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    1.The meal was ________ special—just fish with a tmat sauce.
    A. anythingB. nthingC. everythingD. smething
    2.When yu finish reading the nvel, yu will have ________ understanding f life.
    A. a betterB. the betterC. a bestD. the best
    3.It’s nt yur talents but yur effrts that decide ________ yu are, guys.
    A. hwB. whC. whichD. when
    4.— My shwer is brken, and I’ll call custmer service later. — Really? Are yu sure yu ________ put it in?
    A. carefullyB. simplyC. smthlyD. prperly
    5.It ________ Jia Ling has becme ne f the mst successful female directrs.
    A. is turned utB. turns utC. is carried utD. carries ut
    6.During the ________ f the cnversatin, I realized that the interviewee had been in prisn.
    A. directinB. curseC. prgressD. frm
    7.—I’ve tld yu many times yu ________ put the vase n the table. The kids may knck it ver. —Srry, I wn’t d it again.
    A. wuldn’tB. mustn’tC. culdn’tD. needn’t
    8.My left ft was badly hurt in the accident, and the pain ________ until I culdn’t walk any lnger.
    A. rseB. raisedC. increasedD. added
    9.We were surprised t see that mst f the buildings came ________ the fld withut falling dwn.
    A. verB. againstC. thrughD. beynd
    10.What a ht day! Fd will g bad quickly ________ we put it int the fridge.
    A. befreB. althughC. whileD. unless
    11.Hey, Julie! It’s yu! I didn’t expect yu ________ ver. What a nice surprise!
    A. cameB. have cmeC. wuld cmeD. will cme
    12.—Millie is wrried abut her brther wh has jined the medical team t Africa. —He is s brave! I wnder ________.
    A. hw lng he has been t Africa
    B. hw sn he will return frm Africa
    C. hw many times he has been in Africa
    D. whether he has gne t Africa befre
    13.—My brther is als ging t jin us in helping the hmeless. —Great! ________.
    A. Actins speak luder than wrds
    B. Where there is a will, there is a way
    C. Many hands make light wrk
    D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
    14.—Mr Smith, wuld yu please spare me a few minutes? I still have sme questins abut the agreement. —________.
    A. It’s a pleasureB. Never mind
    C. Sure, g aheadD. Help yurself, please
    A few years ag, I tk a sightseeing trip t Lndn. I saw many f ur natin’s treasures, and I als saw a lt f ur fellw cuntrymen in the streets— 15 peple like beggars and hmeless men. Standing n the Oxfrd street, I heard a vice say, “Can yu help me?” When I turned arund, I saw an elderly blind wman with her hand held ut. Naturally, I 16 int my pcket, pulled ut all f my change and placed it in her hand withut even lking at her. I felt unhappy t be 17 by a beggar. But the blind wman smiled and said, “I dn’t want yur mney. I just need help t find the pst ffice.” In a secnd, I realized what I had dne. I’d judged anther persn 18 fr what I suppsed she was. I felt a sense f 19 when I realized this. This event brught back my belief. I believed that I shuld never lk dwn upn thers, althugh I’d lst that 20 fr a mment. The thing had frgtten abut myself that I came frm anther cuntry. I left India and arrived in Britain at the age f 15. I started my new life with tw suitcases, my brther, my sister and a strng mther. Thrugh the years, I have been a dishwasher, cashier, mechanic and pizza delivery driver amng many ther jbs, and finally I became a netwrk engineer. S far, in my wn life, I have 21 many acts f being lked dwn upn by thers. I remember a time, at age 17, I was a busby, and I heard a father tell his little by that if he did nt d well at schl, he wuld end up like me. But nw, living in my Britain middle-class lifestyle, it is t easy t frget my 22 , t frget wh I am and where I have been, and t lse sight f where I want t g. That blind wman n the street f Lndn cured my blindness 23 . She reminded me t always keep my eyes and heart pen. I really thank her fr the priceless 24 that she gave me. By the way, I helped that lady t the pst ffice.
    15.A. impliteB. unluckyC. unfriendlyD. inactive
    16.A. searchedB. reachedC. putD. gt
    17.A. askedB. helpedC. trubledD. saved
    18.A. exactlyB. hardlyC. quicklyD. simply
    19.A. shameB. guiltyC. angerD. pride
    20.A. causeB. ideaC. dreamD. belief
    21.A. experiencedB. acceptedC. survivedD. prevented
    22.A. futureB. pastC. purpseD. life
    23.A. carefullyB. patientlyC. successfullyD. suddenly
    24.A. excuseB. lessnC. lifeD. jb
    wrd bank: insurance保险 cruise航海 qute报价 premium 保险费 swine flu 甲流 discunt 折扣
    25.The picture abve is a(an) ________.
    A. cmic stripB. advertisementC. reprtD. guide
    26.If yu have this travel insurance, what advantage can yu enjy?
    A. Free treatment fr any disease.B. Swine flu vaccine (疫苗).
    C. Experts fr travelling n sea.D. Medical emergency supprt.
    27.What can we learn frm the picture?
    A. We can call 08081962118 fr the premium.
    B. Everyne can get 20% ff f the premium.
    C. We can g gdtginsurance.cm t ask fr a discunt.
    D. We can’t enjy a discunt until 30 Jun, 2024.
    The Right Electric Bike fr YuThe bicycle fever is back, but this time it has gne electric. Accrding t NPD Grup which tracks the bicycle industry, electric bike sales have mre than dubled since 2019. And their ppularity is still n the rise. Cnfirm yur need and pick the electric bike that’s best fr yu.
    28.Which magazine is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. Techlife News.B. Strength & Fitness.
    C. Hw It Wrks.D. Custmer Reprts.
    29.Which is mst suitable fr smene wh wants t challenge lng-distance turs?
    A. Swagtrn EB5.B. Specialized Turb.
    C. RadWagn 4.D. Ancheer EM.
    30.What can we learn abut the electric bikes?
    A. Designs f electric bikes are based n travel purpses.
    B. Electric bikes are mre ppular than cmmn bikes.
    C. Riders f these electric bikes put speed in the first place.
    D. The trend f electric bikes replacing cars can’t be prevented.
    “Smebdy just died,” my daughter Katy begins.
    “Smebdy was just brn,” I answer, smiling.
    “Smebdy is crying,” she replies.
    “Smebdy is laughing.”
    This is ur game. It’s ur secret way f being amazed at the cmplexity (复杂性) f the wrld. I was reminded f ur game yesterday as Mlly, my 15-year-ld pet dg, lay beside me. Mlly was mre than a pet. She was part f me. But she was dying.
    Mlly was given t me as a puppy a few mnths after I cmpleted my exams in cllege and has been by my side ever since. But when I tk her ut the ther day, she started t walk slwly and then fell dwn.
    “She’s getting ready t g,” I bravely tld my husband.
    One day, I walked dwn t the stream t think. As I lked arund, I thught that the magic f a frest is nt all abut the green leaves r clrful plants. It is the decay (腐朽) that makes the clr stand ut.
    Katy’s game rang in my mind. Smething is decaying, I thught, smething is grwing, I thught …
    We chse t keep Mlly at hme. We didn’t want t make her last trip uneasy at the vet’s. Our task was t keep her be with us and make sure she was cmfrtable.
    I wanted t be by her side. If I tried t leave the kitchen, she struggled t pick up her head t find me. S, I stayed.
    My kitchen became like the frest, like Katy’s game. Smebdy was crying. Smebdy was cking. Smebdy was dying.
    Mlly lifted up her head with a sudden jerk (猝然一动). I drpped the cup I was hlding and rushed t her. I tk hld f Mlly and placed my fingers ver her beating heart. I kept them there, feeling her pulse, until it stpped. I didn’t beg her t stay. That wuld have been silly.
    That desn’t mean I didn’t cry, thugh. The girls hugged me, mre frightened by my sadness than by the lss f the dg.
    “Mmmy! Say yu’ll be happy again.” Katy cried.
    I tk my hands frm Mlly and put them arund Katy’s balled fists.
    “Remember the game?” I whispered quietly. “Where smetimes smebdy’s happy and smebdy else is sad?”
    She ndded.
    “Right nw, it’s my turn t be sad. And yu just have t let me be. But that desn’t mean I’ll never be happy, kay?”
    Fr nw, I’m just smebdy wh’s sad. Smebdy wh cries. Smebdy wh lves. Maybe tmrrw, r the day after, I’ll be smebdy wh laughs.
    31.What des the writer mean by saying “It is the decay that makes the clr stand ut.”?
    A. The decay makes the frest mre clrful.
    B. Bth clrful and decayed plants are imprtant t a frest.
    C. The sadder she feels, the mre she lves her dg.
    D. Smething dying culd als mean that smething is grwing.
    32.Hw did Katy feel when she cried t say “Mmmy! Say yu’ll be happy again.”?
    A. Shamed.B. Sad.C. Wrried.D. Surprised.
    33.Why des the writer write this article?
    A. T argue that pets can be very clse friends t humans.
    B. T explain the cmplexity f the wrld thrugh her wn experience.
    C. T tell stries between her and her pet dg.
    D. T shw that human’s emtins are difficult t understand.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) can d many different things. Frm cntrlling the lights in ur hmes t helping us rder pizzas, it seems there aren’t many mre uses fr AI than we already have. Hwever, can AI make music like human beings?
    Thanks t a team f Swiss scientists, AI may sn be able t cme up with music especially fr us. Researchers at the Ecle Plytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have created a cmputer algrithm (算法), the “Deep Artificial Cmpser” (DAC), which can create riginal music all by itself.
    Flrian Clmb, an EPFL scientist wh helped create the DAC, said that AI culd prduce cmplete meldies (旋律), with a beginning and an end.
    At present, the DAC is nly able t prduce several pieces f traditinal Irish flk music, but it’s hped that it will be able t create sngs based n any type f music in the end.
    T “teach” the DAC, the scientists trained it t “listen” t ver 2,000 different flk sngs. Based n this input (输入), the AI taught itself hw t cmpse music, frm getting the pitch (高音) and timing right, t chsing the right ntes.
    This prcess is still in its early stages, with the DAC still nt prducing perfect results, but Clmb tld AFP that the AI’s music is still “quite pleasant t listen t.”
    While the idea sunds very hpeful, we shuldn’t expect the DAC t replace real-life cmpsers any time sn. Accrding t Clmb, the system was designed t prduce nly simple meldies. S far, it can nly create sngs based n a single instrument.
    Clmb said that his purpse in creating the DAC was t help peple create their wn music, nt t have it made fr them. His exciting new ideas came frm Austrian cmpser Wlfgang Mzart. It’s said that he used t thrw dice (掷骰子) t help him pick which ntes t use when making new music.
    “ A gd cmpser with creative ideas will never be replaced by an algrithm.” Clmb tld AFP.
    34.What can be learned frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. AI has been used in mre places than we already knw.
    B. AI has already cmpsed music fr peple.
    C. DAC was created by a grup f scientists in Switzerland.
    D. DAC was refused by sme cmpsers.
    35.What des the underlined wrd “itself” refer t?
    A. A rbt.B. The EPFL.C. A cmpser.D. The DAC.
    36.Accrding t the passage, we can infer that the scientists _________.
    A. expect the DAC t replace gd cmpsers
    B. are amazed at the meldies made by the DAC
    C. are nt satisfied with the system f the DAC
    D. have achieved their purpse f creating the DAC
    37.Which is the best title fr this passage?
    A. Clmb Helped Create the DAC
    B. AI Cmpsers VS Human Cmpsers
    C. AI—A Gd Assistant fr Cmpsers
    D. The DAC Changes the Way f Cmpsing
    38.I’m ne f thse peple wh ften jined in sme class r ther. I find that I d better in learning sme tpics in a classrm envirnment than n my wn. Here are sme skills that I highly recmmend yu t cnsider:
    Writing: While imprving yur writing can smetimes just be a matter f practice, it’s very easy t create bad grammatical habits withut a teacher’s guidance. Yu prbably dn’t need a degree (学位) in creative writing t help yu with yur wrk, but even a shrt class with a teacher wh can review yur wrk can make yur written cmmunicatins s much better.
    A secnd language: Althugh there are many nline curses t teach a secnd language, it’s certain that in-persn instructin is effective. S why nt take a class? Cnsidering the increasing ppulatin f the US, as well as ther cuntries, knwing a secnd language can make a wrld f difference, whether yu’re wrking fr a bss r yu have yur wn business.
    Emergency (突发事件) management: Peple with degrees in emergency management are having less difficulty finding jbs right nw than ther jb hunters. That’s because the ability t deal with any kind f emergency prperly is prized. Even a single first aid class can make a wrld a difference.
    Shp class f any type: Many schls’ shp classes have ended, s it’s harder t learn the skills necessary t use tls, fix cars and deal with ther cmmn situatins. Visiting the mechanics (技工) can be as gd as having such classes. Yu can als get t learn hw t use a number f tls withut having t buy them all yurself.
    Sme Skills Might Be Wrth Ging t Classes fr
    39.Excuse me, may I ________ (停车) my car in frnt f yur shp?
    40.I was s busy that I ________ (完全地)frgt that it is my birthday tday.
    41.Pelé, the _________ (唯一的) ftball player in histry t win three Wrld Cups, died n December 29, 2022.
    42.Each child had t give a shrt ________ (演说) t the rest f the class.
    43.Breathing ________(heavy), I stpped and sat dwn t rest.
    44.There’s still a lng way t g befre yu ________ (success).
    45.T tell the ________ (true), The Little Prince is a gd read fr teenagers.
    46.The hpe fr_______ (last) peace has always been in the hearts f all the Chinese peple.
    47.Mre and mre yung peple are used t ________ (recrd) their daily life thrugh shrt vides.
    48.The dress ________ (feel) sft and cmfrtable and I like it very much.
    49.—My feelings fr yu have nt changed, hney!—But yu have changed. In fact, yu are nt as yu ________ (be).
    50.What a pity it was ________ (see) Xia Ni fail the magic during the 2024 Spring Festival Gala!
    51.My heart was in my muth! He came quite clse t where I ________ (hide).
    52.Peple are happy with the price f the huses because it ________ (cntrl) very well.
    53.— Tm, why are yu always leaving all yur things in such a mess?— Srry, mum. I __________ (tidy) it up at nce.
    54.We are happy t see that mre than ne student ________ (deal) with the hard prblem withut anyne’s help.
    55.请帮我接通客服部,我想找人修我的洗衣机。Please __________________________ t the Custmer Service Department. I want t have my washing machine repaired.
    56.由于老板的严格要求,该公司的员工始终高标准工作。The emplyees f this cmpany always _____________________________ because f the bss’s strict requirement.
    57.贾玲在《热辣滚烫》中的成功一定和她的努力有关。Jia Ling’s success in her film YOLO_______________________________ her effrts.
    58.Lucy对作曲如此有天赋,很顺利就考上了中央音乐学院。Lucy __________________________ making up music that she successfully entered Central Cnservatry f Music.
    59.尽管他落在同学们后面一段时间了,但是他一旦认真起来,就会追上来。____________________ fr sme time, but he will catch up with them nce he gets serius.
    60.我听说这对兄弟上学期尽管很努力,但都没有引起教练的注意。太遗憾了!I hear that ____________________ f by the cach last term, thugh they practised very hard. What a pity!
    61.时光荏苒,转眼又是毕业季了,在这即将结束的三年学习生涯中,有很多事情值得我们铭记一辈子,尤其是同学们之间珍贵的友谊。学校将举行“晓园杯”征文大赛,题目是“My friendship”。请描述你获得一段友谊的经过以及友谊对你产生的影响。
    1. 要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意;
    2. 词数100个左右,短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;
    3. 不得使用真实姓名、校名等;
    4. 短文必须写在答题卡指定的位置。
    My friendship
    Friendship is ne f the mst valuable things in the wrld. Friends can help yu when yu get int truble. Friends always cheer yu up when yu feel sad.
    考查代词辨析。anything任何事物/事情;nthing没有什么;everything每件事,一切;smething某物,某事。根据“just fish with a tmat sauce”可知,此处的语气表示没有什么特别的,使用nthing。故选B。
    考查比较级和冠词的用法。根据“When yu finish reading the nvel, yu will f life.”可知,此处暗含比较含义,读完小说会有更好的理解,用比较级,排除CD;此处表示泛指,用不定冠词,故选A。
    考查宾语从句。hw怎么;wh谁;which哪一个;when什么时候。根据“It’s nt yur talents but yur effrts”可知应是努力决定了你们是谁,wh引导了一个宾语从句,故选B。
    考查单词辨析。carefully仔细地;simply简单地;smthly顺利地;prperly正确地。根据句意以及“安装put in”可知,此处是问“是否正确地安装了淋浴器”。故选D。
    考查语态和词组辨析。turn ut结果是,证明是,不用被动;carry ut执行。根据情境可知,此句表示“证明……事实”,应该使用“turn ut”,且用主动语态。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。directin方向;curse过程;prgress进步;frm类型。根据“I realized that the interviewee had been in prisn.”可知,此处应该指的是在谈话过程中。故选B。
    考查情态动词。wuldn’t将不;mustn’t禁止;culdn’t不能;needn’t不必。根据“I’ve tld yu many times the vase n the table”可知是禁止把花瓶放在桌子上,此处表示警告用mustn’t。故选B。
    考查动词辨析。rse上升;raised抬高;increased增加;added添加。根据“the I culdn’t walk any lnger”可知此处表示疼痛在增加,描述疼痛的程度在增加用increased,而add强调数量、体积、重要性方面有所增。故选C。
    考查介词辨析。ver在上方;against反对;thrugh度过;beynd超过。根据“mst f the buildings fld withut falling dwn”可知大多数建筑物没有倒塌,安然度过了洪水。故选C。
    考查连词辨析。befre在……之前;althugh尽管;while当……时候;unless除非。根据“we put it int the fridge.”可知空后表示否定的条件,用unless引导条件状语从句。故选D。
    考查时态。由“didn’t expect”可知,主句时态是一般过去时,则从句也应为过去时态。“来”的动作发生在将来,应为将来时,故空格处为过去将来时,结构是wuld d。故选C。
    考查宾语从句。hw lng he has been t Africa表述有误,应用has been in表示“在某地待了多长时间”;hw sn he’ll return frm Africa他多久能从非洲回来;hw many times she has been in Africa表述有误,应用has been t,表示“去过某地”;whether he has gne t Africa befre表述有误,用has been t,表示“是否去过某地”。ACD表述错误。故选B。
    考查谚语。Actins speak luder than wrds事实胜于雄辩;Where there is a will, there is a way有志者事竟成;Many hands make light wrk众人拾柴火焰高;A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情。根据“My brther is als ging t jin us in helping the hmeless.”可知,我哥哥也加入我们一起去帮助无家可归的人,说明众人拾柴火焰高。故选C。
    考查情景交际。It’s a pleasure别客气;Never mind没关系;Sure, g ahead当然,请说;Help yurself, please请自便。根据“wuld yu please spare me a few minutes? I still have sme questins abut the agreement”可知说话人想请教史密斯先生问题,回答答应了请求,用Sure, g ahead。故选C。
    implite不礼貌的;unlucky不幸的;unfriendly不友好的;inactive不活跃的。根据“peple like beggars and hmeless men.”可知是不幸的人,故选B。
    searched搜寻;reached到达;put放;gt得到。根据“int my pcket”可知是手伸进口袋,故选B。
    asked询问;helped帮助;trubled麻烦;saved拯救。根据“When I turned arund, I saw an elderly blind wman with her hand held ut.”可知是盲人麻烦了作者,伸手要钱,故选C。
    shame愧疚;guilty内疚;anger生气;pride骄傲。介词f后接名词,排除B;根据“I felt a sense f”可知是有一种愧疚感,故选A。
    cause原因;idea想法;dream梦想;belief信仰。根据“This event brught back my belief.”可知是曾丢失了信仰。故选D。
    experienced体验;accepted接受;survived存活;prevented阻止。根据“I remember a time, at age 17, I was a busby...”可知是体验了某种经历,故选A。
    future未来;past过去;purpse目的;life生活。根据“t frget wh I am and where I have been”可知是忘记自己的过去,故选B。
    carefully仔细地;patiently耐心地;successfully成功地;suddenly突然。根据“She reminded me t always keep my eyes and heart pen”可知是成功治愈了作者,让作者要敞开心扉,故选C。
    excuse借口;lessn课程;life生活;jb工作。根据“that she gave me.”可知是指瞎子女士给她上了一课,故选B。
    1. 细节理解题。从图文内容可知,主要介绍了旅游保险的服务内容、折扣、联系方式等,因此是一份广告。故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据图文中的“24 Hur Medical Emergency Supprt”可知提供24小时紧急医疗支援。故选D。
    3. 细节理解题。根据“SPECIAL OFFER FOR READERS DIGEST 20% OFF”可知读者文摘有优惠,故选项BC错误;根据“Discunt valid (有效的) until 30 Jun 2024”可知优惠有效期至2024年6月30号,选项D错误。故选A。
    1. 推理判断题。根据首段中“Accrding t NPD Grup which tracks the bicycle industry, electric bike sales have mre than dubled since2019.”可知,电动自行车的销量翻番,由此可推断,本文很可能是来自一份消费报告。故选D。
    2. 细节理解题。根据介绍Specialized Turb 内容中的“makes it pssible t cver lnger distances”以及“Riders wh are eager fr mre challenging cycling r want t extend the riding distance.”可知,这款电动自行车适合挑战长途旅行的骑手。故选B。
    3. 推理判断题。根据首段中最后一句话以及表格中“WHAT'S IT FOR?”可推断,电动自行车是基于出行目的设计的。故选A。
    1. 词句猜测题。根据后文“Katy’s game rang in my mind. Smething is decaying, I thught, smething is grwing, I thught…”可知,此句最可能的意思是“某种事物的死亡也可能意味着某种事物的成长”。故选D。
    2. 推理判断题。根据“‘Mmmy! Say yu’ll be happy again.‘ Katy cried.”可知,当她哭着说“妈妈!说你会重新快乐起来”时,凯蒂感到难过。故选B。
    3. 推理判断题。根据通读全文,结合“It’s ur secret way f being amazed at the cmplexity (复杂性) f the wrld.”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是通过自己的经历来解释世界的复杂性。故选B。
    【解析】【文章大意】本文主要介绍了瑞士的研究人员创造的深层人工智能作曲家 (DAC),它可以创造出原创音乐。
    1. 细节理解题。根据“Researchers at the Ecle Plytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have created a cmputer algrithm (算法), the ‘Deep Artificial Cmpser’ (DAC)”可知,是瑞士的研究人员创造的DAC。故选C。
    2. 词义猜测题。根据“Researchers at the Ecle Plytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have created a cmputer algrithm (算法), the ‘Deep Artificial Cmpser’ (DAC), which can create riginal music all by itself.”可知,瑞士的研究人员创造了DAC,它可以自己创造原创音乐,所以itself指代的是“The DAC”。故选D。
    3. 推理判断题。根据“Clmb said that his purpse in creating the DAC was t help peple create their wn music, nt t have it made fr them…It’s said that he used t thrw dice (掷骰子) t help him pick which ntes t use when making new music.”可知,此处以莫扎特为例讲述了他创造音乐时用掷骰子的方式选择音符,而科学家们创造DAC的目的就是帮助人们创造自己的音乐,所以可推知他们达到了自己的目的。故选D。
    4. 最佳标题题。本文主要讲述了可以创造出原创音乐的深层人工智能作曲家 (DAC),它可以帮助人们创造音乐,因此选项D“DAC改变了作曲的方式”符合文章内容。故选D。
    【解析】1. 通读全文可知,作者列举了四个课程的例子,并阐述了参加这四个课程的原因,此处应大写首字母。故填Reasns。
    2. 根据第二段“even a shrt class with a teacher wh can review yur wrk can make yur written cmmunicatins s much better”可知,短时间的课程老师不仅可以帮助我们复习,还可以提高我们的书面用语,imprve “提高”,符合语境,且在动词不定式后用动词原形。故填 imprve。
    3. 根据第三段“whether yu’re wrking fr a bss r yu have yur wn business”可知,学习第二外语是为了更好地为老板工作或者更好地做自己的生意;help sb. d sth.“帮助某人做某事”,空格处应用动词原形。故填wrk。
    4. ​​​​​​​根据第四段“Peple with degrees in emergency management are having less difficulty finding jbs right nw than ther jb hunters.”可知,拥有应急管理学位的人找工作的难度比其它求职者要小;easy的比较级easier符合语境。故填easier。
    5. 根据第五段“Yu can als get t learn hw t use a number f tls withut having t buy them all yurself.”可知,学习如何使用一些工具是不必购买它们的,这样可以省下钱,save mney“省钱”符合语境。故填mney。
    【解析】句意:我太忙了, 完全忘了今天是我的生日。根据汉语提示可知,空处填写cmpletely“完全地”,修饰动词frgt。故填cmpletely。
    【解析】句意:说实话,《小王子》是一本适合青少年阅读的好书。t tell the truth“说实话”,固定短语,故填truth。
    【解析】句意:越来越多的年轻人习惯于通过短视频记录自己的日常生活。此处表示“习惯于记录他们的生活”,用结构be used t ding。故填recrding。
    【解析】句意:这条裙子摸起来柔软舒适,我非常喜欢。此处描述客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是The dress,谓语动词用单三。故填feels。
    【解析】句意:——我对你的感情没有改变,亲爱的!——但你已经改变了。事实上,你并不像你过去一样。根据“But yu have changed.”可知,这里表示“不像过去那样了”,应用一般过去时,由于主语是yu,be动词用were。故填were。
    50.【答案】t see
    【解析】句意:2024年春晚,小尼妮魔术失败了,真是太可惜了。分析句子可知,横线上是不定式结构作真正的主语。故填t see。
    51.【答案】was hiding
    【解析】句意:我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了!他离我藏身的地方很近。结合语境可知,此处是指他走近我正在藏身的地方,时态应用过去进行时,其结构为was/were ding,主语为I,be动词用was,hide“躲藏”的现在分词为hiding。故填was hiding。
    52.【答案】is cntrlled
    【解析】句意:人们对房价很满意,因为它被控制得很好。分析句子可知,it代指价格,与动词cntrl之间是动宾关系,时态为一般现在时,所以是is cntrlled。故填is cntrlled。
    53.【答案】will tidy
    tidy adj. 整洁的&v. 使整洁,收拾。观察句子,这里应该是作谓语,要考虑时态与语态,“at nce立刻,马上”,并结合句意,应该是承诺妈妈马上去收拾东西,那么应该用一般将来时(will + v.原形),故答案为will tidy。
    54.【答案】has dealt
    【解析】句意:我们很高兴的看到不止一个学生在没有任何人的帮助下已经解决了这个困难的问题。根据语境可知,此处表示问题已经解决,用现在完成时,主语mre than ne表示单数,谓语动词用has。deal的过去分词是dealt。故填has dealt。
    55.【答案】put me thrugh
    【解析】根据中英文对照可知,空缺部分是“帮我接通”,句子是动词原形引导的祈使句,put thrugh“接通”,动词短语,此处“我”翻译为me,放于动词短语中间。故填put me thrugh。
    56.【答案】wrk t high standards
    【解析】根据中英文对照可知,wrk t“依照……办事”,句子是一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形;high“高的”;standard“标准”,可数名词,此处应用其复数形式standards表示泛指。故填wrk t high standards。
    57.【答案】is sure t depend n/must have smething t d with
    【解析】一定:be sure t d/must;句子描述客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是Jia Ling’s success,be动词用is;取决于:depend n;与……有关:have smething t d with。故填is sure t depend n/must have smething t d with。
    58.【答案】has a real gift fr/is s talented in
    【解析】根据中文意思可知本题考查短语have a gift fr/be talented in“在某方面有天赋”,gift“天赋”,名词,其前可加形容词real“真的”修饰,表示程度,talented“有天赋的”,形容词,其前可加副词s“如此”修饰,表示程度,且由语境可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语Lucy为第三人称单数,故填has a real gift fr/is s talented in。
    59.【答案】He has been behind his classmates
    【解析】he他,主格代词;be behind his classmates落在他同学们后面,表状态。分析句子可知,本句是含but的并列复合句;由fr sme time可知用现在完成时,he是单数第三人称,需用has dne结构;句首单词的首字母需大写,故填He has been behind his classmates。
    60.【答案】neither f the brthers was taken ntice
    【解析】对比中英文可知,空处缺少“两兄弟都没有引起……的注意”;根据“by the cach last term”可知,此处用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为was/were dne;neither f the brthers“两兄弟都没有”,作从句的主语,为第三人称单数,be动词用was;由空后介词f可知,take ntice f“注意到”,动词短语,take的过去分词为taken。故填neither f the brthers was taken ntice。
    61.【答案】My friendship
    Friendship is ne f the mst valuable things in the wrld. Friends can help yu when yu get int truble. Friends always cheer yu up when yu feel sad.
    My best friend is Lucy. Tw years ag, she came t my class. At that time I was a little fat and quiet, s I didn’t have any friends t talk with after class. Lucy talked with me when I was lnely. She tld me hw t walk ut f the difficulties. I tried t talk with the students arund me. We have been gd friends since then. I als became mre and mre utging with her help. In my eyes, she is always ready t help thers. We ften vlunteer t clean up the parks n weekends. I feel very prud f myself after we help thers.
    I will value ur friendship frever.
    ①talk with和某人说话
    ②be ready t d准备好做某事
    ③feel prud f为……感到自豪
    ①Lucy talked with me when I was lnely. (when引导的时间状语从句)
    ②She tld me hw t walk ut f the difficulties. (“疑问词+不定式”作宾语)
    It is very easy t create bad habits in grammar withut a teacher’s guidance.
    A shrt class is expected t 2 yur written cmmunicatins.
    A secnd language
    Taking instructin in classes is effective.
    It helps yu 3 fr a bss r run yur wn business.
    Emergency management
    The ability t deal with emergency is prized s it’s 4 fr peple with certain degrees t find jbs.
    It’s necessary t have smene full f experience teach yu.
    Shp classes
    Many schls dn’t have shp classes.
    Learning frm smene wh has a number f tls saves yur 5
    Visiting the mechanics is helpful and necessary.

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