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    Wnder Plates
    A unique, persnalised gift!
    Wnder Plates ffers yu a unique gift pprtunity- a persnalised ceramic(陶瓷的)plate! Each plate cntains a special message frm yu t yur best friend r lved ne. All yu have t d is fllw these three steps:
    Step 1
    On an A4 sheet f paper write a persnal message. Write it exactly as yu want it t appear n the plate. We recmmend a typewritten printut. The message shuld nt be mre than 50 wrds.
    Step 2
    Select ne f ur 10 plate clur ptins and a design frm ne f ur 12 design patterns.
    Step 3
    Sign the attached frm, enclse yur persnal message, and send these t us tgether with yur payment. Please send nly mney rders r cheques. D nt send cash.
    The charge fr a standard-sized plate is $ 20 regardless f the clur yu chse. A fixed charge f $100 per plate fr the design and printing f the message is als payable. Fr rders f tw t fur plates, custmers may get a 15% discunt. Fr rders f five t ten plates, the cst f per plate is reduced t $12 and the design and printing f the message is just $75 per plate.
    Once we receive yur rder and payment yur plate(s) will be sent via regular mail. Delivery can be expected within 14 business days. If yu require a faster delivery time, please fill in the Urgent Frm and send an additinal $30 (guaranteed 3-day delivery). We guarantee yur satisfactin, but if fr sme reasn yu are nt satisfied with ur prduct r service, please fill in the Cnsumer Feedback Frm and send it t ur Custmer Service department. Alternatively, yu may call ne f ur friendly Custmer Service Officers at 122523.
    1、What are yu expected t d if yu want such a plate?
    A. Pay in the frm f cheques r cash.
    B. Type yur message and send it by e-mail.
    C. Chse yur favrite clur frm 12 ptins.
    D. Write at mst 50 wrds n an A4 sheet f paper.
    2、Hw much shuld yu pay fr six ceramic plates?
    A. $480.B. $522.C. $612.D. $720.
    3、What can be learned abut the faster delivery?
    A. Yu need t call 122523.
    B. Yu shuld pay an extra fee f $14.
    C. Yu have t buy tw r mre plates.
    D. Yu can receive yur rder within 3 days.
    In 1990, Hal Dnaldsn was 23 years ld, fresh ut f cllege and fund himself in Calcutta, India, where he was asked t interview Mther Teresa.
    Dnaldsn says abut the great wman famed fr feeding the hungry, “She wasn't wearing shes and her ankles were swllen. She sat dwn with me and was very plite.” After the interview, Mther Teresa asked him, “What are yu ding t help the pr?” Dnaldsn admitted that he was yung and wasn't fcused n helping thers. With a smile n her face, Mther Teresa said, “Everyne can d smething.”
    Thse wrds deeply struck Dnaldsn and frced him t face sme hard truths abut himself.
    Hal Dnaldsn grew up in the San Francisc Bay area. When he was 12 years ld, his parents were hit by a drunk driver; his father died, and his mther was seriusly injured. T make ends meet, they went n welfare. Dnaldsn says, “I had hles in my shes and clthes. When yu're teased at schl fr that, yu just want t escape.”
    He managed t d just that. Dnaldsn gt int cllege and turned his fcus t making mney fr himself He says, “I was just trying t find my way ut f insignificance. Hwever, it's easy t verlk thers alng the way. I was the guy that wuld see a hmeless persn and crss the street, s I didn't have t cnfrnt (面对) him. My fcus was n climbing t the tp instead f helping thse trying t climb with me.”
    Dnaldsn returned hme frm India with a different thught. He traveled t eight cities in America and stayed n the streets and listened t stries f the hmeless. “My heart brke,” he says. “I knew I culd n lnger just live fr myself.”
    Inspired by Mther Teresa's wrds and the stries he'd heard acrss America. Dnaldsn laded a pick-up truck with $300 wrth f grceries and handed them ut t anyne wh needed help. In 1994, Dnaldsn created the nnprfit rganizatin, Cnvy fr Hpe, which wrks with cmmunities acrss America and arund the wrld. Their wrk fcuses n feeding children, wmen's empwerment, helping farmers and disaster services.
    4、What did 23-year-ld Hal Dnaldsn d in India?
    A. He attended an interview fr a cllege.
    B. He fed the hungry with Mther Teresa.
    C. He interviewed Mther Teresa.
    D. He did smething t help the pr.
    5、What can we learn abut Hal Dnaldsn frm paragraph 4?
    A. He was brn with disability.B. He led a hard life as a child.
    C. He was well treated at schl.D. He survived as a parentless by.
    6、Hw des Hal Dnaldsn describe himself in cllege?
    A. Self-centered.B. Sympathetic.C. Ppular.D. Casual.
    7、Hw did Hal Dnaldsn change after he returned hme frm India?
    A. He preferred traveling t vlunteering.
    B. He suddenly fell in lve with jurnalism.
    C. He turned his fcus t living fr himself.
    D. He gradually devted himself t helping thers.
    Mre than 100 scientists frm 25 cuntries have traveled t faraway places t cllect wild crp seeds(种子) in an effrt t help battle climate change.
    The scientists, wh have been cmpared t the heres f the “Indiana Jnes” mvies, traveled n ft, fur-wheeled vehicles(交通工具), bats, hrses and even elephants t reach faraway areas. They faced extreme heat,dust, and danger frm wild animals. At last, they cllected 4, 644 seeds f 371 wild relatives f 28 wrld crps, many f which are said t be endangered.
    The Crp Trust, an rganizatin that wrks t save different kinds f crps, is directing the prject. The grup is wrking in partnership with Britain's Ryal Btanic Gardens and Millennium Seed Bank. Additinal financial supprt cmes frm Nrway. The prject is believed t be the largest rganized internatinal effrt yet t cllect and prtect crps' wild relatives.Hannes Dempewlf is a scientist and the head at the Crp Trust. He said“What these seed cllectrs went thrugh in the field resembles scenes frm an Indiana Jnes mvie.”
    Sme crps are threatened because f destructin f frests, climate change and expanded cities. The newly-fund wild seeds have develped s plants can grw in extreme temperatures, pr sils, and even in lw rainfall areas.
    A United Natins reprt says that fd prductin is at risk because f a shrtage f rain and ther weather extremes cnnected t climate change. The U.N. Fd and Agriculture Organizatin says that the number f plant species is quickly decreasing and peple are depending n fewer species fr fd. Thse wild seeds culd be imprtant in feeding a grwing human ppulatin in sme areas and ffer a largely unused surce f diversity(多样性) t crps.
    8、What des the secnd paragraph shw?
    A. Cllecting seeds is nt an easy jb.
    B. The scientists’ stry is made int a mvie.
    C. The wild seeds are in danger f extinctin.
    D. The scientists can chse frm many vehicles.
    9、What des the underlined wrd “resembles” in the third paragraph mean?
    A. Depends n.B. Lks like.C. Turns ut.D. Refers t.
    10、What is the advantage f the newly-fund wild seeds?
    A. They can increase green areas.
    B. They can prvide mre nutrients
    C. They can survive bad cnditins.
    D. They can imprve existent crp seeds.
    11、What is the meaning f the scientists cllecting wild seeds?
    A. Bringing mre plant species t the wrld.
    B. Helping farmers imprve their farming skills.
    C. Knwing abut the wrlds farming practices.
    D. Helping battle climate change.
    With lw temperatures, radiatin and high-energy particles, the vacuum f space is nthing but harsh (严酷的). Can yu imagine spending six hur walking in space? Chinese astrnauts did just that n their latest spacewalk.
    On Aug 20, Chinese astrnauts Liu Bming and Nie Haisheng went ut n the secnd spacewalk f the Shenzhu XII missin, accrding t the China Manned Space Agency. The pair set up and adjusted equipment, shwed their spacesuits and tested the large rbtic arm and ther spacewalk-related devices.
    Despite the astrnauts’ skill, spacewalking is a challenging task. Luckily, their bulky (臃肿的) spacesuits prtect them. A spacesuit is like a small space statin. It has everything astrnauts need when they carry ut a spacewalk.
    China’s Feitian spacesuits have six layers. The innermst layer cllects astrnauts’ urine (尿液). There are als fur layers that help cntrl the temperature and air pressure inside the suit. Spacesuits are filled with air, s they lk like they’re puffed up (膨胀). The sixth layer is made f special fibers that cver astrnauts frm radiatin, accrding t The Paper.
    Astrnauts are cnnected t the space statin with safety rpes. The suit has headphnes and speakers fr astrnauts t cmmunicate. There is als a mirrr n the wrist that astrnauts can use t check their suits.
    The first Feitian suit was made in 2008. Zhai Zhigang wre it t carry ut China’s first spacewalk, which lasted abut 19 minutes.
    The suits Chinese astrnauts wear tday are the secnd generatin f Feitian. They can supprt lnger walks lasting up t eight hurs and can be used mre ften. The first generatin culd nly be used five times within tw years, while the secnd generatin can be used 15 times within three years. Each suit csts arund 30 millin yuan, and it takes fur mnths t make just ne accrding t Ifeng News.
    12、What can we learn abut the Chinese astrnauts’ latest spacewalk frm the text?
    A. It was China’s first spacewalk.B. It lasted a ttal f six hurs.
    C. It was carried ut this spring.D. It was cmpleted by three astrnauts.
    13、Hw were China’s Feitian spacesuits designed t prtect astrnauts?
    A. They include five layers with different functins.
    B. The innermst layer adjusts the temperature.
    C. Three ther layers cntrl air pressure inside the suit.
    D. The utermst layer prtects astrnauts frm radiatin.
    14、Accrding t the text, what d Chinese astrnauts need when carrying ut spacewalks?
    a. headphnes b. speakers c. mirrr
    d. radar e. cmpass f. safety rpes
    A. acdf.B. abef.C. abcf.D. cdef.
    15、What d the last tw paragraphs mainly talk abut?
    A. Disadvantages f the first Feitian suit.
    B. The prcess f making the secnd Feitian suit.
    C. New technlgy applied t the secnd Feitian suit.
    D. Distinctins between the tw generatins f Feitian suits.
    16、Feeling embarrassed is smething that n ne really likes. ①_______ If yu’re wrried abut embarrassing situatins and yu have truble dealing with feelings f embarrassment, take a lk at the fllwing tips t make things better.
    When learning t deal with embarrassment, the first big thing that will help yu is t realize that embarrassing mments are in the past. These things have already ccurred and there is nthing that yu can d t change them. It might have been tugh t get thrugh thse mments, but yu’re here nw and everything is kay.
    ●Talk t smene abut hw yu’re feeling.
    If yu’re struggling with feelings f embarrassment, then yu shuld try t talk t peple that yu trust. ③_______ Yu’ll likely find that these peple will put things int perspective and yu’ll feel much better.
    Embarrassment might feel tugh t get ver. Hwever, nrmal embarrassing mments might becme things that yu can just shrug ff and laugh at eventually. When yu think abut things frm the right perspective, yu might be able t laugh at yurself fr making a silly mistake r falling dwn.
    ●Get ut there and try again.
    The fear f embarrassment shuld nt hld yu back frm getting ut there t try again. If yu want t mve past embarrassment fr gd, then the best way t d that is nt t let it stp yu frm living yur life. This culd mean ding the same thing that embarrassed yu in the past. Yu might be wrried abut reliving embarrassing mments frm the past, but it desn’t have t be this way. ⑤_______
    A. Learn t laugh at the situatin.
    B. Understand that embarrassments are in the past.
    C. Dn’t wrry s much abut things and be ready t g ut there and give it yur all.
    D. Knw that yu dn’t need t aplgize fr feeling embarrassed.
    E. Of curse, this might depend n the level f embarrassment that yu experienced.
    F. Tell them hw yu’re feeling and what happened if yu’re cmfrtable ding that.
    G. It’s generally smething that mst peple want t avid.
    On a trip back frm Bstn, my tw little guys and I stpped at a gas statin. It was nt until I gt hme that I 1 my wallet had been left there.
    I tried t set aside my frustratin and 2 ver this and fcused n taking actin. First, I had t find the phne number f the gas statin. Just a quick Baidu 3 , right? Unluckily, the number had been recently 4 due t new wnership. S I 5 the restaurant acrss the street. The hstess warmly tk dwn my 6 and had a waiter bring it t the gas statin manager, wh then rang me up. He tld me that a regular custmer had fund my wallet and 7 it ver t him fr safekeeping. We 8 that I wuld drive back t the gas statin the next day t 9 my wallet.
    My relief that the situatin was heading the right directin was 10 , as was my appreciatin fr the 11 and thughtfulness f thers --- frm the 12 wh fund my wallet t the restaurant hstess t the manager, wh was willing t 13 me my wallet if that was 14 fr me.
    At every step f the way, a generus spirit was shwn, which was 15 in a wrld where we ften 16 self-fcused thinking and self-serving behavir.
    Much gd frtune 17 me after I left my wallet behind n that trip back frm Bstn---including a pwerful reminder f the gdness and genersity f thers. My wrld was 18 and made mre jyful, nt just by being reunited with my wallet, but by the 19 acts f thers. As Marianne Williamsn wrte, “ 20 is what happens when we allw urselves t recgnize hw gd things really are.
    17、A. distinguishedB. realizedC. memrizedD. thught
    18、A. anxietyB. curisityC. cnfusinD. surprise
    19、A. kickB. checkC. tipD. search
    20、A. revealedB. hiddenC. changedD. cnveyed
    21、A. identifiedB. calledC. visitedD. inspected
    22、A. demandB. nameC. addressD. number
    23、A. handedB. gtC. tkD. left
    24、A. prvedB. arrangedC. hpedD. advised
    25、A. pick utB. cme upC. take upD. pick up
    26、A. puzzlingB. simpleC. bviusD. interesting
    27、A. kindnessB. tughnessC. inncenceD. psitiveness
    28、A. neighbrB. waiterC. visitrD. custmer
    29、A. shwB. awardC. presentD. mail
    30、A. mre cnvenientB. harder
    C. mre pssibleD. slwer
    31、A. inspiringB. excitingC. demandingD. engaging
    32、A. respectB. evaluateC. witnessD. admire
    33、A. shckedB. accmpaniedC. supprtedD. prtected
    34、A. appreciatedB. rightedC. admiredD. recgnized
    35、A. valuelessB. carelessC. selflessD. meaningless
    36、A. SympathyB. CurageC. HappinessD. Bravery
    37、Celebrate Natinal Day
    China’s Natinal Day is celebrated n Octber 1st every year ①______(mark) the frmatin f the Peple’s Republic f China. It is als knwn as Natinal Day and Natinal Glden Week.
    The funding ceremny f New China ②______ (hld) in Tian’anmen Square in Beijing n Oct. 1,1949, ③______ the Gvernment declared Octber 1st as Natinal Day every year frm 1950 nward.
    As a great day in China, it represents ④______ (independent), strength, and natinal cnfidence. The military parade has been ⑤______ imprtant part f the Natinal Day ceremny. Frm 1949 ⑥______ the present, there are a ttal f fifteen Natinal Day parades held. The number f representatives f the army, navy, and air frce n parade ⑦______ (be) generally arund 10,000. ⑧______ (usual), there is als a mass parade behind the military parade. In 2019, mre than 100,000 peple frm all walks f life tk part in it. The entire parade is bradcast live n all majr TV statins.
    On Natinal Day, the natinal flag rises at 6:10 am in Tian’anmen Square. There are always peple ⑨______ (travel) lng distances t watch the ceremny. There are als sme ther ⑩______ (activity) like firewrk displays, light shws, and flwerbed exhibitins.
    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Last Saturday, eighty students frm ur schl pay a visit t Ningxia Science and Technlgy Museum.
    The museum, which main task is t spread the necessary knwledge f science and technlgy, cvers area f 15,000 square meters. The mment when we entered the museum, the exhibitin caught their attentin. In the museum, we saw the latest prgresses in science and technlgy. Mrever, we did an amazed scientific experiment by urselves. What appealed fr us mst was the 4D film which made us feel we were in real events.
    Thugh the visiting time was slight shrt, we gained a lt. It is s an instructive activity that we hpe mre will be rganized in the future.
    39、假定你是李华,读完外教Mr. Brwn推荐的一些英文小说后,你的收获很大。请你给他写一封感谢信,内容包括:
    1.词数 80左右;
    解析:细节理解题。根据Step 1中的On an A4 sheet f paper write persnal message(在一张A4纸上写下个人信息)和The message shuld nt be mre than 50 wrds(信息不应该超过50个字)可知,如果你想要这样的盘子,你应该在一张A4纸上最多写50个单词。故选D。
    解析:数字计算题。根据Charges部分Fr rders f five t ten plates,the cst f per plate is reduced t $12 and the design and printing f the message is just $75 per plate. (对于数量5到10的订单,每版的成本降低到12美元,每版信息的设计和印刷只需75美元。)可知,如果购买六个瓷盘的每个瓷盘共需87美元,6个瓷盘则需支付522美元。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Delivery部分If yu require a faster delivery time,please fill in the Urgent Frm and send an additinal $30 (guaranteed 3-day delivery).(如果您需要更快的送货时间,请填写加急表格并额外发送30美元(保证3天送达)。)可知,如果使用加急快递的话,只需三天时间即可收到订单。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段"In 1990,Hal Dnaldsn was 23 years ld,fresh ut f cllege and fund himself in Calcutta,India,where he was asked t interview Mther Teresa.(1990年,23岁的Hal Dnaldsn,刚从大学毕业,来到印度加尔各答,在那里他被要求采访Mther Teresa)"可知,23岁的Hal Dnaldsn在印度采访了Mther Teresa。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的"When he was 12 years ld,his parents were hit by a drunk driver;his father died,and his mther was seriusly injured.T make ends meet,they went n welfare.(12岁时,他的父母被酒后驾车的司机撞了;他的父亲去世了,他的母亲受了重伤。为了收支相抵,他们靠救济生活)"可推断,童年时期的Hal Dnaldsn过着艰难的生活。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的"I was just trying t find my way ut f insignificance.Hwever,it's easy t verlk thers alng the way.I was the guy that wuld see a hmeless persn and crss the street,s I didn't have t cnfrnt (面对) him.My fcus was n climbing t the tp instead f helping thse trying t climb with me.(我只是想摆脱自己的卑微。然而,在这个过程中很容易忽略其他人。我是那种看到无家可归的人就会过马路的人,所以我不用去面对他。我的注意力集中在攀登顶峰上,而不是帮助那些试图和我一起攀登的人)"可推断,大学时期的Hal Dnaldsn只关注如何改善自己的生活,是一个以自我为中心的人。A.Self-centered以自我为中心;B.Sympathetic同情的;C.Ppular受欢迎;D.Casual.休闲的。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的"Dnaldsn returned hme frm India with a different thught.He traveled t eight cities in America and stayed n the streets and listened t stries f the hmeless.(Dnaldsn从印度回到家后,想法转变了。他在美国去八个城市旅行了,待在街道上,倾听那些无家可归人们的故事)"和最后一段"Inspired by Mther Teresa's wrds and the stries he'd heard acrss America.Dnaldsn laded a pick-up truck with $300 wrth f grceries and handed them ut t anyne wh needed help.In 1994,Dnaldsn created the nnprfit rganizatin,Cnvy fr Hpe,which wrks with cmmunities acrss America and arund the wrld.( Mther Teresa的话语和他在美国各地听到的故事激励了他。Dnaldsn把价值300美元的食品杂货装上一辆小货车,分发给任何需要帮助的人。1994年,Dnaldsn创立了非营利组织"希望车队",与美国和世界各地的社区合作)"可推断,Hal Dnaldsn从印度回家以后开始关注别人的生活并逐渐致力于帮助别人。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第一和第二句The scientists, wh have been cmpared t the heres f the "Indiana Jnes" mvies, …They faced extreme heat, dust, and danger frm wild animals. 可知,科学家们被比作电影《夺宝奇兵》中的英雄人物,他们步行、四轮车辆、船只、马甚至大象前往遥远的地区。他们面临着酷热、灰尘和野生动物的危险。由此可知,科学家们收集种子的旅途并不是一份简单的工作。故选A。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句The scientists, wh have been cmpared t the heres f the "Indiana Jnes" mvies, traveled n ft, fur-wheeled vehicles(交通工具), bats, hrses and even elephants t reach faraway areas. 可知,科学家们被比作电影《夺宝奇兵》中的英雄人物,他们步行、四轮车辆、船只、马甚至大象前往遥远的地区。再结合划线单词所在句What these seed cllectrs went thrugh in the field resembles scenes frm an Indiana Jnes mvie. 可知,人们把这些种子收集者经历的一切和《夺宝奇兵》电影中的场景作比较,也就是说两者有相似之处,所以划线单词 "resembles" 表示 "看起来像" 。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段 The newly-fund wild seeds have develped s plants can grw in extreme temperatures, pr sils, and even in lw rainfall areas. 可知,新发现的野生种子已经发育成熟,因此植物可以在极端温度、贫瘠土壤,甚至在低降雨量地区生长。由此可知,新发现种子的优点是可以在极端气候条件下存活。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一句Mre than 100 scientists frm 25 cuntries have traveled t faraway places t cllect wild crp seeds(种子)in an effrt t help battle climate change. 可知,来自25个国家的100多名科学家前往遥远的地方收集野生作物种子,以帮助对抗气候变化。由此可知,科学家们收集植物种子的目的是应对气候变化。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段关键句“Can yu imagine spending six hur walking in space? Chinese astrnauts did just that n their latest spacewalk.”(你能想象花六个小时在太空行走吗?中国宇航员在最近的太空行走中就是这样做的。)可知,在中国宇航员最近 的一次太空行走中,他们在太空中整整行走了六个小时的时间,由此可知,关于中国宇航员最近一次的太空行走,我们能从文 章中得知这次行走总共持续了六个小时。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段关键句“China's Feitian spacesuits have six layers.”(中国飞天宇航服有六层。)和“The sixth layer is made f special fibers that cver astrnauts frm radiatin, accrding t The Paper.”(据报道,第六层是由特殊纤维制成的,可以保护宇航员免受辐射。)可知,中国飞天宇航服有六层,第六层,也就是最外面的一层可以保护宇航员免受辐射,由此可知,中国飞天宇航服的最外层可以保护宇航员免受辐射。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段内容“Astrnauts are cnnected t the space statin with safety rpes. The suit has headphnes and speakers fr astrnauts t cmmunicate. There is als a mirrr n the wrist that astrnauts can use t check their suits.”(宇航员用安全绳与空间站相连。宇航服配有耳机和扬声器,供宇航员交流。手腕上还有一面镜子,宇航员可以用来检查他们的宇航服。)可知,中国宇航员在进行太空行走时需要用安全绳与空间站相连,需要用耳机和扬声器进行交流,需要用镜子来检查他们的宇航服,这四项物品与选项中的“abcf”一致,故选C项。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读最后两段内容,结合最后一段关键句“The first generatin culd nly be used five times within tw years, while the secnd generatin can be used 15 times within three years.”(第一代在两年内只能使用五次,而第二代在三年内可以使用15次。)可知,文章最后两段主要介绍了两代航天服的区别,例如第一代航天服在两年内只能使用五次,而第二代航天服在三年内可以 使用15次,“Distinctins between the tw generatins f Feitian suits.”意为“两代飞天航天服的区别”,能够概括最后两段的内容。故选D项。
    解析:本文是一篇说明文。主要针对如何应对尴尬的事情,给出处理建议。①根据上文“Feeling embarrassed is smething that n ne really likes.(尴尬的感觉是没有人真正喜欢的)”可知,人们会想办法去避免尴尬的事情,G项“这通常是大多数人想要避免的事情。”符合题意,故选择G项。②根据下文“When learning t deal with embarrassment, the first big thing that will help yu is t realize that embarrassing mments are in the past.(当你学会处理尴尬时,第一件能帮助你的大事就是意识到尴尬的时刻已经过去了。)”可知,这段主要讲述的就是要意识到尴尬的时刻已经过去了,B项“要明白尴尬已经过去了。”符合题意,故选择B项。③根据上文“If yu’re struggling with feelings f embarrassment, then yu shuld try t talk t peple that yu trust.(如果你正与尴尬感作斗争,那么你应该试着与你信任的人交谈。)”可知,接下来要说的是告诉你信任的人你的感受以及发生了什么,F项“告诉他们你的感受,如果你愿意的话,告诉他们发生了什么。”符合题意,故选择F项。④根据下文“Embarrassment might feel tugh t get ver. Hwever, nrmal embarrassing mments might becme things that yu can just shrug ff and laugh at eventually.(尴尬可能很难克服。然而,正常的尴尬时刻可能会变成你最终可以耸耸肩嘲笑的事情。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是学会嘲笑尴尬,A项“学会嘲笑这种情况。”符合题意,故选择A项。⑤根据本段小标题“Get ut there and try again.(走出去再试一次)”以及上文“The fear f embarrassment shuld nt hld yu back frm getting ut there t try again.(对尴尬的恐惧不应该阻止你再次尝试)”可知,本段主要讲述的是不要让对尴尬的恐惧阻止你再次尝试,勇于再次尝试,C项“不要太担心事情,准备好走出去,全力以赴。”符合题意,故选择C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到我回到家我才意识到我的钱包落在那里了。A. distinguished区别;B. realized意识到;C. memrized记住;D. thught认为。根据后文“my wallet had been left there”指作者意识到自己的钱包落在了加油站。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我试着把我的沮丧和焦虑放在一边,集中精力采取行动。A. anxiety焦虑;B. curisity好奇心;C. cnfusin困惑;D. surprise惊喜。根据上文“I tried t set aside my frustratin and”可知钱包丢了,作者沮丧和焦虑。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:只是快速搜索一下百度,对吧?A. kick踢;B. check检查;C. tip给小费;D. search搜索。根据上文“Just a quick Baidu”指通过百度搜索找到加油站的电话号码。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,由于有了新的所有者,这个号码最近发生了变化。A. revealed揭露;B. hidden隐藏;C. changed改变;D. cnveyed表达。根据后文“due t new wnership”可知因为老板换了,所以加油站的电话号码也变了。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我给街对面的餐厅打了电话。A. identified识别;B. called打电话;C. visited拜访;D. inspected检查。根据后文“wh then rang me up”可知作者打不通加油站的电话,于是给街对面的餐厅打电话,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:女主人热情地记下了我的电话号码,让服务员把号码拿给加油站经理,经理随即给我打了电话。A. demand要求;B. name名字;C. address地址;D. number数字,号码。根据后文“had a waiter bring it t the gas statin manager, wh then rang me up”可知餐厅老板记下了作者的电话号码,然后拿给了加油站的经理。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他告诉我一个老顾客发现了我的钱包并交给他保管。A. handed递给;B. gt得到;C. tk带走;D. left离开。根据后文“it ver t him fr safekeeping”指这名老顾客把钱包交给了加油站经理保管。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们约定第二天我开车回加油站去取我的钱包。A. prved证明;B. arranged安排;C. hped希望;D. advised建议。根据后文“I wuld drive back t the gas statin the next day t”可知作者和加油站经理约定好了第二天去取钱包。故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们约定第二天我开车回加油站去取我的钱包。A. pick ut挑选出;B. cme up走近;C. take up拿起;D. pick up捡起,取回。根据宾语my wallet可知是取钱包,应用pick up。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对情况朝着正确的方向发展感到欣慰,也对其他人的善意和体贴表示赞赏——从捡到我钱包的顾客到餐厅女主人再到经理,如果这样做对我更方便,他们都愿意把钱包寄给我。A. puzzling令人困惑的;B. simple简单的;C. bvius明显的;D. interesting有趣的。根据上文可知作者几经辗转,最后能顺利拿到钱包,所以事情发展的方向是正确的,这是明显的事实,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对情况朝着正确的方向发展感到欣慰,也对其他人的善意和体贴表示赞赏——从捡到我钱包的顾客到餐厅女主人再到经理,如果这样做对我更方便,他们都愿意把钱包寄给我。A. kindness善良;B. tughness艰难;C. inncence无辜;D. psitiveness积极。根据后文“and thughtfulness f thers”以及上文这些人乐意帮助作者找回钱包,可知是对其他人的善意和体贴表示赞赏。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对情况朝着正确的方向发展感到欣慰,也对其他人的善意和体贴表示赞赏——从捡到我钱包的顾客到餐厅女主人再到经理,如果这样做对我更方便,他们都愿意把钱包寄给我。A. neighbr邻居;B. waiter服务员;C. visitr访问者;D. custmer顾客。呼应上文“a regular custmer had fund my wallet”捡到钱包的是一名顾客。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我对情况朝着正确的方向发展感到欣慰,也对其他人的善意和体贴表示赞赏——从捡到我钱包的顾客到餐厅女主人再到经理,如果这样做对我更方便,他们都愿意把钱包寄给我。A. shw展示;B. award奖励;C. present呈现;D. mail邮寄。根据第一段中“On a trip back frm Bstn, my tw little guys and I stpped at a gas statin. It was nt until I gt hme”可知,作者当时已经从波士顿回到了家里,所以最方便的做法是把钱包邮寄给作者。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对情况朝着正确的方向发展感到欣慰,也对其他人的善意和体贴表示赞赏——从捡到我钱包的顾客到餐厅女主人再到经理,他们都愿意把钱包寄给我,如果这样做对我更方便。A. mre cnvenient更方便的;B. harder更难的;C. mre pssible更有可能的;D. slwer更慢的。根据上文可知,作者当时已经从波士顿回到了家里,所以最方便的做法是把钱包邮寄给作者。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在前进的每一步中,都展现出一种慷慨的精神,这在一个我们经常看到以自我为中心的思考和自私的行为的世界里是令人鼓舞的。A. inspiring鼓舞人心的;B. exciting令人激动的;C. demanding苛刻的;D. engaging迷人的。根据上文“At every step f the way, a generus spirit was shwn”可知,这一事情中每个人都展现出一种慷慨的精神,这是令人鼓舞的事情。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在前进的每一步中,都展现出一种慷慨的精神,这在一个我们经常看到以自我为中心的思考和自私的行为的世界里是令人鼓舞的。A. respect尊重;B. evaluate评估;C. witness目击;D. admire钦佩。根据后文“self-fcused thinking and self-serving behavir”指在这个世界中看惯了以自我为中心的思考和自私的行为,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:从波士顿回来时,我把钱包落下了,随之而来的是许多好运,其中包括对他人善良和慷慨的有力提醒。A. shcked使吃惊;B. accmpanied陪伴;C. supprted支持;D. prtected保护。根据上文“Much gd frtune”以及作者顺利拿回钱包,可知好运伴随着作者。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的世界恢复了正常,变得更加快乐,这不仅仅是因为我的钱包重新团聚了,还因为其他人的无私行为。A. appreciated感激;B. righted纠正;C. admired钦佩;D. recgnized识别。作者找回了钱包,所以是世界恢复了正常。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的世界恢复了正常,变得更加快乐,这不仅仅是因为我的钱包重新团聚了,还因为其他人的无私行为。A. valueless无价值的;B. careless粗心的;C. selfless无私的;D. meaningless无意义的。呼应上文中“a generus spirit was shwn”指他人的无私行为。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:正如玛丽安·威廉姆森所写的:“当我们允许自己认识到事情是多么美好时,幸福就会发生。”A. Sympathy同情;B. Curage勇气;C. Happiness幸福;D. Bravery勇敢。根据上文“made mre jyful, nt just by being reunited with my wallet”可知,作者拿回了钱包,同时看到了他人的善良和无私,感到更加快乐,所以这句话旨在表明:当我们允许自己认识到事情是多么美好时,幸福就会发生。故选C。
    37、答案:①marking②was held③when④independence⑤an⑥t⑦is⑧Usually⑨travelling⑩activities
    Last Saturday, eighty students frm ur schl a visit t Ningxia Science and Technlgy Museum.
    The museum, main task is t spread the necessary knwledge f science and technlgy, cvers area f 15,000 square meters. The mment we entered the museum, the exhibitin caught attentin. In the museum, we saw the latest in science and technlgy. Mrever, we did an scientific experiment by urselves. What appealed us mst was the 4D film which made us feel we were in real events.
    Thugh the visiting time was shrt, we gained a lt. It is an instructive activity that we hpe mre will be rganized in the future.
    Dear Mr. Brwn,
    I'm writing t express my sincere thanks t yu fr recmmending me sme English nvels.
    The recmmended nvels, whse languages are beautiful and plain t read, have brught me many unexpected benefits. Having finished reading them, I have built a larger vcabulary, which, in turn, has imprved my writing skills. Besides, these English nvels pen me up t new experiences and perspectives, ffering me new infrmatin abut cultures and scieties that I never knew befre.
    Please accept my thanks nce again. I really hpe yu can prvide me with sme mre guidance n reading English nvels.
    Li Hua

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