese (1917-2003), one year after his death.(博斯科贝尔的董事会通过了一项正式决定,在博斯科贝尔前董事会成员芬斯·史蒂文斯·里斯去世一年后,以芬斯·史蒂文斯·里斯(1917-2003)的名字命名这条林地小径。)可知这条纪念弗朗西丝·史蒂文斯·里斯的小道是2004年命名的。故选D。
    细节理解题。第三段Throughout this country path, you will find picture boards identifying birds and plants local to this region. You will also find signs with historic and environmental information written by area specialists.(在这条乡间小路上,你会发现一些图板,上面画着当地的鸟类和植物。你还会发现由地区专家撰写的带有历史和环境信息的标志。)可知你可以看到沿途的信息标志。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段When you take a walk through this “undiscovered” forest land, please be a considerate guest.(当你漫步在这片“未被发现”林地时,请做一位体贴入微的客人。)可知要做一个体贴的游客,不要打扰野生动物。故选A。
    【点睛】推理判断题要求考生在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题,做这类题目时,同学们应严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和语气等,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。如第三小题,根据第四段When you take a walk through this “undiscovered” forest land, please be a considerate guest.(当你漫步在这片“未被发现”的林地时,请做一位体贴入微的客人。)可知要做一个体贴的游客,不要打扰野生动物。故选A。

    Kevin, diagnosed with Dyslexia(读写困难症), rarely spoke a word in class, and if he did, it would be a “ Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe,” in response to questions. He always scored badly in tests and saw no hope for the future. That was until he met Sarah, an advisor at a youth centre Kidpreneur.
    In 2012, Kevin attended a course called Ready Set Go in that centre. The course was for disadvantaged kids in Kingswood – a low – income area in Sydney’s western suburbs – and its goal was to teach the kids how to create businesses and offer value to the neighborhood.
    At the end of the course, Sarah took the kids to the local area. She asked volunteers to share their business experiences – Kevin immediately put up his hand. His challenge was to trade his hot – dog selling service for free bread at a bakery. Although scared, Kevin was able to share his entrepreneur(创业) story with the shop owner and asked if he could exchange his service for some bread. Unexpectedly, the shop owner told Kevin how moved he was by his story and handed him some bread for free. By the end of the afternoon, his belief in himself and what was possible was at an all- time high.
    The following week, Kevin sold 70 hot – dogs in two hours and made over $200. Soon after, he delivered public speeches in 20 schools, and was selected as part of his school’s leadership team. Now he heads a business group working on how to increase potential customer base.
    All of his would not have been possible if Kevin had not found his passion and perseverance to improve himself and those around him. The guidance and trust of his advisor also helped to kindle his enthusiasm to go after his goals and dreams in life.
    4. What were the kids expected to achieve in the Ready Set Go course?
    A. To improve their test scores. B. To create a hot- dog business.
    C. To teach in low-income areas. D. To be beneficial to the local area.
    5. How did Kevin feel after visiting the local bakery?
    A. Scared. B. Confident
    C. Touched. D. Grateful.
    6. What does the underlined word “ kindle” probably mean?
    A. Inspire B. Share.
    C. Continue. D. Express.
    7. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. On the Road to Recovery
    B. Turning Failure into Success.
    C. Growing Wealthy through Hard Work.
    D. From Hopeless Youth to Business Leader
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D
    这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一门名为Ready Set Go的课程。该课程是为悉尼西郊低收入地区Kingswood的贫困儿童开设的,其目标是教孩子们如何创建企业,并为社区提供价值。其中以患有读写困难症的Kevin为例,展示了如何让一个没有希望的年轻人成长为一个商业领导者的经过。
    细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句its goal was to teach the kids how to create businesses and offer value to the neighborhood.(它的目标是教孩子们如何创建企业,并为社区提供价值。)可知在Ready Set Go课程中孩子们被期望对当地提供价值。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句By the end of the afternoon, his belief in himself and what was possible was at an all- time high.(到下午结束的时候,他对自己和可能性的信心达到了空前的高度。)可知Kevin参观了当地的面包店后感觉非常自信。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据下文his enthusiasm to go after his goals and dreams in life可知导师的指导和信任“激发”了他追求人生目标和梦想的热情。故可知划线单词意思为“激发;鼓舞”。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章主要内容为介绍了一门名为Ready Set Go的课程。该课程是为悉尼西郊低收入地区Kingswood的贫困儿童开设的,其目标是教孩子们如何创建企业,并为社区提供价值。其中以患有读写困难症的Kevin为例,展示了如何让一个没有希望的年轻人成长为一个商业领导者的经过。D选项最符合题意,又能吸引读者。故选D。

    A woman held her phone tightly to her heart the way a church-goer might hold a Bible. She was anxious to take a picture of an impressive bunch of flowers that sat not so far away, but first she had to get through a crowd of others pushing their way to do the same. The cause of this was Bouquets to Art, one of the most popular events at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.
    Flower sellers were asked to create flower arrangements that respond to pieces of art on display, from ancient carvings to contemporary sculptures. It’s extremely attractive and also memorable, to the point that it has become a problem.
    In recent years, the de Young received more than a thousand complaints from people who felt that cell phones had spoiled their experience of the exhibit. institutions of fine art around the world face similar problems as the desire to take photographs becomes a huge attraction for museums, as well as something that upsets some of their patrons (资助人). So the de Young responded with a kind of compromise: carving out "photo free" hours during the exhibition’s six-day run.
    One common complaint about the effect of social media on museum culture is that people seem to be missing out on experiences because they are so busy collecting evidence of them. A study recently published in the journal Psychological Science suggests there is some truth to this. It finds that people who keep taking photos of an exhibit and posting them on social media rather than simply observing it, have; a hard time remembering what they see. But the issue is complex for the professionals running museums. Linda Butler, the de Young’s head of marketing and visitor experience, acknowledges that not everyone wants a museum to be "a photo-taking playland. " Yet a lot of people do‑ and she believes that the de Young is in no position to judge one reason for buying a $28 ticket to be more valid than another. "If we removed social media and photography," she says, "we would risk becoming irrelevant. "
    8. What was the woman eager to do according to Paragraph 1?
    A. To get her phone. B. To take a photo.
    C. To escape the crowd. D. To push ahead.
    9. How did the de Young respond to the dilemma?
    A. By setting periods without photo-taking.
    B. By making the exhibition free of charge.
    C. By compromising with the government.
    D. By extending the free exhibition hours.
    10. The recent study finds that the use of social media in museums may .
    A. uncover the truth
    B. play a negative role
    C. accumulate evidence
    D. cause many complaints
    11. Which of the following may Linda Butler support?
    A. Catering to visitors.
    B. Reducing admission prices.
    C. Reserving judgement in public.
    D. Banning social media and photography.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. B 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“She was anxious to take a picture of a bunch of flowers”可知,女人非常渴望拍照,故B项正确。
    细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“So the de Young responded with a kind of compromise: carving out “photo free” hours during the exhibition’s six-day run.”可知,面对人们的抱怨,博物馆采取了一个折中的办法:在展期内抽出“无拍照”时间,故A项正确。
    推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“One common complaint in the ongoing debates over the effect of social media on museum culture is that people seem to be missing out on experiences because they are so busy collecting evidence of them.”可知,在社交媒体对博物馆文化影响的争论中,一个常见的抱怨是,人们似乎错过了体验,因为他们太忙于收集证据,也就是社交媒体的使用在参观博物馆过程中起消极的作用,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四段倒数第二句“If we removed social media and photography”, she says, “we would risk becoming less popular.”可知,她认为,如果限制适用社交媒体和拍照,博物馆可能变得不那么受欢迎,由此可知,Linda Butler认为博物馆要迎合游客,故选A。
    【点睛】关于观点态度的推理判断题难度较大,紧紧抓住人物在文章中所说的话是关键,例如本篇第4题,根据第四段倒数第二句Linda Butler 所说的“If we removed social media and photography”, she says, “we would risk becoming less popular.”可知,她认为,如果限制适用社交媒体和拍照,博物馆可能变得不那么受欢迎,言外之意,Linda Butler认为博物馆要迎合游客。

    Most autonomous vehicles test-driving in cities navigate (导航) by using 3-D maps marking every edge of roadside with almost centimeter-level accuracy. But few places have been mapped in such detail, which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.
    Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) now have developed a new navigation system that guides autonomous vehicles without such accurate maps. This technology can help driverless cars travel almost anywhere.
    The navigation system maps out a course down unfamiliar roads much as a human driver would by continually scanning its surroundings, with a laser sensor (激光感应器), to measure how close it is to the edges of the road. Meanwhile, the car also follows a tool like a smart phone map app that provides directions to its destination, as well as information about the rules of the road, such as speed limits and the positions of stoplights. Teddy Ort, a roboticist at MIT, test-drove a car equipped with this navigation system on a one-way road. It slowly traveled one kilometer without any human assistance.
    This system assumes that a car has a clear path down the road, but it can be paired with other existing computing technology to discover in-road obstacles (障碍), says Ort. The researchers also plan to build a version of this system which can spot markings painted on streets, so that the car can drive on two-way roads. "Self-driving cars with this navigation system may need other sensors to work in different conditions,” Alexander Wyglinski, and electrical engineer at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. "Since laser sensors don’t work well in rain or snow, these cars might need additional imaging technologies to drive safely in bad weather. "
    12. What may be a problem for most driverless cars?
    A. They fail in test-driving.
    B. Their maps are out-dated.
    C. They run in limited areas.
    D. Their guides are unreliable.
    13. What can we infer about the MIT navigation system?
    A. It includes accurate maps.
    B. It removes in-road obstacles.
    C. It works by detecting the road.
    D. It features a smart phone app.
    14. What is the purpose of Paragraph 4?
    A. To confirm the test-drive results.
    B. To indicate further research areas.
    C. To recognize scientists’ achievements.
    D. To show the creativity of driverless cars.
    15. What is the main idea of the text?
    A. Autonomous cars beat human drivers on country roads.
    B. Navigating self-driving cars may work in different conditions.
    C. Smart mapping technology adds to the functions of self-driving cars.
    D. A new navigation system helps autonomous cars drive remote roads.
    【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句But few places have been mapped in such detail, which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.(但很少有地方被绘制得如此详细,这使得无人驾驶汽车无法进入像小城镇这样的大部分地区。)可知对大多数无人驾驶汽车来说,可能存在他们只能在有限的地区活动的问题。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第一句The navigation system maps out a course down unfamiliar roads much as a human driver would by continually scanning its surroundings, with a laser sensor, to measure how close it is to the edges of the road.(导航系统在不熟悉的道路上绘制路线,就像人类司机一样,用激光传感器不断地扫描周围的环境,以测量它与道路边缘的距离。)可知MIT导航系统通过是通过探测道路来工作的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中The researchers also plan to build a version of this system which can spot markings painted on streets, so that the car can drive on two-way roads.(研究人员还计划建立一个版本的系统,可以识别街道上的标记,这样汽车就可以在双向道路上行驶。)以及最后一句"Since laser sensors don’t work well in rain or snow, these cars might need additional imaging technologies to drive safely in bad weather. "(“由于激光传感器在雨雪天气中不能很好地工作,这些汽车可能需要额外的成像技术才能在恶劣天气下安全地行驶。”)可知第四段的目的在于指出进一步的研究领域。故选B。

    第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    How to Tell a Great Story
    In this information age, business leaders won’t be heard unless they’re telling stories. Facts and figures don’t stick in our minds at all. But stories create "sticky" memories by attaching emotions to things that happen. ___16___. Here is how to use story-telling to your benefit.
    Start with a message
    Every story-telling exercise should begin by asking: Who is my audience and what is the message I want to share with them? ___17___. For instance, if you are trying to convince senior leaders to take a risk by supporting your project, you can tell them that most companies are built on taking smart chances.
    The best story-tellers look to their own life details and memories for ways to draw attention to their message. There may be a tendency not to want to share personal events at work, but experiences that indicate how they overcome their struggle are what make leaders appear authentic.
    Keep it simple
    Some of the most successful and memorable stories are relatively simple and straightforward. Don’t tell your audience what shoes you were wearing if it doesn’t better the story. ___19___, such as your feelings and the humble beginnings of a now-great company. They can attract your listeners and-get your main message across.
    Don’t make yourself the hero
    You can be a central figure in a story, but the final focus should be on people you know, lessons you’ve learned, or events you’ve witnessed. When you talk about how great you are, the audience shuts down. ___20___
    A. Show good humor
    B. Provide vital details
    C. Use personal experiences
    D. Each decision about your story should flow from those questions
    E Leaders always tell stories to persuade others to support a project or to face challenges
    F. The more you make yourself a star, the less likely your audience will buy your message
    G. That means leaders who can create and share good stories gain a great advantage over
    【答案】16. G 17. D
    18. C 19. B
    20. F
    根据上文But stories create "sticky" memories by attaching emotions to things that happen.(但故事通过将情感与发生的事情联系起来,创造出“粘性”记忆。)本句进一步解释说明上文观点的意思:这意味着那些能够创造和分享好故事的领导者会获得更大的优势。故选G。
    根据上文Who is my audience and what is the message I want to share with them?(谁是我的听众,我想和他们分享什么信息?)可知是在提问,故可对应到D选项中those questions。表示“关于你的故事的每一个决定都应该从这些问题中得出”代入符合语境。故选D。
    根据下文The best story-tellers look to their own life details and memories for ways to draw attention to their message.(最好的说故事的人会从自己的生活细节和记忆中寻找吸引注意力的方法。)可知是在建议使用一些个人的真实经历,故选C。
    根据下文such as your feelings and the humble beginnings of a now-great company.(比如你的感受,以及现在一家伟大公司的卑微开端。)可知是一些具体的细节部分,故选B“提供重要细节”。
    根据本段小标题Don’t make yourself the hero(不要让自己成为英雄)根据语境可对应到F选项:你越让自己成为明星,你的听众就越不可能相信你的信息。 故选F。

    第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A,B , C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    My family is big on baseball. Grandpa ___21___ coached his team to two national games. Father played for three different colleges and was ___22___ asked to try out for the Los Angeles Angels, one of the top teams in the US. Minutes before I was born, my ___23___ were watching a live baseball match on TV You could say I was ___24___ to play the game, but frankly, all through. elementary school, I hated it.
    I spent most days of my summer at the baseball park in my neighborhood. I really should have been ___25___ at baseball, for I practiced almost every day, but I was not. I wouldn’t hit the ball hard or throw it ___26___ . When my dad or grandpa asked me if I wanted to ___27___, my answer was always no. Finally they stopped giving me a ___28___ but just making me play whether I liked it or not.
    This same old ___29___ continued for years. My dad and grandpa would make me practice and I would put no ___30___ in, until around Grade 10. I was older and ___31___ than my 12-year-old self. I finally ___32___ their true motive: it wasn’t because they wanted me to improve, but because they wanted to ___33___time with me. They were just trying to share a ___34___ part of their life with me and ___35___ me in something that had been in the family forever. ___36___ I got this, I stopped treating it as work and ___37___ it as a bonding experience.
    Now, I often ___38___ to play baseball with my dad or grandpa. The ___39___ practices and tough love I got from my ___40___ taught me a useful life lesson: find out why someone does something before jumping to conclusions.
    21. A. fairly B. successfully C. naturally D. accidentally
    22. A. still B. seldom C. even D. yet
    23. A. parents B. coaches C. doctors D. neighbors
    24. A. ordered B. prepared C. honored D. born
    25. A. amazed B. disappointed C. great D. mad
    26. A. casually B. accurately C. regularly D. clumsily
    27. A. practice B. relax. C. leave D. quit
    28. A. reply B. reason C. chance D. choice
    29. A. project B. business C. routine D. policy
    30. A. effort B. wealth C. promise D. trust
    31. A. calmer B. smarter C. happier D. kinder
    32. A. searched for B. focused on C. benefited from D. figured out
    33. A. save B. waste C. spend D. set
    34. A. normal B. special C. short D. general
    35. A. include B. spoil C. test D. judge
    36. A. Before B. Although C. Unless D. Once
    37. A. expected B. described C. treasured D. recognized
    38. A. fail B. offer C. forget D. hesitate
    39. A. forced B. regretted C. disturbed D. ended
    40. A. team B. school C. neighborhood D. family
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:爷爷成功地带领他的球队参加了两届全国比赛。A. fairly相当地;B. successfully成功地;C. naturally自然地;D. accidentally偶然地。根据下文"coached his team to two national games"可知,作者的爷爷成功地训练球队参加全国比赛。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:父亲曾效力于三所不同的大学,甚至被邀请参加美国顶尖球队洛杉矶天使队的选拔。A. still仍然;B. seldom几乎不;C. even甚至;D. yet然而。根据下文"asked to try out for the Los Angeles Angels, one of the top teams in the US"可知,作者的爸爸甚至要求参加洛杉矶天使队的选拔赛,这是美国顶尖球队之一。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我出生前的几分钟,我的父母正在看电视上直播的棒球比赛。你可以说我生来就是打棒球的,但是坦白地说,在我上小学的整个过程中,我都讨厌棒球。A. parents父母;B. coaches教练;C. doctors医生;D. neighbors邻居。根据上文"Minutes before I was born"可知,我出生前几分钟,我父母在电视上看现场直播的棒球比赛。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我出生前的几分钟,我的父母正在看电视上直播的棒球比赛。你可以说我生来就是打棒球的,但是坦白地说,在我上小学的整个过程中,我都讨厌棒球。A. ordered命令;B. prepared准备;C. honored 尊重;D. born出生。根据上文"Minutes before I was born"可知,你可以说我天生就是打这个比赛的。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我真的应该擅长棒球,因为我几乎每天都练习,但我没有。A. amazed惊讶的;B. disappointed失望的;C. great伟大的;D. mad疯狂的。根据下文"for I practiced almost every day"可知,我应该擅长棒球。短语be great at“擅长”,符合语境,故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我不会用力击球或准确地投球。A. casually随意地;B. accurately精确地;C. regularly定期地;D. clumsily笨拙地。根据上文"I wouldn't hit the ball hard or throw it"可知,我不能用力击球或准确地扔球。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我爸爸或爷爷问我是否想练习时,我的回答总是不。A. practice练习;B. relax放松;C. leave离开;D. quit停止。根据下文"my answer was always no"可知,爸爸或爷爷问我是否想练习。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们不再给我一个选择,只让我打球,不管我喜欢与否。A. reply回答;B. reason理由;C. chance机会;D. choice选择。根据下文"just making me play whether I liked it or not."可知,他们停止给我选择。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种惯例持续了好几年。A. project 项目;B. business商业;C. routine惯例;D. policy政策。根据上文可知作者的爷爷和爸爸总是问作者是否要练习棒球,下文是My Dad and grandpa would make me practice and I would put no.可知,这种惯例多年一直继续。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的爸爸和爷爷会让我练习,我不会付出任何努力。A. effort努力;B. wealth财富;C. promise承诺;D. trust相信。根据上文"My Dad and grandpa would make me practice and I would put no".我爸爸和爷爷经常让我练习,但是我不努力。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我比12岁的自己年龄更大更聪明。A. calmer更冷静的;B. smarter更聪明的;C. happier更快乐的;D. kinder更亲切的。根据上文"I was older"可知,我10年级的时候,年纪更大也更聪明了。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我终于弄清了他们的真正动机。A. searched for搜索;B. focused on集中于;C. benefited from受益于;D. figured out弄清楚。根据下文"their true motive"可知,我弄明白他们真正的动机。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为他们想花时间和我在一起。A. save拯救;B. waste浪费;C. spend花费;D. set设置。根据下文"time with me"可知,他们不是想让我提高,而是想花时间和我在一起。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们只是想和我分享他们生活中特别的一部分。A. normal正常的;B. special特别的;C. short短的;D. general一般的。根据下文"part of their life with me"可知,他们想和我分享生活中的特殊部分。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们只是想和我分享他们生活中特别的一部分,把我也包括在这个家庭中。A. include包括;B. spoil溺爱;C. test测试;D. judge判断。根据下文"in something that had been in the family forever."可知他们想要我参与家庭传统的运动中。故选A。
    考查连接词辨析。句意:一旦我明白了这点,我不再将它当成是辛苦的事情。A. Before在……之前;B. Although尽管;C. Unless除非;D. Once一旦。根据下文"I got this" 可知一旦我明白了这点,我不再将它当成是辛苦的事情。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦我明白了这点,我不再将它当成是辛苦事情,而是珍惜它是联系的经历。A. expected期待;B. described描述;C. treasured珍惜;D. recognized辨认。根据上文"I stopped treating it as work"可知,我不再将它当成是辛苦的事情,而是珍惜它是联系的经历。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,我经常主动提出和我爸爸或爷爷一起打棒球。A. fail失败;B. offer主动提出;提供;C. forget忘记;D. hesitate犹豫。根据下文"to play baseball with my bad or grandpa".我经常主动提出和爸爸或爷爷打棒球。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从家人那里得到的强迫训练和严厉的爱教会了我一个有用的人生经验:在下结论之前先找出某人做某事的原因。A. forced强迫;B. regretted遗憾;C. disturbed干扰;D. ended结束。根据上文"practices"可知,这些练习是强迫的,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从家人那里得到的强迫训练和严厉的爱教会了我一个有用的人生经验:在下结论之前先找出某人做某事的原因。A. team队伍;B. school学校;C. neighborhood邻居;D. family家庭。根据上文"had been in the family"可知,我从家人那里得到的严苛的爱教给我一个道理。故选D。

    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    As I tried describing Thanksgiving Day to my in-laws (姻亲) in China, I could already see their eyes cloud over with ____41____ (confuse) and sense the questions arising in their minds. So I attempted ___42___ (translate) the holiday through things they were familiar with. I described the roast turkey as something similar ___43___ Beijing duck. I compared the annual Thanksgiving show to the ___44___ (year) Spring Festival Gala (联欢会) on Chinese New Year’s Eve. And I characterized ___45___ entire celebration as an American version of Winter Solstice (冬至) in China. Yet as much as my in-laws ___46___ (nod) and smiled, I recognized that even these explanations were a poor substitute. No words could fully describe the Thanksgiving celebrations :I had known in the US.
    This ___47___ (be) the kind of disappointment you face in cross-cultural communication. Despite all the differences, we can still sit down together and have heart-to-heart ___48___(discussion) about each other’s traditions. So in the spirit of my American holiday, I silently gave a moment of thanks for ___49___ (have) in China such great in-laws, ___50___ cared enough to listen to their foreign daughter-in-law talk about Thanksgiving Day.
    【答案】41. confusion
    42. to translate
    43. to 44. yearly
    45. the 46. nodded
    47. is 48. discussions
    49. having 50. who
    考查固定短语。句意:所以我试图通过他们熟悉的东西来诠释这个节日。短语attempt to do sth.“试图做某事”,故填to translate。
    考查固定短语。句意:我说烤火鸡有点像北京烤鸭。短语be similar to“与……相似”,故填to。
    考查形容词。句意:我把一年一度的感恩节表演和除夕的春节联欢晚会做了比较。修饰名词短语Spring Festival Gala应用形容词,故填yearly。
    考查动词时态。句意:然而,尽管我的姻亲们点头微笑,我还是意识到,即使是这些解释,也只是一个可怜的替代品。根据下文并列谓语and smiled可知应用一般过去时,故填nodded。
    (2)二看关系词的句法功能,即分清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等(如作定语通常用whose,有时也用which;作状语要用when, where, why)

    I have a dream to be a doctor. Three years ago I am badly injured in car accident. The ambulance rushed me to the nearest hospital, that the doctors and nurses did their best to look after myself. Five days late, I was getting better. I watched the doctors to perform their duties tirelessly but offer all their patients the best treatment available. My experience in that hospital great influenced me. Ever since then, I have made it my life’s ambition to fight against diseases and save life. I know my dream will come true if I keep work hard for it.
    【详解】1.考查动词时态。句意:三年前,我在一次车祸中受了重伤。根据上文Three years ago可知应用一般过去时,故am改为was。
    4.考查代词。句意同上。短语look after sb.“照顾某人”后跟人称代词宾格做宾语,故myself改为me。
    6.考查固定短语。句意:我看到医生们不知疲倦地履行职责,为所有病人提供最好的治疗。短语watch sb. do sth.“看某人做某事”后跟省略to的不定式做宾语补足语。故去掉to。
    10.考查固定短语。句意:我知道如果我继续努力,我的梦想会成真。短语keep doing sth.“继续做某事”,故work改为working。

    3. 参考词汇:书法calligraphy;鉴赏appreciation。
    Dear Peter,
    How are things with you?
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Pete:
    How are things with you?
    It was really a pleasure to have met you in the International Culture Festival held last week. Knowing you are so fond of Chinese calligraphy, I would like to send you a book about this abstract high-level form of art, for it is an English edition.
    The book is entitled Appreciation of Chinese Calligraphy, including a fascinating collection of masterpieces. It not only presents a variety of calligraphy styles, but also provides beautiful illustrations, expert analyses and provides useful comments, since one’s handwriting is often viewed as a reflection of his personality.
    Could you please leave me your address so that I can mail it to you soon? I hope you will like. Could you please leave me your address so that I can mail it to you soon? I hope you will like the book and find it helpful.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Li Hua
    第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:the International Culture Festival(国际文化节),be fond of (喜欢),Chinese calligraphy(中国书法);appreciation(欣赏)等。
    【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式,如Knowing you are so fond of Chinese calligraphy, I would like to send you a book about this abstract high-level form of art, for it is an English edition.非谓语动词的运用;It not only presents a variety of calligraphy styles, but also provides beautiful illustrations, expert analyses and provides useful comments, since one’s handwriting is often viewed as a reflection of his personality.运用了原因状语从句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。






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