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    这是一份河南省创新发展联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),共37页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Why is the man late?
    A. He verslept. B. He lst his car key. C. He had n alarm clcks.
    2. What time is the train leaving?
    A. At 10: 25. B. At 10: 35. C. At 10: 55.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shp.
    4. What des the wman remind the man t d?
    A. Meet Prf. Lee. B. Revise the reprt. C. Hand in the reprt.
    5. Whm will the man celebrate the festival with?
    A. His brther. B. His parents. C. His grandparents.
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a restaurant. C. On a plane.
    7. What will the man read?
    A. A daily newspaper. B. A sprts magazine. C. A fashin magazine.
    8. When d the club members meet?
    A. Every Mnday. B. Every Saturday. C. Every Sunday.
    9. What des the man want t be in the future?
    A. A librarian. B. A phtgrapher. C. A lawyer.
    10. Why des the wman g t the stre?
    A. T return the skirt.
    B. T buy anther skirt.
    C. T change a different clr skirt.
    11. Hw des the wman get the skirt?
    A. Frm a friend. B. Frm her husband. C. Frm shpping nline.
    12. Hw much is the skirt?
    A. $90. B. $95. C. $100.
    13. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Give him a ride.
    B. Help him study.
    C. Intrduce a driver t him.
    14. When des the man’s flight take ff?
    A. On Mnday mrning.
    B. On Wednesday afternn.
    C. On Sunday mrning.
    15. What des the wman first advise the man t d?
    A. Take a bus. B. Take the subway. C. Take a taxi.
    16. What will the man prbably d?
    A. Explain t his teacher.
    B. Call the wman’s neighbr.
    C. Help the wman with the final exam.
    17. What was the passers-by’s attitude tward the speaker’s behavir?
    A. Puzzled. B. Thankful. C. Supprtive.
    18. Why did the speaker decide t wash the cars?
    A. T earn sme pcket mney.
    B. T d a gd deed fr car wners.
    C. T set a gd example t his friends.
    19. Hw did the speaker finish cleaning the cars?
    A. By cperating with his friends.
    B. By wrking with the car wners.
    C. By attracting strangers t jin him.
    20. What did the speaker get in the end?
    A. A lt f mney. B. A precius medal. C. The jy f helping thers.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Getting arund Valencia can be exhausting n ft if yu want t see it all, but luckily, the city is very bike-friendly.
    Valencia Bike Tur Frm The City T The Beach
    Duratin: 3 Hurs
    This 3-hur Valencia bike tur takes yu n a lvely jurney frm the histric center t the beach where yu’ll enjy a drink at the end. If yu’re lking fr a truly persnalized experience, this is it. The guide is super knwledgeable and gives lts f inside infrmatin abut the sites yu pass and lcal culture alng the way.
    Valencia By Night Bike Tur
    Duratin: 2 Hurs
    With the warm lights f the histric center’s cbbled streets, cycling arund Valencia is s different than in the day. The tur takes yu thrugh Turia Park t the City f Arts and Sciences which is impressively lit up at night. As yu cycle past different turist attractins, the guide will let yu in n the histry and culture f the city.
    Valencia Bike Tur
    Duratin: 3 Hurs
    Being ne f the classical guided bike turs Valencia ffers, this takes yu t the main turist attractins in the ld twn like the Valencia Cathedral, the Silk Exchange, and the Serrans Twers. Yu’ll bike in Valencia’s lngest park, Turia Park, which leads t the City f Arts and Sciences and a must-visit n any trip t the city. On different stps, the guide will fill in with histry and anecdtes abut the places yu pass.
    Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur
    Duratin: 3 Hurs
    This tur takes yu thrugh the ld twn f Valencia where yu’ll see the tp turist spts like the Valencia Cathedral and the Silk Exchange alng the way n yur wn. Yu’ll pass the City Hall and the cmplex n yur way t Turia Park where Valencia’s bike paths are at their best. Eventually, yu’ll reach the City f Arts and Sciences where yu can admire the mdern architecture and learn mre abut the impressive cmplex.
    1. What can we knw abut Valencia?
    A. It is a city where yu’ll feel tired.
    B. It has the lngest park in the wrld.
    C. Its public transprt needs imprving.
    D. It is well equipped with bicycle rads.
    2. Which tur is a night wl likely t chse?
    A. Valencia Bike Tur.
    B. Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur.
    C. Valencia By Night Bike Tur.
    D. Valencia Bike Tur Frm The City T The Beach.
    3. Hw des Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur differ frm the ther three turs?
    A. It leads t the Silk Exchange.
    B. It is a tur withut a guide.
    C. It ffers a drink at the end.
    D. It takes lnger t finish the tur.
    It’s January and time t g back t schl. Fr sme, that might be a glmy prspect after the jys f the pst Christmas festive perid. Fr me, thugh, it’s as exciting as a trip t Antarctica, als as scary as starting a jb fr which I’m nt sure whether I’m qualified.
    T be embarking n a master’s degree in Psychtherapy and Cunselling at Regent’s University at 71 is perhaps an unlikely rute fr smene wh drpped ut f schl at 17. But nw I’ve cme full circle t the cnclusin that nthing, fr me, feels mre stimulating at this pint in my life than learning new things. That studying, far frm being the bre and the chre it used t be, is a treat.
    Turning 70 came as smething f a shck. I started t feel I was drifting (飘). Withut a big prject, and withut any majr family respnsibilities, I was starting t feel I was lying n a bed f thrns. Friends f similar age were lapping up their lives, scializing and travelling. Hwever, I lnged fr smething mre. Or perhaps nt mre, but different.
    As the glm grew, I thught perhaps I needed t see a therapist. A friend, a psychtherapist, suggested that while therapy might be useful, ding a curse n the basics f psychtherapy and cunselling might be mre up my street. Withut t much thinking, I decided t give it a sht.
    S that’s hw every weekday I beep (发出哔哔声) myself thrugh the gate with my student pass, which makes me smile every time. I felt privileged t be expsed t a grup f my fellw students wh were willing t be pen t me.
    While ageing is an inevitable prcess, we can get rid f a lt f the rules abut what’s age-apprpriate. Studying fr a master’s degree in ld age is a challenge, but it has prvided me with a new perspective n life. Hence, ageing shuld never limit yur ambitins.
    4. Hw did the authr feel when ging back t schl?
    A. Unrealistic.B. Resistant.
    C. Awkward.D. Expectant.
    5. Why did turning 70 cme as a shck t the authr?
    A. She achieved nthing befre.B. She lived withut a purpse.
    C. She had t supprt her family.D. She was separated by her fellws.
    6. What is the authr’s suggestin when facing ageing?
    A. Keeping yur passins alive.B. Seeking supprt if needed.
    C. Behaving age-apprpriately.D. Scializing with yung students.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Returning T Schl—My Dream Since Childhd
    B. My Effrts T Learn At An unlikely Age Paying Off
    C. Learning—My Way T Overcme The Ageing Crisis
    D. My Tugh Jurney T Pursuing A Master’s Degree
    The male (塚雉), a bird with black feathers and a pink chest, is native t Indnesia’s Sulawesi island and a few neighbring nes. The Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN), which identifies wildlife acrss the wrld currently facing threats, estimates nly 800 t 1,400 adult males remain in the wild. Experts d nt knw hw many males still live acrss West Sulawesi island. They were nly able t recrd the presence f nesting grunds in 23 villages based n reprts frm lcals in the area. But f thse, nly 18 are cnsidered active nesting areas.
    Recently the birds have been faced with new threats, which accelerate their decline. The Indnesian gvernment plans t mve the natin’s capital frm Jakarta t a new city n Brne island, which is just a six-hur bat trip apart frm Sulawesi island. The island takes n the building f new rads and seaprts t be used t transprt materials t the new capital. Activities als include tree clearing, digging, and remving stnes. The prcess already has changed the frest envirnment n West Sulawesi and is harming male nesting areas near the beach. These changes have made the trip fr males t lay their eggs increasingly difficult.
    Anther prblem has been pachers. The Assciated Press reprts that, regardless f fficial ban, they steal male eggs that the males’ parents have hidden in the sand, and sell the eggs fr abut $1 t peple as fd. The eggs are a traditinal gift fr many peple in Mamuju and ther parts f Sulawesi.
    “As far as I knw, male birds are in decline,” said Andi Ac Takdir, chief f the West Sulawesi Frestry Agency. He pinted t several reasns fr the decline, including destructin f beach areas, and expanding human develpment activities. He added that gvernment fficials there are prepared t take steps t prtect the males even with the new capital develpment. Andi said, “Nature cnservatin must be used as an achievement and must nt be built leaving behind prblems.”
    8. Which wrd can be used t describe the males?
    A. Endangered.B. Adaptable.
    C. Widespread.D. Extinct.
    9. What causes a further drp f the male ppulatin?
    A. The sudden changes f climate.
    B. The disappearance f the frests.
    C. The develpment f Sulawesi island.
    D. The supprting wrk fr the new capital.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “pachers” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Peple wh hunt males fr their meat.
    B. Peple wh live by selling male eggs.
    C. Peple wh engage in illegal hunting.
    D. Peple wh regard male eggs as gifts.
    11. What can we infer frm Andi’s wrds?
    A. The new capital develpment might be stpped at nce.
    B. The gvernment will balance cnservatin and develpment.
    C. There seems t be a tugh way fr the new capital t develp.
    D. The gvernment will cncentrate n slving urban prblems.
    Scientists are nw digging int precisely why exercise hlds s many benefits fr ur mental health and memry. The answer, studies say, lies in ur brain chemistry.
    Each time yu wrk up a sweat, yur bdy releases feel-gd happy hrmnes (荷尔蒙), including endrphins, dpamine and endcannabinids, the latter being respnsible fr the s-called runner’s high. Nw researchers are als pinting t mykines (肌肉因子) as an imprtant cntributr t the mental health benefits f exercise. When ur muscles cntract, mykines are released int the bldstream, helping yur muscles and rgans cmmunicate. They think this cmmunicatin increases resilience t stress, reduces symptms f mental suffering and anxiety and has a direct effect n depressin.
    A 2021 scientific reprt published in Neurpharmaclgy shwed evidence that mykines bst brain functin, like imprving memry and md. “Mykines reduce systemic inflammatin (炎症), which is especially beneficial fr peple with drug-resistant depressin whse lw md is linked t high inflammatin,” explains Dr Jennifer Heisz, an expert in brain health and assciate prfessr in the department f kinesilgy at McMaster University in Canada.
    A recent study published in the British Jurnal f Sprts Medicine shwed that treatment fr depressin can be much mre effective when physical activity is added t the usual care. Participants fund benefits after 12 weeks f exercising fr 30 t 60 minutes a day. “While exercise is nt a replacement fr prfessinal mental health treatment, physical activity can cmplement and enhance the effects f the treatment,” says lead researcher Ben Singh, a research fellw at the University f Suth Australia.
    “It is amazing t cnsider hw mving ur bdies can heal ur minds,” says Heisz. Whether yu’re cycling, walking arund yur neighburhd r ding yga, getting sweaty is gd fr yur bdy and mind. T get the biggest verall health bst, the key is t zer in n sprts and activities yu enjy, s yu’ll keep ging back t them.
    12. Hw d mykines bst ur mental health?
    A. By bnding muscles with rgans.
    B. By slwing dwn ur bldstream.
    C. By cntracting muscles thrugh the bdy.
    D. By releasing happy hrmnes in ur brain.
    13. What is Ben Singh’s attitude twards physical activity in treatment fr depressin?
    A. Dubtful.B. Negative.
    C. UncertainD. Apprving.
    14. What des the underlined phrase “zer in n” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Adapt t.B. Give up.
    C. Fcus n.D. Put ff.
    15. Hw des the authr develp the text?
    A. By making cmparisns.
    B. By presenting research findings.
    C. By ffering suggestins.
    D. By cnducting sme experiments.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Start the New Year Fresh
    After yu celebrate New Year’s Eve, it’s time t get t wrk n thse New Year’s reslutins! Here are sme ways t start the new year fresh.
    Start a fitness rutine. ____16____ Then make a plan t imprve yur health based n where yu are. Fr instance, yu can start taking a 20-minute walk after wrk every day r train t run a marathn in the fall. Start simply and gradually s yu can stick with yur gals.
    Practice gratitude(感激)every day t fill yur life with kindness. Practicing gratitude can bst yur md verall and imprve yur utlk n life. ____17____ In additin, express yur gratitude fr the peple in yur life by telling them yu appreciate them.
    ____18____ In additin t yur persnal reslutins, it is helpful t strive t get ut f yur cmfrt zne at least ne time each mnth. Yu can schedule ne new thing each mnth, r yu can pick a few things and chse when the time cmes. Regardless, chse t d smething yu’ve never dne befre t expand yur hrizns and grw as a persn.
    Update yur resume(简历)s yu’re ready fr new pprtunities. Shrtly int the new year, pen up yur resume, read it ver, and lk fr ways t imprve it. Fr instance, if yu started a new jb at the end f the year, add it under yur “Emplyment” sectin. ____19____ This way, if yu want t apply fr a jb, yu are ready when the time cmes.
    Get a haircut t freshen up yur face. Schedule an appintment with yur stylist early int the new year. Yu can get a trim fr a subtle upgrade r g fr a bld new hairstyle fr a ttally different lk. ____20____
    A. Aim t try a new thing every mnth.
    B. This way yu’ll feel fresh fr the year ahead.
    C. Make a list f what yu’d like t try in the new year.
    D. Yu can als update the dates t reflect the new year.
    E. Think abut yur current health and yur verall fitness gals.
    F. Little changes can affect thse arund yu psitively, s chse wisely.
    G. Each day befre yu g t sleep, write dwn three things yu are grateful fr.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    We will all experience pain, disappintment, and almst certainly lss and sickness. Yet sme peple ____21____ by rising t the challenge, while thers sink under the weight. What’s the difference? I ____22____ clinical psychlgist Dr. Rbert Puff, hst f the Happiness Pdcast, wh speaks ____23____ abut pain and suffering. He explains that ____24____ is an unavidable physical feeling. ____25____, suffering cmes frm the thughts we have abut the pain we are experiencing-fr example, “Why is this happening t me?” r “I’ll never feel gd again.” These ____26____ are what cause suffering, and we can chse t ____27____ them.
    Jhn O’Leary is the hst f the Live Inspired Pdcast. When he was just nine years ld, Jhn suffered ____28____ burns ver his entire bdy and dctrs tld him that he had ne percent chance f ____29____. N ne expected him t ____30____. Hwever, after dzens f surgeries and years f treatment and deep inner wrk, he is a fairly happy, ____31____ man with a beautiful family. He inspires thers thrugh his ____32____ as a mtivatinal speaker, authr, and life cach. He feels that what happened t him was his greatest ____33____: the realizatin that, regardless f ur persnal and prfessinal challenges, we can navigate and vercme t reveal a ____34____ visin. In Jhn’s wrds, “Yu can’t always chse the path yu walk in life, but yu can always chse the ____35____ in which yu walk.”
    21. A. subscribeB. prceedC. respndD. express
    22. A. interviewedB. imaginedC. intrducedD. recgnized
    23. A. externallyB. jyfullyC. frmallyD. wisely
    24 A. mdB. painC. sadnessD. hurt
    25. A. RegardlessB. InsteadC. HweverD. Therefre
    26. A. thughtsB. pininsC. theriesD. factrs
    27. A. shelterB. decreaseC. imprveD. change
    28. A. gentleB. severeC. certainD. rdinary
    29. A. reliefB. recuntC. survivalD. refreshment
    30. A. make itB. get acrssC. g arundD. pull ver
    31. A. ptentialB. tuchyC. sincereD. successful
    32. A. wrkB. talentC. fantasyD. predictin
    33. A. desperatinB. giftC. galD. task
    34. A. higherB. rarerC. brighterD. calmer
    35. A. angleB. mannerC. prspectD. trend
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A dcumentary titled Acrss the Straits, which describes the cultural bnd between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, went nline n January 15, ____36____ (attract) viewers thrugh the histrical and cultural bnds between the tw sides.
    An actr, frm Taiwan, and a hstess, frm Chinese mainland, are the hsts f the dcumentary. Tgether, they undertake ____37____ cultural explratin f the Guandi Temple in Dngshan Cunty, East China’s Fujian Prvince.
    Guandi Temple, established ____38____ (hnr) the Eastern Han Dynasty warrir Guan Yu, has a histry spanning ver 600 years. The dcumentary sheds light n the histrical significance f the temple ____39____ (treasure) by bth the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
    The Guandi culture in Dngshan ____40____ (pssess) numerus distinctive features, nt nly preserving a series f unique flk traditins ____41____ terms f cultural heritage but als having a wide-ranging influence n crss-Straits exchanges frm a different perspective.
    “Cuntless histrical facts and flk anecdtes acrss the Straits ____42____ (cntinue) prve that we share a cmmn histry, culture and bld ____43____ (tie),”the actr said, adding that Dngshan fr him feels like returning hme.
    “It is a place ____44____ the peple speak the Minnan dialect share devtin t Guan Yu, and cllectively uphld the values f lyalty, bravery, curtesy, ____45____ (wise), and trust,” the actr was quted as saying.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校计划本周六上午举办汉字文化讲座。请你给交换生朋友Tny写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 讲座介绍;
    3. 期待回复。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Tny,
    Warm regards,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Hw far can a penny g? Right nw, ne can quickly say that it wuldn’t get yu that much. Or, t be mre specific, it’s mre f a nvelty item nw than a currency.
    But Ryan Trahan, wh is an nline media cntent creatr, wanted t prve that a penny can turn int smething much mre valuable and that the spirit f bartering (以物易物) is still alive and well. His gal will surprise anyne.
    In his vide, he shared that he wuld turn his penny int a huse. Yes, yu’ve read that right. He will barter his way t a huse.
    The challenge started as tugh as yu’d expect it t be because wh wuld trade anything fr a penny? The first thing he gt was a pen. Then, he traded ff his pen fr a small dinsaur ty. Luckily, he met a dinsaur fan wh was mre than willing enugh t trade it fr a tin f mints (薄荷糖) —r at least what’s left f it.
    It was a dead end frm then n until he met tw interesting strangers. Apparently, his campaign f “penny-t-a-huse” is gaining attentin. It gave him a chance t trade the mints fr smething f value—gas statin earphnes.
    It snwballed frm there. After the earphnes, the value f his trade just gt bigger when he decided t be creative. He called at a lcal garage sale and traded the earphnes fr a vintage Plarid (老式拍立得) camera. He als gave a shirt, just s he wuldn’t feel bad.
    Hwever, it wasn’t as easy as he thught. Trahan thught he struck gld and that it was easy t exchange the camera int smething much mre valuable. After all, wh desn’t lve a vintage camera?
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The answer, surprisingly, is “nt a lt f peple”.
    He gt an amazing deal ut f the camera fr an item that’s three times its value a piece f land.
    听力:1—5 ACBCB 6—10 CBBCA 11—15 ACACB 16—20BABAC
    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Why is the man late?
    A. He verslept. B. He lst his car key. C. He had n alarm clcks.
    2. What time is the train leaving?
    A. At 10: 25. B. At 10: 35. C. At 10: 55.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shp.
    4. What des the wman remind the man t d?
    A. Meet Prf. Lee. B. Revise the reprt. C. Hand in the reprt.
    5. Whm will the man celebrate the festival with?
    A. His brther. B. His parents. C. His grandparents.
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a restaurant. C. On a plane.
    7. What will the man read?
    A. A daily newspaper. B. A sprts magazine. C. A fashin magazine.
    8. When d the club members meet?
    A. Every Mnday. B. Every Saturday. C. Every Sunday.
    9. What des the man want t be in the future?
    A. A librarian. B. A phtgrapher. C. A lawyer.
    10. Why des the wman g t the stre?
    A. T return the skirt.
    B. T buy anther skirt.
    C. T change a different clr skirt.
    11. Hw des the wman get the skirt?
    A. Frm a friend. B. Frm her husband. C. Frm shpping nline.
    12. Hw much is the skirt?
    A. $90. B. $95. C. $100.
    13. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Give him a ride.
    B. Help him study.
    C. Intrduce a driver t him.
    14. When des the man’s flight take ff?
    A. On Mnday mrning.
    B. On Wednesday afternn.
    C. On Sunday mrning.
    15. What des the wman first advise the man t d?
    A. Take a bus. B. Take the subway. C. Take a taxi.
    16. What will the man prbably d?
    A. Explain t his teacher.
    B. Call the wman’s neighbr.
    C. Help the wman with the final exam.
    17. What was the passers-by’s attitude tward the speaker’s behavir?
    A. Puzzled. B. Thankful. C. Supprtive.
    18. Why did the speaker decide t wash the cars?
    A. T earn sme pcket mney.
    B. T d a gd deed fr car wners.
    C. T set a gd example t his friends.
    19. Hw did the speaker finish cleaning the cars?
    A. By cperating with his friends.
    B. By wrking with the car wners.
    C. By attracting strangers t jin him.
    20. What did the speaker get in the end?
    A. A lt f mney. B. A precius medal. C. The jy f helping thers.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Getting arund Valencia can be exhausting n ft if yu want t see it all, but luckily, the city is very bike-friendly.
    Valencia Bike Tur Frm The City T The Beach
    Duratin: 3 Hurs
    This 3-hur Valencia bike tur takes yu n a lvely jurney frm the histric center t the beach where yu’ll enjy a drink at the end. If yu’re lking fr a truly persnalized experience, this is it. The guide is super knwledgeable and gives lts f inside infrmatin abut the sites yu pass and lcal culture alng the way.
    Valencia By Night Bike Tur
    Duratin: 2 Hurs
    With the warm lights f the histric center’s cbbled streets, cycling arund Valencia is s different than in the day. The tur takes yu thrugh Turia Park t the City f Arts and Sciences which is impressively lit up at night. As yu cycle past different turist attractins, the guide will let yu in n the histry and culture f the city.
    Valencia Bike Tur
    Duratin: 3 Hurs
    Being ne f the classical guided bike turs Valencia ffers, this takes yu t the main turist attractins in the ld twn like the Valencia Cathedral, the Silk Exchange, and the Serrans Twers. Yu’ll bike in Valencia’s lngest park, Turia Park, which leads t the City f Arts and Sciences and a must-visit n any trip t the city. On different stps, the guide will fill in with histry and anecdtes abut the places yu pass.
    Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur
    Duratin: 3 Hurs
    This tur takes yu thrugh the ld twn f Valencia where yu’ll see the tp turist spts like the Valencia Cathedral and the Silk Exchange alng the way n yur wn. Yu’ll pass the City Hall and the cmplex n yur way t Turia Park where Valencia’s bike paths are at their best. Eventually, yu’ll reach the City f Arts and Sciences where yu can admire the mdern architecture and learn mre abut the impressive cmplex.
    1 What can we knw abut Valencia?
    A. It is a city where yu’ll feel tired.
    B. It has the lngest park in the wrld.
    C. Its public transprt needs imprving.
    D. It is well equipped with bicycle rads.
    2. Which tur is a night wl likely t chse?
    A. Valencia Bike Tur.
    B. Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur.
    C. Valencia By Night Bike Tur.
    D. Valencia Bike Tur Frm The City T The Beach.
    3. Hw des Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur differ frm the ther three turs?
    A. It leads t the Silk Exchange.
    B. It is a tur withut a guide.
    C. It ffers a drink at the end.
    D. It takes lnger t finish the tur.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Getting arund Valencia can be exhausting n ft if yu want t see it all, but luckily, the city is very bike-friendly. (如果你想看遍瓦伦西亚的所有景点,徒步游览瓦伦西亚可能会很累,但幸运的是,这座城市非常适合骑自行车。)”可知,Valencia非常适合骑自行车,由此可推知,Valencia拥有良好的自行车道。故选D。
    推理判断题。由“Valencia By Night Bike Tur”部分中“With the warm lights f the histric center’s cbbled streets, cycling arund Valencia is s different than in the day. The tur takes yu thrugh Turia Park t the City f Arts and Sciences which is impressively lit up at night. As yu cycle past different turist attractins, the guide will let yu in n the histry and culture f the city. (在历史中心鹅卵石街道的温暖灯光下,在瓦伦西亚骑行与白天是如此不同。这次旅行将带您穿过图里亚公园,到达艺术和科学城,那里晚上灯火通明,令人印象深刻。当你骑车经过不同的旅游景点时,导游会让你了解这座城市的历史和文化。)”可知,Valencia By Night Bike Tur是在夜间骑行,夜猫子可能会选择Valencia By Night Bike Tur。故选C。
    推理判断题。由“Valencia Bike Tur Frm The City T The Beach”部分中的“The guide is super knwledgeable and gives lts f inside infrmatin abut the sites yu pass and lcal culture alng the way. (导游知识渊博,提供了很多关于你经过的景点和沿途当地文化的内幕信息。)”、“Valencia By Night Bike Tur”部分中的“As yu cycle past different turist attractins, the guide will let yu in n the histry and culture f the city. (当你骑车经过不同的旅游景点时,导游会让你了解这座城市的历史和文化。)”、由“Valencia Bike Tur”部分中的“On different stps, the guide will fill in with histry and anecdtes abut the places yu pass.(在不同的站点,导游会给你讲述沿途的历史和趣闻轶事。)”以及“Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur”部分中的“This tur takes yu thrugh the ld twn f Valencia where yu’ll see the tp turist spts like the Valencia Cathedral and the Silk Exchange alng the way n yur wn. Yu’ll pass the City Hall and the cmplex n yur way t Turia Park where Valencia’s bike paths are at their best. Eventually, yu’ll reach the City f Arts and Sciences where yu can admire the mdern architecture and learn mre abut the impressive cmplex. (这次旅行将带您穿过瓦伦西亚的老城区,在那里您将看到瓦伦西亚大教堂和丝绸交易所等顶级旅游景点。在前往图里亚公园的途中,您将经过市政厅和建筑群,那里是瓦伦西亚自行车道最好的地方。最后,您将到达艺术与科学城,在那里您可以欣赏现代建筑,并了解更多有关令人印象深刻的建筑群的信息。)”可知,前面三条路线都有导游陪同,而第四条路线“Valencia Grup Half-Day Bike Tur”没有导游。故选B。
    It’s January and time t g back t schl. Fr sme, that might be a glmy prspect after the jys f the pst Christmas festive perid. Fr me, thugh, it’s as exciting as a trip t Antarctica, als as scary as starting a jb fr which I’m nt sure whether I’m qualified.
    T be embarking n a master’s degree in Psychtherapy and Cunselling at Regent’s University at 71 is perhaps an unlikely rute fr smene wh drpped ut f schl at 17. But nw I’ve cme full circle t the cnclusin that nthing, fr me, feels mre stimulating at this pint in my life than learning new things. That studying, far frm being the bre and the chre it used t be, is a treat.
    Turning 70 came as smething f a shck. I started t feel I was drifting (飘). Withut a big prject, and withut any majr family respnsibilities, I was starting t feel I was lying n a bed f thrns. Friends f similar age were lapping up their lives, scializing and travelling. Hwever, I lnged fr smething mre. Or perhaps nt mre, but different.
    As the glm grew, I thught perhaps I needed t see a therapist. A friend, a psychtherapist, suggested that while therapy might be useful, ding a curse n the basics f psychtherapy and cunselling might be mre up my street. Withut t much thinking, I decided t give it a sht.
    S that’s hw every weekday I beep (发出哔哔声) myself thrugh the gate with my student pass, which makes me smile every time. I felt privileged t be expsed t a grup f my fellw students wh were willing t be pen t me.
    While ageing is an inevitable prcess, we can get rid f a lt f the rules abut what’s age-apprpriate. Studying fr a master’s degree in ld age is a challenge, but it has prvided me with a new perspective n life. Hence, ageing shuld never limit yur ambitins.
    4. Hw did the authr feel when ging back t schl?
    A. Unrealistic.B. Resistant.
    C. Awkward.D. Expectant.
    5. Why did turning 70 cme as a shck t the authr?
    A. She achieved nthing befre.B. She lived withut a purpse.
    C. She had t supprt her family.D. She was separated by her fellws.
    6. What is the authr’s suggestin when facing ageing?
    A. Keeping yur passins alive.B. Seeking supprt if needed.
    C. Behaving age-apprpriately.D. Scializing with yung students.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Returning T Schl—My Dream Since Childhd
    B. My Effrts T Learn At An unlikely Age Paying Off
    C. Learning—My Way T Overcme The Ageing Crisis
    D. My Tugh Jurney T Pursuing A Master’s Degree
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“It’s January and time t g back t schl. Fr sme, that might be a glmy prspect after the jys f the pst Christmas festive perid. Fr me, thugh, it’s as exciting as a trip t Antarctica, als as scary as starting a jb fr which I’m nt sure whether I’m qualified. (现在是一月份,是时候回学校了。对一些人来说,在圣诞节后的欢乐过后,这可能是一个令人沮丧的前景。然而,对我来说,这就像去南极洲旅行一样令人兴奋,也像开始一份我不确定自己是否胜任的工作一样令人恐惧。)”和第二段“T be embarking n a master’s degree in Psychtherapy and Cunselling at Regent’s University at 71 is perhaps an unlikely rute fr smene wh drpped ut f schl at 17. But nw I’ve cme full circle t the cnclusin that nthing, fr me, feels mre stimulating at this pint in my life than learning new things. That studying, far frm being the bre and the chre it used t be, is a treat. (对于一个17岁就辍学的人来说,71岁开始在摄政大学攻读心理治疗和咨询专业的硕士学位可能是一条不太可能的道路。但现在,我绕了一圈,得出了一个结论:对我来说,在我生命的这个阶段,没有什么比学习新事物更令人兴奋的了。学习不再像以前那样枯燥乏味,而是一种享受。)”可知,返校的时间到了,作者感到十分兴奋,她觉得学习不再是苦差事,而是一种享受,所以她满怀期待,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Withut a big prject, and withut any majr family respnsibilities, I was starting t feel I was lying n a bed f thrns. Friends f similar age were lapping up their lives, scializing and travelling. Hwever, I lnged fr smething mre. Or perhaps nt mre, but different. (没有一个大项目,没有任何主要的家庭责任,我开始觉得自己躺在荆棘的床上。同龄的朋友们享受着他们的生活、社交和旅行。然而,我渴望更多的东西。或许不会更多,但会有所不同。)”可知,由于没有事情可做,也没有家庭负担,即生活没有目标,作者开始如坐针毡。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“While ageing is an inevitable prcess, we can get rid f a lt f the rules abut what’s age-apprpriate. Studying fr a master’s degree in ld age is a challenge, but it has prvided me with a new perspective n life. Hence, ageing shuld never limit yur ambitins. (虽然衰老是一个不可避免的过程,但我们可以摆脱许多关于什么是适合年龄的规则。在年老时攻读硕士学位是一个挑战,但它让我对生活有了新的看法。因此,年龄不应该限制你的抱负。)”可知,面对衰老,作者的建议是人不能因为年老而没有追求,即仍要对生活满怀激情,故选A。
    主旨大意题。通读文章,尤其是由文章第三段“Turning 70 came as smething f a shck. I started t feel I was drifting (飘). Withut a big prject, and withut any majr family respnsibilities, I was starting t feel I was lying n a bed f thrns. Friends f similar age were lapping up their lives, scializing and travelling. Hwever, I lnged fr smething mre. Or perhaps nt mre, but different. (70岁生日的到来让我有些震惊。我开始觉得自己在漂流。没有一个大项目,没有任何主要的家庭责任,我开始觉得自己躺在荆棘的床上。同龄的朋友们享受着他们的生活、社交和旅行。然而,我渴望更多的东西。或许不会更多,但会有所不同。)”可知,文章主要讲述了作者七十岁退休以后,因生活没有目标而有危机感。于是,在朋友的建议下,作者决定攻读硕士学位,这对作者克服危机感产生了很大的帮助。选项C“Learning—My Way T Overcme The Ageing Crisis (学习——我克服老龄化危机的方法)”符合题意。故选C。
    The male (塚雉), a bird with black feathers and a pink chest, is native t Indnesia’s Sulawesi island and a few neighbring nes. The Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN), which identifies wildlife acrss the wrld currently facing threats, estimates nly 800 t 1,400 adult males remain in the wild. Experts d nt knw hw many males still live acrss West Sulawesi island. They were nly able t recrd the presence f nesting grunds in 23 villages based n reprts frm lcals in the area. But f thse, nly 18 are cnsidered active nesting areas.
    Recently, the birds have been faced with new threats, which accelerate their decline. The Indnesian gvernment plans t mve the natin’s capital frm Jakarta t a new city n Brne island, which is just a six-hur bat trip apart frm Sulawesi island. The island takes n the building f new rads and seaprts t be used t transprt materials t the new capital. Activities als include tree clearing, digging, and remving stnes. The prcess already has changed the frest envirnment n West Sulawesi and is harming male nesting areas near the beach. These changes have made the trip fr males t lay their eggs increasingly difficult.
    Anther prblem has been pachers. The Assciated Press reprts that, regardless f fficial ban, they steal male eggs that the males’ parents have hidden in the sand, and sell the eggs fr abut $1 t peple as fd. The eggs are a traditinal gift fr many peple in Mamuju and ther parts f Sulawesi.
    “As far as I knw, male birds are in decline,” said Andi Ac Takdir, chief f the West Sulawesi Frestry Agency. He pinted t several reasns fr the decline, including destructin f beach areas, and expanding human develpment activities. He added that gvernment fficials there are prepared t take steps t prtect the males even with the new capital develpment. Andi said, “Nature cnservatin must be used as an achievement and must nt be built leaving behind prblems.”
    8. Which wrd can be used t describe the males?
    A. Endangered.B. Adaptable.
    C. Widespread.D. Extinct.
    9. What causes a further drp f the male ppulatin?
    A. The sudden changes f climate.
    B. The disappearance f the frests.
    C. The develpment f Sulawesi island.
    D. The supprting wrk fr the new capital.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “pachers” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Peple wh hunt males fr their meat.
    B. Peple wh live by selling male eggs.
    C. Peple wh engage in illegal hunting.
    D. Peple wh regard male eggs as gifts.
    11. What can we infer frm Andi’s wrds?
    A. The new capital develpment might be stpped at nce.
    B. The gvernment will balance cnservatin and develpment.
    C. There seems t be a tugh way fr the new capital t develp.
    D. The gvernment will cncentrate n slving urban prblems.
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN), which identifies wildlife acrss the wrld currently facing threats, estimates nly 800 t 1,400 adult males remain in the wild. Experts d nt knw hw many males still live acrss West Sulawesi island. (据国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)估计,世界上目前面临威胁的野生动物只有800到1400只成年塚雉存活在野外。专家们不知道西苏拉威西岛还有多少塚雉。)”可知西苏拉威西岛的塚雉的处境非常危险。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The island takes n the building f new rads and seaprts t be used t transprt materials t the new capital. Activities als include tree clearing, digging, and remving stnes. The prcess already has changed the frest envirnment n West Sulawesi and is harming male nesting areas near the beach. These changes have made the trip fr males t lay their eggs increasingly difficult.(该岛承担了新的道路和海港的建设,用于将材料运输到新首都。活动还包括清理树木、挖掘和移走石头。这一过程已经改变了西苏拉威西的森林环境,并正在损害海滩附近的塚雉筑巢区。这些变化使得塚雉的产卵之旅变得越来越困难。)”可知新首都的兴建的工作开展使得西苏拉威西的森林环境遭到了破坏,这使塚雉的产卵之旅变得越来越困难,从而造成其数量进一步下降。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词之后“they steal male eggs that the males’ parents have hidden in the sand, and sell the eggs fr abut $1 t peple as fd.(他们偷取塚雉父母藏在沙子里的塚雉蛋,以大约1美元的价格卖给人们当食物。)”可知此处指的是一些专门通过偷取塚雉蛋来赚钱的人,所以划线词的意思应为偷猎者,与C项Peple wh engage in illegal hunting.(从事非法狩猎的人。)意思相近。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“He added that gvernment fficials there are prepared t take steps t prtect the males even with the new capital develpment. Andi said, “Nature cnservatin must be used as an achievement and must nt be built leaving behind prblems.”(他补充说,即使在新的首都发展中,那里的政府官员也准备采取措施保护塚雉。安迪说:“自然保护必须作为一项成就来利用,而不能留下问题。”)”可知在安迪看来政府将平衡保护塚雉和新首都的建设工作。故选B项。
    Scientists are nw digging int precisely why exercise hlds s many benefits fr ur mental health and memry. The answer, studies say, lies in ur brain chemistry.
    Each time yu wrk up a sweat, yur bdy releases feel-gd happy hrmnes (荷尔蒙), including endrphins, dpamine and endcannabinids, the latter being respnsible fr the s-called runner’s high. Nw researchers are als pinting t mykines (肌肉因子) as an imprtant cntributr t the mental health benefits f exercise. When ur muscles cntract, mykines are released int the bldstream, helping yur muscles and rgans cmmunicate. They think this cmmunicatin increases resilience t stress, reduces symptms f mental suffering and anxiety and has a direct effect n depressin.
    A 2021 scientific reprt published in Neurpharmaclgy shwed evidence that mykines bst brain functin, like imprving memry and md. “Mykines reduce systemic inflammatin (炎症), which is especially beneficial fr peple with drug-resistant depressin whse lw md is linked t high inflammatin,” explains Dr Jennifer Heisz, an expert in brain health and assciate prfessr in the department f kinesilgy at McMaster University in Canada.
    A recent study published in the British Jurnal f Sprts Medicine shwed that treatment fr depressin can be much mre effective when physical activity is added t the usual care. Participants fund benefits after 12 weeks f exercising fr 30 t 60 minutes a day. “While exercise is nt a replacement fr prfessinal mental health treatment, physical activity can cmplement and enhance the effects f the treatment,” says lead researcher Ben Singh, a research fellw at the University f Suth Australia.
    “It is amazing t cnsider hw mving ur bdies can heal ur minds,” says Heisz. Whether yu’re cycling, walking arund yur neighburhd r ding yga, getting sweaty is gd fr yur bdy and mind. T get the biggest verall health bst, the key is t zer in n sprts and activities yu enjy, s yu’ll keep ging back t them.
    12. Hw d mykines bst ur mental health?
    A. By bnding muscles with rgans.
    B. By slwing dwn ur bldstream.
    C. By cntracting muscles thrugh the bdy.
    D. By releasing happy hrmnes in ur brain.
    13. What is Ben Singh’s attitude twards physical activity in treatment fr depressin?
    A. Dubtful.B. Negative.
    C. UncertainD. Apprving.
    14. What des the underlined phrase “zer in n” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Adapt t.B. Give up.
    C. Fcus n.D. Put ff.
    15. Hw des the authr develp the text?
    A. By making cmparisns.
    B. By presenting research findings.
    C. By ffering suggestins.
    D. By cnducting sme experiments.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“When ur muscles cntract, mykines are released int the bldstream, helping yur muscles and rgans cmmunicate. They think this cmmunicatin increases resilience t stress, reduces symptms f mental suffering and anxiety and has a direct effect n depressin.(当我们的肌肉收缩时,肌肉因子被释放到血液中,帮助你的肌肉和器官进行交流。他们认为,这种交流增加了对压力的弹性,减少了精神痛苦和焦虑的症状,并对抑郁有直接影响。)”可知肌肉因子通过将肌肉与器官结合来促进我们的心理健康。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段““While exercise is nt a replacement fr prfessinal mental health treatment, physical activity can cmplement and enhance the effects f the treatment,”(“虽然运动不能替代专业的心理健康治疗,但体育活动可以补充和增强治疗的效果,”)”可知Ben Singh’s认为体育活动可以补充和增强治疗抑郁效果,所以Ben Singh’s对于治疗抑郁的体育活动的态度是赞同的。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。根据文章最后一段划线短语之前““It is amazing t cnsider hw mving ur bdies can heal ur minds,” says Heisz. Whether yu’re cycling, walking arund yur neighburhd r ding yga, getting sweaty is gd fr yur bdy and mind. T get the biggest verall health bst, the key is t(海兹说:“考虑到移动我们的身体如何治愈我们的大脑,这令人惊讶。”无论你是骑自行车,在附近散步还是做瑜伽,出汗对你的身心都有好处。要获得最大的整体健康提升,关键是)”以及划线短语之后“sprts and activities yu enjy, s yu’ll keep ging back t them.(你喜欢的运动和活动,所以你会继续回到它们身边。)”可知运动有助于我们的身心健康,所以要想获得最大程度的健康提升我们必须把注意力集中到自己喜欢的运动上,所以划线短语的意思应为“集中注意力”,与C项fcus n(集中)意思相近。故选C项。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Start the New Year Fresh
    After yu celebrate New Year’s Eve, it’s time t get t wrk n thse New Year’s reslutins! Here are sme ways t start the new year fresh.
    Start a fitness rutine. ____16____ Then make a plan t imprve yur health based n where yu are. Fr instance, yu can start taking a 20-minute walk after wrk every day r train t run a marathn in the fall. Start simply and gradually s yu can stick with yur gals.
    Practice gratitude(感激)every day t fill yur life with kindness. Practicing gratitude can bst yur md verall and imprve yur utlk n life. ____17____ In additin, express yur gratitude fr the peple in yur life by telling them yu appreciate them.
    ____18____ In additin t yur persnal reslutins, it is helpful t strive t get ut f yur cmfrt zne at least ne time each mnth. Yu can schedule ne new thing each mnth, r yu can pick a few things and chse when the time cmes. Regardless, chse t d smething yu’ve never dne befre t expand yur hrizns and grw as a persn.
    Update yur resume(简历)s yu’re ready fr new pprtunities. Shrtly int the new year, pen up yur resume, read it ver, and lk fr ways t imprve it. Fr instance, if yu started a new jb at the end f the year, add it under yur “Emplyment” sectin. ____19____ This way, if yu want t apply fr a jb, yu are ready when the time cmes.
    Get a haircut t freshen up yur face. Schedule an appintment with yur stylist early int the new year. Yu can get a trim fr a subtle upgrade r g fr a bld new hairstyle fr a ttally different lk. ____20____
    A. Aim t try a new thing every mnth.
    B. This way, yu’ll feel fresh fr the year ahead.
    C. Make a list f what yu’d like t try in the new year.
    D. Yu can als update the dates t reflect the new year.
    E. Think abut yur current health and yur verall fitness gals.
    F. Little changes can affect thse arund yu psitively, s chse wisely.
    G. Each day befre yu g t sleep, write dwn three things yu are grateful fr.
    【答案】16. E 17. G 18. A 19. D 20. B
    前文“Start a fitness rutine.(开始健身计划)”表明本段阐述开始健身计划,后文“Then make a plan t imprve yur health based n where yu are.(然后根据你所处的位置制定一个改善健康的计划)”表示应根据自己目前的身体情况制定改善健康的计划,E选项“想想你目前的健康状况和你的整体健身目标”与下文逻辑构成前后联系,语境一致。故选E。
    前文“Practicing gratitude can bst yur md verall and imprve yur utlk n life.(练习感恩可以改善你的情绪,改善你的人生观)”表示应练习感恩,G选项“每天睡觉前,写下三件让你感恩的事”为具体如何实施,符合语境。故选G。
    后文“In additin t yur persnal reslutins, it is helpful t strive t get ut f yur cmfrt zne at least ne time each mnth.(除了你的个人决心,每个月至少有一次努力走出你的舒适区也是有帮助的)”及“Regardless, chse t d smething yu’ve never dne befre t expand yur hrizns and grw as a persn.(无论如何,选择做一些你以前从未做过的事情来扩大你的视野,成长为一个人)”可知,本段描述应尝试一些新的事情,A选项“创建目标每个月尝试一件新事物”为本段主旨。故选A。
    前文“Fr instance, if yu started a new jb at the end f the year, add it under yur “Emplyment” sectin.(例如,如果你在年底开始了一份新工作,把它添加到你的“就业”部分)”表明应如何对待工作部分,后文“This way, if yu want t apply fr a jb, yu are ready when the time cmes.(这样,如果你想申请一份工作,你就准备好了)”表示前文这样做的好处,D选项“您还可以更新日期以反映新的一年”同为工作上的建议,与前文语境为递进关系。故选D。
    本段表示应剪头发,前文“Yu can get a trim fr a subtle upgrade r g fr a bld new hairstyle fr a ttally different lk.(你可以修剪一下头发,稍微升级一下,或者做一个大胆的新发型,打造一个完全不同的形象)”表示可以剪头发,B选项“这样,你在新的一年里会感到精神饱满”为理发的好处,符合语境。故选B。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    We will all experience pain, disappintment, and almst certainly lss and sickness. Yet sme peple ____21____ by rising t the challenge, while thers sink under the weight. What’s the difference? I ____22____ clinical psychlgist Dr. Rbert Puff, hst f the Happiness Pdcast, wh speaks ____23____ abut pain and suffering. He explains that ____24____ is an unavidable physical feeling. ____25____, suffering cmes frm the thughts we have abut the pain we are experiencing-fr example, “Why is this happening t me?” r “I’ll never feel gd again.” These ____26____ are what cause suffering, and we can chse t ____27____ them.
    Jhn O’Leary is the hst f the Live Inspired Pdcast. When he was just nine years ld, Jhn suffered ____28____ burns ver his entire bdy and dctrs tld him that he had ne percent chance f ____29____. N ne expected him t ____30____. Hwever, after dzens f surgeries and years f treatment and deep inner wrk, he is a fairly happy, ____31____ man with a beautiful family. He inspires thers thrugh his ____32____ as a mtivatinal speaker, authr, and life cach. He feels that what happened t him was his greatest ____33____: the realizatin that, regardless f ur persnal and prfessinal challenges, we can navigate and vercme t reveal a ____34____ visin. In Jhn’s wrds, “Yu can’t always chse the path yu walk in life, but yu can always chse the ____35____ in which yu walk.”
    21. A. subscribeB. prceedC. respndD. express
    22. A. interviewedB. imaginedC. intrducedD. recgnized
    23. A. externallyB. jyfullyC. frmallyD. wisely
    24. A. mdB. painC. sadnessD. hurt
    25. A. RegardlessB. InsteadC. HweverD. Therefre
    26. A. thughtsB. pininsC. theriesD. factrs
    27. A. shelterB. decreaseC. imprveD. change
    28. A. gentleB. severeC. certainD. rdinary
    29. A. reliefB. recuntC. survivalD. refreshment
    30. A. make itB. get acrssC. g arundD. pull ver
    31. A. ptentialB. tuchyC. sincereD. successful
    32. A. wrkB. talentC. fantasyD. predictin
    33. A. desperatinB. giftC. galD. task
    34. A. higherB. rarerC. brighterD. calmer
    35. A. angleB. mannerC. prspectD. trend
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章通过临床心理学家Dr. Rbert Puff的解释和主持人Jhn O’Leary的经历阐述了痛苦和困境是不可避免的,但我们可以通过积极的思维和选择来减轻苦难以过上美好的生活。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,一些人的反应是迎接挑战,而另一些人则被压力压垮。A. subscribe订阅;B. prceed继续;C. respnd反应;D. express表达。根据本句中的“while thers sink under the weight”可知,while前后的两个分句讲述的是不同人对压力的反应,有些人迎接挑战,而有些人则被压力压垮。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我采访了临床心理学家罗伯特·帕夫博士,他是“幸福播客”的主持人,他对痛苦和折磨的看法很有智慧。A. interviewed采访;B. imagined想象;C. intrduced介绍;D. recgnized认出。根据本句中的“hst f the Happiness Pdcast”可知,罗伯特·帕夫博士是一名主持人,“我”采访了他以了解其看法。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我采访了临床心理学家罗伯特·帕夫博士,他是“幸福播客”的主持人,他对痛苦和折磨的看法很有智慧。A. externally外部地;B. jyfully愉快地;C. frmally正式地;D. wisely明智地。根据本句中的“clinical psychlgist Dr. Rbert Puff”可知,罗伯特·帕夫博士是一名临床心理学家,因此他的看法是充满智慧的。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他解释说,疼痛是一种不可避免的生理感受。A. md心情;B. pain疼痛;C. sadness伤心;D. hurt受伤。根据下文的“suffering cmes frm the thughts we have abut the pain we are experiencing”可知,这是在描述“痛苦”的来源,因此前文应该介绍的是“疼痛”,回应上一句中的关键词“pain and suffering”。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,痛苦来自于我们对正在经历的痛苦的想法——例如,“为什么这件事发生在我身上?”A. Regardless不顾;B. Instead反而;C. Hwever然而;D. Therefre因此。根据上文的“He explains an unavidable physical feeling.”和本句子中的“suffering cmes frm the thughts we have abut the pain we are experiencing”可知,上下文构成了转折关系,指出了痛苦与疼痛的区别。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些想法导致痛苦,我们可以选择改变它们。A. thughts想法;B. pinins观点;C. theries理论;D. factrs因素。根据上文的““Why is this happening t me?” r “I’ll never feel gd again.””可知,这些消极的想法给人们带来痛苦。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些想法导致痛苦,我们可以选择改变它们。A. shelter庇护;B. decrease减少;C. imprve改善;D. change改变。根据本句中的“ what cause suffering”可知,既然这些想法会带来痛苦,人们就要选择去改变它们。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:9岁时,约翰全身严重烧伤,医生告诉他只有1%的生存机会。A. gentle温柔的;B. severe严重的;C. certain确定的;D. rdinary普通的。根据下文的“Hwever, after dzens f surgeries and years f treatment and deep inner wrk, he is a fairly happy, with a beautiful family.”可知,约翰当时全身严重烧伤。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:9岁时,约翰全身严重烧伤,医生告诉他只有1%的生存机会。A. relief缓解;B. recunt叙述;C. survival生存;D. refreshment提神。根据本句中的“When he was just nine years ld, Jhn ver his entire bdy”可知,作为孩子,约翰全身严重烧伤,因此医生认为他活下来的几率不大。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:没人指望他能渡过难关。A. make it渡过难关;B. get acrss渡过;C. g arund绕过;D. pull ver靠边停车。根据下文的“Hwever, after dzens f surgeries and years f treatment and deep inner wrk, he is a fairly happy, with a beautiful family.”可知,约翰成功活了下来,hwever前后的内容构成了转折,则前文讲的是大家以为他不能渡过难关。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,经过几十次手术,多年的治疗和针对内心深处的工作,他现在成为了一个相当快乐,成功的男人,拥有一个美好的家庭。A. ptential潜在的;B. tuchy棘手的;C. sincere真诚的;D. successful成功的。根据本句中的“with a beautiful family”可知,说明约翰历经当年的烧伤后成功地过上了过上美好的生活。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为一名励志演说家、作家和生活教练,他通过自己的工作激励他人。A. wrk工作;B. talent天赋;C. fantasy幻想;D. predictin预测。根据本句中的“as a mtivatinal speaker, authr, and life cach”可知,约翰以不同的角色所从事的工作为他人带去鼓舞。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他觉得发生在他身上的事情是他最大的礼物:即意识到不管我们的个人和职业挑战如何,我们都可以驾驭和克服,以展现更光明的前景。A. desperatin绝望;B. gift礼物;C. gal目标;D. task任务。根据本句中的“the realizatin that, regardless f ur persnal and prfessinal challenges, we can navigate and vercme”可知,约翰意识到不管多大的挑战,最终他们都能够被战胜,这是他经历自己的不幸遭遇最后取得成功所得到的启示,因此他觉得发生在他身上的事情对他而言是最大的礼物,故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:句意:他觉得发生在他身上的事情是他最大的礼物:即意识到不管我们的个人和职业挑战如何,我们都可以驾驭和克服,以展现更光明的前景。A. higher更高的; B. rarer更稀少的;C. brighter更明亮的;D. calmer更平静的。根据上文的“Hwever, after dzens f surgeries and years f treatment and deep inner wrk, he is a fairly happy, with a beautiful family.”可知,约翰从不幸走向成功,这说明了人们在遇到挑战时要勇敢面对,这样才会拥抱更光明的未来。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:用约翰的话来说,“你不能总是选择你在生活中要走的路,但你可以选择你走路的方式”。A. angle角度;B. manner方式;C. prspect前景;D. trend趋势。根据文章第二句“Yet sme rising t the challenge, while thers sink under the weight. ”可知,人们会以不同的方式面对挑战,而约翰虽然遭遇伤痛,但是他选择迎接挑战,因此约翰认为人们可以选择应对挑战的方式。故选B项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A dcumentary titled Acrss the Straits, which describes the cultural bnd between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, went nline n January 15, ____36____ (attract) viewers thrugh the histrical and cultural bnds between the tw sides.
    An actr, frm Taiwan, and a hstess, frm Chinese mainland, are the hsts f the dcumentary. Tgether, they undertake ____37____ cultural explratin f the Guandi Temple in Dngshan Cunty, East China’s Fujian Prvince.
    Guandi Temple, established ____38____ (hnr) the Eastern Han Dynasty warrir Guan Yu, has a histry spanning ver 600 years. The dcumentary sheds light n the histrical significance f the temple ____39____ (treasure) by bth the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
    The Guandi culture in Dngshan ____40____ (pssess) numerus distinctive features, nt nly preserving a series f unique flk traditins ____41____ terms f cultural heritage but als having a wide-ranging influence n crss-Straits exchanges frm a different perspective.
    “Cuntless histrical facts and flk anecdtes acrss the Straits ____42____ (cntinue) prve that we share a cmmn histry, culture and bld ____43____ (tie),”the actr said, adding that Dngshan fr him feels like returning hme.
    “It is a place ____44____ the peple speak the Minnan dialect, share devtin t Guan Yu, and cllectively uphld the values f lyalty, bravery, curtesy, ____45____ (wise), and trust,” the actr was quted as saying.
    【答案】36. attracting
    37. a 38. t hnr
    39. treasured
    40. pssesses
    41. in 42. cntinually
    43. ties 44. where
    45. wisdm
    考查非谓语动词。句意:一部名为《海峡两岸》的纪录片于1月15日上线,这部纪录片描述了中国大陆和台湾之间的文化纽带,通过两岸的历史文化纽带吸引了观众。attract“吸引”,动词。本句谓语为went,此处为非谓语动词,且A dcumentary和attract为逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词attracting,作状语。故填attracting。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:关帝庙是为纪念东汉武士关羽而建的,距今已有600多年的历史。hnr“纪念”,及物动词。本句谓语为has,此处为非谓语动词,用动词不定式,作目的状语。故填t hnr。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这部纪录片揭示了这座被中国大陆和台湾共同珍视的寺庙的历史意义。treasure“珍视”,动词。本句谓语为sheds,此处为非谓语动词,treasure和the temple之间是逻辑上的被动关系,用过去分词treasured,作定语。故填treasured。
    考查时态、主谓一致。句意:东山关帝文化具有许多鲜明的特点,不仅在文化遗产上保留了一系列独特的民间传统,而且从不同的角度对两岸交流产生了广泛的影响。动词pssess,意为“拥有,具有”,本空为谓语,描述客观事实,句子时态用一般现在时,主语The Guandi culture为第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式pssesses。故填pssesses。
    考查固定短语。句意:东山关帝文化具有许多鲜明的特点,不仅在文化遗产上保留了一系列独特的民间传统,而且从不同的角度对两岸交流产生了广泛的影响。in terms f“从……的角度、在……方面”,为固定短语。故填in。
    考查名词的数。句意:他说:“海峡两岸无数的史实和民间轶事不断证明,我们有着共同的历史、文化和血缘关系。”他还补充说,东山对他来说就像回家一样。可数名词tie,意为“联系、关系”。bld ties“血缘关系”。结合句意可知,血缘关系不止一个,应用名词复数形式。故填ties。
    考查定语从句。句意:“这是一个人们说闽南话,分享对关羽的热爱,并共同维护忠诚,勇敢,礼貌,智慧和信任的价值观的地方,”演员引用他的话说。分析句子结构可知,本空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是a place,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校计划本周六上午举办汉字文化讲座。请你给交换生朋友Tny写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 讲座介绍;
    3. 期待回复。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Tny,
    Warm regards,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Tny,
    I am writing t invite yu t attend the Chinese character culture lecture rganized by ur schl this Saturday mrning.
    The lecture will fcus n the histry and meaning f Chinese characters and hw they have develped ver time. This will be an infrmative and enlightening sessin that will help yu gain a deeper understanding f the Chinese language and culture. I really wish yu culd cme! Yur presence will be greatly appreciated, and I am sure yu will find this lecture very interesting and educatinal.
    Please let me knw if yu can attend Lking frward t yur reply!
    Warm regards,
    Li Hua
    以……为中心:fcus n→centre arund
    原句:Yur presence will be greatly appreciated.
    拓展句:I will appreciate it if yu culd be present at the lecture.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I am writing t invite yu t attend the Chinese character culture lecture rganized by ur schl this Saturday mrning.(运用了过去分词短语作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】This will be an infrmative and enlightening sessin that will help yu gain a deeper understanding f the Chinese language and culture.(运用了that引导定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Hw far can a penny g? Right nw, ne can quickly say that it wuldn’t get yu that much. Or, t be mre specific, it’s mre f a nvelty item nw than a currency.
    But Ryan Trahan, wh is an nline media cntent creatr, wanted t prve that a penny can turn int smething much mre valuable and that the spirit f bartering (以物易物) is still alive and well. His gal will surprise anyne.
    In his vide, he shared that he wuld turn his penny int a huse. Yes, yu’ve read that right. He will barter his way t a huse.
    The challenge started as tugh as yu’d expect it t be because wh wuld trade anything fr a penny? The first thing he gt was a pen. Then, he traded ff his pen fr a small dinsaur ty. Luckily, he met a dinsaur fan wh was mre than willing enugh t trade it fr a tin f mints (薄荷糖) —r at least what’s left f it.
    It was a dead end frm then n until he met tw interesting strangers. Apparently, his campaign f “penny-t-a-huse” is gaining attentin. It gave him a chance t trade the mints fr smething f value—gas statin earphnes.
    It snwballed frm there. After the earphnes, the value f his trade just gt bigger when he decided t be creative. He called at a lcal garage sale and traded the earphnes fr a vintage Plarid (老式拍立得) camera. He als gave a shirt, just s he wuldn’t feel bad.
    Hwever, it wasn’t as easy as he thught. Trahan thught he struck gld and that it was easy t exchange the camera int smething much mre valuable. After all, wh desn’t lve a vintage camera?
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The answer, surprisingly, is “nt a lt f peple”.
    He gt an amazing deal ut f the camera fr an item that’s three times its value, a piece f land.
    【答案】参考范文 :
    The answer, surprisingly, is “nt a lt f peple”. Despite the attractin f the classic camera, finding the right persn willing t make a significant trade prved t be a challenge. He went frm ne persn t anther, asking them if they’d be willing t trade anything fr the vintage camera. Despite the initial setbacks, Trahan’s perseverance paid ff when he came acrss a ptential trading partner wh saw the true value in the vintage camera. Recgnizing its histrical significance, the persn ffered a valuable piece f land in exchange fr the camera.
    He gt an amazing deal ut f the camera fr an item that’s three times its value, a piece f land. At that pint, Trahan was pretty thrilled. It seems that his campaign will succeed. The deal was even mre astnishing as the piece f land was lcated in a picturesque cuntryside area. Trahan culdn’t believe his luck and felt a renewed sense f excitement. As wrd f his ambitius prject spread, Trahan’s determinatin and creativity attracted mre attentin and pprtunities. With his campaign inching clser t success, he eagerly accepted the ffer, realizing that his penny had indeed transfrmed int a dream huse.
    ①偶然遇见:cme acrss/run int
    ②意识到:recgnize/be aware
    ③相信:believe/be cnvinced f
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Despite the attractin f the classic camera, finding the right persn willing t make a significant trade prved t be a challenge. ( 运用了动名词finding作主语)
    【高分句型2】He went frm ne persn t anther, asking them if they’d be willing t trade anything fr the vintage camera. ( 运用了现在分词asking作状语、if引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型3】Despite the initial setbacks, Trahan’s perseverance paid ff when he came acrss a ptential trading partner wh saw the true value in the vintage camera. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句、wh引导的定语从句)
    听力:1—5 ACBCB 6—10 CBBCA 11—15 ACACB 16—20BABAC

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