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    Rich in culture and rted in traditin,winter in Budapest here nt nly feels like a fairytale,it lks like ne,t.Here are fur tp things t d in Budapest during the winter.
    ● City Park Ice Rink (滑冰场)
    Budapest's City Park Ice Rink is by far the mst famus skating destinatin in the regin.Skaters flded t the rink each winter between late Nvember and mid February.First pened in 1870,this ice rink is ne f the ldest and largest in Eurpe.It's filled up with water during the summer mnths.It serves as a bating lake fr turists lking t bike arund while bathing in the sun.
    ● Spas and thermal baths
    Budapest is quite rightly nicknamed the "City f Spas".The baths f here are astnishingly beautiful,which are famus fr their relaxing and medicinal benefits Taking a dip in the famus baths during winter is an experience like n ther.Jumping frm ne indr pl t the utside bathing area is a memrable and pleasurable experience.
    ● Hungarian State Opera Huse
    The Hungarian State Opera Huse is clsed fr renvatins (翻新).Hwever,visitrs can still see parts f it via (通过) guided turs.The Hungarian State Opera Huse,which was cmpleted in 1884,remains exactly the same as that when it was cnstructed.Each year thusands f visitrs arrived in Budapest t take in the sheer (十足的) beauty f the pera huse,while the lucky nes are able t secure a ticket fr a shw.
    ● Andrassy Avenue and Fashin Street
    Shpping in Budapest during winter is a magical experience.Andrassy Avenue and Fashin Street are tw f its mst ppular turist destinatins at any time f year.Cvered with thusands f lights,the tree-lined avenue cmes t life during the winter mnths,ffering up many attractins.The shps here are usually pen frm 10 9 the winter mnths.
    1.What des City Park Ice Rink act as in summer? ______
    A. A relaxing pl.B. A bating lake.
    C. A thermal bath.D. A fashin street.
    2.What can visitrs d in Hungarian State Opera Huse if they have a ticket? ______
    A. Enjy a shw.B. Take a swim.
    C. Have a guided tur.D. Perfrm an pera.
    3.What brings life t the tree-lined avenue during the winter mnths? ______
    A. Turist center.B. Opera huse.C. Lights.D. Shps.
    ByteDance's Duyin has been trialing a fd delivery service since December as it lks t expand its business beynd advertising.It ptentially cmpetes itself against majr e-cmmerce cmpanies like Alibaba and Meituan.And the cmpany is nw cnsidering extending the service beynd the trial.
    A Duyin spkespersn says that the cmpany has been "testing a feature in Beijing,Shanghai and Chengdu that enables merchants (商人) t prmte and sell 'grup-buying' packages t Duyin users in these select cities and have them delivered".Restaurant wners ften livestream n Duyin t market their business.While ding this,they can ffer discunts and cupns (优惠券) fr their fd t users watching the vides.Multiple users can then purchase that ffer mainly and chse a time within tw days fr the fd t arrive.The mdel is very different frm Meituan and Alibaba's Ele.me which are bth n-demand fd delivery services.
    The digital giant has apprached restaurant wners and fd enterprises in the three cities t prmte their dishes n the app.Duyin states that the success f the trial run will determine whether the in-app meal delivery service will be expanded t ther cities. "We wuld cnsider expanding the feature t mre cities in the future depending n the testing results.There is n detailed timeline yet," a Duyin spkespersn says.
    China's fd delivery industry is dminated by Meituan and has fewer fd buying ptins than Meituan and ByteDance's tentative (暂定的) steps int the market suggest it wants a slice f the market.Majr e-cmmerce platfrms are getting int the fd delivery business.
    One Weib pst reads, "Mre platfrms culd be advantageus fr bth fd business wners and regular cnsumers." Users think the cmpetitin will help registered vendrs (销售商) and users because custmers will have mre ptins and fd business wners can use the platfrm that charges the lwest service fee.
    4.What des Duyin want t d? ______
    A. Expand its market in tested cities.
    B. Get int the fd delivery industry.
    C. Gain cntrl ver Meituan and Ele.me.
    D. Livestream t sell grup-buying packages.
    5.What may mst attract users t buy fd frm Duyin accrding t the text? ______
    A. Fast and n-demand delivery time.
    B. Excellent after-sales service.
    C. Wnderful and effective live stream.
    D. Shp wners' discunts and cupns.
    6.What can we learn frm the text? ______
    A. Ele.me has less fd chices than Duyin.
    B. Duyin is expecting t ccupy its share in the market.
    C. Detailed timeline has been made by the digital cmpany.
    D. Ordered fd can be delivered by Meituan within a week.
    7.What's peple's attitude twards Duyin in the last paragraph? ______
    A. Supprtive.B. Demanding.C. Intlerant.D. Cncerned.
    Fr the rapidly decreasing number f Americans wh've never heard f pickleball,the little-knwn pickleball game is ne f America's fastest-grwing sprts.
    Invented in 1965 by three middle-aged fathers in Washingtn state,pickleball is an dd crss amng tennis,ping-png and badmintn,played with a paddle and a perfrated (穿孔的) plastic ball.The funders are said t have named the game after a family dg called Pickles.
    Mst f pickleball's cre players — thse wh play mre than eight times per year — are ver age 65,but the game is getting yunger,with the strngest grwth amng players under 55,accrding t USA Pickleball.But with s many new players,the US is struggling t keep up with the demand fr curts.The cuntry has nly abut 10,000 places t play,by USA Pickleball's cunt,but that cntinues t grw by several dzen every mnth.
    Pickleball is als fast becming a spectatr sprt (观赏性运动).Its first prfessinal turnament,the Prfessinal Pickleball Assciatin (PPA) Tur,was frmed in 2018 and the prfessinal players are being able t really becme celebrities and sptlights.Traditinal bradcasters' interest in the sprt is grwing.S far,pickleball fans can watch amateur and prfessinal matches n sprts r scial channels,mstly nline.
    "The ability fr a sprt t find an audience quickly via scial media is unprecedented (前所未有的)," says Ben Shields,wh lectures at MIT's Slan Schl f Management and studies the sprts industry.Shields adds that pickleball still needs a famus star t draw in wider audiences,as has been the key t success fr ther sprts leagues — that als started with grassrts and unusual names. "I think if pickleball,in its wn humble way,can cntinue t grw its participatin and find ways t make the sprt an appealing fan prduct,wh knws,10,r 20 years,it culd be a big cmpetitr in the glbal sprts industry."
    8.What d we knw abut the pickleball game frm the text? ______
    A. It was named after a dg.
    B. It was ppular amng yung kids.
    C. It's a crss between tennis and vlleyball.
    D. It was invented by three rdinary wmen.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "that" in paragraph 3 refer t? ______
    A. The playing time.B. The frm f matches.
    C. The number f curts.D. The participatin rate.
    10.Which best describes "a famus star" t pickleball accrding t Ben Shields? ______
    A. Humble.B. Inflexible.C. Harmful.D. Influential.
    11.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. The Histry f Pickleball
    B. The Grwing Ppularity f Pickleball
    C. The Rise and Fall f Pickleball
    D. The Rules f Playing Pickleball
    Nthing earns attentin like rarity.In the natural wrld,rarity is mst clearly represented by the last members f a declining species.These scarce (稀有) plants and animals are extremely valuable;they represent the final hpe fr preventing extinctin.The effrts tward cnserving rare species have made an enrmus difference.In the past few decades,declines f many endangered plants and animals have been reversed (逆转).But the attentin t scarcity culd cme at the expense f verlking the rdinary.
    If we are t cnserve nature,we must maintain ur fcus n the familiar.Increasingly,cnservatin is turning its sights in this directin — t safeguard what is cmmn,nt just what is rare.
    There are gd reasns t cnsider the cmmn.A study f Nrth American birds uncvered that we have lst three billin birds n this cntinent within the past tw generatins.
    These declines include species nce cnsidered widespread and secure,like the cmmn redpll,whse numbers are dwn by 29 millin and the cmmn nighthawk,dwn by 26 millin.The shcking lsses are a reminder that the mark f a species in truble is nt rarity,but rate f decline.
    Ntably,the shifts in abundance f cmmn species can translate int sizeable shifts in ecsystem functining.One caribu herd (北美驯鹿群),numbering in the hundreds f thusands,remves millins f kilgrams f fd fr animals every year and returns nutrients t the sil in the frm f millins f kilgrams f animal wastes.
    The value f cmmn species is nt just eclgical and ecnmic,but psychlgical.Study after study demnstrates that encunters with the natural wrld imprve ur mental state.Lsing familiar species — whether birds in ur backyard r butterflies n ur drstep — is likely t shrink (收缩) such pprtunities fr engagement.
    Rarity will always ccupy a significant place in cnservatin.But in ur pursuit fr a sustainable and bidiverse future,we must avid "the extinctin f cmmnness".
    12.What is the purpse f the first paragraph? ______
    A. T make a survey.B. T ffer a suggestin.
    C. T intrduce the tpic.D. T prvide an example.
    13.What des the example f bird study suggest accrding t the text? ______
    A. Species lss balances the ecsystem.
    B. Birds prduce many nutrients t the sil.
    C. Species rate f decline aruses peple's cncern.
    D. Birds are described as widespread and secure animals.
    14.What can we cnclude frm the passage? ______
    A. Rarity matters mst in cnservatin.
    B. Familiar species shuldn't be ignred.
    C. Bidiversity results in the extinctin f cmmnness.
    D. Peple's physical state shrinks fr the sustainable develpment.
    15.Where is this text mst prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A news reprt.B. A health clumn.
    C. A bilgy magazine.D. A travel brchure.
    Micrplastics are fund almst everywhere in fd,drinking water,csmetics (化妆品),husehld prducts. (1) ______ .Hwever,there are steps we can take t minimize ur micrplastic intake.
    Aviding reheating takeaway fd in plastic bxes
    Any time plastic cntainers are heated,chemical changes in the material mean it can leach (渗入) micr-particles int yur fd.If yu can't avid the takeaway bxes,try nt t reheat fd in them when having leftvers. (2) ______ .
    Emplying a glass water bttle instead f a plastic ne
    Canadian research frm 2019 fund that bttled water cntains 22 times mre micrplastics than tap water,meaning smene wh nly drinks bttled water wuld take in 130,000 mre particles a year,cmpared t 4,000 frm tap water. (3) ______ .They als suggest filling it with water that has gne thrugh a reverse smsis filter (反渗透过滤器) which can help t remve the micrplastics in tap water.
    (4) ______
    The heat f the cffee will encurage the plastic t leach int yur drink.Instead,bring a reusable glass r metal cup fr takeaways r cnsider drinking yur cffee in a cafe.It is bth envirnmentally-friendly and gd fr health.
    Stpping chewing n the end f pens
    ( 5) ______ .Put away r stp purchasing baby chewing tys r dummies (玩偶) which are particularly harmful because they g in the muth.Similarly,a researcher recmmends that adults stp chewing n the end f pens.
    A.Using metal r glass cffee cups
    B.Aviding using plastic material n ht fd
    C.Remember:d place them in a nn-plastic plate
    D.Experts recmmend using a glass bttle when yu're n the g
    E.It's almst impssible t get rid f plastic frm ur mdern lives
    F.Whatever yu eat,never put it in a plastic cntainer cnsidering heath
    G.Experts suggest lking at ther surces f plastic in yur children's lives
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    When wrking in persn,mst f us have a natural understanding f nn-verbal (非语言的) signals.That is t say,all the ways in which we (1) ______ wrk ut withut wrds.
    ( 2) ______ ,in the digital wrkspace,this kind f cmmunicatin can seem less (3) ______ .Many wrk (4) ______ nw happen via nline chats,and even vide meetings can g ahead with cameras ff.
    Parts f nn-verbal cmmunicatin have always (5) ______ utside face-t-face interactin,f curse.Fr example,these unnticeable (6) ______ culd begin with a prfile picture n yur CV (简历);even deciding whether r nt t add an emji (表情图标) in a wrk grup chat can change the (7) ______ f the interactin.
    Yet the new wrkplace shift in where and hw we wrk has (8) ______ the wrld f nn-verbal cmmunicatin greatly.Fr instance,in vide calls,backgrunds can give all srts f nn-verbal (9) ______ abut c-wrkers' lifestyles,( 10) ______ and level f prfessinalism.Let's say if a c-wrker psitins the camera belw the chin (下巴),( 11) ______ thers t lk up,yu begin t dislike him r her,almst (12) ______ .Indeed,data have shwn that during vide calls,factrs like camera angles,distance frm the camera and ability t make eye cntact all (13) ______ hw likeable peple are nticed t be.
    In a new wrld where (14) ______ wrking is rapidly develping,being willing t engage nn-verbally makes it (15) ______ t understand thers and t be understd.
    21.A. uniteB. cmmunicateC. recgnizeD. cperate
    22.A. BesidesB. HweverC. OtherwiseD. Therefre
    23.A. imprtantB. separableC. adventurusD. flexible
    24.A. cnditinsB. cnversatinsC. seatsD. paces
    25.A. survivedB. prvedC. transfrmedD. existed
    26.A. signalsB. mapsC. jurneysD. articles
    27.A. milestneB. analysisC. feelD. study
    28.A. quittedB. expandedC. failedD. reduced
    29.A. infrmatinB. changeC. applicatinD. cncern
    30.A. meetingsB. suggestinsC. interestsD. vides
    31.A. inspiringB. frcingC. permittingD. warning
    32.A. cntinuuslyB. willinglyC. carefullyD. instantly
    33.A. impactB. accmplishC. reprtD. harm
    34.A. diligentB. crazyC. remteD. abstract
    35.A. easierB. harder
    C. mre traditinalD. mre exciting
    36.I,as a BBC fd writer,traveled China last year.Then I fell in lve with hairy crab (螃蟹),which is ne f (1) ______ mst prized Chinese dishes.Hairy crabs are nly available in the fall,starting (2) ______ late September t early Octber,and (3) ______ (end) arund Nvember.Supplies are limited and Chinese cnsumers spend a lt n gd-quality crabs btained frm particular rivers.
    Hairy crabs' flesh is well-knwn fr its (4) ______ ( sweet).Als f value is the crabs' glden re,which is creamy and delicius.Female crabs are mre prized (5) ______ male crabs because they cntain much mre re and are believed (6) ______ ( taste) sweeter.
    Traditinally,the recipe fr hairy crabs(7) ______ ( be) simple—the crabs are steamed and then eaten with a sauce (调味汁).They pair (8) ______ ( excellent) with huangjiu,a Chinese liqur (酒) made frm fermented (发酵) grains.There are eight different tls used t prcess the hairy crabs,each (9) ______ (design) fr specific parts.It is a mark f art,and in fact a shw f skill t be able t eat crabs withut cracking the bnes.
    Many restaurants are nw ffering t d the wrk fr yu,and will bring yu the ready-prcessed nes.It's surprising (10) ______ great hairy crabs are after yu've remved the bstacle (障碍物) when eating them.
    38.We mved t a small seaside cmmunity in New Zealand 10 years ag,because my husband Phil wrked as a bilgist and he had t d research near the sea.I had seen seals (海豚) arund Pilt Bay,which is near here.Smetimes yu see them ut n the rcks,sunning themselves r playing-but usually in their wn territry.They never thught abut disturbing their neighbrs.
    It was a dark winter mrning in August this year when a seal came.At 5:50 a.m.,I left the huse t g fitness training.I went dwn t the car parked in the driveway and heard a grwl (咆哮).I thught ur cat,Cc,must have chased a dg under the car.I jumped int the car t avid getting my ankles bitten,and mved slwly,but then I felt the car hit smething.When I gt ut t have a lk,I culdn't see anything and thught it must have mved n.Then when I gt back int my seat,I saw a baby seal in the headlights.
    I thught,Oh,my Gd, "but didn't panic—the cean is just dwn the driveway and I thught it wuld find its way back.Off I went t the training center and gave everyne there a laugh when I said, "Srry I'm late;there was a seal under the car." I didn't think abut it again until I gt hme.As I walked thrugh the garage (车库),I nticed ur baskets had been mved.I wndered if it was the seal,but then I guessed it culd nt be the seal because I didn't think it culd fit thrugh the cat dr,which was the nly way int the garage.But I was wrng.As I pened the dr t the huse,I brushed smething and heard this flip-flip-flip-flip sund,and thught, "My Gd,that is the seal."
    It was s cute like a lvely sft ty.______
    We called Animal Prtectin Statin,and a wrker came ver.______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段It serves as a bating lake fr turists lking t bike arund while bathing in the sun.(它是一个划船湖,供游客在阳光下骑自行车游览。)可知,城市公园溜冰场在夏天是作为一个划船湖。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第四段Each year thusands f visitrs arrived in Budapest t take in the sheer (十足的) beauty f the pera huse,while the lucky nes are able t secure a ticket fr a shw.(每年都有成千上万的游客来到布达佩斯欣赏歌剧院的美景,幸运的人还能买到演出的门票。)可知,如果游客有票,他们可以在匈牙利国家歌剧院看演出。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段Cvered with thusands f lights,the tree-lined avenue cmes t life during the winter mnths,ffering up many attractins.(在冬季的几个月里,这条绿树成荫的大道被成千上万的灯覆盖着,变得生机勃勃,提供了许多景点。)可知,冬日里灯光给这条林荫大道带来了生机。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段ByteDance's Duyin has been trialing a fd delivery service since December as it lks t expand its business beynd advertising.It ptentially cmpetes itself against majr e-cmmerce cmpanies like Alibaba and Meituan.(字节跳动旗下的抖音自去年12月以来一直在试用一项送餐服务,希望将业务扩展到广告之外。它可能会与阿里巴巴和美团等大型电子商务公司竞争)可知,抖音想进入外卖行业。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段While ding this,they can ffer discunts and cupns (优惠券) fr their fd t users watching the vides. (与此同时,他们可以向观看视频的用户提供食品折扣和优惠券)可知,店主的折扣和优惠券最能吸引用户从抖音购买食品。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段But ByteDance's tentative (暂定的) steps int the market suggest it wants a slice f the market.(但字节跳动进入该市场的试探性举措表明,该公司希望在该市场分一杯羹)可知,抖音希望占据市场份额。因此B.Duyin is expecting t ccupy its share in the market.(抖音期望占据其市场份额)符合题意。故选B。
    (4)观点态度题。根据最后一段One Weib pst reads, "Mre platfrms culd be advantageus fr bth fd business wners and regular cnsumers." Users think the cmpetitin will help registered vendrs (销售商) and users because custmers will have mre ptins and fd business wners can use the platfrm that charges the lwest service fee.(一条微博写道:"更多的平台可能对食品企业主和普通消费者都有利。"用户认为,竞争将有助于注册供应商和用户,因为客户将有更多的选择,食品企业主可以使用收费最低的平台)可推知,人们对抖音持支持态度。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段The funders are said t have named the game after a family dg called Pickles.(据说该游戏的创始人是以家里一只名叫Pickles的狗的名字命名的。)可知,匹克球比赛是以一只狗的名字命名的。故选A。
    (2)代词指代题。根据第三段The cuntry has nly abut 10,000 places t play,by USA Pickleball's cunt,but that cntinues t grw by several dzen every mnth.(根据美国匹克球协会的统计,这个国家只有大约1万个比赛场地,但每个月都在以几十个的速度增长。)可知,此处是指比赛场地的数量会继续增长,所以that是指比赛场地的数量。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第五段Shields adds that pickleball still needs a famus star t draw in wider audiences,as has been the key t success fr ther sprts leagues — that als started with grassrts and unusual names.(希尔兹补充说,匹克球仍然需要一个著名的明星来吸引更多的观众,这是其他体育联盟成功的关键--这些联盟也是从草根和不寻常的名字开始的。)可知,根据本•希尔兹的说法,"著名明星"对匹克球是很有影响力的。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段Fr the rapidly decreasing number f Americans wh've never heard f pickleball,the little-knwn paddleball game is ne f America's fastest-grwing sprts.(对于那些从未听说过匹克球的美国人来说,这种鲜为人知的桨球运动是美国发展最快的运动之一。)可知,文章主要介绍了一项在美国快速兴起的运动--匹克球。故B项"匹克球越来越受欢迎"为最佳标题。故选B。
    【解析】(1)目的意图题。文章第一段Nthing earns attentin like rarity.In the natural wrld,rarity is mst clearly represented by the last members f a declining species.These scarce (稀有) plants and animals are extremely valuable;they represent the final hpe fr preventing extinctin.The effrts tward cnserving rare species have made an enrmus difference.In the past few decades,declines f many endangered plants and animals have been reversed (逆转).But the attentin t scarcity culd cme at the expense f verlking the rdinary.(没有什么比稀有更吸引人了。在自然界中,稀有最明显地体现在一个正在衰退的物种的最后成员身上。这些稀有的动植物极其珍贵,它们代表了防止灭绝的最后希望。保护稀有物种的努力已经产生了巨大的影响。在过去的几十年里,许多濒危动植物的数量下降的趋势得到了逆转。但是,对稀缺的关注可能是以忽视普通事物为代价的。)中先肯定了我们对稀有物种的保护和取得的成就,但最后一句But the attentin t scarcity culd cme at the expense f verlking the rdinary.(但是,对稀缺性的关注可能是以忽视普通事物为代价的)把话题由对稀有物种的保护引到普通物种上来,再结合第二段中If we are t cnserve nature,we must maintain ur fcus n the familiar.Increasingly,cnservatin is turning its sights in this directin — t safeguard what is cmmn,nt just what is rare.(如果我们要保护自然,我们必须把注意力集中在熟悉的事物上。自然资源保护越来越多地将目光转向这个方向——保护常见的东西,而不仅仅是稀有的东西)可知,对普通物种的保护才是本文的主题,所以第一段的目的是引入话题。故选C项。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段There are gd reasns t cnsider the cmmn.(我们有充分的理由考虑普通的物种)和第四段These declines include species nce cnsidered widespread and secure,like the cmmn redpll,whse numbers are dwn by 29 millin and the cmmn nighthawk,dwn by 26 millin.The shcking lsses are a reminder that the mark f a species in truble is nt rarity,but rate f decline.(这些减少的物种包括曾经被认为分布广泛和安全的物种,比如普通的红背鸟,它们的数量减少了2900万只,普通的夜鹰,减少了2600万只。这些令人震惊的损失提醒我们,濒危物种的标志不是稀有,而是减少的速度。)可推知,对普通鸟类研究的这些例子表明这些物种的减少速度令人震惊,引起了人们的担忧。故选C项。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第五段中Ntably,the shifts in abundance f cmmn species can translate int sizeable shifts in ecsystem functining.(值得注意的是,普通物种数量的变化可以转化为生态系统功能的巨大变化)和第六段中The value f cmmn species is nt just eclgical and ecnmic,but psychlgical.(普通物种的价值不仅仅是生态和经济上的,还有心理上的)可推知,普通物种有生态、经济和心理上的价值,不应该被忽视。故选B项。
    (4)文章出处题。通读全文根据最后一段Rarity will always ccupy a significant place in cnservatin.But in ur pursuit fr a sustainable and bidiverse future,we must avid "the extinctin f cmmnness".(稀有物种总是在保护中占有重要地位。但是,在我们追求可持续和生物多样性的未来时,我们必须避免"普通物种的灭绝")可推知,本文论述在生物保护中对普通物种的保护的重要性,与生物学相关,所以很更能出自生物学杂志。故选C项。
    【解析】 (1)联系上文题。根据上文Micrplastics are fund almst everywhere in fd,drinking water,csmetics (化妆品),husehld prducts. (微塑料在食品、饮用水、化妆品、家用产品中几乎无处不在。)可知,上文提到了微塑料无处不在,即想要摆脱塑料是不可能的。E选项It's almst impssible t get rid f plastic frm ur mdern lives(从我们的现代生活中摆脱塑料几乎是不可能的。)符合语境,故选E。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文If yu can't avid the takeaway bxes,try nt t reheat fd in them when having leftvers. (如果你不能避免使用外卖盒,那么在吃剩菜的时候尽量不要在里面重新加热食物。)可知,上文提到不要在外卖盒里加热食物,可知本句是说明加热剩菜的正确做法。C选项Remember:d place them in a nn-plastic plate(记住:一定要把它们放在非塑料盘子里。)符合语境,故选C。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文Canadian research frm 2019 fund that bttled water cntains 22 times mre micrplastics than tap water,meaning smene wh nly drinks bttled water wuld take in 130,000 mre particles a year,cmpared t 4,000 frm tap water. (加拿大2019年的一项研究发现,瓶装水的塑料微粒含量是自来水的22倍,这意味着只喝瓶装水的人每年会多摄入13万个塑料微粒,而喝自来水则最多摄入4000个。)可知,上文提到了瓶装水会导致摄入微塑料,可知本句是在建议避免摄入微塑料的正确做法。D选项Experts recmmend using a glass bttle when yu're n the g(专家建议在旅途中使用玻璃瓶。)符合语境,故选D。
    (4)标题判断题。根据后文The heat f the cffee will encurage the plastic t leach int yur drink.Instead,bring a reusable glass r metal cup fr takeaways r cnsider drinking yur cffee in a cafe.It is bth envirnmentally-friendly and gd fr health. (咖啡的热量会促使塑料渗入你的饮料中。相反,带一个可重复使用的玻璃或金属杯,或者考虑在咖啡馆喝咖啡。它既环保又有益健康。)可知,本段的建议是使用可重复使用的玻璃或金属杯,A选项Using metal r glass cffee cups(使用金属或玻璃咖啡杯。)符合语境,故选A。
    (5)联系下文题。根据后文Put away r stp purchasing baby chewing tys r dummies (玩偶) which are particularly harmful because they g in the muth.Similarly,a researcher recmmends that adults stp chewing n the end f pens. (收起或停止购买婴儿咀嚼玩具或玩偶,因为它们进入口腔特别有害。同样,一位研究人员建议成年人不要嚼笔的末端。)可知,后文提到收起或停止购买婴儿咀嚼玩具或玩偶,以及成年人不要嚼笔的末端,即要从生活中发现微塑料的来源,G选项Experts suggest lking at ther surces f plastic in yur children's lives(专家建议看看孩子生活中的其他塑料来源。)符合语境,故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.unite团结;B.cmmunicate交流;C.recgnize认出;D.cperate合作。句意:也就是说,我们合作的所有方式都不用言语。根据上文"When wrking in persn(面对面工作时)"可知,此处是指合作的所有方式。故选D。
    (2)考查副词及语境理解。A.Besides此外;B.Hwever然而;C.Otherwise否则;D.Therefre因此。句意:然而,在数字工作空间中,这种交流似乎不那么重要了。根据下文"this kind f cmmunicatin can seem less"可知,此处和前文构成转折关系。故选B。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.imprtant重要的;B.separable可分离的;C.adventurus勇于冒险的,敢于创新的;D.flexible灵活的。句意:然而,在数字工作空间中,这种交流似乎不那么重要了。根据后文"and even vide meetings can g ahead with cameras ff(甚至视频会议也可以在关闭摄像头的情况下进行)"可知,此处是指在数字工作空间中这种交流似乎不那么重要了。故选A。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.cnditins条件;B.cnversatins对话;C.seats座位;D.paces节奏。句意:现在,许多工作对话都是通过在线聊天进行的,甚至视频会议也可以在关闭摄像头的情况下进行。根据下文"via nline chats"可知,此处是指许多工作对话。故选B。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.survived幸存;B.prved证明;C.transfrmed转变;D.existed存在。句意:当然,部分非语言交流一直存在于面对面的互动之外。根据上文"Parts f nn-verbal cmmunicatin"及下文"f curse"可知,此处是指部分非语言交流一直存在于面对面的互动之外。故选D。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.signals信号;B.maps地图;C.jurneys旅行;D.articles文章。句意:例如,这些不引人注意的信号可以从你简历上的头像开始;甚至决定是否在工作组聊天中添加表情符号也会改变互动的感觉。根据上文"Parts f nn-verbal cmmunicatin"可知,此处是指这些不引人注意的信号。故选A。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.milestne里程碑;B.analysis分析;C.feel感觉;D.study研究。句意:例如,这些不引人注意的信号可以从你简历上的头像开始;甚至决定是否在工作组聊天中添加表情符号也会改变互动的感觉。根据上文"whether r nt t add an emji (表情图标) in a wrk grup chat"可知,此处是指改变互动的感觉。故选C。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.quitted停止;B.expanded拓展;C.failed失败;D.reduced减少。句意:然而,新的工作场所在工作地点和工作方式上的转变,极大地扩展了了非语言交流的世界。根据yet和前文"Parts f nn-verbal cmmunicatin have always existed utside face-t-face interactin,f curse."可知,此处是指极大地扩展了非语言交流的世界。故选B。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.infrmatin信息;B.change改变;C.applicatin申请;D.cncern担忧。句意:例如,在视频通话中,背景可以提供关于同事的生活方式、兴趣和专业水平的各种非语言信息。根据下文"abut c-wrkers' lifestyles"可知,此处是指提供各种非语言信息。故选A。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.meetings会议;B.suggestins建议;C.interests兴趣;D.vides录像。句意:例如,在视频通话中,背景可以提供关于同事的生活方式、兴趣和专业水平的各种非语言信息。根据上文"c-wrkers' lifestyles"和下文"and level f prfessinalism"可知,此处是指关于同事的生活方式、兴趣和专业水平的各种非语言信息。故选C。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.inspiring激励;B.frcing强迫;C.permitting允许;D.warning警告。句意:比方说,如果一个同事把镜头放在下巴以下,迫使其他人抬头看,你几乎立刻就会开始讨厌他或她。根据上文"if a c-wrker psitins the camera belw the chin"可知,此处是指迫使其他人抬头看。故选B。
    (12)考查副词及语境理解。A.cntinuusly继续;B.willingly愿意地;C.carefully仔细地;D.instantly立即。句意:比方说,如果一个同事把镜头放在下巴以下,迫使其他人抬头看,你几乎立刻就会开始讨厌他或她。根据上文"yu begin t dislike him r her"可知,此处是指你几乎立刻就会开始讨厌他或她。故选D。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.impact影响;B.accmplish成就;C.reprt报告;D.harm伤害。句意:事实上,数据显示,在视频通话过程中,摄像头角度、与摄像头的距离以及眼神交流的能力等因素都会影响人们的受欢迎程度。根据上文"factrs like camera angles,distance frm the camera and ability t make eye cntact all"可知,此处是指影响人们的受欢迎程度。故选A。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.diligent勤奋的;B.crazy疯狂的;C.remte远程的;D.abstract抽象的。句意:在一个远程工作迅速发展的新世界里,愿意以非语言的方式参与会让你更容易理解别人,也更容易被别人理解。根据上文"In a new wrld"和前文"nw happen via nline chats,and even vide meetings can g ahead with cameras ff"可知,此处是指在一个远程工作迅速发展的新世界里。故选C。
    (15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.easier更容易的;B.harder更难的;C.mre traditinal更传统的;D.mre exciting更令人兴奋的。句意:在一个远程工作迅速发展的新世界里,愿意以非语言的方式参与会让你更容易理解别人,也更容易被别人理解。根据上文"being willing t engage nn-verbally"可知,此处是指愿意以非语言的方式参与有助于互相理解。故选A。
    【小题6】t taste
    【解析】(1)考查冠词。句意:然后我爱上了大闸蟹,这是最珍贵的中国菜之一。后文mst prized为最高级,应用定冠词连用。故填the。
    (3)考查现在分词。句意:大闸蟹只在秋季供应,从9月下旬到10月初,到11月左右结束。分析句子结构可知,end与上文"tarting frm late September t early Octber,and"为并列关系,为现在分词作状语。故填ending。
    (5)考查介词。句意:雌蟹比雄蟹更珍贵,因为它们含有更多的卵,而且被认为味道更甜。根据上文mre prized可知为比较级,应用than。故填than。
    (6)考查动词不定式。句意:雌蟹比雄蟹更珍贵,因为它们含有更多的卵,而且被认为味道更甜。短语be believed t d sth.表示"被认为……"。故填t taste。
    (7)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:传统上,大闸蟹的做法很简单——把螃蟹蒸熟,然后蘸着酱吃。陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为名词单数the recipe,be动词为is。故填is。
    (10)考查副词。句意:当你在吃大闸蟹的时候移除了障碍物,你会惊讶地发现大闸蟹是多么美味。此处表示"多么"应用副词hw ,故填hw。
    A new year cncert will be held n the schl sprts field next mnth,which aims t enrich ur life n campus and spreading ur traditinal culture.【高分句型一】(举办时间和地点)We will invite the Beijing Chinese Traditinal Music Band t give a perfrmance.Certainly,we need ur wn perfrmers,t.Anyne with musical talent can attend.We are als putting tgether a chir t sing with the band.(活动的内容)This is a wnderful chance fr yu t sing with music stars,which can make yu relaxed and happy.(活动的意义)Thse wh want t help ut can d sme vluntary wrk.【高分句型二】Vlunteers f all kinds are welcme.Dn't hesitate t jin us.Let's jin tgether t make the new year cncert the best ever.(鼓励参与)
    【解析】高分句型一:A new year cncert will be held n the schl sprts field next mnth,which aims t enrich ur life n campus and spreading ur traditinal culture.
    高分句型二:Thse wh want t help ut can d sme vluntary wrk.
    38.【答案】It was s cute like a lvely sft ty.It had watery eyes and lked at me like a child,which made me desperate t want t keep it secretly.【高分句型一】But I knew it was a wild animal and it shuld be back t its hme,because wild animals belng t the wild.With a deep sigh,I phne d Phil,wh was n his way hme frm a wrk trip.He tld me that wild animals smelled bad and I prbably never knew hw sharp their teeth were.On Phil's arriving hme,we immediately lked fr the cntact infrmatin.(作者想让海豹回归自己的家园,于是和丈夫一起找保护站的联系方式。)
    We called Animal Prtectin Statin,and a wrker came ver.It was sad t see the little lvely wild creature wrapped up in a net t be taken away,but a great relief lifted frm my inner heart when the wrker said it wuld be released int the sea after being checked.Experiencing this frtuitus encunter with the seal reminded me that we shuld help raise awareness f prtecting seals.【高分句型二】S,I tgether with Phil,psted the phts n the scial media and it snwballed.Fr us,it was pretty gd t see s many peple care fr ur lvely wild neighbrs:seals.(工作人员把海豹带走了,这次与海豹的偶遇提醒了作者,我们应该帮助提高保护海豹的意识。)
    高分句型一:It had watery eyes and lked at me like a child,which made me desperate t want t keep it secretly.
    高分句型二:Experiencing this frtuitus encunter with the seal reminded me that we shuld help raise awareness f prtecting seals.
    分析:句中使用了动名词短语Experiencing this frtuitus encunter with the seal作主语。

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