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    1.—I knw this lvely hme rbt! ________ d yu call it? —It’s Astr, develped by Amazn.
    A. HwB. WhC. WhenD. What
    2.T spread ur traditinal culture, many teenagers came up with new _________. Fr example, Suansuan, a cllege student, has psted ver 50 vides n Bilibili t shw her lve fr ur culture.
    A. methdsB. messagesC. meaningsD. medicines
    3.Graduatin is a gd time t thank thse wh have helped us _________ the hard years.
    A. thrughB. frC. withD. frm
    4.—May I brrw yur new-bught bk The Diary f a Yung Girl? —I’m afraid nt. I _________ nly half f it, and I’ll try t finish it this weekend.
    A. readB. am readingC. have readD. will read
    5.—Will Jim g climbing with us this Saturday? —_______. It depends n whether he can finish his wrk.
    A. ExactlyB. CrrectlyC. CertainlyD. Prbably
    6.—Sherry lks upset. What’s wrng with him? —Well, everyne has ne f thse days when ________ ges right.
    A. everythingB. nthingC. smethingD. anything
    7.—Is the sprts watch Mary’s? —It ________ be hers. She is the nly ne wh wears the sprts watch in ur class.
    A. can’tB. mustC. mightD. culd
    8.Andy shuld give up smking ________ he desn’t care abut his health.
    A. untilB. unlessC. ifD. r
    9.T my surprise, the persn I spke t in the hall ________ t be my new teacher.
    A. came utB. turned utC. turned intD. stayed ut
    10.There are many ld sayings requiring us t be ________, such as “the early bird catches the wrm” and “Practice makes perfect”.
    A. generusB. cnfidentC. hard-wrkingD. rganized
    11.The cmpany can give yu mre chances _________ mre mney.
    A. as sn asB. as gd asC. as well asD. as pssible as
    12.—What language des that by speak? I can hardly catch a single wrd. —__________. He’s frm India, s I guess it is Hindi.
    A. Neither I canB. Neither can IC. S can ID. S I can
    13.—The traveling festival is cming, Mum has cme back frm the USA.D yu knw ________? —In abut a mnth.
    A. hw lng she will stay in Shanghai
    B. hw lng will she stay in Shanghai
    C. hw sn she will be sent t Shanghai
    D. hw sn will she be sent t Shanghai
    14.—Yu must be excited abut ging t England fr further study. —________, but I am afraid I am nt used t the weather and the fd there.
    A. I’m srryB. Certainly ntC. Never mindD. I suppse s
    In my childhd, my mther spent her evening hurs ding smething fr smene else. Smetimes she knitted (编织) hats fr babies, and at ther times, she cked chicken sup fr sick neighbrs. Therefre, I wasn’t 15 when ne evening my mther annunced she had taken n a new prject.
    “I am ging t telephne senirs (老年人),” said my mther. “Every 16 ? But yu dn’t even knw these peple.”“ It desn’t matter,” she said. “What’s imprtant is that I 17 .” I was sixteen years ld and culdn’t understand why my mther was willing t spend her evenings talking t 18 . She had friends and my tw lder sisters t call if she felt lnely. “They will talk yur ear ff. Sme peple didn’t even stp t catch 19 ,” I said.
    My attitude (态度) didn’t stp my mther’s lve fr the prject. That evening, I listened as she asked the wman n the ther line abut her day and what she had eaten fr dinner. When she finished the call, I said, “ 20 d yu care whether she had ckies r rice pudding fr dessert?” My mther said, “I’m the 21 persn she talked t tday.”
    It tk me mre than thirty years t 22 understand the meaning f my mther’s wrds. Nw, as my mther is nearing eighty, I find myself thinking abut thse nightly 23 she used t make. I am ften the nly persn wh telephnes my mther, and smetimes I’m the nly persn she speaks t all day. I ask her what she cked fr dinner, but mstly I just listen as she describes a walk she tk, r hw her dg Lucky stle fds frm the refrigeratr. I 24 that my mther’s calls were life lines, which made sure husebund senirs t keep in tuch with the wrld. Withut her, their wrld wuld have been empty.
    15.A. angryB. happyC. surprisedD. excited
    16.A. minuteB. weekendC. dayD. night
    17.A. listenB. talkC. callD. help
    18.A. neighbrsB. strangersC. friendsD. children
    19.A. timeB. answerC. viceD. breath
    20.A. WhenB. HwC. WhatD. Why
    21.A. nlyB. wrngC. pastD. usual
    22.A. simplyB. carefullyC. fullyD. wisely
    23.A. decisinsB. callsC. dreamsD. mistakes
    24.A. realizedB. wnderedC. cnfirmedD. suppsed
    25.The picture abve is a (n) ________.
    A. reprtB. advertisementC. psterD. magazine cver
    26.Students can take part in the Sprts Day at ________.
    A. 11:30 a.m.B. 10:30 p.m.C. 9:30 a.m.D. 1:30 a.m.
    27.What can we learn abut the Sprts Day?
    A. Students can d sprts withut experienced instructrs.
    B. There are ver fur wrkshps fr students t chse frm.
    C. Students can jin it withut signed parental permissin slips.
    D. The earlier students sign up, the mre easily they can jin in their favurite wrkshp.

    In the vides psted, we can see the rbt preparing dishes n its wn, frm cutting vegetables t breaking eggs. It’s als gd at watering plants, petting cats, cleaning the flr and washing clthes, even shaking the pillw (枕头).
    Sunds gd? Well, anther vide psted by researchers may disappint sme peple. Mbile Alha isn’t gd at ding husewrk n its wn.
    Instead, it learns frm human actins befre ding each kind f husewrk. When the situatin changes, it can’t wrk well withut a human “teaching” it. S, it may break dishes, bump int things and even burn a pt.
    The rbt can successfully mve chairs 80 percent f the time, said the team after they did mre research n it. Fr cking dishes, it’s nly 40 percent. In shrt, it’s far frm perfect.
    In fact, AI rbts are gd at tasks such as math and playing chess, but they face challenges when it cmes t simpler actins like cleaning. And it’s the same fr Mbile Alha. Fr example, if its bdy desn’t mve crrectly even just with a small deviatin (偏差), its arm may mve t far t pick up a glass.
    “ Rbts are nt ready t take ver the wrld,” the team psted nline.
    28.Mbile Alha is a ________.
    A. videB. rbtC. cameraD. mbile phne
    29.Frm the passage, we can knw Mbile Alha can’t d________.
    A. B.
    C. D.
    30.What’s the meaning f underlined wrd “ disappint” in paragraph 2?
    A. Dissatisfy.B. Regret.C. Supprt.D. Encurage.

    Alex set his lunch tray n the table near his friend Le. “Trade yu sme fries fr sme pretzels,” Alex said.
    “Deal,” said Le, taking his bag f pretzels ut f his lunchbx.
    Alex nticed a flded (折叠的) piece f paper at the bttm f Le’s lunchbx.
    “What’s that?” demanded Daniel, anther by in their class.
    Befre Le culd answer, Daniel caught the paper. He unflded it and read in a lud vice: “Dear Le, I hpe yu have a great day. Lve, Mm.”
    Daniel snrted. “Yur mm puts ntes in yur lunchbx?”
    “Yes,” Le said.
    Daniel read the nte again, t himself. It almst lked as if he wanted t keep it.
    “Give it back t Le,” said Alex.
    “Well, wh wants a nte anyway?” Daniel said.
    “I d,” said Le.
    Alex liked getting ntes t.
    Daniel tssed the nte and it fell t the flr.
    Alex picked it up. He handed it back t Le, wh tucked (塞) it int his pcket.
    On the bus that afternn, Alex thught abut what happened.
    Alex’s lder brther, Mate, arrived hme just after Alex did. “Hw was yur day, little dude?” Mate asked. “A by in my class was mean t Le,” Alex said. He explained the way Daniel had acted.
    Mate shk his head. “Hw wuld Daniel like it if peple picked n him fr getting a nte?”
    “Daniel never gets ntes,” Alex said.
    Suddenly, he had an idea. “That’s it! I knw hw t help Le and Daniel.” Alex explained his idea t Mate.
    Mate agreed t help, and they wrked n the plan all afternn.
    At lunchtime the next day, Alex hurried t the cafeteria. He set ut 23 flded pieces f paper n a table by the entrance. Each piece f paper had the name f a classmate n it.
    “What are these?” asked Mira.
    “We all have ntes,” said Sabrina.
    Alex watched as Daniel picked up the nte with his name n it. Alex knew that the nte said, “Daniel, Iˈm glad yuˈre in my class. Have a great day.”
    Alex saw Daniel smile as he tucked the nte int his pcket.
    “Great idea, Alex,” said Le.
    “Nw everyne knws hw it feels t get a lunch nte,” Alex said.
    “Want t trade sme carrt sticks fr apple slices?” Le asked.
    “ Deal,” said Alex.
    31.What may be the mst suitable feeling f Daniel by saying wh wants a nte anyway?
    A. Anger.B. Shame.C. Wrry.D. Envy.
    32.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Alex liked getting ntes but Daniel didn’t.
    B. Alex cared abut thers and was very friendly.
    C. Alex traded fd with Daniel at lunchtime.
    D. Alex’s lder brther thught f a gd idea t let Daniel get a lunch nte.
    33.Which is the best title fr this stry?
    A. Trade gamesB. True friendsC. Lunch ntesD. A great day

    Blue whales have made themselves at hme in a part f the Indian Ocean where they hadn’t been seen fr many years, accrding t a study published late last year. The blue whale, an endangered (濒临灭绝的) species, is the largest animal n Earth. These whales can grw t abut 100 feet lng, and the animal’s heart alne can be the size f a small car.
    Blue whales were filmed in the waters arund the Seychelles in 2020 and 2021. The Seychelles are a grup f islands that make up the smallest African cuntry. Hunters almst cmpletely wiped ut (消灭) blue whales in the area in the 1960s.
    During this recent expeditin (考察), hwever, scientists sptted (注意到) several f the creatures (生物).
    Research suggests that these whales are nt just passing thrugh — they are staying in the regin fr mnths.
    The discvery was made with the help f a “sund trap”, an bject that was fitted with recrding devices and batteries and placed n the seaflr in Nvember 2021. It was left there fr a year, recrding 15 minutes every hur. When scientists studied the recrdings, they discvered the blue whales’ recgnizable sng, which is s deep that it can’t be heard naturally by human ears.
    The whale sngs were detected (监测) between December and April, a cmmn time fr blue whales t breed (哺乳) and nurse their yung. Kathleen Staffrd, ne f the researchers, tld BBC News that the scientists think the nise was the singing f male whales. “They sing during the breeding seasn,” she explained. This culd mean that the Seychelles is an imprtant breeding area r nursery site fr the species.
    The gvernment f the Seychelles has been making majr effrts t prtect the ceans arund the islands since 2015. The appearance f these whales shws that its wrk seems t have made sme prgress. Staffrd said that the Seychelles, which desn’t have many big ships sailing nearby, culd be “a nice, quiet, safe place fr blue whales.”
    34.What can we learn abut the blue whales?
    A. The number f them is still large nw.
    B. They can be the same size as a small car.
    C. They were nce cmpletely killed by hunters.
    D. They like t stay in a clean, quiet and safe waters.
    35.What is the main purpse f Paragraph 5?
    A. T explain the results f the discvery.
    B. T describe the way the discvery was carried ut.
    C. T ffer sme pinins abut the discvery.
    D. T list the difficulties f the discvery.
    36.When can peple pssibly hear the whale sngs?
    A. When summer cmes.
    B. When ships passes by.
    C. When blue whales lk after their babies.
    D. When blue whales are happy.
    37.The passage mainly talks abut _.
    A. blue whales are back in Indian Ocean again
    B. a sund trap can be f great help t film blue whales
    C. the gvernment has dne a lt in prtecting blue whales
    D. it’s very imprtant t help blue whales find a hme
    38.I nce gave a lessn t a grup f primary schl students fr a TV prgram. I suggested that we create small gardens.
    First, I asked the students t lk fr their favrite place in the schl. Once there, I let them try hard t empty their minds. Then I had each f them describe their experiences f nature in a small garden.
    In a bx f abut ne and a half by tw feet, they culd rganize sil, stnes, leaves and grass freely. Even as an active garden designer, I was impressed with their imaginatin. The gardens they made were really creative.
    One child created “water” that flwed int a “lake”; anther child put grass in a way t represent “wind”; and yet anther child tried hard t create children were ften busy ding their schlwrk. That was why they tk great interest when they created their small gardens. They spent a wnderful time tgether with nature.
    Try spending time with nature yurself. If yu ntice a stne lying n the grund, pick it up and hld it. When yu see beautiful flwers by the side f the rad, stp and enjy the pleasant smell.
    Then, inside yur mind. Create yur wn small garden. It will relax yu.

    39.Sme _________ (发明家) wrds made us interested in the tpic.
    40.The fire quickly ________ (扩散) t ther buildings last night.
    41.Drink _________ (无论何时) yu feel thirsty during exercise.
    42.It is ________ (普通的) knwledge that peple might flat int space because f the lw gravity.
    43.The gvernment is taking actin t prtect ________ (persn) infrmatin n the Internet.
    44.Ou Xili said that in the cming perid f time, it was _________ (high) pssible that the number f elderly peple aged 60 and abve wuld increase a lt every year.
    45.Yu shuld cnsider ________ (cntrl) yur temper when yu speak t the elderly.
    46.The kitchen prvides a 24-hur __________ (serve) fr passengers and can be cntacted thrugh receptin.
    47.The dg was last seen ___________ (lie) under a bench in the park at arund 11 a.m. yesterday.
    48.The manager prmised that he ___________ (imprve) their wrk accrding t the custmers’ needs.
    49.Because f the terrible weather, we ________ (remain) in the airprt fr nearly ten hurs the ther day.
    50.Yu will nt get a chance t take part in the game until yur name ___________ (call) in the shw.
    51.It’s shwn that sund ___________ (travel) faster in water than in the air.
    52.The dctr did all he culd ___________ (save) the sick by and nw he is well again.
    53.We are very glad that ur hmetwn ___________ (change) a lt ver the past ten years.
    54.—Why didn’t yu reply t me yesterday? I kept calling yu fr a lng time.—Srry, I ___________ (lk) fr my mbile phne everywhere and I haven’t fund it yet.
    55.李老师很生气,因为这个教室一片狼藉。Mr. Li was very angry because the classrm ________.
    56.2024年巴黎奥运会四个月后会现场直播。Paris 2024 Olympic Games ________ in fur mnths.
    57.真可惜,这个艺术品至今无人问津。It’s a pity that n attentin ________ the wrk f art up t nw.
    58.现在,人工智能科技对人们的日常生活产生了重大的影响。Nwadays, AI ________ peple’s daily life.
    59.目前市场上有些淀粉肠的质量一点也不合格。The quality f sme starch sausage ________ in the market at present.
    60.我想知道这个女孩爱上汉服多久了。I wnder ________ Hanfu.
    61.毕业在即,回顾往昔,同学们在初中三年的成长过程中一定有许多的故事。学校本月举行英语征文比赛,请以“I’ve grwn up”为题写一篇文章参加比赛,讲讲自己经历的某个事件和你因此而产生的变化,并谈谈你现在的感悟。
    I’ve grwn up
    Hw time flies! I’m nt a little child any mre. Lking back t my past three years in junir schl, my life was full f ups and dwns. I’ve grwn up by dealing with different situatins. Nw, I’d like t share my stry with yu.
    【解析】句意:——我认识这个可爱的家用机器人!你怎么称呼它?——这是亚马逊开发的 Astr。
    考查特殊疑问词。Hw怎样;Wh谁;When什么时候;What什么。根据回答“It’s Astr”可知是,你称呼它什么,空格处作宾语,应用特殊疑问代词what,故选D。
    考查名词辨析。methds方法;messages信息;meanings意义;medicines药。根据“T spread ur traditinal culture”以及后文的举例可知为了传播传统文化,要想很多方法。故选A。
    考查介词辨析。thrugh度过;fr为了;with和;frm从。根据“thank thse wh have helped hard years”可知要感谢那些帮助我们度过艰难岁月的人。故选A。
    考查动词时态。根据下文“and I’ll try t finish it this weekend.”可知,上文应该是已经看了一半,用现在完成时,其结构为have/has dne,read“读”,是动词,过去分词是read,故选C。
    考查副词辨析。Exactly确切地;Crrectly正确地;Certainly当然;Prbably大概,或许。根据“It depends n whether he can finish his wrk”可知,去不去不确定,所以Prbably符合语境,故选D。
    考查不定代词。everything每件事情;nthing没什么事情;smething某事;anything任何事。根据“Sherry lks upset.”可知,后面是表示原因。根据“ges right”可知,横线上应是一个否定词,表示没什么进行顺利。故选B。
    考查情态动词。can’t不可能;must一定;might可能,可以;culd可能。根据“She is the nly ne wh wears the sprts watch in ur class.”可知,玛丽是班上唯一戴运动表的人,所以这块运动表一定是她的。此处表示把握较大的肯定推测。故选B。
    考查unless条件状语从句。until直到……为止;unless除非;if如果;r否则。“he desn’t care abut his health”是“Andy shuld give up smking”的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。came ut出版;turned ut结果是;turned int变成;stayed ut留在户外。根据“t be my new teacher”可知结果发现,那个人是我的新老师。故选B。
    考查形容词辨析。generus慷慨的;cnfident自信的;hard-wrking努力的;rganized有条理的。根据“the early bird catches the wrm”可知这句谚语是告诉人们要努力。故选C。
    考查短语辨析。as sn as一……就;as gd as和……一样好;as well as也,还有;as pssible as可能。此处“mre chances”及“mre mney.”是并列关系,用as well as连接,故选C。
    考查倒装句。根据“I can hardly catch a single wrd.”以及“He’s frm India, s I guess it is Hindi.”可知此处表示自己也听不懂,可用倒装结构“neither+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”。故选B。
    考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除BD;根据“In abut a mnth”可知此处询问多长时间之后,故用hw sn引导宾语从句。故选C。
    考查情景交际。I’m srry我很抱歉;Certainly nt当然不;Never mind没关系;I suppse s我想是的。根据“..., but I am afraid I am nt used t the weather and the fd there”可知,回答者赞同上文所说。I suppse s“我想是的”符合情景。故选D。
    angry生气的;happy开心的;surprised吃惊的;excited兴奋的。根据“my mther spent her evening hurs ding smething fr smene else.”可知妈妈每天晚上都为别人做一些事情,所以当母亲宣布她要开始一个新项目时,自己并不感到惊讶。故选C。
    minute分钟;weekend周末;day天;night晚上。根据“spent her evening hurs ding smething fr smene else”可知是每天晚上。故选D。
    listen听;talk谈话;call打电话;help帮助。根据“but mstly I just listen as she describes a walk she tk”可知重要的是妈妈倾听这些老人。故选A。
    neighbrs邻居;strangers陌生人;friends朋友;children孩子们。根据“But yu dn’t even knw these peple”可知不认识那些人,是陌生人。故选B。
    time时间;answer回答;vice声音;breath呼吸。根据“Sme peple didn’t even stp t catch”可知一些人一直在说话,没有停下来喘气。故选D。
    When什么时候;Hw如何;What什么;Why为什么。根据“d yu care whether she had ckies r rice pudding fr dessert”可知此处是询问她为什么关心这个问题。故选D。
    nly唯一的;wrng错的;past过去的;usual通常的。根据“persn she talked t tday”可知是今天唯一和她说话的人。故选A。
    simply仅仅;carefully认真地;fully充分地;wisely明智地。根据“understand the meaning f my mther’s wrds”可知是完全理解妈妈的话。故选C。
    decisins决定;calls打电话;dreams梦想;mistakes错误。根据“I am ging t telephne senirs”可知妈妈是晚上打电话。故选B。
    realized意识到;wndered想知道;cnfirmed确认;suppsed认为。根据“that my mther’s calls were life lines, which made sure husebund senirs t keep in tuch with the wrld.”可知是意识到妈妈让足不出户的老年人与世界保持联系。故选A。
    1. 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,本文是一则关于学校运动日的海报。故选C。
    2. 细节理解题。根据“Everyne welcme! Wednesday, 10 a.m.—2:30 p.m.”可知上午11点半可以参加。故选A。
    3. 推理判断题。根据“There are nly a few spaces fr each wrkshp, s sign up early t get yur first chice”可知只有几个名额,所以早点报名,将会得到你的第一选择,可推知学生越早报名,就越容易参加他们最喜欢的项目。故选D。
    1. 推理判断题。根据第一段“In the vides psted, we can see the rbt preparing dishes n its wn”和第二段“Sunds gd? Well, anther vide psted by researchers may disappint sme peple. Mbile Alha isn’t gd at ding husewrk n its wn.”可推知,Mbile Alha是一个机器人。故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据第一段“It’s als gd at watering plants, petting cats...”和倒数第二段“In fact, AI rbts are gd at tasks such as math and playing chess”可知,Mbile Alha能够抚摸猫、解决数学问题和下国际象棋,文章没提到Mbile Alha会弹钢琴,故选D。
    3. 词义猜测题。根据第二段“Mbile Alha isn’t gd at ding husewrk n its wn.”可知,Mbile Alha不擅长独自做家务,这可能会使一些人不满意、失望。由此猜测,“disappint”意为dissatisfy“使……不满”。故选A。
    1. 推理判断题。根据“Daniel read the nte again, t himself. It almst lked as if he wanted t keep it. ‘Give it back t Le,’ said Alex.”可知,Daniel似乎想留着这张便条,但是Alex却让他把便条还给Le。由此推测,当Daniel说谁想要一张便条时,他应该感到嫉妒,故选D。
    2. 推理判断题。根据“Daniel tssed the nte and it fell t the flr. Alex picked it up. He handed it back t the bus that afternn, Alex thught abut what lunchtime the next day, Alex hurried t the cafeteria. He set ut 23 flded pieces f paper n a table by the entrance. Each piece f paper had the name f a classmate n saw Daniel smile as he tucked the nte int his pcket.”可知,Alex将Daniel扔在地上的便条捡起来还给Le,并且一直在思考午餐时发生的事,之后还想出主意让Daniel也感受一下收到祝福便条的心情。由此可推断,Alex关心他人,非常友好。故选B。
    3. 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,故事是围绕着午餐便条展开的,所以选项C“午餐便条”是最佳标题。故选C。
    1. 细节理解题。根据“a nice, quiet, safe place fr blue whales.”可知蓝鲸喜欢待在干净、安静、安全的地方。故选D。
    2. 主旨大意题。根据“The discvery was made with the help f a ‘sund trap’...”可知第五段主要描述了这个发现是如何操作的。故选B。
    3. 推理判断题。根据“The whale sngs were detected (监测) between December and April, a cmmn time fr blue whales t breed (哺乳) and nurse their yung”可知鲸鱼的歌声是在12月至4月之间被发现的,这是蓝鲸繁殖和哺乳幼鲸的常见时间,可推知当蓝鲸照顾它们的孩子时,可以听到鲸鱼的歌声。故选C。
    4. 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了蓝鲸在印度洋的一个多年未见的地方安家落户。故选A。
    【解析】1. 根据第二段“I let them try hard t empty their minds”可知,作者让学生们努力清空自己的大脑,即努力不要想任何事,anything“任何事”。故填anything。
    2. 根据第三段“In a bx f abut ne and a half by tw feet, they culd rganize sil, stnes, leaves and grass freely.”可知,学生们可以自由地整理土壤、石头、树叶和草。结合表格中“they rganize their gardens”可知,空格处应填形容词词free“自由的”,be free t d sth.意为“可以自由地做某事”。故填free。
    3. 根据第三段“Even as an active garden designer, I was impressed with their imaginatin. The gardens they made were really creative.”可知,学生们建造的花园很有创意,这使得作者印象深刻。结合表格中“They caught their creative gardens.”可知,此处可用短语catch ne’s attentin/eyes“引起某人的注意”表示相同的含义,故填attentin/eyes。
    4. 根据第四段“These children were ften busy ding their schlwrk. That was why they tk great interest when they created their small gardens.”可知,这些孩子经常忙于做功课,这就是为什么他们在建造小花园时产生了浓厚的兴趣。结合表格中“ ften had n time fr nature, these children tk great interest when creating their gardens.”可知,此处表示因为他们经常没有时间接触大自然,所以这些孩子在创造花园时产生了极大的兴趣。前句是后句的原因,since、because、as都意为“因为”,句首首字母大写。故填Since/Because/As。
    5. 根据最后一段“Create yur wn small garden. It will relax yu.”可知,打造自己的小花园会让你放松。结合表格中空前的get可知,空格处应填形容词relaxed“放松的”,“get+形容词”意为“变得……”,表示心理或情感状态的变化。故填relaxed。
    【解析】句意:昨晚大火迅速蔓延到其它建筑物。根据汉语提示可知,英文表示是spread,动词,意为“扩散”;又根据“last night”可知,本句是一般过去时,spread的过去式还是spread。故填spread。
    【解析】句意:当你和老人说话时,你应该考虑控制自己的脾气。根据固定搭配“考虑做某事:cnsider ding sth.”可知,cntrlling符合句意。故填cntrlling。
    【解析】句意:厨房为乘客提供24小时服务,可以通过前台联系。。serve “供应”,动词,此处应填名词作宾语,service “服务”符合语境,故填service。
    【解析】句意:人们最后一次看到这只狗躺在公园的长椅下是在昨天上午11点左右。根据语境可知,此处表示人们最后一次看见这只狗时,它正躺在长椅下,be seen ding sth.意为“被看见正在做某事”,所以空格处应填动词lie的动词-ing形式。故填lying。
    48.【答案】wuld imprve
    【解析】句意:经理保证他会根据客户的需要改进他们的工作。根据“prmised”可知宾语从句中应用过去的时态;根据“ wrk...”可知此处表示他会改进他们的工作,表示将来的动作,所以此处用过去将来时wuld d。故填wuld imprve。
    【解析】句意:因为糟糕的天气,我们前几天在机场逗留了将近10小时。根据“the ther day前几天”可知时态用一般过去时,故填remained。
    50.【答案】is called
    【解析】句意:直到在表演中叫到你的名字,你才有机会参加比赛。分析题干可知,本句包含until引导的时间状语从句,当主句用一般将来时时,从句用一般现在时;从句主语yur name和动词call之间是被动关系,所以空格处应用一般现在时的被动语态,结构是:am/is/are+动词过去分词,从句主语yur name表示单数,be动词应用is,call变成过去分词called。故填is called。
    52.【答案】t save
    【解析】句意:医生竭尽全力抢救那个生病的男孩,现在他又好了。此处用动词不定式作目的状语,也就是医生尽力是为了救那个生病的孩子,故填t save。
    53.【答案】has changed
    【解析】句意:我们很高兴家乡这十年发生了很大的变化。根据“ver the past ten years”可知,句子是现在完成时“have/has+动词过去分词”,主语是“ur hmetwn”,为第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has changed。
    54.【答案】was lking
    【解析】意:——你昨天为什么不回复我?我一直给你打电话很长时间了。——对不起,我到处找我的手机,但还没有找到。根据“I kept calling yu fr a lng time.”可知此处表示打电话的时候自己正在找手机,用过去进行时“was/were+动词现在分词”,主语是I,be动词用was。故填was lking。
    55.【答案】was in a mess/was in a great mess/was in a cmplete mess/was in such a mess
    【解析】通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少“一片狼藉”的表达。because引导的从句表述的是过去的事情,确定用一般过去时;in a mess“一片狼藉”,mess是名词,可用形容词great或cmplete来修饰,或用such强调程度。此处根据主语the classrm判断用is的过去式was。故填was in a (great/cmplete) mess/was in such a mess。
    56.【答案】will be cvered live
    【解析】根据中英文可知要翻译的是“将会现场直播”,cver live“现场直播”,“in fur mnths.”提示句子用一般将来时,主语和动词之间存在被动关系,所以使用被动语态,结构是will be dne。故填will be cvered live。
    57.【答案】has been paid t
    【解析】pay attentin t“注意”,空前“n attentin”提示用被动语态,即n attentin be paid t...。由“up t nw”可知用现在完成时,主语attentin是不可数名词,助动词用has。故填has been paid t。
    58.【答案】makes a great difference t/has a great effect/influence/impact n/has made a great difference t/has had a great effect/influence/impact n
    【解析】根据中文意思可知本题考查动词短语make a difference n“对……有影响”;形容词great在句中可作定语修饰名词,表示“大的影响”;由语境可知句子时态可以为一般现在时或现在完成时,结构为“have/has+dne”,语AI为第三人称单数,谓语动词部分应用单数。故填makes a great difference t/has a great effect/influence/impact n/has made a great difference t/has had a great effect/influence/impact n。
    59.【答案】is nt up t standard at all
    【解析】根据中英文对照可知,英文句子缺少“一点也不合格”, all意为“一点也不”,be up t standard意为“合格”;根据“at present”可知,时态是一般现在时,主语The quality f sme starch sausage表示单数,be动词应用is。故填is nt up t standard at all。
    60.【答案】hw lng the girl has been in lve with
    【解析】根据中英文对照可知,英文句子缺少“这个女孩爱上……多久了”;hw lng“多久”,the girl“这个女孩”,be in lve with“爱上”(表示状态);分析英文句子可知,空格处是宾语从句,宾语从句要采用陈述语序;根据语境可知,从句时态应用现在完成时,结构是:have/has+动词过去分词,从句主语the girl表示单数,助动词应用has,be变成过去分词been。故填hw lng the girl has been in lve with。
    61.【答案】I’ve grwn up
    Hw time flies! I’m nt a little child any mre. Lking back t my past three years in junir schl, my life was full f ups and dwns. I’ve grwn up by dealing with different situatins. Nw, I’d like t share my stry with yu.
    I used t be a shy girl. Hwever, I was nce chsen t make a speech in frnt f the whle schl. I felt excited as well as wrried. Befre the speech, I checked my article carefully and asked my teacher fr help. Finally, I made my speech carefully and wn high praise frm my classmates and teachers.
    Since then, I have been interested in writing and speaking. Whenever I am asked t give a speech, I will try my best. I think it is very imprtant t take an active part in schl activities. I can learn a lt frm different activities and I am mre cnfident nw.
    ①be chsen t d sth.被选中做某事
    ②be interested in对……感兴趣
    ③take an active part in积极参加
    ①Whenever I am asked t give a speech, I will try my best. (whenever引导的时间状语从句)
    ②I think it is very imprtant t take an active part in schl activities. (宾语从句)
    Create small gardens
    Create gardens in the schl
    First, students were asked t find their favrite place at schl and try nt t think abut 1 .
    Then, they were 2 t rganize their gardens. They caught my 3 with their creative gardens.
    4 they ften had n time fr nature, these children tk great interest when creating their gardens.
    Create gardens inside yur mind
    Yu shuld spend time with nature yurself.
    Yu will get 5 if yu create yur wn garden inside yur mind.

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