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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

    Learn t Turn Yur Favrite Pht int a Digital Illustratin
    That’s right. We’re abut t seriusly schl yu n the art f prtraiture, using nthing but a pht, yur cmputer, and ur trusty friend, Adbe. Illustratr. In ur brand-new class, Digital Illustratin: Turn Yur Phts Int Art, artist and designer Kristin Berry will teach yu hw t create yur wn digital prtrait art using a phtgraph.
    In Berry’s latest Digital Illustratin class, yu’ll be surprised and delighted by hw just a few simple steps can result in a custm piece f art. It’s a great creative skill t learn fr creating wedding invitatins, hliday cards, birthday gifts, r wall art fr yur hme. Plus, if yu want t change the clr f yur shirt r add in a crazy clr backgrund, she’ll teach yu hw t d that t. There are endless ways yu can custmize yur digital illustratin, and this class will shw yu all the tips and tricks yu need.
    In the 82-minute nline class, we’ll teach yu:
    ·The best way t rganize yur Adbe Illustratr wrkspace
    ·Hw t illustrate the human frm frm the face all the way t the utfit
    ·Tips n hw t add special tuches t make yur illustratin unique and persnalized
    Once yu sign up fr the class, it’s yurs t take n-demand, meaning yu can watch it whenever(and at yur wn pace). Students will als get access t a design class that will have yu learning frm a prfessinal. Yu’ll als get t dwnlad an exclusive curse wrkbk that will help guide yu thrugh the class.
    Sunds amazing, right? S find yur mst prtrait-wrthy pht and sign up fr Digital Illustratin: Turn Phts Int Art TODAY!
    1.What can yu learn abut Adbe Illustratr?
    A.It can be an educatinal applicatin.
    B.It is prbably a curse guideline.
    C.It may be an art teacher.
    D.It is likely t be a prtrait phtgrapher.
    2.What can yu learn frm the 82-minute nline class?
    A.Yu can master the skill f hw t rganize wedding parties in the class.
    B.Yu need t sign up fr the class in advance.
    C.Yu will learn hw t plish yur illustratin in the class.
    D.Yu must keep pace with the class.
    3.Why des the authr write the text?
    A.T make an advertisement fr an applicatin.
    B.T prmte a digital illustratin prgramme.
    C.T stress the imprtance f mastering the skill f digital illustratin.
    D.T appeal t peple t learn mre new skills.

    When the need fr infrmatin technlgy service arises, it can be a stressful mment—the user is lcked ut f their cmputer, r a prgram isn’t wrking prperly. But if yu ask anyne in the MIT departments f Chemistry and Physics, r the News Office—the Institute divisins that are frtunate enugh t have Greg Waltn as their IT service prvider, they’ll acknwledge that nt nly is Waltn the best, but whatever the issue is, he will see it thrugh until all invlved are satisfied with the utcme. Waltn usually arrives n the scene with endless psitive energy that transfrms a technical annyance int an enjyable interactin, regardless f hw many ther IT fires he has already put ut that day.
    The qualities that make him a star emplyee extend far beynd the campus. After spending his early years in fster care, Waltn lived with his great-grandmther, but mstly, he was left t supprt himself. While many children might, understandably, lie flat under such unsupervised circumstances, Waltn excelled academically and athletically at high schl. He became the first persn in his family t graduate frm high schl, and enrlled in cllege.
    Waltn seized the chance t enrll in Year Up, a prgram aiming t clse the “pprtunity divide” by prviding yung adults with the skills, experience, and supprt that will empwer them t reach their ptential thrugh prfessinal careers and higher educatin. Waltn remains an active ambassadr fr the rganizatin.
    In June f 2007,armed with shining recmmendatins, Waltn was hired as a temp (临时工) at MIT.He eventually wrked his way up t where he is tday—an invaluable asset (不可或缺的人) t three departments.“I d feel lucky t wrk at MIT,” he says.“I’ve had the ability t tur the cuntry sharing my stry in hpes that sme peple may be inspired and emplyers may see yung adults with tugh backgrunds differently.”
    In additin t Year Up, he is invlved with a number f rganizatins cmmitted t helping yung adults vercme their trubled pasts. This desire t have a psitive impact n peple’s lives extends seamlessly int his wrk at MIT. “Giving back is very imprtant t me,” Waltn says. “S many peple have invested their time and energy int helping me, s I feel it wuld be an injustice nt t d s.”
    4.Staff members in MIT sing high praise fr Waltn mainly because________.
    A.he enjys interacting with his clients
    B.he knws hw t put ut fires fr thers
    C.he slves prblems with a psitive attitude
    D.he is gd at develping cmputer prgrams
    5.What d we knw abut Waltn befre he went t cllege?
    A.He depended n his great-grandma fr a living.
    B.He std ut in study and sprts in high schl.
    C.He lay flat just like ther unsupervised children.
    D.He was supprted by fster care fr better educatin.
    6.Why did Waltn get invlved with a lt f rganizatins?
    A.T share his trubled past with yung adults.
    B.T pay back t sciety by helping yung adults.
    C.T advise businesses t treat yung adults fairly.
    D.T prmte educatin equality amng yung adults.
    7.What can we cnclude frm Waltn’s stry?
    A.One gd turn deserves anther.
    B.Opprtunities favr the prepared mind.
    C.Educatin is a pwerful weapn t change the wrld.
    D.One’s future is defined by his effrts, nt by his rigin.

    Part f the reasn American shppers are s attracted t whlesale shpping is their belief that it nt nly prevents waste but can save time and mney, prviding mre value fr the dllar. Hwever, recent research suggests that the ppsite may be true.
    Victria Lign, an expert n cnsumer sciences, studied fd purchasing habits f cnsumers and fund that peple tended t buy t much fd and waste mre f it than they realized. “The prblem is that peple are nt shpping frequently enugh,” Lign said, “Peple are very price sensitive at the grcery stre, but tend t fail t ntice the cst f unused and wasted fd at hme.”
    A cmmn practice is t visit different stres fr different items n a grcery list, “But peple tend t verbuy at each f the places,” Lign said. “Peple are nt planning fr the next day, but planning fr the next week r tw.”
    “In thery, planning a week r mre in advance sunds ideal. But given the reality f many peple’s lives, this is challenging t d well,” Lign said. “All f ur fd prmtins are designed t get peple t buy mre. We believe it’s cheaper if we buy mre nw, but we rarely take int accunt hw much we thrw ut in the end.”
    Lign nted shifts in the grcery industry that appear prmising t help custmers reduce fd waste. Examples include cst-effective delivery services such as Amazn Fresh and Ggle Express, which allw cnsumers t purchase fd items when they want t cnsume them, als reducing their need t frequent s many different stres. Hwever, the study resulted in anther trubling finding: The majrity f peple invlved in the study had n idea that they were buying t much and wasting s much.
    “When yu read advice abut reducing waste, it usually centers n what peple d after the fd is purchased,” Lign said. “But mre imprtantly, shp n a mre frequent basis, s that yu are nly buying what yu are ging t cnsume in the shrt term.”
    8.What d peple ften ignre when buying fd in large quantities?
    A.Hw gd the fd is.B.Hw much will be wasted.
    C.Hw much the fd csts.D.Hw ften they shuld shp.
    9.What is the authr’s attitude twards meal planning fr the next tw weeks?
    A.It is wrth trying.B.It is nt practical.
    C.It takes great effrt.D.It is nt gd fr health.
    10.What is the advantage f Amazn Fresh and Ggle Express?
    A.Fd prices are lwered.B.Fd waste is prevented.
    C.Fd cnsumptin is reduced.D.Fd purchasing can be dne at hme.
    11.What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Shp Mre, Buy LessB.Shp Wisely, Eat Wisely
    C.Cnsume Mre, Waste LessD.The Mre Yu Shp, the Mre Yu Waste

    A new study shws that female academics are significantly underrepresented in winning academic prizes and having awards named after them. Analysis f nearly 9,000 awardees and 346 scientific prizes and medals published in Nature Human Behaviur has fund that men win eight prizes fr every ne wn by a wman if the award is named after a man. These awards represent almst tw-thirds f all scientific prizes. Female academics are, hwever, mre likely t win awards that have been named after ther ntable female scientists, with 47% f thse awards ging t wmen and 53% t men.
    Dr Katja Gehmlich, Assciate Prfessr in the Institute f Cardivascular Science at the University f Birmingham and jint lead authr f the study, said, “The gender gap between awardees in scientific prizes is sadly a prduct f a lng, systematic issue f pr representatin f wmen in sciences. Despite decades f effrts t rebalance this issue, ur study shws that wmen are still prly recgnized fr their scientific cntributins, and men are far mre likely t win prizes and awards, in particular, if thse awards are named after ther men.
    “It seems particularly shcking t me that awards named after wmen still see mre than half f prizes ging t men. We further prpse a list f actins t address and vercme these issues but are aware this will be a lng prcess. The Nminate Her mvement is ne way that the scientific cmmunity can begin t address this,” said Dr Gehmlich.
    Prf Stefan Krause frm the Schl f Gegraphy, Earth and Envirnmental Sciences at the University f Birmingham and jint lead authr f the study said, “Our data is indicative f much wider issues f gender inequality within sciences. Our current publicatin is an initial attempt t understand the causes f such striking gender inequality and t prmte discussin n the subject within ur scientific cmmunities.”
    “Research culture has a lt t d t imprve the gender prize gap, as well as effrts t address the inequality that sees almst tw-thirds f prizes currently named after men. Mre pathways may als be needed, such as renaming r getting rid f gender names assciated with sme awards,” added Prf Krause.
    12.Hw are awards named after female scientists distributed between genders?
    A.Males are in the majrity.
    B.Females take up a bit mre than half.
    C.They are almst entirely awarded t females.
    D.They are evenly distributed between males and females.
    13.What’s Dr Gehmlich’s attitude tward gender inequality in scientific prizes?
    14.What suggestin des Prf Krause ffer t narrw the gender gap?
    A.Establishing gender rates fr awards.
    B.Increasing the number f female judges.
    C.Encuraging mre wmen t enter scientific fields.
    D.Renaming r remving gender names frm awards.
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Achievements f wmen in science
    B.The rle f men in the scientific wrld
    C.Gender inequality in scientific awards
    D.Future f gender equality in academia
    When attending hliday parties, we are eager t help ur hsts in the kitchen, with fd and drink service, and with pst-party cleanup, which smetimes causes mre truble and stress fr a hst. 16 Here’s what prfessinal event planners recmmend.
    Be sure t respnd in a timely manner. 17 If the invitatin asks yu t respnd, d s well befre the hst has t reach ut t cnfirm yur attendance. Hsts wh dn’t want their guests t help ut during the party can hint that all has been taken care f right n the invitatin.
    18 Asking a hst if yu can assist n the event date can be verwhelming, but extending that ffer while the hst is still planning the party and putting the details tgether may prve mre useful. If yu are smene wh lves t help, cntact the hst in advance and ffer yur assistance. 19
    Dn’t shw up early. Respect the event’s start time and arrive n time r 5 minutes later than the time n the invitatin. If the invitatin says 7:15 pm, guests shuld arrive between 7:15 and 7:20.
    When the party is ver, dn’t stay. At the end f the evening, yu can make ne last ffer t help the hst tidy up the space. But if they refuse, dn’t insist. 20 S it’s the guest’s respnsibility t leave at an apprpriate hur.
    A.Cnsider ffering help t the hst ahead f time.
    B.S what can yu d t really help hliday hsts?
    C.Cntact the hst t knw the details abut the party.
    D.Many hsts are t plite t tell peple it’s time t g.
    E.Being a gd guest begins lng befre the party begins.
    F.This way, the hst can knw an extra pair f hands is available as needed.
    G.The invitatin phase serves as a prime pprtunity t clarify the event’s tne.
    第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    I vividly remember the day when my husband and I set ff n a new jurney t Tanzania. He had been 21 a psitin there as a Civil Engineer. Accmpanying him, my aim was t find a jb shrtly after. As yu can imagine, I was very excited, even rather 22 , as I’d never been abrad befre. S, my first 23 was t get settled in this small twn called Ddma in the middle f Tanzania.
    As we gt ff the train, hwever, at six in the mrning, a lady came rushing alng the 24 twards us. Cmpletely ut f breath, she said, “We’ve heard yu’re frm England and ur schl 25 needs an English teacher — please say yu’ll help us.” I felt tired and 26 a shwer after the jurney. Thugh shcked by her 27 , fr sme reasn r ther, I agreed t 28 it!
    I washed, changed, had a quick bite t eat and was 29 t the tw lcal teachers and my 30 at 8 ’clck. It felt like being thrwn int the deep end, as my teaching timetable began 31 at 8:30! Althugh I’d hardly had time t get my breath, I never 32 my sudden decisin.
    Thugh my entry int this 33 was unexpected, I fund jy in teaching thse yungsters and gradually became part f the lcal cmmunity in the fllwing years. I’ve been frtunate t 34 lifelng friendships, which has left a lasting 35 n bth my students and myself.
    frB.waited frC.heard abutD.wrried abut
    Mre than 1, 250 lit stalls (货摊) brighten the center f Thailand’s capital city, 36 (prvide) a multiclred sight. The shelter which 37 (design) fr the thusands f traders at Bangkk’s night market 38 (sell) their gds, has becme an 39 (attract) itself.
    The market, 40 is called Train Night Market Ratchada in English, was pened in January 2015 and has becme 41 ppular spt fr lcals and turists. Sftware engineer Prasad Ambati visited the market and tk the landscape phtgraphs frm a nearby car park. “Thse 42 (clr) tents and peple shpping, eating at stalls and the flashing lights were great. The tents made me think f a giant painting.”
    This is 43 (primary) a market that sells ld gds, ld-fashined cllectins f clthes, mtrbikes, and secndhand tys. There are als plenty f general market things fr sale, like cheap clthes, shes, bags, 44 ther fashin items. But abve all it’s ne f the best places fr street fd, penair bars with live music frequently 45 (perfrm) all ver.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    注意:1.词数80 左右;
    Dear Olympic Organizing Cmmittee,
    Li Hua
    When I first mved t the suth f America in the summer hliday befre middle schl, I realized that I was stepping int a cmpletely different wrld. New Orleans, Luisiana, was unlike any place I had ever been t. In the French Quarter, turists walked arund all year with lng skinny cups in their hands, and there was a ppular game ging n the streets which were crwded with cars but had few peple. What surprised me mre than anything, thugh, was the cnstant friendliness and cmpassin f the peple f New Orleans.
    “What can I get fr yu, sugar?” a waitress abut my age asked me n my first day in New Orleans.
    I was taken aback. The waitress did nt even knw me, but she treated me like family. She smiled dwn at me as I pinted t an item n the menu.
    “Is the pasta gd?” I asked her.
    “It’s nt my favrite,” she admitted with a smile. “But I’m mre f a girl wh prefers rice!” She shrugged, letting ut a lud laughter.
    I lked at her in shck. What was I suppsed t say t that? I culdn’t believe that the waitress had just prevented me frm rdering smething. Actually, she had given me her hnest pinin, as if we were best friends. She even tld me her name—Mary. She even tld me that she just wrked as a part-time waitress and that she wuld be a high schl student sn.
    After a few days in New Orleans, I gt used t kind reminders and plite greetings. I als realized hw cmfrting it was t be treated like I belng wherever I went.
    As sn as I settled int my new high schl, I adapted myself t the schl life. I was drawn t the lively music scene that New Orleans was famus fr. I was a trumpet (小号) player, and I wanted t jin the schl music club. Hwever, I was afraid that I was t pr in music t be qualified fr the schl music club.
    One afternn, I was surprised t see a grup f students including Mary practicing jazz in the schl playgrund.

    Finally, with Mary’s encuragement, my hesitatin slwly melted away.

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    【答案】1.A 2.C 3.B
    【解析】1.推理判断题。根据第一段“We’re abut t seriusly schl yu n the art f prtraiture, using nthing but a pht, yur cmputer, and ur trusty friend, Adbe. Illustratr. In ur brand-new class, Digital Illustratin: Turn Yur Phts Int Art, artist and designer Kristin Berry will teach yu hw t create yur wn digital prtrait art using a phtgraph.(我们即将认真地教你肖像画的艺术,仅需一张照片、你的电脑,以及我们可靠的伙伴——Adbe Illustratr。在我们全新的课程“数字插图:将你的照片变成艺术”中,艺术家兼设计师Kristin Berry将教你如何使用照片创作自己的数字肖像艺术)”可知,本课程会将照片变成数字插图,所以会使用照片、电脑和电脑上的应用程序,故Adbe Illustratr可能是一个教育应用程序。故选A。
    2.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“·Tips n hw t add special tuches t make yur illustratin unique and persnalized(·关于如何添加特殊元素以使你的插图独特而个性化的提示)”可知,你可以在82分钟的在线课堂上学习如何润色你的插图。故选C。
    3.推理判断题。结合全文及文章最后一段“S find yur mst prtrait-wrthy pht and sign up fr Digital Illustratin: Turn Phts Int Art TODAY!(因此,找到你最值得画像的照片,今天就报名参加“数字插画:将照片变成艺术”课程吧!)”可知,全文围绕介绍一个数字插画课程展开,提到了课程内容、学习方式的灵活性以及附带的学习资源等,旨在吸引读者参加这个课程,故作者写这篇文章是为了推广一个数字插画课程。故选B。
    【答案】4.C 5.B 6.B 7.D
    【解析】4.细节理解题。根据第一段“But if yu ask anyne in the MIT departments f Chemistry and Physics, r the News Office—the Institute divisins that are frtunate enugh t have Greg Waltn as their IT service prvider, they’ll acknwledge that nt nly is Waltn the best, but whatever the issue is, he will see it thrugh until all invlved are satisfied with the utcme. (但如果你问麻省理工学院化学系和物理系的任何人,或者新闻办公室——学院的部门,他们很幸运地拥有格雷格·沃尔顿作为他们的IT服务提供商,他们会承认沃尔顿不仅是最好的,而且无论问题是什么,他都会坚持到底,直到所有参与者都对结果感到满意。)”可知麻省理工学院的工作人员对沃尔顿的高度赞扬主要是因为他以积极的态度解决问题,故选C。
    5.细节理解题。根据第二段“While many children might, understandably, lie flat under such unsupervised circumstances, Waltn excelled academically and athletically at high schl. (可以理解的是,许多孩子在这种无人监督的环境下可能会躺平,而沃尔顿在高中时在学业和运动方面都很出色。)”可知沃尔顿在高中学习和体育方面都很出色。故选B。
    6.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“In additin t Year Up, he is invlved with a number f rganizatins cmmitted t helping yung adults vercme their trubled pasts. This desire t have a psitive impact n peple’s lives extends seamlessly int his wrk at MIT. “Giving back is very imprtant t me,” Waltn says. “S many peple have invested their time and energy int helping me, s I feel it wuld be an injustice nt t d s.”(除了Year Up,他还参与了一些致力于帮助年轻人克服他们麻烦的过去的组织。这种对人们生活产生积极影响的愿望无缝地延伸到他在麻省理工学院的工作中。“回馈对我来说非常重要,”沃尔顿说。“这么多人投入了时间和精力来帮助我,所以我觉得不这样做是不公平的。”)”可知沃尔顿参与了这么多组织是通过帮助年轻人来回报社会。故选B。
    7.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其第一段“When the need fr infrmatin technlgy service arises, it can be a stressful mment—the user is lcked ut f their cmputer, r a prgram isn’t wrking prperly. But if yu ask anyne in the MIT departments f Chemistry and Physics, r the News Office—the Institute divisins that are frtunate enugh t have Greg Waltn as their IT service prvider, they’ll acknwledge that nt nly is Waltn the best, but whatever the issue is, he will see it thrugh until all invlved are satisfied with the utcme. Waltn usually arrives n the scene with endless psitive energy that transfrms a technical annyance int an enjyable interactin, regardless f hw many ther IT fires he has already put ut that day. (当对信息技术服务的需求出现时,它可能是一个紧张的时刻——用户被锁在他们的计算机之外,或者一个程序不能正常工作。但如果你问麻省理工学院化学系和物理系的任何人,或者新闻办公室——学院的部门,他们很幸运地拥有格雷格·沃尔顿作为他们的IT服务提供商,他们会承认沃尔顿不仅是最好的,而且无论问题是什么,他都会坚持到底,直到所有参与者都对结果感到满意。沃尔顿通常带着无尽的正能量来到现场,将技术上的烦恼转化为愉快的互动,不管那天他已经解决了多少其他的IT问题。)”可知文章主要讲述沃尔顿,虽然小时候是在寄养家庭长大,但是一直非常努力和出色,后来成为麻省理工的临时工作人员,致力于帮助年轻人解决麻烦问题来回馈社会。故选D。
    【答案】8.B 9.B 10.D 11.A
    【解析】8.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Victria Lign, an expert n cnsumer sciences, studied fd purchasing habits f cnsumers and fund that peple tended t buy t much fd and waste mre f it than they realized.(消费者科学专家维多利亚·利根研究了消费者的食品购买习惯,发现人们往往会购买过多的食品,浪费的食物比他们意识到的要多。)”可知,人们在大量购买食物时经常忽略多少会被浪费。故选B。
    9.推理判断题。根据第四段第一句““In thery, planning a week r mre in advance sunds ideal. But given the reality f many peple’s lives, this is challenging t d well,” Lign said.(“从理论上讲,提前一周或更长时间计划听起来很理想。但考虑到许多人的现实生活,做好这一点是具有挑战性的。”利冈说。)”可知,作者认为提前做未来两周的膳食计划并不实际。故选B。
    10.细节理解题。根据第五段第二句“Examples include cst-effective delivery services such as Amazn Fresh and Ggle Express, which allw cnsumers t purchase fd items when they want t cnsume them, als reducing their need t frequent s many different stres.(例如,亚马逊生鲜和谷歌快递等具有成本效益的配送服务允许消费者在他们想要消费的时候购买食品,也减少了他们频繁光顾许多不同商店的需要。)”和第一句“Lign nted shifts in the grcery industry that appear prmising t help custmers reduce fd waste.(利冈指出,食品杂货行业的转变似乎有望帮助消费者减少食物浪费。)”可知,亚马逊生鲜和谷歌快递的优势是食品购买可以在家里完成。故选D。
    11.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Victria Lign, an expert n cnsumer sciences, studied fd purchasing habits f cnsumers and fund that peple tended t buy t much fd and waste mre f it than they realized. “The prblem is that peple are nt shpping frequently enugh,” Lign said, “Peple are very price sensitive at the grcery stre, but tend t fail t ntice the cst f unused and wasted fd at hme.”(消费者科学专家维多利亚·利根研究了消费者的食品购买习惯,发现人们往往会购买过多的食品,浪费的食物比他们意识到的要多。“问题在于人们购物的频率不够高,”利冈说,“人们在杂货店对价格非常敏感,但往往不会注意到家里未使用和浪费食物的成本。”)”和最后一段““When yu read advice abut reducing waste, it usually centers n what peple d after the fd is purchased,” Lign said. “But mre imprtantly, shp n a mre frequent basis, s that yu are nly buying what yu are ging t cnsume in the shrt term.”(利根说:“当你读到关于减少浪费的建议时,它通常集中在人们购买食物后的行为上。但更重要的是,更频繁地购物,这样你就只买你短期内要消费的东西。”)”可知,文章主要是讲为了减少食物浪费,人们应该提高购物频率。所以,A项“Shp Mre, Buy Less”作为本文的题目,与文章主题相符合。故选A。
    【答案】12.A 13.D 14.D 15.C
    【解析】12.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Female academics are, hwever, mre likely t win awards that have been named after ther ntable female scientists, with 47% f thse awards ging t wmen and 53% t men.(然而,女性学者更有可能获得以其他著名女科学家命名的奖项,其中47%的奖项授予了女性,53%的奖项授予了男性。)”可知,以女性科学家命名的奖项男性获得者占多数。故选A。
    13.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Dr Katja Gehmlich, Assciate Prfessr in the Institute f Cardivascular Science at the University f Birmingham and jint lead authr f the study, said, “The gender gap between awardees in scientific prizes is sadly a prduct f a lng, systematic issue f pr representatin f wmen in sciences. Despite decades f effrts t rebalance this issue, ur study shws that wmen are still prly recgnized fr their scientific cntributins, and men are far mre likely t win prizes and awards, in particular, if thse awards are named after ther men.( 伯明翰大学心血管科学研究所副教授、该研究的联合主要作者Katja Gehmlich博士说:“令人遗憾的是,科学奖项获奖者之间的性别差距是女性在科学领域代表性不足这一长期系统性问题的产物。尽管几十年来一直在努力重新平衡这一问题,但我们的研究表明,女性在科学上的贡献仍然得不到认可,而男性获奖的可能性要大得多,特别是如果这些奖项是以其他男性的名字命名的。)”可知,学术奖项中的性别不平等是一个长期存在的系统性问题,由此可推知,她对该现象感到失望。故选D。
    14.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段““Research culture has a lt t d t imprve the gender prize gap, as well as effrts t address the inequality that sees almst tw-thirds f prizes currently named after men. Mre pathways may als be needed, such as renaming r getting rid f gender names assciated with sme awards,” added Prf Krause.(“研究文化在改善性别奖项差距方面还有很多工作要做,同时也要努力解决目前近三分之二的奖项以男性命名的不平等问题。可能还需要更多的途径,比如重命名或取消与某些奖项相关的性别名称,”克劳斯教授补充道。)”可知,克劳斯教授对缩小性别差距提出的建议是从奖项中重命名或删除性别名称。故选D。
    15.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“A new study shws that female academics are significantly underrepresented in winning academic prizes and having awards named after them.(一项新的研究表明,在获得学术奖项和以她们的名字命名的奖项方面,女性学者的比例明显不足。)”可知,文章主要讲述了科学奖项中的性别不平等。故选C。
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    【答案】16.B 17.E 18.A 19.F 20.D
    【解析】16.由上文“When attending hliday parties, we are eager t help ur hsts in the kitchen, with fd and drink service, and with pst-party cleanup, which smetimes causes mre truble and stress fr a hst. (在参加节日聚会时,我们都渴望在厨房里帮助主人,提供食物和饮料服务,以及聚会后的清理工作,这有时会给主人带来更多的麻烦和压力。)”可知,本空要说跟“如何正确帮助主人”有关的话题,故B选项“S what can yu d t really help hliday hsts? (那么,你能做些什么来真正帮助度假主人呢?)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
    17.由上文“Be sure t respnd in a timely manner.(一定要及时回复。)”可知,本空要说跟“为什么要及时回复”有关的话题,故E选项“Being a gd guest begins lng befre the party begins. (早在聚会开始之前,就要做好客人了。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选E。
    18.由下文“Asking a hst if yu can assist n the event date can be verwhelming, but extending that ffer while the hst is still planning the party and putting the details tgether may prve mre useful. If yu are smene wh lves t help, cntact the hst in advance and ffer yur assistance. (询问主人你是否可以在活动日期上提供帮助可能会让人不知所措,但是在主人还在计划聚会和整理细节的时候提出这个建议可能会更有用。如果你是一个乐于助人的人,提前联系主人并提供帮助。)”可知,本空要说跟“提前联系主人并提供帮助”有关的话题,故A选项“Cnsider ffering help t the hst ahead f time. (考虑提前向主人提供帮助。)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选A。
    19.由上文“If yu are smene wh lves t help, cntact the hst in advance and ffer yur assistance. (如果你是一个乐于助人的人,提前联系主人并提供帮助。)”可知,本空要说跟“这样做对于主人的好处”有关的话题,故F选项“This way, the hst can knw an extra pair f hands is available as needed. (这样,主人就可以根据需要知道额外的帮助是可用的。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选F。
    20.由上文“When the party is ver, dn’t stay. At the end f the evening, yu can make ne last ffer t help the hst tidy up the space. But if they refuse, dn’t insist. (聚会结束后,不要逗留。在晚会结束的时候,你可以最后一次帮助主人整理房间。但如果他们拒绝,不要坚持。)”可知,本空要说跟“什么时候离开”有关的话题,故D选项“Many hsts are t plite t tell peple it’s time t g. (许多主人太客气了,不会告诉人们该走了。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选D。
    第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    【答案】21.B 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.C 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C
    【解析】21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在那里得到了一个土木工程师的职位。A. awarded授予;B. ffered提议;C. allwed允许;D. presented赠送。根据后文“a psitin there as a Civil Engineer”指被提供工作,应用ffer。故选B。
    22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你可以想象,我非常兴奋,甚至有些不安,因为我以前从未出过国。A. disappinted失望的;B. dissatisfied不满足的;C. uncncerned不关心的;D. uneasy不安的。根据后文“as I’d never been abrad befre”可知,作者因为没有出过国感到不安。故选D。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我的首要任务是在坦桑尼亚中部一个叫Ddma的小镇安顿下来。A. pririty优先权,首要任务;B. wrry担心;C. actin行动;D. respnse回复。根据后文“was t get settled in this small twn”可知,出国后的首要任务是安顿下来,故选A。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我们在早上6点下火车时,一位女士沿着站台向我们跑来。A. river河流;B. platfrm站台;C. sidewalk人行道;D. channel频道。根据上文“As we gt ff the train”可知在火车站,所以是站台,故选B。
    25.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她上气不接下气地说:“我们听说你是从英国来的,我们学校急需一名英语老师,请说你会帮助我们。”A. prbably可能;B. suddenly突然;C. desperately非常;D. ccasinally偶尔。根据上文“Cmpletely ut f breath”可知,对方很着急,说明学校急需一名英语老师,故选C。
    26.考查动词短语辨析。句意:旅行结束后,我感到很累,很想洗个澡。A. lnged fr渴望;B. waited fr等待;C. heard abut听说;D. wrried abut担心。根据上文“I felt tired and”指作者感到很累,渴望洗澡。故选A。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然对她的要求感到震惊,但出于某种原因,我还是同意了!A. remark评论;B. interruptin打断;C. suggestin建议;D. request要求。根据上文“please say yu’ll help us”此处指女士的请求。故选D。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然对她的要求感到震惊,但出于某种原因,我还是同意了!A. keep保持;B. take带走,接受;C. frget忘记;D. quit停止。根据上文“fr sme reasn r ther, I agreed t”指作者决定接受对方的请求,故选B。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我洗了澡,换了衣服,很快吃了一点东西,8点钟被介绍给当地的两位老师和我的学生。A. intrduced介绍;B. recmmended推荐;C. assigned分配;D. cmpared比较。根据后文“t the tw lcal teachers”指作者被介绍给当地的两位老师。故选A。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我洗了澡,换了衣服,很快吃了一点东西,8点钟被介绍给当地的两位老师和我的学生。A. clleagues同事;B. assistants助手;C. students学生;D. interviewers采访者。根据上文“needs an English teacher”可知,作者是去当老师的,所以是被介绍给当地的两位老师和学生。故选C。
    31.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我的教学时间表从八点半开始时,我感觉自己被扔进了深渊!A. exactly恰好地;B. finally最后;C. immediately立即;D. smthly顺利地。根据上文“as my teaching timetable began”指教学从八点半立即开始。故选C。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我几乎没有时间喘口气,但我从不后悔我突然的决定。A. expected期待;B. regretted后悔;C. delayed推迟;D. drpped落下。根据后文“my sudden decisin”指后悔自己突然的决定。故选B。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我进入这个职业是出乎意料的,但我发现了教那些年轻人的乐趣,并在接下来的几年里逐渐成为当地社区的一员。A. career事业;B. cuntry国家;C. agreement协议;D. relatinship关系。根据上文可知,作者是在火车站接受了去当老师这个工作的,所以是指职业出乎意料。故选A。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运地收获了一生的友谊,这对我的学生和我自己都留下了持久的影响。A. value重视;B. strengthen加强;C. renew重新开始;D. harvest收获。根据后文“lifelng friendships”一生的友谊是作者的收获。故选D。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运地收获了一生的友谊,这对我的学生和我自己都留下了持久的影响。A. cmment评论;B. recrd记录;C. impact影响;D. impressin印象。根据后文“n bth my students and myself”可知,友谊对学生和作者留下了持久的影响。故选C。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    【答案】36.prviding 37.is designed 38.t sell 39.attractin 40.which 41.a 42.clrful 43.primarily 44.and 45.perfrmed
    37.考查被动语态。句意:为曼谷夜市成千上万的交易者设计的摊位,其本身已经成为一处景点。分析句子结构,这是一个包含定语从句的复合句,空白处在定语从句中作谓语,因与从句主语the shelter之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,因句子表示的是一个客观情况,谓语动词使用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is designed。
    38.考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作状语表示目的,使用动词不定式,故填t sell。
    40.考查定语从句。句意:这个市场于2015年1月开业,英文名为Train Night Market Ratchada,已成为当地人和游客的热门景点。分析句子结构,这是一个包含定语从句的复合句,空白处在句子中做主语指物,使用关系代词which引导定语从句,故填which。
    44.考查连词。句意:这里也有很多普通的市场商品出售,比如便宜的衣服、鞋子、包包和其他时尚商品。根据上文“cheap clthes, shes, bags(便宜的衣服、鞋子、包包)”以及下文“ther fashin items(其他时尚商品)”可知上下文之间为并列关系,使用表示并列关系的连词,故填and。
    第三部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46.【答案】One pssible versin:
    Dear Olympic Organizing Cmmittee,
    I am interested in sme vluntary wrk fr the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. S I am writing t apply t be a vlunteer.
    As a sprts fan, I am keen n sprts and I have always been expecting the Games t be held here. Besides, I have a gd cmmand f English, which can be cnvenient fr me t cmmunicate with thers. Als, I am cnsidered t be an utging, reliable and helpful persn. I’m sure I will ffer the best service t whever participates in the Games.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd give me a chance and I d hpe I can be accepted as a member f vlunteers. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    热衷于:be keen n →be crazy abut
    此外:besides → what’s mre
    相信:sure →cnvinced
    机会:chance →pprtunity
    原句:I am interested in sme vluntary wrk fr the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. S I am writing t apply t be a vlunteer.
    拓展句:I am writing t apply t be a vlunteer because I am interested in sme vluntary wrk fr the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Besides, I have a gd cmmand f English, which can be cnvenient fr me t cmmunicate with thers.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】I’m sure I will ffer the best service t whever participates in the Games.(运用了whever引导的宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    One afternn, I was surprised t see a grup f students including Mary practicing jazz in the schl playgrund. The vibrant ntes f trumpets, saxphnes, and drums intermingled under the warm sun, creating a harmnius symphny that eched thrughut the campus. Mary, her fingers dancing acrss the valves f her trumpet, nticed me watching frm afar and beckned me ver with an inviting smile. “Yu play, dn't yu? Cme jin us!” she shuted abve the music, her eyes sparkling with genuine enthusiasm. My heart raced; this was the chance I had secretly hped fr, yet my insecurities held me back.
    Finally, with Mary’s encuragement, my hesitatin slwly melted away. I gathered my curage and apprached the ensemble, trumpet in hand. The grup warmly welcmed me, their acceptance dispelling my fears. Under Mary’s patient guidance, I began t find my rhythm within the ensemble. Our practices became a haven where mistakes transfrmed int learning pprtunities, and every nte played strengthened my cnfidence. Thrugh this experience, I learned that smetimes, it takes a little push frm a friend t realize ne’s ptential and truly belng.
    【点睛】〖高分句型1〗The vibrant ntes f trumpets, saxphnes, and drums intermingled under the warm sun, creating a harmnius symphny that eched thrughut the campus. (运用了that引导的限定性定语从句)
    〖高分句型2〗Our practices became a haven where mistakes transfrmed int learning pprtunities, and every nte played strengthened my cnfidence. (运用了where引导的限定性定语从句)

    江西省上高二中2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省上高二中2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含江西省上高二中2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题原卷版docx、江西省上高二中2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    河南省鹤壁市高中2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份河南省鹤壁市高中2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共9页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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