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    满分:150分 考试时长:120分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What did the man frget t d?
    A. Start the washing machine. B. Pick up the girl frm schl.
    C. Wash his schl unifrm.
    2. What des the wman intend t buy?
    A. A handbag.B. Sme tea.C. A kind f dried berries.
    3. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Cntent.B. Surprised.C. Disappinted.
    4. Which f the fllwing can Dra recgnize?
    A. Her grandfather’s glasses.
    B. Her mther’s T-shirt.
    C. Her father’s hat.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A charity.B. A piece f news.C. Different jbs.
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At hme.B. In a park.C. On a bus.
    7. What is the man’s slutin?
    A. Ging hme by taxi.B. Turning t his friend.C. Bking a htel rm.
    8. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Cludy.
    9. What did the wman d just nw?
    A. She sent a package. B. She helped a stranger.
    C. She visited a flat.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. A cuple.B. Rmmates.C. Huse wner and renter.
    11. Why are pandas mentined in the cnversatin?
    A. T shw Yunnan snub-nsed mnkeys are at high risk f extinctin.
    B. T prve Yunnan snub-nsed mnkeys are as ppular as pandas.
    C. T indicate Mr. Lng dedicated himself t the prtectin f pandas.
    12. Hw many Yunnan snub-nsed mnkeys are there nw?
    A. Less than 2,000.B. Arund 3,800.C. Mre than 4,000.
    13. What d Yunnan snub-nsed mnkeys lk like?
    A. Their tails and bdies are rughly equal in length.
    B. They have black-and-white hair and pink faces.
    C. They have yellw hair and shrt tails.
    14. What will the wman d next?
    A. Turn ff the TV.B. Charge her camera.C. Play sme vides.
    15. What happened t Julie?
    A. She lst a match. B. She gt injured. C. She fught with her teammate.
    16. What day is it tday?
    A. Mnday.B. Tuesday.C. Wednesday.
    17. What des the man usually d t relieve stress?
    A. Wander in the wds.B. Watch a cmedy.C. D yga.
    18. Wh attributed his lng life t chsh?
    A. Cheng Zhengfu.B. Hu Yanzan.C. Lu Yu.
    19. Hw did Su Dngp keep fit?
    A. By ging running. B. By taking cld baths.
    C. By singing and dancing.
    20. When did the festival “Puring Cld” start?
    A. At the end f Sng Dynasty. B. In the early Sng Dynasty.
    C. In the early Tang Dynasty.
    第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Cncerned abut utdr play in crwded cities? Start a play street - a cmmunity event where neighbrs clse their rad t traffic, creating a safe space fr children t play. This initiative(倡议)allws kids and adults t explre, create and scialize, which, undubtedly, will bring the bnds between neighbrs t a new height.
    Cmpared t structured plays with strict rules and fixed prcedures, a play street allws children t lead, establish rules and get invlved in an pen-ended activity withut specific instructins, methds r gals.
    Getting Started:
    1. Hst a meeting t discuss benefits and encurage invlvement. Chse an event date and assign tasks t the neighbrs.
    2. Reach ut t city cuncils(委员会) fr necessary permits t clse the rad. Ignring this will lead t the cancellatin f the whle plan.
    3. Use psters, flyers, and scial media t spread the wrd. Use these prmtin means t infrm residents f the date, time and activities planned fr the play street.
    4. Set up barriers fr safety, prvide equipment and encurage neighbrs’’ participatin.
    What t Expect:
    1. Game Areas: A variety f play equipment tailred fr kids, such as jump rpes, balls, chalk fr drawing, hula hps and ther utdr games.
    2. Swapping Crner: A place where mms can bring unwanted items such as kitchenware, gardening tls r ther husehld gds t exchange with each ther.
    3. Arts and Crafts Seating: Arts and crafts seating with materials like paper, markers, crayns, paints and brushes. Children are encuraged t get creative and express themselves thrugh art.
    4. Snack and Refreshment(饮料)Statin: Light refreshments like water, juice, fruit and healthy snacks t keep mixed-age participants energized. A ptluck(百味餐)t share hmemade treats and recipes.
    21. What is the purpse f “a play street”?
    A. T prevent traffic jams.
    B. T strengthen cmmunity bnds.
    C. T explre kids’ artistic ptential.
    D. T invlve children in structured plays.
    22. What is a must t hld the event?
    A. Raising funds B. Annuncing instructins.
    C. Psting the safety regulatins. D. Asking fr authrities’ apprval.
    23. Which activity is intended fr bth kids and adults?
    A. Game Areas.B. Arts and Crafts Seating.
    C. Swapping Cmer.D. Snack and Refreshment Statin.
    It was nt until phtgrapher Rita Nannini left New Yrk that she grew fascinated by the city’s subways. While living in Manhattan fr sme 15 years in the 1980s and early 1990s, Nannini nly cmmuted (通勤) n the ne train-given the subway system’s bad reputatin. But after relcating t New Jersey fr several years where subway is nt an ptin, Nannini fund that absence did make the heart grw fnder — maybe even fr pizza rats. During her visit back t New Yrk, Nannini ndded, nticing imprvements in the subway’s facilities.
    While Nannini was waiting fr a train, a bench n the platfrm ppsite caught her attentin due t the ever changing faces and characters. They were peple f different accents, clrs and beliefs. They were frm all walks f life, a diverse mix f New Yrkers all there fr their wn different reasns. Having learned the teenagers’ ppular “End f the Line” challenge — barding trains at randm and riding them until their final destinatin; Nannini decided t visit every first and last stp acrss the New Yrk subway’s lines with her belved camera.
    Nannini’s “End f the Line” experience saw her traveling sme 665 miles acrss 26 rutes in New Yrk city. She tk ver 8,000 phts f the final statins, as well as the cmmunities they served. In many cases, she rde the rutes tw r three times ver t ensure she gt “the sht”. “The prject really shws me hw imprtant the subway is, and hw sustainable it makes ur lives,” she said
    “It’s ften said that my phts shw the end f the lines — the last stps,” she said. “But the end f the line is indeed the start fr s many peple. That made me think abut wh the peple and the cmmunities that live at the tw ends are and what it is that the subway means t them.”
    Nannini was prud f her set f images directly challenging the traditins f stry telling, which eched bth the bredm and excitement f travel n tracks.
    Nannini enjyed taking her time, starting her challenge in 2013 and nly shting the final phts last year. Her first mngraph(专著)n the terminal stps f the New Yrk subway was released in April 2023.
    “When yu drive in the suburbs, yu dn’t have thse encunters,” she cntinued. “Peple enter yur life n the subway. That’s what strikes me mst n my juney n tracks.”
    24. Hw did Nannini find the New Yrk subway during her revisit?
    A. It turned ut fine. B. It was depressing.
    C. It still held the same bad reputatin. D. It wuld be her nly cmmuting ptin.
    25. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The diversity f New Yrkers’ daily life.
    B. The inspiratin fr Nannini’s subway shts.
    C. The ppularity f “End f the Line” challenge.
    D. The challenges f Nannini’s jb as a phtgrapher.
    26. What can we infer frm Nannini’s “End f the Line” experience?
    A. Her way f telling stries is traditinal.
    B. She expressed sympathy fr the subway riders.
    C. Her phtgraphy is highly expected by the encunters.
    D. She fund life n tracks was mre interesting than life n wheels.
    27. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. “End f the Line” Challenge: A New Trend in New Yrk Subways
    B. The Rad Hme: Rita Nannini’s Recrd f her Subway Ride
    C. Last Stp t New Start: A Phtgrapher’s Rediscvery f New Yrk Subways
    D. New Yrkers’ Rutine: A Surprising Mixture f Bredm and Excitement
    Pick up any packaged prcessed fd, and there’s a decent chance that ne f its listed ingredients will be “natural flavr”. The ingredient sunds gd, particularly in cntrast t “artificial flavr”. But what exactly des natural flavr mean? It refers t extracts (提取物) gt frm natural surces like plants, meat r seafd. When cnsumers see “natural flavr” n a label, they are unlikely t assume that smene is squeezing the juice frm ranges int their bttle. They knw even thugh natural flavr must cme frm natural surces, it needn’t all cme frm the plant r meat. Fr example, range flavr might cntain nt nly range extract, but als extracts frm bark and grass. Nr is the cmmn belief true that ingredients extracted frm nature are necessarily safer than smething artificially made.
    S if flavrs like range are needed, why nt just use ranges? The answer cmes dwn t “availability, cst and sustainability”, accrding t flavr chemist Gary Reineccius f the University f Minnesta. “If yu’re ging t use all yur grapes n grape sda,” Reineccius says, “yu dn’t have any grapes fr wine making; the prducts are ging t be exrbitant; besides, what d yu d with the by-prducts yu create after yu’ve squeezed all the juice ut f the grape?”
    Actually, while chemists make natural flavrs by extracting chemicals frm natural ingredients, artificial flavrs are made by creating the same chemicals artificially. The reasn why cmpanies bther t use natural flavrs rather than artificial flavrs is simple: marketing. “Many f these prducts have health titles,” says Platkin, prfessr frm Hunter Cllege. “Cnsumers may be talked t believe prducts with natural flavrs are healthier, thugh they’re nutritinally n different frm thse with artificial flavrs. Natural flavrs may invlve mre frest clear-cutting and carbn emissins frm transprt than flavrs created in the lab.”
    Platkin suggests getting mre transparent labeling n packaging that describes exactly what the natural r artificial flavrs are, s cnsumers are nt misled int buying ne prduct ver anther because f “natural flavrs”. Reineccius als ffers sme simple guidance: “Dn’t buy anything because it says ‘natural flavrs’. Buy it because yu like it.”
    28. Which is a misunderstanding abut the “natural flavr” juice accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. It cmes frm 100% riginal fruit. B. It is nthing but advertising tricks.
    C. It certainly cntains extracts made in the lab.
    D. It is abslutely safer than juice with artificial flavrs
    29. What des the underlined wrd “exrbitant” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Ppular. B. Expensive. C. Durable. D. Innvative.
    30. Why d cmpanies use natural flavrs in their prducts?
    A. T cut the csts.B. T prmte the sales.
    C. T advcate a healthy diet.D. T avid fd safety issues.
    31. What can we cnclude frm the text?
    A. Gary and Platkin hld ppsite perspectives.
    B. Natural flavrs are mre envirnmentally-friendly.
    C. Custmers are misled fr ignring labels n packaging.
    D. Natural and artificial flavrs are mre alike than yu think.
    Influenced by factrs like schl funding, sprts facilities, teacher resurces and safety cncerns, traditinal physical educatin was limited t static (静态的) scenes and clsed gyms and playgrunds, which lacked interactin and feedback functins. PE curriculum was als restricted t basic sprts like ball games, track and field and gymnastics. Hwever, the emergence and applicatin f new technlgies like virtual reality (VR), 3D technlgy, greatly expand and innvate sprts scenes, prviding pssibilities fr the cnstructin f a flexible “n-site, n- campus, nline” integrated new sprts wrld.
    IT can build nline virtual learning envirnments fr students, creating teaching scenes hard t achieve in physical wrld. Many schls have already partnered with technlgy cmpanies t create different teaching scenes using digital sprts prducts. The University f Suth Flrida has cperated with the VR sprts training cmpany Sense Arena, allwing students t practice tennis n its glbally pineering VR tennis training platfrm. Students use the Meta Quest 2 headset and VR tuching racket (球拍) which imitates the weight and feel f a real tennis racket. The platfrm features 35 training mdes imitating varius scenes in real-life tennis matches, including crwd nise, dazzling sunlight, shadws and wind. Athletes can engage in varius frms f training, such as skill practice, technical analysis and match imitatin. Such virtual sprts teaching space further enhances the experience f PE learning.
    Technlgy-based physical educatin nt nly serves rdinary students’ physical health but als addresses the needs f special grups in sprts, especially students wh cannt participate in regular PE classes due t physical, psychlgical r scial adaptatin issues. Many schls ffer specialized sprts prgrams t disabled students, like the “Pathways t Inclusin” prgram launched by the University f Queensland, which tailrs varius sprts activities t different disabilities, such as blind ftball and wheelchair hckey. This is made pssible with the supprt f sprts technlgy, as different symptms require the use f different sprts equipment.
    Thrugh scientific, healthy and jyful educatinal cncepts, technlgy-empwered PE classes cnvey the values f creating and enjying a persnalized experience, develping a sprts educatin where everyne participates and benefits.
    32. Hw d new technlgies change traditinal PE class accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. By investing mre in basic sprts.
    B. By cmbining it with academic study.
    C. By making flexible PE class pssible.
    D. By replacing PE teachers with AI teachers.
    33. Which f the fllwing services can Sense Arena prvide?
    A. Real-life tennis matches.B. Virtual headsets and rackets.
    C. Imitative distracting cnditins.D. Sufficient sprts space n campus.
    34. What des “Pathways t Inclusin” prgram feature?
    A. Prfessinal knwledge abut psychlgy.
    B. Technlgy-assisted sprts fr the disabled.
    C. Interactive activities with rdinary students.
    D. Persnalized medical treatment fr disabilities.
    35. What is the authr’s writing purpse f the text?
    A. T advertise a new VR prduct.
    B. T raise public awareness f physical educatin.
    C. T stress the imprtance f equality amng students.
    D. T intrduce a new applicatin f technlgy in PE class.
    Have yu cnsidered hw t chse yur majr in university, which is f great significance fr yur future career? Here is sme practical advice.
    Initially, dn’t chse a majr merely based n mney, therwise mistakes will happen. 36
    Can yu see yurself investing the next 40 years in this career withut getting bred? Actually chsing a majr with high-paying career wn’t guarantee yu a high-paying jb. It depends n psitin penings and yur cmpetitrs when yu graduate.
    37 Yu want t pick smething that interests yu, but yu need t be sure yu wn’t get sick f it as time prgresses. 38 A hbby is a pursuit utside ne’s regular ccupatin fr relaxatin while passin cmfrts yu and drives yu crazy at the same time. It isn’t relaxing. It inserts itself int yur life. When yu chse t study yur hbby and build yur life arund it, it can lse its appeal and wn’t be relaxing.
    Thirdly, never chse a majr by feeling instead f research. Being interested in a majr isn’t enugh. Researching the field will ensure yu t chse a right majr. If yu knw smene in the field, ask them fr sme infrmatin. Besides, cnsider the entire jurney yu’ll pursue—the cursewrk, the majr demands, the schl time yu’ll need, and the available jb prspects. 39
    Lastly, dn’t always depend n yur parents. 40 Hwever, the chice is ultimately yurs. If anyne wants t help yu in chsing a majr and yu cmpletely agree with their pinins, then g with it. But if yu want yur future t g in any ther directin, speak up. The nly way t get the best utcme is t shape yur wn future.
    A. Next, a hbby is never meant t be yur pririty.
    B. The pinins f yur family aren’t smething t ignre.
    C. Besides, keep a balance between hbbies and relaxatin.
    D. Typically, peple will cnfuse their hbbies with their passins.
    E. Yu shuld als cnsider yur passins, dislikes, and happiness.
    F. Remember cllege is an investment f bth yur time and mney.
    G. If yu’re passinate abut a majr after research, fllw yur heart.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    British Marathn runner Luke Greenfield-Shaw realized his dream f cycling frm Bristl t Beijing. When he was 24, he felt a 41 ache in his left shulder and was 42 with cancer, a very rare and 43 sarcma (肿瘤). Brn in a lving and supprtive family, the yung athlete 44 picked himself up and fund the strength t cntinue his adventures. Luke accepted the painful 45 and was determined t live t the fullest while 46 chemtherapy (化疗). Halfway thrugh the chemtherapy, he 47 the Bristl Half-Marathn in ne hur 20 minutes and 8 secnds, and he 48 his eyes farther away.
    He 49 a cycling campaign frm Bristl England and all the way t Beijing China t raise the 50 abut cancer. The 51 was rund 30,000 kilmeters and acrss apprximately 30 cuntries and regins thrugh all kinds f landscape and weather, frm snwfield t grassland, attracting ver 800 52 . During this jurney, cancer patients frm ther cuntries 53
    him, telling the wrld that they can live with the 54 . It was a schl f hard kncks, but Luke has learned t live fr tday and let the 55 take care f itself. At that time, the dream remained 56 due t COVID-19, a pandemic that trapped everyne at hme. But this year with n 57 n travelling, Luke culd finally cntinue his schedule. Befre, China was the endpint and the destinatin. Nw, China has becme his real fcus f the trip.
    Landing in China, Luke fund it was nt the destinatin but the 58 thrugh life that mattered. What Luke was really hping t d was smething a bit different, and 59 as many peple as he can t 60 life.
    41. A cnstant B. temprary C. slight D. bearable
    42. A. infectedB. diagnsedC. invlvedD. cncerned
    43. A. changeableB. simpleC. mildD. aggressive
    44. A. widelyB. particularlyC. graduallyD. flexibly
    45. A. wrkB. treatmentC. memryD. faith
    46. A. receivingB. refusingC. reducingD. researching
    47. A. scheduledB. cmpletedC. registeredD. left
    48. A. raisedB. castC. penedD. narrwed
    49. A. stppedB. cveredC. fundedD. started
    50. A. awarenessB. recgnitinC. reputatinD. eagerness
    51. A. jurneyB. passageC. sptD. range
    52. A. prtectrsB. dctrsC. reprtersD. fllwers
    53. A. criticizedB. ignredC. jinedD. missed
    54. A. dilemmaB. cnflictC. behavirD. cnditin
    55. A. wrkB. luckC. futureD. gal
    56. A. discnnectedB. unrealizedC. untestedD. disrganized
    57 A. barrierB. planC. expenseD. stress
    58. A. attentinB. expressinC. presentatinD. explratin
    59. A. begB. prmiseC. inspireD. require
    60. A. handleB. cherishC. prtectD. cnsider
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    The Grand Canal is the ldest and lngest man-made waterway in the wrld with a histry f mre than 2,500 years, 61 cnstructin started in the Spring and Autumn Perid. The 1794 kilmeters’ waterway is 22 times 62 length f the Panama Canal. It is a glden waterway secnd nly t the Yangtze River in China. The Grand Canal runs frm Zhejiang t Beijing 63
    (pass) thrugh six prvinces and tw municipalities and cnnects five main river systems.
    The canal functined 64 the backbne f the ancient empire’s inland cmmunicatin and trading systems. Grain, salt, lg and silk were transprted alng the canal t all directins. 65
    (scre) f twns alng the banks develped, cntributing 66 (huge) t ancient China’s ecnmy. The canal enrmusly prmted ecnmic interactin and cultural exchange between the nrth 67 suth, which ensured the cuntry’s 68 (stable).
    In 2014, it was listed as a UNESCO wrld heritage site. In 2019 China issued a plan 69
    (cnstruct) natinal cultural parks fr the Grand Canal. During the last 2 years, building the Grand Canal natinal cultural parks 70 (recgnize) as a key task in the 14th Five-Year Plan. In future, cities alng the Grand Canal will frm a new cultural belt, green belt and turism belt.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分;满分10分)
    Dear Tny,
    I am glad that yu are keen n Chinese idims. Chinese idims, mainly cnsist f fur r mre Chinese characters, have been appealing t thse absrbed in Chinese. As matter f fact, they were an indispensable part f Chinese culture. The benefits f learning them can be listed as fllwing.
    First, with a great many f Chinese idims widely used in ur daily life, having a gd knwledge f them cntribute t better understanding bth spken and writing Chinese. Secnd, they usually pssess vivid and prfund meanings, making which peple try t cnvey mre cnvincing.
    As far as I am cncern, I have a preference fr the stries behind sme Chinese idims. Nt nly are they particular interesting, but they als tend t teach sme wisdm. I sincerely hpe yu can learn them well.
    Li Hua
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假如你是李华,你的美国笔友David准备组织一个“走进中国(Apprach t China”的活动,他写信请你帮忙策划一下活动内容并介绍一下有中国特色的元素,以便让他的同学更好地了解中国。请你用英文写一封回信。
    要求:1. 100字左右; 2. 需包括至少两个中国元素,可适当增减细节。
    参考词汇:中国书法 Chinese calligraphy ;中国京剧 Chinese pera
    Dear David,

    Li Hua

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