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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)
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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)01
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)02
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)03
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)01
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)02
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)03
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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)08 六选四(原卷版+解析版)

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    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx. Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    A. But studying the chimpanzees f Gmbe was nt easy.
    B.Until that time, nly humans were thught t create tls.
    C.These bservatins disprve the widely held belief that chimpanzees are vegetarian.
    D. S she learns t be a secretary and wrks fr a time at Oxfrd University typing dcuments.
    E. Hwever, Jane lves the ty and names the chimpanzee Jubilee ,carrying it with her everywhere.
    F.Sme schlars and scientists give Jane a cld receptin and criticise her fr giving the chimpanzees names.
    When Leakey and Jane begin a study f wild chimpanzees n the shre f Lake Tanganyika, British authrities resist the idea f a yung wman living amng wild animals in Africa. They finally agree t Leakey's prpsal when Jane's mther Vanne vlunteers t accmpany her daughter fr the first three mnths.
    On July 14, 1960, Jane and Vanne arrive n the shres f Gmbe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve in western Tanzania.
    The animals fled frm Jane in fear. With patience and determinatin she(67)______searched the frest every day, deliberately trying nt t get t clse t the chimpanzees t
    sn.Gradually the chimpanzees accepted her presence.Jane bserves meat-eating fr the first time Octber 30 , 1961. Later, she sees the chimpanzees hunt fr meat. (68)_______
    On Nvember 4,1961, Jane bserves David Greybeard and Gliath making tls t extract termites( 白蚁) frm their munds. They wuld select a thin branch frm a tree, strip the leaves and push the branch int the termite mund. After a few secnds they wuld pull ut the
    termite-cvered stick and pick ff the tasty termites with their lips.On hearing f This becmes ne f Jane's mst imprtant discveries. ( 69)__________Jane's bservatin, Leakey famusly says: “ Nw we must redefine tl, redefine man, r accept chimpanzees as humans.”
    Jane's wrk in Gmbe becmes mre widely knwn and in 1962 she is accepted at Cambridge University as a PhD candidate, ne f very few peple t be admitted withut a“It wuld have been mre scientific t give them
    university degree.( 70)___________numbers”,they say.Jane has t defend an idea that might nw seem bvius: that chimpanzees have emtins.minds and persnalities.
    Jane in Africa Natinal Gegraphic decides t spnsr Jane's wrk and sends phtgrapher and filmmaker Hug van Lawick t dcument Jane's life in Gmbe. In August 1963 , Jane publishes her first article in Natinal Gegraphic,“My Life Amng Wild Chimpanzees.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Shuld Writers Be Paid fr Their E-bks Lent by Libraries?
    When libraries lend bks t the public, authrs and publishers receive remuneratin frm the Gvernment under the Lending Rights schemes. (67 )________________________ Is this fair?
    This year, the gvernment has distributed almst a $ 22 millin under these Public Lending Rights and Educatinal Lending Rights Schemes. Fr each bk in public library cllectins creatrs receive $ 2.1l and publishers receive $ 0.52.
    The amunt that each claimant receives is ften nt very significant, with the majrity f authrs receiving between S 100-500 annually, Still, a previus study has revealed that this remuneratin cnstitutes the secnd mst imprtant surce f incme fr creatrs frm their creative wrk..
    E-bks, hwever, are nt cvered by these Lending Rights schemes. (68)____________ But e-bk lending is increasing and, accrding t the Australian Library and Infrmatin Assciatin, e-bks are likely t reach 20% f library hldings by 2020. Als, mst, if nt all, self-published titles are dne s in digital frmat nly. Such self-published titles , if lent by libraries ,wuld nt qualify fr any remuneratin.
    (69) _____________ Althugh the Bk Industry Cllabrative Cuncil made such prpsal already in a reprt f 2013 , nthing has happened f yet.
    One f the main reasns why e-bks are nt cvered is that e-bk lending is quite different frm print bk lending. In case f print bks, authrs and publishers are arguably lsing n custmers and revenues when libraries lan their bks fr free.Creatrs nly receive $2. 11 and publishers receive $0. 52 fr each bk in public library cllectins.
    At present, in the case f -bks, many publishers chse nt t sell these bks t libraries.( 70)_______
    While publishers charge libraries high prices fr e-bks, writers cmplain that these amunts d nt reach them. Publishing cntracts ften dn't specify whether and hw much authrs receive fr e-bks sales r fr e-lending.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Fd & Health Myths
    Every day there is new infrmatin abut fd and health prducts. Newspapers regularly have articles that discuss hw certain fds r drinks are gd r bad fr yu, Sme televisin shws ften deal with new stries abut hw cnsuming certain substances can affect yur bdy(67)___________
    One myth abut fd and health is that eggs are bad fr yur heart. Althugh they are indeed high in chlesterl(胆固醇)and fat, it's nt true that eating eggs every day will damage yur heart.(68)_________ As far as fat ges, it's the yellw part f the egg that cntains all the fat. S if yu're wrried abut the fat cntent f eggs, g ahead and just eat the whites. Yu might als chse t buy certain kinds f eggs that have less fat cntent depending n the diet f the animal. Check yur lcal supermarket fr mre infrmatin.
    __________Althugh it was nce thught t have unique prperties, ther types f alchl can have the same effects. A study cnducted recently revealed that peple wh drank red wine did nt live any lnger than thse wh drank ther kinds f spirits, such as beer r white wine. it seems that the alchl itself imprves an individual's health by raising the levels f gd chlesterl and decreasing bad chlesterl. The alchl als serves t increase bld flw and assist in bld cltting (凝结).
    (70)___________Cnsumers wh are especially cncerned abut their health shuld think carefully abut new infrmatin they read abut r see n televisin.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    T Big,T Expensive and T Silly - Why Vide Game Mvies Fail
    Film adaptatins f vide games have fallen n the unsuspecting viewing public like a Drp Bear. At first they lk harmless enugh , but they ften leave viewers bruised and regretful.
    These mvies are plentiful. ( 67 )_________Yet despite big budgets and quality talent bth in frnt f and behind the camera , mst vide game mvies are cmmercial and critical failures.
    (68)____________ The answer cmes dwn t a cmplex mix f cnflicting audience demands and cmmercial realities. Vide game mvies ften assume that the audience wants, r is interested in , the game's legend and backgrund. In fairness, this is ut f fear that fans will? criticise legend changes, alienating a key demgraphic. But games reveal legend prgressively ver tens f hurs f gameplay , whereas mvies have a small prtin f that time. This tensin risks creating bring expsitin and cmplex stry lines. Fr example, Warcraft details the rigins f cnflict between humans and res (兽), the central cnflict in the game's wrld.(69)______________
    Additinally, excessive adherence t the surce material extends t using silly plt device:withut spending enugh time establishing prper reasns fr their existence. In games, the these can wrk due t the “unspken but cmmnly understd lgic f ‘this is a vide game’". In a game, peple accept incnsistent narrative devices because they facilitate interesting interactin and are the quickest rute twards allwing gamers t, say , sht hell-mnsters n Mars.
    The game series became increasingly cmplex , as the player-cntrlled prtagnist (主角)parkured his way thrugh time perids like Renaissance Italy and Revlutinary America. The incredibility f the narrative wrld paled beside the fun f vaulting frm rftp t rftp in15th-century Flrence.
    (70)___________ The plt--an riginal stry which retains the key elements f the games---was criticized as " scattered and fractured",“ hastily explained" and “disrienting”. Vanity Fair pinted ut that "it's nt clear why any f this is happening" and Rger Ebert. cm summed it up as: Characters [talking] in quiet whispers abut the cmplex methds they use t realize their prly-hidden agendas.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Cming sn t a cinema near yu? Ticket prices shaped by demand
    Chances are that if yu see just ne film this year, yu prbably saw it already. The perid between Christmas and Australia Day is typically the busiest and mst cmpetitive in ur film calendar. But even when yu arrive at a ticket cunter at a quieter time f year yu will usually pay the same price t see a film irrespective f its ppularity, quality r budget size. (67) ________
    A new smart applicatin means this will sn be a reality fr sme Australian cnsumers. Melburne-based start up Chvie will launch a service ffering demand-based ticket pricing t filmgers at the end f March, with ver 100 screens acrss metrplitan and reginal venues in Victria, NSW and ACT. (68) ________
    Chvie’s app will allw cnsumers t decide, within parameters set by the cinemas, what price they pay t see a film. Fr example, if yu dn’t want t pay mre than $10 t see a particular title and are prepared t cmprmise n where and when yu see it, the app will lcate a suitable sessin fr yu.
    The emergence f apps such as Chvie is likely t shake up the film industry by fundamentally changing ur experience f ging t the mvies.
    Dynamic (r demand) ticket pricing aims t change this.
    S hw des dynamic pricing wrk?
    (69) ________ This depends n a number f demand variables, such as mvie life cycle, time f day, day f the week, film title, venue, size f screen, actual bkings and s n. The number f seats in each price categry fr every film is based n demand cnditins at the time f purchase.
    It wrks by using “pricing bts”, which adjust prices in real time accrding t rules set by the exhibitr and n the basis f infrmatin gathered abut cnsumer preferences. Uber’s “surge pricing” is ne example f dynamic pricing. Airline tickets are anther.
    The idea is that instead f ffering custmers a limited number f ticket categries, the cinema sells each seat based n the individual custmer’s willingness t pay. Patrns can chse screenings by specifying things such as the amunt they are prepared t spend (say, under $10), the lcatin f the cinema (n mre than 10 km frm hme), the time f day (any time after 2pm) and s n. Cnversely, cinemagers shuld als be prepared t pay higher prices fr films that are clse t selling ut in ppular sessins.
    (70) ________ It gives them the flexibility t respnd t unexpected fluctuatins in demand and encuraging their patrns t pre-purchase seats. And it benefits custmers by simplifying the prcess f finding cheaper cinema tickets and guaranteeing them a reserved seat.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    A. Then I tk them all ff the shelf and started again.
    B. I pened ne f bks and enjyed the beautiful wrds abut fairy.
    C. This sky belngs in my bk f fairy tales, I thught.
    D. There were dark circles under my eyes; my hair was a tangled brwn mess.
    E. I put my bk f fairy tales n the bedside table; it didn’t live with my ther bks.
    F. At night, sme animals wandered arund the windw, whispering abut what they saw.
    That night I culdn’t sleep.
    I spent an hur r mre sitting n the flr f my bedrm in my nightgwn, unpacking my bks frm the traveling trunk and putting them n the bkshelf. I arranged them alphabetically: Luisa May Alctt, Frances Hdgsn Burnett, Lewis Carrll, Charles Dickens… (67) _________. This time I use the spines t create a rainbw f clr-blue, green, gray, black…
    (68) _________ My brther, Rbert, had given it t me fr my twelfth birthday, very nearly a year ag. It was filled with the mst beautiful pictures yu culd ever imagine-page after page f enchanted frests, underwater cities, and ryal palaces. The lnger yu lked at thse pictures, the mre yu wuld see—there were pictures within the pictures, wrlds within wrlds.
    My new bedrm was at the back f the huse verlking the garden and the wds beynd. I pened the heavy curtains and std at the dark windw, but all culd see was my wn reflectin lking back at me.
    (69)_________ A year ag, Mama wuld have laughed and said, “Yu lk like yu’ve been dragged thrugh a hedge by a runaway pny, Hen.’’ She wuld have pulled me tward her and gently brushed at the bird’s nest until my hair shne. She wuld have kissed me gd night.
    I blinked away the tears, and pulled the curtains tgether behind me t shut ut the light.
    The darkness beynd the windw was vast and deep, nthing like the hazy gray f Lndn at night. (70) _________ An evil queen’s black velvet clak, embrtaerea with diamnds…
    And then I saw the smke.
    It was drifting up in a thin wisp frm the shadwy wds. As I squinted at it, I saw a tiny range light flickering amng the trees. A fire. Smene has lit a fire in ur frest.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    A. I means that different team is accessible t yu.
    B. Belnging t yur favrite team stimulates yur cnfidence.
    C. That identity is first and fremst.
    D. The mre we fllw a team, the deeper the bnd becmes.
    E. In that sense, yur favrite team can serve the same purpse as church and family: Fstering a sense f belnging.
    F. This refers t the inclinatin by fans t distance themselves frm their team after a defeat.
    “Our research has shwn that the N. 1 reasn peple becme fans is that it’s yur cnnectin t yur first cmmunity,” said Adam Earnhardt, chairman f the cmmunicatins department at Yungstwn State University and c-authr f “Sprts Fans, Identity and Scializatin: Explring the Fandemnium.” “I dn’t care if a Seattle fan mves t China, he r she carries with them their lve fr the sprts teams,” he said. “___ (67) ___”
    ___ (68) ___And when a team begins t catch fire, as with, say, the Mariners in ’ 95 r the Seahawks f recent vintage, well, it’s easy t get swept up in the wave.
    “It’s phenmenal,” said Simns. “We have this ability t understand ther peple s remarkably that their victries literally becme urs. Our teststerne (睾酮) literally respnds t their victry. ___ (69) ___ They’re us, and cmpeting n a literal level as us—a little extensin f us. ”
    Prfessr Rbert Cialdini at Arizna State University came up with the term BIRG—Basking In Reflected Glry—t describe the intense pride fans feel when their teams succeed. It can be used as averb, as in, “Seahawks’ fans are currently BIRGing up a strm.” The cunterpint, as cined by researches C. R. Snyder, Mar Anne Lassergard and Carl E. Frd, is the cncept f CORFing—Cutting Off Reflected Failure. ___ (70) ___We’ve all heard it in actin: We wn, but they lst.
    This leads int anther cncept, that f cgnitive bias, als knwn as cnfirmatin bias, which causes fans t help explain away defeats by blaming utside factrs, such as referees. I’m sure it wuld als help explain why Seahawks fans rallied arund Richard Sherman after his pstgame interview, ratinalizing behavir that was widely criticized by many fans with n vested interest. I culd als explain the ntin f “eustress”, invented by endcrinlgist Hans Selye t refer t a cmbinatin f euphria (极度愉快的心情) and stress, such as that resulting frm watching tense sprting events. Indeed, it’s much f the appeal.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    New Paint Resists Oil and Water
    Having an autmbile can be cstly. In additin t paying fr fuel, the wner f a car shuld set aside mney fr an insurance plicy t guard against pssible damage r lss. The wner als has t pay fr nrmal repairs, like an il change, and ther wrk.Anther cst is cleaning.______ (67)________ Wh wuld nt want a car that is always clean because drps f water and il just rll ff? Nw, scientists say it may nt be t lng befre self.cleaning paints becme mre cmmn in many industries.
    It has been lng knwn that rainwater slides ff the leaves f sme plants withut leaving a mark. Sn, the same may be true fr raindrps n yur car.
    Scientists can nw reprduce that quality, r prperty, f trpical plants like the tar and ltus.Researchers are able t d this because f develpments in nanphysis: the studies f very small particles.
    Ya Lu is a researcher frm China's Dalian University f Technlgy. He currently wrks at University Cllege Lndn. He used titanium dixide nanparticles t create a new kind f water-repellent(防水的) paint.________(68)_________
    Up until nw, the biggest prblem with water-repellent paints was their vulnerability t mechanical damage.______(69)__________
    This was slved with a special adhesive r glue that sticks t the titanium dixide nanparticles..“Applying this spray adhesive, we've managed t get very resistant catings that are resistant t, as I say, rubbing r scratching and with sandpaper and s n."
    The new kind f paint can be used n a number f materials, frm clthing and paper t steel and glass._______(70)________
    They predict this prduct culd be used in a number f areas, including aut manufacturing and even hspitals.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Magazine Articles: Mre Valuable Than Yu May Think
    Parents are ften surprised when teachers suggest their children read magazines. Read n t learna but the benefits that reading magazines ffers t yung readers and hw t intrduce yur children t the medium.
    Magazine Benefits
    Magazine articles can prvide reluctant readers with a lively, breezy writing style that can inspire them t read mre.
    The articles in magazines are generally shrt, which allws a child t finish reading a feature article withut lsing interest due t a shrt attentin span. The writing in magazines als tends t be easy t read, especially if it is a children's publicatin.
    By allwing yur child t read magazines at an early age, yu are encuraging develpment f a useful skill. ___________(67)__________________. Getting int the habit f reading peridicals as a child will fster the habit f reading news articles that may cntinue int adulthd.
    ____________(68)________________. Magazine articles challenge students t think abut issues they may have never cnsidered r cause them t rethink their wrld view. Infrmatin is available in a wide variety f reading levels because magazines are written fr every audience imaginable. Many publicatins cver the same material in different writing styles that might make it easier fr yur child t cmprehend.
    Magazine Activities
    Reading magazines as a family can be used t intrduce each ther t the varius interests that each family member pssesses. When yur children are finished with their magazines, encurage them t pass their issue n t a sibling r ther family member.
    Once each family member has finished reading each magazine, yu can use them fr art and writing prjects. These prjects are fr family members f all ages:
    Cut ut pictures t help yur preschl and kindergarten children learn their alphabet, numbers, and clrs.
    ____________(69)_______________. Paste the picture at the tp f a page and have them write a stry abut what is happening r what the picture represents.
    Clip pictures t create a cllage. Many teenagers lve using their artistic talents t cllage.
    __________(70)_______________. The skills that students utilize and strengthen when reading magazines can be applied t higher level reading and ther academic subjects. Encuraging yur child t read by giving them a magazine subscriptin culd cause them t take the leap frm being a reluctant reader t a vracius page-turner.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    The Mst Imprtant Thing Yu’re Nt Discussing With Yur Dctr
    Shared decisin making requires yu t be an active participant. Pliticians and plicymakers are discussing what parts f the Affrdable Care Act t change and what t keep. While mst f us have little cntrl ver thse discussins, there is ne health care tpic that we can cntrl: what we talk abut with ur dctr.
    The Institute f Medicine (IOM) released the landmark publicatin Crssing the Quality Chasm 15 years ag. The reprt prpsed six aims fr imprvement in the U.S. health system, identifying that health care shuld be patient-centered, safe, effective, timely, efficient and equitable.
    The idea that health care shuld be patient-centered sunds bvius, but what des that mean? The IOM defines it as care that is “respectful f and respnsive t individual patient preferences, needs, and values” and that ensures “patient values guide all clinical decisins.”
    Fr this t truly happen, dctrs’ appintments need t cver mre tpics than hw ne is feeling and what can be dne. Des yur dctr knw yur values?
    ________(67)___________ Fewer than half f peple reprt that their physician r ther health care prvider asks abut their gals and cncerns fr their health and health care.
    Yur dctr can discuss medical tests and treatments withut knwing yur life gals, but sharing yur values and needs with yur dctr makes discussins and decisins mre persnalized – and may lead t better health.
    Hw des patient-centered care happen?
    In rder fr yur health care t center arund yu, yur dctr needs t knw yur values, preferences and needs. Everyne is different. ________(68)___________As a neurlgist, when I’m wrking with a 76-year-ld widw whse main gal is t remain independent in her hme, we frame her care in that cntext. ________(69)___________ We discuss hw a walker helps her be mre independent rather than less, as she can mve arund her hme mre safely.
    When a stressed cllege student cmes t my ffice fr a bthersme tremr, his preference is t avid medicatins that he might frget t take r that might harm his schl perfrmance. This guides ur discussin f the prs and cns f different ptins, including using medicatins but als ding nthing, an ptin that almst half f patients feel strngly shuld always be discussed. ________(70)___________In sharing their values and gals with me, these individuals enabled a health care apprach that respected their needs and als respnded t their life circumstances.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    What wuld happen if the wrld suddenly went vegetarian?
    Peple becme vegetarians fr a variety f reasns. Sme d it t relieve animal suffering, thers are because they want t pursue a healthier lifestyle. Still thers are fans f sustainability r wish t reduce greenhuse gas emissins. 67 And the mre wh make the switch, the mre thse perks wuld manifest n a glbal scale.
    Jarvis and ther experts at Clmbia’s Internatinal Centre fr Trpical Agriculture carried ut researches t see what might happen if meat drpped ff the planet’s menu vernight.
    First, they examined climate change. Fd prductin accunts fr ne-quarter t ne-third f all greenhuse gas emissins frm human activities wrldwide, and the wrst f respnsibility fr thse numbers falls t the livestck industry. 68 In the US, fr example, an average family f fur emits mre greenhuse gases because f the meat they eat than frm driving tw cars – but it is cars, nt steaks, that regularly cme up in discussins abut glbal warming.
    69 Of the wrld’s apprximately 12 billin acres f agricultural land, 68% is used fr livestck. Shuld we all g vegetarian, ideally we wuld give at least 80% f that pastureland(牧场) t the restratin f grasslands and frests, which wuld capture carbn and further alleviate climate change.
    The remaining 10 t 20% f frmer pastureland culd be used fr grwing mre crps t fill gaps in the fd supply. 70 That’s because ne-third f the land currently used fr crps is dedicated t prducing fd fr livestck – nt fr humans.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Japanese and American Cmic Bk Heres
    T sme peple, the idea f reading cmic bks seem childish. _________67__________ Cmics are published glbally, but Japanese and American versins dminate the market despite fact—r perhaps because—they differ in a number f ways.
    _________68__________ American cmics are a grup effrt, beginning with the stry-writing team and the artist wh prduces drawings f initial ideas. When these drafts are finalized, the utlines, dialgue, and clr are added. Als, creatrs f cmic superheres smetimes sell their titles t ther creative teams, wh keep the superher “alive”. This is in sharp cntrast t manga(日本漫画) creatrs, wh are ften individual authrs merely respnsible fr the strylines, dialgue, and artwrk. When a manga creatr decides t stp, s des the her.
    Anther difference is the appearance f the heres. _________69__________ Als, manga heres rarely lk Japanese and the stries d nt typically take place in a Japanese cntext. Hwever, American cmic heres, despite their masks, are prudly American and are admired fr their readiness t defend U.S. cities.
    Prbably the biggest difference is the readership. Up until the 1950s, American cmic bks were read by bth children and adults, with pplar titles such as Superman selling as many as half a millin cpies per mnth. The arrival f TV, hwever, led t a decline in sales s that nw the average reader f an American cmic bk is a teenage by with an interest in superheres. _________70__________ There manga sales are still bming, reaching as high as 7 billin dllars each year largely because readers range frm yung bys and girls up t middle-aged men and wmen. Manga fr men and bys, like the American cmics, tend t be actin-riented, while manga fr wmen and girls tend t be fcused n relatinships.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passages. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    (2023·上海·上海市建平中学校考三模)Is Fairtrade fair?
    Fairtrade Fundatin, an internatinal fundatin cmmitted t fair trade, des what it says n the bttle: it is abut better prices fr farmers and wrkers in develping cuntries. Fairtrade addresses the injustices f cnventinal trade, which t ften leaves the prest, weakest prducers earning less than it csts them t grw their crps. It’s a bit like a natinal minimum wage fr glbal trade. 47
    Free-market ecnmists cmplain that Fairtrade benefits nly a small number f farmers, disadvantaging thse utside. This is plain wrng. 48 Research in Blivia, fr example, fund that cffee prducers utside Fairtrade were able t negtiate higher prices: Fairtrade had becme a price setter. Fairtrade farmers als share their knwledge in trading. Fr thse inside the system, ur research shws that thrugh the minimum price guarantee, farmers have mre secure and stable incmes.
    Other critics ask why we are wrking with retailers r big brands like Starbucks. 49 S we are unaplgetic in ur cmmitment t scale up. By ding s, mrever, we begin t affect all business behaviur.
    50 We recgnise that many farmers in the UK face similar issues t farmers elsewhere, but Fairtrade was established specifically t supprt the mst disadvantaged prducers in the wrld—like the tea-grwers f Malawi, wh dn’t even have drinking water in their villages. I always buy my cheese, pears and carrts frm my lcal farmers’ market—and enjy Fairtrade bananas, tea and cffee. It’s tw sides f the same mvement t put peple back at the heart f trade. Surely, yu cannt say fairer than that.
    A.In fact, the evidence suggests the ppsite is true.
    B.It is nt entirely perfect, but a step in the right directin.
    C.A favurite questin is why we dn’t wrk with UK farmers.
    D.Fairtrade is the way frward, ne keeping pr prducers like myself earning a living.
    E.Our answer is that nly by mainstreaming Fairtrade will we be able t reach mre prducers.
    F.Fairtrade may d sme gd in sme circumstances, but it des nt deserve the unique status it claims fr itself.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passages. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    (2023·上海浦东新·统考三模)Yung Africans are lgging in and clcking n
    His hme is Bungma, a small twn in western Kenya, but his wrkplace is the wrld. Kevin, wh asks that his real name be masked t prtect his credibility, has written abut ffices in China withut ever ging there. He has reviewed hme-security systems he has never seen.
    47 Freelances (自由职业者) n nline platfrms can reach clients arund the wrld, mastering skills frm blgging 10 web design. Optimists hpe that nline wrk can set Africa n the path f service-led grwth dminated by cuntries such as India and the Philippines. Pessimists wrry such wrk will breed injustices.
    Sme are attracted t the wrk by the flexibility and pay; thers because they cannt find a traditinal jb. There are advcates fr freelancing. 48 “Nw everyne is speaking abut digital jbs,” he says. In Kenya the gvernment’s Ajira prgram runs supprt centers that aim t link a millin Kenyans t nline platfrms and make the cuntry a “digital center”.
    Freelances, like the wider utsurcing (外包) industry, “are fighting against a reputatin f Africa as smewhere where yu wuld nt expect digital wrk t take place,” says Mhammad Amir Anwar f the University f Edinburgh, wh c-wrte a bk abut Africa’s digital wrkfrce. Sme African freelances use virtual private netwrks and fake names t pretend they are smewhere else. 49
    The available data suggest that it will take time fr Africa t becme a cntinent f digital freelances. In 2019, Mr. Anwar and clleagues estimated that there were 120,000 African wrkers n Upwrk, the cntinent’s mst ppular platfrm—fewer than in the Philippines. Mst did nt seem t be making any mney.
    Outsurcing practices have als sparked mral questins. Al Astra (a live-streaming cmpany) cntent-mderatin center in Kenya run by Sama (an utsurcing firm), wrkers tld jurnalists that they were mistreated and misled abut the nature f their wrk. 50 Finally, Sama discntinued its services fr Astra this year.
    Technlgical change bunces in unpredictable directins. Culd Al tls, previusly trained by Kenyan wrkers, ne day make these freelances such as Kevin unnecessary?
    A.Africa’s digital wrkers are re-mapping the ld gegraphies f labr.
    B.The internet creates new kinds f wrk, withut any patterns f inequality.
    C.A frmer emplyee has taken bth cmpanies t curt, accusing them f frced labr.
    D.Typical tasks include data entry, nline marketing, r even writing essays fr lazy students.
    E.Baraka Mafle, a student in Tanzania, rganizes training events fr navigating nline platfrms.
    F.Pwer cuts and cmpetitin fr part-time jbs frm cheaper wrkers in Asia and beynd create ther challenges.
    A.Hwever,this is nt the case when libraries lend e-bks.
    B. This may nt be a big issue nw, fr e-bks are minr in publishing.
    C. Als, publishers assume get mre prfits frm libraries where readers pay them mre.
    D. Publishing cntracts ften dn't specify whether and hw much authrs receive fr e-bks sales r fr e-lending.
    E. Extensin alne wuld d little if the current funds under the schemes were merely re-distributed frm bks t e-bks.
    F. Fr this reasn, authrs and publishers have been talking the Gvernment int extending the Lending Rights Schemes t e-bks.
    A.Anther ppular belief is that red wine, like ther drinks, may be harmful t yu if cnsumed t much.
    B.Apart frm that, many peple believe drinking red wine is especially gd fr yur heart
    C.Eggs are high in chlesterl and fat despite the fact that they are a nutritius surce f energy
    D.There are many ther myths cmmn is ur sciety abut fd and health.
    E.This is because the bdy can deal with the extra chlesterl by reducing the amunt it prduces
    F.With such a steady stream f infrmatin, it's understandable that a few ppular myths abut fd and health are flating arund.
    A. S why d these mvies fail?
    B.The film , in cntrast, failed t bring its audience alng fr the ride.
    C.Game adaptatins’ issues seem nt t be due t a lack f resurces.D, But the return n investment is nt encuraging, with a number failing
    t recup ptential t appeal t a devted fan base makes these mvies an attractive prspect.
    F. Hwever, a cmmn criticism was that it was “ full f bring expsitin and mstly uninteresting characters”.
    A. The higher the price f film ticket is, the mre ppular it is amng yungsters.
    B. Imagine if yu culd instead pay less t see films that are nt in high demand?
    C. One f the first cinema chains t take up this initiative is Dendy. Mre will fllw.
    D. Dynamic ticket pricing relies n the quality and trend f the film, varying frm ne t anther.
    E. Dynamic ticket pricing gives the cnsumer the ability t purchase film tickets at a wider range f prices.
    F. Dynamic pricing benefits cinemas by ptimizing the price mix fr every screening f every film.
    A. In ther wrds, the machinery r ther equipment cvered with the paint was easily damaged.
    B. Therefre, the new paint can be applied in many aspects.
    C. Cars get dirty, even under the best f cnditins.
    D. Water drplets d nt leave a mark n the painted surface.
    E. The new materials are created and benefit humans a lt.
    F. Researchers say the paint culd be used in a factry r ther large-scale manufacturing.
    The frmat f magazines enables children t be expsed t a wide variety f subjects.
    Magazines and newspapers prvide adults with critical news.
    Being expsed t magazines and newspapers benefits yu a lt.
    Keep interesting magazine pictures t give children stry ideas.
    Magazines are valuable assets fr many peple, but in particular t children.
    F. Magazines and newspapers are expensive nw but ut f style.
    A.We weigh benefits f medicatins versus the cmplexity f adding ne mre drug t her crwded pill bx.
    B.If yu answered n, yu’re nt alne.
    C.When yur pinin is a shirt yu will find mre ptential abut yu.
    D.Yur values and needs may als vary frm ne appintment t the next.
    E.The tw difference relies n what yu understand instead f what yu see.
    F.A year frm nw after graduatin, we’ll revisit the cnversatin, as his gals and needs may be different.
    A. Clear slutins already exist fr reducing greenhuse gas emissins.
    B. Despite this, hw ur dietary chices affect climate change is ften underestimated.
    C. Fd, especially livestck, als takes up a lt f rm
    D. In develped cuntries, vegetarianism wuld bring all srts f envirnmental and health benefits.
    E. N matter hw much their carnivrus friends might deny it, vegetarians have a pint: cutting ut meat delivers multiple benefits.
    F. Thugh a relatively small increase in agricultural land, this wuld mre than make up fr the lss f meat.
    A. The tw types f cmics are created in very different ways.
    B. But fr peple wh lve cmic bks, they can be a fantastic escape frm the tugh realities f mdem life.
    C. They find it hard t understand why cmic bks appeal t s many peple.
    D. Cmics have lst its charm in America.
    E. In Japan, the cntrast culdn't be greater.
    F. Manga heres lk smaller, yunger than all-cnquering American heres wh have large muscles and lts f themed clthes.

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