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    这是一份浙江省浙南名校联盟2024-2025学年高二上学期8月返校联考英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含高二年级英语学科试题docx、高二年级英语学科参考答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高二年级英语学科 试题
    1. 本卷共满分 150分, 考试时间120分钟.
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字.
    3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效.
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    1. What did the man d n Saturday?
    A. He went t the mvies. B. He visited sme friends. C. He had dinner with his family.
    2. Hw many times has the bar been rbbed?
    A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.
    3. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She has her favrite airline.
    B. She's afraid f flying.
    C. She just traveled by air fr the first time.
    4. What is the man ding?
    A. Shpping. B. Waiting fr a bus. C. Asking fr sme infrmatin.
    5. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Visiting a z. B. Lking at sme pictures. C. Watching TV.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间. 每段对话或独白读两遍.
    6. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She ften plays tennis.
    B. She is watching a tennis match.
    C. She knws the rules f tennis.
    7. What will the man d later?
    A. Watch TV. B. Pick up the wman. C. G t the ffice.
    听第7段材料,回答第8至 10题.
    8. Hw did the man get the mney?
    A. He stle it. B. He wn an award. C. He fund it n the street.
    9. Hw des the man feel at first?
    A. Excited. B. Wrried. C. Guilty.
    10. What will the speakers d next?
    A. G shpping. B. G t the plice statin. C. G t dinner tgether.
    听第8段材料, 回答第 11 至 13题.
    11. Why is the man visiting the wman?
    A. They are cusins. B. He is lking fr a rm t rent. C. They are frmer rmmates.
    12. When did the man arrive in San Francisc?
    A. Five days ag. B. Seven days ag. C. Ten days ag.
    13. What is true abut the wman?
    A. She will g t New Yrk fr a jb.
    B. She is wrking fr an ad cmpany.
    C. She has been in the city fr three years.
    听第9段材料, 回答第 14 至 17题.
    14. Hw ld was the wman when she first read Jane Eyre?
    A. Nine. B. Twelve. C. Furteen.
    15. What des the wman say abut the themes f Jane Eyre?
    A. They are cmplex. B. They are utdated. C. They still apply tday.
    16. What des the man think f Hllywd mvies?
    A. They ften have happy endings.
    B. They ften have unusual characters.
    C. They are just fr entertainment.
    17. What will the wman d later?
    A. Read the bk again. B. Recmmend the bk t smene. C. Pick up her daughter.
    听第 10段材料, 回答第 18至20题。
    18. Wh is the intended audience?
    A. The general public. B. University students. C. The newspaper emplyees.
    19. Hw many peple will cntinue wrking fr the cmpany?
    A.20. B.25. C.150.
    20. What will begin tmrrw?
    A. A new TV prgram. B. A news website. C. A newspaper.
    第二部分,阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Amazing science- inspired turs
    Jin us in amazing science- inspired turs acrss the glbe with experts n bard and in the cmpany f fellw travelers wh enjy the discvery f science.
    New Zealand
    1 Nvember 2024|8 days
    Discver the amazing and diverse landscapes f New Zealand, that ver millins f years have been shaped by frces deep within the earth. Explre Nrth Island's key gelgical regins including Island vlcan, Waitm caves. Meet lcal experts alng the way and enjy briefing s and walking seminars frm science experts.
    Csta Rica
    6 Nvember 2024|13 days
    This tur will cver a wealth f fascinating ecsystems, including wetlands, primary rainfrests, vlcanic znes and the rich variety f life in marine reserves and natinal parks. Explre sme f Csta Rica's st unning highlights frm strlling thrugh the histric streets f San Jse, walking high up alng Mnteverde's sky walk trails thrugh the clud frest and feeling the strength f the Arenal Vlcan.
    17 September 2024|10 days
    Immerse yurself in the Inca civilizatin's mst imprtant archaelgical sites, including Machu Picchu as yu discver hw the stry f the Incas is s much mre than Machu Picchu. Explre the science and histry while explring the beautiful Sacred Valley. Spend time explring the museums, archaelgical remains and beautiful Spanish architecture and travel thrugh the spectacular landscapes f the Sacred Valley.
    18 Octber 2024|13 days
    Jin ur marine expeditin explring the nrthernmst regin f Earth, the area f the plar bear and the midnight sun. Gain extensive knwledge f marine and plar nature while deepening yur cnnectin t this remte and rugged archipelag. Accmpanied by New Scientist's Rw an Hper alng with highly knwledgeable and supprtive expeditin team, experts in explratin science, and wildlife.
    T sign up fr the tur, please click the link belw.
    21. Which tur will yu jin if yu are interested in bth histry and wildlife?
    A. Csta Rica B. New Zealand C. Peru D. Nrway
    22. What d the fur turs have in cmmn?
    A. All f the turs will take mre than 10 days.
    B. All f the turs will be accmpanied by scientists.
    C. All f the turs are t have science- related explratin.
    D. All f the turs will invlve the experience f visiting vlcan.
    23. Where is this passage prbably taken frm?
    A. A travel brchure. B. A science magazine.
    C. A travel newspaper. D. An nline website.
    Nthing screamed freedm fr me as a kid like green rubber bts. Each winter meant new bts fr my little brther and me. Smetimes they were Christmas presents, but mre ften they were simply necessities fr tw bys wh tk their jb f getting dirty very seriusly and whse feet grew like they stepped in fertilizer each night.
    Depending n the mdel, they might have lng yellw laces (鞋带) all the way up the frnt and a strip f yellw rubber arund the tp. Smetimes we gt the cmmn slip- n kind, but I liked the lace- up type better. I lved threading thse laces in and ut and in and ut and then fastened them dwn tight at the tp t lck the legs f my veralls r jeans in place. Yu culdn't maintain the wavy effect with the slip- n kind, s yu culdn't lk like a British sldier fr very lng with thse.
    The nly drawback t the laces was that ver time the plastic tip wuld wear ff and the laces wuld be wrn ut. Then threading them thrugh the eyes gt t be a chre- especially when sme weeds r insects wuld grab hld f the ends and make a sticky mess.
    Getting bts at the stre was nice, but nthing was better than getting bt s in a wrapped- up bx. The best nes have a pretty lid(盖子) and pen like a treasure chest. Smetimes a big sticker with a picture f the bts greeted us frm under the wrapped paper. But every time, raising the lid released a sweet smell f rubbery gdness.
    I lved the smth inside f the bt, and mving my tes in it. There was always plenty f space fr grwing feet. Then came the imprtant walk arund the rm and up and dwn the hall, bming alng n the hardwd flr. Best f all was the bang f the back dr, the clumping dwn steps, and the heavy, thunderus thunderus thunk, thunk acrss the yard t the nearest hle f mud and freedm.
    24. What made a bt necessary fr me?
    A. Playing in dirt freely. B. Prtecting the feet in winter.
    C. Stepping in fertilizer every night. D. Shwing ff as a Christmas present.
    25. What des paragraph 2mainly talk abut?
    A. The feature f rubber bts. B. My image in lace- up bts.
    C. The effect f rubber bts. D. My preference fr lace- up bts.
    26. What des the underlined wrd“ drawback” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Strength. B. Shrtage. C. Attractin. D. Bredm.
    27. The rubber bt attracted me except .
    A. the feeling f pening its package bx. B. the smell f the rubber.
    C. the inside surface f the bt. D. the sund f the bt kicking the dr.
    What exactly is an audibk tday? Is it a bk? Is it a play? Or is it becming smething else entirely? What is clear is that a push fr market dminance is driving it int a new trend.
    Amazn- wned Audible, the market leader, hired the Oscar- winning directr Sam Mendes t recrd multi- vice versins f the Dickens nvels Oliver Twist and David Cpperfield, making audibks the perfrming f the plays, and annunced last mnth that it had reached an agreement fr a recrding f JK Rwling's Harry Ptter series, vice d by mre than 100 actrs and featuring a“ grundbreaking new sundscape”. The new Ptter audibks, it said, wuld nt take ver but maintain cnventinal recrdings by Stephen Fry and Jim Dale, which Audible als hsts.
    T say that audi versins are different des nt mean they are wrse than printed texts. Fr peple with dyslexia(阅读障碍) r ADHD (多动症), they can be a lifeline— as they can be fr thse wh d nt have time, r the habit, f reading bks. Cmmuters, and men between the ages f 25 and 44, have been identified as key drivers f their grwing ppularity.
    The gd news fr thse wh secretly find audibks mre accessible, but are embarrassed t admit it, is that brain scans have revealed that they stimulate the same cgnitive and emtinal parts f the brain. But s wuld a radi play. Listening t stries, anther intriguing piece f research revealed, sets the pulse racing far mre than watching them.
    S while we celebrate what audibks have in cmmn with their print versins – bth enable the brain t create its wn pictures in a wrld where pre- manufactured images t ften d all the wrk fr us- we shuld als appreciate that they are translatins int a different medium, even when read by the authrs themselves. What is certain is that there is rm fr bth.
    28. What's the functin f Paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce a scientific study. B. T lead in the tpic.
    C. T describe an experience. D. T give an example.
    29. What is the new trend f audibks?
    A. Emplying talented perfrmers. B. Using prize- winning nvels.
    C. Replacing traditinal recrding. D. Making them int plays.
    30. What is the benefit f audibks?
    A. They mtivate the cgnitive- emtinal brain.
    B. They prmte relaxatin fr busy individuals.
    C. They make reading accessible fr the disabled.
    D. They are mst likely t decrease the sense f thrill.
    31. What's the authr's attitude twards audibks?
    A. Wrried. B. Hpeful. C. Uncertain. D. Curius.
    The idea that night wls wh dn't g t bed until the early hurs struggle t get anything dne during the day may have t be revised. It turns ut that staying up late culd be gd fr ur brain pwer as research suggests that peple wh identify as night wls culd be sharper than thse wh g t bed early.
    Researchers led by academics at Imperial Cllege Lndn studied data frm the UK Bibank study n mre than 26,000 peple wh had cmpleted intelligence, reasning, reactin time and memry tests. They then examined hw participants’ sleep duratin, quality, and chrntype (睡眠类型) affected brain perfrmance. They fund that thse wh stayed up late and thse classed as“ intermediate” had“ superir cgnitive functin”, while mrning risers had the lwest scres.
    Ging t bed late is strngly assciated with creative types. Artists, authrs and musicians knwn t be night wls include Henride Tuluse- Lautrec, James Jyce and Kanye West; But while pliticians such as , Winstn Churchill and Barack Obama famusly seemed t thrive n little sleep, the study fund that sleep duratin is imprtant fr brain functin, with thse getting between seven and nine hurs f shut- eye each night perfrming best in cgnitive tests.
    Dr Raha West, lead authr and clinical research fellw at the department f surgery and cancer at Imperial Cllege Lndn, said:“ While understanding and wrking with yur natural sleep tendencies is essential, it's equally imprtant t remember t get just enugh sleep, nt t lng r t shrt. This is crucial fr keeping yur brain healthy and functining at its best.”
    Prf Daqing Ma, the c- leader f the study wh is als frm Imperial's department f surgery and cancer, added:“ We fund that sleep duratin has a direct effect n brain functin, and we believe that actively managing sleep patterns is really imprtant fr bsting, and safeguarding, the way ur brains wrk.
    32. What d we knw abut night wls?
    A. Night wls struggle t d things in daytime. B. Night wls dn't like sleeping.
    C. Night wls may be mre intelligent. D. Night wls have t stay up late.
    33. What is the authr's purpse in mentining sme peple in paragraph 3?
    A. T shw they sleep less but perfrm better. B. T illustrate creatin is linked with late sleep.
    C. T explain the imprtance f less sleeping. D. T identify which type f persn can sleep less.
    34. What will Pr Daqing Ma agree with?
    A. Active management f sleep patterns is significant.
    B. The mre we sleep, the better ur brain are.
    C. Our brain functin directly relies n sleeping.
    D. Sleep seven t nine hurs a day, keep dctrs away.
    35. Which is the best title f the passage?
    A. Sleeping pattern is essential.
    B. Staying up will make us creative.
    C. Night wls’ sleeping behavir“ better” than early risers.
    D. Night wls' cgnitive functin“ superir” t early risers.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
    Prductivity can be a struggle fr many f us. It can be easy t feel upset with verflwing email inbxes, husewrk, scial respnsibilities. 36 Write it dwn, d the tasks and crss them ff!
    Accrding t the psychlgist David Chen, there are three key reasns why lists are beneficial. Firstly, they help t drwn ut the disrder and anxiety that cmes with having never- ending tasks. By writing everything dwn, we dn't have t rely n ur memry and can instead fcus n the task at hand.37 Secndly, lists prvide structure and guidance, giving us a plan t fllw. As well as this, ur brains are mre likely t keep infrmatin that is presented in a structured and rganized manner. 38 . They act as prf f what we have achieved, which can help bst ur sense f accmplishment and mtivatin. Seeing ur prgress n paper can be a great mtivatr t keep ging and tackle mre tasks.
    Anther pssible reasn why ur brains lve lists is smething called the“ Zeigarnik Effect”. This is the name psychlgists use fr when we remember things we need t d, ur unfinished tasks, better than things we have already cmpleted. Researchers frm Wake Frest University tested the interference f the Zeigarnik effect n a grup f peple. The researchers cncluded that the grup permitted t plan had reduced anxiety and perfrmed better in the next task. 39
    In cnclusin, the t- d list is an invaluable tl fr managing ur daily lives. 40 It just might be the key t unlcking yur full ptential.
    A. Finally, lists give us the psychlgical bst as well.
    B. Instead, we can check ur lists t remind us f what's next.
    C. This nt nly helps us stay rganized but als reduces mental stress.
    D. Nevertheless, making a t- d list is nt always a straightfrward prcess.
    E. Hwever, ne simple tl that can help us stay n tp f everything is the t- d list.
    F. The next time yu feel verwhelmed, grab a pen and paper, and start making yur list.
    G. This finding highlights the imprtance f cmpleting tasks and crssing them ff ur lists.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分 15分)
    Last year, as my 9- year- ld sn, Lepld, and I prepared fr a ski trip t Keystne, I set a rule: We wuld say yes t everything. Lepld is a picky eater and can be 41 t try new things.
    Befre the trip, Lepld and I agreed we shuld say yes t everything. We started saying yes 42 we even barded ur flight. The next day, after we gt 43 at ur htel, I tk Lepld t meet his snwbarding 44 . My hpe was that Lepld wuld seize this 45 t snwbard n a muntain f this size. On the first day, I skied by myself, played it safe and stuck t the lng 46 green run. On the secnd day, I thught f Lepld, wh, the day befre, had kept t ur 47 and faced his fear f heights. In the spirit f 48 ,I challenged myself t ski an intermediate blue run. It was steeper but I did my slw, diligent S- turns and I 49 . When Lepld and I reunited, he asked if we culd g in the utdr ht tub. It was a 2- degree day, and the nly thing I 50 mre than being cld is being cld and wet! When I started t 51 , Lepld reminded me f the rule. Yes, it was cld, and yes, I was wet. The experience was a 52 as Lepld and I braved it tgether.
    And there lies the charm f saying yes n vacatin: It 53 yu t step ut f yur cmfrt zne. Thugh it's nt always 54 t say yes t everything, develping a sense f adventure helps us live life t the fullest — 55 yu smetimes end up cld and wet.
    41. A. willing B. psitive C. hesitant D. tlerant
    42. A. befre B. after C. when D. until
    43. A. separated B. settled C. invlved D. dressed
    44. A. manager B. prfessr C. partner D. instructr
    45. A. ccasin B. pwer C. pprtunity D. benefit
    46. A. easy B. tugh C. rugh D. steep
    47. A. strategy B. belief C. prmise D. rule
    48. A. leadership B. teamwrk C. cmmitment D. friendship
    49. A. gt it B. made it C. kept it D. tried it
    50. A. prefer B. apprve C. desire D. hate
    51. A. accept B. admit C. refuse D. respnd
    52. A. delight B. reflectin C. summary D. challenge
    53. A. persuades B. pushes C. limits D. invites
    54. A. crucial B. suitable C. necessary D. pssible
    55. A. even if B. in case C. as if D. nw that
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
    Set in the fictinal setting f the Rng and Ning Mansins during the Qing Dynasty, the nvel mainly tells the life f Jia Bayu, a yung character 56 ( cncern) abut the emtinal well- being f thse arund him, especially the beautiful and talented yung ladies in his family. The stry pens with the intrductin f the " Stne," 57 mysterius bject carved with legends, 58 ( symblize) the fate f the characters and the decline f the feudal sciety. The 59 ( beautiful) f the Daiying Garden, 60 much f the nvel's actin takes place, serves 61 a micrcsm(缩影) f the larger wrld utside, reflecting the cmplexities f human nature and the fleeting pleasures.
    One 62 ( strike) aspect f the nvel is its descriptin f female characters, 63 ( particular) thse living in the Inner Quarters. Characters like Lin Daiyu and Xue Bachai, are nt merely passive bjects f desire, 64 cmplex individuals with their wn desires, ambitins, and struggles.
    Thrugh the lens f Jia Bayu's experiences, the authr, Ca Xueqin, 65 ( explre) themes f lve, lss, and the illusin f permanence.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    随着暑假到来,很多学生到处旅游,也有很多学生忙着学习技能. 针对这个现象,你校英文报开设专栏, 邀请广大师生参与讨论: T travel r t learn skills? 请你就此话题投稿, 内容包括:
    (1) 阐述现象;
    (2) 你的观点;
    (3) 你的理由.
    T Travel r t Learn Skills ?

    第二节 (满分 25 分)
    Maddy's daughter Cathy suffered frm a cnditin called spina bifida (脊柱裂). She spent mst f her life in a wheelchair, which made even the simplest tasks a tugh challenge. One such challenge fr Cathy was getting a haircut. As Maddy's neighbr, I witnessed the daily struggle firsthand and felt the urge t help. A hairstylist myself, I decided t visit Maddy's hme t cut Cathy's hair. Little did I knw this small act wuld light a spark within me.
    Thrugh my visits, I realized that many thers in ur cmmunity had the same prblem. Maddy explained the difficulties special grups f peple encuntered —— the lud nises and strng smells in regular hair salns were t much fr peple with autism (自闭症). Als, just getting int a saln was tugh fr peple in wheelchairs. Her wrds tuched me, and I wndered if there was smething mre I culd d t help.
    An idea began t frm in my mind—I culd pen a special saln, a place where peple with physical disabilities r psychlgical prblems wuld feel mre cmfrtable. It wuldn't just be easy t enter fr peple in wheelchairs; it wuld als have flrs with different textures(纹理) t help thse wh can't see well. T make the place even mre cmfrtable, it wuld have calm music instead f lud pp sngs. Tys and blankets wuld be n hand t help peple stay calm. Hairstylists wuld use quiet hair dryers and sft vices. They wuld als learn hw t help custmers wh dn't like thers tuching their hair. Mst imprtantly, they wuld treat every custmer with the same level f respect.
    The nly issue was that I didn't have the funds t make this dream a reality. As a hairstylist, I had limited savings. Maddy suggested,“ Hw abut rganizing a cmmunity bazaar(义卖) in ur neighbrhd this Saturday t raise funds fr the saln?” Her eyes shne with enthusiasm as she cntinued,“ Peple lve supprting gd causes, and I'm sure many wuld jin in t help create a place where everyne feels cmfrtable getting a haircut. ” I ndded, recgnizing the brilliance in her plan.
    1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
    Paragraph 1: As Saturday apprached, smething changed in ur neighbrhd.
    Paragraph 2: Even after the end f the cmmunity bazaar, ur neighbrs' supprt didn't stp there.

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