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    Business innvatin is an rganizatin's prcess fr intrducing new ideas , wrkflws methdlgies, services r prducts. Like IT innvatin , which calls fr using technlgy in new ways t create a mre efficient and agile rganizatin, business innvatin shuld enable the achievement f gals acrss the entire rganizatin , with sights set n accmplishing cre business aims and initiatives. Innvatin ften begins with idea generatin, wherein ideas are narrwed dwn during brainstrming sessins, after which leaders cnsider the business viability, feasibility and desirability f each idea. Business innvatin shuld imprve ne existing prducts, services r prcesses; r it shuld slve a prblem; r it shuld reach new custmers. Recent examples f business innvatin include the intrductin f the Dysn vacuum cleaner, whse creatr and namesake James Dysn declared in advertisements that he set ut t build a better prduct by applying industrial cyclne technlgies t the husehld appliance.
    The purpse f the business innvatin prcess is t create value fr the rganizatin. That value can cme frm creating new revenue pprtunities r driving mre revenue thrugh existing channels; frm creating efficiencies that save time, mney r bth; r frm imprvements t prductivity r perfrmance. In shrt, innvatin shuld lead t higher prfits.Additinally, the results f an rganizatin's innvatin prcess shuld yield a cmpetitive advantage; it shuld help the rganizatin t grw and reach--r, better still, exceed--strategic bjectives.
    Innvatin and inventin are clsely linked, but the tw terms are nt interchangeable. An inventin is an entirely new creatin. The prcess f business innvatin can prduce an inventin, but the term is brader in scpe and includes the applicatin f an existing cncept r practice in a new way, r applying new technlgy t an existing prduct r prcess t imprve upn it. T better understand the difference, cnsider this: The telephne is an inventin , but the smartphne is an innvatin.
    Business innvatin can als be' classified as either revlutinary r evlutinary Revlutinary business innvatin yields a drastic change in a prduct, service, prcess , etc. ,which ften destrys r supplants an existing business mdel. This is als knwn as radical Evlutinary r incremental innvatin invlves smaller, mre cntinuus innvatin.imprvements that, while imprtant, are nt drastic enugh t shift a cmpany r market int anew paradigm. Disruptive innvatin is a categry that emphasizes the destructive aspect f revlutinary innvatin; this term applies t business innvatin that leads t the creatin f anew market that displaces an existing ne r, similarly , a significant upheaval in a categry f prducts r services.
    Business innvatin,like mst business initiatives , has bth benefits and risks. Organizatins shuld recgnize n the negative side that the business innvatin prcess can be a cstly undertaking that des nt always prduce a return n investment ( ROI) ; that idea cnsidered likely t succeed culd still fail; and that stakehlders culd fight the changes required t be successful. On the ther hand, rganizatins need t weigh thse risks against the benefits f business innvatin.
    63. What des the underlined wrd in the first paragraph mean?
    A.Persuasibility. B. Scarcity. C.Generality. D.Practicability.
    64.What is the purpse f business innvatin?
    A. Create value benefits fr the enterprise.
    B.Refrm the management structure f enterprises.
    C. Encurage staff t make mre inventins.
    D.Upgrade the prduct perfrmance.
    65.Which f the fllwing is true abut innvatin and inventin?
    A. They are essentially the same cncept.
    B.They can replace each ther in the cntext.
    C. They can bring huge cmmercial benefits.
    D.They are clsely related but have different cnceptual scpes.
    66. What is the main cntent f this passage?
    A.The precautins fr brainstrming meetings
    B.The cnsideratins fr business innvatin.
    C.The difference between innvatin and inventin
    D.The revlutinary change in business innvatin
    Cnservatinists g t war ver whether humans are the measure f nature's value. New Cnservatinists argue such trade-ffs are necessary in this human dminated epch. And they supprt “re-wilding", a cncept riginally prpsed by Sule where peple curtail ecnmic grwth and withdraw frm landscapes, which then return t nature.
    New Cnservatinists believe the withdrawal culd happen tgether with ecnmic grwth The Califrnia-based Breakthrugh Institute believes in a future where mst peple live in cities and rely less n natural resurces fr ecnmic grwth.
    They wuld get fd frm industrial agriculture. including genetically mdified fds, desalinatin intensified meat prductin and aquaculture, all f which have a smaller land ftprint. And they wuld get their energy frm renewables and natural gas.
    Driving these prfund shifts wuld be greater efficiency f prductin, where mre prducts culd be manufactured frm fewer inputs. And sme unsustainable cmmdities wuld be replaced in the market by ther, greener nes---natural gas fr cal, fr instance, explained Michael Heisenberg., president f the Breakthrugh Institute. Nature wuld, in essence, be decupled frm the ecnmy.
    And then he added a caveat:"We are nt suggesting decupling as the paradigm t save the wrld, r that it slves all the prblems r eliminates all the trade- ffs.
    Cynics( 悲观者) may say all this sunds t utpian, but Breakthrugh maintains the wrld is already n this path tward decupling. Nwhere is this mre evident than in the United Sates, accrding t Idd Wernick, a research schlar at the Rckefeller University, wh has examined the natin’s use f 100 main cmmdities.
    Wemck and his clleagues lked at data carefully frm the U.S. Gelgical Survey Natinal Minerals Infrmatin Center , which keeps a recrd f cmmdities used frm 1900 thrugh the present day. They fund that the use f 36 cmmdities ( sand, ire re , cttn etc.) in the U. S. Ecnmy had peaked.
    Anther 53 cmmdities (nitrgen,timber, beef, etc. ) are being used mre efficiently per dllar value f grss dmestic prduct than in the pre-1970s era. Their use wuld peak sn, Wernick said.
    Only 11cmmdities (industrial diamnd, indium, chicken, etc.) are increasing in use (Greenwire, Nv.6), and mst f these are emplyed by industries in small quantities t imprve systems prcesses.Chicken use is rising because peple are eating less beef, a desirable develpment since pultry cultivatin has a smaller envirnmental ftprint.
    The numbers shw the United States has nt intensified resurce cnsumptin since the1970s even while increasing its GDP and ppulatin, said Jesse Ausubel f the Rckefeller University.
    “It seems like the 20th-century expectatin we had, we were always assuming the future entailed greater cnsumptin f resurces," Ausubel said. "But what we are seeing in the develped cuntries is, f curse, peaks.”
    63.What des the underlined wrd"trade-ffs"refer t in the first paragraph?
    A. The balance between human develpment and natural eclgy
    B. The prfitability f imprt and exprt trade.
    C.The cnsumptin f natural resurces by industrial develpment
    D. The difficult plight f ecnmies grwth.
    64.Which fthe fllwing is true f the views f the new envirnmentalists?
    A.They believe that mankind shuld live in frests with rich vegetatin
    B.They believe that mankind will need mre natural resurces in the future.
    C.They believe that mankind is the master f the whle universe.
    D. They believe that mankind shuld limit ecnmic grwth
    65.What can we infer frm the last paragraph f the passage?
    A.Natural resurces cannt supprt ecnmic develpment.
    B.Mre resurce cnsumptin will nt ccur in a certain perid f time.
    C.Excessive resurce cnsumptin will nt affect the eclgical envirnment
    D. All resurce cnsumptin in develped cuntries has reached a peak
    66. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Urbanizatin and re-wildness.
    B. Human existence and industrial develpment
    C.Sciecnmic develpment and resurce cnsumptin
    D. Cmmdity trading and raw material develpment
    At a cnference n self-driving cars , Mike Harp, a gvernment fficial, asked a seemingly simple questin abut what happens when his wn car meets a driver-less vehicle. “If I hnk(按喇叭),will it d any gd?” Harp wanted t knw. Unfrtunately, manufacturers didn't have an answer.“ We haven't reached that pint f deciding hw and whether it wuld be apprpriate fr vehicles t react and in which way t hnking ," said ne f them. The brief exchange highlights a thrn in the side f autmakers and plicymakers alike; Self-driving cars will have t share the rad with human drivers, likely fr decades t cme. Thse vehicles must therefre respnd and adapt t the peculiarities and mistakes f humans behind wheel.
    Self-driving technlgy has already cme a lng way. Cars being tested n the rad tday use cameras and radar, fr example, t detect the mvements f nearby cyclists and pedestrians. There are already driver-assist technlgies built int sme cars that mnitr the speed f vehicles arund yu,detect ptential accidents befre they ccur, and autmatically slw r stp the car t avid a wreck. In a wrld where all cars drive themselves, the technlgy culd perate at peak efficiency. Supprters f self-driving cars say that speed limits culd be raised and fatal crashes largely avided as n traffic laws are brken and pr drivers becme a thing f the past.
    But the change t driver-less vehicles is expected t be gradual, and will likely start with ride-sharing services, as the csts f persnally wning a self-driving car remain extremely high. That means man and machine will have t play nice n radways. “There are s many interesting situatins,"such as hnking a hrn, Harp said. When “anther car with a driver meets a self-driving car withut a driver in there and they realize that, it will frighten sme peple. Hw that's ging t be dealt with will be part f the fun part f this prcess.
    Any driver can tell yu that driving invlves a lt f scial interactin, particularly the hand gestures and eye cntact f fellw drivers. Much f that interactin between drivers will eventually be digital as cars increasingly cllect data and share it with the vehicles arund them. If a car speeds up, slws dwn r prepares fr a stp, fr example, that wuld be cmmunicated immediately and electrnically t the ther vehicles n the rad. Like self-driving technlgy hwever, it will be years befre the vehicle-t-vehicle cmmunicatin is cmmn.
    That challenge is being taken int accunt as driver-less vehicles are tested n public rads But the hnking issue is particularly tricky because it's subject t interpretatin, It's ging t be really hard fr a driver-less vehicle, even if it hears the hnk, t figure ut what that hnk means.
    63. In paragraph 1, “a thrn” refers t ____________.
    A. the issue that human drivers have peculiarities and make mistakes
    B.the predictin that self-driving cars will be cmmn in the future
    C.the fact that driver-less cars c-exist with cars driven by humans
    D. the technlgy that ensures driver-less cars are safe n the rad
    64.Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm the last tw paragraph?
    A. Mst peple dn't advcate self-driving technlgy
    B.Inter-vehicle cmmunicatin is superir t inter-persnal interactin
    C.Scial interactin will decrease amng drivers behind the wheel
    D.Mre data is needed t make self-driving technlgy a reality much sner
    65.Which example is used t illustrate that self-driving technlgy is nt smething new?
    A. A car cmmunicates its speed t the ther vehicles
    B.A driver-less ear is likely t frighten human drivers
    C.Speed limits are raised in a wrld f self-driving cars
    D.Car cameras and radar are used t detect mving peple.
    66.Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A.The simple questin abut self-driving cars we still can't answer
    B.A glden pprtunity fr driver-less cars we can't affrd t miss
    C.Hidden secrets f self-driving cars we can't reveal
    D.Ptential risks f driver-less cars we can't ignre
    Life withut access t energy is simply miserable. Accessing energy is the single mst imprtant factr in imprving the lives f individuals and increasing the ecnmic pprtunities available in their cmmunities. Access t lighting transfrms educatin frm utdrs during the day, t indrs and anytime! A simple refrigeratr can transfrm a fruit stand t a grcery stre. Reliable electricity allws businesses t stay pen and ultimately prvides the crnerstne that allws industries t frm.
    There is a dminant schl f thught that energy access can be achieved arund the wrld with nly carbn-free surces. This paradigm envisins effectively"leapfrgging" traditinal develpment patterns,skipping industrializatin,and transfrming ecnmies with green energy and a service ecnmy. While cmpelling in thery, this visin lacks several critical factrs; the need t manufacture the gds that will build the ecnmy,the scalability f energy surces, and the affrdability f that energy.
    This transfrmatin is currently underway and its prgress is inevitable. The urgency is created by individuals current,difficult cnditins and the availability f abundant, affrdable energy,particularly cal. All new energy demand will cme frm the develping wrld. Withut a thughtful cnversatin abut the prjected dubling f wrld energy demand,energy cnsumptin will cntinue as it is currently underway, in tw parallel paths,One path priritizes carbn-free surces,and sets gals and plicies that incentivize thse. The ther path respnds t the supply and demand inherent in a wrld ecnmy and is resulting in the massive develpment f cal-fired electricity generatin.
    The reality f energy develpment can be summarized in the example f India's prjected energy develpment.By 2022,India is planning 100 GW f new slar? and a relatively tiny 50 MW f new cal. Hwever,a simple calculatin f the likely emissins f these tw new surces f energy cnducted by a clleague at Stanfrd indicates that if all this new electricity generatin came frm natural gas, the result wuld be 20 percent fewer emissins. This is a cnversatin wrth having.
    Althugh nt a carbn-free surce, natural gas has a trans-frmative rle t play in the energizing f develping natins. Abundantly available arund the wrld, and mre transprtable than ever,a wrld natural gas market is creating a mre stable,affrdable supply. As an electricity generatin fuel, it is bth a base lad alternative t cal and a backup fr renewable generatin. In this capacity,natural gas prvides carbn and nn-carbn air emissins benefits. When used as a transprtatin fuel,natural gas prvides significant air quality benefit t traditinal fuels and can be equally affrdable. When deplyed as a cking fuel, liquefied petrleum gas(LPG), prvides dramatic health benefits and culd reduce the unnecessary 4 millin annual deaths attributed t cking ver inefficient,bimass fuels. As an ecnmic crnerstne,natural gas can empwer industrial develpment as a chemical feed-stck fertilizer cmpnent, direct energy surce,and electricity prvider.
    63.Which f the fllwing is the view f the dminant schl?
    A. We must actively develp manufacturing industry t prmte ecnmic develpment.
    B. Energy affrdability shuld be fully cnsidered in the prcess f ecnmic develpment
    C. Develped cuntries dn't have t wrry abut energy because f vercapacity.
    D. Only carbn-free surces can achieve energy access in the wrld.
    64. Why is it urgent fr develping cuntries t have access t energy?
    A. Because f insufficient availability energy supply.
    B. Because f rapid ppulatin grwth.
    C. Because f huge cnsumptin f renewable energy.
    D. Because f serius envirnmental pllutin.
    65.Which f the fllwing statements is wrng abut natural gas?
    A. Natural gas resurces are abundant all ver the wrld.
    B. Natural gas is nt nly a substitute fr cal but a renewable energy.
    C. Natural gas is gd fr the air as a traditinal fuel.
    D. Natural gas can be used t prmte industrial develpment.
    66. Accrding t the passage , which f the fllwing statements is crrect?
    A. Traditinal heating water t ck rice can be life-threatening.
    B. Natural gas is a kind f carbn-free energy.
    C. Energy cnsumptin can nly cntinue in the same way as befre.
    D. Reducing energy pverty is the cmmn gal f mankind.
    The bks we read when we’re yung have a special srt f pwer: they can inspire us t be brave and resilient (Matilda by Rald Dahi), take us n thrilling adventures (Divergent by Vernica Rth) and even intrduce us t tragedy (The Bridge t Terabithia by Katherine Patersn). They’re as frmative as anything else in ur yung lives, and smetimes they’re the first place we encunter larger-than-life ideas. Cnsider the lasting cultural imprt f T Kill a Mckingbird r even the urgency f a newer best seller like I’ll Give Yu the Sun, Jandy Nelsn’s 2014 nvel centering n a cntradictry issue. In The Magic Wrds, Cheryl B. Klein, an executive editr at Schlastic whse prjects include the last tw Harry Ptter bks, sets ut t infrm wuld-be writers n hw great nvels fr yung readers wrk.
    The market fr YA nvels is bming: sales in the children’s and YA sectr have been neck and neck with thse f adult bks in recent years, and adult authrs, including Meg Wlitzer (Belzhar) and Carl Hiaasen (Razr Girl), are getting in n the phenmenn. Magic Wrds aims t be a master class. If yu think it sunds silly, it isn’t. In the era f elevated self-help sensatins like Marie Knd and Breníé Brwn, The Magic Wrds is f a piece.
    Klein decnstructs the seemingly bvius (clear pltlines, sympathetic characters) t reveal the technical intricacies f sme belved classics. L. M. Mntgmery surely didn’t whip up Anne f Green Gables as a cash-in endeavr. But fr thse wh want t capitalize, Anne is instructive: what’s timeless and bradly appealing abut Anne - her teenage heart and impulses - is what t examine. Once yu understand that. Klein encurages yu t get persnal: What makes yu ideal t write yur stry? And what des it mean t the reader?
    On the latter questin, The Magic Wrds is mre than a handbk. It is als a timely scial cmmentary n the respnsibility YA writers have t yung adults. Thse wh write t a yunger demgraphic must start with an awareness f their readers - nt nly their age but als hw they might cnnect with the issues, bth the mundane (bullies) and the cultural (tlerance) that characters face. The narratives we tell yung readers can influence hw they understand and value the wrld arund them. The magic isn’t in the wrds: it’s in hw the wrds cme tgether t reflect and affirm the realities f a diverse yung-adult experience.
    63. Accrding t the first paragraph, it can be learned that ________.
    A. The Bridge t Terabithia can inspire us t be brave and resilient
    B. Matilda by Rald Dahi can take us n thrilling adventures
    C. Divergent by Vernica Rth even intrduce us t tragedy
    D. T Kill a Mckingbird has lasting cultural significance
    64. Which f the fllwing is NOT true abut YA nvels?
    A. Anne is a master in the field YA nvels.
    B. Sales in the children’s and YA sectr have been neck and neck.
    C. Adult authrs are getting in the field f YA nvels.
    D. The market fr YA nvels is bming.
    65. Accrding t the text, the Magic Wrds is ________?
    A. full f absurd plts and cmplex narrative structure
    B. ne f the masterpieces f Klein
    C. nt nly a handbk but als a timely scial cmmentary
    D. a nvel cmpsed f many letters
    66. Accrding t the last paragraph, thse writers wh write t a yunger shuld ________.
    A. find smene t spnsr their writingB. fully understand their readership first
    C. develp a strategy t meet the marketD. cpy the wrks f histrical masters

    Our green spaces are shrinking, despite all the benefits they give us. If we want t save them, we need t value the ecsystem and health and wellbeing services they ffer
    Parks are a huge asset, and we need t value them fr the 21st century
    Alisn Benjamin
    Sheffield city cuncil’s balance sheet shws its parks as a £16m liability. Traditinal accuntancy methds fcus n a park’s saleable value, r its peratinal csts assciated with maintenance. S England’s 27,000 parks are cnsidered as financial liabilities rather than the amazing asset t ur health and wellbeing that any f their 37 millin regular users culd vuch fr. They als deliver a range f ecsystem services such as imprved air and water quality, fld risk mitigatin by absrbing water run-ff, and cling the urban envirnment as well as prviding much-needed habitat fr wildlife. By using a “natural capital” accunting apprach that puts a value n all these scial, envirnmental and ecnmic cntributins, Sheffield discvered that fr every £1 spent n its parks, they generate £34 f benefits.
    Yet this true value is nt widely measured r recgnised. As Ian Walmsley, Stckprt cuncil’s green space manager tld the Cmmunities and Lcal Gvernment select cmmittee parks inquiry, “an argument has never been successfully made that if yu spend x n a park, there will be a saving in the health budget and therefre yu shuld take mney ut f the health budget and put it int parks”. As a result, the MPs inquiry reprt published last week warned that parks are at a tipping pint f decline, ravaged by a 92% reductin in their budgets since 2010-11 because f lcal authrity cuts. Less mney means fewer park rangers, less maintenance, mre litter, dg p and antiscial behaviur, including gang and drug-related activities, and gradually much-lved lcal parks turn int dangerus eyesres. Tragically it’s the small, green spaces in prer, built-up areas that suffer disprprtinate cuts t park rangers and maintenance. We have been here befre. Uncared-fr, litter-strewn parks were emblematic f Thatcher’s Britain befre an injectin f public spending by a Labur gvernment and £850m f lttery cash revived them.
    But it desn’t have t be this way. Andrew Hinchley, green space develpment fficer at the Lndn Brugh f Camden, tld MPs if we had new ways f valuing the services parks prvide fr imprving water quality, fr example, then yu culd ask water cmpanies t pay twards their upkeep.
    The cmmittee wants cuncils t publish strategic plans t recgnise the real value f parks and t set ut hw they will be managed (pssibly by a charitable trust, as Newcastle is lking int) t maximise their cntributin t wider lcal authrity gals such as prmting healthier lifestyles. It suggests the gvernment’s besity strategy culd fund parks. It als suggests that it culd be a legal requirement fr cuncils t prduce such strategies.
    63. Accrding t the text, parks are regarded as financial liabilities because ___________.
    A. the area f the park is gradually decreasing due t pr prtectin
    B. the budget fr the cnstructin f the park is gradually decreasing
    C. the value f the park is lw by using a “natural capital” accunting apprach
    D. the traditinal accuntancy methds fcus n a park’s saleable value
    64. Accrding t the text, which f the fllwing is NOT the benefit f the park?
    A. Imprving air and water quality.
    B. Symblizing the city civilizatin.
    C. Cling the urban envirnment.
    D. Prviding much-needed habitat fr wildlife
    65. Due t the reductin in budgets, what culd prbably happen?
    A. The gvernment will take mney ut f the health budget.
    B. The lcal authrities will centralize the management f the park.
    C. Much-lved lcal parks will turn int dangerus eyesres.
    D. The true value f the park will be widely measured r recgnised.
    66. What can be learned frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. The cmmittee has published strategic plans t recgnise the real value f park.
    B. It culd be a legal requirement fr cuncils t prduce such strategies.
    C. The lcal citizens shuld pay fr the imprving water quality.
    D. The Labur gvernment will spend £850m f lttery cash t revive the park.
    Artificial light is ften seen as a sign f prgress: the march f civilizatin shines a light in the dark; it takes back the night; it illuminates. But a chrus f scientists and advcates argues that unnaturally bright nights are bad nt just fr astrnmers but als fr ncturnal (夜间活动的) animals and even fr human health.
    Nw research shws the night is getting even brighter. Frm 2012 t 2016 the earth’s artificially lit area expanded by an estimated 2.2 percent a year (map), accrding t a study published last Nvember in Science Advances. Even that increase may understate the prblem, hwever. The measurement excludes light frm mst f the energy-efficient LED lamps that have been replacing sdium-vapr technlgy in cities all ver the wrld, says lead study authr Christpher Kyba, a pstdctral researcher at the German Research Center fr Gesciences in Ptsdam.
    The new data came frm a NASA satellite instrument called the Visible Infrared Imaging Radimeter Suite (VIIRS). It can measure lng --- wavelengths f light, such as thse prduced by traditinal yellw-and-range sdium-vapr street lamps. But VIIRS cannt see the shrt - wavelength blue light prduced by white LEDs. This light has been shwn t disrupt human sleep cycles and ncturnal animals’ behavir.
    Credit: Mapping Specialists; Surce: “Artificially Lit Surface f Earth at Night Increasing in Radiance and Extent,” by Christpher C. M. Kyba et al., in Science Advances, Vl. 3 , N. 11, Article N. E1701528; Nvember 22 , 2017.
    The team believes the nging switch t LEDs caused already bright cuntries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the U. S. t register as having stable levels f illuminatin in the VIERS data. In cntrast, mst natins in Suth America, Africa and Asia brightened, suggesting increases in the use f traditinal lighting. Australia actually appeared t lse lit area—but the researchers say that is because wildfires skewed the data.
    “The fact that VIIRS finds an increase (in many cuntries), despite its blindness in the part f the spectrum that increased mre, is very sad,” says FabiFalchi, a researcher at Italy’s Light Pllutin Science and Technlgy Institute, wh did nt participate in the study. In 2016 Falchi, alng with Kyba and several ther members f his research team, published a glbal atlas f artificial lighting that shwed ne third f the wrld’s ppulatin currently lives under skies t bright t see the Milky Way at night.
    The data als cast dubt n the idea that the LED lighting revlutin will lead t energy cst savings. Between 2012 and 2016 the median natin pumped ut 15 percent mre lng-wavelength light as its GDP increased by 13 percent. And verall, cuntries’ ttal light prductin crrelated with their GDP. In ther wrds, Kyba says, “we buy as much light as we are willing t spend mney n.”
    Which is nt true abut the spread f lit areas?
    A. Lit area expanded by an estimated 2. 2 percent a year.
    B. Artificial light is ften seen as a sign f prgress.
    C. The increase in GDP is due t the increase in light.
    D. It is bad fr ncturnal animals and even fr human health.
    What is the functin f VIIRS accrding t the article?
    A. It can taking pictures f the Earth t slve prblems.
    B. It can recrd and analyse lng wavelengths f light.
    C. It is a NASA satellite arund the earth.
    D. It can find the light that is bad fr human sleep cycles.
    Accrding t the article, what we can knw abut the LEDs?
    A. Unnaturally LED lights are bad fr peple.
    B. It is a sign f civilizatin in mdern sciety.
    C. VIIRS can see the light prduced by white LEDs.
    D. Artificially lit surface f Earth increasing because f LEDs.
    66. The authr writes this article t __________.
    A. shw the night is getting even brighter
    B. tell peple that VIIRS measure lng wavelengths f light
    C. cmplain that the Milky Way is nt visible at night
    D. attempt t aruse peple’s awareness f light pllutin
    Everything abut nuclear energy seems terrifically big: the cst, cnstructin and decmmissining—and the fears f smething ging badly wrng.
    The future, hwever may well be much smaller. Dzens f cmpanies are wrking n a new generatin f reactrs that, they prmise, can deliver nuclear pwer at lwer cst and reduced risk.
    These small-scale plants will n average generate between 50MW and 300MW f pwer cmpared with the 1,000MW-plus frm a cnventinal rectr. They will draw n mdular manufacturing techniques that will reduce cnstructin risk, which has plagued larger-scale prjects. Supprters believe these advanced mdular reactrs (AMRs)—mst f which will nt be cmmercial until the 2030s—are critical if atmic pwer is t cmpete against the rapidly falling csts f slar and wind.
    “The physics hasn’t changed. It’s abut much cleverer design that ffers much-needed flexibility in terms f peratin,” said Tim Stne, lng-term industry adviser and chairman f Nuclear risk Insurers, which insures nuclear sites in the UK.
    Since the Fukushima meltdwn in Japan in 2011, safety fears have threatened nuclear pwer. But the biggest bstacle tday is ecnmic. In western Eurpe, just three plants are under cnstructin: in the UK at Hinkley pint C in Smerset; at Flamanville in France; and at Olkilut in Finland. All invlve the Eurpean Pressurized Reactr technlgy f EDF that will be used at Hinkley Pint. All are running years late and ver budget. In the US, the first tw nuclear prjects under way fr the past 30 years are als blwing thrugh cst estimates.
    The UK, which pened the wrld’s first cmmercial nuclear reactr in 1956, is ne f the few western natins cmmitted t renewing its ageing fleet t ensure energy security and meet tugh carbn reductin targets. It is seen as a prving grund, by many in the industry, f nuclear pwer’s ability t restre cnfidence.
    Hwever, the cuntry’s agreement with EDF t build tw units at Hinkley Pint—which tgether will generate 3.2GW f electricity—has cme under severe criticism ver its cst. The gvernment is lking at different funding mdels but said it still sees nuclear pwer as vital t the cuntry’s future energy mix. Small reactrs, it believes, have the ptential t generate much-needed pwer frm the 2030s.
    A nuclear sectr deal, unveiled last mnth, prmised up t f5m in funding fr research and develpment int AMRs and attracted interest f start-ups frm arund the wrld. The gvernment hpes the funding will give the UK a lead in the glbal race t develp these technlgies, helping t prvide energy security while als creating a multibillin-dllar exprt market fr British engineering cmpanies.
    63. Which f the fllwing is true abut the advanced mdular reactrs (AMRs)?
    A. AMRs prduce mre pwer than traditinal reactrs
    B. Small in scale, AMRs rse mre safety risks
    C. S far, mst AMRs have nt been put int use yet
    D. Gvernments prefer energy f slar and wind t that f AMrs
    64. In paragraph 5, the authr mentins the plants in Western Eurpe and the US t ________.
    A. prve that nuclear pwer has been threatened by safety cncern.
    B. shw that the cnstructin f nuclear pwer plants cst mre that the budget available.
    C. indicate the cnstructin f nuclear plants are slw in speed.
    D. pint ut that mst pwer plants have adpted the latest nuclear technlgy.
    65. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Sme peple have lst cnfidence in the develpment f nuclear plants
    B. The UK gvernment seeks t reduce the negative impact f nuclear pwer n its ecnmy.
    C. The plan t build tw pwer plants in Hinkley Pint has been deserted
    D. a kind csts fr small mdular reactrs wuld be higher relative t large nuclear reactrs.
    66. Which f the fllwing can serve as the best title f this passage?
    A. Britain cunts n nuclear energy t keep lights n
    B. Traditinal nuclear plants bm with mini reactrs
    C. Nuclear’s share f pwer generatin remain stead
    D. Nuclear pwer lks t shrink its way t success
    The budget line is an elementary cncept that mst cnsumers understand intuitively withut a need fr graphs and equatins -- it's the husehld budget, fr example.
    Taken infrmally, the budget line describes the bundary f affrdability fr a given budget and specific gds.
    One f the interesting ways the study f ecnmics relates t human behavir generally is that a lt f ecnmic thery is the frmalizatin f the kind f simple cncept utlined abve -- a cnsumer's infrmal understanding f the amunt she has t spend and what that amunt will buy.
    In the prcess f frmalizatin, the cncept can be expressed as a mathematical equatin that can be applied generally.
    T understand this, think f a graph where the vertical lines quantify hw many mvie tickets yu can buy and where the hrizntal lines d the same fr crime nvels. Yu like ging t the mvies and reading crime nvels and yu have $150 t spend. In the example belw, assume that each mvie csts $10 and each crime nvel csts $15. The mre frmal ecnmics term fr these tw items is budget set.
    If mvies cst $10 each, then the maximum number f mvies yu can see with the mney available is 15. T nte this yu make a dt at the number 15 (fr ttal mvie tickets) at the extreme left-hand side f the chart. This same dt appears at the extreme left abve "0" n the hrizntal axis because yu have n mney left fr bks -- the number f bks available in this example is 0.
    Yu can als graph the ther extreme -- all crime nvels and n mvies. Since crime nvels in the example cst $15 and yu have $150 available, if yu spend all the available mney crime nvels, yu can buy 10. S yu put a dt n the hrizntal axis at the number 10.
    Yu'll place the dt at the bttm f the vertical axis because in this instance yu have $0 available fr mvie tickets.
    If yu nw draw a line frm the highest, leftmst dt t the lwest, rightmst dt yu'll have created a budget line. Any cmbinatin f mvies and crime nvels that falls belw the budget line is affrdable. Any cmbinatin abve it is nt.
    63. Which sentence abut the budget line is NOT TRUE?
    A. It is a limitatin f affrdability fr a given budget and specific gds.
    B. Mst cstumers will be cnfused with this cncept because f its cmplex.
    C.I is the effectively a map f future expenditures.
    D. It can be expressed as a mathematical equatin.
    64.What is the purpse f the passage?
    A.T tell us any cncept can be expressed as a mathematical equatin.
    B.T help us figure ut the meaning f Budget Line
    C. T tell us we shuld budget befre we buy gds
    D.T give an instructin f drawing a budget Line
    65. Assume that each mvie csts $ 10 and each crime nvel csts $ 15, yu have $ 150.
    Which is RIGHT accrding t this passage?
    A.The maximum number f mvies yu can see is 10.
    B. The maximum number f crime nvels yu can buy is 15
    C.Yu can buy 7 crime nvels and see 5 mvies.
    D.Yu can buy 7 crime nvels and see 4 mvies
    66. What is the best title f this passage?
    A. Are we really knw the ecnmic cncept f a budget line?
    B. The Budget Line as an Ecnmics Cncept
    C. The Budget Line as an Infrmal Cnsumer Understanding
    D. The Cmplex Cncept-Budget Line
    Why data is the new cal
    “Is data the new il?” asked prpnents f big data back in 2012 in Frbes magazine. By 2016, and the rise f big data’s turb-pwered cusin deep learning, we had becme mre certain: “Data is the new il,” stated Frtune.
    Amazn’s Neil Lawrence has a slightly different analgy: Data, he says, is cal. Nt cal tday, thugh, but cal in the early days f the 18th century, when Thmas Newcmen invented the steam engine. A Devnian irnmnger, Newcmen built his device t pump water ut f the suth west’s prlific tin mines.
    The prblem, as Lawrence tld the Re-Wrk cnference n Deep Learning in Lndn, was that the pump was rather mre useful t thse wh had a lt f cal than thse wh didn’t: it was gd, but nt gd enugh t buy cal in t run it. That was s true that the first f Newcmen’s steam engines wasn’t built in a tin mine, but in cal wrks near Dudley.
    S why is data cal? The prblem is similar: there are a lt f Newcmens in the wrld f deep learning. Startups like Lndn’s Magic Pny and SwiftKey are cming up with revlutinary new ways t train machines t d impressive feats f cgnitin, frm recnstructing facial data frm grainy images t learning the writing style f an individual user t better predict which wrd they are ging t type in a sentence.
    And yet, like Newcmen, their innvatins are s much mre useful t the peple wh actually have cpius amunts f raw material t wrk frm. And s Magic Pny is acquired by Twitter, SwiftKey is acquired by Micrsft – and Lawrence himself gets hired by Amazn frm the University f Sheffield, where he was based until three weeks ag.
    But there is a cda t the stry: 69 years later, James Watt made a nice tweak t the Newcmen steam engine, adding a cndenser t the design. That change, Lawrence said, “made the steam engine much mre efficient, and that’s what triggered the industrial revlutin”.
    Whether data is il r cal, then, there’s anther way the analgy hlds up: a lt f wrk is ging int trying t make sure we can d mre, with less. It’s nt as impressive as teaching a cmputer t play G r Pac-Man better than any human alive, but “data efficiency” is a crucial step if deep learning is ging t mve away frm simply gbbling up dles f data and spitting ut the best crrelatins pssible.
    “If yu lk at all the areas where deep learning is successful, they’re all areas where there’s lts f data,” pints ut Lawrence. That’s great if yu want t categrise images f cats, but less helpful if yu want t use deep learning t diagnse rare illnesses. “It’s generally cnsidered unethical t frce peple t becme sick in rder t acquire data.”
    Accrding t the passage, why data is seen as the new cal?
    A. It can drive the steam engine t pump water
    B.It can help peple make mre cals.
    C. It can help the areas f deep learning
    D. It can help cure diagnse rare illnesses.
    64. Accrding t Lawrence , why big data is less helpful t diagnse rare illnesses?
    A. Because there is n such demand.
    B. Because it can nly use t categrize images f cats.
    C. Because it's unethical t acquire data by frcing peple t becme sick.
    D. Because it needs t much data.
    65. Which areas are mst likely t be successful in in-depth learning?
    A.Sme small start-ups.
    B.Areas with large amunts f data.
    C.Cal and Petrleum Develpment Field
    D.Areas fr tackling rare diseases
    66. Accrding t the cntent f the article, which is NOT TRUE abut the big data?
    A. We still have a lt f wrk t study the big data.
    B. It requires cuntless data t be cllected.
    C. The purpse f studying big data is t save parents’ csts
    D. “Data efficiency” is a critical step t explre mre data.
    There are classes fr the mthers f babies, but there’s n helping with yur mum and dad grwing ld.
    Old peple’s wards are hell fr ld peple. Geriatric wards are bedlam and bnkers. A tthless wman screaming when left alne, a cry that reaches the high hspital ceiling. A wman effing and blinding----the plite curtain will nt prtect her frm the indignity f a nappy change. A wman wh lives the same mment in repeat, dressed up fr ging hme in a bright red, ver the dressing grwn, asking fr the key t her huse, saying ver and ver: “Am I ging hme tday?”
    And thugh my mum, by the time she was released, knew that her life was charmed cmpared with the lives f the wrld’s refugees. It seems t me as if the plight f ld peple, while nt a hrrible as the plight f refugees, shares sme f the hrrr. Just as we live in a sciety that hasn’t caught up with technlgy, the kind f mral chices it gives peple, we als live in a wrld that hasn’t kept up with its ageing ppulatin. We have the advances in medical science and technlgy that have kept peple alive lnger, but nt the advances in hw t treat ur ageing ppulatin. Sciety is lagging behind the ld, failing and falling.
    There are certain small but piercing similarities between the treatment f the ld and the treatment f refugees. The ld are ften displaced frm their hmes, mved ut against their will;decisins are ften made fr them that they have n say ver. Often, they are treated as fls r halfwits, crwded tgether in ne place, given clthes that dn’t belng t them, treated as a fallen tribe, incapable f any individuality. Nbdy imagined my mther was a secretary f the Scttish peace mvement, a primary teacher, a lifelng scialist, a witty wman. Out f hspital, my 85-year-ld mum said:”ging int hspital at my age puts years n yu. Gd save frm ld peple’s wards. Yu never think f yurself as ld. Yu lk acrss the ward and think, am I like that?”
    63. The treatment f the ld is cmpared f that f the refugees in rder t____________ .
    A. prve they have a lt in cmmn.
    B. shw the terrible status f the ld.
    C. display their similarities and differences.
    D. indicate that ld peple have t leave their hme.
    64. We can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. refugees lead a better life than ld male patients.
    B. ld peple are ill-treated due t their lss f individuality.
    C. the authr’s mm is capable f teaching and being a scialist in the meanwhile.
    D. the treatment f the ageing ppulatin desn’t develp as science advances.
    65. The authr’s mm felt that life in the hspital _______________.
    A. made her much lder.
    B. created her a mature wman.
    C. enable her t lk back at life.
    D. let her full f gratitude t children.
    66. The passage mainly discussed __________________ .
    A. the life f refugees and ld peple.
    B. scial respnsibility t ld wmen.
    C. imprper treatment f ld peple.
    D. preparing fr ageing parents.
    We’ve all heard the dangers f helicpter parenting. Remaining t invlved in a kid’s life, especially thrughut cllege, can lead t depressin, lack f self-reliance and feelings f entitlement.
    This wisdm seems sund. But sme academics and educatrs nw say they see signs f a trubling resistance. The cncern: that t much f warnings and hrrr stries—the cver f Julie Lythctt-Haims’ bestseller Hw t Raise an Adult instructs mms and dads t avid “the verparenting trap”— is discuraging parents frm getting invlved at all.
    “Yes, parents can be intruders,” says Marjrie Savage, a researcher in the University f Minnesta. “At the same time, there are increasing examples f parents refusing t step up when students genuinely need their family” At Hfstra University, fr example, parents nw ask embarrassedly abut mental-health and campus-safety resurces, as if bringing up thse tpics were frbidden, says Branka Kristie, wh heads the family-utreach prgrams. And Savage recalls talking t a mm wh kept quiet abut her sn’s signs f depressin until right befre he failed a semester. She did nt want t “helicpter in.”
    That means clleges, which have spent the past decade learning t cpe with parents wh get t invlved, nw have a different prblem. In recent years, hundreds f clleges have either launched r increased their parent ffices, which serve as ne-stp shps fr mms and dads lking t make cmplaints, reprt prblems and generally stay in tuch.
    Much f this began, f curse, because schls were frced t cpe with a generatin f students cnnected with their parents like never befre. On average, they cmmunicate 22. 1 times per week, accrding t research frm Barbara Hfer, a psychlgy prfessr at Middlebury Cllege. That’s mre than twice the rate f a decade ag, befre almst every student had a smartphne.
    With sme mms and dads thinking twice f cntacting the schl in the first place, sme prgrams are being used t encurage a mre balanced apprach, ften thrugh email and ther scial media. Hfstra's Kristic advises parents t “be a guide, while granting that the student wns the jurney.” That means asking questins, listening t answers, being patient and trusting kids t reslve their wn prblems. But if issues persist, r if a student is in serius mental r physical danger, it als means hpping in the chpper, at least fr a little while.
    63. In paragraph 3, parents f Hfstra University students are mentined t_________.
    A. shw that parents have gne t the ther extreme f verparenting
    B. prvide educatrs with a new understanding f verparenting
    C. give a further example f supprtive verparenting
    D. place emphasis n the necessity f verparenting
    64. The phrase "hpping in the chpper" in the last paragraph refers t_________.
    A. having trust in kids B. stepping in t slve kids prblems
    C. jining a family-utreach prgramD. turning t scial media fr help
    65. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Mental-health and campus-safety resurces are frbidden tpics amng parents
    B. Hw t Raise an Adult encurages parents t get engaged in family educatin
    C. Overparenting is n lnger a prblem because f students’ self-reliance.
    D. There was less student-parent cmmunicatin in the past than tday.
    66. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Why Clleges Need Helicpter Parents B. Hw t Imprve parent-schl Relatins
    C. Why Overparenting Is in Questin D. Hw t Cmmunicate Mre as Parents
    (2023·上海·上海市民办文绮中学校考三模)As a by, when Jnny Kinkead wasn’t making things using the tls in his dad’s garage, he was messing abut with a guitar. And the tw pre-ccupatins have been his living fr the past fur decades: building steel-string guitars by hand. “The guitar still appeals t me,” he says. “Making a sund ut f wd—it’s amazing what yu can d.”
    Jnny learned t play his brther’s guitar when he was eleven. Then, when he was sixteen, he wanted t learn the bass guitar. “Sme peple wuld have gt a hliday jb and saved up and bught ne,” he says. “But I was f a mindset that if yu wanted smething, yu made it.”
    Althugh the bass was the first instrument Jnny built frm nthing, he and his brthers had lng been ding essentially the same thing with ther items. “I made mdel bats and aerplanes as a child, s I was familiar with that prcess. My father had taught me and my brthers hw t use tls, and we had free materials in the garage.” Jnny had als been custmizing and repairing instruments fr his mates.
    Jnny’s bass guitar turned ut well, but the idea f a career building guitars had yet t crss his mind. “My ambitin then was t be a sculptr,” he says. His interests evlved further and n finishing schl, he chse t study architecture at university. Halfway thrugh the curse, hwever, he drpped ut, but left with a clearer idea f what he wanted t d and started t think seriusly abut guitar making. “I was still interested in painting and sculpture but I realized that when yu are building guitars, yu’re actually sculpting sund.” In additin, he explains, “I thught this might be mre reliable than being an artist as it’s craft-based.”
    Ever since then, Jnny has made guitars fr a living. Fr the first ten years, he added t his incme by cleaning windws part-time. The first guitars he sld nly went fr the cst f the materials, but as he develped a reputatin as ne f the best guitar-makers arund, he was able t charge a little mre. But even nw, almst frty years later, Jnny describes what he des as “still scratching a living”. He admits he can never actually turn ut mre than ten guitars a year, which inevitably restricts his earnings.
    43.Why did Jnny chse t make a bass guitar fr himself in his teens?
    A.He regarded it as the natural thing t d.
    B.He feared that he wuld nt be able t affrd ne.
    C.He saw it as gd practice fr making ther guitars.
    D.He thught he culd ensure it was in the style he wanted.
    44.In paragraph 3, “that prcess” refers t _____.
    A.ding sme favurs fr friendsB.cperating with his brthers
    C.creating smething frm nthingD.getting tls and materials ready
    45.What des Jnny say abut the architecture curse he attended?
    A.It gave him the chance t explre different types f art.
    B.It helped him becme financially independent.
    C.It prvided him with ideas fr guitar design.
    D.It enabled him t decide n a career path.
    46.Jnny suggests that the main reasn fr his lw incme is _____.
    A.the high cst f the materials he makes guitars with
    B.the small number f guitars that he prduces
    C.the limited demand fr hand-made guitars
    D.the cmpetitin between guitar-makers
    (2023·上海·卢湾高级中学校考三模)On June 22, 1927, Charles Lindbergh flew int Daytn, Ohi f the US, fr dinner at Orville Wright’s huse. It had been just a mnth since the yung aviatr (飞行家) cmpleted the first ever sl nnstp crssing f the Atlantic, and he felt he ught t pay his respects t the celebrated pineer f flight.
    Frty-tw years later, n July 16, 1969, Apll 11 astrnaut Neil Armstrng was allwed t bring a persnal guest t the Kennedy Space Center t witness the launch f NASA’s twering Saturn V rcket. Armstrng invited his her, Charles Lindbergh.
    One man, Lindbergh, culd be the living link between the pilt f the first pwered flight and the cmmander f the first missin t anther wrld.
    In ur century, fr better r wrse, prgress isn’t what it used t be. Nrthwestern University ecnmist Rbert Grdn argues that by 1970, all the key technlgies f mdern life were in place: electricity, mechanized agriculture, highways, air travel, telecmmunicatins, and the like. After that, innvatin and ecnmic grwth simply culdn’t keep ging at the breakneck pace set ver the previus 100 years—a perid Grdn calls “the special century.”
    Since 1970 the nly ntable creatin has been the ever-grwing increase in cmputing pwer in the frm f the Internet and ur mbile devices. But in mst ther ways, Grdn argues, the lives f peple in develped natins lk and feel the same in 2019 as they did in 1979 r 1989.
    Cnsider cnsumer rbtics. There’s enrmus ptential fr rbts t help us with husewrk, educatin, entertainment and medical care. But hme rbtics cmpanies seem t keep flding. S far, the nly cmmercially successful hme rbt, the Rmba vacuum cleaner, hit the market in 2002.
    Or cnsider access t space. In 2007 the XPRIZE Fundatin ffered $30 millin in prizes t cmmercial teams that wuld cmpete t land a rbtic rver n the mn by 2018. Althugh five teams had built rvers, all had truble raising enugh mney t buy launch cntracts.
    Meanwhile the list f ptentially wrld-changing technlgies that get lts f press ink but remain stubbrnly in the prttype (雏形) phase is very lng. Self-driving cars, flying cars, gene therapy, nuclear fusin. Need I cntinue?
    Granted, these are all hard prblems. But histrically, slving the really big prblems—rural electrificatin, fr example—has required sustained, large-scale investments, ften with private markets and taxpayers splitting the burden. In this century, we urgently need t und sme f the cnsequences f the last great bm by develping affrdable zer-and negative-emissins technlgies. That’s anther hard prblem—and t slve it, we’ll need t recapture sme f what made the “special century” s special.
    43.In the beginning f the passage, the authr used the stry Charles Lindberg t _____.
    A.explain technlgy advanced fast in the past 100 years
    B.infer mst aviatrs are likely t knw each ther well
    C.prve this man was a key histric figure f the past century
    D.pint ut we shuld be grateful t such a pineering inventr
    44.Why des Rbert Grdn call the past 100 years “the special century”?
    A.Cmputing pwer keeps grwing at a high speed.
    B.New things keep cming up t make life easier.
    C.Human life has becme highly mechanized.
    D.Peple have been trained t be mre creative.
    45.What can be inferred frm the example f access t space in paragraph 7?
    A.Big innvatins can’t be achieved withut cnstant financial supprt.
    B.Technlgical develpment can’t be gained if it is nt applied practically.
    C.Scientific prjects are nt cnsidered valuable unless cmmercially successful.
    D.New creatins are nt wrth making unless significantly imprving peple’s lives.
    46.Which f the fllwing best summarizes the passage?
    A.Sustained and large-scale investments are harder t get nw than befre.
    B.Peple are facing a time with mre difficult prblems than it used t be.
    C.Majr technlgical shifts are fewer and farther between than they were.
    D.Slutins t the really big prblems are fewer than we culd expect.

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