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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)01 高考单词A(原卷版+ 解析版)01
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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)01 高考单词A(原卷版+ 解析版)

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    abandn [əˈbændən] v. 抛弃
    【真句】The ne in the new envirnment shuld be sympathetic t the fact that yur friend may feel abandned. 【2022年全国乙卷】在新环境中的人应该同情你的朋友可能会感到被遗弃的事实。
    同义词:Frsaken, fancy-free adj. 被抛弃的;无约束的;恣意放荡的;寡廉鲜耻的
    【真句】 repairing cellphnes rather than abandning them【2020江苏】 主张修理手机而不是抛弃它们。
    同义词:desert v. 抛弃 n. 沙漠
    【真句】 abandning phne calls altgether and mving twards data-based cmmunicatins-using apps like Face Time r WhatsApp, which can be tied t yur identity.或者完全放弃电话,转向基于数据的通信——使用像Face Time或WhatsApp这样的应用程序,这些可以与你的身份联系起来。
    同义词:Waiving v. 放弃;屈服
    ancestr [ˈænsəstə(r)] n. 祖宗; 祖先
    【助记】ance来自“nce曾经”,st表示站立stand ,r表示“人”,曾经站立的的人→祖先。
    【真句】we can marry the best f ur mdern insights with the handiness f ur ancestrs.【2020年北京】我们可以把我们最好的现代见解与我们祖先的灵巧结合起来。
    able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够的
    用法:be able t d sth 能够做某事
    【真句】Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. 【2023全国乙卷】理想情况下,一段历史会把文本和对象结合在一起,而这本书的一些章节能够做到这一点,但在很多情况下,我们根本不能。
    【真句】She is cnfident that small land areas can bring large returns if farmers are able t adapt by planting sustainable 【2023四省联考】她相信,如果农民能够通过种植可持续的作物来适应,小块土地可以带来巨大的回报。
    【真句】 are able t d the same with less symmetrical (对称的) shapes.【2022全国甲卷】它们能够用不那么对称的形状来做同样的事情。
    able的反义词:unable [ʌnˈeɪbl] adj. 不能够 用法:be unable t d 不能做某事
    【真句】With the yung unable t affrd t leave hme and the ld at risk f islatin...【2020全国3】由于年轻人负担不起离家的费用,而老年人则面临着被隔离的风险(孤独)...
    able的动词:enable [ɪˈneɪbl] vt. 使能够 用法:enable sb/sth t d sth 使某人或某物能够做某事
    【真句】Speech recgnitin enables them t understand what a persn is saying...【2021年6月天津卷】语音识别使他们能够理解一个人在说什么...
    able的三个名词形式:ability; disability; inability
    【真句】Cycling is the mst ecnmical, sustainable and fun way t explre the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and cuntless lights.骑自行车是最经济、最可持续和最有趣的方式来探索这个城市,它拥有美丽的运河、公园、广场和无数的灯光。
    ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 能力
    【真句】In spite f the curt hearing testimnials (证明) f her ability as a dctr, she was banned frm medicine. 【2023全国乙卷】尽管法庭听取了关于她作为一名医生的能力的证词(证明),但她还是被禁止行医。
    【真句】This ability t recgnize that a shape will need t be turned in a specific directin befre it will fit is called an “allcentric frame f reference”.【2022全国甲卷】这种认识到一个形状在适应特定方向之前需要转动的能力被称为“异中心参照系”。
    【真句】With their ability t see ahead, they culd signal any prblem, s that fast-mving trains wuld be able t react in time.【2022年6月全国乙卷】当他们能够看到前方时,他们可以发出任何问题的信号,以便快速行驶的列车能够及时做出反应。
    inability [ɪnəˈbɪləti] n. 无能力
    【真句】When St. Augustine admitted his inability t define time, he highlighted ne f time's mst nticeable qualities...【2021年北京卷】
    【真句】This was ne mre weapn fr her t defeat my strange prblem — inability t read.【2015天津阅读】 这是打败我那奇怪问题的又一件武器——不能读书。
    disability [dɪsəˈbɪlɪtɪ]n. 残疾
    【真句】Sme psitins require students t be 15 t 24 r up t 29 fr persns with a disability.【2019全国1.】有些职位要求学生年龄在15到24岁之间,残疾人的年龄最高可达到29岁。
    disability的形容词形式:disabled [dɪsˈeɪb(ə)ld] adj. 残疾的
    【真句】Sme peple tend t lk dwn upn disabled peple and regard them as unfit fr a regular life.【2019.3天津】有些人往往看不起残疾人,认为他们不适合过上正常的生活。
    angle [ˈæŋɡ(ə)l] n. 角度
    【真句】We have lked at ur planet frm every angle【2020江苏】 我们从各个角度看我们的星球。
    【拓展】triangle [ˈtraɪæŋɡl] n. adj. 三角形; 三角形的 (tri)
    【真句】Instead f lking at the situatin frm this hpeless angle, lk at everything yu still have and be thankful fr all f the gd in yur life.【2015年全国卷1】不要从这个绝望的角度来看待情况,看看你仍然拥有的一切,并对你生活中所有的美好表示感激。
    abnrmal [æbˈnɔːm(ə)l] adj. 不正常的,异常的
    【真句】The bear behaved abnrmally, prbably because f hunger.【2014北京阅读】 可能由于饥饿,那只熊表现地不正常。
    nrmal [ˈnɔːm(ə)l] adj.正常的
    【真句】 a great place fr bth wildlife and lcal peple wh may nt nrmally have easy access t nature.【2022年6月浙江卷】为野生动物和当地人创造了一个很好的地方,他们通常不容易接近大自然。
    【真句】Unlike a nrmal Parisian apartment, the plumbing (水管)wrked.【2021年6月新高考1卷】与普通的巴黎公寓不同,管道(水管)工作正常。
    【真句】I hpe yu’ll sn feel calmer and carry n as nrmal. 我希望你很快就能感觉平静下来,继续正常生活。
    abard [əˈbɔːd] adv&prep 在(船、火车或飞机)上;上(船、火车车或飞机)
    【真句】Andersn still wanted t see the sights, s she jumped abard a streetcar.【2015江苏阅读】
    易混词:abrad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外,到国外
    assciate [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt] v. 联想, 联系
    【真句】... sme f the injuries assciated with running, such as runner’s knee, are uncmmn amng race walkers.【2020全国】一些与跑步有关的伤害,如跑步者的膝盖,在赛跑运动员中是不常见的。
    【真句】Many f these genes prduce prteins (蛋白质) that can imprve bld sugar regulatin and insulin (胰岛素) levels thrughut the bdy and s are assciated with imprved metablic health. 【2020江苏卷】许多这些基因产生的蛋白质,可以改善全身的血糖调节和胰岛素(胰岛素)水平,因此与改善代谢健康有关。
    【拓展】assciatin [əsəʊsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 协会, 社团, 联系
    ablish [əˈbɔːd] vt. 废除
    abrtin [əˈbɔːʃn] n. 流产,堕胎
    abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] adj. 突然的
    absent [ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺席的,不在的;缺乏的,没有的;
    【真句】 It was a beautiful huse, t, with a plastic-cvered sfa and chairs, wall-t-wall blue-and-white carpeting, a white enamel stve, a washing machine and a dryer—things that were cmmn in her neighbrhd, absent in mine.【2019.6上海】这也是一所漂亮的房子,有塑料覆盖的沙发和椅子,一堵墙上的蓝白地毯,白色搪瓷炉,洗衣机和烘干机——这些在她的社区很常见,在我的社区是不存在的。
    【真句】What I failed t expect was that several students were absent.【2014湖南阅读】我没有预料到的是一些学生缺席了。
    短语:be absent frm 缺席……
    【真句】He will be absent frm class.【2013天津】他将缺席课程。
    absent的反义词:present adj. 出席的,到场的
    absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 缺席,不在;缺乏,没有
    【真句】The absence f a signature tells us that the writer cannt be t serius and therefre des nt deserve a reply.【2014江西阅读】没有签名告诉我们作者不是很严肃,所以我们不需要回复。
    abslute [ˈæbsəluːt] adj. 绝对的
    【真句】Frget abut time as an abslute.【2021年6月北京卷】忘记时间是绝对的。
    absrb [əbˈsɔːb] vt吸收
    【真句】T absrb heat frm the sun t heat water, yu need large, flat, black surfaces.【2014安徽阅读】
    短语:be absrbed in sth被……吸引
    【真句】 Lancm trains yur brain t learn efficiently, s yu absrb mre infrmatin while in the app and cntinue learning utside f it.【2020北京】Lancm训练你的大脑有效地学习,这样你就可以在应用程序中吸收更多的信息,并在应用程序之外继续学习。
    abstract [ˈæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的; n. 摘要,概括
    【真句】I thught anything abstract left t much rm fr argument.【2019.6天津】我认为任何抽象的东西都留下太多的争论空间。
    an abstract f a lecture 讲演的摘要【高考真句】
    反义词:cncrete adj. 具体的
    absurd [əbˈsɜːd] adj. 荒谬的
    【真句】It sunds absurd.【2013辽宁阅读】这听起来很荒谬。
    abundant [əˈbʌndənt] adj. 充足的,丰富的
    【真句】Its raw materials are abundant in nature.【2012湖南阅读】它的原材料在自然界中非常丰富。
    同义词:adequate adj.充足的;ample adj. 充足的,丰富的
    abuse [əˈbjuːz] n. vt. 滥用;辱骂,虐待
    【真句】The misuse f medicatins may be the mst cmmn frm f drug abuse amng the elderly. 【2015上海阅读】药物的不当使用也许是老年人当中最普遍的药物滥用形式。
    【真句】I am interested in ding vlunteer wrk fr abused children. 【2012广东信息匹配】 我非常有兴趣为被虐待的学生做志愿者工作。
    academic [ækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学术的;n. 大学老师
    【真句】Mst universities hst welcme events befre the academic year fficially begins, including freshmen rientatins (迎新会),campus picnics, and entertainments like cncerts.【2021年6月天津卷】大多数大学会在学年正式开始前举办欢迎活动,包括新生迎新会、校园野餐和音乐会等娱乐活动。
    【真句】when the academics were lazy and incmpetent, the students were similarly lazy. 【2015北京阅读】当大学老师懒惰且无能的时候,学生也同样地懒惰。
    academy [əˈkædəmɪ] n.学院
    【真句】The directr, wh shared a drm-rm with Jack in the Film Academy, has already make fur films.【2015 湖北】这位导演已经执导了四部电影,在电影学院求学时杰克与他同住在一间寝室。
    accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] vt.(使)加快,(使)加速
    【真句】Mre effrts, as reprted, will be made in the years ahead t accelerate the supply-side structural refrm. 【2016江苏】正如报道的一样,我们以后将会做出更大的努力加速供应方的结构改革。
    accent [ˈæksənt] n. 口音
    【真句】Jnathan Harringtn wanted t discver whether accent changers recrded ver the past half century wuld take place within ne persn.【2013全国二】Jnathan Harringtn想发现是否在过去半个世纪所记录的口音改变会发生在一个人的身上。
    accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受
    【真句】We all want it… t accept and lve urselves.【2020年7月全国1卷】我们都想要它……去接受和爱我们自己。
    【真句】It seems that mst peple dn’t want t accept the respnsibility fr having made a mistake. 【2015天津阅读】似乎大多数人不愿意承担犯错的责任。
    accept的形容词形式:acceptable [əkˈseptəbl] adj.可接受的
    【真句】Designer Jennifer Andersn admits it tk her a while t cme arund t the pinin that using nutria fur fr her creatins is mrally acceptable.【2020全国2.】设计师詹妮弗·安德森承认,她花了一段时间才意识到,使用海皮在道德上是可以接受的。
    accept的名词形式:acceptance [əkˈseptəns] n. 接受
    拓展: accept 与receive之间的区别
    【真句】She received a gift frm him, but did nt accept it.她收到了一份礼物,但是没有接受。
    access [ˈækses] n. 进入权,使用权(access作名词时后面一定要加t); v. 获得,得到
    【真句】 The authrities clsed access t the bridge and tens f thusands f peple made their way back t land.【2020海南】当局关闭了通往这座桥的通道,成千上万的人返回了陆地。
    【真句】One reasn fr her preference fr city life is that she can have easy access t places like shps and restaurants.【2015上海】她喜欢城市生活的原因之一是她可以很容易地去商店或者餐馆。
    【真句】Levine is wrking with a grup t prvide access t the algrithm nline s that anyne can calculate their bilgical age, identify ptential risks and take steps t imprve their wn health in the lng run.【2019.3天津】莱文正在与一个小组合作,提供在线算法,以便任何人都可以计算自己的生理年龄,识别潜在风险,并采取措施长期改善自己的健康。
    【真句】A busy, fully-equipped campsite seems t g against this, s seek ut smaller, mre remte places with easy access t pen spaces and perhaps beaches.【2014北京阅读】一个繁忙的装备齐全的野营地似乎与此相违背,所以你要找一个更小的、更远的、可以靠近开阔地或海滩的地方
    accessible [əkˈsesɪbl] adj. (东西)易得到的,易使用的;(地点)易到达的,易进入的
    【真句】Frank put the medicine in a tp drawer t make sure it wuld nt be accessible t the kids.【2014江西】Frank将药品放在顶层的抽屉里面以确保孩子们拿不到。
    【真句】Each flr als has wheelchair accessible tilets. 【2014北京阅读】每层都有残疾人轮椅进入的通道。
    accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 交通事故;意外事件
    【真句】As the result f an accident she was suddenly thrwn int a wrld f darkness.【2015湖北完形】由于交通事故,她突然陷入了一片黑暗的世界。
    【真句】Hwever, the accident had an unexpected side effect.【2012安徽阅读】 然而这个意外事件却有一个出乎意料的副作用。
    短语:by accident偶然的
    【真句】But it was quite by accident that I discvered the deep meaning f his wrds.【2013天津阅读】
    accident的形容词形式:accidental 意外的,偶然的
    an accidental Injury【2014福建阅读】意外受伤
    accmmdatin [əkɔməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 住处
    【真句】Yu are required t pay accmmdatin fees fr the full perid f the residency cntract.【2019.3天津】你必须支付整个居住合同期间的住宿费。
    【真句】The hst will prvide accmmdatin and meals.【2015天津阅读】主人将提供食宿。
    accmpany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] vt陪伴,陪同;伴随;附有(书、文件)
    【真句】Child must be accmpanied by tw paying adults.【2015福建阅读】儿童必须有两个付费成年陪同。
    【真句】The symptms f fd pisning are always accmpanied by a fever.【2015广东阅读】食物中毒伴有发烧症状。
    【真句】But the dnatr started sending envelpes with cash t deserving causes,accmpanied by an article frm the lcal paper.【2012福建阅读】捐赠者开始将带有现金的信封送给值得帮助的人,信里面附有来自当地报纸的文章
    accmplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] vt 完成,实现
    【真句】Much f the wrk in tday's wrld is accmplished(完成)in teams.【2019年北京卷】当今世界的大部分工作都是通过团队来完成的。
    【真句】Wherever yu are, yu can accmplish yur achievement.【2013湖南阅读】不管你在什么地方,你都可以实现你的成就。
    同义词achieve v. 完成
    accrding t 根据
    accunt [əˈkaʊnt] n. 账户
    【真句】Lighting accunts fr abut 7% f the ttal electricity cnsumed in the US.【2020全国1】照明设备约占美国总用电量的7%。
    【真句】The Winners Club is a bank accunt specially designed fr teenagers.【2015江西阅读】赢家俱乐部是一个专门为青少年设计的银行账户。
    短语:accunt f描述
    【真句】I gave an hnest accunt f the students’wrk.【2014浙江完形】我诚实地描述了学生们的表现。
    1. take accunt f sth = take sth int accunt/cnsideratin把某事考虑进去
    【真句】This research takes accunt f parental educatin and family incme.【2012广东阅读】该研究把父母教育、家庭收入考虑进去。
    【真句】The Irquis Indians tk safety int accunt while building their huse.【2015福建阅读】
    Irquis Indians人在建造房屋时把安全性考虑进去。
    n accunt f sth 因为,由于
    【真句】We delayed ur spts meeting n accunt f bad weather.【高考真句】由于天气不好我们推迟了运动会。
    accunt fr占(一定的数量或比例)
    【真句】The gd news is that federal lans accunt fr abut three quarters f student brrwing, [2015山东阅读]好消息是联邦贷款占学生借款的3/4。
    accuntant [əˈkaʊntnt] n. 会计师
    accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] vt. 积累,积聚
    【真句】After all, much f this knwledge has been accumulated (积累) frm thusands f years f experience in family health care.【2014陕西阅读】毕竟许多这样的知识是从多年的家庭护理的经验当中积累的。
    【真句】The cnsequence, if the bubbles (气泡) accumulate in a jint, is sharp pain and a bent bdy.【2013江苏阅读】如果气泡在关节积聚,结果你会感到非常的痛并且身体会弯曲。
    accurate [ˈækjʊreit] adj. 准确的
    【真句】Accrding t the study, wh made the mst accurate predictin f their future life satisfactin? 【2013湖北阅读】根据研究,谁对他们未来的满意度做出最准确的预测?
    同义词:precise, exact, crrect
    【真句】Mst peple experienced precise dividing lines between days f rest and days f wrk, schl time and summer time. 【2014湖北阅读】大多数学生经历了工作于学习以及上学时间和暑假时间的准确分界线。
    accurate的名词:accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsɪ] n. 准确,准确性
    accuse [əˈkjuːz] vt. 控告,指责
    用法:accuse sb f ding 控告/指责某人做了某事
    【真句】The by made truble fr his teacher because he was accused f destrying prperty.【2014湖北阅读】男孩给他的孩子制造麻烦因为他被指责破坏了财产。
    同义词:charge ab with sth 控告,指责
    accustmed [əˈkʌstəmd] adj. 习惯的
    用法:be accustmed t (ding) sth 习惯做某事=be used t ding sth
    【真句】I'm accustmed t listening t sme light music befre sleep.【2014湖北阅读】我习惯在睡觉前听轻音乐。
    ache [eɪk] vi. 疼痛,作痛 n. 疼痛
    【真句】That afternn, I raced hme, sat dwn at the cmputer, and typed until my fingers ached.【2013天津阅读】那天下午我跑回家坐在电脑前面打字直到我的手指感到疼痛。
    【真句】I shk my head stubbrnly—and felt the ache in my tth.【2013重庆阅读】我固执地摇摇头,感到牙齿很疼。
    achieve [əˈtʃiːv] vt.达到,取得;实现
    【真句】Jennifer sacrificed (牺牲) t achieve her gal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing imprtant events t study.【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷(山东卷)】Jennifer为了实现她的目标做出了牺牲,她放弃了和孩子们在一起的许多夜晚,并且为了学习而错过了重要的活动。
    【真句】I used t try effective methd t achieve my academic gals.【2014辽宁 阅读】
    【真句】But this reprt shws that sustainable building design n its wn is nt enugh t achieve such reductins: the behaviur f the peple using the building has t change t.【2014湖南 阅读】这个报告显示可持续的建筑设计不能够独自达到这一缩减目标:房屋使用者的行为也必须做出改变。
    achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] n. 成绩,成就;完成,实现
    【真句】List all f yur accmplishments and achievements.【2020年7月全国1卷】列出你所有的成绩和成就。
    【真句】The achievement f a particular gal makes yu feel gd and cntributes t yur cnfidence. 【2013重庆完形】特定目标的实现可以让你觉得自己不错并且有助于增加自信。
    acid [ˈæsɪd] adj. 酸的 n. 酸
    acknwledge [əkˈnɔlɪdʒ] v. 承认;感谢;理会
    【真句】Thugh he acknwledges that engineering wrks can fail because the persn wh thught them up r engineered them simply gt things wrng...【2020海南】尽管他承认工程作品之所以失败,是因为构思或设计它们的人只是搞错了...
    【真句】An imprtant step is acknwledging ur shrtcmings.【2013安徽阅读】一个重要的一步就是承认我们的短处
    【真句】We wish t acknwledge the supprt f the university.【高考真句】我们希望感谢大学的支持。
    acknwledge的名词:acknwledgement [əkˈnɔlɪdʒment] 承认;感谢;理会
    acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] n. 熟人
    acquire [əˈkwaɪə] v.获得,取得;学到
    【真句】Music prvides a kind f perceptin (感知) that cannt be acquired any ther way.【2014北京阅读】
    【真句】It’s imprtant t cntinue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill f writing by hand. 【2012天津阅读】继续教手写并且帮助儿童学到手写的技能非常重要。
    acquisitin [ækwɪˈzɪʃən] n. 获得;习得
    【真句】It enables students t get enugh practice fr the shrt time f their studying s that their language acquisitin is likely t becme faster.【2012 湖南写作】 它可以让学生们在短期学习时间内获得足够的练习,这样他们的语言习得有可能变得更快。
    acre [ˈeɪkə] n. 英亩
    act [ækt] v.行动,做某事;表现;n. 行动,行为
    【真句】It’s generally believed that peple act the way they d because f their persnalities and attitudes. 【2014重庆阅读】人们普遍认为人们按照他们做事方式行事是由于性格和态度的原因。
    【真句】Fd supplies in the fld-stricken area are running ut. We must act immediately befre there’s nne left.【2012重庆】被洪水袭击的地区的食品供应即将用尽,在其被用光之前我们必须立即行动。
    【真句】She managed t act as thugh I wasn’t an annying little girl.【2014江苏阅读】她成功地表现好像我不是一个惹人生气的小女孩。
    【真句】A small act f kindness brings a great jy.【2014福建阅读】小小的善意行为带来了巨大的快乐。
    短语: act as 充当(此时等同于serve as)
    【真句】In 2003 the Argentinean embassy in Seul hired a lcal tang dancer t act as a kind f dance ambassadr.【2013安徽阅读】在2003年,位于首尔的阿根廷大使馆雇佣当地的探戈舞者充当一种舞蹈大使。
    act n/upn 根据……行事
    【真句】The wrld has nt yet acted upn the prmise.【2013上海阅读】这个世界还没有兑现她的诺言。
    act的名词形式为actin n. 行动,行为;actr [ˈæktə(r)] n. 男演员;actress [ˈæktrɪs]n. 女演员
    actin [ˈækʃ(ə)n] 行为;行动
    【真句】This actin affects the envirnment as a whle.【2014安徽阅读】这种行为影响整个环境。
    His quick actin prbably saved his friend’s life.【2015安徽阅读】他的快速行动拯救了朋友的生命
    take actin 采取行动、措施 = take measures/steps
    【真句】FDA tk legal actin against the distributr t stp the sale f the device n the grunds that it was dangerus t health and life.【2012广东阅读】FDA对经销商采取法律措施阻止他们销售这种装置基于它对健康和生活有害。
    active [ˈæktɪv] adj. 积极的;(火山)活的,随时会喷发的
    【真句】He was active in class.【2015卷二】他们在课堂上非常积极。
    【真句】There are guided turs every day up this highly active vlcan, giving travelers a chance t see Mther Nature at her mst pwerful.【2013重庆阅读】每天都有导游在这个非常活跃的活火山之上,给旅客一个机会去看看Mther Nature的强大之处。
    activity [ækˈtɪvɪtɪ] n. 活动
    【真句】The activity will start at 2:30 pm and finish 90 minutes later.【2015福建阅读】活动开始于下午2:30并且90分钟以后结束。
    actual [ˈæktʃʊəl]adj. 实际的,真实的
    【真句】On Mnday mrnings it usually takes me an hur t drive t wrk althugh the actual distance is nly 20 miles.【2013陕西】在星期一早上我通常开一个小时去工作,尽管实际距离只有20里
    actual的副词形式:actually 事实上,实际上 (此时等同于in fact, as a matter f fact)
    acute [əˈkjuːt]adj. 严重的,强烈的
    【真句】A new review based n a research shws that acute stress affects the way the brain cnsiders the advantages and disadvantages. [阅读]2012北京 基于研究的一个新评论表明严重的压力会影响大脑考虑优缺点的方式。
    同义词:serius adj. 严重的
    ad = advertisement [ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt]n. 广告
    adapt [əˈdæpt] v. 修改,改变;改编;(使)适应
    【真句】It is true that the lifestyle wuld be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely culd in the future.【2015江西阅读】 生活方式是会不一样,但是人们的生活和文化在过去已经改变了并且在未来肯定也会改变。
    【真句】Peple in Ethipian highlands have adapted t living at high altitudes.【2020全国3】埃塞俄比亚高地的人们已经适应了生活在高海拔地区。
    短语:adapt t适应(此时等于adjust t)
    【真句】It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard fr him t adapt t the new envirnment abrad.【2014福建】是文化而不是语言使适应国外的文化非常难
    【真句】They have little difficulty adjusting t the change.【2013广东阅读】 他们对于适应这个改变有点小困难。
    adaptin [ədæpˈteɪʃn] 适应;
    When Grace first arrived at the Ocean Park, her trainer wrried abut her adaptatin t the surrundings.【2013北京阅读】当Grace第一次到Ocean Park的时候,他的训练师担心她对周围环境的适应。
    add [æd] v.(数学上的)加;增加;补充说
    【真句】But while yu prbably add nly a small amunt f salt t yur fd, rad crews spread abut 20 millin tns f salt n U. S. rads every year!【2020.1浙江】但是,虽然你可能只在食物中添加了少量的盐,但道路工作人员每年在美国的道路上传播了大约2000万吨的盐!
    【真句】The dictinary is ut f date: many wrds have been added t the language since it was published. 【2016天津】这个字典过时了;自从它出版以来该语言加入了很多单词。
    短语: add … t … 把… 加到 …
    【真句】He added his wn imaginatin t the stry.【2014浙江阅读】他把他自己的想象力加到故事当中
    add t 增加
    【真句】Perhaps yu think yu culd easily add t yur happiness with mre mney.【2014福建阅读】也许你认为用更多的钱可以很容易增加你的幸福。
    add up (把……)加起来
    【真句】By the end f the day, I culd remember rders, add up the bill, and make change quickly with a smile.【2012湖南完形】那天快结束的时候我可以记住订单,数钱以及带着微笑快速找零。
    add up t 总数是
    【真句】Remember: little steps add up t big dreams.【2015天津阅读】记住:不积硅步,无以至千里。
    additin [əˈdɪʃn] n. 增加,增强
    【真句】One bvius advantage t the prfessin is the additin f mney prvided by televisin cmpanies. 【2015江西回答问题】该行业的一个明显优势就是电视公司增加了资金的投入。
    短语:in additin 此外
    【真句】In additin, when it cmes t practicing ur musical instruments, I have t practice mre than duble the time.【2015福建单词拼写】此外在练习乐器方面,我的练习时间是以前的两倍。
    in additin t 除……之外(还有)
    【真句】In additin t these traditinal activities, we have a wider range f chices.【2013辽宁阅读】除这些传统活动之外,我们有更广泛的选择。
    additin的形容词形式: additinal
    additinal [əˈdɪʃənəl]adj. 增加的,额外的
    【真句】And he surely deserves additinal praise.【2013江苏阅读】他当然值得额外的赞扬。
    addicted [əˈdɪktɪd] adj. 上瘾的
    【真句】This might als help explain why wmen are less likely t becme addicted than men.【2012北京阅读】这也许有助于解释为什么女性比男性更不可能上瘾
    短语:be addicted t ding 沉溺于
    【真句】He became addicted t drinking.【2015福建阅读】他开始沉溺于酗酒。
    addicted的名词形式:addictin [əˈdɪkʃn]瘾
    address. [əˈdres] n. 地址;演说 v. 解决;称呼;写给
    【真句】On the same sheet f paper, write r type yur name, address, telephne number, and birth date.【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷(山东卷)】在同一张纸上,写下或键入你的姓名、地址、电话号码和出生日期。
    【真句】We drve in silence t the address she had given me.【2013北京阅读】我们安静地开往她之前给我的地址。
    【真句】The president gave an address yesterday.【高考真句】昨天总统做了演讲
    【真句】The rganizatin seeks t address the needs f the hmeless ppulatin in the United States.【2015辽宁阅读】该组织寻求解决美国无家可归人的需要。
    拓展:“演讲”的同义词: speech/ lecture/talk
    give /deliver a(n) address /speech/ lecture/talk 做演讲
    adequate [ˈædɪkwət] adj. 充足的
    【真句】Carrying adequate batteries, hwever, wuld make the plane t heavy t get ff the grund.【2020.5天津】然而,携带足够的电池会使飞机太重,无法离开地面。
    If we hadn’t made adequate preparatins, the cnference wuldn’t have been s successful.【2012山东】如果我没有做充足的准备,这个会议就不会如此成功
    同义词:abundant充足的;ample 充足的
    adjust [əˈdʒʌst] v. 调整
    Students d nt adjust their sleep patterns well.【2014四川阅读】学生们没有很好地调整他们的睡眠模式。
    用法:adjust t 适应(此时等于adapt t)
    They have little difficulty adjusting t the change.【2013广东阅读】他们很容易适应变化。
    adjust A t B调整A以适应B
    Obviusly, students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles t their daily schedule.【2014四川阅读】很明显,学生们并不擅长调整睡眠周期以适应日常作息表。
    adjust的名词adjustment [əˈdʒʌstmənt] n. 调整;适应
    administratin [ədmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn] n. 管理;政府
    Business administratin is a great majr.【2014广东】商业管理是一个很好的专业。
    The Obama administratin said it cntinues t supprt the expansin f nuclear pwer, despite the crisis in Japan.【2013全国一阅读】奥巴马政府说它将继续支持核能的扩大,尽管在日本出现了危机。
    admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕;欣赏
    I admire peple wh g verseas t find a jb.【2012湖北阅读】我钦佩那些去国外找工作的人。
    It’s a gd feeling fr peple t admire the Shanghai Wrld Exp that gives them pleasure.【2015福建】去欣赏可以给人们带来快乐的上海世博会感觉很好。
    All the neighbrs admire this family, where the parents are treating their child like a friend.【]2013安徽】所有的邻居都羡慕这个家庭,在这个家庭里父母对待小孩就像对待朋友一样。
    admirable [ˈædmərəb(ə)l]adj. 令人敬佩的
    Twain was an admirable figure cmparable t Abraham Lincln.【2013江苏阅读】马克吐温是一个可以与林肯相比的令人敬佩的人物。
    admiratin [ˈædməreiʃn]n. 钦佩,羡慕
    The authr shwed her admiratin fr him.【2015北京阅读】作者展示出对他的钦佩。
    admit [ədˈmɪt] v. 承认;允许……进入/加入
    I dn’t really like the authr, althugh I have t admit his bks are very exciting.【2014山东阅读】我不是真的喜欢该作者尽管我不得不承认他的书很有趣。
    A hle in the tp f the rf admitted the light, and allwed the smke t pass ut.【2015福建阅读】
    短语: be admitted t 被……录用/录取
    News came frm the schl ffice that Wang Lin had been admitted t Beijing University.【2014四川】王琳被北京大学录取的消息从学校办公室传来。
    admissin [ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n] n. 承认;允许进入/加入;录取,录用
    Members receive free admissin t the Museum.【2014辽宁阅读】会员可以免费进入博物馆。
    Once they decide which cllege t g t, students shuld research the admissin prcedures.【2015北京】一旦他们决定去那所大学,学生们应该研究那所大学的录取程序。
    adlescence[ædəʊ'lesns] n. 青春期
    adlescent [ædəˈlesənt] n. 青少年
    Reed Larsn and his clleagues examined adlescents' daily activities and fund that they spend mre time talking t their friends than engaging in any ther activity.【2012上海阅读】Reed Larsn和他的同事检查青少年的日常活动并发现:与参加其它活动相比,他们花更多的时间与朋友谈话
    同义词:teenager n. 青少年
    adpt [əˈdɔpt]v. 收养;采用
    She had just been adpted by a family in twn.【2014北京阅读】她刚刚被城里的一户人家收养。
    Wmen shuld adpt their husbands' family names after marriage.【2015辽宁阅读】女性在结婚后采用他们丈夫的姓氏。
    易混词:adapt v. 修改
    adre [əˈdɔː] v. 深爱,喜欢
    Maja swre she wuld hnr the little girl by swimming with a dlphin, an animal that bth girls adred.【2015湖北完形】Maja发誓她将会通过和海豚游泳的方式来悼念这个小女孩,海豚是他们俩都喜欢的动物。
    adult [ˈædʌlt] n. 成人
    The mst cmpetent adults are thse wh knw hw t d this.【2016天津阅读】最有竞争力的成人是那些知道怎样做这些的人。
    advance[ədˈvɑːns] n. 进步,进展; v. 进步;前进;adj. 预先的
    In the near future, mre advances in the rbt technlgy will be made by scientists.【2015湖南】 在不久的将来,科学家将在机器人科技方面取得更大的进步。
    Science is advancing s fast.【2014重庆阅读】科技正在迅速进步。
    We saw several natives advancing twards ur party.【2006湖南】我们看到几个当地人朝我们的派对走来。
    advance bking/planning/warning 【高考真句】预先订购/计划/警告
    If we have advance warning, we'll be able t reduce the damage.【2015上海阅读】如果我们预先得到警告的话我们就可以减少损坏。
    短语:in advance 提前
    I’d appreciate it if yu culd let me knw in advance whether r nt yu will cme.【2014陕西阅读】
    advanced [ədˈvɑːnsd] adj. 先进的,高级的
    Mdern hunters shuld use mre advanced weapns.【2012北京阅读】现代猎人应该使用更先进的武器。
    advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n. 优势;优点,好处;
    Train Travel has sme advantages ver air travel.【2012江西阅读】乘火车出行比乘飞机出行有更多的优势。
    The disadvantages f new technlgy utweigh its advantages.【2015北京阅读】新科技的缺点大于优点。
    反义词:disadvantage, shrtcming, weakness, drawback
    同义词:strength, plus, edge
    短语: take advantage f利用
    I’m ging t take advantage f this tur t explre the histry f the castle.【2016天津】我打算利用这次旅行去探索城堡的历史。
    含有“利用”之意的短语:make the best/mst f充分利用;make use f利用
    adventure [ədˈventʃə] n. 冒险(经历)
    Life can be s wnderful, full f adventure and jy.【2015福建阅读】生活是如此美好,充满冒险与快乐。
    adventure的形容词形式:adventurus [ədˈventʃərəs] adj. 冒险的
    advertise [ˈædvətaɪz] v. (为……)做广告;征聘
    I’m calling abut the apartment yu advertised the ther day.【2013安徽】我打电话来询问你前些天做广告的公寓
    I need t advertise fr a rmmate fr next term.【2015天津】下学期我需要找一个室友
    advertisement [ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt] n. 广告
    I nticed a jb advertisement hiring park hsts.【2014湖北完形】我注意到了一个招聘公园护林人的广告。
    advise[ədˈvaɪz]v. 建议
    用法:advise sb t d sth 建议某人做某事
    This is a big reasn why many successful peple advise yu t d smething yu lve.【2013广东阅读】这就是为什么许多成功的人建议你做你喜欢的事情的重要原因
    同义词:suggest v. 建议 suggest ding 建议做某事
    advise的名词:advice 建议(不可数名词);注意:suggest的名词为suggestin(可数名词)
    advcate [ˈædvəkət] v. 提倡,倡导
    I hpe this research will put an end t advcating strictly timed baby feeling practices.【2012广东阅读】我希望该研究将终结严格按时喂养孩子的做法。
    advcate的名词形式:avcatin n. 提倡,倡导
    aerplane [`erəˈpleɪn] n. (英)飞机
    affair [əˈfeə] n. 事务;事件;物品
    But what began as nthing imprtant in public affairs has grwn int a scial mvement.【2014全国一阅读】一开始在公共事务中无关紧要的东西变成了一个社会运动。
    Children wh have read “Max and Martha” picture bks may knw hw t deal with affairs at schl. 【2012辽宁阅读】读过Max and Martha这本图画书的孩子知道如何处理学校的事情。
    The authr did nt deal well with her family affairs during the fld.【2014四川阅读】在洪水期间作者没有很好地处理家里的东西。
    affect [əˈfekt] v. 影响
    This affects their nervus systems and ability t prduce baby birds.【2016北京阅读】这会影响他们的神经系统以及繁殖能力。
    易混词: effect n. 影响,效果;effrt n. 努力
    注意:affectin n. 喜欢 它并不是affect的名词形式。
    affectin [əˈfekʃn] n. 喜爱;
    用法:affectin fr…对……的喜爱
    And nw I culd say it is my affectin fr nature that makes me a real gardener.【2012重庆完形】
    affrd [əˈfɔːd] v.(与can连用)买的起,有时间做某事,承担的起;(不与can连用)提供
    She culdn’t affrd the peratin because her family was pr.【2014陕西阅读】她支付不起手术因为家里太穷了。
    He cannt affrd enugh time with his sn.【2013四川阅读】他没时间和他的孩子在一起。
    They culd hardly affrd t live in the city.【2015安徽阅读】 他们几乎承担不了城市里的生活。
    The view affrded by a building may influence an ccupant's ability t cncentrate.【2014北京阅读】
    afraid [əˈfreɪd] adj. 害怕的;担心的
    用法: be afraid t d sth 害怕做某事
    He was afraid f having a heart attack.【2013浙江阅读】他担心心脏病发作。
    be afraid f (ding) sth 害怕/担心(做)某事
    At times the air is s bad that I am afraid t g utside.【2013安徽阅读】有时候空气是如此的差以至于我害怕外出。
    age [eɪdʒ] n. 年龄;时代 v. 衰老
    We live in an age when mre infrmatin is available with great ease than ever befre.【2012浙江]】我们生活在一个比之前任何时候都更容易获得信息的时代。
    He was much wrried t see she had aged.【高考真句】他看到她衰老了许多,他非常担心
    age的两个形容词形式:aged, aging
    aged [eɪdʒəd]adj. 年老的;aged + 具体年龄 年龄为……
    What d yu think we can d fr ur aged parents? 【2012重庆】你认为我们可以为年老的父母做些什么?
    Unfrtunately, this trend amng wmen des nt nly affect thse aged ver 65.【2015上海阅读】
    aging [eɪdʒɪŋ] adj. 变老的,变旧的
    The city’s aging facilities d nt have the ability t deal with the waste.【2015湖北阅读】这个城市的旧设备不能处理垃圾。
    agency [ˈeɪdʒənsɪ] n. 代理处,中介处,机构
    He telephned the travel agency t bk three air tickets t Lndn.【2015天津】他打电话给旅游代理去订购3张去伦敦的机票。
    agent[ˈeɪdʒənt] n. 代理人,经纪人
    I was waiting fr a phne call frm my agent.【2014重庆阅读】我当时正在等待来自我的经理人的电话。
    agenda [əˈdʒɛndə] n. 日程
    aggressive [ˈəɡresɪv] adj. 好斗的;有进取心的
    Playing sprts may prduce feelings f pr self-respect r aggressive behavir in sme children.【2013上海阅读】做运动有可能导致孩子自尊受挫,也有可能激发孩子的好斗行为。
    A successful businessman has t be aggressive.【高考真句】一个成功的商人必须要有进取心。
    aggressive的名词形式:aggressin [ˈəɡreʃn] n. 侵略
    agree [əˈɡriː] v. 同意,赞同
    用法:agree with sb 同意某人的观点
    She desn't agree with the man.【2012上海】她不同意那个男人的观点。
    agree with sth 与……相符
    Twain’s themes seemed t agree with plts.【2013江苏阅读】马克吐温的主题似乎与情节相符。
    agree t sth 赞同某事
    I agree t his suggestin the n cnditin that he drps all charges.【2015辽宁】只要他撤销所有指控我就赞同他的建议。
    agree n sth 在……上面达成一致
    The tw parties have agreed n a further negtiatin.【2014福建阅读】双方在进一步协商方面达成一致。
    agree with sb n sth 与某人就某物达成一致
    The teens agree with their parents n the cause f the cnflict.【2015湖北阅读】青少年与父母在冲突的原因上达成一致。
    agree t d sth 赞同做某事
    Why didn’t the writer agree t raise a dg at the beginning f the stry?【2015浙江阅读】为什么作者在故事的开始不赞同养一只狗?
    agree的名词形式: agreement
    agree的反义词:disagree v. 不同意
    agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] n. 协议;一致;同意
    Hwever, yu have t sign a 25-year agreement with the supplier.【2015四川阅读】然而你必须和供应商签订25年的协议。
    What agreement d the tw speakers reach at the end f the cnversatin? 【2014湖南】在对话结尾双方在什么地方达成一致?
    When we sign a paper the signature is an agreement t take the matter seriusly.【2014江西阅读】
    agriculture[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə] n. 农业
    Merrigan encurages mre students t think abut careers in agriculture.【2012江苏阅读】Merrigan鼓励更多的学生考虑农业中的职业。
    agricultural [æɡrɪˈkʌltʃərl] adj. 农业的
    Many f the wrld’s agricultural industries experience cnstant water shrtages.【2015安徽阅读】
    aid [eɪd] n. 援助,帮助 v. 帮助
    Last mnth, the Japanese gvernment expressed their thanks fr the aid they had received frm China.【2015福建】上个月日本政府表达了对于收到来自中国的援助的感谢。
    短语:first aid 急救
    Knwing basic first- aid techniques will help yu respnd quickly t emergencies.【2013福建】知道基本的急救知识将帮助你在紧急情况中做出快速反应。
    aim n. 目标,目的 v.力求达到(下面的短语全是aim做动词时的用法)
    He lved experimenting and his aim was t becme a scientist like his father.【2012江西阅读】他喜欢做实验,并且他的目的就是成为向他爸爸那样的科学家。
    短语:aim fr 力求获得,力求达到
    Aiming fr custmer delight is all very well, but if services d nt reach the high level prmised, disappintment r wrse will be the result.【2015浙江阅读】力求让顾客高兴是一件好事,但是如果服务达不到允诺的高标准的话顾客会非常失望。
    be aimed at ding sth 旨在做某事
    The Department f Agriculture has prgrams aimed at develping mre farmers and at increasing interest in lcally grwn fd.【2012江苏阅读】农业部开展了一些项目,这些项目旨在让更多的人当农民并且增加人们最当地种植的植物的兴趣。
    be aimed at sb/sth 针对……
    This bk is aimed at high schl students.【2015湖北阅读】该书针对中学生。
    Aimed at parents with yung children, this energetic magazine prmises t enrich the lives f families. 【2012浙江阅读】这个充满活力的杂志是针对有年轻小孩的父母的,他承诺会充实家人的生活。
    aim at 以……为目标,瞄准
    Prject ORBIS als aims at prmting peaceful cperatin amng cuntries.【2014辽宁阅读】ORBIS以推动国家间的合作为目标。
    aim t d 力求做到某事
    He aims t help peple live lnger, healthier, and happier lives.【2014上海阅读】他力求帮助人们过上更长,更健康和更开心的生活。
    air [eə] n. 空气;天空;飞机;神态,样子;气氛 v. 播放,广播
    Clean water and fresh air are essential fr ur daily life, withut which we can’t live.【2013全国一】干净的水和新鲜的空气对于日常生活是必要的,没有这些我们将无法生存。
    Accrding t the air traffic rules, yu shuld switch ff yur mbile phne befre barding.【2013上海】根据空中交通法你应该在登机前关闭手机。
    One mment it was quiet and calm in the frest, the next, the air was charged with tensin.【2014重庆阅读】上一时刻森林里还是安静的,下一时刻氛围就非常的紧张
    She hardly ate anything and had such an air f sadness.【2015北京阅读】她几乎不吃任何东西,神态悲伤
    He telephned the travel agency t bk three air tickets t Lndn.【2015天津】他打电话给旅行中介订了三张去伦敦的机票。
    Since hckey games dn’t air very much n televisin I’ve had t lk fr different ways t watch hckey games.【2013全国一阅读】因为曲棍球比赛不经常在电视上直播,所以我不得不寻找看比赛的不同方式。
    aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft] n. 飞机 (单复数同)
    airline n. 航空公司
    airmail [ˈeəmeɪl] n. 航空邮件
    airplane [ˈeəpleɪn] n. (美)飞机
    airprt [ˈeəpɔːt] n.飞机场
    airspace [ˈeəspeɪs] n.领空
    alarm [əˈlɑːm] n. 警报;闹钟;惊恐 v. 使惊恐,使不安
    The elephant had heard the distant alarm calls f animals and her md suddenly changed.【2014重庆阅读】大象听到了动物在远处的叫声之后它的情绪突然改变了。
    The alarm clck annunces the start f anther busy weekday in the mrning.【2012湖北阅读】闹钟宣布了早晨另一个繁忙一天的开始。
    Tday, I am ging t talk with what yu shuld d when a fire alarm g ff.【2014四川阅读】今天我想讨论当防火警报响起的时候你应该做什么。
    Cities alarmed by deaths and injuries f pedestrians are taking effrts t make crsswalks safer fr peple n ft.【2014四川阅读】被行人的死亡人数和受伤人数惊恐的城市正在努力使人行道更安全。
    album [ˈælbəm] n. 专辑;(存照片,信件等的)簿,册
    alchl[ˈælkəhɔl] n. 酒,酒精
    Having a cup f tea helps t get rid f alchl frm the bdy.【2015福建阅读】喝杯茶有助于解酒。
    alchlic [ælkəˈhɔlɪk] adj. 酒精的 n. 嗜酒成瘾者
    My wn feeling is that mst alchlics and drug addicts belng t the “undeserving pr.” 【2006北京阅读】我觉得大多数嗜酒成瘾者都属于不值得帮助的穷人。
    algebra [ˈældʒɪbrə]n. 代数
    alike [əˈlaɪk] adj. 相像的;adv. 相似地,同样地
    The tw girls are s alike that strangers find it difficult t tell ne frm the ther.【2015山东】这两个小女孩长得如此地像以至于陌生人发现很难辨别谁是谁。
    We believe this will give real “dwn time" fr schl staff and pupils alike.【2012福建阅读】我们相信这将同样给学校员工和学生自由支配时间。
    alive [əˈlaɪv] adj. 活着的;仍然存在的;充满活力的;
    The mayr has ffered a reward f $ 5000 t anyne wh can capture the tiger alive r dead.【2012上海】市长将提供5000美元的奖励给任何抓住老虎的人,不管这只老虎是活着的还是死的。
    When the stars say smething silly r d smething ridiculus, there is always the Internet t spread the news in minutes and keep their “stry” alive frever.【2013北京阅读】当明星们说一些蠢话或做一些荒谬的事情的时候,互联网总会将这些消息传播开来并且使他们永远存在。
    Nt all bdies f water are s evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean.【2013重庆阅读】并不是所有的水体都像大西洋那样有活力。
    短语:cme alive 变得生动起来
    I wanted t make literature cme alive and t prmte a lve f the written wrd.【2013浙江阅读】我想使文学变得生动起来并且推动人们对写作世界的热爱。
    allergic [əˈlɜːdʒɪk] adj. 过敏的
    用法:be allergic t 对……过敏
    She is allergic t paint smell.【2012湖北】她对油漆味过敏
    alley [ˈælɪ] n. 小巷,胡同
    allcate [ˈæləkeɪt] v. 分配
    The passage is meant t discuss the mrals f allcating things.【2013江苏阅读】文章旨在讨论分配准则。
    allcate的名词形式:allcatin [ˈæləkeɪtʃn] n. 分配
    allcate的同义词:distribute v. 分配
    allw [əˈlaʊ] v. 允许;使有可能;
    Big cmpanies allwed the prductin f cheaper milk, thus making it difficult fr milkmen t cmpete. [2015全国一阅读] 大公司使生产便宜的牛奶变成了可能,这使送牛奶的人很难去竞争。
    用法:allw n t d sth 允许名n做某事;使n做某事成为可能
    Please allw me t tell yu smething befre yu read this bk.【2015重庆完形】在你读这本书之前请允许我告诉你们一些事情。
    短语;allw fr 考虑到;
    Yu shuld always allw fr the pssibility that it will rain.【高考真句】你总应该考虑有可能下雨。
    同义词 permit v. 允许
    allwance [əˈlaʊəns]n. 零花钱;限额,允许量;津贴,补助
    We had t earn ur allwance by ding chres arund the huse.【2016浙江阅读】我们不得不通过做家务的方式获得零花钱。
    Once a child has used up their daily allwance gained thrugh exercise, the televisin autmatically switches ff.【2012山东阅读】一旦儿童通过锻炼获得的日常限额被用光的时候,电视将自动关闭。
    When an annual leave allwance amunts t nly five weeks,there is a need t spread this acrss the year.【2012福建阅读】当一年的假期补助达到5周的时候,有必要将其分配在一年里。
    almst[ˈɔːlməʊst] adv. 几乎,差不多;同义词nearly
    alne[əˈləʊn] adj.& adv.单独、独自;adv. 单单,仅仅,只
    Being alne in uter space can be frightening.【2012上海完形】一个人在外太空是令人害怕的。
    Mental wrk alne can’t make us tire.【2013辽宁阅读】单单脑力工作不会让我们感到累
    短语:let alne 更不用说
    We didn’t knw at that time there even was an envirnment, let alne that there was a prblem with it. 【2014全国大纲阅读】我们不知道那时候还有环境这一概念,更别说环保了!
    leave sb alne不打扰某人,不管某人
    The father wanted t be left alne t enjy sme peace and quiet.【2012上海阅读】
    alud [əˈlaʊd]adv. 出声地
    In the Middle Ages, merchants emplyed “twn criers” t read public messages alud t prmte their gds.【2015全国一阅读】在中世纪,商人雇佣wn criers出声地读出公共信息以促销商品。
    alphabet [ˈælfəbet] n. 字母表,字母
    already [ɔːlˈredɪ] ad. 已经
    als [ˈɔːlsəʊ] ad. 也
    alternative [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv] adj.可替代性的;非传统的,新型的;n.可替代性的东西
    Owners can remtely switch t an alternative passwrd if they fear that the thief has als gt hld f the access details.【2014上海阅读】拥有者可以远程转向一个可替代性的密码如果他们担心贼已经得到了存取细节。
    We need alternative energy badly, and t really take advantage f it we need t be able t mve electricity arund far mre readily than we can nw.【2015北京阅读】我们迫切需要新型能源,为了充分利用它我们需要能够比现在更加随时地发电。
    If we expect peple t give up the habit f driving, we must give them an alternative they can rely n. 【2014山东阅读】如果我们要求人们放弃开车的习惯,我们必须给他们可以依靠的可替代性的东西。
    altitude [ˈæltɪtjuːd] n. 高度,海拔
    The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blws frm the west t the east acrss the Atlantic.【2015安徽阅读】喷流是一个高空中的风,它总是由大西洋的西部吹往东部。
    易混词:attitude n. 态度
    altgether [ɔːltəˈɡeðə] adv. 完全;总共
    Altgether there are arund 100 annual music festivals.【2012上海阅读】每年总共有100个音乐节。
    I missed my partner’s bx altgether and slipped.【2012上海阅读】我完全没有踩到我同伴的盒子,然后跌到了。
    “完全地”同义词: ttally; cmpletely; entirely; purely ;thrughly
    aluminium [æljʊˈmɪnɪəm] n. (化)铝
    always [ˈɔːlweɪz] ad. 总是;一直;永远
    amateur[ˈæmətə] n. 业余爱好者,外行
    prfessinal and amateur star bservers that suffers even mre frm light pllutin.【2013天津阅读]】除了专业和业余的天文爱好者外,甚至还有一群人遭受更多的光污染。
    amaze [əˈmeɪz] vt. 使(某人)惊异或惊奇
    We are teaching them that wrds d nt amaze but cnfuse.【2012江苏阅读】
    同义词: astnish surprise
    amazed[əˈmeɪzd] 惊奇的,惊讶的
    My husband has always been gd with animals, but I was still amazed when he befriended a female gruse(松鸡)。【2014四川完形】我的丈夫一直和动物的关系很友好,但是我仍然很惊讶他可以和一只松鸡成为朋友。
    amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] 令人惊奇的,令人惊讶的
    The audience was impressed by his amazing perfrmance.【2014广东阅读】他那令人惊奇的表演给顾客留下了深刻的映像。
    amazement [əˈmeɪzmənt] n. 惊讶
    Jessica lked in amazement as her parents began t laugh madly.【2015江西阅读】当Jessica的父母大声笑的时候,她惊讶地看着他们。
    ambassadr [æmˈbæsədə(r)] n. 男大使
    ambassadress[æmˈbæsədrəs] n. 女大使
    ambiguus [æmˈbɪɡjʊəs] adj. 模棱两可的
    His reply t my questin was smewhat ambiguus.【高考真句】他对我问题的回答有点模棱两可。
    ambitius [æmˈbɪʃəs] adj.雄心勃勃的;野心勃勃的;艰巨的
    She is an ambitius and sensitive persn.【2014北京阅读】他是一个野心勃勃并且敏感的人。
    In 1879, Oxfrd University in England asked Prf. James Murray t serve as editr fr what was t be the mst ambitius dictinary in the histry f the English language.【2012山东阅读】在1879年,牛津大学要求James Murray担当即将是英语史上最艰难的字典的编辑。
    ambitin [æmˈbɪʃən] n. 雄心,抱负(褒);野心(贬)
    As yur sn grws yu als age and yur ambitins becme mre unachievable.【2016天津阅读】当你的孩子长大的时候你也衰老了,同时你的抱负也变得更加不可实现
    ambulance[ˈæmbjʊləns] n. 救护车
    amunt [əˈmaʊnt] n. 数量,总额 [+f];
    用法:a significant/large/cnsiderable/enrmus amunt(s) f 大量的
    She culd save such a large amunt f mney because she lived a very simple life.【2014广东阅读】
    In a sense, they are spending a significant amunt f time in fruitless effrts as they multitask.【2013重庆阅读】在一定意义上,当他们在做多任务处理的时候他们浪费了大量的时间。
    短语:amunt t v. (数量上)总计,达到
    The dnatin amunted t €190,000.【2012福建阅读】捐款达到€190,000
    ample [ˈæmpəl]adj. 充足的,丰富的
    There is ample evidence t prve his guilt.【高考真句】有充足的证据证明他的罪行。
    同义词:abundant adj. 充足的;adequate adj. 充足的
    amuse [əˈmjuːz] vt. 使开心,逗笑
    Nt everyne experiences anger in the same way; what angers ne persn may amuse anther. 【2014江苏阅读】所有的人经历快乐的方式都是不一样的;使一个人生气的东西也许会让另一个人开心。
    Pets are playful animals and they amuse us.【2013江西阅读】宠物是有趣的动物,它们可以逗笑我们。
    近义词:entertain vt 使快乐,娱乐
    amuse的形容词:amused;amusing amuse的名词:amusement
    amusing [əˈmjuːzɪŋ] adj. funny and entertaining 好笑的,有趣的
    Pets are amusing.【2013江西阅读】宠物是有趣的。
    amused [əˈmjuːzd]adj. 开心的,被逗乐的
    Lucy has a great sense f humr and always keeps her clleagues amazed with her stries. 【2015上海】Lucy有很强的幽默感并且用故事使她的同事感到开心。
    amusement [əˈmjuːzmənt] n. 娱乐,开心
    It tk us quite a lng time t get t the amusement park.【2015上海】我们花了很长时间才到达娱乐场。
    “Amusement cycling” is the mst fun yu can have, legally, in the United States right nw.【2012辽宁阅读】“快乐骑行”是你现在在美国能获得的最多的合法乐趣。
    analyze [`ænl,aɪz] vt. 分析
    A reprt that analyzed nearly tw decades f research n majr GM fd crps shws that GM engineering has failed t significantly increase US crp prductin.【2015陕西阅读】一份关于分析转基因食品的20年的报告显示转基因工程不能够大量增加美国的粮食产量。
    analyze的名词:analysis [əˈnæləsɪs] n. 分析
    ancestr[ˈænsəstə] n. 祖宗; 祖先
    同义词:frefather n. 祖先
    anchr[ˈænkə] n. 锚 v. 停船,抛锚
    ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj. 古代的,古老的
    Sme scial scientists suggest that Westerners shuld take advantages f the ancient Chinese wisdm t make up fr the drawbacks f Western philsphy.【2012辽宁阅读】一些社科学家建议西方人应该充分利用古代中国的智慧去弥补西方哲学的缺点。
    Wind pwer is an ancient surce f energy t which we may return in the near future.【2015上海】风力是一个我们在不远的将来将使用的能源。
    anecdte [ˈænɪkdəʊt] n. 逸事,趣闻
    anger [ˈæŋɡə] n.愤怒 v. 使愤怒
    When I met him, I had a lt f anger inside f me.【2012福建阅读】当我见到他的时候我非常愤怒。
    This really angered me.【 2013湖南阅读】这真的让我很生气。
    同义词:annyance n. 愤怒
    anger的形容词:angry [ˈæŋɡəri] adj. 生气的,愤怒的
    用法:be angry with 对……感到生气
    Jessica’s parents were still quite angry with each ther.【2015江西阅读】杰西卡的父母仍然在生彼此的气。
    同义词:annyed adj. 生气的
    animal [ˈænɪml] n. 动物
    ankle [ˈæŋkəl] n. 踝,踝关节
    anniversary [ænɪˈvɜːsərɪ] n. 周年纪念日
    Jhn and I will celebrate ur frtieth wedding anniversary next mnth.【2014山东】约翰和我将在下个月庆祝我们第40个周年纪念日。
    annunce [əˈnaʊns] vt. 宣布,宣告
    In January, Starbucks annunced that custmers culd start using their phnes t buy cffee in 6,800 f its stres.【2015湖北阅读】星巴克在一月宣布顾客可以使用他们的电话在6800个商店里面买东西。
    annunce的名词:annuncement[əˈnaʊnsmənt] n. 宣布、宣告
    annunce的近义词:declare v. 宣布
    anny [əˈnɔɪ] vt. (使)恼怒,使生气
    But I culd see that he was ding all these t anny me. [2014湖北阅读]但是我可以看得出来他所做得一切都是为了使我恼怒/生气
    anny的两个形容词形式: annyed;annying
    anny [əˈnɔɪd] adj. 恼怒的,生气的
    He's annyed.【2015全国二阅读】他很生气。
    annying [əˈnɔɪɪŋ] adj. 令人恼怒的,令人生气的
    It was really annying; I culdn’t get access t the data bank yu had recmmended.【2016天津】真是太令人生气了!我无法得到你推荐的银行的信息
    annyance [əˈnɔɪəns] n. 生气
    The pssible existence f annyance results frm ur inability t srt ut e-mails.【2012山东阅读表达】生气的存在可能是因为我们不能整理电子邮件。
    annual [ˈænjʊəl] adj. 每年的,一年一次的
    University tuitin fees are currently capped at 3,000 annually.【2013上海阅读】现在大学学费每年最高3000元。
    answer [ˈɑːnsə] v. 回答;答复;n. 回答,答复
    Then they were asked t analyze the relatinships by answering sme questins.【2014四川阅读】然后他们被要求通过回答问题来分析关系。
    Dad answered children's Christmas letters every year.【2012浙江阅读】爸爸每年都答复孩子们的圣诞信件。
    But have yu ever nticed the smell? Unless it is bad, the answer is likely t be n.【2014北京阅读】
    用法:answer t ……的答案
    There are prblems psychlgy desn’t have the answer t, and which n wrds can describe.【2013广东阅读】有些问题心理学是没有答案的,并且这些问题文字也无法描述。
    同义词:reply v. 回答;respnd v. 回答;respnse n. 回答
    ant [ænt] n. 蚂蚁
    antique [ænˈtiːk] n. 古董
    anxiety [æŋˈzaɪətɪ] n. 焦虑,担心
    They als help students prepare fr cllege mathematics and vercme their anxiety abut this amazing field f study.【2012北京阅读】它们能够使学生们对大学数学做好准备并且克服他们对这一学习领域的焦虑。
    Studies shw that t much multitasking can lead t increased stress, anxiety and memry lss. 【2015浙江阅读】研究显示太多的多任务处理会导致越来越多的压力、担心以及失忆。
    同义词:cncern n. 担心; wrry n. 担心
    anxius [ˈæŋkʃəs] adj. 担心的,焦虑的
    用法:be anxius abut对……感到担心/焦虑
    Jack still can’t help being anxius abut his jb interview.【2016江苏】杰克情不自禁地担心他的工作面试。
    be anxius t d 渴望做……
    Tm was extremely anxius t meet Bingley.【2013福建阅读】Tm非常渴望见到Bingley。
    “渴望”的同义词:be eager t d/fr sth; be desperate t d/fr sth;lng t d/fr sth; desire t d/fr sth
    aplgize [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz] v 道歉
    用法:aplgize fr sth为某事道歉
    He smiled plitely as Mary aplgized fr her drunken friends.【2012山东】当Mary为他醉酒的朋友道歉的时候,他礼貌地微笑着。
    aplgize t sb 向某人道歉
    The wman want the man t aplgize t her.【2015全国】那个女的想让那个男的向她道歉。
    aplgy[əˈpɔlədʒɪ] n. 道歉
    As we were abut t arrive, the pilt annunced with aplgy that there wuld be a slight delay befre setting dwn.【2015四川完形】当我们即将到达的时候,飞行员抱歉地宣布飞机将延误。
    apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt] n. 公寓
    S my brther and I decided t leave the apartment.【2014山东阅读】所以我的兄弟和我决定离开这个公寓。
    易混词:department n. 部门
    同义词:flat n. 公寓
    appeal [əˈpiːl] v/n. 呼吁,恳求(fr);(t) 恳求,吸引
    The authr tries t appeal fr dnatins.【2014江西阅读】作者呼吁捐款。
    Sprt has becme an imprtant frm f entertainment, appealing t bth men and wmen.【2015江西回答问题】体育已经变成了一种重要的娱乐形式,吸引着男性和女性。
    用法:appeal t sb t d sth 恳求某人做某事
    Iribarne’s gal f frming the fundatin is t appeal t sccer players t help pr kids.【2015天津阅读】Iribarne成立基金会的目标是呼吁运动员帮助穷孩子
    appear [əˈpɪə] v. 似乎,好像,显得 (appear t d/adj);出现
    When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said.【2015陕西阅读】
    Gradually, this nise began t appear during a shw.【2015全国二阅读】渐渐地这个噪音在节目中消失了。
    用法:it appears that/as if/as thugh似乎……,好像……
    It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in rder t avid challenging the bss fish. [2014湖南阅读]似乎小鱼保持身体瘦小是为了避免挑战大鱼。
    appear的反义词:disappear v. 消失
    appearance [əˈpɪərəns] n. 出现;外表
    His appearance created an atmsphere f tensin.【2014湖北阅读】他的出现创造了一种紧张的氛围。
    Sme peple care much abut their appearance and always ask if they lk fine in what they are. 【2013上海】一些人非常关心他们的相貌,总是问他们的样子是否好看。
    apparent [əˈpærənt] adj.明显的
    “Yu have a wnderful daughter,” she said, apparently in tears.【2015重庆完形】“你有一个极好的女儿”她明显哭着说。
    同义词:evident adj. 明显的;bvius adj. 明显的;striking adj. 明显的
    appendix [əˈpendɪks] n. 附录,阑尾
    appetite [ˈæpɪtaɪt] n. 胃口;欲望,爱好
    He had lst his appetite and was nt as active as befre.【2014重庆完形】他失去了胃口并且不像以前那么活跃了。
    Our appetite fr new prducts als cntributes t the prblem.【2015安徽完形】我们对新产品的爱好导致这一问题。
    applaud [əˈplɔːd] v. 鼓掌;称赞
    We shuld applaud gd behavir.【2013安徽阅读】我们应该称赞好的行为
    Everyne in the class applauded fr me.【2014广东阅读】班级里的每一个人都为我鼓掌
    applaud的名词形式:applause n. 鼓掌
    applaud的同义词:n. v. clap 鼓掌
    apple [ˈæpəl] n. 苹果
    apply [əˈplaɪ] v. 申请;(对……)适用,(对……)有效;使用,运用
    British Airways als says its custmer care plicies are applied within the cmpany and staff are taught t regard each ther as custmers requiring the highest standards f service.【2015浙江阅读】
    用法:apply t 申请;(对……)适用,(对……)有效
    I applied t the famus Ryal Academy f Music in Lndn.【2013江苏完形】我申请了著名的伦敦皇家音乐学院
    The ld rules have t be revised because they nly applied t the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ag.【2014湖北阅读】旧的规则必须被修改,因为他们只适用于100年前被制定时的情况。
    The law will als apply t British citizens.【2014福建阅读】这条法令同样适用于英国公民。
    apply fr 申请
    Mre students are applying fr aid, and mre families expect t need student lans.【2015山东阅读】更多的学生正在申请援助,并且更多的家庭预计需要学生贷款。
    applicatin [æplɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 申请(信);应用;应用程序(app)
    In my applicatin letter, I was careful t express hw much I wanted t see France.【2013浙江完形】
    The techniques may have medical applicatins which can imprve the length r quality f ur lives. 【2015江西阅读】这些技术也许有一些医疗应用,这可以帮助我们提高寿命并且改善生活质量。
    The tthbrush will als be able t talk t ther applicatins n yur phne.【2014山东阅读】
    applicant[ˈæplɪkənt] n. 申请人
    T jin the Writer Squad, each applicant shuld first prvide a piece f their writing.【2014湖南阅读】
    appint [əˈpɔɪnt] v. 委派,任命;约定、确定(时间、地点)
    President Clintn then appinted him t the ffice f directr f speech writing.【2014陕西阅读】
    Since I was 40 busy —— my patient didn’t cme up at the appinted hur, I wuld examine his wund.【2015全国一完形】因为我不忙——我的病人没有出现,所以可以检查他的伤口。
    appint的形容词形式:appinted adj. 约定的
    appintment [əˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 约会;预约;委派,任命
    His appintment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30.【2013山东阅读】他的预约时间在上午10点,现在已经是8;30了
    I heard him saying t the nurse that he was in a hurry fr an appintment at 9:30.【2015全国一完形】
    They cngratulated him n his appintment as chairman.【高考真句】他们祝贺他被任命为主席。
    appreciate [əˈpriːʃɪeɪt] v. 欣赏;感谢;理解,明白
    Yet, in a few muths, my brain gt reeducated and I culd see the difference between gd and bad writing and culd appreciate literature at a whle new level.【2015湖南完形】然而几个月后我的大脑再次收到教育,我可以看到好的写作与坏的写作的差别,并且从一个全新的高度欣赏文学。
    Had my neighbr tld me f the upcming rainstrm with sympathy, I wuld have appreciated his warning.【2014浙江阅读】要是我的邻居同情地告诉我暴风雨即将到来,我就会明白他的警告了。
    I’d appreciate it if yu culd give me the pprtunity.【2015天津写作】要是你能给我这个机会的话我会非常感激的
    apprach [əˈprəʊtʃ] v. 走近,靠近;处理;n. 方法
    If apprached in a strategic way, CSR culd becme part f a cmpany's cmpetitive advantage.【2014上海阅读】如果CSR被巧妙地处理,CSR就会成为公司竞争优势的一部分。
    He thught it was a dll, but realized it was a child when he apprached the river.【2015陕西阅读】
    用法:apprach t (ding) sth (做)某事的方法
    Facing up t yur prblem rather than running away frm them is the best apprach t wrking things ut.【2014浙江】面对问题而不是逃避问题是解决事情的最好的方法。
    apprpriate[əˈprəʊprɪət] adj. 合适的,适当的
    If yu are invlved in an accident, yu are required t ffer apprpriate aid.【2012天津阅读】如果你卷入了一场事故,你要提供适当的援助。
    同义词: prper适当的,合适的
    apprpriate的名词形式:apprpriateness 适合,合适
    apprve [əˈpruːv] vt 批准;vi. 赞同,赞成
    Peple cmplain that decisins t apprve r deny a permit are ften arbitrary rather than based n fixed criteria.【2013湖北】人们经常抱怨批准或否认许可的决定经常是随意的而不是基于固定的标准。
    用法:apprve f 批准,赞同
    Thugh nt everyne apprved f the new dance, saying it was a little t shcking, the dance did find enugh supprters t make it ppular.【2013安徽阅读】尽管不是所有的人都赞同这种新的舞蹈,说其有点惊讶,该舞蹈仍有使其流行的支持者。
    apprximately [əprɔksɪˈmətlɪ] adv.大约
    Experts say that it wuld take apprximately $433,600,000 and mre than 20 years t repair the island.【2012山东阅读】专家说修复这个岛屿需要花费$433,600,000元和20年的时间。
    aprn [ˈeɪprən] n. 围裙
    arbitrary [ˈɑːbɪtrərɪ]adj. 武断的;任意的
    arch [ɑːtʃ] n. 拱,拱门
    architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt] n. 建筑师
    Architects have lng had the feeling that the places we live in can affect ur thughts and behavirs. 【2014北京阅读】建筑师早就有这样的感觉:我们住的地方可以影响我们的思想和行为。
    architecture [ˈɑːkɪtektʃə] n. 建筑
    Fur architecture teams have nearly finished designing primary schl samples.【2014湖北阅读】
    同义词:cnstructin n. 建筑;建造
    area [ˈeərɪə] n.地区;区域;地方;领域
    My uncle’s huse in the dwntwn area is much smaller than urs, but it is twice as expensive.【2014四川】我叔叔那位于城中心区域的房子比我们的房子小很多却是我们房价的两倍。
    Our feelings and emtins cme frm the mst develped area in ur brain.【2013浙江阅读】我们的感觉和情感来自于大脑最发达的区域。
    This area is ften used fr entertainment.【2014天津阅读】这个地方是用来娱乐的。
    Fr example, a cuntry culd share its technlgy with anther. This culd be in simple area s like agriculture r in mre cmplex area s like medical and health care.【2013江西阅读】一个国家可以和另一个国家分享科技。这个科技可以是在简单的农业领域也可以实在复杂的医疗领域。
    argue [ˈɑ:gju:] v. 争辩;争吵
    短语:argue with 与……争吵;
    Why d Singapreans avid arguing with their bss? 【2014浙江阅读】为什么Singapreans避免与其老板争吵
    argue abut/ver为……而争吵
    It is reprted that cnservatin grups have been arguing abut the benefits and dangers f wlves. 【2015江苏阅读】据报道动物保护组织一直为狼的好处及危险而争吵。
    argue fr 支持
    Pearsn argued fr an advertising campaign designed t cnvince custmers that visits t Sparrw restaurants were fun.【2013山东阅读】Pearsn支持旨在使顾客相信来麻雀餐厅是有趣的的广告运动。
    argue against 反对
    The authr argues against free university educatin.【2015北京阅读】作者反对免费的大学教育。
    argue that 争辩……
    Jeremy Paxman argued that the English weather is by nature attractive.【2013重庆阅读】
    Jeremy Paxman争辩到英国的天气在本质上是有吸引力的。
    argue的名词:argument n. 争辩,争吵;论点
    arise [əˈraɪz] v. 出现
    While scientists are finding ways t make batteries smaller but even mre pwerful, prblems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves.【2015山东阅读】尽管科学家正在寻找方式去使电池更小更有能量,当这些电池比设备本身既大又重的时候问题就会出现。
    arithmetic [əˈrɪθmətɪk] n. 数学
    同义词:mathematics; maths
    arm [ɑːm] n. 手臂;武器 v.提供,配备
    We walked arm in arm t his car.【2015全国一阅读】我们手拉手走到他的车那儿
    Sales f arms t the Middle East have dramatically increased.【高考真句】买往中东的军火数量激增。
    短语:arm sb with sth提供,配备
    She thught that if she armed herself with all the knwledge she culd gather she culd handle anything.【高考真句】她以为,如果获取了所有能学到的知识,就能处理任何事。
    armed [ɑ:md] adj. 武装的
    In Iran, he was chased by armed rbbers and was lucky t escape with his life.【2012上海阅读】在伊朗他被武装劫匪追逐并且很幸运地活着逃了出来。
    短语:armed with有(足够的知识,技能或装备)的
    Armed with this ambitin, she wuld read nvels and life stries f writers withut end.【2014上海阅读】有这样的雄心,她会连续不断地读作者的小说和生活故事。
    army [ˈɑːmɪ] n. 军队
    armchair [ɑːmˈtʃeə] n. 扶手椅
    arrange [əˈreɪndʒ] v. 安排;整理,布置
    The girl arranged t have pian lessns at the training center with her sister where she wuld stay fr an hur.【2015江西】那个女孩安排和她的妹妹在训练中心上音乐课,在那儿他将待一个小时。
    Organizing a speech is nt just a matter f arranging the ideas yu already have.【2015北京阅读】组织语言不仅仅是整理你已经有的想法。
    短语:arrange fr sb t d sth 安排某人去做某事
    My husband arranged fr me t ride in a ht air balln fr my birthday.【2015北京阅读】在生日那天我的丈夫安排我去乘热气球。
    arrange的名词:arrangement n. 安排;整理,布置
    arrive [əˈraɪv] v 到达 arrive的名词形式:arrival [əˈraɪvl]
    arrest v. n. 逮捕
    The by helped arrest the murderer.【2012辽宁阅读】那个男孩帮助逮捕了那个谋杀犯。
    arrw [ˈærəʊ] n. 箭
    art [ɑːt] n. 艺术;艺术作品;技术,技巧;文科,人文学科
    Film has a much shrter histry, especially when cmpared t such art frms as music and painting. 【2012全国一】电影有一个更短的历史,尤其当它与音乐和绘画这样的艺术形式对比的时候。
    Science and technlgy d nt tell us what it means t be human. The arts d.【2014北京阅读】
    Thse wh study the art f writing will prbably like reading Mre Things in Heaven.【2013陕西阅读】
    那些研究写作技术的人将可能读Mre Things in Heaven这本书。
    Arts educatin is mre imprtant than ther subjects.【2012山东阅读】人文学科的教育比其它学科都重要。
    Their eyesight is failing due t artificial lighting.【2013天津阅读】他们的视力衰落是由人造等引起的。
    art的另一名词形式:artist n. 艺术家
    ash [æʃ] n. 灰; 灰末
    article [ˈɑːtɪkəl] n. 文章;(一件)物品;
    Why this excellent newspaper allws such an article t be printed is beynd me.【2013全国一】
    In 2035, every article f fd in the grcery stre has such a chip.【2012安徽阅读】在2035年商店里面的没一件物品都有这样的芯片。
    ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd] adj. (因自己所做的事而)羞耻的,内疚的;(因别人所做的事而)感到不好意思的,难为情的
    I was blind, but I was ashamed f it if it was knwn.【2012广东阅读】我是盲人,耻于让别人知道这一事实。
    When I was grwing up in America, I was ashamed f my mther’s Chinese English.【2015广东阅读】当我在美国长大的时候,我为我妈的英语感到难为情。
    ashamed的名词形式:shame 羞耻,羞愧
    ask [ɑːsk] v. 问,询问;要求;请求,邀请;索要(价格);
    I just pretended it all wasn’t happening, and went n lecturing and tried t ask sme inspiring questins.【2013浙江阅读】我仅仅假装一切都没有发生,并且继续讲课,努力问一些有启发的问题。
    Days later, we made an ffer — far belw the asking price.【2015天津完形】几天之后我们给了最后的报价——远低于索要的价格。
    ask sb t d sth要求某人做某事;邀请某人做某事
    Parents ask their kids nt t play by the river fr fear that smething terrible might happen.【2014上海阅读】父母要求孩子不要再河边玩唯恐一些糟糕的事情发生。
    If the name is difficult t prnunce, admit it, and ask the persn t help yu say it crrectly.【2012陕西阅读】如果那个名字很难发音的话你得承认这一事实并且请求那个人帮助你把它说正确。
    ask fr sth 要……
    Why did Linda ask fr a secnd wish list? 【2015湖南回答问题】为什么Linda还要一个愿望清单
    asleep [əˈsliːp] adj. 睡着的
    Frank insisted that he was nt asleep althugh I had great difficulty in waking him up.【2015四川】弗兰克坚持说他没有睡着,尽管我很难叫醒他。
    短语:fall asleep入睡
    There are times when peple are s tired that they fall asleep almst anywhere.【2015全国二阅读】
    易混词:sleepy [sliːpi] adj. 困的,昏昏欲睡的
    With ther heaters, yu’ll ntice that yu get sleepy when the heat cmes n because they are burning up xygen.【2013北京阅读】如果使用其它的取暖器,你将注意到当你打开取暖器的时候你会昏昏欲睡,因为他们正在燃烧氧气
    aspect[ˈæspekt] n. 方面
    Technlgical change is everywhere and affects every aspect f life, mstly fr the better.【2015年北京阅读】科技改变在所有的地方都有发生并且影响生活的每一方面,其主要影响是好的。
    同义词:respect n. 方面;尊重 v. 尊重
    assess [əˈses] v. 评价
    As yu learn t listen critically t speeches in class, yu will be better able t assess the ideas f speakers in a variety f situatins.【2015北京阅读】当你学会批判性的倾听班上的演讲的时候,你将更能够评价演讲者在不同情况里的思想。
    同义词:judge v. 判断,评价;evaluate v. 评价;rate v. 评价
    assess的名词:assessment 评价
    assessment [əˈsesmənt] n.评价
    The fllwing card includes a brief summary and a shrt assessment f a research paper.【2015上海阅读】下面的卡片包括研究论文的简短的概括和评价
    assist [əˈsɪst]v. 帮助,协助
    Technlgy is ging t assist but it is nt ging t d everything.【2014湖南阅读】
    assist (sb. ) in /with sth. 帮助某人某事
    I swam t Dad immediately and assisted him in climbing nt the hull(船壳)f the bat.【2015重庆完形】我立刻游向爸爸,并且帮助他爬上了船壳。
    assist的两个名词为assistant [əˈsɪstənt] 助手; assistance [əˈsɪstəns]援助,帮助
    The manager put frward a suggestin that we shuld have an assistant.【2016天津】经理提出了我们应该有一个助手的建议。
    If yu need medical assistance, tell any park emplyee.【2013江苏阅读】如果你需要任何医疗帮助,请告诉公园里的员工。
    assciate [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt] v. 联系
    用法:assciate A with B 把A和B联系起来
    T much TV has been assciated with vilence, verweight and lneliness.【2015福建阅读】太多的电视节目与暴力,超重和孤独有关。
    同义词 cnnect;link;relate
    cnnect A with B
    把A和B联系起来link Awith/tB
    relate AtB
    tie AtB
    assciatin [əsəʊsɪˈeɪʃən] n. 联系;协会
    Surely it desn’t matter where the student assciatins get their mney frm; what cunts is what they d with it.【2012湖北】当然学生会从哪里得到这些钱这并不重要,重要的是他们怎么用这些钱
    The pwer f wrds, then, lies in their assciatins.【2015全国二阅读】文字的力量在于文字之间的联系。
    assume [əˈsjuːm] v. 假设;认为
    S, let us assume that histrical buildings are bth attractive and imprtant t the majrity f peple. 【2014安徽阅读】所以,我们可以假设历史建筑对大多数人是重要且有吸引力的。
    But when it cmes t medicine, I had assumed it was imprtant t always be hnest with my patients.【2015湖北阅读】但是关于钱,我认为对病人诚实是非常重要的。
    assume的名词: assumptin [əˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n] 假设
    astnish [əˈstɔnɪʃ] v. 使惊讶
    During the spring she really astnished me.【2015浙江阅读】在春天她真的让我很惊讶。
    astnish的形容词:astnished [əˈstɔnɪʃd]惊讶的;astnishing [əˈstɔnɪʃɪŋ]令人惊讶的
    Here is an astnishing and significant fact: Mental wrk alne can’t make us tire.【2013辽宁阅读】这儿有一个重要且惊讶的事实:单纯的脑力劳动不会使我们感到很累。
    His mther felt astnished at the dnatin.【2012福建阅读】他的妈妈对于这笔捐赠感到很惊讶。
    astrnaut, astrnmer, astrnmy
    astrnaut [ˈæstrənɔːt] n. 宇航员
    【真句】Bacteria are an annying prblem fr astrnauts. 【2019全国】 细菌对宇航员来说是个烦人的问题。
    astrnmer [əˈstrɔnəmə] n. 天文学家
    What d the astrnmers cmplain abut? 【2013天津阅读】天文学家在抱怨什么?
    astrnmy [əˈstrɔnəmɪ] n. 天文学
    athlete [ˈæθliːt] n. 运动员
    The Olympic Games bring athletes frm arund the wrld tgether t take part in friendly cmpetitin. 【2015天津阅读】奥林匹克运动将来自全世界的运动员聚集在一起来参加这一友好的比赛。
    athlete的形容词: athletic
    athletic [æθˈletɪk] adj. 运动的;强壮的,擅长运动的
    He was n match fr the tw athletic men.【2013湖北完形】他不是这两个强壮男人的对手。
    Indeed, Tannin’s athletic career tk ff.【2013福建阅读】的确Tannin的运动生涯取得了成功。
    atmsphere [ˈætməsfɪər] n. 大气;气氛,氛围
    The bss f the cmpany is trying t create an easy atmsphere where his emplyees enjy their wrk.【2015天津】该公司的老板努力创造一个员工可以享受他们工作的轻松氛围。
    Carbn dixide, which makes a barrier between us and the sun, prevents heat frm getting ut f the atmsphere easily, s the earth is becming warmer.【2013湖北】二氧化碳在我们和太阳之间构成了一道障碍,它可以轻松阻止热量离开大气,这样地球变得更加温暖。
    atm [ˈætəm] n. 原子
    attach [əˈtætʃ] (t fasten r cnnect ne bject t anther)系;绑;贴;固定;附上
    When I pened my bk, I fund a beautiful card attached t the first page, giving me best wishes. 【2014重庆阅读】当我打开书的时候,我发现一个漂亮的卡片附在首页,给了我最好的祝福
    短语:be attached t 喜欢
    She is attached t her hme.【2013四川阅读】她喜欢她的家。
    attach的名词形式attachment [əˈtætʃmənt] n. 喜爱;附件,附属物
    attack [əˈtæk] n/v. 攻击;抨击;(疾病的)发作
    The elephants are attacked and their land gets limited.【2015上海阅读】大象受到了攻击并且它们的土地变得有限。
    Twain’s attack n racism was much less pen.【2013江苏阅读】马克吐温对种族主义的抨击不是那么太公开。
    Tw analyses nw shw that pr air quality can lead t heart attack.【2012陕西阅读】现在两项分析显示不好的空气质量可以导致心脏病的发作。
    attain [əˈteɪn] v.(通过努力)获得,得到
    Jim is halfway t attaining his pilt's license.【高考真句】吉姆就快要拿到飞行员执照了
    同义词:btain v. (通过努力)获得;gain v. (通过努力)获得;achieve v. (通过努力)获得;
    attempt [əˈtempt] v. 尝试,试图;n. 尝试,
    Hwever, when tw r mre attentin-requiring tasks are attempted at ne time, peple smetimes make mistakes.【2015浙江阅读】然而当一次性尝试更多的要求集中注意力的任务的时候,人们有时会犯错。
    Bdy language is particularly imprtant when we attempt t cmmunicate acrss cultures.【2012全国一完形】当我们跨文化交流的时候身体语言就尤其重要了
    Therefre it shuld nt be surprising that ur first attempt at expressing ideas shuld lk s simple. 【2014辽宁阅读】因此,我们第一次尝试表达想法应该比较简单,这并不惊讶。
    Such an attempt t establish a psitive relatinship between a cmpany and the general public was unusual fr that time.【2013山东】在公司和大众之间建立良好关系的这一尝试在在当时并不寻常。
    attend [əˈtend] v. 参加,出席;照料(lk after smene especially they are ill)
    Hundreds f animal lvers attended the cmpletin ceremny f the new bridge.【2012山东阅读】
    By nw paramedics(救援人员)had arrived, and were attending the injured wman.【2014福建阅读】现在救援人员已经到达并且照料这位受伤的妇女。
    短语:attend t 处理;照料
    As they breathe in and ut, they attend t their feelings.【2012天津阅读】当他们呼吸的时候他们可以处理他们的感觉。
    attend t a baby照料小孩
    attentin [əˈtenʃn] n.注意力
    Using nature t imprve fcus f attentin ught t pay ff academically.【2014北京阅读】利用自然来改善注意力的集中在学术上市可以获得回报的。
    短语:pay attentin t 注重 = fix/fcus ne’s attentin n
    S, it’s imprtant t pay attentin t every detail.【2015江苏阅读】所以注重每一个细节非常重要。
    draw/attract ne’s attentin 吸引……的注意力
    Unfrtunately, her wrks did nt attract much attentin in the 1930s and1940s.【2012安徽阅读】
    attentin的形容词形式:attentive [ə'tentiv] adj. 注意力集中的
    attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd] n. 态度;
    用法:attitude t/twards sth 对……的态度
    This suggests that British attitudes twards accent have deep rts and are based n class prejudice. 【2015广东阅读】这表明英国人对口音的态度是根深蒂固的并且具有阶级偏见。
    attract [əˈtrækt] v. 吸引
    First he pened a shp and then he put up a sign utside the shp t attract custmers.【2013浙江阅读】他先开一个店,然后在店外挂一个指示牌来吸引顾客。
    同义词:appeal t吸引
    attractive [əˈtræktɪv] adj. 有吸引力的
    Hwever, the audience fr these sprts is attractive t certain advertisers.【2012广东阅读】然而,这些运动的观众对于某些广告商而言是有吸引力的。
    attractin [əˈtrækʃn] n. 吸引力
    Nw this frmer ryal palace is pen t the public as a majr turist attractin.【2015新课标二阅读】
    audience [ˈɔːdɪəns] n. 观众,听众
    N sner had M Yan stepped n the stage than the audience brke int thunderus applause. 【2014陕西】莫言一登上舞台观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。
    authentic [ɔːˈθentɪk]adj. 正宗的;原创的
    authr [ˈɔːθə] n. 作者,作家
    authrity [ɔːˈθɔrɪtɪ] n. 权力;权威
    Rank is imprtant and authrity is respected.【2014浙江阅读】等级非常重要并且权力受到尊重。
    Bth sides wish t be cnsidered an authrity.【2015湖北阅读】双方都希望被认为是权威。
    autmatic [ɔːtəˈmætɪk]adj. 自动的
    Yet I think the term ‘autmatic shp’ is far mre apprpriate.【2014上海填空】但是我认为“自动商店”这一术语更合适。
    abrad [ə'brɔ:d] adv. 在国外;到海外
    【真句】I studied abrad and later mved away frm my parents' hme t lk fr a jb . 【2020浙江】我出国留学,后来离开父母的家去找工作。
    【拓展】bat [bəʊt] n. 小船,小舟
    bat--race [bəʊt-reɪs] n. 划船比赛
    bating [ˈbəʊtɪŋ] n. 划船(游玩),泛舟
    autnmus [ɔːˈtɔnəməs] adj. 自治的,自主的
    aunt [ɑːnt] n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨
    autumn [ˈɔːtəm] n. 秋天,秋季
    avenue [ˈævənjuː] n. 大道
    available [əˈveɪləbl] adj.(物)可获得的,可用的;(人)有空的
    The phts and interviews are nw available n ur website.【2013重庆阅读】我们的网站上有那些照片与采访。
    Hwever, by the 1940s when electricity was available t peple in almst all areas f the United States, windmills were rarely used.【2015安徽阅读】然而到20世纪40年代几乎美国所有的地区都可以用上电,风车就很少使用了。
    If yu are available a few hurs during the day, please call Gayle Mre, days 800-1111.【2014浙江阅读】如果你白天有空的话请拨打白天的电话800-1111
    average [ˈævərɪdʒ] adj. 普通的;平均的 n. 平均数 v. 平均为
    That was t expensive fr the average American family. 【2012江苏阅读】那对于普通的美国家庭来说太贵了。
    Over the past century, the ple has been migrating at an average speed f abut 10 kilmeters per year.【2012湖南阅读】在过去的一个世纪,人口的迁移的平均速度为每年10千米。
    University applicatins rse 7% last year, but there were rises abve average in several subjects.【2014山东阅读】去年大学申请增加了7%,但是有几门科目的申请超过了平均数。
    A wife with a part-time jb still wrks an average f 59 hurs a week at hme.【2013四川阅读】
    Feature articles average abut 1,000 t 2,000 wrds.【2015北京阅读】特写文章平均大概1000到2000字。
    短语:n average 平均
    Researchers find that, n average, wealthier peple are happier.【2012湖北阅读】研究者发现:平均来看,富人更加幸福。
    avid [əˈvɔɪd] v. 避免;回避,避开;逃避
    We shuld avid judging peple by their appearances.【2015重庆阅读】我们应该避免以貌取人
    In 2002, scientist Lucy King and her team fund that elephants avid certain trees with bees living in them.【2014安徽阅读】在2002年科学家Lucy King和他的团队发现大象避开某些有蜜蜂居住的树
    They wanted t avid the heat utside.【2014山东阅读】他们想逃避外面的酷热。
    awake [əˈweɪk] adj 醒着的;v. 唤醒
    She had stayed awake fr 20-25 hurs and then had slept fr 10 hurs.【2015辽宁阅读】她醒了有20到25个小时,然后又睡了10个小时。
    She tried hard t mve, but culd nt, until a sharp sund awke her.【2015江西完形】他努力地动却动不了,直到一个尖锐的声音唤醒了她。
    易混词: wake;waken(见W)
    award n. [əˈwɔːd] 奖,奖赏;v. 给予,授予
    The bk wn an award in 1985 and has been used in classes frm high schl thrugh graduate schl level.【2013天津阅读】 这本书在1985年获奖了并且在从中学到大学当中都被使用。
    M Yan was awarded the Nbel Prize fr Literature in 2012, made ne f the Chinese peple’s lng-held dreams cme true.【2013安徽】 莫言在2012年获得了诺贝尔文学奖,使中国的梦想成真。
    用法:award sb sth = award sth t sb 授予某人某物
    And years later, she was prud that her sn had read thusands f bks and was awarded a PhD in literature.【2015天津阅读】几年之后,她为她的儿子感到自豪,并且她的儿子被授予了文学博士。
    aware [əˈweə] adj. 知道的;意识到的
    短语:aware f/that从句 知道……,意识到……
    The recent success f children's bks has made the general public aware that there's a huge market ut there.【2014北京阅读】最近童书的成功使公众意识到那儿是有巨大的市场的。
    I finally became aware f the fact that I had been wrking with this clleague fr at least a year.【2014广东阅读】我最终知道了这样一个事实:我和这个同事工作至少一年了。
    It is imprtant t be aware f these dangers because everyne is expsed t air pllutin regardless f lifestyle chices.【2012陕西阅读】知道这些危险非常重要,因为不管选择何种生活方式每个人都暴露于污染中。
    awesme [ˈɔːsəm] adj. 很好的,极好的
    其反义词: awful
    awful [ˈɔːfʊl] adj.糟糕的,讨厌的
    In her bk, she describes that awful day, almst 40 years ag, when she received tw pieces f life-changing news.【2015湖南阅读】在他的书中,她描述了40年前糟糕的一天,当时她收到了2个改变一生的消息。
    awkward [ˈɔːkwəd] 尴尬的;紧张的,不舒服的;难办的,难用的,难处理的;
    Dad was a little awkward abut his flash f fear.【2015重庆完形】爸爸对他那一瞬间的恐惧感到紧张。
    Every traveler t a freign cuntry feels awkward at sme pint.【2014重庆完形】每一个去外国的游客在某个时刻都会感到尴尬。
    Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran twards secnd.【2015江苏阅读】Shay缓了一口气,艰难地跑向二垒。
    altitude [ˈæltɪtjuːd; (US) ælˈtɪtuːd] n. 海拔;高度
    【真句】Peple in Ethipian highlands have adapted t living at high altitudes.【2020全国】 埃塞俄比亚高地的人们适应了高海拔的生活。
    1. abandn vt. 抛弃;离开;中止
    (1) The girls jumped up and dwn and waved their arms _______ abandn (尽情地).
    (2) The lst car f the manager was fund ______ in the wds ff the highway.
    A. abandned B. refused C. lst D. scattered
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:经理丢失的车被发现遗弃在公路旁边的树林里。abandn“丢弃;遗弃”,符合题意。
    (3) Sme yung men _____ themselves t pleasures and d nthing.
    A. abandn B. desert C. quit D. cancel
    【答案】答案 A 解析:考查固定短语abandn neself t“纵情于;沉溺于”;其它选项或者搭配不对或者意义不合适。
    (4) Peter had intended t take a jb in business, but _____ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.
    A. had abandned B. abandned C. abandn D. will abandn
    【答案】答案B解析:根据but提示,是并列句,故前后时态一致。与had intended相呼应,可知此空应在表示过去时的范围选择,由此排除C、D选项。且abandn动作只是陈述了过去所发生的一件事而已,没有在intend之前,故排除A选项(过去的过去),由此可知答案B符合文意。一般过去时表示对过去所发生的一件事情的简单陈述而已。
    2. abard prep. & ad. 在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)
    (1)用bard , abrad , abard填空
    Li Hua, wh has the change t g ________ is n _______ and talking happily with ther peple __________.李华获得了出国的机会,现在正坐在飞机上和其他乘客愉快地交谈着。
    【答案】abrad , bard , abard
    (2) They went ______ the ship just befre it started t leave.
    A. abard B. bard C. abard n D. bard n
    【答案】答案A 解析:g abard the ship或g n bard the ship是固定说法,意为“上船”。
    (3) Cme _____ quickly. The plane will take ff in 10 minutes.
    A. at B. fr C. abard D. twards
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:快点登机,十分钟后飞机要起飞。根据句意,只有C项abard(上船、车、飞机等)符合题意。
    3. absence n. 缺席;缺乏
    (1) 句型转换
    A: The decisin was made while I was nt there.
    B: The decisin was made _____ ______ _______ .
    【答案】in my absence
    (2) He _____ fr weeks, s he had a lt f wrk t ______.
    A. was absence; make B. was absent; make up
    C. had absence; make ut D. had absent; make
    【答案】答案 B解析:absence是名词,“缺席,不在”,absent是形容词,“缺席的,不在的”。空一为谓语,应用be absent;空二后为“弥补”之意的make up。make ut意为“理解”。
    (3) The dctr think that smething imprtant is _____ frm her diet.
    A. absent B. absence C. tired D. absrbed
    【答案】答案 A解析:考查固定短语be absent frm“缺少……”;absence为名词,在此不合适。
    4. absrb v. 吸收;使并入;理解
    (1) _________ (absrb) in his wrk, Tm simply frgt fd and sleep.汤姆专心于工作,几乎忘记了吃饭和睡觉。
    (2) _______ in her new nvel, the yung writer kept thinking and writing fr a dzen hurs in her study.
    A. Having deeply absrbed B. Deeply absrbing
    C. Deeply having been absrbed D. Deeply absrbed
    【答案】答案 D解析:由语境可知,此处动作与kept是同时进行,所以不能用完成时态,且be absrbed in意为“专注于”,B为主动,不符合此用法,故选D,此处作状语。
    (3) She was s ______ in her jb that she didn’t hear smene kncking at the dr.
    A. absrbed B. attracted C. drawn D. cncentrated
    【答案】答案A解析:只有A项在此可以构成固定搭配be absrbed in“专心于……”。
    5. abuse n. 滥用;虐待 v. 滥用;虐待
    (1) He was arrested n charges f crruptin and abuse _______ pwer.他因被控贪污腐化和滥用职权而遭逮捕。
    (2) —What are yu wrried abut?
    —The fact that many children are still being ______.
    A. managed B. abused C. questined D. funded
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:—你担心什么?—许多孩子仍然受到虐待的事。abuse“虐待”,符合题意。
    (3) It has been revealed that sme gvernment leaders _____ their authrity and psitin t get illegal prfits fr themselves.
    A. emply B. take C. abuse D. verlk
    【答案】答案 C解析:abuse“滥用,妄用(权力等);(不当地)使用”。题意:一些政府领导揭露滥用职权,非法谋利。Emply“雇用,使用”;take “拿,取等”;verlk“俯瞰,眺望;忽略”。
    6. access n. 通道;入径;机会;权利
    (1) Frank put the medicine in a tp drawer t make sure it wuld nt be ________ (access) t the kids.
    (2) The system has been designed t give students quick and easy ______ t the digital resurces f the library.
    A. access B. passage C. way D. apprach
    【答案】答案A解析:句意:新设计的系统能够让学生便捷、容易地搜索到图书馆的电子资源。这里give…access t…是固定词组,表示“能得到,能进入”,所以选A。
    (3) I think it is a tp pririty fr us t furnish the children with _____ t the Internet.
    A. prcedure B. allwance C. means D. access
    【答案】答案D解析:access t“接近;进入;使用……”,符合题意。
    7. accmpany v. 陪同;伴随;与……同时发生
    (1)用cmpany , cmpanin , accmpany 填空
    Last night, my ________ kept me ________ t see a film and then they _________ me t my hme.昨天晚上,我的伙伴们陪我看了一场电影然后陪我回了家。
    【答案】cmpanins ; cmpany ; accmpanied
    (2) Tmrrw the mayr is t ______ a grup f French businessmen n a tur f the city.
    A. accmpany B. supprt C. assciate D. assist
    【答案】答案A解析:从“a tur f the city”,“the mayr”和“Canadian businessmen”可确定答案为accmpany“陪伴,陪同”。句意:明天市长将陪同加拿大实业家游览本市。
    (3) The finger was accmpanied _____ the pian ______ her sister.
    A. n; by B. at; t C. t; at D. with; in
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:女歌手由她姐姐作钢琴伴奏。考查固定短语accmpany sb. n / at… by...“某人用……给某人伴奏”
    (4) (2014湖南)21.Children,whenby their parents, are allwed t enter the stadium.
    A. t be accmpanied B. t accmpany C.accmpanying D. accmpanied
    8. accunt n. 帐户(目);说明;理由;报道 v. 认为是;说明
    (1) ________ n accunt shuld yu tell him.
    (2) Lack f mney _____ her nt cntinuing her studies.
    A. accunts fr B. cares fr C. explains t D. apprves f
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意缺钱是她辍学的原因。accunt fr“说明……的原因”;care fr“喜欢”;explain t“向某人解释”;apprve f“赞成”。
    (3) As he has been in a terrible state f mind these days, n n accunt ______ succeed in the cming English speech cmpetitin.
    A. has he B. des he C. will he D. he will
    【答案】答案 C解析:n n accunt放在句首时,句子用倒装语序,排除D项,又根据in the cming English speech cmpetitin可判断句子用将来时,用答案为C。
    9. acknwledge vt. 承认;感谢;告知
    (1) It_________ universally __________ (acknwledge) that he is the best player in the wrld.
    【答案】is ; acknwledged
    (2) His lng service with the cmpany was _____ with a special present.
    A. admitted B. acknwledged C. accepted D. returned
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:公司赠与他一件礼物以表示对他在公司多年工作的认可。表达“承认;认可”,只有B项符合题意。
    (3) He ______ having been frightened.
    A. acknwledged B. cnfessed C. recgnized D. admitted
    【答案】答案 A解析:acknwledge指“公开承认(隐瞒或否认过的事)”。题意为:他承认受惊。cnfess通常指自愿服罪或认错;recgnize指“正式承认(主权、权利)”;admit则指“在外界或自己良心的压力下承认”。
    10. adapt v. 适应(合);改编(写)
    (1) The film is ①adapted frm his stry. It mainly tells us his quick ②adaptin t the new
    envirnment, and in fact at first he thught he culdn’t ③adapt himself t the changed
    【答案】①adapted ②adaptin ③adapt
    (2) We must learn t ______ the new life when ging abrad.
    A. adapt B. adapt t C. adapt with D. adapt in
    【答案】答案 B解析:考查固定短语adapt t“适应”。句意为:当去国外时我们必须学会适应新的生活。
    (3) I’m sure she’ll cpe with the changes very well — she’s very _______.
    A. easy B. adaptable C. different D. accessible
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:我相信她会很妥善地应付这些变化—她的适应能力很强。从题意可知只有B项正确。
    11. adjust v. 调节;调整;适应
    (1) She sn adjusted herself ________ his way f life.
    (2) —Did he say smething in the lecture that ______ yu?
    —Nt really. Actually I felt sleepy ver his speech.
    A. adjusted t B. attached t C. referred t D. appealed t
    【答案】答案 D解析:考查动词短语辨析。根据下文可知演讲并没有吸引我,故选appeal t“对……有吸引力”。adjust t“适应”;attach t“依附于……”;refer t“提及”。
    (3) Yu can’t see thrugh a telescpe unless it is crrectly ______ t yur sight.
    A. adapted B. admitted C. adpted D. adjusted
    【答案】答案 D解析:除非你把望远镜调节得完全适合你的视线,否则你看不见。根据上下文和一般常识可知道,用telescpe年必须先调整好焦距,才能看得清,因此后半句话一定是调节以适合视线,故D是正确答案。
    12. admire v. 钦佩;赞赏;欣赏
    (1) I have great _________ (admire) _______ her _______ a writer.我十分钦佩她这个作家。
    【答案】admiratin ; fr ; as
    (2) I really _____ yu fr yur way f making decisins.
    A. accept B. absrb C. advise D. admire
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:我真的佩服你做决定的方式。admire sb. fr…“佩服某人……”。
    (3) We ______ the ld scientist ______ his cntributin ______ the cuntry.
    A. admire; fr; t B. admire; at; t C. respect; n; fr D. respect; n; at
    【答案】答案 A解析:admire sb. fr“钦佩、羡慕某人……”;而cntributin t是“对……的贡献”,故选A。
    13. admit v. 承认;准许……进入;容纳
    (1) Thugh the public are against the parks charging fr ① ________ (入场费) befre they ②__________ (准许进入) them, the parks ③ _____________ (不承认) that they are making a prfit frm the public.
    【答案】①admissin ②are admitted t ③dn’t admit / make n admissin
    (2)—Did Jack ______ having taken sme bks withut telling anybdy?
    —Yes, he did. He said he tk three bks.
    A. imagine B. allw C. attempt D. admit
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:杰克承认了没有告诉任何人就拿走了一些书吗?admit“承认”;imagine“想象”;allw“允许”;attempt“试图”。
    (3) The graduates ______ int the cmpany usually receive strict training befre they start t wrk.
    A. accepted B. accepting C. admitted D. admitting
    【答案】答案 C解析:admit sb. t / int…“接受某人(成为其会员)”,其被动式为sb. be admitted t / int…,本题中此结构用作定语,相当于wh are admitted int the cmpany。
    14. adpt v. 收养;领养;采用(纳)
    (1) She was frced t have her baby _______ (adpt).
    (2) His suggestin has been _____ by peple in many parts f the wrld.
    A. adpting B. adpted C. adapted D. adapting
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:他的建议被世界许多地方的人所采纳。主语和动词之间是被动关系,排除A、D项,“采纳”是adpt,故正确答案为B。
    (3) It ccurred t me that he ______ a girl whse parents died in the earthquake.
    A. adapted B. adpted C. adred D. arranged
    【答案】答案 B 解析:考查动词词义辨析。根据句意“他收养了一位女孩……”,“收养”为adpt。
    15. advance v. 前进;进步n. 前进;发展
    (1) Yu’d better learn the _________ (advance) maths __________ (提前) r yu will fall behind.
    【答案】advanced ; in advance
    (2) ______ is knwn t all, China will be an ______ and pwerful cuntry in 20 r 30 years r s.
    A. That; advancing B. This; advanced C. As; advanced D. It; advancing
    【答案】答案 C解析:as引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面全句内容,本身充当主语;“先进的”国家,用形容词advanced修饰。
    (3) I’ve been tld that ur teacher has ______ the deadline fr the cmpsitin by tw days and we have t hand it in tmrrw mrning.
    A. made B. cut C. advanced D. suggested
    【答案】答案 C解析:advanced意为“将(日期)提前、提早”。
    16. advcate v. 拥护;提倡;主张;n. 支持者;拥护者;提倡者
    (1) He advcates reducing (reduce) military spending.
    【答案】 reducing
    (2) There are nt many teachers wh are strng ______ f traditinal methds in English teaching.
    A. spnsrs B. cntributrs C. advcates D. perfrmers
    【答案】答案 C解析:advcate指“拥护者,提倡者”,题意为:在英语教学中坚决主张采用传统教学方法的教师为数不多。spnsr“发起者,主办者”;cntributr“投稿者,捐助者”;perfrmer“表演者,执行者”。根据句意只有C项合适。
    (3) There is n pint ______ imprved public transprt unless we can pay fr it.
    A. advcating B. advcated C. t advcate D. advcate
    【答案】答案 A解析:考查固定句型There is n pint ding….,“做……是没有意义的”。
    17. affair n. 事件;事务
    (1) She had an affair ________ her bss that lasted six years.
    (2) The new president is seen t be unreliable n freign ________.
    A. things B. affairs C. matters D. businesses
    【答案】答案 B解析:freign affairs“外交事务”,为固定短语。
    (3) We have a rund-the-city race n New Year’s Day, which is the greatest utdr ______ f the year.
    A. matter B. event C. case D. affair
    【答案】答案 B解析:event表示“(所发生的)事件”。
    18. affect v. 影响;打动;(疾病)侵袭
    (1) She __________ (患有) cancer.
    【答案】was affected with
    (2) With the gvernment’s aid, thse ______ by the earthquake have mved t the new settlements.
    A. affect B. affecting C. affected D. were affected
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:在政府的援助下,那些受到地震影响的人们已经搬到新的定居点。用affect的过去分词形式作主语thse的后置定语,表示“受到地震影响的人们”。
    (3) Much _____ by the stry f Cng Fei, I am als determined t be a vlunteer wrker.
    A. affected B. affecting C. admired D. effected
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:被丛飞的故事所感动,我也决心做一名志愿者。be affected by“被……所感动”;effect常用作名词,意为“影响;效果”,作动词时常以改进和变化之类的词作宾语,着重强调造成某种特殊效果。
    19. aid n. 援助(物资);帮助 v. 帮助;援助
    (1) A passer-by heard her screams and ____________ (去帮忙).
    【答案】went t her aid
    (2) They cllected much mney ______ the pr girl.
    A. in aid B. in aid f C. with the aid f D. gave aid t
    【答案】答案 B解析:in aid后不能接宾语,可排除A项;with the aid f“在某人的帮助下”,与句意不符;D项应用非谓语动词形式。in aid f “用以帮助”,符合句意。句意:他们集资以帮助那些可怜的女孩。
    (3) He was s kind a by that he ften _____ his mther clean the table, even the furniture.
    A. helped B. assisted C. aided D. ffered
    【答案】答案 A解析:只有help后的作宾补的不定式可以省去符号t。
    20. alternative n. 可供选择的事物 adj. 可供替代的
    (1) I have n alternative but ___________ (accept) the ffer.
    【答案】t accept
    (2) Yu have the ______ f wrking hard and being successful r f nt wrking hard and being unsuccessful.
    A. selectin B. chice C. alternative D. ptin
    【答案】答案 C解析:alternative“抉择;取舍”,指在两者之间做出选择;selectin“挑选;精选”;chice一般意义上的选择;ptin“选择权”。
    (3) —May I clean the rm tmrrw?
    —N, yu have n _______. Yu must d it nw, fr the guests will cme at nay mment.
    A. chance B. alternative C. way D. help
    【答案】答案 B解析:考查固定短语have n alternative“别无选择”。
    21. anyhw ad. 无论如何;而且
    (1) I might fail, but _____ I insist n ding it. I dn’t mind.
    A. hwever B. anyhw C. yet D. meanwhile
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:我可能会失败,但不管怎样,我会坚持下去。我不在意。hwever“然而”;anyhw“不管怎样”;yet“然而”;meanwhile“同时”。
    (2) I’m certain David’s tld yu his business trubles. _______, it’s n secret that he wes a lt f mney t the bank.
    A. Hwever B. Anyway C. Therefre D. Thugh
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:我肯定David已经告诉你他生意上的麻烦。总之,他欠银行许多钱这不是秘密了。anyway“总之;而且”,符合句意。
    22. aplgize vi. 道歉;谢罪
    (1) I made n __________ fr what I said it was a fair cmment.
    【答案】 aplgy
    (2) —Have yu made an aplgy _____ him _______ breaking his MP5?
    —Yes. I did yesterday.
    A. fr; t B. t; t C. fr; t D. t; fr
    【答案】答案 D解析:考查固定短语:make an aplgy t sb. fr (ding) sth.。
    (3) Victr aplgized fr _____ t infrm me f the change in the plan.
    A. his being nt able B. him nt t be able
    C. his nt being able D. him t be nt able
    【答案】答案 C解析:本题考查aplgize的用法。Aplgize“道歉”,常构成aplgize (t sb.) fr (ne’s) ding / having dne sth.句式,意为“因(某人)做了某事而(向某人)道歉”,介词fr后要跟动名词,其否定式要在动名词前加nt。根据句意“维克托因为没能通知我该计划的变更而向我道歉”,可知答案为C。
    23. appeal n. 呼吁;恳求;吸引力;上诉 v. 呼吁;恳求;上诉;有吸引力
    (1) The gvernment is _______________ (向……呼吁) everyne t save water.
    【答案】appealing t
    (2) Since they wn’t listen t the advice, we have t _____ frce.
    A. appeal t B. stick t C. keep t D. yield t
    【答案】答案 A解析:appeal t“呼吁;上诉;求助”;stick t= keep t “坚持”;yield t“屈服于,向……投降”。由句意“既然他们不听劝告,我们只好诉诸武力。”可知,应选用appeal t“求助于……”。
    (3) The prgramme “Supper Girl” n Human TV ______ especially t yung peple.
    A. tends B. prefers C. appeals D. devtes
    【答案】答案 C解析:考查短语appeal t sb.“投合某人所好”。
    24. apply v. 申请;使用;应用;涂抹
    (1) She applied _______ a jb _______ an English teacher.她应征英语教师的工作。
    【答案】fr ; as
    (2) The gd thing abut children is that they _______ very easily t new envirnments.
    A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:关于孩子们,好的一点是他们很容易适应新环境。adapt t表示“使适应于”;appeal t表示“对……有吸引力”;attach t表示“(使)相关”;apply t“适用于,运用”。根据句意,故选A。
    (3) Nw a lt f new technlgies can _______ prblems in industry.
    A. be applied t slve B. be applied t slving
    C. apply t slve D. apply t slving
    【答案】答案 B解析:考查动词搭配。apply…t…表示“把……应用到……”,其中t为介词。
    25. appint v. 任命;安排;确定
    (1) He made an ____________ (appint) with (和……预约) the manager and arrived at the ____________ (约定的) time. Later he ______________ (被任命为) a mre imprtant pst.
    【答案】appintment ; appinted ; was appinted t be (as)
    (2) Teaching year after year, he gradually ______ much experience.
    A. calculated B. accumulated C. abandned D. appinted
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:教了多年学之后,他逐渐积累了许多经验。accumulate“积累”,符合句意。calculate“计算”;abandn“抛弃”;appint“任命;安排”,均不合题意。
    (3) She was the first wman t be appinted _____ the bard.
    A. as B. in C. n D. t
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:她是被任命进入董事会的第一位女性。appint sb. t +地点(位置),意为“任命某人到……”。
    26. appreciate v. 欣赏;赏识;感激;欢迎
    (1) I dn’t appreciate ___________ (treat) like a secnd-class citizen.
    【答案】being treated
    (2) I wuld appreciate ______ if yu wuld let me knw in advance whether yu will be cming r nt.
    A. that B. it C. yu D. this
    【答案】答案 B解析:appreciate后接从句时,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放到后边。
    (3) If yu have any cmments fr suggestins, please let us knw; we always appreciate _____ feedback frm friends.
    A. having been received B. t receive C. receiving D. t have received
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:如果你有任何评论和建议,请让我们知道;我们总是喜欢来自朋友的反馈。appreciate后接动词-ing形式。
    27. apprach v. 靠近;对付 n. 方式;方法;道路
    (1) I appreciate the prfessr’s new apprach t __________ (teach) languages.
    【答案】 teaching
    (2) At the meeting they discussed three different _____ t the study f mathematics.
    A. appraches B. means C. methds D. ways
    【答案】答案 A解析:本题的关键词是题干中的介词t,只有apprach才能跟t搭配使用。句意:他们在会上讨论了三种不同的研究教学的方法。
    (3) The system has been designed t give students quick and easy ______ t the digital resurces f the library.
    A. access B. passage C. way D. apprach
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:新设计的系统能够让学生便捷、容易地搜索到图书馆的电子资源。这里give … access t…是固定短语,表示“能得到,能进入”,所以选A。
    28. apprve v. 赞成,同意;批准,通过
    ( 1) Her father will never apprve _______ her marriage ________ Tm.她的父亲绝不会赞成她同汤姆结婚。
    【答案】f ; t
    (2) As a matter f fact, her mther desn’t ______ f her ging t study in the United States.
    A. admit B. agree C. prve D. apprve
    【答案】答案 D解析:apprve f sth. / ding sth.意为“赞成(做)某事”。admit f意为“容许;容有……的余地”,与句意不符;agree不跟f搭配;prve“证明”,与句意不符。
    (3) Yu’d better cut yur hair shrt. Our schl des nt _____ t lng hair.
    A. apprve f students wre B. apprve students t wear
    C. apprve f students t wear D. apprve f students wearing
    【答案】答案 D解析:apprve f ne’s ding….“允许某人做……”,为固定搭配。
    29. argue v. 争论;争辩;劝说
    (1) The wrkers, wh argued _______ (为……而争论) their wn rights, argued ________ (同……争论) the bss fr a few days, but failed t argue him _________ (说服某人做)giving them a rise in wages because the bss argued _________ (反对) it and insisted that it was _____________ argument (无需争论) that their pay had already been OK.
    【答案】fr ; with ; int ; against ; beynd
    (2) He argued _______ smking, and insisted that it was ______ argument that smking was harmful t health.
    A. fr; beynd B. against; ver C. fr; ver D. against; beynd
    【答案】答案 D解析:考查argue及argument的固定搭配。句意:他反对吸烟,而且坚持认为毋庸置疑吸烟是有害健康的。argue against“争辩(反对……)”;beynd argument“不容辩论”。
    (3) Mary ften argues _____ her friends _____small things angrily, which smetimes makes them very unhappy.
    A. with; fr B. with; abut C. t; fr D. t; abut
    【答案】答案 B解析:考查固定短语argue with sb. abut / ver sth.“就某事和某人争论”。
    30. arise vi. 发生;产生;引起
    (1) Accidents ften arise ________ carelessness.
    2) He _____ early the next mrning, finding the brk _____ ne ft.
    A. raised; raised B. arse; had raised
    C. had arisen; risen D. rse; had risen
    ( 3) Many difficulties have ______ as a result f change ver a new type f fuel.
    A. risen B. arisen C. raised D. lifted
    【答案】答案 B解析:arise可表示“困难,问题,麻烦等的产生、出现”。
    31. arrange v. 安排;筹备;整理;布置
    (1) I have _______________________ (安排Tm开车去接) the experts at the airprt.
    【答案】 arranged fr Tm t pick up
    (2) —I hear that yu will be n travel again.
    —Yeah. My bss _____ fr me t discuss business details with smene frm anther cmpany.
    A. asked B. arranged C. sent D. called
    【答案】答案 B解析:arrange fr sb. t d sth.是固定用法,表示“安排某人做某事”,其他三项均无此用法。
    (3) I have ______ my secretary t meet the freign guest at the airprt.
    A. rganized B. arranged fr C. planed D. made
    【答案】答案 B解析:考查固定短语arrange fr sb. t d…“安排某人做……”,其他三项意义不符。
    32. assume v. 假定(设);认为
    (1) _____________ (assume) that (普遍认为) hard wrk leads t great success. S we all ______________ (认为他会) successful. But ________ (假设) he isn’t that lucky, what shall we d t cmfrt him?
    【答案】Assumed ; assume him t be ; assuming
    (2) We all can g ut fr a picnic this afternn — _______ that the thers agree.
    A. t assume B. assumed C. assume D. assuming
    【答案】答案 D解析:assuming that…“假定……”。类似表达有:prviding / suppsing that…。
    (3) I’ll g t American t strengthen my English ______ it isn’t t expensive.
    A. except B. prvided C. assumed D. unless
    【答案】答案 B解析:prvided在此用作连词,意为“如果,假设”,引导条件状语从句。若将C改为assuming也可。
    33. attach v. 把……固定;附属;与……有联系
    ( 1) The ld man is very ____________ (attach) t ld custms and habits.
    (2) This middle schl is attached _____ a nrmal cllege.
    A. fr B. by C. t D. in
    【答案】答案 C解析:be attached t“附属于,隶属于”,句意:这所中学附属于一所师范学校。
    (3) Bth students and parents appreciate the great imprtance schls have ______ t eyesight prtectin.
    A. reacted B. attended C. attached D. adapted
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:学校对眼睛保护非常重视,对此学生和家长都非常赞赏。本句中,主句为Bth students and parents appreciate the great imprtance; schls have ______ t eyesight prtectin为定语从句,先行词为imprtance。attach imprtance t为固定短语,意为“重视”。又如:Peple attach great imprtance t weather frest.人们非常重视天气预报。
    34. attempt n. 企图;尝试v. 努力;尝试
    ( 1) I passed my driving test ________ the first attempt.我考汽车驾驶执照时一次就通过了。
    (2) He ______ t escape frm the prisn, but he culdn’t find anybdy t help him.
    A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. ffered
    【答案】答案 B解析:succeed后不接不定式作宾语,“成功地做某事”应为succeed in ding; advise ding sth.“建议做……”;ffer t d sth.“主动帮助做某事”。Attempt t d sth.意为“尽力去做,但不一定成功”。
    (3) —Tm failed in all his ______ t climb the muntain.
    —What a shame!
    A. attempts B. pains C. strength D. pwer
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:—汤姆尽最大努力爬山但失败了。—真遗憾。根据句意,只有A项符合句意。
    35. attend v. 出席;参加;照料,护理
    (1) Excuse me, but I have an urgent matter t ___________(处理).
    【答案】attend t
    ( 2) I always have s many things t ______ when I cme back t the cmpany after a trip abrad.
    A. add t B. cntribute t C. attend t D. appeal t
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:当我每次出国回到公司时,我总有很多事情要处理。attend t“处理”。A项“增加”;B项“起作用,导致”;D项“恳求,请求;吸引”,均不合题意。
    ( 3) There ______ tw expert dctrs ______ the wunded slider.
    A. is said t be; attending t B. are said t be; attending n
    C. saying; t attend t D. t say t have; t attend n
    【答案】答案 B解析:后一空应用现在分词作后置定语,且dctrs是复数,谓语动词也应用复数,答案为B。
    36. attract v. 吸引;诱惑
    (1) The televisin has n ____________ (attract) fr me.
    (2) ______ by the beauty f nature, the girl frm Lndn decided t spend anther tw days n the farm.
    A. Attracting B. Attracted C. T be attracted D. Having attracted
    【答案】答案B解析:句子的主语the girl与attract是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作状语。
    (3) Thusands f freigners were ______ t the Shanghai Wrld Exp the day it pened.
    A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:在上海世博会开幕当天,成千上万的外国人被吸引到此处。Attend“参加”,是及物动词,不必加t,而且要用主动形式,所以A项错误;B项表示“到达”;D项be attached t表示“附属于”,都不合语境。
    37. average a. 平均的;普通的 n. 平均数
    (1) ___________ (平均起来), men smke mre cigarettes than wmen.
    【答案】On average
    (2) Dn’t expect t much f him. After all, he is a child f ______ intelligence.
    A. average B. slight C. strange D. different
    【答案】答案 A解析:根据前句“不要对他期望太大”可以推断,后面要表达的是这个孩子智力水平一般,故A项正确。
    (3) When I tk his temperature, I fund it was tw degrees abve _______.
    A. average B. rdinary C. cmmn D. nrmal
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:我量了下他的体温,发现高于正常体温两度。abve nrmal“通常标准之上”。abve average意为“平均水平以上”,不合题意。
    38. aware a. 意识到的;知道的
    (1) Everyne present at the meeting shuld be made aware _________ the risks invlved.应该让出席会议的每个人都知道所涉及的风险。
    (2) I have been persuaded that the print media are usually mre _____and mre reliable than televisin.
    A. accurate B. aware C. urgent D. shallw
    【答案】答案 A解析:从语意的连贯看,这里表示纸质传媒比电视更可靠、更准确,因此选A表示“准确的,精确的”。其他选项不合题意。
    (3) She slipped away withut him being ______ f it.
    A. pssible B. aware C. casual D. visual
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:她悄悄离开,没有让他发觉。(be) aware f“意识到”,符合题意。
    39. accuse v. 控告;谴责;指责
    (1) Her _________ (accuse) eyes were fixed n him.
    (2) The shp assistant was dismissed as she was ______ f cheating custmers.
    A. accused B. charged C. sclded D. cursed
    【答案】答案 A解析:A、B、C三项均有“指控、指责”之意,但搭配不同:accuse sb. f sth.; charge sb. with sth.; scld sb. fr sth.。curse at sb. / sth.“诅咒 / 咒骂某人(事)”。
    (3) The witness ______ the ld wman _____telling lies n the curt.
    A. charged; f B. charged; fr C. accused; f D. accused; fr
    【答案】答案C解析:考查固定短语accuse sb. f…和charge sb. with…。
    40. achieve v. 达到;完成
    (1) They were prud f their children’s ______________ (achieve).
    (2) She has ______ all f the gals she set fr herself in high schl and is ready fr new challenges at university.
    A. acquired B. finished C. cncluded D. achieved
    【答案】答案 D解析:考查短语achieve the gal“达到目标”,achieve强调通过持续的努力而达到预期的目标。
    (3) Sme peple are celebrated fr their wealth and glamur rather than their ______ and mral
    strength f character.
    A. achievements B. achievement C. activity D. actin \l "###" \ "点击发音"
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:一些人都是靠他们的财富和魅力而不是靠他们的成就和人格力量而出名的。“成就,功绩”为achievements。
    41. adre v. 热爱;爱慕
    (1) She adres ___________ (wrk) with children.
    (2) Men can nly adre wmen wh are _______.
    A. adrable B. adring C. adratin D. adred
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:男人们只爱慕那些让人爱慕的女人。adrable意为“可爱的,讨人喜欢的”,符合句意。adring“热爱的,爱慕的”,常用定语。
    (3) The bys adre their mthers. Which f the fllwing can’t replace the wrd “adre”?
    A. lve B. are devted t C. are keen n D. enjy
    【答案】答案 D解析:lve, are devted t, are keen n都与原句中的adre有相近的意思。
    42. annunce v. 宣布,宣告;通知;声称
    (1) Entering the classrm, ur head-teacher __________ (annunce) that he had an ________________ (annunce) t make.
    【答案】annunced ; annuncement
    (2) Ftsteps _____ his return.
    A. annunced B. declared C. cnfirmed D. explained
    【答案】答案 A解析:annunce在此指“报告或预示……到来”。题意:听见脚步声,知道他回来了。declare一般指在正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度等;cnfirm“确认,证实”;explain“解释”,均不合题意。
    (3) An annuncement ______ by the Ministry seemed t cntradict this.
    A. makes B. making C. made D. having made
    【答案】答案 C解析:句子主语和make之间是被动关系,且make作定语修饰annuncement,故用过去分词形式。
    43. anny v. 使恼怒;使烦躁
    (1) The teacher was annyed _______ him ________ his naughtiness.他的顽皮使老师生气。
    【答案】with ; fr
    (2) The teacher gt very _____ when the by student refused t answer his questin.
    A. annying B. annyed C. t be annyed D. being annyed
    【答案】答案 B解析:句中get 为系动词,后跟形容词annyed作表语,构成系表结构。
    (3) —Why d yu lk s blue?
    —The msquites _______ me s much that I culdn’t sleep.
    A. punished B. damaged C. annyed D. hurt
    【答案】答案 C解析:考查单词词义辨析。根据上下文,“我睡不着是因为蚊子令我烦恼”,anny“使烦恼,使生气”,符合句意。
    44. apprpriate a. 合适的,恰当的;相称的
    ( 1) It is apprpriate that he ___________ (make) an aplgy t us.
    【答案】(shuld) make
    (2) Talking t the students in that way is nt ______ fr yu as a teacher.
    A. suitable B. apprpriate C. crrect D. fit
    【答案】答案 B解析:apprpriate指适合于特殊的人及场合、地位等;suitable指适合某种情况或安排;fit指大小适合或胜任某职位。故答案为B。
    ( 3) It is entirely apprpriate that his music ______ at this festival
    A. plays B. is played C. be played D. will play
    【答案】答案 C解析:当apprpriate后跟从句时,从句中常用虚拟语气,即(shuld)d形式。
    45. assist v. 帮助;协助;援助
    (1) He can walk nly __________ (assist) f crutches.
    (2) I was emplyed t assist the manager _______ his duties.
    A. t B. in C. abut D. with
    【答案】答案 D解析:考查固定搭配assist sb. with sth.“帮助某人某事”。
    (3) The play was directed by Mike Jhnsn, _______ by Sharn Gale.
    A. assisting B. assisted C. assists D. t assist
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:该剧由迈克·约翰逊导演,沙伦·盖尔为助理导演。其中的directed和assisted是并列关系,故答案为B。
    46. avid v. 避免;防止;回避
    (1) Wherever pssible, we have avided _________ (use) technical terms.只要可能,我们都避免使用专业术语
    ( 2) They built a wall t avid sil ______.
    A. washing away B. being washed away
    C. t wash away D. t be washed away
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:他们建了一堵墙防止土壤流失。sil和wash away之间是被动关系,且avid后面只能接动名词,故答案为B。
    (3) A danger freseen is half ______.
    A. avided B. aviding C. t avid D. having avided
    【答案】答案 A解析:这是一句谚语,意为:预见隐患犹如防患一半。句子主语和avid之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。
    47. award n. 奖(品);奖金 v. 授予;奖励;判给
    (1) He was awarded a medal ________ being the fastest runner.他因跑得最快而获得一枚奖章。
    (2) The _____ fr this year’s best actress went t a famus Chinese wman frm Hng Kng.
    A. award B. prize C. reward D. hnr
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:今年的最佳女演员奖由来自香港的一位著名的中国女性获得。由前面的易混辨析,我们可知正确答案为A。
    ( 3) Martin Luther King, the great Black leader in the mvement against racial discriminatin, was _____ the Nbel Prize fr peace fr his utstanding cntributin t wrld peace.
    A. rewarded B. awarded C. accepted D. granted
    【答案】答案 B解析:award“颁发,授予”,后接双宾语(award sb. sth. 或award sth. t sb.);reward“报答,报酬”,用法是reward sb. (with mney r sth. else) (fr sth. dne);accept“接受”;grant“授予(财产或拨款)”。
    48. abundant a. 大量的;丰盛的
    (1) Wile flwers grw in __________ (abundant) n the hillsides.
    (2) The prblems are ______ dcumented.
    A. abundant B. abundance C. abundantly D. abundances
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:这些问题有大量的文献记载。修饰分词要用副词,故答案为C。
    ( 3) While the gvernment says there is a(n) ______ supply f huse, prices f apartments have been ging up these years.
    A. parallel B. absent C. abundant D. shrt
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:虽然政府说房子供应充足,但是这些年房价持续上涨。abundant“充足的”,符合题意。
    49. accmplish v. 完成;达到
    (1) Nursing gave her a sense f ___________ (accmplish).
    ( 2) The prject, ______ by the end f 2010, will expand the city’s telephne netwrk t cver 1,000, 000 users.
    A. accmplished B. being accmplished
    C. t be accmplished D. having been accmplished
    【答案】答案 A解析:the prject和accmplished之间是被动关系,且accmplish的动作已完成,故用过去分词形式作定语,D项不作定语。
    (3) He is ne f Sctland’s mst ______ pianists.
    A. accmplishing B. accmplishment C. accmplish D. accmplished
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:他是苏格兰最杰出的钢琴家之一。accmplished“熟练的,有才艺的”,符合题意。
    50. acquaintance n. 熟人;认识;了解
    ( 1) Are yu __________ (acquaint) with the famus actr? I have been lking frward t _____________ (acquaint) f him, but I dn’t have the chance.
    【答案】acquainted ; acquaintance
    (2) We have been acquainted _____ each ther fr a lng time.
    A. ver B. fr C. by D. with
    【答案】答案 D解析:be acquainted with表示“熟悉……”,为固定搭配。
    ( 3) T be hnest, I’m very happy t ______ yur acquaintance with these freign girls.
    A. btain B. take C. have D. make
    【答案】答案 C解析:固定短语have ne’s acquaintance with。
    51. acquire v. 取得;获得
    ( 1) His latest ____________ (acquire) is a racehrse.
    (2) It tk him a lng time t _____ the skills he needed t becme a prfessinal artist.
    A. acquire B. inquire C. require D. request
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:他花了很长时间才获得成为专业艺术家所需要的技术。acquire“获得”;inquire“询问,打听”;require, request“要求;需要”,只有A项正确。
    ( 3) It is thrugh learning that the individual ______ many habitual ways f reacting t situatins.
    A. retains B. gains C. achieves D. acquires
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:正是通过学习,个体才得以获得应付各种情况的惯常做法。四个词都有“得到”之意。retain意为“留住,保持”;gain意为“赢得”,多指名声等好的东西;achieve意为“取得”,多指成绩、进步等;acquire意为“获得”,多指知识、习惯等。
    52. adequate a. 足够的;合格的
    (1) The big huse is perfectly adequate ________ just the tw f us.对于我们两个人来说,这大房子绰绰有余了。
    (2) There is mre than ______ rain this year, s sme parts f the cuntry have been flded.
    A. extra B. plenty C. adequate D. little
    【答案】答案 C解析:根据后半句可知,今年的雨水够多了,“足够的”用adequate。
    ( 3) By law, when ne makes a large purchase, he shuld have ______ pprtunity t change his mind.
    A. accurate B. adequate C. urgent D. excessive
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意为:根据法律,当一个人购买大宗物品时,他应该有改变主意的充分机会。根据句意,应该选择adequate。Accurate“准确的,精确的”;urgent“紧急的”;excessive“过分的;过多的”。
    53. anxius a. 焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的
    (1) He was waiting with _________ (anxius).
    (2) My mther always gets a bit _____ if we dn’t arrive when we say we will.
    A. anxius B. ashamed C. weak D. patient
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:如果我们说来而没来,妈妈总是会担心。故选A项。ashamed“惭愧的”;weak“虚弱的”;patient“耐心的”。
    (3) The parents will be ______ unless they knw that their children are safe and sund.
    A. eager B. nervus C. anxius D. cnscius
    【答案】答案 C解析:句意:除非父母知道孩子们安然无恙,否则他们会担心。anxius“担心的”,符合题意。eager“渴望的”;nervus“紧张的”;cnscius“意识到的”。
    54. astnish v. 使十分惊讶,使惊奇
    ( 1) T ur astnishment (astnish), the bss wasn’t astnished (astnish) at the astnishing (astnish) news that ur team lst the match. And we all lked at him in astnishment (astnish).
    【答案】astnishment ; astnished ; astnishing ; astnishment
    ( 2) T ur ______, the bss wasn’t ______ at the ______ news at all.
    A. astnishment; astnish; astnished B. astnishment; astnished; astnishing
    C. astnish; astnished; astnishing D. astnishment; astnishing; astnished
    【答案】答案 B解析:考查astnish的名词和形容词的用法。astnishment为名词;astnished表示“感到惊奇的”,一般修饰人;astnishing表示“令人惊奇的”,一般修饰物。类似的词语还有surprise, amaze, shck等。
    (3) The helicpter landed befre ur ______ eyes.
    A. astnishing B. astnished C. astnishment D. astnish
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:直升机就降落在我们眼前,令人十分惊讶。astnished“感到惊讶的”;astnishing“令人惊讶的”。
    55. accmmdate v. 为……提供住宿;容纳;适应
    (1) The htel prvides ____________ (accmmdate) fr up t 100 peple.
    (2) The new apartment is large enugh t ______ ver tw hundred peple.
    A. prvide B. accmmdate C. cntain D. treat
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:这所新公寓足够大能容纳200多人。accmmdate“容纳”,符合题意。
    (3) This is a well _______ htel.
    A. accmmdating B. accmmdated C. accmmdatin D. accmmdate
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:这是一家设备良好的旅馆。htel和accmmdate之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语修饰htel。
    56. add v. 增加;补充说
    (1) Three added (add) t five is eight.
    (2) All clues ______ the fllwing: the plice were wrng and he was inncent.
    A. added B. added t C. added up D. added up t
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意:所有的线索都说明这一点:警察错了,他是无辜的。Add up t在此意思是“意味着,说明”。
    ( 3) In the evening the car brke dwn suddenly and the heavy rain _____ the helplessness f the girl driver n the cuntry rad.
    A. resulted frm B. made up C. turned ut D. added t
    【答案】答案 D解析:本题考查动词短语的辨析。根据句子的意思,此处应用add t“增添”。
    57. affrd v. 买得起;能做;提供;给予
    (1) He was t pr t affrd (买得起) the dctr but the dctr ffered (提供) t help him.
    【答案】affrd ; ffered
    (2) He says he really can’t _____ t wait anther day.
    A. waste B. affrd C. spend D. cst
    【答案】答案 B解析:sb. waste (spend) time (mney) (in) ding sth. / n sth.; sth. cst sb. time (mney)。因此不能选择A、C、D。
    (3) —Wuld yu like t see a film with us this evening?
    —I’d like t. But I can’t ______ the time because I have t finish my cmpsitin.
    A. affrd B. pass C. take D. spend
    【答案】答案 A解析:根据句意“我没有时间……”,可用can’t affrd the time。Take当“花费”讲时,一般不用人作主语;spend常用于spend time / mney (in) ding sth. / n sth.结构。
    58. aim n. 目的;目标;瞄准 v. 瞄准;针对;努力
    (1) The prgramme __________ (aim) at teenage audience.这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。
    【答案】is aimed
    (2) The educatin prgram ______ cmbining brain wrk with manual labr is being widely spread thrughut the cuntry.
    A. t aim at B. aims at C. having aimed at D. aimed at
    【答案】答案 D解析:分析句子成分可知,该句主干为The educatin prgram is being widely spread thrughut the cuntry,题干中的“______ cmbining brain wrk with manual labr”为主语的后置定语,这里的aimed at可以被看作“(that / which is) aimed at”的省略形式。
    ( 3) Advertisers and service prviders take ______ at the mbile phne users in Xiamen University Twn.
    A. aim B. gal C. bject D. purpse
    【答案】答案 A解析:考查固定短语take aim at,“向……瞄准”。
    59. amazing a. 令人吃惊的
    (1) T my ___________ (amaze), he actually refused t help me.
    ( 2) We had an ______ time in Thailand.
    A. amazing B. amazed C. amazement D. amaze
    【答案】答案 A解析:句意:我们在泰国玩得非常开心。amazing“令人愉快的”,多修饰事物,符合题意。
    ( 3) It never ceases t ______ me what peple will d t get n televisin.
    A. amaze B. talk C. laugh D. reasn
    【答案】答案 A解析:考查固定句型:sth. never ceases t amaze sb.“某事总让某人吃惊”。
    60. available a. 或获得的;可利用的;现成的;不忙的
    (1) Nt all the facts are made available ________ us.不是所有的情况我们都能了解。
    (2) In general, the amunt that a student spends fr husing shuld be held t ne-fifth the ttal _____ living expenses.
    A. acceptable B. available C. advisable D. applicable
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:一个学生花在住房上的费用通常应控制在可支配生活费总额的五分之一。available意为“可得到的,得到的”,符合题意。acceptable“可接受的,合意的”,后接介词t;advisable“明智的,可取的”;applicable“适当的,合适的”。
    (3) Cnvenience fds which are already prepared fr cking are _____ in grcery stres.
    A. ready B. apprachable C. prbable D. available
    【答案】答案 D解析:句意为:方便食品在杂货店里可以买到。available用法及意义相当灵活,随主语的变化而有不同释义,在此题中可译为“可买到的”。
    61. advice n. 劝告;忠告;建议
    (1) We were ________ t seek legal ________ .有人劝我们找律师咨询。
    【答案】advised ; advice
    ( 2) I’d advise ______ yur tickets well in advance if yu want t travel in August.
    A. t buy B. buys C. buying D. bught
    【答案】答案 C解析:advise作“建议”讲,后面跟动名词,不跟不定式。
    (3) They advised that a passprt _______ with yu at all times.
    A. carried B. was carried C. be carried D. carry
    【答案】答案 C解析:advise后跟从句时,从句中用虚拟语气,即(shuld)+d;且passprt和carry之间是被动关系,故用(shuld) be carried。
    62. apart ad. 相隔;相距;分离;分开
    (1) I can’t ________ the twins ________ (区分).
    【答案】tell ; apart
    (2) —I was surprised t see wild flwers in Alaska.
    —Many peple think there is nthing there _____ ice and snw.
    A. except fr B. rather than C. apart frm D. regardless f
    【答案】答案 C解析:第二句意为“许多人认为那么除了冰和雪之外什么也没有”,apart frm“除了”,也可用except。
    (3) ____ gd service, the restaurant ffers different kinds f traditinal Fujian dishes.
    A. Far frm B. Apart frm C.Instead f D.Regardless f
    【答案】答案 B解析:句意:除了服务好之外,这家餐馆还提供不同种类的福建传统饮食。apart frm“除了”,符合句意。
    63.as a result结果
    (1) A: His carelessness resulted in the terrible accident.
    B: The terrible accident resulted ________ his carelessness.
    (2)My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ,he culd neither eat nr sleep.
    A.as a result B.after all
    C.any way D.therwise
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 后半句句意为:结果,他既不能吃也不能睡。
    (3)Her car brke dwn n her way t the park; ,she had t ask smene t repair it.
    A.sner r later B.mre r less
    C.what’s mre D.as a result
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 句意为:她的车在去公园的路上坏了,结果,她不得不叫人修理它。as a result结果,符合句意。
    64.a great/gd many许多,大量
    (1) A large number f the flwers ________ (be) white.
    (2) Quantities f water ____________ (waste) s far.
    【答案】have been wasted
    (3)The maths examinatin was rather difficult;t ur jy, students passed it.
    A.a great deal f
    B.a great many
    C.the large number f
    D.a plenty f
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 分号后意为:令我们高兴的是,许多学生通过了这次考试。A修饰不可数名词;C表数目;D应去掉a。
    (4)Lsing bld,the wunded sldier was in danger and the dctrs must perate n him at nce.
    A.a great many B.a great number f
    C.quite a little D.a great deal
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 bld为不可数名词,a great deal后需加f;a great many与a great number f修饰可数名词复数。quite a little相当多的,颇多的,修饰不可数名词。
    65.anything like...诸如此类的东西(常用于否定句、疑问句中)
    (1)The stry isn’t like what yu said but ges like this.
    A.anything;smething B.anything;anything
    C.smething;smething D.smething;anything
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 否定句中用anything,肯定句中用smething。
    (2)Everybdy can see that’s a deer and it lks like a hrse.
    A.smething B.anything
    C.everything D.nthing
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 由and前可知,应是“它看起来根本不像一匹马”,nthing like...完全不像……。
    66.as well as和……一样好;不但……
    (1) He as well as yu _________ (receive) the urgent call.
    【答案】has received
    (2) A: She is a talented pet as well as a teacher.
    B: She is _______ a teacher ________ a talented pet.
    【答案】nt nly ; but als
    (3)My sister,as well as her classmates wh late fr class, criticized by Mr.Hunt.
    A.were;was B.was;were
    C.was;was D.were;were
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 第一个空是定语从句的谓语,要与先行词classmates一致;第二个空是主句的谓语,要与My sister一致。
    (4)—I heard that the famus player his cach wuld cme t ur schl fr a visit.
    —I heard the news .
    A.and;t B.as well as;as well
    C.as well as;as well as D.with;either
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 as well as连接两个并列成分,意为“和”,相当于and;as well主要用于肯定句和疑问句中,多用于口语,一般放在句尾,表示“也”。
    67. althugh引导让步状语从句
    (1) this is nly a small twn,it’s crwded with turists wh cme here all year rund.
    A.Since B.Unless
    C.Once D.Althugh
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 由主句可知,此处应表示转折,意为:虽然这只是一个小城。故选D项。
    (2)We had t wait half an hur we had already bked a table.
    A.since B.althugh
    C.until D.befre
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 由句意可知,此处表让步,句意为:虽然我们预订了一张桌子,但是我们不得不等半个小时。故选B项。
    68. as/s far as we knw就我们而言,据我们所知
    (1) The frest spreads _________ the river. 森林一直延伸到河边。
    【答案】as far as
    (2) external appearances are cncerned,radiactive materials d nt lk different frm ther substances.
    A.As far as B.As lng as
    C.As sn as D.As much as
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 句意为:就外表而言,放射性物质和其他物质没什么不同。as far cncerned就……而言,符合句意。
    (3)—I feel it hard t learn English.
    — I knw,it is nt s hard as yu might think.
    A.S far B.By far
    C.As far as D.Far frm
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 由语境可知,该句意为:据我所知,英语不像你想像的那样难。as far as I knw据我所知,符合题意。
    69.at least起码;至少
    (1)—D yu like the film yu saw yesterday afternn?
    ------________________ . (决不).
    【答案】Nt in the least
    (2)—Has every student passed the final exam?
    —N.Unfrtunately, three frm each class has failed.
    A.n least than B.n mre than
    C.at least D.by least
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 答句意为:不,不幸地是,每班至少有3个同学考试不及格。
    (3)—I’m srry fr the truble.
    —Nt .
    A.at least B.in least
    C.at the least D.in the least
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 nt in the least一点也不麻烦,符合语境。
    70. as if...好像;似乎
    (1) She treated me as if I ___________ (be) a stranger.
    【答案】had been
    (2) He lked as if he __________ (knw) smething abut it.
    【答案】had knwn
    (3)He speaks Chinese fluently as if he a Chinese.
    A.were B.had been
    C.is D.has been
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 句意为:他说汉语是那样的流利就好像他是一个中国人。as if引导方式状语从句,要用虚拟语气,故选A。
    (4)The by is running impatiently here and there as if smething lst n the sprts grund.
    A.t search B.searching
    C.searching fr D.t search fr
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 as if ding sth.好像正在做某事;as if t d好像要做某事,且此处应是“寻找某物”,故选C项。
    71.apart frm排除,除了……外
    (1)A: Apart frm the regular husing,almst every tribe had sme style f husing.
    B: ___________ the regular husing, almst every tribe had sme style f husing.
    C: _________ ________ _______ the regular husing, almst every tribe had sme style f husing.
    【答案】B:Besides C: In additin t
    (2)—Are the cuple very rich?
    —Yes. their huse in Lndn,they als have a villa in Spain.
    A.Except B.Except fr
    C.In additin D.Apart frm
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 由句中关键词als可知,此处意为“除……之外,还”,故选D;C后应加t。
    (3)The cnflict spread everywhere,int the villages int the cities.
    A.besides B.except fr
    C.as well as D.in additin t
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 此处属于A as well as B结构,意为“既B,又A”。
    72.as lng as+从句
    (1)Yu can g ut t play _____________ (只要)yu stay in the backyard.
    【答案】as lng as
    (2) I’ll stay here ____________ (长达) three days.
    【答案】as lng as
    (3)My parents dn’t mind what jb I d I am happy.
    A.even thugh B.as sn as
    C.as lng as D.as thugh
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 句意为:只要我高兴,我父母不介意我干什么。as lng as只要。
    (4)—I hear it may get windy this afternn.
    —I dn’t care it desn’t rain again.
    A.even thugh B.as far as
    C.in case D.s lng as
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 句意为:——我听说今天下午有风。——只要天不再下雨我就不在乎。s lng as只要;even thugh即使;as far as就……,尽……;in case以免,万一。
    (1)______________ (虽然我很喜欢它),I wn’t buy it,fr it’s t expensive.
    【答案】Much as I like it
    (2) ______________ (虽然他是个孩子),he knws a lt.
    【答案】Child as he is
    (3) ,his idea was accepted by all the peple at the meeting.
    A.Strange as might it sund
    B.As it might sund strange
    C.As strange it might sund
    D.Strange as it might sund
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 as引导让步状语从句,表语置于句首。
    (4) he is, he can d smething that grwn­ups d.
    A.A by as;but B.A by thugh;yet
    C.By as;yet D.By as;but
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 as引导让步状语从句,表语置于句首,单数可数名词前不加冠词,且主句前不应再有连词。
    74.abve all最重要的是,尤其是
    (1)__________ (总的说来) it had been a great success.
    【答案】All in all
    (2)It isn’t s much whether he wrks hard.The questin is whether he wrks .
    A.abve all B.at all
    C.in all D.after all
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 由第二句句意“问题是他是否真的工作了。”可知选 B项,at all到底,究竟。
    (3)I’d like t buy a huse—mdern,cmfrtable,and in a quiet neighburhd.
    A.in all B.abve all
    C.after all D.at all
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 由句意“我想买一套房子——现代、舒适,最重要的是,在安静的郊区。”可知应选B项。
    75.ahead f在……前面;比……早;超过;领先
    (1) Ahead f us lies a river. 我们前面有一条河。
    【答案】 lies a river
    (2)Plan yur shpping time.Avid last­minute rushes t the grcery stre when yu are hungry.
    A.in frnt f B.ut f
    C.ahead f D.apart frm
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 ahead f time提前;第一句句意为:提前计划购物。
    (3)After three mnths f hard wrk,my sn managed t his classmates in math.
    A.be ahead f B.ahead f
    C.ver D.the head f
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 t为不定式符号,后面必须有动词,故选A项。
    76.at all csts不管多大代价,无论如何
    (1)Palm il is made ____________ (以……为代价) valuable frests.
    【答案】at the cst f
    (2)The party called n us t rescue the peple in the earthquake­hit area .
    A.at cst B.at all csts
    C.t ur cst D.at the cst
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 句意为:党号召我们不惜一切代价来挽救地震灾区的人们。at all csts 不管多大代价。
    (3)Americans defeated Iraqis great lss.
    A.at the cst f B.at cst f
    C.at cst D.at a cst f
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 at the cst f指“付出了巨大的代价”。
    77.allw fr考虑到;体谅;估计到;把……计算在内
    (1)We can’t finish the wrk in such a shrt time;yu must ___________ (考虑到)ur lack f experience.
    【答案】allw fr
    (2)I have fr my secretary t meet the freign guest at the airprt.
    A.rganized B.arranged
    C.planned D.made
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 由句意可知,应是“安排某人做某事”,故用arrange fr sb.t d sth.结构。
    (3)—If we take a plane,we’ll f curse have arrived in Paris by the next weekend.
    —Dn’t be sure,we shuld the weather factrs.What shall we d if it is fggy?
    A.leave alne B.allw fr
    C.lk ver D.take advantage f
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 句意为:……,我们应考虑到天气因素……。allw fr考虑到,符合题意。
    78. appeal t sb.吸引某人;上诉
    (1)She appealed ________ the high curt ________ her sentence.
    【答案】t ; against
    (2)Teaching as a career t many peple because f the lng hlidays.
    A.attracts B.calls
    C.appeals D.pulls
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 appeal t sb.吸引某人。
    (3)—Des the newly published detective bk sell well?
    —N,it will nly a limited public.
    A.attach t B.appeal t
    C.refer t D.bring up
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 由句意“它将只吸引有限的人”可知,此处应填“吸引”,故选B。
    79.A is t B what C is t D A之于B犹如C之于D
    Railway is t transprtatin what bld is t a man’s bdy.
    【答案】is t ; what ; is t
    (2)Intellect is t the mind sight is t bdy.
    A.what B.that C.which D./
    【答案】答案 A
    解析 该句属于“A is t B what C is t D”句型,故选A项。
    (3)Engines are t machines hearts are t animals.
    A.as B.that
    C.what D.which
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 该句属于“A is t B what C is t D”句型。
    80. apprve f赞同,同意,支持
    (1)Her parents dn’t ______________ (赞成) her ideas.
    【答案】apprve f
    (2)As a matter f fact,her mther desn’t f her ging t study in the United States alne.
    A.admit B.agree
    C.prve D.apprve
    【答案】答案 D
    解析 apprve f sb.’s ding sth.赞同某人做某事。
    (3)The teacher finally his prject t the schl bard fr apprval.
    A.admitted B.permitted
    C.submitted D.apprved
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 句意为:老师最后将他的项目提交给校董事会批准。
    81.As we knw...众所周知……
    (1) A:As we knw,the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.
    B:______________ that the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.
    C:_______________,the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.
    D:______________ is that the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.
    【答案】B:It is well knwn t all
    C :As is well knwn t all
    D :What is well knwn t all
    (2)Earth is a rcky planet liquid water,which is necessary fr life,can exist.
    A.as B.which C.where D.when
    【答案】答案 C
    解析 where在定语从句中作地点状语。
    (3) is knwn t everybdy,she is well­knwn fr her beautiful sngs.
    A.It B.As
    C.That D.What
    【答案】答案 B
    解析 as为关系代词,引导一个非限制性定语从句,指代主句整个内容。若用it,则为:It is knwn t everybdy that she is...。

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