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      河南省许昌市高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析.docx
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    这是一份河南省许昌市高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含河南省许昌市高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考试题英语Word版含解析docx、2024河南省许昌高级中学高一下学期6月月考英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)
    1.What will the man d n Friday night?
    A.Eat ut.B.Study.C.Have a picnic.
    2.Why is Ms. Jenkins leaving the schl accrding t the man?
    A.She is bred f teaching.
    B.She enjys traveling everywhere.
    C.She wants t stay near her parents.
    3.What des the wman think f the math mdeling curse?
    A.It deserves praise.B.It’s well rganized.C.It needs imprvement.
    4.Hw des the man find the prblem?
    A.Very interesting.B.T simple.C.Quite difficult.
    5.What des the wman mean?
    A.Mary had the car filled up.
    B.Mary had car truble n the way hme.
    C.Mary’s car ran ut f gas halfway hme.
    6.What happened t the man?
    A.He hurt his nse.B.He brke his leg.C.He slipped ver.
    7.Hw will the wman help the man?
    A.Fix his bne.B.Cver his nse.C.Stp the bleeding.
    8.What is Jan ging t d?
    A.Visit a friend.B.Ck a meal.C.Meet her mther.
    9.Why desn’t the man want t eat hamburgers?
    A.They are unhealthy. B.He had them yesterday. C.He is tired f them.
    10.What will the speakers have fr dinner?
    A.Japanese fd.B.French fd.C.Chinese fd.
    11.What des the wman think f music festivals?
    12.What prblem des the man mentin abut music festivals?
    A.Bad weather.B.Small screens.C.Crwded tilets.
    13.Hw many music festivals has the man attended in all?
    14.What is the relatinship between the man and wman?
    A.Husband and wife.B.Mther and sn.C.Neighbrs.
    15.Wh will lk after the dg?
    16.When will the man be back hme?
    A.Next Thursday mrning. B.Next Friday mrning. C.Next Wednesday mrning.
    17.Where des the speaker live?
    A.In China.B.In Pakistan.C.In Suth Africa.
    18.What did the lcal tur guide teach the speaker t d?
    A.Avid altitude sickness.B.Keep himself warm.C.Rent a suitable car.
    19.What d we knw abut the cash machine?
    A.Peple aren’t allwed t take phts f it.
    B.It can’t be used t pay electricity bills.
    C.It set a Guinness Wrld Recrd.
    20.Wh is Atiya Saeed?
    A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A phtgrapher.
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Over the last century, engineers all ver the wrld have spared n effrt t achieve the unachievable in bridge design.
    Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge
    N bridge is as lng as the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in the wrld. The 164.8-kilmetre-lng bridge built in 2011 in China serves as part f the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. The trip frm Ningb t Jiaxing that previusly tk 4.5 hurs has been reduced t tw, thanks t this bridge.
    Ri-Niterói Bridge
    Cmpleted in 1974, the Ri-Niterói Bridge in Brazil is the secnd-lngest bridge in all f Latin America cnnecting the cities f Ri and Niterói acrss the Guanabara Bay. The Ri-Niterói Bridge is technically knwn as a “bx-girder (箱形梁)” bridge, made f special cncrete. It receives an astnishing 140,000 (r mre) vehicles per day.
    Hartland Cvered Bridge
    The Hartland Cvered Bridge is the wrld’s lngest cvered bridge. The 1,282-ft-lng bridge was pened in 1901 and has been n Canada’s list f Natinal Histric Sites since 1980. Althugh it was riginally built withut a rf, the bridge was capped with wden materials during the repairs in 1921.
    Jiazhu Bay Bridge
    The newly-built Jiazhu Bay Bridge in China was named “wrld’s lngest bridge ver water” by Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds in 2011, a title previusly held by the Lake Pntchartrain Causeway. The dispute was settled when the title f “lngest cntinuus bridge ver water” was given t the causeway, with the Jiazhu Bay Bridge receiving the title f “lngest bridge ver water”.
    21.On which f the fllwing can trains pass?
    A.Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge. B.Ri-Niterói Bridge.
    C.Hartland Cvered Bridge. D.Jiazhu Bay Bridge.
    22.What is special abut the Hartland Cvered Bridge?
    A.It is a busy bridge.B.It was built in 1980.
    C.It has a rf.D.It is a wden bridge.
    23.Where can yu find the lngest bridge ver water?
    A.In America.B.In Brazil.C.In Canada.D.In China.
    A 17-year-ld Bangladeshi by has wn this year’s Internatinal Children’s Peace Prize fr his wrk t fight cyberbullying in his cuntry. The prize winner, Sadat Rahman, prmised t keep fighting nline abuse until it n lnger exists.
    “The fight against cyberbullying is like a war, and in this war I am a warrir,” Sadat Rahman said during a ceremny n Nvember 13 in The Hague, the Netherlands. He added, “If everybdy keeps supprting me, then tgether we will win this battle against cyberbullying.”
    Rahman develped a mbile phne applicatin that prvides educatin abut nline bullying and a way t reprt cases f it. He began his wrk n the prject after hearing the stry f a 15-year-ld girl wh tk her wn life as a result f cyberbullying. “I will nt stp until we receive n mre cases thrugh the app,” Rahman said at the ceremny. The award cmes with a fund f ver $ 118, 000, which is invested by the KidsRights Fundatin. The grup chses prjects t supprt causes that are clsely linked t the winner’s wrk.
    Past well-knwn winners f the prize include Pakistani human rights activist Malala Yusafzai. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg wn the prize t. And students wh rganized the March fr Our Lives event in 2018 after a deadly mass shting at their schl in the American state f Flrida als wn.
    Yusafzai wn the Internatinal Children’s Peace Prize in 2013. A year later, she wn the Nbel Peace Prize fr campaigning fr girls t have a universal right t educatin. Yusafzai praised Rahman’s wrk during the ceremny. She spke thrugh vide cnferencing. “All children have the right t be prtected frm vilence n matter if it is physical r mental, ffline r nline,” she said. “Cyberbullying is a vilatin f that right.”
    24.Accrding t Sadat Rahman’s wrds, which adjectives can best describe him?
    A.Determined and stubbrn.B.Aggressive and curageus.
    C.Cnfident and emtinal.D.Devted and determined.
    25.Frm Paragraph 3 we knw that Sadat Rahman began his prject because _______.
    A.peple lacked digital educatinB.a girl died f cyberbullying
    C.the award was very temptingD.a fundatin supprted him
    26.The underlined wrd “vilatin” in the last paragraph is clsest in meaning t “_______”.
    27.What can be inferred frm Yusafzai’s cmments?
    A.Girls shuld have equal access t educatin.
    B.Children ften fall victim t physical and mental abuse.
    C.Actin must be taken t keep children frm vilence.
    D.Online abuses cause mre harm than ffline nes.
    There’s a new AI bt: ChatGPT, and yu’d better pay attentin, even if yu aren’t int artificial intelligence. The tl is an AI chatbt system that OpenAI released in Nvember 2022 t shw ff and test what a very large, pwerful AI system can achieve.
    ChatGPT remembers the thread f yur dialgue, using previus questins and answers t infrm its next respnses. It derives its answers frm huge vlumes f infrmatin n the Internet. ChatGPT is built n tp f the OpenAI GPT-3 family f large language mdels and is fine-tuned (a methd f transfer learning) using bth supervised and reinfrcement learning (监督和强化学习).
    Yu can ask ChatGPT anything, like explaining physics, asking fr birthday party ideas and getting prgramming help. Perhaps it’s nt smart enugh t replace all humans yet, but it can be creative, and its answers can sund dwnright authritative. A few days after its launch, mre than 1 millin peple were trying ut ChatGPT. UBS analyst Llyd Walmsley estimated in February 2023 that ChatGPT reached 100 millin mnthly users in January, accmplishing in 2 mnths what tk TikTk abut 9 mnths and Instagram tw and a half years.
    ChatGPT is free t use at the mment because it is still in its research phase. But when t many peple hp nt the server, it verlads and can’t prcess yur request. It just means yu shuld try visiting the site at a later time when fewer peple are trying t access it. If yu want t skip the wait and have reliable access, there is an ptin fr yu. As f Feb. 1, 2023, OpenAI has a ChatGPT pr plan, ChatGPT Plus, which allws users t have general access even during peak times. This service des cme at a cst f $20/mnth.
    Hwever, ChatGPT can nt replace Ggle. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence rbt that prvides slutins t yur questins, but Ggle is a search engine in which yu can search fr as much infrmatin as pssible. ChatGPT has limited knwledge due t its prgramming but Ggle has unlimited knwledge which is updated every day.
    28.What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut ChatGPT?
    A.Its wrking thery.B.Its language mdel.
    C.Its design inspiratin.D.Its develpment prcess.
    29.Why des the authr list figures in paragraph 3?
    A.T shw the ppularity f ChatGPT.
    B.T stress the high cst f inventing ChatGPT.
    C.T present the creativity f artificial intelligence.
    D.T prve the necessity f develping tls fr chatting nline.
    30.What is ChatGPT Plus intended fr?
    A.Guiding users t experience free services.
    B.Giving users pririty access during peak hurs.
    C.Allwing net surfers t skip advertisements.
    D.Helping researchers detect the failure f the system.
    31.What is a limitatin f ChatGPT cmpared with Ggle?
    A.It may prvide replies unrelated t the questins.
    B.It can nly update infrmatin at a fixed time
    C.It needs lnger t prvide slutins.
    D.It perates based n limited data.
    The hrse-face skirt, r mamianqun in Chinese, is receiving renewed attentin n the fashin stage.
    Far frm being phtsht prp, wearing the hrse-face skirt has becme almst trend amng many Chinese celebrities and influencers fr varius internatinal scial ccasins. On Duyin, China’s TikTk, individuals wh sprt the hrse-face skirt n city streets in Paris and ther internatinal cities can easily gain millins f likes. A ppular blgger n Xiahngshu appeared n a British televisin prgram t discuss the develpment f the English Premier League in China while wearing a hrse-face skirt.
    Frm its first appearance during the Sng Dynasty t becming a standut representatin f Chinese clthing, mamianqun has crssed nearly a millennium f histry. In the current trend f traditinal Chinese clthing recnstructin, hw has the hrse-face skirt std ut t becme the mst famus clthing?
    Ma Zhaxi, wh is a hanfu enthusiast, tld the Glbal Times that Hanfu is the external demnstratin f culture, integrating the life philsphies, values, and aesthetic (美学) views frmed and inherited (继承) by the Chinese peple generatin after generatin. She said, “Many yung peple believe that the hrse-face skirt is nt just a fashin item, but als a cultural symbl. This shws the awakening f traditinal aesthetic genes amng the yunger generatins, indicating that the cnfidence in ur wn culture is cnstantly increasing.”
    Mrever, Hu Xia, ne f the funders f the ancient Chinese cstumes restratin team, analyzed ne main reasn f this phenmenn lies in the fact that the hrse-face skirt has managed t remain relevant, never falling ut f fashin. “Many peple thught the hrse-face skirt had disappeared fr a while, but in fact, Chinese brides can always be seen in the cstume f mamianqun.” The hrse-face skirt pssesses a strng sense f inheritance while als pssessing fashinable features. This perhaps is the cultural DNA that enables it t becme a fashin item.
    The mmentum (潮流) f Chinese-style clthing has begun, and hw t lead the trend f Chinese-style clthing thrugh design and hw t stay at the frefrnt f the natinal trend is an issue that will nt disappear in a shrt time.
    32.What des the underlined wrd “sprt” mean in paragraph 2?
    33.What can be learned frm the text?
    A.Hrse-face skirts are Chinese clthing with a lng histry.
    B.Hrse-face skirts had becme fashinable in Sng Dynasty.
    C.Hrse-face skirts have been the main clthing fr a millennium.
    D.Hrse-face skirts are leading the clthing design arund the wrld.
    34.Which f the fllwing best describes the impact f the hrse-face skirt?
    A.It develps everyne’s aesthetic and philsphy view.
    B.It represents the ancient Chinese cstumes and life.
    C.It wakens the yung t lve their wn traditinal culture.
    D.It demnstrates the imprtance f Chinese-style clthing.
    35.Hw des the authr cnsider the future develpment f Chinese-style clthing?
    A.Gd beginning and it will lead the wrld fashin.
    B.Gd beginning and it will fall int the disfavrs.
    C.Gd beginning and it will wn fashinable DNA.
    D.Gd beginning and it will have a lng way t g.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Walking has been cnsidered as ne kind f rewarding exercise. Fr many peple, daily walking ffers massive and lng-term physical and mental benefits. 36 A Stanfrd University study fund that participants were mre creative when walking as ppsed t sitting.
    37 Yu’ve prbably heard the phrase “exercise yur creativity”. Our creative mindset is stirred up by physical mvement, which is exactly why walking with yur dg, a friend, r alne feeds creative thinking.
    But the scenery is almst as imprtant as the sweat. Just by ging utside, yu are stepping ut f yur habitual surrundings and yur cmfrt zne, which is necessary if yu want t pen yur mind t new pssibilities. Yu can walk thrugh a tree-filled neighbrhd. 38 Even when yu walk dwn a busy street, yu can’t help but get distracted by the sweet smells frm a fd cart r the child pinting t a building yu haven’t even nticed befre.
    Walking utside develps ur ability t cllect new ideas and take in new sights, sunds, smells, and flavrs. Shinrin-yku, a cmmn frm f relaxatin in Japan, suggests that being in the frest and walking amng the trees there can lwer yur stress levels. 39 Research has shwn that
    getting clse t nature arund yur neighbrhd r taking a break frm multimedia increases perfrmance n a creative prblem-slving task.
    S instead f setting a fitness gal, why nt set a creativity gal that starts with walking utdrs? 40 Fr example, yu can turn ff yur phne and give yurself the chance t be present in the wrld, t hear cnversatins and natural sunds, and t ntice the way peple mve and the way the sun reflects in a lake.
    Walk nt just fr exercise. Walk fr wnder.
    A.Unfrtunately, yu ften fail t d it.
    B.Expse yurself mre t yur surrundings.
    C.The mvement during walking is bviusly key.
    D.Withut enugh energy, yu cannt wnder r create.
    E.But t receive the benefits, yu d nt have t live in a frest.
    F.This habit, hwever, nt nly benefits well-being but als cntributes t innvatin.
    G.Wandering arund a park and bserving peple relaxing r birds singing is als a chice.
    Usually, smene wuld cme up and ask, “What are yu ging t be when yu grw up?” As children, this kind f questin is ften raised when we have 41 with families.
    Well, it started ut being a cwby r super her. Later it was fireman, pliceman, lawyer... As I grew lder, my dreams f the future 42 . Befre I was in cllege, I was asked, “What will yu 43 in?”
    By then, I had my heart set n 44 a teacher as my father. S, I studied and prepared fr that life. I 45 nearly full time n my career. Althugh my physical disability after an accident prevented me frm wrking full-time, I still insisted (坚持) n 46 . I am cntent that I culd realize my dream and perhaps have a (n) 47 influence n smene’s life. My kids are nw n the way t 48 their gals, which makes me delighted.
    Hwever, fr many, there is a “thief”, which ges arund 49 ur dreams. Smetimes, the 50 will cme as a parent, a relative, a friend r a c-wrker, but the greatest thief is, s many times, just 51 .
    We find urselves just abut reaching ur 52 , and a “small vice” inside says, “Yu’ll never make it.” “Yu can’t 53 d this.” “Very few have ever dne this successfully.” And n and n the “small vice” predicts (预测) sme kind f 54 . Failure, thugh, is exactly hw dreams are realized. It is ne f the mst imprtant tls we have, because it teaches us 55 lessns. And, when we learn these lessns well, we are ready fr success.
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Accrding t histrical recrds, the well-knwn histrian Sima Guang frm the Nrthern Sng Dynasty (960-1127) used a part f a rund wd 56 his pillw thrughut his life. This unique pillw had an unusual functin. 57 Sima Guang mved a little during his sleep, his head wuld slide dwn ff the pillw, causing him t wake up 58 (immediate) and cntinue his studies. This particular type f pillw came t be knwn as an “alarm pillw”.
    The Chinese wrd fr “pillw”, zhentu, 59 (believe) t be created by Ca Ca, a famus strategist and ruler during the Three Kingdms perid (220-280). One night, while Ca Ca was reading in his tent and 60 (becme) sleepy, there was n extra space useful t place several bks stred in wden 61 (bx). In respnse (回应), a servant mmentarily placed the bks at ne side f the bed, upn 62 Ca Ca fell asleep quickly, experiencing a deep and restful sleep. 63 (impress) by the cmfrt prvided by this shrt-term arrangement, the servant then created a padded (有垫的) headrest using sft materials, cpying 64 shape f the wden bx that held the bks. When Ca Ca asked abut the name f this new item, the servant referred t it as “headrest bedding”. Ca Ca 65 (late) named it zhentu, and frm that pint n, the use f pillws became ppular amng the cmmn peple.
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 活动地点和内容;
    3. 活动感受。
    1. 格式已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100左右。
    参考词汇:研学旅行study trip
    Dear Sam,
    Li Hua
    My brther Je and I n lnger live in the same state, but I make sure t give Je a call every Christmas. In fact, I will never frget a Christmas when I was seven and Je was five. I’ve kept a secret abut that Christmas fr 20 years. Nw hearing Je’s vice makes me feel guilty (内疚的) abut it all ver again. I think he prbably desn’t even remember it.
    When we were kids, Je almst drve me “crazy”! If Mm brught hme my favrite ygurt, Je wuld make sure t eat it befre I gt a chance. When ur parents gave us each ur wn basketball, Je insisted n playing with mine instead f his wn.
    That Christmas when I was seven, I was determined t teach him a lessn. At that time I was ld enugh that I n lnger believed in Santa, but I knew Je did. I culdn’t stand him thinking Santa had put him n the “nice” list when I knew he’d been naughty (淘气的) all year.
    One day befre Christmas, I put n my winter jacket and headed ver t ur neighbr’s backyard. It was filled with rcks. T me they really lked like cal (煤炭). I was sure that they’d lk like cal t Je t. I filled a lt f the rcks int the pckets f my winter jacket, brught them up t my rm and hid them under my bed. Then I waited.
    That mrning, I gt up early, went dwnstairs secretly and put the rcks int the red stcking with Je’s name n it. I watched Je take dwn his heavy stcking, lay it n the living rm flr.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右。
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    Lking at the gift inside, Je’s smile disappeared suddenly.
    I said n the phne, “Hey, Je, d yu remember that Christmas mrning when yu were five …yur stcking…”
    1.A【原文】W: Hw abut a picnic this weekend?
    M: Oh, I have t study fr the final exam mst f the weekend, but I’m ging ut n Friday night.
    W: Where are yu ging?
    M: My friends and I are ging t try that new Mexican restaurant n Branch Street.
    2.C【原文】W: Have yu heard abut Ms. Jenkins? She’s leaving the schl next week.
    M: Yes. I was really sad, but I understand she wants t live clser t her ld parents.
    W: I thught she was bred f teaching and had changed her jb. After all, she can speak fur languages. She can travel everywhere.
    3.C【原文】M: Hw did yu like the math mdeling last perid?
    W: Frankly speaking, the curse culd have been better rganized.
    M: Culdn’t agree mre, Jasn. While many students praised it, I was bred with it.
    4.C【原文】M: I have tried very hard t find a slutin t the prblem, but it was useless.
    W: Why nt cnsult with Frank? Yu see, tw heads are better than ne.
    5.A【原文】M: Des the car need t be filled?
    W: Mary stpped at the gas statin n her way hme.
    6.A 7.C【原文】M: I gt hit n the nse when I was playing basketball.
    W: Let me see. Hld still. Well, yu are lucky. It’s nthing serius.
    M: But it’s still bleeding and it hurts. My cach insisted that I shuld g t a clinic and get checked.
    W: I believe there is nthing wrng with the bne. I’ll put a cttn ball where it is bleeding. Yu will be OK very sn.
    M: OK, thank yu.
    A 9.C 10.A
    【原文】M: What time are we ging t eat dinner Tina? I’m hungry.
    W: I dn’t knw, Bill. Ask Jan. She’s ging t ck.
    M: N, she’s nt. She says she is ging t her friend Maria’s huse. Maria’s mther is ging t make a French dinner.
    W: Well, then we’ll have t ck dinner urselves. Let’s have hamburgers.
    M: Oh n, I dn’t want t eat hamburgers all the time. Why dn’t we eat Chinese fd? It’s really gd.
    W: I had Chinese fd yesterday. Maybe we can try sme Japanese fd. It’s healthy.
    M: Where are we ging t find a Japanese fd in Mayfield?
    W: That’s easy. There’s a new Japanese restaurant n main street.
    M: Okay, we can g there fr dinner.
    11.A 12.A 13.C
    【原文】W: I just lve music festivals. The energy and the crwds — it’s an experience like n ther.
    M: I agree. But festivals nwadays are s crwded that yu can nly watch the perfrmers n a screen.
    W: Even s, it’s great t hear the music live.
    M: But there are disadvantages, like getting lst in a crwd f peple.
    W: Yeah. Waiting fr fd and tilets can als be a prblem.
    M: Nt t mentin the sea f mud n rainy days.
    W: Despite all that, the amazing shws leave yu with priceless memries.
    M: Yes, the first festival I attended left the mst lasting impact n me, althugh the tw festivals I attended after that were great t.
    14.C 15.B 16.C
    【原文】M: Maggie, culd yu d me a favr?
    W: Please get t the pint. What’s ging n, Richard?
    W: My wife is vacatining with my daughter and I have t g t Rme n business this Friday mrning. Culd yu please take care f my dg? Feed him twice a day and walk him nce a day.
    W: Oh, I’m afraid I can’t d that. I’m s scared f dgs. My husband Tby has been wrking vertime recently. S, he has n time. But my sn Alfred wh likes dgs can give yu a hand.
    M: Many thanks.
    W: That’s what neighbrs shuld d. And when will yu return hme?
    M: Next Wednesday mrning.
    W: Wish yu all the best!
    M: Thank yu.
    17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B
    【原文】M: My children and I visited the highest-altitude cash machine in the wrld, which is lcated at the Khunjerab Pass brder between China and Pakistan. Getting t the pass is ne f the planet’s mst dramatic drives. Our jurney started frm ur hme in Pakistan’s castal city f Karachi, and included a plane, a train and a drive t the city f Gilgit. The well-paved rad t the pass was a fairly easy drive, and the car we rented was suitable. But it was the altitude that made the trip a challenge. We were instructed by ur lcal tur guide t keep dried apricts under ur tngues t prevent altitude sickness. And with ur multiple layers f clthing, we prepared urselves fr the changing weather. Why, then, is there a fully functinal ATM in the middle f this remte highland? The Guinness Wrld Recrd-hlding machine wrks like any ther. It can be used t withdraw cash, pay electricity bills and make fund transfers. Peple were psing fr phts and rbiting the cash machine t get the best selfies. Ayesha Bayat frm Suth Africa was n hliday with her husband. “We cme frm a cuntry where we d have muntain ranges… but nt like this. I’m finding the views abslutely beautiful,” she said. Atiya Saeed brught 39 f her students t the Pakistan-China brder. “It’s the first time in a lng time that we’ve traveled in Pakistan,” she said.
    21.A 22.C 23.D
    21.细节理解题。根据Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge中“The 164.8-kilmetre-lng bridge built in 2011 in China serves as part f the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. (这座164.8公里长的大桥建于2011年,是京沪高速铁路的一部分。)”可知,因为丹昆特大桥是京沪高铁的一部分,由此可知,火车可以从丹昆特大桥通过。故选A。
    22.细节理解题。根据Hartland Cvered Bridge中“Althugh it was riginally built withut a rf, the bridge was capped with wden materials during the repairs in 1921.(虽然这座桥最初是没有屋顶的,但在1921年的维修期间,桥上覆盖了木制材料。)”可知,加拿大哈特兰廊桥的特别之处在于它有木制屋顶。故选C。
    23.细节理解题。根据Jiazhu Bay Bridge中“The newly-built Jiazhu Bay Bridge in China was named “wrld’s lngest bridge ver water” by Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds in 2011, a title previusly held by the Lake Pntchartrain Causeway.(2011年,中国新建的胶州湾大桥被吉尼斯世界纪录评为“世界上最长的水上桥梁”,此前该头衔由庞恰特雷恩湖堤道保持。)”可知,在中国你可以找到最长的水上桥梁——胶州湾大桥。故选D。
    24.D 25.B 26.B 27.C
    【导语】本文为一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了17岁的孟加拉男孩Sadat Rahman致力于对抗网络霸凌的故事。
    24.推理判断题。根据文章第三段““I will nt stp until we receive n mre cases thrugh the app,” Rahman said at the ceremny.( Rahman在会议上说道:“直到我们不再受到这样的案例,否则我是不会停止的。”)”可推知,是一个热衷于对抗网络霸凌且十分有决心的人,故选D。
    25.细节理解题。根据第三段“He began his wrk n the prject after hearing the stry f a 15-year-ld girl wh tk her wn life as a result f cyberbullying. (在听到了一个15岁的女孩因为网络欺凌而丧生的故事之后,他才开始这个计划的。)”可知,一个因网络欺凌而死亡的孩子促使Rahman开始计划对抗网络欺凌,故选B项。
    26.词义猜测题。根据文章划线词vilatin前文的内容“She spke thrugh vide cnferencing. “All children have the right t be prtected frm vilence n matter if it is physical r mental, ffline r nline,” she said.(她通过视频会议说道:“所有的孩子都有权利被保护不受到暴力,无论是身体上的暴力还是精神上的,亦或是网上和线下的暴力。”)”可知,前文提到所有孩子都有被保护而不受任何暴力的权利,故由此可推知,网络暴力违反了此权利,故此处划线词vilatin与B项“ffense冒犯,违反”意思相近,故选B。
    27.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Yusafzai praised Rahman’s wrk during the ceremny. She spke thrugh vide cnferencing. “All children have the right t be prtected frm vilence n matter if it is physical r mental, ffline r nline,” she said. “Cyberbullying is a vilatin f that right.”(Yusafzai在会议上表扬了Rahman的行为。她通过视频会议说道:“所有的孩子都有权利被保护不受到暴力,无论是身体上的暴力还是精神上的,亦或是网上和线下的暴力。霸凌就是冒犯了这种权利。”)”可推知,Yusafzai认为,被保护而不受暴力是孩子们的权利,因此需要采取行动保护孩子不受暴力的影响,故选C。
    28.A 29.A 30.B 31.D
    28.主旨大意题。根据第二段“ChatGPT remembers the thread f yur dialgue, using previus questins and answers t infrm its next respnses. It derives its answers frm huge vlumes f infrmatin n the Internet. ChatGPT is built n tp f the OpenAI GPT-3 family f large language mdels and is fine-tuned (a methd f transfer learning) using bth supervised and reinfrcement learning (监督和强化学习). (ChatGPT会记住你的对话线索,使用之前的问题和答案来告知下一步的回答。它的答案来源于互联网上的大量信息。ChatGPT建立在OpenAI GPT-3大型语言模型家族的基础上,并使用监督和强化学习进行微调(一种迁移学习方法))”可知,第二段主要告诉我们关于ChatGPT的工作原理。故选A。
    29.推理判断题。根据第三段中“A few days after its launch, mre than 1 millin peple were trying ut ChatGPT. UBS analyst Llyd Walmsley estimated in February 2023 that ChatGPT reached 100 millin mnthly users in January, accmplishing in 2 mnths what tk TikTk abut 9 mnths and Instagram tw and a half years.(上线几天后,超过100万人试用了ChatGPT。UBS分析师Llyd Walmsley在2023年2月估计,ChatGPT在1月份的月用户数达到1亿,用了2个月就完成了TikTk约9个月和Instagram两年半的用户数)”可推知,作者在第3段列出数字是为了显示ChatGPT的受欢迎程度。故选A。
    30.细节理解题。根据第四段中“As f Feb. 1, 2023, OpenAI has a ChatGPT pr plan, ChatGPT Plus, which allws users t have general access even during peak times. (截至2023年2月1日,OpenAI推出了ChatGPT pr计划,ChatGPT Plus,允许用户即使在高峰时段也可以访问)”可知,ChatGPT Plus的目的是在高峰时段给予用户优先访问权。故选B。
    31.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“ChatGPT has limited knwledge due t its prgramming but Ggle has unlimited knwledge which is updated every day.(因为它的编程,ChatGPT的知识有限,但谷歌有无限的知识,每天都在更新)”可知,与Ggle相比,ChatGPT的局限性是基于有限的数据进行操作。故选D。
    32.B 33.A 34.C 35.D
    32.词句猜测题。根据第二段“On Duyin, China’s TikTk(在中国的抖音TikTk上)”和“sprt the hrse-face skirt n city streets in Paris and ther internatinal cities(在巴黎和其他国际城市街道上sprt马面裙)”可知,划线词所在句子表示“在中国的抖音TikTk上,在巴黎和其他国际城市的城市街道上穿着马脸裙的人可以轻松获得数百万个赞”,划线词sprt的意思是“展示”,和display意思相近,故选B。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段“Frm its first appearance during the Sng Dynasty t becming a standut representatin f Chinese clthing, mamianqun has crssed nearly a millennium f histry.(从宋朝首次出现到成为中国服装的杰出代表,马面裙已经跨越了近千年的历史。)”可知,马面裙是一种历史悠久的中国服饰。故选A。
    34.细节理解题。根据第四段“This shws the awakening f traditinal aesthetic genes amng the yunger generatins, indicating that the cnfidence in ur wn culture is cnstantly increasing.(这表明传统审美基因在年轻一代中觉醒,表明我们对自己文化的信心在不断增强。)”可知,马面裙的影响是它唤醒了年轻人热爱自己的传统文化。故选C。
    35.推理判断题。根据最后一段“The mmentum (潮流) f Chinese-style clthing has begun, and hw t lead the trend f Chinese-style clthing thrugh design and hw t stay at the frefrnt f the natinal trend is an issue that will nt disappear in a shrt time.(中式服装的势头已经开始,如何通过设计引领中式服装的潮流,如何站在民族潮流的前沿,是一个短时间内不会消失的问题。)”可知,中式服装未来的发展是良好的开端,但是还有很长的路要走。故选D。
    36.F 37.C 38.G 39.E 40.B
    36.根据上文“Walking has been cnsidered as ne kind if rewarding exercises. Fr many peple, daily walking ffers massive and lng-term physical and mental benefits.(散步被认为是一种有益的运动。对许多人来说,每天散步对身体和精神都有巨大而长期的好处。)”和下文“A Stanfrd University study fund that participants were mre creative when walking as ppsed t sitting.(斯坦福大学的一项研究发现,参与者在走路时比坐着时更有创造力。)”可知,此处是指散步不仅对身心健康有好处,还有助于创造。F项:This habit, hwever, nt nly benefits well-being but als cntributes t innvatin.(然而,这种习惯不仅有益于健康,而且有助于创新。)符合语境。故选F。
    37.根据下文“Our creative mindset is stirred by physical mvement, which is exactly why walking with yur dg, a friend, r alne feeds creative thinking.(我们的创造性思维是由身体运动激发的,这就是为什么和你的狗、朋友或独自散步能激发创造性思维的原因。)”可知,此处是指散步带来的身体运动是激发创造力的关键。C项:The mvement during walking is bviusly key.(走路时的动作显然是关键。)符合语境。故选C。
    38.根据上文“Yu can walk thrugh a tree-filled neighbrhd.(你可以穿过绿树成荫的社区。)”和下文“Even when yu walk dwn a busy street, yu can’t help but get distracted by the sweet smells frm a fd cart r the child pinting t a building yu haven’t even nticed befre.(即使当你走在繁忙的街道上,你也会忍不住被食品车散发出的甜味或孩子指着一栋你以前从未注意到的建筑分散注意力。)”可知,空处和上下文一起提供了具体的户外活动选择。G项:Wandering arund a park and bserving peple relaxing r birds singing is als a chice.(在公园里闲逛,观察人们放松或鸟儿唱歌也是一个选择。)符合语境。故选G。
    39.根据上文“Walking utside develps ur ability t cllect new ideas and take in new sights, sunds, smells, and flavrs. Shinrin-yku, a cmmn frm f relaxatin in Japan, suggests that being in the frest and walking amng the trees there can lwer yur stress levels.(在户外散步可以培养我们收集新想法的能力,也可以吸收新的景象、声音、气味和味道。Shinrin-yku是日本一种常见的放松方式,它建议在森林里,在树中间散步,可以降低你的压力水平。)”和下文“Research has shwn that getting clse t nature arund yur neighbrhd r the taking a break frm multimedia increased perfrmance n a creative prblem-slving task.(研究表明,在你的社区附近接近大自然,或者从多媒体中休息一下,可以提高你在解决创造性问题时的表现。)”可知,也不是一定要在森林里才能得到这些好处。E项:But t receive the benefits, yu d nt have t live in a frest.(但是要得到这些好处,你不一定要住在森林里。)则是对上文内容的转折,指出即使不住在森林里,也能通过其他方式获得类似的好处,符合语境。故选E。
    40.根据上文“S instead f setting a fitness gal, why nt set a creativity gal that starts with walking utdrs?(所以与其设定一个健身目标,为什么不设定一个从户外散步开始的创意目标呢?)”可知,上文提到设定一个户外步行的创造力目标。B项:Expse yurself mre t yur surrundings.(让自己更多地接触周围环境。)与这一主题相符,即通过在户外步行,我们可以更多地观察和体验周围的环境,从而激发创造力,符合语境。故选B。
    41.D 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.A 46.B 47.D 48.D 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为孩子,当我们与家人聚会时,这种问题经常被提出。A. difficulties困难;B. challenges挑战;C. memries记忆;D. gatherings聚集,聚会。根据上文“Usually, smene wuld cme up and ask, “What are yu ging t be when yu grw up?””及下文中的“with families”可知,经常在家庭聚会时会被问到“长大后干什么”这样的问题。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来是消防员、警察、律师……随着年龄的增长,我对未来的梦想也发生了变化。A. changed改变;B. reduced减少;C. develped发展;D. disappeared消失。根据上文中的“Well, it started ut being a cwby r super her. Later it was fireman, pliceman, lawyer...”可知,长大后的梦想从做牛仔到超人再到消防员以及警察和律师。由此可知,此处指的是未来的梦想发生了改变。故选A。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我上大学之前,有人问我:“你打算学什么专业?”A. live居住,生活;B. majr主修;C. believe相信;D. bring带来。根据下文中的“By then, I had my heart set n ____4____ a teacher as my father.”可知,作者想着自己成为一名像父亲一样的教师。由此可推断,此处指的是在上大学前,作者被问及打算专修什么专业。故选B。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那时,我下定决心要像父亲一样成为一名教师。A. discvering发现;B. cheating欺骗;C. becming成为;D. awarding授予,给与奖励。根据下文中的“S, I studied and prepared fr that life.”可知,作者一直在为那样的生活准备着,结合“a teacher as my father.”可知,作者是决定成为一名像父亲一样的教师。故选C。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我几乎把全部时间都花在了事业上。A. spent花费;B. wasted浪费;C. decided决定;D. tk花费。根据上文中的“S, I studied and prepared fr that life.”可知,作者为那样的生活在准备着,结合固定短语spend sme time n sth.意为“把时间花在某事上”可知,此处表示作者把全部时间“花费”在事业上,take表示“花费”时,主语一般是事物。故选A。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我在一次事故后的身体残疾使我无法全职工作,但我仍然坚持教书。A. planning计划;B. teaching教;C. planting种植;D. reading阅读。根据上文中的“By then, I had my heart set n ____4____ a teacher as my father. S, I studied and prepared fr that life.”可知,作者想成为像父亲一样的教师,所以为那样的生活作者准备。由此可推断,此处指的是作者尽管由于不能参加全职工作,但是仍在坚持着教学。故选B。
    47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很满足,我可以实现我的梦想,也许对别人的生活产生积极的影响。A. sensitive敏感的;B. bjective客观的;C. passive消极的;D. psitive积极的。根据下文中的“My kids are nw n the way t ____8____ their gals, which makes me delighted.”可知,作者的孩子现在正在实现着他们的目标,这是作者感到高兴的。由此可知,此处指的是作者的经历对别人的生活有着积极的影响。故选D。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的孩子们现在正在实现他们的目标,这让我很高兴。A. missing错过,思念;B. reflecting反思,思考;C. perfrming表现,表演;D. achieving完成,实现。根据上文中的“I am cntent that I culd realize my dream and perhaps have a(n) ____7____ influence n smene’s life.”可知,作者满足于自己实现自己的梦想,并且对别人的生活有着积极的影响,由此可推断,作者的孩子在他的影响下,正在实现他们的目标。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,对许多人来说,有一个“小偷”,到处偷我们的梦想。A. reaching到达;B. thrwing扔;C. stealing偷;D. abandning放弃。根据常识和上文中的“fr many, there is a “thief””可知,小偷应该是偷走我们的梦想。故选C。
    50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时,小偷会以父母、亲戚、朋友或同事的身份出现,但很多时候,最大的小偷就是我们自己。A. thief小偷;B. teacher老师;C. rbber抢劫者;D. guider引导者。根据下文中的“but the greatest thief is”可知,下文中提到的是最大的小偷,此处是信息词thief的词汇复现。故选A。
    51.考查名词和代词词义辨析。句意同上。A. parents父母;B. urselves我们自己;C. relatives亲戚;D. themselves他们自己。根据上文中的“Smetimes, the ____10____ will cme as a parent, a relative, a friend r a c-wrker”可知,“小偷”经常会以父母、亲戚、朋友或同事的身份出现,结合下文中的“We find urselves just abut reaching ur ____12____ , and a “small vice” inside says, “Yu’ll never make it,” “Yu can’t ____13____ d this.””可知,我们自己内心中有个声音在说“你永远不会成功的”,由此可推断,此处指的最大的“小偷”应该是我们自己。故选B。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们发现自己快要实现梦想时,内心有一个“小声音”在说:“你永远不会成功的。”A. hmes家;B. limit限制;C. dreams梦想;D. ptential潜力。根据上文中的“Hwever, fr many, there is a “thief”, which ges arund ____9____ ur dreams.”可知,对许多人来说有一个小偷偷走我们的梦想,由此可知,此处指的是我们发现自己就要实现梦想的时候。故选C。
    53.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“你不可能做到的。”A. pssibly可能地;B. quickly迅速地;C. frequently经常地;D. gradually逐渐地。根据上文中的“and a “small vice” inside says, “Yu’ll never make it,””可知,此处描述的是内心中说的一些“偷走”我们梦想的话,由此可推断,此处表示不可能做到。故选A。
    54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不断有“小声音”预示着某种失败。A. despair绝望;B. failure失败;C. mment时刻;D. difference不同。根据下文中的“Failure, thugh, is exactly hw dreams are realized.”可知,失败是实现梦想的方式,结合thugh可知,此处与上文之间为转折关系,由此可推断,此处指的是预测某种失败。故选B。
    55.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它是我们拥有的最重要的工具之一,因为它教会了我们宝贵的课程。A. precius珍贵的;B. riginal原始的;C. faithful忠诚的;D. rdinary普通的。根据下文中的“And, when we learn these lessns well, we are ready fr success.”可知,当我们学会了这些课程,我们就为成功做好了准备,由此可知,此处指的是失败教会我们宝贵的教训。
    56.as 57.Whenever/If 58.immediately 59.is believed 60.becming 61.bxes 62.which 63.Impressed 64.the 65.later
    58.考查副词。句意同上。修饰动词短语wake up需用副词immediately,作状语。故填immediately。
    59.考查动词时态语态。句意:“枕头”一词被认为是由曹操创造的,他是三国时期(220-280)著名的战略家和统治者。此处是一个阐述客观事实的句子,其应使用一般现在时。另外,句子主语The Chinese wrd fr “pillw”与believe含被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为单数名词,be动词用is。故填is believed。
    62.考查定语从句。句意:作为回应,仆人把书暂时放在床的一边,曹操很快就睡着了,睡得很香。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词the bed,指物,在定语从句中作介词upn的宾语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    63.考查非谓语动词。句意:这个短期的安排给人的舒适感留下了深刻的印象,于是仆人模仿装书的木箱的形状,用柔软的材料做了一个有垫的头枕。空处需填非谓语动词作状语,the servant和impress为逻辑动宾关系,需用过去分词形式,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Impressed。
    64.考查冠词。句意同上。shape有后置定语f the wden bx that held the bks修饰,此处应用the表示特指。故填the。
    66.Dear Sam,
    Knwing frm yur last letter that yu’re interested in my recent study trip rganized by my schl, I am pleased t share relevant details f the trip with yu.
    The study trip, aimed t braden students’ hrizns and encurage students t pursue their dreams, was scheduled t visit Tsinghua University. We were first shwn arund the campus with canteens and drmitries included, where we had a general understanding f what university life was like. Fllwed was a physics lessn given by a renwned prfessr, making it pssible fr us t cnsult a university teacher face t face. Last but nt least, what impressed me mst was an pprtunity t perfrm an experiment in Tsinghua Lab. It was the advanced technlgy there that inspired me with a great mtivatin t pursue my dream f becming a Tsinghua student in the future.
    All f the experience abve in Tsinghua University highlighted my strng desire t study there. If pssible, I am lking frward t next study trip.
    Li Hua
    1. 活动目的;2. 活动地点和内容;3. 活动感受。
    第三步:确定关键词和短语: relevant details,aim t,be scheduled t, be shwn arund, face t face, Last but nt least, pursue my dream, be lking frward t。
    第四步:确定较为高级的句子:1.Knwing frm yur last letter that yu’re interested in my recent study trip rganized by my schl, I am pleased t share relevant details f the trip with yu.现在分词做原因状语。2. It was the advanced technlgy there that inspired me with a great mtivatin t pursue my dream f becming a Tsinghua student in the future.强调句。
    第五步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连接词进行过渡衔接:first,Fllwed was,Last but nt least。
    使用了较为高级的句式:1. Knwing frm yur last letter that yu’re interested in my recent study trip rganized by my schl, I am pleased t share relevant details f the trip with yu.(现在分词做原因状语)。
    2. We were first shwn arund the campus with canteens and drmitries included, where we had a general understanding f what university life was like.(定语从句)
    3. Last but nt least, what impressed me mst was an pprtunity t perfrm an experiment in Tsinghua Lab.(主语从句)
    4. It was the advanced technlgy there that inspired me with a great mtivatin t pursue my dream f becming a Tsinghua student in the future.(强调句)
    67. Lking at the gift inside, Je’s smile disappeared suddenly. His face turned red. He didn’t cry r cmplain. He stayed cmpletely silent. He wuldn’t even lk at anyne else in the rm. As I watched, my wn expectatin turned t smething like regret. Je put his whle stcking aside, hiding it s ur parents wuldn’t see hw “Santa” had treated him. I’d never tld anyne what I’d dne. But it still trubled me, even all these years later. I must tell him the truth when I called him this Christmas.
    I said n the phne, “Hey, Je, d yu remember that Christmas mrning when yu were five … yur stcking…” Je said, “Cal! Of curse I remember! Ww, yu really frightened me that time.” T my relief, my brther burst ut laughing. “I was embarrassed!” he added. “I waited until everyne had left the rm. Then I tk the rcks utside. I didn’t want Mm and Dad t knw I was naughty!” “I guess if either f us shuld get cal in a Christmas stcking that year it must be me,” I said. It felt s gd t say it, even if Je never mentined it. It turned ut Je’s frgiveness — even all these years later — was the best stcking present I culd have wished fr.
    ①抱怨:cmplain/make a cmplaint②看:lk at/take a lk at③离开:leave/g away frm
    【点睛】[高分句型1] As I watched, my wn expectatin turned t smething like regret.(由连词as引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] “I guess if either f us shuld get cal in a Christmas stcking that year it must be me,” I said.(由连词if引导的条件状语从句)
    [高分句型3] It felt s gd t say it, even if Je never mentined it.(由even if引导的让步状语从句)

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