音标共有48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个.单词按音节来划分,分为单音节词,双音节词和多音节词.单音节词中,常常分为重读开音节和重读闭音节.单音节词drink hi hat hand pick rule by gate back bad ice pop bit joke jazz ride he size 区分以下单词是开音节词还是闭音节词:1.结尾的三个字母,是一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+一个不发音的e构成.2.直接以元音字母结尾重读开音节重读闭音节heavy like culture favorite palace person short captain popular curly hobby yesterday application 区分一下单词是单音节词,双音节词还是多音节词.Kate name grade age cake face game Ann map bag thank am and apple元音字母 Aa 在单词中的发音开音节:闭音节:[ei][æ]he she me tree jeep bee seeegg pen desk pencil yes ten bed 元音字母 Ee 在单词中的发音[ e ]闭音节:[i:]开音节:元音字母 Ii 在单词中的发音开音节: I hi bike fine nice like kite闭音节: in it is six sit this Miss[ai][ i ]元音字母 o 在单词中的发音开音节: no go home those hello zero闭音节: not box clock wrong dog on[כ][u]元音字母 Uu 在单词中的发音开音节闭音节[Λ][ u: ][ ju:]ruler Lucy rule duty use huge excuse studentbus cup must much mug cut us numbergradelakemakesnackplanmatchnecksendrestbeeffreezeGreeceAEI[æ][ e ][ei][ i: ][ai][ i ]Ou[ u: ][ ju:][Λ][ əu ][כ ]slicemikekitetillilllipagowholenosestoplotmopfoxpottopyuckduckbugmuchjunktruckdustdutypupilflutemutefusetunep[p] pen picture jeep map t [ t ] ten two boat meetb[b] bike bus book box d[d ] desk down bird goodk[k] cake Kate thank clock g [ g ] good girl egg bags [ s ] sit see yes class z [ z ] is his these zero辅音字母:/si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t//sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed//si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d//seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz//et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek//æt/ /sæd/ /bæg/ /pæk/Read the following:cat bag gate pot so bikebee desk in kite no begdust not bus egg duty写出下列单词的音标:根据音标写单词/həum/ /bכks/ /si:/ /hil/ /teik//sæ d/ /gəu/ /taid/ /kΛt/ /Λs//laik/ /hi:/ /nכt/ / fju:s / /ju:s/home box seehill takesad go tidecut uslike he not fuse use /ai/ /i/bike sitnice Missfind hillfive this /l/lookhellofloorfamily/m/mymapamgame/n/ninenewtenson/ŋ/morningwrongthinkthankRead the following./lait/ /main/ /sain/ /nail//lit/ /min/ /siŋ/ /nil//mai/ /laim/ /kait/ /gaid//mei/ /leim/ /keit/ /geit//it/ /mis/ /pin/ /liŋk//et/ /mes/ /pen/ /lend//si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t//sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed//si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d//seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz//et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek//æt/ /sæd/ /bæg/ /pæk/Read the following:/ əu /nogo sooldhomethoserose/ כ /boxfoxnotdogpotclocksorry/f/finefivefourfamilyfacefloorfriend/v/verysevenhavelovegloveovereleven/θ/thinthinkthankthreethirteenthirtytenth/ð/thisthatthesethosetherefathermotherRead the following./əu/ /כ//nəut/ /nכt//ðəuz/ /sכŋ//sməuk/ /fכk//s/ /ө//si:m/ /өi:m//sin/ /өin//sed/ /өeft//ð/ /z//ði:/ /zi:/ /ðis/ /zip//ðen/ /zed/Read and spell out the words./flכ:/ /dכ:/ /mכm/ /ðen//get/ /faiv/ /meni/ /smכ:l/ /θæŋk/ /skai/ /θiŋk/ /veri/ /lכk/ /əunli/floordoormomthengetfivelockonlythankskythinkverymanysmall/u:/ blue ruler too school/Λ/ up bus number under/h/ he hat here hill/r/ red right brown room/j/ yes you your yellow/w/ we woman where white/ əu /nogo sooldhomethoserose/ כ /boxfoxnotdogpotclocksorry/f/finefivefourfamilyfacefloorfriend/v/verysevenhavelovegloveovereleven/θ/thinthinkthankthreethirteenthirtytenth/ð/thisthatthesethosetherefathermother/u:/ blue ruler too school/Λ/ up bus number under/h/ he hat here hill/r/ red right brown room/j/ yes you your yellow/w/ we woman where white/ əu /nogo sooldhomethoserose/ כ /boxfoxnotdogpotclocksorry/f/finefivefourfamilyfacefloorfriend/v/verysevenhavelovegloveovereleven/θ/thinthinkthankthreethirteenthirtytenth/ð/thisthatthesethosetherefathermother/α:/carareclassfather/au/howbrownblousetrousers/ כ:/ormorningdoorfloor/ə/sisterbrotherrulerunder/ ə:/hershirtgirl skirt /∫/ she shirt shoe English /iə/hereneardear/ə /chairtheirthere/u/booklookgood/t∫/chairChineseteacher/dз/Jimjeeporangeear hear fear foot cook cheap beachair hair fair jar large keep street /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ /a:/ /Λ/ /כ:/ /כ/ /u:/ /u/ /ə:/ /ə/ /ei/ /ai/ /כi/ /əu/ /au/ /iə/ /ə/ /uə/元音辅音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /θ/ /ð/ /∫/ /З/ /t∫/ /dЗ/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ Revise the phonetics:a: /e i/ name same // carry have / a:/ class father / / want 但在 water 中读/:/ay: / / day way / / Mondayal: / : / walk wall / a : / halftape gate jade hate safe paletap gap jam hat sad pal hall talk fall fast last vast was wash wallet hay pay ray c: // face city / / come catchck:/ /black sockg:// age orange /g / big gamech: // watch much / / machine / / schoolkn:// knife know wr:/ / write wronge /i:/ we she these /e/ leg mend yellowee /i:/ see jeep greenea /i:/ tea meat pleaseea /e/ bread heavy sweater星沙英语网
音标共有48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个.单词按音节来划分,分为单音节词,双音节词和多音节词.单音节词中,常常分为重读开音节和重读闭音节.单音节词drink hi hat hand pick rule by gate back bad ice pop bit joke jazz ride he size 区分以下单词是开音节词还是闭音节词:1.结尾的三个字母,是一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+一个不发音的e构成.2.直接以元音字母结尾重读开音节重读闭音节heavy like culture favorite palace person short captain popular curly hobby yesterday application 区分一下单词是单音节词,双音节词还是多音节词.Kate name grade age cake face game Ann map bag thank am and apple元音字母 Aa 在单词中的发音开音节:闭音节:[ei][æ]he she me tree jeep bee seeegg pen desk pencil yes ten bed 元音字母 Ee 在单词中的发音[ e ]闭音节:[i:]开音节:元音字母 Ii 在单词中的发音开音节: I hi bike fine nice like kite闭音节: in it is six sit this Miss[ai][ i ]元音字母 o 在单词中的发音开音节: no go home those hello zero闭音节: not box clock wrong dog on[כ][u]元音字母 Uu 在单词中的发音开音节闭音节[Λ][ u: ][ ju:]ruler Lucy rule duty use huge excuse studentbus cup must much mug cut us numbergradelakemakesnackplanmatchnecksendrestbeeffreezeGreeceAEI[æ][ e ][ei][ i: ][ai][ i ]Ou[ u: ][ ju:][Λ][ əu ][כ ]slicemikekitetillilllipagowholenosestoplotmopfoxpottopyuckduckbugmuchjunktruckdustdutypupilflutemutefusetunep[p] pen picture jeep map t [ t ] ten two boat meetb[b] bike bus book box d[d ] desk down bird goodk[k] cake Kate thank clock g [ g ] good girl egg bags [ s ] sit see yes class z [ z ] is his these zero辅音字母:/si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t//sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed//si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d//seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz//et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek//æt/ /sæd/ /bæg/ /pæk/Read the following:cat bag gate pot so bikebee desk in kite no begdust not bus egg duty写出下列单词的音标:根据音标写单词/həum/ /bכks/ /si:/ /hil/ /teik//sæ d/ /gəu/ /taid/ /kΛt/ /Λs//laik/ /hi:/ /nכt/ / fju:s / /ju:s/home box seehill takesad go tidecut uslike he not fuse use /ai/ /i/bike sitnice Missfind hillfive this /l/lookhellofloorfamily/m/mymapamgame/n/ninenewtenson/ŋ/morningwrongthinkthankRead the following./lait/ /main/ /sain/ /nail//lit/ /min/ /siŋ/ /nil//mai/ /laim/ /kait/ /gaid//mei/ /leim/ /keit/ /geit//it/ /mis/ /pin/ /liŋk//et/ /mes/ /pen/ /lend//si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t//sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed//si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d//seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz//et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek//æt/ /sæd/ /bæg/ /pæk/Read the following:/ əu /nogo sooldhomethoserose/ כ /boxfoxnotdogpotclocksorry/f/finefivefourfamilyfacefloorfriend/v/verysevenhavelovegloveovereleven/θ/thinthinkthankthreethirteenthirtytenth/ð/thisthatthesethosetherefathermotherRead the following./əu/ /כ//nəut/ /nכt//ðəuz/ /sכŋ//sməuk/ /fכk//s/ /ө//si:m/ /өi:m//sin/ /өin//sed/ /өeft//ð/ /z//ði:/ /zi:/ /ðis/ /zip//ðen/ /zed/Read and spell out the words./flכ:/ /dכ:/ /mכm/ /ðen//get/ /faiv/ /meni/ /smכ:l/ /θæŋk/ /skai/ /θiŋk/ /veri/ /lכk/ /əunli/floordoormomthengetfivelockonlythankskythinkverymanysmall/u:/ blue ruler too school/Λ/ up bus number under/h/ he hat here hill/r/ red right brown room/j/ yes you your yellow/w/ we woman where white/ əu /nogo sooldhomethoserose/ כ /boxfoxnotdogpotclocksorry/f/finefivefourfamilyfacefloorfriend/v/verysevenhavelovegloveovereleven/θ/thinthinkthankthreethirteenthirtytenth/ð/thisthatthesethosetherefathermother/u:/ blue ruler too school/Λ/ up bus number under/h/ he hat here hill/r/ red right brown room/j/ yes you your yellow/w/ we woman where white/ əu /nogo sooldhomethoserose/ כ /boxfoxnotdogpotclocksorry/f/finefivefourfamilyfacefloorfriend/v/verysevenhavelovegloveovereleven/θ/thinthinkthankthreethirteenthirtytenth/ð/thisthatthesethosetherefathermother/α:/carareclassfather/au/howbrownblousetrousers/ כ:/ormorningdoorfloor/ə/sisterbrotherrulerunder/ ə:/hershirtgirl skirt /∫/ she shirt shoe English /iə/hereneardear/ə /chairtheirthere/u/booklookgood/t∫/chairChineseteacher/dз/Jimjeeporangeear hear fear foot cook cheap beachair hair fair jar large keep street /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ /a:/ /Λ/ /כ:/ /כ/ /u:/ /u/ /ə:/ /ə/ /ei/ /ai/ /כi/ /əu/ /au/ /iə/ /ə/ /uə/元音辅音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /θ/ /ð/ /∫/ /З/ /t∫/ /dЗ/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ Revise the phonetics:a: /e i/ name same // carry have / a:/ class father / / want 但在 water 中读/:/ay: / / day way / / Mondayal: / : / walk wall / a : / halftape gate jade hate safe paletap gap jam hat sad pal hall talk fall fast last vast was wash wallet hay pay ray c: // face city / / come catchck:/ /black sockg:// age orange /g / big gamech: // watch much / / machine / / schoolkn:// knife know wr:/ / write wronge /i:/ we she these /e/ leg mend yellowee /i:/ see jeep greenea /i:/ tea meat pleaseea /e/ bread heavy sweater星沙英语网
