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    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题08 阅读理解七选五 (解析版)
    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题08 阅读理解七选五 (解析版)01
    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题08 阅读理解七选五 (解析版)02
    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题08 阅读理解七选五 (解析版)03
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    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题08 阅读理解七选五 (解析版)

    这是一份2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题08 阅读理解七选五 (解析版),共24页。

    【新课标Ⅰ卷】Nt all great writers are great spellers. If yu want t be published, it's vital t submit a perfect, prfessinally presented manuscript (原稿). ____36____ N editr is likely t tlerate a writer wh des nt take the truble t spell wrds crrectly.
    I keep tw reference bks clse-by n my desk: dictinary and thesaurus (同义词词典). I dn't trust my laptp's spellchecker. ____37____ Of curse, these days there are plenty f nline dictinaries and thesauruses, but I'm ld-fashined enugh t prefer a hard cver and pages I can leaf thrugh with my fingers. I use the Cncise Oxfrd Dictinary and the Cllins Thesaurus.
    ____38____ It shuld give yu a precise definitin f each wrd, thus differentiating it frm ther wrds whse meanings are similar, but nt identical. It will als usually shw hw the wrd is prnunced.
    In additin, I have an ld tw-vlume cpy f the Shrter Oxfrd Dictinary, picked up a few years ag in a bkshp sale fr just 99 pence. Of curse, with its 2,672 pages, it's nt exactly shrt. It cntains arund 163,000 wrds, plus wrd cmbinatins and idimatic phrases. ____39____ Hwever, if I need t check the rigin f a wrd r t lk up examples f its usage, there's nthing better.
    Fr well ver a hundred years the mst influential English dictinary was Samuel Jhnsn's Dictinary f the English Language published in 1755. "T make dictinaries is dull (乏味) wrk," wrte Jhnsn, illustrating ne definitin f "dull". ____40____ A few minutes spent casting yur eye ver a page r tw can be a rewarding experience.
    A. I dn't ften use this dictinary.
    B. It takes n accunt f the cntext.
    C. But I still dn't want t replace them.
    D. But a dictinary can be a pleasure t read.
    E. Of curse, a dictinary is nt nly fr spelling.
    F. That means gd grammar and n spelling mistakes.
    G. Dictinaries dn't always give yu enugh infrmatin.
    【答案】36. F 37. B 38. E 39. A 40. D
    上文“If yu want t be published, it’s vital t submit a perfect, prfessinally presented manuscript(如果你想发表,提交一份完美的、专业的手稿是至关重要的)”提到了完美的、专业的手稿的重要性,手稿中不能有语法和拼写错误是专业的手稿的要求之一。F选项“That means gd grammar and n spelling mistakes.(这意味着语法正确,没有拼写错误。)”是对手稿要求的进一步解释说明,符合题意。故选F项。
    上文“I dn’t trust my laptp’s spellchecker.(我不相信我笔记本电脑的拼写检查器。)”提到了作者不相信电脑的拼写检查器;下文“Of curse, these days there are plenty f nline dictinaries and thesauruses, but I’m ld-fashined enugh t prefer a hard cver and pages I can leaf thrugh with my fingers.(当然,现在有很多在线词典和同义词库,但我是一个守旧的人,更喜欢精装的书和能用手指翻阅的书页。)”提到了作者更喜欢实体书和能用手指翻阅的书页,说明电子设备可能不会考虑上下文,所以B选项“It takes n accunt f the cntext.(它不考虑上下文。)”解释了上文的原因,具有承上启下的作用。故选B项。
    下文“It shuld give yu a precise definitin f each wrd, thus differentiating it frm ther wrds whse meanings are similar, but nt identical. It will als usually shw hw the wrd is prnunced.(它应该给出每个单词的精确定义,从而将其与其他含义相似但不相同的单词区分开来。它通常还会显示单词的发音。)”提到了字典的功能,E选项“Of curse, a dictinary is nt nly fr spelling.(当然,字典不仅仅是用来拼写的。)”提到了字典的部分功能,能引起下文内容。故选E项。
    下文“Hwever, if I need t check the rigin f a wrd r t lk up examples f its usage, there’s nthing better.(然而,如果我需要检查一个单词的来源或查找其用法的例子,没有什么比这更好的了。)”提到了字典的使用情况,A选项“I dn’t ften use this dictinary.(我不经常用这本字典。)”是对字典使用频率的说明,与下文构成转折关系。故选A项。
    上文“ “T make dictinaries is dull (乏味) wrk, ” wrte Jhnsn, illustrating ne definitin f ”dull".(约翰逊在解释“dull”的一个定义时写道:“编字典是件无聊的工作(乏味)。”)”提到了编写字典是件乏味的工作,下文“A few minutes spent casting yur eye ver a page r tw can be a rewarding experience.(花几分钟的时间浏览一两页是一种有益的体验。)”提到浏览字典也是一种阅读的乐趣,D选项“But a dictinary can be a pleasure t read.(但是一本字典读起来是一种乐趣。)”是作者对字典的评价,与上文的“乏味”形成对比,与上文构成转折关系。故选D项。
    【新课标ⅠⅠ卷】Overturism Is Fr Real: Hw Can Yu Help?
    Travel prmtes understanding, expands ur minds, makes us better peple, and bsts lcal ecnmies and cmmunities, but the rapid grwth f travel has led t verturism in certain regins and destinatins. ___16___ Certainly nt. The lss f what travel ffers wuld be unacceptable in tday’s wrld. Here are sme tips n making wise decisins t minimize pressure n the places we visit and imprve ur experience.
    ●Chse mindfully. Overvisited destinatins are that way fr a reasn: they’re special. With s many nline psts featuring the same places, it’s easy t feel like yu’re missing ut. G smewhere nly when the landscape, culture r fd deeply draws yu. ___17___
    ●Get creative. The best way t ease pressure n ver-turisted destinatins is t g smewhere else. Thugh verturism is described as a prblem affecting the entire wrld, it’s actually cncentrated t a small number f extremely ppular spts. That means yu have tns f less-visited ptins t chse frm. ___18___ Why nt try a reginal alternative r check ut a ppular destinatin’s lesser-knwn sights?
    ● ___19___ Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping majr hlidays r rush hur. Yu’ll cmpete with fewer turists, save mney, experience a different side f a ppular place, and bst the ecnmy when turism is traditinally slwer.
    Visiting a place that thers call hme is a privilege(荣幸). D yur part t preserve what makes a destinatin special in the first place. ___20___ Yu may be amazed hw much clser yu’ll feel t the peple there.
    A. Visit during ff-peak times.
    B. S, shuld we stp traveling?
    C. Travel fr yu and n ne else.
    D. Can verturism be avided then?
    E. Yu can still find relatively undiscvered places.
    F. Yu’ll find yurself virtually alne, r clse t it.
    G. Cnsider giving back t the cmmunities yu’re visiting.
    【答案】16. B 17. C 18. E 19. A 20. G
    前文“Travel prmtes understanding, expands ur minds, makes us better peple, and bsts lcal ecnmies and cmmunities, but the rapid grwth f travel has led t verturism in certain regins and destinatins.(旅游促进理解,扩展我们的思想,使我们成为更好的人,促进当地经济和社区,但旅游业的快速发展导致了某些地区和目的地的过度旅游)”表明旅游带来了一些问题,后文“The lss f what travel ffers wuld be unacceptable in tday’s wrld.(在当今世界,失去旅行所能提供的东西将是不可接受的)”表示不能失去旅行,结合后文“Certainly nt.(当然不)”可知,空处提问能否停止旅行,D选项“那么,我们应该停止旅行吗?”符合语境。故选B。
    前文“Overvisited destinatins are that way fr a reasn: they’re special. With s many nline psts featuring the same places, it’s easy t feel like yu’re missing ut. G smewhere nly when the landscape, culture r fd deeply draws yu.(游客过多的目的地是有原因的:它们很特别。网上有这么多关于同一个地方的帖子,很容易让你觉得你错过了。只有当风景、文化或食物深深吸引你时,才去某个地方)”表明不要跟风旅游,C选项“为你而不是其他人旅行”表明要关注自己在旅行时的感受,忠实自己的感受,不用管其余的建议,符合语境。故选C。
    前文“That means yu have tns f less-visited ptins t chse frm.(这意味着你有很多不太受欢迎的选择)及后文“Why nt try a reginal alternative r check ut a ppular destinatin’s lesser-knwn sights?( 为什么不尝试一个地区性的选择,或者看看一个热门目的地不太为人所知的景点呢)”提出建议,可以选择一些冷门的景点,E选项“你仍然可以找到相对未被发现的地方”语境一致。故选E。
    空处为小标题,根据后文“Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping majr hlidays r rush hur.(通过跳过重大节假日或高峰时间来最小化影响并最大化体验)”表示旅游时要注意避开高峰期,选择合适的时间,A选项“在非高峰时间参观”概括本段内容。故选A。
    前文“D yur part t preserve what makes a destinatin special in the first place.(尽你的一份力,从一开始就保护一个目的地的特别之处)”表明旅游时应保护旅游景点,后文“Yu may be amazed hw much clser yu’ll feel t the peple there.(你可能会惊讶地发现你和那里的人感觉如此亲近)”表示这样做的感受,G选项“考虑回馈你所访问的社区”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
    【2024全国甲卷】What is mderatin (适度)? Basically, it means eating nly as much fd as yur bdy needs. Yu shuld feel satisfied at the end f a meal, but nt t full. ____16____ But it desn't mean saying gdbye t the fds yu lve.
    Take yur time. It's imprtant t slw dwn and think abut fd as smething nutritius rather than just smething t eat in between meetings. ____17____ It actually takes a few minutes fr yur brain t tell yur bdy that it has had enugh fd, s eat slwly and stp eating befre yu feel full.
    Eat with thers whenever pssible. Eating alne, “specially in frnt f the TV r cmputer, ften leads t mindless vereating. And be careful abut the fds yu keep at hand. It's mre challenging t eat in mderatin if yu have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like ckies. ____18____
    Cntrl emtinal (情绪的) eating. ____19____ Many f us als turn t fd t deal with unpleasant emtins such as sadness, lneliness, r bredm. But by learning healthier ways t manage emtins, yu can regain cntrl ver the fd yu eat and yur feelings.
    ____20____ A healthy breakfast can start yur metablism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps yur energy up all day. Avid eating late at night. Try t eat dinner earlier and fast fr 14 — 16 hurs until breakfast the next mrning. Studies suggest that eating nly when yu're mst active and giving yur digestive system a lng break each day may help t regulate weight.
    A Eat prperly thrughut the day.
    B. We dn't always eat just t satisfy hunger.
    C. Dn't swallw a meal n the way t wrk.
    D. Mst f us need t duble the amunt we eat.
    E. Instead, surrund yurself with healthy chices.
    F. Fr many f us, mderatin means eating less than we d nw.
    G. That wn't lead t cheating r giving up n yur new eating plan.
    【答案】16. F 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. A
    上文“Basically, it means eating nly as much fd as yur bdy needs, Yu shuld feel satisfied at the end f a meal, but nt t full. (基本上,它意味着只吃你身体需要的食物,你应该在用餐结束时感到满足,但不要太饱)”指出,进餐时不要吃太饱,吃东西要适量。下文“But it desn’t mean saying gdbye t the fds yu lve. (但这并不意味着要告别你喜欢的食物)”指出,适量进食不是要放弃吃自己喜欢的食物。F项“对我们许多人来说,节制意味着比现在少吃。”解释了何为适量进食。承上启下,符合文意,选项中的“means”与下文一致。故选F项。
    根据上文“Take yur time. It’s imprtant t slw dwn and think abut fd as smething nutritius rather than just smething t eat in between meetings. (慢慢来。放慢脚步,把食物看作是有营养的东西,而不仅仅是会议间隙吃的东西,这一点很重要)”可推知,本段主要建议读者吃东西要细嚼慢咽,不要过于急躁。C项“上班路上不要狼吞虎咽。”承接上文。符合文意。故选C项。
    上文“It’s mre challenging t eat in mderatin if yu have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like ckies. (如果你已经准备好了不健康的零食,比如饼干,那么适量食用就更具挑战性了。)”指出,吃不健康的食物不利于适度饮食,E项“相反,你应该选择健康的食物。”符合文意,建议读者选择健康的食物。选项中的“healthy”与上文中的“unhealthy”相对应。故选E项。
    根据本段首句“Cntrl emtinal (情绪的) eating. (控制情绪化进食)”以及下文“Many f us als turn t fd t deal with unpleasant emtins such as sadness, lneliness, r bredm.(我们中的许多人也会求助于食物来处理不愉快的情绪,如悲伤、孤独或无聊)”可推知,本段主要建议读者不要情绪化的进行暴饮暴食,要进行健康饮食。B项“我们吃东西并不总是为了充饥。”指出有些人吃东西并不总是为了充饥,引出下文有些人通过食物发泄情绪,符合语境。故选B项。
    设空处位于段首,总结全段,下文“A healthy breakfast can start yur metablism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps yur energy up all day, Avid eating late at night. Try t eat dinner earlier and fast fr 14 — 16 hurs until breakfast the next mrning. (健康的早餐可以启动你的新陈代谢,而吃少量健康的食物可以让你一整天都精力充沛,避免在深夜进食。尽量早点吃晚饭,禁食14 — 16个小时,直到第二天早上吃早餐。)”指出,我们在一天中的每个时间段都要健康饮食。A项“一整天都要适当饮食。”符合语境。故选A项。
    (2024·湖北黄冈·三模)In ur mdern ecnmy, accelerated learning can be crucial fr success. Learning faster means gaining mre knwledge—quicker than thers. 16 Anyne can learn frm them and accelerate their learning prcess with the fllwing techniques. Cmbine Learning Styles That Play t Yur Strengths
    When yu aim t accelerate yur learning, what yu chse t learn shuld nt be limited t a curriculum r classrm structure. 17 Different materials alng with yur learning style can accelerate r slw dwn yur cmprehensin prcess. The best learning style is the ne that makes it easier t prcess, r cmprehend ideas, and subjects faster. Once yu knw yur learning strengths and weaknesses, yu can chse learning strategies that play t yur strengths. Seek First t Understand The Basic Structure f The Tpic Yu Chse
    18 S yu need t seek first t understand the basics. In ther wrds, yu have t get t knw the tree’s rt, trunk, then branch ut frm there. Dn’t start frm the branches r the leaves, pursue the rt and wrk yur way t the tpic. Therefre, whatever tpic yu chse t learn r study, just start with the basics. Give Yurself Plenty f Time in Bth “Fcused” And “Diffused”(分散的)Mdes
    Nrmally, the human brain is nt meant t stay in “fcused” mde fr hurs at a time. 19 Cnsequently, when yur brain is active fr a very lng time, yu’re actually blcking yur access t the diffused mde — a mre relaxed state.
    Therefre, diffused mde is just as valuable as the fcused mde. S — just take breaks, let yur mind wander, think abut ther things, and give yur brain plenty f time t make better cnnectins. 20
    A.Yu can benefit a lt frm staying fcused.
    B.Smart learners dn’t have any special secrets.
    C.Yu shuld try t chse whatever yu like best.
    D.Every tpic r subject has a lgical structure t it.
    E.Then yu can learn better by impsing breaks n yurself.
    F.Lng-lasting attentin t a single task can blck memry and recall.
    G.Yu can practically chse cntent frm many surces, experts, and authrs.
    【答案】16.B 17.G 18.D 19.F 20.E
    16.根据空后的“Anyne can learn frm them and accelerate their learning prcess with the fllwing techniques. (任何人都可以向他们学习,并通过以下技巧加速他们的学习过程)”可推测,空处提到了一些会快速学习的人。选项B“Smart learners dn’t have any special secrets.(聪明的学习者没有什么特别的秘密。)”中的“Smart learners”与下文的“them”保持一致,内容上也自然引出下文内容。故选B。
    17.根据标题“Cmbine Learning Styles That Play t Yur Strengths (结合能发挥你优势的学习方式)”以及空前的“When yu aim t accelerate yur learning, what yu chse t learn shuld nt be limited t a curriculum r classrm structure. (当你的目标是加速你的学习,你选择学习不应该局限于课程或课堂结构)”可知,我们可以选择学习课程或课堂之外的内容;而下文“Different materials alng with yur learning style can accelerate r slw dwn yur cmprehensin prcess.(根据你的学习方式选择不同的材料可以加速或减缓你的理解过程)”则指出不同的学习内容选择不同的学习方式。选项G“Yu can practically chse cntent frm many surces, experts, and authrs. (实际上,您可以从许多来源、专家和作者中选择内容。)”与上下文内容一致,指的是选择不同的学习内容,并采用适当的学习方式。故选G。
    18.根据下文“S yu need t seek first t understand the basics. In ther wrds, yu have t get t knw the tree’s rt, trunk, then branch ut frm there. Dn’t start frm the branches r the leaves, pursue the rt and wrk yur way t the tpic. Therefre, whatever tpic yu chse t learn r study, just start with the basics.(所以你需要先了解基础知识。换句话说,你必须了解树的根,树干,然后从那里伸出树枝。不要从枝叶入手,要追根溯源,直达主题。因此,无论你选择学习或研究什么主题,都要从基础开始)”可知,我们要了解自己所学内容的结构。选项D“Every tpic r subject has a lgical structure t it.(每个话题或主题都有一个逻辑结构。)”自然引出下文内容,指出每个话题或主题都有一个逻辑结构,所以我们应该了解自己所学内容的逻辑结构。故选D。
    19.根据空前内容“Nrmally, the human brain is nt meant t stay in “fcused” mde fr hurs at a time.(正常情况下,人类的大脑不会一次保持几个小时的“专注”模式)”可知,人类大脑不会一直保持专注。选项F“Lng-lasting attentin t a single task can blck memry and recall.(长时间专注于一项任务会阻碍记忆和回忆。)”与上文内容一致,指的是人类大脑不能一直保持专注,同时引出下文“Cnsequently, when yur brain is active fr a very lng time, yu’re actually blcking yur access t the diffused mde—a mre relaxed state.(因此,当你的大脑长时间处于活跃状态时,你实际上是在阻碍你进入扩散模式——一种更放松的状态)”。故选F。
    20.根据上文内容“Therefre, diffused mde is just as valuable as the fcused mde. S—just take breaks, let yur mind wander, think abut ther things, and give yur brain plenty f time t make better cnnectins.(因此,扩散模式和聚焦模式一样有价值。所以,只要休息一下,让你的思想游离,想想其他事情,给你的大脑足够的时间来建立更好的联系)”可知,上文提出我们应该劳逸结合。选项E“Then yu can learn better by impsing breaks n yurself.(然后你可以通过给自己一些休息时间来学得更好。)”与上文内容相符,指出休息会让学习效果更好。故选E。
    (2024·河南·模拟预测)Hw t Create the Perfect Spring Planter
    Spring cntainers are an easy slutin fr jazzing up a clrless balcny and bring crners f any garden at this time f year. 16
    Chsing the right cntainer is imprtant. Always think abut the style f yur garden. 17 They are slid pts fr spring as they dn’t blw ver in thse early spring winds. Check that the pt has a large drainage (排水) hle t ensure that the sil drains well, but always cver it with a crck (like a piece frm a brken flwer planter) s that the sil desn’t blck the hle and create prblems with drainage later dwn the line.
    Chsing the right cmpst (堆肥) is the key t the success f any planting. I think it’s best t use sil-based cmpst s that the sil des nt becme t heavy r waterlgged, especially in spring when we culd have plenty f shwers. 18 And t much water in the sil will freeze, preventing the plants frm taking up the vital water.
    Plant cmbinatins are imprtant, s always think abut mixes which will last as well as annual and perennial (多年生的) nes. 19 A bunch f pts frces the eye t lk arund and take in each pt and plant cmbinatin. A nice ptin is planting summer flwers like Dahlia r Lily t create a summer impact.
    20 It can be achieved by using tall plants. If yu dn’t have a tall plant then yu can always raise yur pt ff the grund with ld huse bricks r decrative pt feet, r use steps in yur garden t create interest and drama.
    A pleasant smell is always a lvely additin t a space as well as wildlife. Select the right plant fr yur lcatin in yur garden-sun r shade-lving.
    A.I like gd, weighty planters.
    B.It can still be frsty right up t May.
    C.And besides, they are s easy t care fr.
    D.I als like t grup pts tgether in different sizes.
    E.Capitalize n thse variatins t help chse cmpanins.
    F.Yu may find sme f these plants in smaller pts r even multi-packs.
    G.Height is imprtant t think abut when yu’re designing yur arrangement.
    【答案】16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.G
    16.由上文“Spring cntainers are an easy slutin fr jazzing up a clrless balcny and bring crners f any garden at this time f year. (春季容器是此时为无色的阳台和花园中枯燥角落增添活力的简单解决方案)”可知,本空继续讲述春季种植容器的好处,C选项“此外,它们很容易照料”继续补充说明了春季种植容器便于打理的优点,能承接上文,符合题意。故选C。
    17.由上文“Chsing the right cntainer is imprtant. Always think abut the style f yur garden. (选择合适的容器很重要。始终要考虑你花园的风格)”可知,上文提到了选择容器的重要性以及需要考虑的因素,本空要说跟“选择容器”有关的话题,A选项“我喜欢坚固、沉稳的种植容器”是对个人偏好的具体描述,与前文关于容器的选择相呼应,能承接上文,符合题意。故选A。
    18.由上文“I think it’s best t use sil-based cmpst s that the sil des nt becme t heavy r waterlgged, especially in spring when we culd have plenty f shwers. (我认为最好使用基于土壤的堆肥,这样土壤就不会变得太重或过于水浸,尤其是在春季,我们可能会有很多阵雨)”可知,上文提到了春季雨水多可能导致的问题,本空要说跟“春季天气”有关的话题,B选项“直到五月还可能有霜冻”继续补充了春季天气的另一特点,即霜冻,都是关于春季气候对植物生长影响的讨论,能承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
    19.由上文“Plant cmbinatins are imprtant, s always think abut mixes which will last as well as annual and perennial nes. (植物组合很重要,所以要经常考虑那些能够持续生长以及一年生和多年生的植物组合)”可知,上文提到了植物搭配的策略,本空要说跟“植物搭配”有关的话题,D选项“我也喜欢把不同大小的花盆放在一起”进一步说明了如何通过组合花盆来营造和谐的视觉效果,与前文关于植物布局的内容紧密相连,能承接上文,符合题意。故选D。
    20.由下文“It can be achieved by using tall plants. If yu dn’t have a tall plant when yu can always raise yur pt ff the grund with ld huse bricks r decrative pt feet, r use steps in yur garden t create interest and drama. (这可以通过使用高大的植物来实现。如果你没有一株高大的植物,你可以用旧砖或装饰花盆的脚把你的花盆抬离地面,或者在你的花园里用台阶来创造兴趣和戏剧)”可知,上文提到了使用高大植物达到某种效果的方法,本空要说跟“设计布置”有关的话题,G选项“在设计布置时,高度是一个需要考虑的重要因素”作为引言,指出在设计植物布局时应考虑高度问题,与下文提出的解决方案相衔接。故选G。
    (2024·重庆沙坪坝·模拟预测)A lt f peple assume the mre wrk they put in at the gym, and the lnger and harder they push themselves, the better their results will be. 16 But if yu want t get the best gains, the key is t fcus n the quality f the wrk rather than the quantity.
    Yur bdy is capable f making nly tiny adaptatins and imprvements at any ne time. Once yu've given it enugh push t make these changes, any additinal wrk yu d after that pint wn't be making yu any better. 17 This is because yu'll need lnger t recver afterwards. Besides, yu wn't feel fresh when yu start yur next sessin. Ideally, it's just enugh t d the smallest amunt f wrk required t prmte grwth in every wrkut. 18 Thus the minimum amunt f exercise brings the maximum physical gains.
    19 Fr example, if a new gym-ger wants t get strnger, he might start a squat (深蹲) wrkut, which is made up f ten steps, each having five repetitins. In thery, it's a sensible way fr building strength. If he's nly attempted three steps in his previus exercise, it's far frm enugh. The furth step wuld push him past his previus limit and frce adaptatin. But the subsequent steps are meant fr mre prfessinal peple. 20
    As a general rule, regardless f yur experience, aim t nly increase the vlume f any exercise by ne step frm wrkut t wrkut.
    A.It seems lgical.
    B.Instead, it'll harm yur prgress.
    C.It's natural that yu may want t keep fit.
    D.After that, yu can stp exercising during the day.
    E.Only in this way can yu enjy the benefit f exercise.
    F.They wuld just increase the chance f injury fr beginners.
    G.Hw much exercise yu need t d depends n yur current fitness level.
    【答案】16.A 17.B 18.D 19.G 20.F
    16.根据上文“A lt f peple assume the mre wrk they put in at the gym, and the lnger and harder they push themselves, the better their results will be. (很多人认为他们在健身房投入的工作量越多,时间越长、努力越强,他们的成绩就会越好)”以及下文“But if yu want t get the best gains, the key is t fcus n the quality f the wrk rather than the quantity. (但如果你想获得最好的收获,关键是要关注工作的质量,而不是数量) ”可知,人们普遍认为锻炼的时间越长、越刻苦,收益就越大;但是实际上,锻炼时应该更关注锻炼的质量而非锻炼的时长。空处应承上启下,将上下文衔接起来。A项“It seems lgical. (这似乎合乎逻辑)”中的It指代上文 the mre wrk they put in at the gym, and the lnger and harder they push themselves, the better their results will be这件事。故选A项。
    17.根据上文“Once yu've given it enugh push t make these changes, any additinal wrk yu d after that pint wn't be making yu any better. (一旦你给了它足够的动力来做出这些改变,在那之后你所做的任何额外工作都不会让你变得更好)” 以及下文“This is because yu'll need lnger t recver afterwards. (这是因为你需要更长的时间来恢复) ”可知,空格处应与上下文语义一致,介绍过度锻炼的坏处。B项“Instead, it'll harm yur prgress. (相反,这会损害你的进步)”承上启下,符合语境,故选B项。
    18.根据上文“Ideally, it's just enugh t d the smallest amunt f wrk required t prmte grwth in every wrkut. (理想情况下,在每次锻炼中只需做促进成长所需的最小工作量就足够了)”可知,空格处应承接上文,进一步说明健身时,在完成最低训练量后应该停止训练,这样才能得到最大的收益。D项“After that, yu can stp exercising during the day. (之后,你可以停止白天的运动)”承上启下,符合语境,故选D项。
    19.根据下文的例子“Fr example, if a new gym-ger wants t get strnger, he might start a squat (深蹲) wrkut, which is made up f ten steps, each having five repetitins. (例如,如果一个新来健身房的人想变得更强壮,他可能会开始深蹲锻炼,由十个步骤组成,每个步骤重复五次)”可知,本段主要说明了每次锻炼的运动量如何确定。G项“Hw much exercise yu need t d depends n yur current fitness level. (你需要做多少运动取决于你目前的体能水平)”与本段内容相呼应,符合语境,故选G项。
    20.根据上文“But the subsequent steps are meant fr mre prfessinal peple. (但接下来的步骤是为更专业的人准备的)”可知,后面的训练步骤是更专业的人需要做的,空处应承接上文,解释后续较难的步骤对初学者来说会有危险。F项“They wuld just increase the chance f injury fr beginners. (它们只会增加初学者受伤的机会)”符合语境,故选F项。
    (2024·重庆·模拟预测)This summer, climate change cntinues t push Earth’s weather t extremes. 16 We invite sme experts t discuss the science behind exercising in the heat, hw t keep yur bdy safe, and what t d if yu suspect yu r smene yu’re with has heat exhaustin.
    17 If yu had a heavy meal like a cheeseburger, yu’ll want t wait tw t three hurs befre yur ht utdr exercise, since that fat and prtein-rich meal will take even lnger t mve thrugh the digestive prcess. Shuld yu eat after that ht run? N. Yu can hydrate right away, but wait until yu’ve cled ff t eat. That’s because digesting fd will delay getting yur bdy back t its usual temperature.
    Prtect yur skin — it’s the bdy’s cling system. Yur skin and related tissues are incredibly designed t mve warm bld away frm yur cre t keep yur vital rgans cl. Any damage t yur skin r the underlying tissue prevents yur bdy frm being able t air cnditin itself. T prtect yur skin, start with sunscreen. 18 .
    Wear materials that will help yur bdy breathe. 19 Wear sweat-wicking athletic clthing that allws yur skin t cl. Avid materials like cttn that basically keep the heat clse t yur bdy.
    Hydrate befre, during and after exercise. Dehydratin can really happen t yu. 20 Besides, keep drinking while yu’re wrking ut.
    A.Dn’t eat right befre yu head ut.
    B.Try mre heat-friendly frms f exercise.
    C.The type f suitable clthing yu wear can als help yu stay cl.
    D.But high utside temperatures in a dry climate can als be dangerus.
    E.Is a daytime run r bike ride in ht summer weather OK fr ur bdies?
    F.And cnsider wearing sun-prtective clthing that blcks the sun, and include a hat.
    G.Make sure yu are drinking water at least an hur befre yu head ut t exercise.
    【答案】16.E 17.A 18.F 19.C 20.G
    16.根据上文“This summer, climate change cntinues t push Earth’s weather t extremes.(今年夏天,气候变化继续将地球的天气推向极端)”以及后文“We invite sme experts t discuss the science behind exercising in the heat, hw t keep yur bdy safe, and what t d if yu suspect yu r smene yu’re with has heat exhaustin.(我们邀请了一些专家来讨论在高温下运动背后的科学,如何保证你的身体安全,以及如果你怀疑你或你的伴侣患有中暑该怎么做)”可知,本句主要过渡句,引出炎热天气是否适合运动的疑问。故E选项“在炎热的夏天白天跑步或骑自行车对我们的身体好吗?”符合语境,故选E。
    17.根据后文“If yu had a heavy meal like a cheeseburger, yu’ll want t wait tw t three hurs befre yur ht utdr exercise, since that fat and prtein-rich meal will take even lnger t mve thrugh the digestive prcess. Shuld yu eat after that ht run? N. Yu can hydrate right away, but wait until yu’ve cled ff t eat. That’s because digesting fd will delay getting yur bdy back t its usual temperature.(如果你吃了一顿像芝士汉堡这样的大餐,你会想等两到三个小时再进行户外运动,因为富含脂肪和蛋白质的大餐需要更长的时间才能通过消化过程。热跑之后你应该吃东西吗?不。你可以马上补充水分,但要等到身体冷却后再吃。这是因为消化食物会延迟你的身体恢复正常体温)”可知,本段的建议是出门前不要吃太多东西。故A选项“出门前不要吃东西”符合语境,故选A。
    18.根据本段主旨句“Prtect yur skin — it’s the bdy’s cling system.(保护你的皮肤——这是身体的冷却系统)”可知,本段主要建议保护皮肤。前文“T prtect yur skin, start with sunscreen.(为了保护你的皮肤,从防晒霜开始)”讲述了可以使用防晒霜来保护皮肤,空处应是其他保护皮肤的方式,F项“并考虑穿宽松、轻便、能遮挡阳光的衣服。”建议穿有防晒作用的衣服,符合题意。故选F。
    19.根据上文“Wear materials that will help yur bdy breathe.(穿有助于身体呼吸的衣服)”以及后文“Wear sweat-wicking athletic clthing that allws yur skin t cl. Avid materials like cttn that basically keep the heat clse t yur bdy.(穿吸汗的运动服,让皮肤降温。不要穿棉质之类的衣服,因为它们能让热量接近你的身体)”可知,本段主要就穿的衣服提出了建议,C选项中clthing对应后文clthing。故C选项“选择合适的衣服也能让你保持凉爽”符合语境,故选C。
    20.根据上文“Hydrate befre, during and after exercise. Dehydratin can really happen t yu.(在运动前、运动中和运动后补充水分。脱水真的会发生在你身上)”可知,本句主要是建议补充水分。故G选项“确保你在出门锻炼前至少一个小时喝水”符合语境,故选G。
    (2024·湖南·二模)The first way we learn t cmmunicate is thrugh bdy language — ur facial expressins, ur gestures and, when we’re lder, ur pstures. Even after we figure ut hw t speak, this nn-verbal cmmunicatin still exerts (施加) a pwerful and ften uncnscius influence ver ur interactins, peple’s first impressins f us and even ur impressins f urselves. 16 .
    Change hw yu feel
    T de-stress: Frcing a smile can make running easier and tugh tasks less stressful. One 2012 experiment fund that a grin makes hlding yur hand in ice water mre bearable.
    T feel mre cnfident: 17 . Striking this s-called pwer pse shrtly befre an interview r athletic cntest can be particularly pwerful fr wmen, wh tend t sit and stand in a way that takes up less space.
    T persevere: 18 . In a 2008 study, students wh sat with their arms crssed kept wrking n an impssible prblem nearly twice as lng as thse with their arms at their sides.
    Change hw thers feel
    19 : Studies shw that hlding smene’s gaze may help peple think yu’re trustwrthy and intelligent. Accrding t bdy language expert Carl Kinsey Gman, it can als make peple think yu’re a gd listener.
    T fster cnnectins: Mirrring the facial expressins and gestures f the persn yu’re talking t can help them feel mre cmfrtable. One 2011 experiment fund this is an effective sales skill.
    T engage r disengage: If yu want t let smene knw yu’re listening, sit facing them with yur full bdy, knees and shulders pinted at them. 20 .
    A.T cme acrss as sincere
    B.But if yu want t spread tensin, angle yur bdy slightly away — facing full-n is cnfrntatinal (对抗性的) when things get heated
    C.Here’s hw t use bdy language t everyne’s benefit
    D.Making yur index finger (食指) and middle finger crssed can help yu gather strength
    E.T infrm peple
    F.Standing like Wnder Wman — legs apart, hands n hips, chest up — may make yu feel mre pwerful
    G.Crssing yur arms acrss yur chest can help yu persist in slving a prblem
    【答案】16.C 17.F 18.G 19.A 20.B
    16.根据上文“Even after we figure ut hw t speak, this nn-verbal cmmunicatin still exerts(施加) a pwerful and ften uncnscius influence ver ur interactins, peple’s first impressins f us and even ur impressins f urselves.”( 即使在我们学会了如何说话之后,这种非语言交流仍然会对我们的互动、别人对我们的第一印象,甚至是我们对自己的印象产生强大的、往往是无意识的影响)可知,上文说明了肢体语言的重要性,所以要如何使用肢体语言提出建议,且总起下文的标题。故C选项“以下是如何使用肢体语言使得对每个人都有好处”切题。故选C项。
    17.根据上文“T feel mre cnfident”(让自己更自信:)可知,选项承接上文说明那个动作使人更自信。故F选项“像神奇女侠一样站立——双腿分开,双手叉腰,挺胸——这会让你感觉更有力量”切题。pwerful呼应cnfident。故选F项。
    18.根据下文“In a 2008 study, students wh sat with their arms crssed kept wrking n an impssible prblem nearly twice as lng as thse with their arms at their sides.
    19.根据下文“Studies shw that hlding smene’s gaze may help peple think yu’re trustwrthy and intelligent. Accrding t bdy language expert Carl Kinsey Gman, it can als make peple think yu’re a gd listener.”( 研究表明,和别人凝视会让别人觉得你值得信赖、聪明。根据肢体语言专家卡罗尔·金赛·戈曼的说法,它还可以让人们认为你是一个好的倾听者。)可知,本段主要在说要表现出真诚。故A选项“给人真诚的印象”切题,为本段的标题。故选A项。
    20.根据上文“If yu want t let smene knw yu’re listening, sit facing them with yur full bdy, knees and shulders pinted at them.”( 如果你想让别人知道你在听,那就坐着,把整个身体、膝盖和肩膀都面向他们)可知,选项承接上文说明身体部分的姿势代表了不同的意义且与上文为转折关系。故B选项“但如果你想分散紧张感,那就把身体稍微向外倾斜——当事情变得激烈时,面朝全身是对抗性的。”切题。故选B项。
    (2024·广东广州·三模)The teenage years are a transfrmative perid marked by great physical, psychlgical, and emtinal changes. 16 They refer t the feelings that arise during interactins with thers, such as gratitude, shame, sympathy, guilt, and pride.
    Understanding and managing scial emtins can help develp teenagers’ identities. Teenagers experience a wide range f emtins frm scial interactins, which significantly influences their self-understanding and scial awareness. In the prcess, they learn t understand, and apprpriately respnd t bth their wn emtins and thse f thers. 17
    In academic settings, scial emtinal cmpetencies like self-regulatin, mtivatin, and scial awareness directly impact a teenager’s ability t learn, participate, and engage in schl activities. 18 Teenagers with strng scial emtinal skills are better equipped t handle stress, resist peer pressure, and avid risky behavirs, reducing the likelihd f develping mental health issues.
    Learning scial emtins invlves a cmbinatin f persnal experience, guidance, and frmal educatin. 19 This envirnment influences teenagers’ earliest understanding f hw t cmmunicate and manage their emtins. They feel safe and supprtive t express their emtins freely and learn t manage them withut fear f judgment. Schls als play a significant rle thrugh scial emtinal learning prgrams that teach these skills in a structured envirnment. Cmmunity invlvement, extracurricular activities, and peer (同伴) interactins ffer additinal pprtunities fr teenagers t practice and refine their scial emtinal skills.
    20 It cntributes t a teenager’s ability t manage their wn emtins, understand thers’ emtins, and face scial cmplexities. This learning is a crnerstne fr shaping their identity, influencing their interpersnal relatinships, academic success, mental health, and future life utcmes.
    A.What exactly are scial emtins?
    B.The jurney int mature emtin is quite easy.
    C.Scial emtin learning fr teenagers is essential.
    D.Central t this phase is the cncept f scial emtins.
    E.This helps shape their wn persnal principles and beliefs.
    F.Families play a crucial rle in mdeling and develping these skills.
    G.Mrever, scial emtinal skills are clsely linked t mental health.
    【答案】16.D 17.E 18.G 19.F 20.C
    16.根据上文“The teenage years are a transfrmative perid marked by great physical, psychlgical, and emtinal changes.(青少年时期是身体、心理和情感发生巨大变化的转变时期)”以及后文“They refer t the feelings that arise during interactins with thers, such as gratitude, shame, sympathy, guilt, and pride.(它们指的是在与他人互动时产生的感觉,比如感激、羞耻、同情、内疚和骄傲)”可知,本句主要承接上文,继续说明青少年时期的情感变化阶段,故D选项“这个阶段的核心是社会情感的概念”符合语境,故选D。
    17.根据上文“Understanding and managing scial emtins can help develp teenagers’ identities. Teenagers experience a wide range f emtins frm scial interactins, which significantly influences their self-understanding and scial awareness. In the prcess, they learn t understand, and apprpriately respnd t bth their wn emtins and thse f thers.(理解和管理社会情绪可以帮助发展青少年的身份。青少年在社会交往中体验到各种各样的情绪,这对他们的自我理解和社会意识有很大的影响。在这个过程中,他们学会理解并适当地回应自己和他人的情绪)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,承接上文说明理解和回应自己和他人情绪的作用。故E选项“这有助于塑造他们自己的个人原则和信仰”符合语境,故选E。
    18.根据后文“Teenagers with strng scial emtinal skills are better equipped t handle stress, resist peer pressure, and avid risky behavirs, reducing the likelihd f develping mental health issues.(拥有强大社交情感技能的青少年能够更好地处理压力,抵抗同辈压力,避免危险行为,减少发展心理健康问题的可能性)”可知,本句总结后文,后文主要说明了社交情感技能会影响青少年心理健康。故G选项“此外,社交情感技能与心理健康密切相关”符合语境,故选G。
    19.根据后文“This envirnment influences teenagers’ earliest understanding f hw t cmmunicate and manage their emtins. They feel safe and supprtive t express their emtins freely and learn t manage them withut fear f judgment. Schls als play a significant rle thrugh scial emtinal learning prgrams that teach these skills in a structured envirnment. Cmmunity invlvement, extracurricular activities, and peer (同伴) interactins ffer additinal pprtunities fr teenagers t practice and refine their scial emtinal skills.(这种环境影响了青少年对如何沟通和管理情绪的最早理解。他们感到安全和支持自由地表达自己的情绪,并学会管理他们,而不用担心被评判。学校也通过在结构化的环境中教授这些技能的社会情感学习项目发挥了重要作用。社区参与、课外活动和同伴互动为青少年练习和完善他们的社交情感技能提供了额外的机会)”可知,后文列举了学校、社区参与、课外活动和同伴互动对培养情感技能的作用,可知本句也是在说明会影响青少年情绪技能的环境。故F选项“家庭在培养和培养这些技能方面起着至关重要的作用”符合语境,故选F。
    20.根据后文“It cntributes t a teenager’s ability t manage their wn emtins, understand thers’ emtins, and face scial cmplexities. This learning is a crnerstne fr shaping their identity, influencing their interpersnal relatinships, academic success, mental health, and future life utcmes.(它有助于青少年管理自己的情绪,理解他人的情绪,以及面对社会复杂性的能力。这种学习是塑造他们的身份、影响他们的人际关系、学业成功、心理健康和未来生活成果的基石)”可知,本段总结了情感技能的重要性,C选项中Scial emtin learning对应后文It。故C选项“对青少年来说,社会情感学习是必不可少的”符合语境,故选C。
    (2024·重庆·三模)In mdern life, stress has becme an unwelcme cmpanin fr many. Accrding t a survey cnducted in 2023, 91 percent f adults reprted experiencing high r extreme levels f stress. 16 One alternative gaining ppularity is wellness turism, praised as the fastest-grwing sectr in the travel industry.
    The change f scenery and adventurus nature f an active hliday can lead t an verall change in the dminant chemicals in ur brain, triggering releases f dpamine (多巴胺). 17 We ften see dpamine travel as a cmplete distractin frm everyday life, which prmtes meaning r grwth. Besides, such a frm f travel has been prven t increase feelings f well-being, as well as increases in general activity level. 18 This is particularly present fr utdr trips such as muntaineering r skiing where a sense f accmplishment can lead t lng lasting increases in self wrth and cnfidence.
    19 Oliver Brendn, CEO f Attractin Tickets.cm adds: “The dpamine travel trend is centered n immersing yurself in exciting landscapes, which is why the brightly-clred theme parks such as Walt Disney Wrld and Universal Orland Resrt make such ppular destinatins.”
    Fr mre mindful mments, surrunding yurself in nature can create a sense f adventure and escape unlike traditinal wellness getaways. 20 Ging sailing n the tranquil lazy river at Discvery Cve is anther wise chice.
    A.Cnsider chsing experiences like swimming with sea life.
    B.Try riding the ppular rller caster at Disney’s Hllywd Studis.
    C.These benefits have been reprted as lasting up t a lng pst-hliday time.
    D.This effect f certain hlidays has cined a new travel trend — dpamine travel.
    E.As we struggle with this stress, prmting ur well-being has becme mst significant.
    F.It’s evident that we are increasingly seeking cmfrt and refreshment in hliday experiences.
    G.Just as ther dpamine trends encurage bright clrs, ur envirnments als play a, vital rle.
    【答案】16.E 17.D 18.C 19.G 20.A
    16.根据上文“Accrding t a survey cnducted in 2023, 91 percent f adults reprted experiencing high r extreme levels f stress.(根据2023年进行的一项调查,91%的成年人报告说他们经历了高度或极端的压力)”可知,本句应该是引出“如何减压”这个话题。E选项“当我们与这种压力作斗争时,促进我们的幸福变得最重要”符合语境。故选E。
    17.根据上文“The change f scenery and adventurus nature f an active hliday can lead t an verall change in the dminant chemicals in ur brain, triggering releases f dpamine (多巴胺).(在一个充满活力的假期里,景色的变化和冒险的性质会导致我们大脑中主要化学物质的全面变化,引发多巴胺的释放)”可知,上句提出“多巴胺”,进而引出“多巴胺旅行”这一概念。D选项“某些假期的影响创造了一种新的旅行趋势——多巴胺旅行”承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    18.根据上文“Besides, such a frm f travel has been prven t increase feelings f well-being, as well as increases in general activity level.(此外,这种形式的旅行已被证明可以增加幸福感,并增加一般活动水平)”可知,本题前一个句子重点描述了这种旅行方式带给我们的帮助是些什么。C 项中的“these benefits”承接上文,本句继续补充说明这种旅行方式带来的影响。C选项“据报道,这些好处可以持续到节后很长一段时间”符合语境,故选C。
    19.根据后文“Oliver Brendn, CEO f Attractin Tickets.cm adds: “The dpamine travel trend is centered n immersing yurself in exciting landscapes, which is why the brightly-clred theme parks such as Walt Disney Wrld and Universal Orland Resrt make such ppular destinatins.”(Attractin Tickets.cm的首席执行官奥利弗·布兰登补充说:“多巴胺旅游的趋势是让自己沉浸在令人兴奋的风景中,这就是为什么沃尔特·迪斯尼世界和奥兰多环球影城度假村等色彩鲜艳的主题公园成为如此受欢迎的目的地。”)”以及段落中的关键信息“the brightly-clred”可知,本段重点想讨论的是多巴胺旅行的特点之一是具备鲜明色彩的环境。G选项“就像多巴胺的其他倾向会促使颜色变亮一样,我们的环境也起着至关重要的作用”符合语境,故选G。
    20.根据上文“Fr mre mindful mments, surrunding yurself in nature can create a sense f adventure and escape unlike traditinal wellness getaways.(对于更专注的时刻,置身于大自然中可以创造一种冒险和逃避的感觉,而不是传统的健康度假)”以及后文“Ging sailing n the tranquil lazy river at Discvery Cve is anther wise chice.(在探索湾宁静慵懒的河流上扬帆是另一个明智的选择)”可知,该空是举例说明多巴胺旅行的一种形式。A选项“考虑选择像和海洋生物一起游泳这样的经历”符合语境,故选A。
    (2024·黑龙江吉林·模拟预测)Wh can imagine life tday withut an Autmated Teller Machine (ATM)? They are available in cnsiderable numbers thrughut the wrld.
    The first ATM was the brainchild f an enterprising Turkish-American inventr Luther Gerge Simjian. When the idea f an autmated banking machine struck him, he registered 20 patents befre any bank agreed t give it a trial run. It is easy t assume that the inventr f such a ppular machine was laughing all the way t the bank. 16 Within six mnths f its peratin in New Yrk in 1939, the device was remved due t lack f custmer acceptance.
    It was nt until 1967, nearly 30 years later, that Barclays Bank, in a careful launch, rlled ut a self-service machine in Lndn, England, which prved successful. 17 The first cash machine relied n custmers’ use f prepaid tkens (代币) t get envelpes with a fixed amunt f cash inside.
    18 The banks’ principle was seemingly custmer service. But it wuld be flish t minimize the many advantages that cash machines prvided t the banks themselves. By the late 1970s, the highest fixed cst fr the average large bank was its branches. The greatest variable cst and lss t prfits were its staff. Bank accunts swiftly recgnized that self-service peratins culd reduce bank branch staff cst by70 percent.
    Experts quickly determined that public acceptance f ATMs cunted n cnvenience, simplicity, speed, security and trust. 19 Fr maximum efficiency, ATMs had t be lcated near public transprt r in a shpping mall, nt at a branch. The busier and mre crwded the lcatin, bviusly, the better. Nw, rughly 75 percent f all cash prvided by banks t their custmers cmes frm cash machines. 20 .
    Public acceptance f depsits (存款) by machine was significantly slwer than custmers’ usage f ATMs fr withdrawals. In general, it seems that custmers smetimes still prefer and trust an ver-the-cunter transactin (交易) fr depsits.
    A.Lcatin, in particular, was a key factr.
    B.His cash machine, hwever, didn’t prve durable.
    C.The device was relatively primitive, at least by tday’s standards.
    D.Hwever, cash machines psed sme interesting, unanswered questins.
    E.An interesting factr was the issue f bi-statistics fr custmer identificatin.
    F.Devices riginally dismissed by the public are nw recgnized as essential institutins.
    G.Sn afterwards, many ther banks became admittedly champins f the cash machine.
    【答案】16.B 17.C 18.G 19.A 20.F
    16.根据上文“It is easy t assume that the inventr f such a ppular machine was laughing all the way t the bank.(人们很容易认为,这样一台受欢迎机器的发明者一定赚得盆满钵满)”和下文“Within six mnths f its peratin in New Yrk in 1939, the device was remved due t lack f custmer acceptance.(1939年,该设备在纽约运行了六个月后,由于缺乏客户接受,该设备被拆除)”可知,上下文有转折关系,B项“His cash machine, hwever, didn’t prve durable.(然而,他的取款机并没有经受住时间的考验)”承上启下,说明设想和现实有差距,引出下文第一台取款机的真实命运,上下文语意连贯。故选B项。
    17.下文“The first cash machine relied n custmers’ use f prepaid tkens (代币) t get envelpes with a fixed amunt f cash inside.(第一台自动取款机依靠顾客使用预付代币来获得装有固定数量现金的信封)”介绍了第一台自动取款机的工作原理:用预付代币来换取现金信封,是对C项“The device was relatively primitive, at least by tday’s standards.(这个装置相对来说比较原始,至少以今天的标准来看是这样)”的说明,说明第一台自动取款机比较原始的工作原理,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
    18.下文“The banks’ principle was seemingly custmer service. But it wuld be flish t minimize the many advantages that cash machines prvided t the banks themselves. By the late 1970s, the highest fixed cst fr the average large bank was its branches. The greatest variable cst and lss t prfits were its staff. Bank accunts swiftly recgnized that self-service peratins culd reduce bank branch staff cst by70 percent.(银行的原则似乎是客户服务。但是,低估自动取款机给银行自身带来的诸多好处是愚蠢的。到20世纪70年代末,大型银行的平均固定成本最高的是其分支机构。最大的可变成本和利润损失是它的员工。银行账户很快意识到,自助服务可以将银行分行的员工成本降低70%)”说明了自动取款机给银行带来的诸多好处,解释了G项“Sn afterwards, many ther banks became admittedly champins f the cash machine.(不久之后,许多其他银行成为公认的自动提款机的拥护者)”中描述的这一现象,许多银行为了获益开始使用自动提款机,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
    19.下文“Fr maximum efficiency, ATMs had t be lcated near public transprt r in a shpping mall, nt at a branch. The busier and mre crwded the lcatin, bviusly, the better.(为了最大限度地提高效率,自动取款机必须设在公共交通附近或购物中心,而不是在分行。显然,地点越繁忙、越拥挤越好)”指出自动取款机需要设在公共交通附近或购物中心,是对A项“Lcatin, in particular, was a key factr.(尤其是地理位置,是一个关键因素)”的举例说明,说明地理位置的重要作用。故选A项。
    20.上文“Nw, rughly 75 percent f all cash prvided by banks t their custmers cmes frm cash machines.(现在,银行提供给客户的现金中,大约75%来自自动取款机)”谈及自动取款机的普及和广泛使用,F项“Devices riginally dismissed by the public are nw recgnized as essential institutins.(最初被公众忽视的设备现在被认为是不可或缺的设施)”承接上文,总结自动取款机命运的变化,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
    (2024·陕西榆林·一模)Hw t Start a Garden in 2024?
    Gardening is a pwerful utlet fr creativity, enabling yu t surrund yurself with beauty. It can prvide hmegrwn fd fr yur family, keep yu in tuch with nature and is als an invaluable frm f exercise. In shrt, gardening is beneficial t bth bdy and sul. 16 .
    It all starts with gd sil.
    Whatever yu’re grwing, fertile sil is the key. 17 . It prmtes rt develpment, supplying nutrients fr plant grwth.
    Grw vegetables that keep n giving.
    18 , chse nes yu can harvest mre than nce. Lettuce and basil are quick and easy t grw. They’ll replace their leaves every time yu cut them. Vegetables like these mean cntinuus harvests, which is huge fr keeping spirits high.
    19 .
    Sme plants will grw tall and sme will grw clser t the grund. Tall plants will shade shrter plants and prevent them getting needed sunshine. Als, give little seedlings plenty f rm t stretch and grw. If they grw t clse tgether, dn’t be afraid t thin seedlings.
    Save mney with seeds and cuttings.
    Buying all f yur plants frm the garden center is expensive. 20 . Reach ut t friends and family wh garden and ask them t share spare seeds with yu. Als check t see if they have any plants yu can take cuttings frm. It takes lnger than buying yung plants, but it is definitely mre satisfying and yu will learn s much.
    A.If yu need sme help
    B.Size up yur grwing space
    C.If yu’re a newcmer
    D.Here are sme essential tips fr beginners in gardening
    E.Chse a cntainer size apprpriate fr what yu are grwing
    F.Investing in rich sil initially create s a suitable envirnment
    G.Hwever, yu can grw a huge range f plants frm seeds r cuttings
    【答案】16.D 17.F 18.C 19.B 20.G
    16.设空位于首段段尾,应是点出主题,引出下文,根据前文“Gardening is a pwerful utlet fr creativity, enabling yu t surrund yurself with beauty. It can prvide hmegrwn fd fr yur family, keep yu in tuch with nature and is als an invaluable frm f exercise. In shrt, gardening is beneficial t bth bdy and sul.(园艺是发挥创造力的有力途径,能让你置身于美之中。它可以为你的家人提供自制的食物,让你与大自然保持联系,也是一种宝贵的锻炼方式。简而言之,园艺对身体和灵魂都有益。)”以及下文中的小标题可知,本文主要讲述进行园艺的一些建议,D项“Here are sme essential tips fr beginners in gardening(这里有一些对园艺初学者必不可少的建议。)”符合本文主题,并引出下文。故选D项。
    17.根据前文“Whatever yu’re grwing, fertile sil is the key.(无论你种什么,肥沃的土壤是关键。)”可知,本段主要讲述了,学习园艺,土壤是关键,所以F项“Investing in rich sil initially create s a suitable envirnment(最初投资于肥沃的土壤会创造一个适宜的环境。)”符合本段主题,其中sil为同词复现。故选F项。
    18.根据后文“Lettuce and basil are quick and easy t grw. They’ll replace their leaves every time yu cut them. Vegetables like these mean cntinuus harvests, which is huge fr keeping spirits high.(生菜和罗勒又快又容易种植。每次你剪掉它们的叶子,它们都会换新的。像这样的蔬菜意味着连续的收获,这对保持精神振奋非常重要。)”可知,本段建议是园艺初学者应该种植能不断收获的蔬菜来保持精神振奋,所以C项“If yu’re a newcmer(如果你是一个新人)”顺接下文“chse nes yu can harvest mre than nce(选择那些你可以收获不止一次的)”符合本段主题。故选C项。
    19.设空处为本段小标题,根据后文“Sme plants will grw tall and sme will grw clser t the grund. Tall plants will shade shrter plants and prevent them getting needed sunshine. Als, give little seedlings plenty f rm t stretch and grw. If they grw t clse tgether, dn’t be afraid t thin seedlings.(有些植物会长得很高,有些植物会长得离地面更近。高大的植物会遮蔽较矮的植物,使它们得不到所需的阳光。同时,给幼苗足够的空间伸展和生长。如果它们长得太近,不要害怕把幼苗削薄。)”可知,本段主题是建议要注意植物的生长空间,所以B项“Size up yur grwing space(评估你的种植空间)”符合主题,为本段小标题。故选B项。
    20.根据前文“Buying all f yur plants frm the garden center is expensive.(从园艺中心购买所有的植物是昂贵的。)”以及后文“Reach ut t friends and family wh garden and ask them t share spare seeds with yu. Als check t see if they have any plants yu can take cuttings frm. It takes lnger than buying yung plants, but it is definitely mre satisfying and yu will learn s much.(向从事园艺的朋友和家人寻求帮助,让他们与你分享多余的种子。还要检查一下他们是否有什么植物可以插枝。这比买幼苗要花更长的时间,但它绝对更令人满意,你会学到很多东西。)”可知,前文讲述从园艺中心购买所有的植物是昂贵的,后文讲述可以通过用种子和插枝来省钱,所以空处应是过渡句,G项“Hwever, yu can grw a huge range f plants frm seeds r cuttings(然而,你可以从种子或插枝中种植各种各样的植物)”和前文构成转折关系,并引出下文内容,符合文意。故选G项。
    (2024·江西南昌·三模)In rder t grw and be better than befre , yu must learn t be emtinally intelligent. Here are sme strategies t help yu becme emtinally mature!
    Yu cannt change thers. Everyne else is entitled t their wn beliefs and pinins. It is cmpletely nrmal. Keeping that in mind, it is better if yu understand that yu cannt change thers, n matter hw hard yu try. Even if yu try changing thers and their feelings, yu will nly be hurting yurself in the prcess. 16
    Peple interact with us like we are mind readers smetimes. 17 This can be extremely painful. Yu need t cmmunicate yur needs t the ther persn, and they need t d the same with yu. Never rely n expectatins, which will nly make yu feel disappinted. Share yur needs with yur lved nes and see the psitive changes. S cmmunicate yur needs.
    It is necessary t take respnsibility fr yur actins. Just like yur wrds, yu need t take full respnsibility fr yur actins. Many peple make silly excuses and dn’t take respnsibility fr their actins. That is where they hurt thers and themselves. 18 It wn’t bring yur self-respect dwn, and it will actually raise yu as a persn.
    19 S it is wise t avid negative peple. If yu are surrunded by negative peple that nly bring thers dwn, then yu will always feel uncmfrtable. If yu are surrunded by happy peple, yu will always be delighted. Keep away frm peple wh emtinally cntrl thers. 20 In rder t be emtinally intelligent, yu must have a supprting partner by yur side.
    A.Yu need t mind whatever yu d.
    B.Yu are knwn by the cmpany yu keep.
    C.Just as yu try t be a mind reader, thers expect s.
    D.The best curse f actin wuld be t change yurself.
    E.Whenever yu feel smething like that, cut ties with them.
    F.Yur partner wuld want yu t knw exactly what they want.
    G.If yu make a mistake and affect thers negatively, aplgize immediately.
    【答案】16.D 17.F 18.G 19.B 20.E
    16.根据本段主题句“Yu cannt change thers.(你不能改变其他人。)”可知,本段主张不能企图改变别人,因为每个人都有权拥有自己的信仰和观点,试图改变别人的过程中有可能会伤害到自己,因此最好的做法是改变自己。D项:The best curse f actin wuld be t change yurself.(最好的做法是改变自己。)符合语境。故选D。
    17.根据上文“Peple interact with us like we are mind readers smetimes.( 有时候人们和我们的互动就像我们会读心术一样。)”及下文“This can be extremely painful.(这有时候是非常痛苦的。)”可知,人与人之间互动时总有人期待对方能有读心术,但是这是非常痛苦的;空处应承接上文,对上文作进一步阐述,即你的伙伴想让你确切地知道他们想要什么。F项:Yur partner wuld want yu t knw exactly what they want.(你的伴侣想让你确切地知道他们想要什么。)符合语境。故选F。
    18.根据本段主题句“It is necessary t take respnsibility fr yur actins.( 对你的行为负责是必要的。)”可知,本段主张要对自己的行为负责。上文“Many peple make silly excuses and dn’t take respnsibility fr their actins. That is where they hurt thers and themselves.(许多人会找一些愚蠢的借口,不为自己的行为负责。这就是他们伤害别人和自己的地方。)”提到不负责的行为害人害己,下文“It wn’t bring yur self-respect dwn, and it will actually raise yu as a persn.(它不会降低你的自尊,反而会提升你的人格。)”中的“it”指代对自己行为负责的正确做法,即如果你给别人带来负面影响,立即道歉。G项:If yu make a mistake and affect thers negatively, aplgize immediately.(如果你犯了错误,给别人带来了负面影响,立即道歉。)符合语境。故选G。
    19.根据下文“S it is wise t avid negative peple. If yu are surrunded by negative peple... If yu are surrunded by happy peple, yu will always be delighted.”(所以避开消极的人是明智的。如果你周围都是消极的人,只会让别人失望,那么你会一直感到不舒服。如果你周围都是快乐的人,你就会永远快乐。)”可知,本段强调周围同伴的重要性及其影响,即观其友,知其人。B项:Yu are knwn by the cmpany yu keep.(你所结交的人都知道你。)符合语境。故选B。
    20.根据上文“Keep away frm peple wh emtinally cntrl thers.(远离那些在情感上控制别人的人。)可知,空处应承接上文,进一步说明要远离那些在情感上控制别人的人。E项可以承接上文,表示要立刻与在情感上控制自己的人切断关系。E项:Whenever yu feel smething like that, cut ties with them.(每当你有这样的感觉,就和他们断绝关系。)符合语境。故选E。

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