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    这是一份近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)04完形填空(原卷版+解析版),文件包含完形填空原卷版docx、完形填空解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共86页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Ill. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    A filler wrd is an apparently meaningless wrd, phrase, r sund that marks a pause r hesitatin in speech. Als knwn as a pause filler r hesitatin frm. Sme f the cmmn filler wrds in English are um, uh, er, ah, like, kay, right, and yu knw. Althugh filler wrds“may have fairly minimal lexical(词汇的) cntent,”ntes linguist Barbara A. Fx,“they can play a strategic syntactic(句法的)rle in a(n)(41)___________cnversatin”.What appears be a filler wrd may als be a hlphrase(整句字)(42)__________the cntext.“Hey , hey, shh, shh, shh. Cme n. Be sensitive t the fact that ther peple are nt cmfrtable.talking abut emtinal (43)________.Um, yu knw, I am, I'm fine with that, but. peple”
    “Mdern linguists led by Lenard Blmfield in 1933 call these " hesitatin frms’ --the sunds f stammering ( uh), stuttering ( um, um) thrat-clearing ( ahem!), stalling ( well,um, that is), interjected when the speaker is searching wrds r (44)_____________fr the next thught.” Yu knw that y' knw is amng the mst cmmn f these (45)___________frms. Its meaning is nt the imperius 'yu understand’ r even the ld interrgatry “ d yu get it'? It is given as, and taken t be, merely a filler phrase , (46)____________t fill a beat in the flw f sund, nt unlike like, in its new sense f, like, a filler wrd. ..
    These staples f mdern filler cmmunicatin--I mean, y'knw, like--can als be used as“tee-up wrds’. In lden times, pinter phrases r tee-up wrds were get this, wuld yu f these rib-nudging phrases was--are yu believe? and are yu ready? The (47)____________ready--t make the pint, t fcus the listener's attentin n what was t fllw... If the(48)___________is t tee up a pint, we shuld accept y ' knw and its friends as a mildly (49)____________spken punctuatin, the articulated cln ( 冒号) that signals “ fcus n this’ If the purpse is t grab a mment t think, we shuld allw urselves t wnder : t Why are filler phrases needed at all? What (50)____________the speaker t fill the mment f silence with any sund at all?
    Why d sme peple fill the air with nn-wrds and sunds? Fr sme, it is a sign f nervusness; they fear silence and experience speaker (51)_____________.Recent research Clumbia University suggests anther reasn. Clumbia psychlgists guessed that speakers fill, pauses when (52)__________fr the next wrd. T investigate this (53 )____________they cunted the use f filler wrds used by lecturers in bilgy , chemistry , and mathematics , when the subject matter uses scientific definitins that limit the variety f wrd chice (54)_________ t the speaker. They then cmpared the number f filler wrds used by teachers in English, art histry, and philsphy, where the subject matter is less(55)__________.and mre pen t wrd chices.
    41.A. undertaking B.discvering C.disliking D.unflding
    42.A. depending n B.hlding up C. taking ver D.arranging fr
    B.substances C.disturbances D.finances
    44.A. n the cntrary B. at a lss C. at dawn D. n n accunt
    45.A. perseverance B.cmplexity C.hesitatin D. bligatin
    46.A. intended B. attended C.pretended D.extended
    47.A. interest B.experience C.advantage D.functin
    B. purpse C.cmpletin D.randm
    B.striking C.entertaining D.embarrassing
    50.A. ppresses B. recycles C.highlights D.mtivates
    51.A. danger B.anxiety C.figure D.sculpture
    52.A. bthering B.inspecting C.searching D.accmplishing
    53,A.idea B.chance C.basis D.feedback
    54.A. feasible B.credible C.cnsiderable D.available
    55.A. well-matched B.well-defined C.well-bred D.well-perceived
    41D[解析]结合该空之后提及的What appears t be a filler wrd may als be a hlphrase可知,该句句意为“看似填充词的东西也可能是完整短语”,再结合相关选项分析,此处想要表达的是填充词词在对话交流中的重要作用,即此处句意为“它们可以在展开的 (unflding)话语中发挥战略性的句法作用”,故选D。undertaking v.担任;discvering v.发现;disliking v.不喜欢;厌恶;unflding v.显露;展现;展开。
    42.A[解析]此题根据选项进行反向推选,根据该空前提及的 What appears t be a filler wrd may als be a hlphrase 和该空后提及的 the cntext,这里将“填充词”“完整语句”和“上下文”三个词同时出现于一句话中,再结合选项进行分析,可推知此处句意为“依据(depending n)上下文,看似填充词的内容也可能是完整短语”,故选A。depending n 依赖;依靠;hlding up 停顿;支持;taking ver接管;arranging fr安排
    43.C[解析]根据该空前提及的 Be sensitive t the fact that ther peple are nt cmfrtable talking abut 可知,该空所填词需要有一定的情感情绪在其中,结合相关选项分析,此处句意为“对别人不喜欢谈论情绪障碍 disturbances)的事实要敏感”,故选C。appliances.器具;器械;substances.物质;disturbances骚乱:困扰;finances n.资金;经费
    44B[解析]结合上文提及的Mder linguists led by Lenard Blm field in 1933callthesehesitatin frms等相关内容,可知,此处在表述讲话时的一种“犹豫形式”再结合相关选项分析,与hesitatin frms相接近的意思选项为at a lss,即此处句意为“当说话者在摸索单词或不知所措地 (at a lss)想下一个想法时,会插嘴”,故选B。n the cntrary 与此相反;at a lss不知所措;at dawn拂晓时;n n accunt绝不;切莫。
    45.C[解析]结合上文对hesitatin frms 等填充词所举的例子,以及该空后提及 Its meaning is nt the imperius yu understand' r even the ld interrgatry d yu get it'? It is given as, and taken t be, merely a filler phrase 可推知,此处的 Yu knw 也是“最常见的犹豫 (hesitatin)形式之一”,故选C。perseverance n.毅力韧性;cmplexity n.复杂性;hesitatin n.犹豫;踌躇; bligatin n.义务;责任。46.A[解析]结合该空之后提及的 like 的例子可推知,该空处想要表述的是关干填充词使用的目的和意图,即此处句意为“它只是一个填充词,意在 (intended)填充声音流中的一个节拍”,故选A。intended.打算;意指,attended v.出席参加;pretended.假装;extended v.延伸;延长。
    47.D[解析]结合上文内容的讲述以及该空后提及的 t make the pint, t fcus the listener's attentin n what was t fllw 可推知,此处在讲述有关充词交流的作用,结合选项分析,可推知此处句意为“这些短语的作用 (functin)是”,故上海高考英语真题解析[2023版](详解详析)
    选 D。Interest n.兴趣;吸引力;利益;experience n.经验;经历;advantage n.有利条件;优势;functin n.功能;函数。
    B[解析]结合下文提及的Ifthe purpse is t grab a mment t think,we shuld allw urselves t wnder 可知,此处句子结构与上文相同,结合选项推知此处想表达的是根据不同的目的来选择填充词的使用,即该空处句意为“如果目的(purpse)是为了表达一个观点”,故选B。Architecture n.建筑学;结构;架构purpse n.意图;目的;cmpletin n.完成;结束;randm n.随机。
    49.A[解析]根据该空前提及的 mildly(和善地;轻微地)可排除B 项,两者想表述的意思相反;而结合该空前提及的we shuld accept y’knw and its friends...和该空后提及的the articulated cln(冒号)that signals fcus n this可知,yu knw 这一填充词表述并不会使人尴尬或者使人愉快,相比之下A 项符合文意,即此处句意为“我们应该接受“你知道”和它的朋友们作为一个稍微烦人的(annying)口语标点符号,即清晰的冒号(冒号)这意味着“专注于这个””故选A。annying adj.烦人的;striking adj.显著的;引人注目的;entertaining adj.有趣的;使人愉快的;embarrassing adj令人尴尬的。
    50D[解析]结合该空后提及的the speaker t fill the mment f silence with any sund at all 可知此处与“演讲者借助填充词来填补沉默时刻”的情境相关,结合选项以及上文内容可推知,此处需要思考的内容是“是什么促使(mtivates)演讲者用任何声音来填补沉默的时刻”,其余选项与文意不符,故选D。ppresses v.压迫;压制;recycles v.回收利用;highlights v.突出;强调;mtivates v.激发诱发。
    51B[解析]结合上文提及的Fr sme,it is a sign f nervusness 可推知此处想要表达的是“他们害怕沉默,并经历演讲者的焦虑 (anxiety)”,故选B。danger n危险;anxiety n.焦虑;担心;figure n.数字;人影;形象;sculpture n.雕刻作品。
    C[解析]根据该空后提及的 fr the next wrd,可以排除A项和D项,这两项填入文章语意不通顺,再结合下文的相关研究分析可推知,此处更符合文意的是 inspecting,因为 inspect 侧重于为了查看东西的质量或情况而仔细地查看,而search 更侧重于有目的的搜查、搜索,相较之下,C 项符合文意,即此处句意为“哥伦比亚大学的心理学家推测,说话者在搜索 (searching) 下一个单词时会出现停顿”,故选 C。Bthering v打扰;烦扰:迷惑;inspecting v.检查;检验.searching v.搜查;探查;accmplishing v.完成;达到。
    53.A[解析]结合上文提及的相关内容,可知上文提及的是观点,下文对观点进行研究分析,结合选项即可分析此处句意为“为了调查这一观点(idea),他们统计了生物、化学和数学讲师使用的填充词的使用情况”,故选 A。idea n. 想法chance n,可能性;机会;basis n.基础;基准;feedback n.反馈54.D[解析]结合上文内容可知,此处是在对各科教师使用填充词情况的研究结合相关选项可排除B和C项,再根据该空后提及的where the subject matter uses scientific definitins that limit the variety f wrd chices 可知,此处更侧重于他们使用填充词的“多样性”,由此推知 D项更符合文意,即此处句意为“其中主题使用的科学定义限制了演讲者可用的 (available) 单词选择的多样性”,故选D。feasible adj.可行的;credible adj.可信的;可靠的;cnsiderable adj想当多/大的;available adj.可用的;可获得的。
    55B[解析]结合上文提及的 where the subject matter uses scientific definitins that limit the variety f wrd chices 可知,此处的情况与上文所述内容情况相反,即可推知此处句意为“然后,他们比较了英语、艺术史和哲学中教师使用的填充词的数量,这些领域的主题定义不太明确 (well-defined),更容易选择单词”,故选B。well-matched adj.搭配得当的;well-defined adj.定义明确的;界限清楚的well-bred adj.有教养的;良种的;well-perceived adj,有知觉的。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    Artificially sweetened diet drinks make n difference t weight gain and shuld nt be seen as healthier than their sugar-laden cunterparts, accrding t a team f experts, A review f research evidence cncludes there is nthing t supprt claims that sugar free versins f ppular sft drinks can help (4l) _______besity and related diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. Industry spnsred studies reprting"favurable"assciatins between diet drinks and weight lss may be biased, it claims.
    There have been cncerns that diet drinks, knwn as artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs), might lead peple t cnsume mre calries by(42) ________sweet flavur taste buds. The new study fund that evidence (43) _________the healthiness f ASBs was incnclusive with randmized cntrlled trials (RCTs) prducing mixed results. Senr investigatr Prfessr Christpher Millett said: "A cmmn perceptin, which may be influenced by industry marketing, is that because ‘diet’ drinks have n sugar, they must be healthier and aid weight lss when used as a(n)(44)fr full sugar versins Hwever, we fund n slid evidence t supprt this
    The researchers pinted ut that research supprted by fd r beverage cmpanies was mre likely t find n evidence f links between sugary drink (45) _________ and besity than nn-industry spnsred research. Similarly, ASB industry-spnsred research was "mre likely t reprt favurable results and (46) ________ regarding ASB effects n weight cntrl”
    In many cases. researchers had failed t disclse (47) __________f interest relating t links with the fd industry. it was claimed. Cauthr Dr Marin Carlina Brges said: “The lack f slid evidence n the health effects f ASBs and the ptential influence f bias frm industry funded studies shuld be taken seriusly when discussing whether ASBs are (48) __________ alternatives t SSBs ( sugar-sweetened beverages)."
    Leading British nutritinist Prfessr Susan Jebb said despite the mixed evidence, there was n reasn t believe that replacing sugary drinks with artificially sweetened (49)________ did any harm She said , “Fr peple seeking t manage their weight , tap water is (50)__________the best drink t chse , fr health and the envirnment , but far many peple wh are used t drinking sugary drinks, this will be l hard a change t (51)_________. Artificially sweetened drinks are a step in the ( 52 )__________ directin t cut calries." Dietitian Prfessr Tm Sanders, was als critical f the research, calling it “an pinin piece rather than a ( n )(53)___________review f the evidence”. He ( 54)____________ “The cnclusin that reduced sugar r sugar-free drinks shuld nt be prmted r seen as part f a healthy diet seems unwarranted and likely t add t public (55 )_____________.”
    A. relieve B. ppse C. prevent D. bther
    A. inserting B. stimulating C.enhancing D.securing
    A. resulting frmB. referring t C.depending nD. relating t
    A. SubstituteB.prpsalC.suspectD.implicatin
    A. EfficiencyB.cnsumptinC.distributinD.mdernizatin
    A. appintmentsB.instructinsC.perfrmancesD.cnclusins
    47. A. threatsB. matters C. cnflictsD.appeals
    48. A. adequateB.essentialC.availableD. deliberate
    49. A initiativesB.alternatives C.bjectivesD.representatives
    50. A. withut questinB. beynd descriptin
    C. arund the crnerD. in cnsequence
    51. A. settleB. rute C. mendD. make
    A. wrngB. rightC. prperD. ppsite
    53. A. demcraticB. autmaticC. systematicD. dramatic
    54. A. transferredB. ranged C. accessedD. added
    55. A. fascinatinB. ambitinC.cnfusinD. Islatin
    【答案】41-55 CBDAB DCABA DBCDC
    41 C [解析]根据前文 “Artificially sweetened diet drinks make n difference t weight gain and shuld nt be seen as healthier than their sugar-laden cunterparts accrding t a team f expents. (一组专家称,人工加糖的无糖饮料对增重没有影,世不应现为比合饮料更健康。)”,再分析选项可知此处说的是无糖再五法报助规防一些疾。句意为”一项对研究证据的综述得出结论,没有任何上歌支按通行款收的无鹏版本有助于预防(prevent) 肥胖和2型糖尿病等相关药醒的说社,故选C.relieve v.解除,减轻,缓和: ppse v.反对(计划、政通)抵: prevent v.防止: 刚止;照码: bther v.打扰:花费时间精力(做某事)。
    42.B[解析]结合前面的“might lead peple t cnsume mre calries(导致人们摄入更多的卡路里)”,分析选项可知,这是甜味味蕾被刺激后的结果,此处句意为“有人担心,被称为人工加糖饮料(ASBs)的无糖饮料可能会刺激 (stimulating )人们的甜味味蕾,导致人们摄入更多的卡路里”,故选 B。inserting v.插入;入;stimulating v.促进;激发,刺激;enhancing v,提高;增强;增进;securing v获得,取得,实现。
    43.D[解析]结合选项,此处用“与 ASBs 健康相关的”更符合语境及逻辑,此处句意为“新的研究发现,与 ASBs 健康相关的(relating t) 证据是不确定的,随机对照试验(rct)产生了混合的结果”,故选 D。resulting frm 由于;referring t提及;参阅; depending n 依据,根据;relating t 关于;涉及。
    44.A[解析]分析选项,根据常识可知,为了减肥,人们会将无糖饮料作为全粗饮料的替代品,此处句意为“人们普遍认为,由于“无糖饮料不含糖,所以作为全糖饮料的替代品(substitute),它们肯定更健康,有助于减肥,这可能是受行业营销的影响”,故选A。substitute n.代用品,代替者;代替者;prpsal n.提议建议;求婚;suspect n.犯罪嫌疑人;嫌疑犯;implicatin n.可能的影响(或作用、结果);含意;暗指。
    45.B[解析]前面提到为了减肥,人们会将无糖饮料作为全糖饮料的替代品,分析选项可知,此处只有“含糖饮料的消费与肥胖”更符合逻辑及语境。句意为“研究人员指出,与非行业赞助的研究相比,食品或饮料公司支持的研究更有可能找不到含糖饮料消费(cnsumptin)与肥胖之间联系的证据”,故选 B。efficiency n效率;效能;cnsumptin n.消耗,消耗量;费:distributin n.分配:分布;分发;mdernizatin n.现代化;维新:现代化之事物。
    46.D[解析]该词与“results (结果)”并列,所以它们的意思应该是相近的,分析选项可知此处应选“cnclusins”。句意为“同样,ASB 行业费助的研究“更有可能报告关于 ASB 对体重控制效果的有利结果和结论 (cnclusins)“故选 D。appintments n.约会;预约:约定;instructins n.说明书;指示;命令;perfrmance:n.表演;演出:cnclusins n. 结论:推论:结束。
    47.C[解析]分析选项,此处用“利益冲突”更符合语境及逻辑,句意为“报告称,在许多情况下,研究人员未能披露与食品行业相关的利益冲突(cnflicts)”,故选C。threats n.威胁;恐吓;凶兆: matters n.课题: 事情; 问题:事态;cnflicts n.争执:争论:(军事)冲突:战斗; appeals n. 上诉;申诉;吸引力。
    48.A[解析]根据前面的“The lack f slid evidence n the health effects f ASBs and the ptential influence f bias frm industry funded studies shuld be taken seriusly(应该认真对待 ASB 对健康影响的确凿证据以及行业资助研究的潜在偏见影响)”,再分析选项可知这是在讨论 ASB 是否是含糖饮料的合格替代品时应该考虑的问题。句意为“在讨论 ASB 是否是含糖饮料的合格 (adequate) 替代品时,应该认真对待 ASB 对健康影响的确凿证据以及行业资助研究的潜在偏见影响”,故选A。adequate ad;.充足的;足够的;合格的;essential adj.本质的;必不可少的: available adj.可获得的;可购得的;deliberate adj. 故意的;蓄意的;存心的。
    49.B[解析]结合前文及语境可推知此处句意为“英国著名营养学家苏珊·杰布教授说,尽管证据好坏参半,但没有理由相信用人工加糖的替代品 (alternatives)取代含糖饮料会有任何伤害”,故选 B。initiatives n.倡议;新方案:主动性:alternatives n.普代品;可供选择的事物: bjectives n.目标;目的: representatives n.代表;销售代表。
    50.A[解析]自来水就是最好的饮料。结合选项可知作者在此处想要表达的是“对下那些想控制体重的人来说,从健康和环境的角度来说,自来水无疑 (withut questin)尼最好的饮料选择”,故选 A。withut questin 毫无疑间(表示强调自巴的观点;毫无疑问地;毫无异议地;beynd descriptin 难以形容,无法形容:arund the cmer 在拐角处:即将发生,在附近: in cnsequence 结果;因此。
    51.D[解析]分析选项,“make a change (做出改变)”符合及语境,此处句为“但对于许多习惯喝含糖饮料的人来说,这将是一个太难的改变”,故选 D。settle v.解(分歧、纠纷等): 定居,结来: rute v.按某路线发送: mend v.修现,修补:缝补;make v.制作,制造,组装。
    52.B[解析] 结合语境及选项可推知此处句意为“人工加糖饮料是朝着减少卡路但的正确(right)方向边出的一步”,故选 B。 wrng adj.错误的,不对的 right adj.正确的;真正的,真实的: prper adj.适当的,正确的:恰当的: ppsite adj.对面的;另一边的;相反的。
    53.C[解析]根据前面的“was als critical f the research”可知这个营养学家是对这项研究提出了批评的。分析选项可知此处句意为“营养学家汤姆·桑德斯教授也对这项研究提出了批评,称其为·一篇观点文章,而不是对证据的系统(systematic)回顾”,故选C。 demcratic adj.民主的;民主政体的;民主制度的;autmatic adj.自动的;无意识的;不假思索的;systematic adj.成体系的;系统的;有条理的;dramatic adj.戏剧性的;引人注目的;戏剧的。
    54.D[解析]这里还是该教授的观点,所以该空为“补充道”。此处句意为“他补充道(added)”,故选 D。transferred v.(使)转移,搬迁;(使)调动;转职;ranged v.(在一定的范围内)变化,变动;accessed v.访问,存取(计算机文件); 到达:进入;使用;added v.增加;加添;补充
    55.C[解析]根据前面的“The cnclusin that reduced sugar r sugar-free drinks shuld nt be prmted r seen as part f a healthy diet seems unwarranted (减小糖或无糖饮料不应该被推广或视为健康饮食的一部分的结论似乎没有根据)”,这会导致的结果是“很可能会增加公众的困惑 (cnfusin)”。故选 C。fascinatin n.魅力;极大的吸引力;入迷;ambitin n.追求的目标:夙愿;野心;cnfusin n.混乱;混淆;困惑;islatin n.隔离,分离;孤立,孤独。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    Peple believe that having pets is verall a gd thing fr children. But des this belief hld up t (41) __________? The new field f human-animal interactin aims t find ut.
    Ten years ag, when psychlgist Jan Smith reviewed the literature n child-animal relatinships, she reprted that interacting with animals led yung children t better understand bilgy than pet-less children. Kindergartners wh had cared fr gldfish were mre(42) _________ when respnding t questins like "des a gldfish have a heart?" They als mre easily(43) __________bilgical infrmatin frm ne species t anther, inferring that baby frgs get bigger just like gldfish d. She als reprts that thse kids wh turned t their pets fr emtinal supprt were less (44)__________ than these wh didn't.
    The past ten years have seen sme advances, but literature n the tpic is still rather (45) _______. A recent paper by researcher Meg Brwn at Lakeside University (46)________ sme imprtant infrmatin t the discussin.
    She turned t a data-set that includes infrmatin frm 7, 000 kids, ranging in (47) _________ frm thirteen t nineteen years. Fr the study, bth pet wning and ther types f (48) _______ activities, like hrseback riding, were cnsidered as human-animal interactin experience.
    She fund that adlescents with animal experience were mre likely t see themselves as imprtant(49)__________ t their cmmunities, such as ding cmmunity service. She als fund that the higher the level f(50)________between a teenager and animals, the higher they scred n measurements f emtinal cnnectedness in general. While causality(因果关系)cannt be determined, Brwn says that it is at least(51)_________ that children and adlescents can learn abut healthy scial relatinships frm their experiences f interacting with animals.“If a cnnectin exists between the skills required fr these relatinships,then it might be useful t make use f animal relatinships as a way t (52)_______ the develpment f scial skills," she says.
    Brwn is aware f the limitatins f her study. It can't reach any cnclusins abut the causal rle f animals in kids’ lives, and it's limited t (53) __________ natinwide. Besides, the study was nt designed t (54)_________ any ptential negative effects f human-animal interactin experiences.Sme ther studies, fr example, have shwn that pet wners have higher levels f (55)_______ , like depressin, than nn-pet wners.
    41. A. cmmn sense B. scientific evidence
    C. universal assumptins D. natural tendencies
    42.A. enthusiastic B. curius C.accurateD. serius
    43. A. transferredB. cllectedC. judgedD. spread
    44.A. cautiusB. vigrus C. ambitiusD.anxius
    45.A. limitedB. reliableC. varied D.fascinating
    46. A. wesB.addsC. restrictsD.adapts
    B.age C. height D.perfrmance
    48. A. animal-watching B. animal-led
    C. animal-friendly D. animal-related
    49. A.dnatrs B.delegates C.cntributrs D. witnesses
    50. A. difference B. islatin C.attachment D.disapprval
    51. A. pssible B.questinable C. misleading D. uncertain
    B. stress C. invlve D. prmte
    B.researchers C. pet-less children D.pet wners
    54. A. d away with B. thrw light n C. take advantage f D. make up fr
    55. A. needs B. tests C.explanatins D.disrders
    41.B[解析]此处是一个问句,且表转折,结合前面的“人们认为,总的来说养宠物对孩子是件好事”,分析选项可知此处句意为“但是这种观点是否有科学依据呢(scientific evidence)?”其余选项与文意不符,故选 B。cmmn sense 常识scientific evidence 科学证据; universal assumptins 普遍假设; natural tendencies自然倾向。
    42.C [解析]根据“she reprted that interacting with animals led yung children t better understand bilgy than pet-less children.”可知养过宠物的小朋友会对生物学更了解,分析选项可知此处想要表示的是“在回答“金鱼有心吗?”这样的问题时养过金鱼的幼儿园小朋友的回答更准确(accurate )”,故选 C。enthusiastic ad热情的;热心的;curius adj.好奇的;求知欲强的;accurate adj.精确的:正确无误的;serius adj.不好的:严重的;有危险的。
    43.A[解析]此处讲的是儿童如何运用自己所了解到的生物学知识,结合语境分析选项可知此处句意为“它们也更容易将生物信息从一个物种转移(transferred )到另一个物种,由此推断青蛙宝宝会像金鱼一样变大”,故选A。transferred v.(使)转移,搬迁: cllected v. 收集;采集;收:judged v. 判断:断定,认为;spread v.传播:展开;打开。
    44.D[解析]该段闸述的是养宠物的儿童相较于不养宠物的儿童会获益更多。分析选项可知此处句意为“她还报告说,那些向宠物寻求情感支持的孩子比那些没有向宠物寻求情感支持的孩子更不焦虑 (anxius )”,故选 D。cautius adj.心的;谨慎的: vigrus adj,充满活力的:果断的:ambitius adj.雄心勃勃的有野心的:anxius adj,焦虑的:忧虑。
    45.A [解析] 此处表转折,结合前面的“过去十年取得了一些进展”,分析选项知此处句意为“过去十年取得了一些进展,但关于这一主题的文献仍相当有限(limited )”,故选 A。 limited adj,有限的,受(...的)限制: reliable adj. 可信的,可依靠的;varied adj.多种多样的;不同的;fascinating adj.极有吸引力的:迷人的。
    46.B[解析]下一段分析了 Meg Brwn 收集的数据,由此可推知她为这一讨论添加了一些重要信息。此处句意为“湖滨大学(Lakeside University)研究员梅格·布朗(Meg Brwn)最近的一篇论文为这一讨论添加了 (adds )一些重要信息”。故选B。wes v.欠(情);归功于;adds v. 添加;加;增加;restricts v.(以法规)限制;限定;adapts v.适应(新情况); 改编。
    47.B[解析]结合选项以及“frm thirteen t nineteen years”可知这里说的是岁数句意为“她求助于一个数据集,其中包括 7000 个孩子的信息,年龄 (age )从 13岁到19 岁不等”。故选 B。status n.地位;状态;身份;age n.年龄;年龄段:height n.(人或物的)身高;度;perfrmance n.表演,演出。
    48.D[解析]结合后面的例子“like hrseback riding(如骑马)”可以推知这里说的是与动物相关的活动。此处句意为“在这项研究中,养宠物和其他与动物相关的(animal-related )活动,如骑马,都被视为人与动物的互动体验”,其余选项与文意不符,故选 D。animal-watching 观察动物:animal-led 动物主导型;animal-friendly动物友喟菲安扁笆范桐磨贬论翱碑哺疤棒弛小刁 animal-related 与动物有关的。
    49.C[解析]根据后面的“such as ding cmmunity service (比如做社区服务)”分析选项可知此处句意为“她发现,有动物经历的青少年更有可能将自己视为社区的重要贡献者 (cntributrs ),比如做社区服务”,故选 C。dnatrs n.捐赠者;delegates n.代表;会议代表;cntributrs n.捐款者:捐赠者;witnesses n.目击者;见证人。
    50.C[解析]根据后面的“the higher they scred n measurements f emtinal cnnectedness in general. (他们在总体情感联系测量中的得分就越高)”,分析选项,可以反推此处句意为“她还发现,青少年与动物之间的依恋(attachment )程度越高”,其余选项不符合文意,故选 C。difference n.差别:差异;不同;inslatin n,隔离,分离;attachment n.依恋:爱慕:信念;disapprval n.不赞成:反对SLA[解析]此处的 While引导让步状语从句,根据前面的“While causality cannt be determined,(虽然无法确定因果关系)“以及“at least (至少)”可以得知此处句意为“但布朗说,儿童和青少年至少有可能(pssible ) 从与动物互动的经历中了解到健康的社会关系”,故选A。 pssible adj.可能的:可能;能做到questinable adj.可疑的:有问题的;misleading adj.误导的;引入歧途的;uncertain adj.无把握:犹豫:拿不准;多变的。
    52.D[解析]该段讲的是儿童与动物的关系的益处,结合选项及语境可推知此处句意为“如果这些关系所需的技能之间存在联系,那么利用动物关系作为促进(prmte )社交技能发展的一种方式可能是有用的”,故选 D。blck v.阻碍堵塞;阻塞;stress v.强调;着重;重读:invlve v.涉及;包含;牵涉;prmte v.促进;推动;促销。
    53.A[解析]前面的段落已经提到过 Meg Brwn 分析的对象为儿童和背少年结合选项可推知此处句意为“它无法得出任何关于动物在孩子生活中的因果作用的结论,而且它仅限于全国的青少年 (teenagers )”,其余选项不符合文意,故选A。teenagers n.青少年,青少年男女;researchers n.研究员;科研工作者; pet-less children n.无宠物儿童;pet wners n.宠物主人。
    54.B[解析]根据后面的内容“例如,其他一些研究表明,养宠物的人比不养宠物的人有更高的(55),比如抑郁症”,结合选项分析可知此处句意为“此外这项研究并不是为了阐明 thrw light n) 人与动物互动体验的任何潜在负面能响”,故选 B。d away with 废除,去掉;弄死:thrw light n 使(某小)显得非常清楚;take advantage f利用;占的便宜:make up fr 弥补,补偿。
    55.D[解析]“depressin (抑郁症)”属于疾病,分析选项可知此处句意为“例如其他一些研究表明,养宠物的人比不养宠物的人患抑郁症等疾病 (disrders )的程度更高”,故选 D。needs n.需要;必须: tests n.测验:考查;explanatins n.解释;说明;阐述;disrders n.疾病;杂乱:混乱;凌乱。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    The misery f my bike cmmute in Calgary, Alberta,is the river valley hill. It's nt particularly steep,but at abut a mile lng,I rarely climbed up withut arriving with sweat. Studies have shwn the prspect f arriving at wrk sweaty is ne f the biggest (41)______ t getting wuld-be bike cmmuters ut f their cars. That's especially true in a city like Ls Angeles,where(42)__ may face lng rutes , hills r ht streets with a lack f shade.
    "Pedelec",r pedal electric-assisted bikes like the ne I rde,can end that wrry. They lk and act like traditinal bicycles,but their mtrs make pedaling much easier when required. Smetimes called the mst energy-efficient mtrized mde f transprtatin ever built, they're als incredibly green. The biggest barrier may be the utdated attitude that sees bikes nly as a recreatinal athletic pprtunity rather than a practical (43)____ ptin.
    At a time when cities acrss Nrth America are struggling t cmbat crippling traffic and reduce climate emissins,e-bikes have the(44) ______ t ease the bth prblems. And yet ridership has yet t truly(45)____.Abut 152,000 e-bikes were sld last year in the U.S.,a figure that wuld be mre than 5 millin if Americans used them at the same rate as western Eurpeans.
    Many f the barriers t e-bike (46) ______in Nrth America are legislative. Patchwrk rules treat e-bikes mre like mpeds than traditinal pedal bikes in sme jurisdictins,meaning they are(47)_frm bike lanes and frm barding public transprtatin.
    Few places n the cntinent,(48) ______, are better pised t break thrugh barriers than Califrnia. Legislatin was apprved last year t encurage e-bike use,by legally differentiating the cycles frm mpeds. In an attempt t head ff wrries abut turbcharged machines flying dwn sidewalks and bike lanes at unsafe speeds,the law classifies bikes int different tiers t (49)___ lwer-speed e-bikes,which tp ut at 20 mph,frm faster-mving"speed pedelecs",which are restricted frm prtected bike paths.
    Amid these legislative (50)____, e-bikes have becme mre accessible t cnsumer. Finding them in bike shps isn't as(51)____ as it nce was,and their cst has fallen as the price f lithium-in batteries has drpped.Tday,a decent e-bike,while still (52)___, is cmparable in price t a high-end muntain bike. After years f (53)________ver mixing pedal and mtr pwer, cycling advcacy rganizatins als are finally thrwing their supprt behind e-bikes. Dave Snyder, the executive directr f the Califrnia Bicycle Calitin, (54)_______ the state's new legislatin based partly n the(55)_______that e-bikes help ut thse wh"just can't ride as far r as fast as they need t".
    B.prcesses C.barriers D.cmplements
    42. A.ridersB.builders C.custmersD.vlunteers
    B. cmmunicatin C.facilities D.transprtatin
    B.ptential C.temprary D.majr
    44.A. make f B.carry n C.bring up D.take ff
    B.adptin C.adjustment D.justificatin
    B.alerted C.banned D.authrized
    B.unless C.meanwhile D.anyway
    B.cmbine C.separate D.satisfy
    B.benefits C.limits D.damages
    B.critical C.sensatinal D.difficult
    B.distinctive C.sensitive D.intensive
    B.cncern C.pwer D.scale
    B.flded C.referred D.gifted
    B.address C.amunt D.advcate
    41. C【解析】根据上文所提及的有关河谷山的描述The misery f my bike cmmute in Calgary, Alberta, is the river valley hill以及作者对自己相关情况的描述I rarely climbed up withut arriving with sweat可知,此处句意为“研究表明,上班时满身大汗是让骑自行车的上班族下车的最大障碍(barriers )之一”,故选C。advantages n. 有利条件;prcesses n. 过程;barriers n. 障碍;屏障;cmplements n. 补足物;补语。
    42.A【解析】结合文章第一句提及的The misery f my bike cmmute in Calgary, Alberta, is the river valley hill骑自行车上下班可知,此处句意为“那里的车手(riders)可能会面临长途跋涉” ,故选A。riders n. 骑(马、自行车等)的人;builders n. 建设者;建筑工人;custmers n. [商业]客户;vlunteers志愿者。
    43.D【解析】根据上文提及的作者骑自行车上下班,又结合此处介绍一款新的电动自行车,可推知此处句意为“最大的障碍可能是过时的态度,认为自行车只是一种娱乐运动机会,而不是一种实用的交通(transprtatin)选择”,故选D。prductin n. 生产;产量;cmmunicatin n. 表达,交际;facilities n. 工具;设备;transprtatin n. 运输;交通工具,运输工具。
    44.B【解析】结合上文中提及的电动自行车,以及此处提及的At a time when cities acrss Nrth America are struggling t cmbat crippling traffic and reduce climate emissins,可推知此处应该是说“电动自行车有缓解相关问题的潜在(ptential)可能性”,故选B。rutine adj. 常规的;日常的;ptential adj. 潜在的;temprary adj. 短暂的;majr adj. 重要的;严重的。
    45.D【解析】结合下文中提及的相关电动自行车车的销售数量和对比,可推知此处表达的是乘客数量还不够多,相比较之下,take ff更适合句意,故选D。make f 用…做成;理解;明白;carry n 继续做,坚持干;bring up 养育,抚养;take ff脱掉;起飞;突然成功。
    46.B【解析】结合上文的相关内容,以及下文提及关于电动车使用的相关规定的可知此处应该是关于电动车的使用规范,故B项比较合适。adaptatin n. 改编版;适应;adptin n. 收养,领养;adjustment n. 调整,调节;justificatin n. 辩解;无过失。
    47.C【解析】结合上文提及的 Patchwrk rules treat e-bikes mre like mpeds than traditinal pedal bikes in sme jurisdictins可知,此处句意为“这意味着它们被禁止(banned)在自行车道上行驶和乘坐公共交通工具”,故选C。prved v. 证明;alerted v. 向…报警;使警觉,使戒备;banned v. 禁止;取缔;authrized v. 授权,批准,委托。
    48.A【解析】结合上文内容,以及此处句意非洲大陆上几乎没有什么地方比加利福尼亚州更能冲破这些障碍,可推知此处需要填入一个转折连词,排除C和D项,而相比之下,A项更符合句意。hwever adv. 然而;不管怎样;cnj.不管怎样;unless cnj.除非;如果不;meanwhile adv. 同时;在此期间;与之相比;anyway adv. 无论如何;不管怎样。
    49.C【解析】根据该段中the law classifies bikes int different tiers可知,此处句意为,该法律将自行车分为不同的等级,以区分(separate)速度较低的电动自行车(最高时速为20英里)和速度较快的“速度行人专用道”,故选C。riginate vi. 起源于,来自;vt. 引起;创始,创作;cmbine vt. 引起;创始,创作;separate v. (使)分开,分离;satisfy v. (使)满意。
    50.B【解析】结合下文 e-bikes have becme mre accessible t cnsumer可知,消费者们开始接受电动自行车来,故推知此处句意为“在这些立法上的好处(benefits)中,电动自行车已经变得更容易为消费者所接受”,故选B。factrs n. 因素;benefits n. 津贴费;利益;limits n.界限;限度;限额;damages n. 损失。
    51.D【解析】结合上文中e-bikes have becme mre accessible t cnsumer.可推知此处句意为“在自行车店找到它们不像以前那么困难(difficult)了”,故选D。prper adj. 适宜的;正确的;critical adj. 关键的;严重的;sensatinal adj. 轰动的;耸人听闻的;difficult adj. 困难的;问题多的,麻烦的。
    52.A【解析】结合文章中的相关表述可知,此处与电动自行车的价格有关,故此处选A项更合适。expensive adj. 昂贵的;distinctive adj. 独特的;特别的;sensitive adj. 体贴的;敏感的;intensive adj. 加强的,强烈的。
    53.B【解析】结合下文中cycling advcacy rganizatins als are finally thrwing their supprt behind e-bikes提及最终的结果,可推知此处句意为“经过多年对混合踏板和电机动力的关注(cncern)”,故选B。truble n. 问题,麻烦,困难;cncern n. 担心;关心;令人担心的事;pwer n. 权力;能力;scale n. 规模,等级。
    54.A【解析】结合上文提及的cycling advcacy rganizatins als are finally thrwing their supprt ,可知此处加州自行车联盟的执行董事戴夫·斯奈德对新立法的态度是支持的,故选A。favred adj. 受到优待的;有天赋的;flded adj. 折叠的;referred v. 提到;针对;关系到;请教gifted adj. 有天赋的。
    55.D【解析】根据文章可知,此处讲述的是戴夫·斯奈德支持立法的原因,结合他的职位可知,此处句意为“部分原因是他主张(advcate)电动自行车可以帮助那些“不能骑到需要的距离或速度”的人”,故选D。appeal v. 呼吁,恳请;上诉,申诉;address v. 写(收信人)姓名地址;解决,处理;amunt v. 共计;advcate vt. 拥护;主张。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    Fitness experts weigh in n whether it’s safe t skip this smetimes annying step in yur exercise rutine.
    One f the mst imprtant steps in yur fitness rutine cmes at the cnclusin. Many knw the imprtance f prperly warming up and preparing t exercise, but experts say that incrprating a cl dwn rutine is just as imprtant. Accrding t the May Clinic, cling dwn allws fr yur bdy t recver and return t its nrmal, (41) ________ state.
    Thugh cling dwn isn’t prven t (42) ________ muscle stiffness r sreness, it can prevent dizziness and allw yur heart rate and breathing t ease back t a nrmal rate, Harvard Medical Schl reprts. Phyllis Mammarelli, persnal trainer at the Shenang Valley YMCA in Sharn, Pennsylvania, wrks with each f her clients n a cl dwn rutine as she says it’s a(n) (43) ________ part f exercising.
    “Cling dwn allws yur bdy t gradually return t a lw-intensity activity level, slwly reducing yur respiratry and heart rate until it’s equalized and back t nrmal” she says.
    (44) ________ the recvery phase f a wrkut isn’t prven t be harmful t yur bdy, but Mammarelli warns that withut cling dwn, the bdy will take lnger t return back t the lw-intensity level activity level yu began yur wrkut with.
    There are als nn-threatening side effects that culd ccur as a result f frging a cl dwn. Mammarelli warns that bld can gather r pl in yur lwer extremities and lead t dizziness and (45) ________. Additinally, ACE says t keep an eye n yur (46) ________ sreness and stiffness. While sreness after a wrkut is t be expected, (47) ________ nset muscle sreness can ccur 24 - 28 hurs after yur wrkut and cause “uncmfrtable debilitating pain”. Side effects are mstly seen in the elderly r thse with cardivascular disease and can be (48) ________ by warming up and cling dwn. Here are sme ther signs that yu might be wrking ut t much.
    Allw five t 10 minutes at the (49) ________ f yur wrkut fr a cl-dwn rutine. During this perid, cntinue yur wrkut sessin, but at a much reduced rate. If yu’re (50) ________ fr time during yur wrkuts r unsure hw t allw yur bdy t recver, Mammarelli suggests stretching muscles in a pain-free range f (51) ________. Here’s an easy stretch (52) ________ t try.
    Tacking n a few (53) ________ minutes t yur wrkut fr cling dwn may seem like a(n) (54) ________, but the benefits utweigh the cst f finding extra time in yur (55) ________. If yu need inspiratin fr scheduling the time t wrkut and cl dwn lk t these wmen wh wrk ut every day.
    41. A. presentatinB. preservatinC. prejudiceD. pre-exercise
    42. A. bstB. reduceC. resistD. experience
    43. A. beneficialB. preferableC. cmfrtableD. adaptable
    44. A. SuspectingB. StrikingC. SecuringD. Skipping
    45. A. featuringB. faintingC. freezingD. frustrating
    46. A. pwerB. strengthC. muscleD. energy
    47. A. delayedB. cntrlledC. neglectedD. charged
    48. A. respectedB. launchedC. maintainedD. eased
    49. A. intensinB. cnclusinC. principleD. predictin
    50. A. pressedB. assessedC. prcessedD. bsessed
    51. A. cnversatinB. cmpsitinC. mtinD. hesitatin
    52. A. regulatinB. rutineC. guidanceD. mtivatin
    53. A. criticalB. dramaticC. ambitiusD. additinal
    54. A. incnvenienceB. innutritin C. initiativeD. injustice
    55. A. amuntB. treasureC. scheduleD. struggle
    【答案】41—55 DBADB CADBA CBDAC
    41.D[解析]考查形容词,由本段可知,健身专家说,锻炼开始前的热身运动和锻炼结束时的缓和运动一样重要,“缓和运动能够让你的身体恢复并回到她正常的、锻炼前的状态”。Pre-exerise 假炼前的,pre-为前缀,“之前的”,故选D。A. presentatin n.介绍,展示: B.preservatin n.保存;C.prejudice n,偏
    42.B[解析]考查动词,“尽管缓和运动没有被证明可以减少肌肉僵硬 stiffness和疼痛(sreness),但是它可以顾防头晕 (dizziness) 并且使你的心跳和呼吸更容马回到正常频率”,reduce v 减少,降低:A,bst v.使增长;使兴旺 C.resist v抵抗,抵制 D.experience y 经历。
    43.A[解析]考查形容词,结合 42,由第一句话可知,在讲述缓和运动的好处断以选择 beneficial adj.有益的,有好处的,常用搭配:be beneficial t 对益B.preferable adj.受喜爱的,优先的 C.cmfrtable adj.舒适的 D.adaptable adj.有适应能力的;能适应的。
    44.D[解析]考在动名词形式,A.skip v. 跳跃,跳过,不参加,句意为:跳过川练的恢复阶段并没有证明对你的身体有害,专家提醒,没有缓和运动,你的身本将花费更长的时间回归到低强度等级的活动。由“withut cling dwn”可知,本段在讲述,如果没有缓和运动对我们身体造成的影响,所以选 D。
    45.B[解析]考查动词的现在分词,本句话句意为;血液会在你的下肢聚集导致头晕和昏厥。A.featuring 以...为特色:由.主演;以..为主要组成 feature 的现在分词;B.minting 厥;faint 的现在分词;C freezing 极冷的:冰冻的;冰点以下的; freeze 的现在分词;D.frustrating 令人恼的;令人沮丧的;使懊丧。根据何意分析故选 B。
    46C[解折]与42避相对应,上文已经提到了 muscle stiffness and sreness,故选C。句意为:监督你的肌肉僵硬(stiffness)和终痛(sreness)。A pwer n.控制力,影响力;操力、政权:能力 B.strength n. 体力;为气;力量;D.energy 精力、活力。
    47[析]考查过去分词作形容词,“延迟性肌肉酸痛能发生在你最炼眉的24-48小时”. 24-48 hurs afer yur wrkut 可知,选 A delayed adj, 延迟性的, delay
    的过去分词;B.cntrlled 成限制的,控制的,管制的,cntrl 的过去分司;neglected adj.被忽略的;被忽视的 neglect 的过去分词; D.charged adj. 收费的,带电的,charge 的过去分词
    48.D[解析]考查动词的被动语态,句意为“副作用多见于老年人或有心血管疚病的患者,可通过热身运动与缓和运动来缓解疼痛”。A.respected 被尊敬,被道守;respec( 的过去分词;B.launched 被发起,被发动; launch 的过去分词;C.maintained 被维持,被保养 maintain 的过去分词;D.eased 被宽慰;被缓解跟disease 疾病搭配的动词,只有 D。
    49.B[解析]考查名词,由前文可知,缓和运动发生在你锻炼完后的 5-10 分钟所以这里选 B.cnclusin n. 结论, at the cnclusin f...在的最后,近义词为: in the end n. 增强:加强 原则 D.predictin n预测。
    50.A[解析]考查形容词,r 前后句意是相同的,r 后的句意为:你不确定如何才能让你的身体恢复,关键词 unsure 跟此处要填的是同义词,所以选 A.pressed(时间、资金等)紧缺,紧张的,press 的过去分词,常用搭配,be pressed fr sth 紧缺,缺少。此处句意为“如果你在锻炼过程中时间不够”
    B.assessed 被评估,被估算,assess 的过去分词:C.prcessed 被加工;被处理prcess 的过去分词和过去式,D.bsessed 着迷的,困扰的,bsess 的过去分词和过去式。
    51.C[解析]考查名词,“建议拉伸在无痛范围内拉伸肌肉的一系列运动”,suggest ding sth 建议做某事,a range f 一系列。故选 C。A.cnversatin 交谈,谈话B.cmpsitin 成分;构成;C.mtin 运动;移动;D.hesitatin 犹豫:疑虑:不情愿。
    52.B[解析]考查名词,句意为: 这里有一些简单的伸展常规动作可以尝试故选 B。A.regulatin 章程; 规章制度; B.rutine 常规;正常顺序;一套动作;C.guidance 指导;引导;D.mtivatin 动机;动力。
    53.D[解析]考查形容词,由前文可知,缓和运动的特点是在运动结束后的 5-10分钟,所以此处的句意应该是“额外的几分钟”,故选 D。A.critical 批评的;关键的;B.dramatic 戏剧性的,C.ambitius 有野心的;D.additinal 附加的;额外的。
    54.A[解析]考查名词,结合 53 题可知,句意为:拿出额外的几分钟来做缓和运动看似 54.不便,但是这样做对的好处大于另找时间在你的 。But 连接两个语义对立的成分,所以54 肯定是贬义词,结合句意可知选 A.incnvenience 不便麻烦;B.innutritin 营养缺乏,C.initiative 主动性;积极性; D.injustice 不公正,不公平。
    55C[解析]结合前文可知,“在你的时间表里另找时间”,故选C。A.amunt金额;数量 B.treasure 金银财宝 C.schedule 时间表,工作计划;日程安排;D.struggle 奋斗;努力;争取。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    “Clean eating” is a phrase thrwn arund a lt in the health-and-wellness scene. I use it all the time. I (41) _________ it because there’s n frmal definitin, and it’s nt a ne-size-fits-all plan. Let’s face it: There isn’t ne perfect plan that will wrk fr everyne, (42) _________ r behavirally. Our bdies wrk differently frm ne anther. Sme physilgically need mre fat, sme need mre carbs, and all need different mixes f vitamins and minerals.
    Behavirally, there isn’t ne plan that fits everyne’s (43) _________, either. Sme f us (44) _________ daily, while sme f us can’t make tast. Fr sme, fd is ften ut f their cntrl, and they (45) _________ htels, airprts and restaurants, while thers raise, grw and ck their wn fd. We als have different (46) _________. Sme have had a health scare r are feeling lw-energy and sluggish, and are curius abut whether fd culd make them feel better; sme are cncerned abut the envirnment and eclgy, and the impact f hw fds are grwn and sld; sme have yet ther (47) _________.
    These (48) _________ are imprtant, because yur versin f clean will depend n yur values and gals. Frcing yurself r smene else int an eating plan is (49) _________ a fundatin fr success. Instead, understanding why yu are ding what yu are ding will help yu make chices yu can stick with and make yu feel better abut hw yu eat.
    When I think f eating clean, what cmes t mind is knwing exactly what I’m putting int my bdy and making mindful decisins that are (50) _________ my values. Yu have seen peple wh ask several questins befre rdering at a restaurant r making a chice at a grcery stre. While it can be entertaining (r frustrating) t watch, being curius abut what’s in yur fd is fair game and, I wuld argue, imprtant. We live in a wrld where we must ask questins because we can’t (51) _________ that we’re eating whle fds. I dn’t necessarily need t meet the farmer grwing my spuds, but when I eat mashed ptates, I want t be sure they are, well, actual (52) _________. I dn’t think that’s t much t ask.
    The best first step tward clean eating is knwing what’s n yur (53) _________. Everything n it! We are trained t lk at calries and grams n fd labels, but I (54) _________ yu t lk at ingredients first. D yu understand what is in the fd yu are abut t eat? Are yu kay with eating thse ingredients? Nt all fd prducts are the same. Take a mment and cmpare prducts based t n ingredients, (55)_________ slely calries, t decide whether they’re what yu want.
    41. A. changeB. favrC. chargeD. alter
    42. A. accidentallyB. deliberatelyC. physilgicallyD. crucially
    43. A. lifestyleB. handwrkC. willpwerD. incme
    44. A. ckB. buyC. sellD. handle
    45. A. center inB. g nC. catch inD. rely n
    46. A. ambitinsB. cmplimentsC. mtivatinsD. prcedures
    47. A. challengesB. cncernsC. benefitsD. damages
    48. A. scalesB. declinesC. rangesD. distinctins
    49. A. rarelyB. reallyC. mstlyD. largely
    50. A. in search fB. in hnr fC. in line withD. with respect t
    51. A. maintainB. denyC. guaranteeD. separate
    52. A. ptatesB. tmatesC. heresD. zeres
    53. A. deskB. plateC. ptD. handle
    54. A. persuadeB. encurageC. prvideD. cnvince
    55. A. apart frmB. mre thanC. less thanD. rather than
    ‘Clean eating’ is a fuzzy term — and that’s why it wrks
    By Jae Berman
    January 10, 2017
    “Clean eating” is a phrase thrwn arund a lt in the health-and-wellness scene. I use it all the time. I like it because there’s n frmal definitin, and it’s nt a ne-size-fits-all plan. Let’s face it: There isn’t ne perfect plan that will wrk fr everyne, physilgically r behavirally. Our bdies wrk differently frm ne anther. Sme physilgically need mre fat, sme need mre carbs, and all need different mixes f vitamins and minerals.
    Behavirally, there isn’t ne plan that fits everyne’s lifestyle, either. Sme f us ck daily, while sme f us can’t make tast. Fr sme, fd is ften ut f their cntrl, and they rely n htels, airprts and restaurants, while thers raise, grw and ck their wn fd. We als have different mtivatins. Sme have had a health scare r are feeling lw-energy and sluggish, and are curius abut whether fd culd make them feel better; sme are cncerned abut the envirnment and eclgy, and the impact f hw fds are grwn and sld; sme have yet ther cncerns.
    These distinctins are imprtant, because yur versin f clean will depend n yur values and gals. Frcing yurself r smene else int an eating plan is rarely a fundatin fr success. Instead, understanding why yu are ding what yu are ding will help yu make chices yu can stick with and make yu feel better abut hw yu eat.
    When I think f eating clean, what cmes t mind is knwing exactly what I’m putting int my bdy and making mindful decisins that are in line with my values. Yu have seen peple wh ask several questins befre rdering at a restaurant r making a chice at a grcery stre. While it can be entertaining (r frustrating) t watch, being curius abut what’s in yur fd is fair game and, I wuld argue, imprtant. We live in a wrld where we must ask questins because we can’t guarantee that we’re eating whle fds. I dn’t necessarily need t meet the farmer grwing my spuds, but when I eat mashed ptates, I want t be sure they are, well, actual ptates. I dn’t think that’s t much t ask.
    What is in yur fd?
    The best first step tward clean eating is knwing what’s n yur plate. Everything n it! We are trained t lk at calries and grams n fd labels, but I encurage yu t lk at ingredients first. D yu understand what is in the fd yu are abut t eat? Are yu kay with eating thse ingredients? Nt all fd prducts are the same. Take a mment and cmpare prducts based n ingredients, rather than slely calries, t decide whether they’re what yu want.
    【答案】41-55BCAAD CBDAC CABBD
    41. B 【解析】根据空前I use it all the time可知“我”favr(青睐、更喜爱)用clean eating这个说法。
    42. C 【解析】根据空后两句Our bdies wrk differently frm ne anther与 Sme physilgically need mre fat…可知,此处是从生理角度来说明每个人的饮食方案不同的。
    【段意】“clean eating”是一个健康保健情景的常用词。我一直在使用它。青睐它是因为对“clean eating”没有一个正规的定义,也没有一条万用的clean eating方案。就让我们来看看它吧:不论生理上还是行为上,一则适用于每个人的完美方案是不存在的。每个人身体的运作方式不同。有些人生理上需要多些脂肪,有些人需要更多的碳水化合物,所有人都需要不同的复合维生素和矿物质。
    43. A 【解析】根据后文make tast、htel、restaurant和grw and ck their wn fd可知,后文举例说明人们因生活方式(lifestyle)不同所以饮食方案不同的。
    44. A 【解析】根据空后while sme f us can’t make tast可知,while此处为对比连词,所以本空为ck daily(每天做饭),刚好与can’t make tast(不会烤面包片)相对应。
    45. D 【解析】根据空后while thers raise, grw and ck their wn fd可知,而另一些人饲养、种植并且烹饪自己的食物,而(while)在旅店、机场和餐馆的旅人就要依靠(rely n)旅店、机场和餐馆里的食物了。因此空前说这类人的食物是ften ut f their cntrl(不能自己操控的)。
    46. C 【解析】根据空后Sme have had a health scare r are feeling lw-energy and sluggish, and are curius abut whether fd culd make them feel better; sme are cncerned abut the envirnment and eclgy, and the impact f hw fds are grwn and sld可知,有些人有健康危机或者正感到懒散、能量不足,好奇食物是否会让他们感觉好些;有些人担心环境和生态,以及食物的种植和销售方式的带来影响,此处是从不同动机(mtivatin)来说明每个人的饮食选择不同的。
    47. B 【解析】根据本句的三个sme和两个分号,可以看出此处是举例说明中并列的第三项,有些人好奇……有些人担心……,有些人有些其他的顾虑(sme have yet ther cncerns)。
    48. D 【解析】根据前文内容可知,之所以没有一通用的clean eating的饮食方案是因为,人们生理、生活习性、饮食动机各不相同。本句承接上文并且说明了这些不同的(distinctins)是取决于是价值观和目标because yur versin f clean will depend n yur values and gals。
    49. A 【解析】根据空后Instead(相反) …will help yu make chices yu can stick with and make yu feel better可知,Instead之后是有益行为,所以Instead前面应该是不利行为,所以选否定词rarely,rarely a fundatin fr success几乎不会成功。
    50. C 【解析】根据本句句意和上一段because yur versin f clean will depend n yur values and gals可知,当“我”想到eating clean的时候,首先想到的是要确切地知道吃的是什么,并且做出符合(in line with)价值观的谨慎决定。
    51. C 【解析】根据上下文可知,ask questins 是为了确保(guarantee)我们吃的食物是whle fd(全食物)。后句又进行了举例说明。
    52. A 【解析】根据上下文可知,“我”认为知道自己吃的什么很重要I wuld argue, live in a wrld where we must ask questins,因此,当“我”吃土豆泥的时候,要确保吃的是真的土豆(actual ptates)。
    【段意】当我想到eating clean的时候,首先想到的是要确切地知道我把什么放到了身体里(吃的是什么),然后做出符合价值观的谨慎决定。你已经见过人们在订餐厅或者在食品店做决定前会问若干问题。尽管观察食物、想知道食物里有什么会被调侃、抨击,而我认为,这很重要。我们生活在一个不得不问的世界因为我们不能保证自己吃的是全食(whle fd)。我不必与为我种土豆的农民见面,但是吃土豆泥的时候,我还是想确认我吃的真的是土豆。我认为这么问不过分。
    53. B 【解析】根据上下文和句意,要知道自己吃的是什么,也就是盘中餐有的什么what is ne yur plate(盘子)。
    54. B【解析】根据下文Are yu kay with eating thse ingredients和Take a mment and cmpare prducts based n ingredients... t decide whether they’re what yu want可知,“我”建议读者要重视食品成分表,而不仅是卡路里和克数,因此本空用encurage(鼓励)。
    55. D 【解析】根据上文We are trained t lk at calries and grams n fd labels, but I...和本句Take a mment and cmpare prducts based n decide whether they’re what yu want可知“我”建议读者要重视食品成分表,而不仅是(rather than)卡路里。rather than slely calries 为插入成分,用两个逗号分开,补充说明cmpare prducts based n ingredients。
    【段意】做到clean eating的第一步就是知道你的盘中餐有什么。它的一切。我们被训练去看食物标签上的卡路里和克数,而我鼓励你先看看配料。你能理解你要吃的食物里有什么吗?你这这些配料有问题吗?不是所有的食品都一样。花点儿时间按照配料比较这些食品,再决定它们是否是你想要的。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    We're tld that writing is dying. Typing n keybards and screens _____41_____ written cmmunicatin tday. Learning cursive (草书), jined-up handwriting was nce _____42_____ in schls. But nw, nt s much. Cuntries such as Finland have drpped jined-up handwriting lessns in schls___43___ typing curses. And in the U.S. , the requirement t learn cursive has been left ut f cre standards since 2013. A few U.S. states still place value n frmative cursive educatin, such as Arizna, but they're nt the _____44_____.
    Sme experts pint ut that writing lessns can have indirect _____45_____. Anne Trubek , authr f The Histry and Uncertain Future f Handwriting, argues that such lessns can reinfrce a skill called autmaticity. That's when yu've perfected a task, and can d it almst withut thinking, _____46_____ yu extra mental bandwidth t think abut r d ther things while yu're ding the task. In this sense, Trubek likens handwriting t _____47_____.
    “Once yu have driven fr a while, yu dn't _____48_____ think ‘Step n gas nw’[r] ‘Turn the steering wheel a bit’,” she explains. “Yu just d it. That's what we want children t _____49_____ when learning t write. Yu and I dn't think ‘nw make a lp ging up fr the ‘1’’— r ‘nw lk fr the letter ‘r' n the keybard’.” Trubek has written many essays and bks n handwriting, and she desn't believe it will die ut fr a very lng time, “if ever”. But she believes students are learning autmaticity faster with keybards than with handwriting: students are learning hw t type withut lking at the keys at _____50_____ ages, and t type faster than they culd write, granting them extra time t think abut wrd chice r sentence structure. In a piece penned (if yu'll pardn the expressin) fr the New Yrk Times last year, Trubek argued that due t the imprved autmaticity f keybards, tday's children may well becme better cmmunicatrs in text as _____51_____ takes up less f their educatin. This is a(n) _____52_____ that has attracted bth criticism and supprt.
    She explains that tw f the mst cmmn arguments she hears frm detractrs regarding the decline f handwriting is that nt _____53_____ it will result in a " lss f histry " and a “lss f persnal tuch”.
    On the frmer she _____54_____ that 95% f handwritten manuscripts can't be read by the average persn anyway — "that's why we have palegraphers, " she explains, palegraphy being the study f ancient styles f writing — while the latter refers t the warm _____55_____ we give t handwritten persnal ntes, such as thank-yu cards. Sme educatrs seem t agree, at least t an extent.
    A. abandnsB. dminates C. entersD. absrbs
    A. cmpulsry B. ppsiteC. crucialD. relevant
    A. in want f B. in case f C. in favur f D. in additin t
    A. quantityB. minimumC. qualityD. majrity
    A. respnsibility B. benefitsC. resurcesD. structure
    A. grantingB. gettingC. bringingD. cming
    A. sleeping B. drivingC. reviewingD. perating
    A. eventually B. cnstantly C. equivalently D. cnsciusly
    A. adptB. reachC. acquireD. activate
    A. slwerB. laterC. fasterD. earlier
    A. handwritingB. addingC. frmingD. understanding
    A. trustB. lkC. viewD. smile
    A. cntaining B. spreadingC. chsingD. prtecting
    A. cmmitsB. cunters C. cmpletesD. cmpses
    A. assciatins B. resurcesC. prceduresD. interactins
    【答案】 41-45. BACDB 46-50ABDCD 51-55 ACDBA
    B[解析] 根据句意可知“在键盘和屏幕上打字是当今书面交流的主要(dminates)方式,”abandns 放弃;enters 进入;absrbs.吸收,故选 B。
    42.A[解析]根据句意及上下文理解可知“在学校里,学习草书和连写体字的情况曾经是强制性的(cmpulsry),”ppsite 相反的;crucial 必要的;relevant 相关的,故选 A。
    43.C[解析]根据上下文理解,可推测此处句意为“像芬兰这样的国家已经放弃了学校里的合班手写课而选择支持 (in favur f)打字课程。”in want f 需要in case f如果是;in additin t 除此之外,故选 C。44.D[解析]根据上下文理解可知,此处的亚利桑那州并不是支持草书教育的大多数 (majrity), quantity 数量; minimum 最小限度;quality 质量,故选D.45.B[解析]根据上下文理解,可知此处句意为“一些专家指出,写作课有间接的奸处 (benefits)“respnsibility 责任: resurces 资源,structure 结构,故选B。
    46.A[解析]根据上下文可知,此处主要描述上文所提到的书的优点,此句为“这时,你已经完成了一项任务,而且几乎可以不假思索地完成它,在你做务的同时,为你提供(granting)额外的思考或做其他事情的带宽”,getting 得到:bringing 带来;cming 来,故选A。
    47.B[解析]根据上文,可知此处“在这个意义上,特鲁贝克把手写比作驾驶(driving)”,sleeping 睡眠;reviewing 审查;perating 操作,故选 B。48.D[解析]根据上下文理解,可是此处是在解释上文中将书写比作驾驶,我此处句意为,“一旦你开了一会儿车,你就不会有意识地(cnsciusly) 认为现在踩油门’或者·把方向盘转一点’,”。eventually 最终地;cnstantly 经常的:equivalently 等价的,故选 D。
    49.C[解析] 根据上下文理解以及句意“这就是我们希望孩子们在学习写作币学到(acquire) 的东西。”adpt 收养;reach 到达;activate 激活,故选 C。50.D[解析]根据上文可知,此处所指的是“学生们正在学习如何打字,而不需要在更早的(earlier) 年龄的时候看键。”slwer 更慢的;late 更迟的,faster 更快的,故选 D。
    51.A[解析]根据整篇文章可知,主要是关于手写的问题, 此处句意为“由于键盘的自动化程度提高,今天的孩子很可能会成为更好的文字交流者,因为手生(handwriting)对他们的教育越来越少了”,adding 加入: frming 形成:understanding 理解,故选A。
    52.C[解析]根据句意可知“这一观点 (view)受到的批评和支持都存在。”trust信任;lk看;smile 微笑,故选 C。
    53.D[解析] 根据上下文指出,可知说的是关于诋毁者的意见,及不保护(prtecting)书写会导致历史的丧失和个人的丧失,cntaining 包含;spreading传播;chsing选择,故选D。
    54.B[解析]根据上下文理解可知,你说我句意为”在前一种情况下,她反驳(cunters)道,至少有百分之九十五的手写手稿无法被普通人阅谈。“这就是为什么我们有古文字学家”cmmits 承诺:cmpletes 完成:cmpses 作山,故选B。
    55.A[解析] 根据下文可知,此处所指的是“给予个人手写笔记的温暖联想(assciatins)”, resurces 资源: prcedures 程序; interactins 相互作用,故选A。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    Mre peple are travelling than ever befre, and lwer harriers t entry and falling csts means they are ding s fr 41 perids.
    The rise f “city breaks” 48-hur bursts f freign cultures, easier n the pcket and annual leave balance has increased turist numbers, but nt their 42 spread. The same attractins have been used t market cities such as Paris, Barcelna and Venice fr decades, and visitrs use the same infrastructure as residents t reach them. “T many peple d the same thing at the exact same time,” says Fnt. “Fr 43 , the city n lnger belngs t them.”
    This starts with marketing, says Fnt, wh ntes that Amsterdam has started advising visitrs t seek 44 utside f the city centre n its fficial website. “That takes sme balls, really t d that. But nly s many peple will lk at the website, and it means they can say t their residents they’re ding all they can [t ease cngestin].”
    But it als 45 a better way, it is called “deturism”: sustainable travel tips an 46 itineraries fr explring an authentic Venice, ff the paths beaten by the 28 millin visitrs wh flck there each year.
    A greater variety f 47 fr prspective visitrs ------ ideas fr what t d in ff-peak seasns, fr example, r utside f the city center ------ can have the effect f diverting them frm already saturated landmarks, r 48 shrt breaks away in the first place. Lnger stays 49 the pressure, says Fnt. If yu g t Paris fr tw days, yu’re ging t g t the Eiffel Twer. “If yu g fr tw weeks, yu’re nt ging t g t the Eiffel Twer 14 times.”
    Similarly, repeat visitrs have a better sense f the 50 , “We shuld be asking hw we get turists t 51 , nt hw t get them t cme fr the first time. If they’re cming fr the fifth time, it is much easier t integrate their behavir with urs.”
    Lcal gvernments can fster this sustainable activity by giving preference t respnsible peratr and even high-paying cnsumers. Fnt says cities culd stand t be mre selective abut the turists they try t attract when the current metric fr marketing success is hw many there are, and hw far they’ve cme. “Yu’re thinking, ‘yeah but at what cst...’.”
    He pints t unpublished data frm the Barcelna Turist Bard that priritizes Japanese turists fr spending an average f 640 mre per day than French turist as a(n) 52 that fails t take int accunt their bigger carbn ftprint. 53 turists are als mre likely t be repeat visitrs that cme at ff-peak times, buy lcal prduce, and 54 t less crwded parts f the city ------ all prductive steps twards mre 55 turism, and mre peaceful relatins with residents.
    41. A. lngerB. shrterC. widerD. clearer
    42. A envirnmentalB. natinalC. ecnmicD. gegraphic
    43. A. lcalsB. turistsC. visitrsD. cleaners
    44. A. transprtsB. accmmdatinC. restaurantsD. service
    45. A. addressesB. pavesC. prpsesD. receives
    46. A. separateB. individualC. alternativeD. bjective
    47. A. refrmB. guidanceC. invitatinD. supprt
    48. A. cnvincingB. discuragingC. preventingD. resisting
    49. A. paceB. escapeC. withstandD. ease
    50. A cultureB. knwledgeC. entertainmentD. ability
    51. A lake verB. bring upC. cme backD. lay ff
    52. A. distinctinB. harmnyC. assciatinD. cmparisn
    53. A. FrenchB. ItalianC. SpanishD. German
    54. A. carry utB. give intC. spread utD. impact n
    55. A. slightB cmplexC. tempraryD. sustainable
    【答案】41. B 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. A 51. C 52. D 53. A 54. C 55. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:更多的人旅游的更频繁,因为去一个国家的障碍更少,费用更低,这就意味着游客在一个地方旅游的时间越来越短。A. lnger 更长的;B. shrter 更短的;C. wider更宽的;D. clearer更干净的。根据本句人们旅游更频繁,呆的时间越来越短,故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:城市假期的兴起,48小时快速了解外国文化的兴起,金钱和年假更匹配,这些都导致游客人数上涨,但是游客目的地地理范围没有相应的扩展。A. envirnmental环境的;B. natinal国家的;C. ecnmic经济的; D. gegraphic地理的。根据文章可知,本文讲述旅游兴起带来的问题,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于当地人来说,城市已经不属于他们了。A. lcals当地人;B. turists游客;C. visitrs参观者;D. cleaners清洁工。根据文章可知,本文讲述旅游对当地的冲击,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Fnt说到,这需要从市场广告做起,阿姆斯特丹就在其旅游官网上建议游客到郊区寻找食宿地方。A. transprts交通;B. accmmdatin食宿;C. restaurants餐厅;D. service服务。根据文章可知,本文提供了一些解决办法,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是也建议了一种更好的方式,叫错峰旅游,一种可持续的旅游方式,即避开游客大量集中的旅游景点,去探索真正的威尼斯。A. addresses做演讲,处理;B. paves铺路;C. prpses建议;D. receives收到。根据本句可知,还有另外一种方式来解决这个问题,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是也建议了一种更好的方式,叫错峰旅游,一种可持续的旅游方式,即避开游客大量集中的旅游景点,去探索真正的威尼斯。A. separate分开的;B. individual个人的;C. alternative可替代性的;D. bjective客观的。根据本句ff the paths beaten by the 28 millin visitrs wh flck there each year可知,为游客提供一些人少的路线,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:对游客进行广泛指导也可以引导他们不去人满为患的景点,打消他们短期旅行的想法。A. refrm改革;B. guidance指导;C. invitatin邀请;D. supprt支持。根据文章可知,本段讲述对游客进行指导,实现游客分流,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:对游客进行广泛指导也可以引导他们不去人满为患的景点,打消他们短期旅行的想法。A. cnvincing说服;B. discuraging打消积极性;C. preventing阻止;D. resisting抵抗。根据文章可知,本段讲述对游客进行指导,实现游客分流,合理规划自己的旅行计划,故选B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一个地方逗留时间更长能够缓解一定的压力。A. pace踱步走;B. escape逃跑;C. withstand抵抗;D. ease缓解。根据后文If yu g t Paris fr tw days, yu’re ging t g t the Eiffel Twer. “If yu g fr tw weeks, yu’re nt ging t g t the Eiffel Twer 14 times.”可知,在一个地方逗留时间更长能够缓解当地的压力,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:再次去的游客有更好的文化意识,我应该考虑怎样让游客再来这个地方旅游,而不是来第一次就不来了。A. culture 文化;B. knwledge知识;C. entertainment娱乐;D. ability能力。根据后文If they’re cming fr the fifth time, it is much easier t integrate their behavir with urs.可知,多次去同一个地方旅游的游客能够更好地融入当地的文化,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:再次去的游客有更好的文化意识,我应该考虑怎样让游客再来这个地方旅游,而不是来第一次就不来了。A. take ver接管;B. bring up抚养;C. cme back回来;D. lay ff解雇。根据文章可知,应该考虑怎样让游客来了还想来,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他引用了巴塞罗那旅游局未公布的数据,由于比法国游客平均梅每天多花40欧元,把日本游客放在更优先的地方,但是没有考虑日本游客更大的碳足迹。A. distinctin区分;B. harmny和谐;C. assciatin联系;D. cmparisn对比。根据本句可知,把日本游客与法国游客进行对比,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是法国游客更可能再次去巴塞罗那旅游,错开高峰期,购买当地产品,去那些人更少的景点。A. French 法国人;B. Italian意大利人;C. Spanish西班牙人;D. German德国人。根据文章可知,尽管日本游客花钱更多,但是法国游客更有可能再次去,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是法国游客更可能再次去巴塞罗那旅游,错开高峰期,购买当地产品,去那些人更少的景点。A. carry ut实施;B. give int让步; C. spread ut扩散;D. impact n影响。根据文章可知,法国人更有可能去人少的地方,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所有的这些措施都是可持续的措施,更少的影响当地的居民。A. slight轻微的;B. cmplex复杂的;C. temprary临时的;D. sustainable可持续的。根据文章可知,本文主要探讨旅游业减少对当地居民的影响,故选D。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    When 17-year-ld Quattr Musser hangs ut with friends, they dn't drink beer r cruise arund in cars with their dates. ___41___, they stick t G-rated activities such as rck-climbing r talking abut bks.
    They are in gd cmpany, accrding t a new study shwing that teenagers are increasingly delaying activities that had lng been seen as rites f passage int ___42___. The study, published Tuesday in the jurnal Child Develpment, fund that the percentage f adlescents in the U.S. wh have a driver's license, wh have tried alchl, wh date, and wh wrk fr pay has plummeted since 1976, with the mst precipitus(急剧的) ___43___ in the past decade. The declines appeared acrss race, gegraphic, and sciecnmic lines, and in rural, urban, and suburban areas.
    T be sure, mre than half f teens still engage in these activities, but the ___44___ have slimmed cnsiderably. Teens have als reprted a steady decline in sexual activity in recent decades, as the prtin f high schl students wh have had sex fell frm 54 percent in 1991 t 41 percent in 2015, accrding t Centers fr Disease Cntrl statistics. "Peple say, 'Oh, it's because teenagers are mre respnsible, r mre lazy, r mre bring,' but they're ___45___ the larger trend," said Jean Twenge, lead authr f the study, which drew n seven large time-lag surveys f Americans. Rather, she said, kids may be less ___46___in activities such as dating, driving r getting jbs because in tday's sciety, they n lnger need t.
    Accrding t an evlutinary psychlgy thery that a persn's "life strategy" slws dwn r speeds up depending n his r her ___47___, expsure t a "harsh and unpredictable" envirnment leads t faster develpment, while a mre resurce-rich and secure envirnment has the ___48___ effect, the study said. In the first ___49___, "Yu'd have a lt f kids and be in survival mde, start having kids yung, expect yur kids will have kids yung, and expect that there will be mre ___50___ and fewer resurces," said Twenge, a psychlgy prfessr at San Dieg State University wh is the authr f "iGen: Why Tday's Super-Cnnected Kids Are Grwing Up Less Rebellius, Mre Tlerant, Less Happy - and Cmpletely Unprepared fr Adulthd."
    In that mdel a teenage by might be thinking mre ___51___ abut marriage, and driving a car and wrking fr pay wuld be imprtant fr "establishing mate value based n prcurement f resurces," the study said. But America is shifting mre tward the ___52___ mdel, and the change is apparent acrss the sciecnmic spectrum, Twenge said. "Even in families whse parents didn't have a cllege are smaller, and the idea that children need t be carefully ___53___ has really sunk in." The ___54___ f "adult activities" culd nt be attributed t mre hmewrk r extracurricular activities, the study said, nting that teens tday spend fewer hurs n hmewrk and the same amunt f time n extracurriculars as they did in the 1990s (with the exceptin f cmmunity service, which has risen slightly). Nr culd the use f smartphnes and the Internet be entirely the ___55___, the reprt said, since the decline began befre they were widely available., If the delay is t make rm fr creative explratin and frming better scial and emtinal cnnectins, it is a gd thing, he said.
    【答案】41~45.BDCBD 46~50. ABCCD 51~55. CADBA
    D.【解析】根据本句中的teenagers知应该进入成年时期。childhd童年:neighbrhd邻居: adlescents 青春期:adulthd 成年。
    C.【解析】根据本句句意:在过去的十年中岀现了最陡蜡的下降可知,应选C。escape 逃离;end结朿:decrease下降;change改变。
    B. 【解析】根据下文内容可知大多数的人已经瘦了很minrity少数;majrity大多数; masses 民众:amunts 数量。
    A.【解析】解析:be interested in对… 感兴趣。
    B.【解析】根据句意:根据一种进化心理学理论,人的'生命策略“会根据他或她周边环境减 缓或加速可知应选surrundings。emtins 情感;surrundings 周用环境;custms 关税;habits 习惯。
    C.【解析】句子中的While有前后作对比之意,故选C。 wrng错误的; same 一样的: ppsite相反的;similar相似的。
    C.【解析】In the first case在第一种情况下。
    D.【解析】根据前文可知预期会带来更多的疾病,更少的资源。truble麻烦;questins问题; benefits 优点:diseases 疾病。
    C.【解析】根据句意:在那种模式下,一个十几岁的男孩可能会更认真地考虑婚姻。deliberately 故意地;delicately精致地;seriusly认貞地:cnsiderably 相当地。
    A.【解析】根据前文可知,美国正在转向慢速模式。slwer减慢:better更好; smaller更小;faster更快的。
    B.【懈析】根据前文可知 因为成人活动推迟不能归于更多家庭作业和课外活动。implement实施: pstpnement 推迟;achievement 成就:payment 支付。
    A.【解析】根据上文可知,互联网与智能手机的使用不可能是完全的原因。cause原因;impact 碰撞; fast 快的; result 结果。
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    sectin A (15分)
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passages there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Humans hate markedly t give wrkers mre than they deserve, and indeed many will settle fr less t cmpensate wrke equitably. But is this impulse ___41___? Perhaps nt, says psychlgical scientist Marie Schäfer in Germany. Accrding t Schäfer, nbdy has ever lked at hw yung children frm different ___42___ think abut merit when sharing rewards. There is reasn t suspect that meritcracy(英才教育)may be mre f a Western cncept and value, s she and several clleagues decided t put this t the test, studying the ___43___ f children, fur t 11 years ld, in three different cultures.
    The idea was t test hw much the children valued merit. S each child was given a number f sweets equal t the ttal number f fish in the catch, and was tld t distribute the sweets any way he r she wanted — withut adults in the rm t influence them. If they valued merit, children shuld ___44___ the sweets accrding t shares f the catch.That is, if they had landed the same number f fish, they wuld chse t reward each ne ___45___, but if ne fared much better at fishing, rewards wuld als be disprprtinate. In the case where they were simply given the fish, rewards shuld be unrelated t catch size — since n effrt was invlved.
    ___46___matters. That’s the main finding amng many frm the study, as described in a frthcming issue f the jurnal Psychlgical Science. The German children distributed the spils f the day precisely in prprtin t ___47___, even when this meant a very unbalanced distributin f rewards. By cntrast, children frm the tw rural African scieties barely tk merit int cnsideratin at all. These findings suggest that the basic ntin f merit and distributive justice is far frm universal in ur species, and that ___48___ is culturally defined.
    But why? The scientists ffer sme ___49___ n this. It culd be that in large-scale scieties like Germany, a meritcracy is ___50___ fr regulating transactins between peple wh dn’t knw each ther and may nt interact again. The fcus is n equitable interactins, because things wn’t be “evened ut” in the future. In small scale scieties, ___51___ mst exchanges take place between peple wh are ___52___ with ne anther. It may be mre imprtant in such scieties t build lng-term relatinships based n equity —rather than t insist n equity in a single transactin. In egalitarian frager scieties, such as the Haillm, ___53___ is an imprtant leveling mechanism, ___54___ asymmetries in wealth and increasing harmny. Children may internalize these scial values early n, and apply them even when the fishing trip is ___55___.
    Imagine this scenari: Tw cmmercial fishermen head ut t sea at the break f dawn, and spend the next ten hurs hauling in the day’s catch. When they wearily return t dck and cunt their take, ne has three times as many fish in his hld. Hw shuld the tw fishermen be cmpensated fr the lng day’s wrk?
    Many peple cnsider this a n-brainer. Three times the fish, three times the pay — simple. Reward is based n merit — in this case, successful fishing. In academic jargn, it’s called “merit-based distributive justice.”
    The alternative — ne alternative — is t divide the spils equally. After all, bth fishermen spent ten hurs under the ht sun wrking, and brught back fish that will feed the cmmunity. And bth need the mney, s perhaps this is fairer, mre equitable?
    The weight f evidence supprts merit pay as the fairer apprach. Humans are markedly averse t giving wrkers mre than they deserve, and indeed many will settle fr less in rder t cmpensate wrk equitably. What’s mre, this attitude appears very early in childhd: Children as yung as three believe that hard wrk merits mre reward. By the time they enter schl, children are like little adults in their cmmitment t distributive justice.
    But is this impulse universal? Perhaps nt, says psychlgical scientist Marie Schäfer f the Max Planck Institute fr Evlutinary Anthrplgy in Germany. Accrding t Schäfer, nbdy has ever lked at hw yung children frm different cultures think abut merit when sharing rewards. There is reasn t suspect that meritcracy may be mre f a Western cncept and value, s she and several clleagues decided t put this t the test, studying the behavir f children, fur t 11 years ld, in three different cultures.
    The scientists asked the children t, well, g fishing. They fished tw at a time, in tw adjacent tanks. In this case, the “fish” were metallic bjects in the tanks, which the children tried t “catch” with magnetized fishing rds. Only the game was rigged by the scientists in advance: In sme cases, the tw children wuld catch exactly the same number f fish, while in ther cases, ne child wuld catch three times as many fish. In anther cnditin, the children didn’t fish at all, but were simply given unequal catches.
    The idea was t test hw much the children valued merit. S each child was given a number f sweets equal t the ttal number f fish in the catch, and was tld t distribute the sweets any way he r she wanted — withut adults in the rm t influence them. If they valued merit, children shuld distribute the sweets accrding t shares f the catch. That is, if they had landed the same number f fish, they wuld chse t reward each ne equally, but if ne fared much better at fishing, rewards wuld als be disprprtinate. In the case where they were simply given the fish, rewards shuld be unrelated t catch size — since n effrt was invlved.
    Culture matters. That’s the main finding amng many frm the study, as described in a frthcming issue f the jurnal Psychlgical Science. The German children distributed the spils f the day precisely in prprtin t prductivity, even when this meant a very unbalanced distributin f rewards. By cntrast, children frm the tw rural African scieties barely tk merit int cnsideratin at all. These findings suggest that the basic ntin f merit and distributive justice is far frm universal in ur species, and that fairness is culturally defined.
    But why? The scientists ffer sme thughts n this. It culd be that in large-scale scieties like Germany, a meritcracy is imprtant fr regulating transactins between peple wh dn’t knw each ther and may nt interact again. The fcus is n equitable interactins, because things wn’t be “evened ut” in the future. In small scale scieties, by cntrast, mst exchanges take place between peple wh are familiar with ne anther. It may be mre imprtant in such scieties t build lng-term relatinships based n equity — rather than t insist n equity in a single transactin. In egalitarian frager scieties, such as the Haillm, sharing is an imprtant leveling mechanism, balancing asymmetries in wealth and increasing harmny. Children may internalize these scial values early n, and apply them even when the fishing trip is imaginary.
    Fllw Wray Herbert’s reprting n psychlgical science in The Huffingtn Pst and n Twitter at @wrayherbert.
    【答案】 41-55 BABDC CADBD CADCB
    41.B[解析]根据句意这样冲动的行为是普遍的吗? 选C。 unblcked 非封锁; universal普遍的;uncnscius 无意识的; unique 独一无二。
    42.A[解析]根据 下文 in three different cultures 可知,应填 cultures。 cultures 文化; cases 案件; cmpanies 公司; aspects 各方面。
    43.B[解析]根据下文可是研究儿的行为 md 绪; behavir 行为: emtin情绪; habit习惯。
    44. D[解析]根据句意如果孩子们重视价值,他们就应该按照获物的份额分配糖果。cllect 收取:lad 负荷;stress 压力; distribute 分发。
    45.C[解析]根句意:如果他们找到了相同数量的糖果,他们会奖励每个人相等的糖果。really 真的; deliberately 故意; equally 平等; happily 高兴地。
    46.C[解折]根据上下文文意可知,应为文化问题。Scene 现场: Object 目标Culture文化;Trend 趋势。
    47.A[解析]根据句意得德国的孩子们根据按劳分配,这就意味着奖励分配常不平衡。prductivity 生产力; benefit 福利;interest利息;survey 调查。
    48.D[解析]根据前文可知公平只是文化上的定义,在现实生活中并不是这样的。tiredness疲劳:business 业务: thickness 厚度; fairness 公平。
    49.B[解析]根据下文可知,本句应为科学家们对此提出了一些看法。feeling感觉:thughts 看法:lives 生命:emtins 情绪。
    50.D[解析]根据句意:它可能是在像德国这样的大规模社会中,精英统治对F调节不认识对方的人之间的交易是很重要的,也可能不会再进行互动。可知应填准要的。useful 有用的;majr主要的:small 小的;imprtant 重要的。
    51C[解析]与前文做对比,故填by cntrast 相比较之下。in a wrd 总而言之; in additin 此外: by cntrast 相比之下;whats mre 更重要的是。
    52.A[解折]根据上文可知,本句句意为: 相比之下,在小规模社会中,大多数交流是在被此熟悉的人之间进行的。familiar熟悉的;delighted 高兴的:; satisfied满意的:same相同的。
    53解折]根据上文可知,分享是一种重要的水准机制。故填sharing。Cperatin合作; smile微笑;equal相等:share 分享。
    54 C [解折]根据上下文可知平衡财富不对称和促进和谐也是重要的。Frcing强迫;judge审判;balance平衡。
    55.B[解折]根据前文可知,这只是假象的钓鱼之旅,故选 B。creative 创造的;;imaginary 想象的;innvative 创新的; lgic 逻辑性的。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    Famus peple ften say that the key t becming bth happy and successful is t “d what yu lve.” But mastering a skill, even ne that yu deeply lve, 41___ a huge amunt f dull wrk. Anyne wh want t master a skill must run thrugh the cycle f practice, 42___ feedback, mdificatin, and increasing imprvement again, again and again. Sme peple seem able t cncentrate n practicing an activity like this fr years and take pleasure in their gradual imprvement. Yet thers find this kind f fcused, time-intensive wrk t be 43___ r bring.Why?
    The difference may turn n the ability t enter int a state f “flw,” the felling f being cmpletely 44___ in what yu are ding. Whether yu call it being “in the zne,” r smething else, a flw state is a special experience. Since Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi develped the 45___ f flw in the 1970’s, it has been a mainstay f psitive-psychlgy research. Flw states can happen in the curse f any activity, and they are mst cmmn when a task has well-defined gals and is at a(n) 46___ skill level, and where the individual is able t 47___ their perfrmance t clear and immediate feedback.
    Csikszentmihalyi suggested that thse wh mst 48___ entered int flw states had an “auttelic persnality(自带目的性人格)”—a dispsitin t seek ut challenges and get int a state f flw. While thse withut such a persnality see difficulties, auttelic individuals see pprtunities t build skills. Auttelic individuals are receptive and pen t new challenges. They are als 49___ and have lw levels f self-centeredness. Such peple, with their capacity fr “disinterested interest” have a great advantage ver thers in develping their innate abilities.
    Frtunately fr thse f us wh aren’t 51___ blessed with an auttelic persnality, there is evidence that flw states can be 52___ by envirnmental factrs. 53___, the learning framewrk prescribed by Mntessri schls seems t encurage flw states.
    While there isn’t (yet) a pill that can turn mundane practice int a thrilling activity fr anyne, it is heartening that we seem, at least t sme 54___, t be able t nudge urselves tward flw states. By giving urselves unstructured, pen-ended time, minimal 55___, and a task set at a mderate level f difficulty, we may be able t lve what we’re ding while we put in the hard wrk practicing the things we lve ding.
    41. A. inquiresB. requiresC. acquiresD. gains
    42. A. preventableB. maintainableC. sustainableD. critical
    43. A. frustratingB. encuragingC. cncerningD. instructing
    44. A. imprvedB. indicatedC. invlvedD. inspired
    45. A. cnceptB. receiptC. receptinD. cnditin
    46. A. alternativeB. apprpriateC. apprximateD. sufficient
    47. A. makeB. adptC. adaptD. adjust
    48. A. fullyB. reallyC. readilyD. accidentally
    49. A. generusB. persistentC. curageusD. resistant
    50. A. addictB. advanceC. advantageD. admire
    51. A. necessarilyB. bviuslyC. graduallyD. ccasinally
    52. A. frbiddenB. functinedC. fastenedD. facilitated
    53. A. In particularB. Fr exampleC. In cnclusinD. In cmparisn
    54. A. intentinB. extentC. purpseD. intent
    55. A. temptatinB. charmingC. attractinsD. distractins
    答案:41-45 BDACA 46.~50. BDCBC 51~55. ADBBD
    41.B[解桥]词义明A inquires 查询B requires 要求 C acquires 取得D gains 收益 But mastering a skill, even ne that yu deeply lve, requires a huge amunt f dull wrk但是掌揭一项技能,即使是你深爱的技能,也要人量枯燥的工作。
    42D[解析]词义辨析A preventable 可预防的 B maintainable 可维护的C sustainable可持续发展 D.critical 北评的,爱别的。Critical feedback, mdificatin,and increasing imprvement again,again and again.一次又一次的背刻的的反馈、修改和不断提高的改进。
    43.A[解析]词义析A.frustrating 令人沮丧的 B encuraging 最励C. Cncerning 关于 D.instructing 指示 Yet thers find this kind f fcused.time-intensive wrk t be frustrating r bring 然而,还有一些人发现这种专注的耗时的工作令人沮丧或无聊。
    44C[解析]词义辨析A imprved 改进的 B.indicated 表明 C invlved 沙及到D. inspired 启发 The difference may turn n the ability l enter int a state f“fllw”, the feeling f being cmpletely invlved in what yu are ding.不同之处可能在于进入“跟随*状态的能力,即完全参与你正在做的事情的感觉。
    A[解析]词义辨析 A.cncept 概念 B.receipt 接收 C.receptin 接收 D.cnditin 条件。Since Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi develped the cncept f flw in the1970's. it has been a mainstay f psitive-psychlgy research. 自从 20 进纪 70 年Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 提出了流的概念以来,它一直是积极心理学研究的支柱
    46.B[解析]词义洲析A.alternative 备选 B.apprpriate 适当的 C.apprximate 近似 D.sufficient 充分 they are mst cmmn when a task has well-defined gals and is at a(n)apprpriate skill level 当一项任务有明确的目标并且处于适尚的技能水平时,它们是最常见的。
    47.D[解析]词义析A.make制作 B.adpt 采用 C.adapt 适应于 D.adjust适应,训 where the individual is able t adapt their perfrmance t clear and immediate feedback.在那里,个人能够调整他们的表现,以明确和立即反馈。
    48.C解析]词义辨析A.fully 完全 B.rally 真的 C.readily 乐意地 D.accidentally意外地。 Csikszentmihalyi suggested that thse wh mst readily entered int Csikszentmihalyi建议那些最容易进入的人。
    49.B[解析]闻义辨析 A.generus 慨的 B.persistent 坚持 C.curageus 勇敢的 D. resistant 抵抗。They are als persistent and have lw levels f self-centeredness它们也是持久性的,并且具有低水平的自我为中心。
    50.C[解析]词义辨析A.addict有的人 B.advance 前进C.advantage 优势D.admire.钦佩。 Such peple, with their capacity fr “disinterested interest” have a great advantage ver thers in develping their innate abilities.这样的人,他们对“不感兴趣的利息”的能力在发展他们与生俱来的能力方面比别人有很大的优势。51A[解析]同义辨析A.necessarily 必然是 B.bviusly 显然是 C.gradually新地 D. ccasinally 倒尔 Frtunately fr thse f us wh aren't necessarily blessed with an auttelic persnality 幸运的是,对于那些不一定拥有自动个性的人来说
    52.D[解析]词组辨析。A.frbidden 禁止 B.functined 功能 C.fastened 紧固 D.facilitated 促进。there is evidence that lw states can be facilitated by envirnmental factrs.有证据表明,环境因素可以促进流动状态。
    53.B[解折]河组洲析A. In particular 特别是 B.Fr example 比如; In cnclusin 总之; D. In cmparisn 相比而言。 Fr example, the learning framewrk prescribed by Mntessri schls seems t encurage flw states.例如,蒙合梭利学校制定的学习框架似乎鼓励流动状态。
    54.B[解析]词义辨析A.intentin 意图 B.extent 范围 C.purpse 目的 D.intent意图,目的 at least t sme extent, t be able t nudge urselves tward flw states至少在某种范围内,能够将自己推向流动状态。
    55.D[解析]词义辨析A.temptatin 诱惑 B.charming 迷人的 C.attractins 吸引人的东西 D.distractins 使人分心的事 By giving urselves unstructured,pen-ended time,minimal distractins 过给自己非结构化的、开放的时间和最小的干扰。
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    Ever been just abut t call smene when the phne rings and the persn in questin is n the ther end? Or have yu experienced a sudden feeling f unease r danger, even thugh yu're in a(n) 41 situatin? If yu dn’t believe in it, yu’ll put it dwn t 42 and an veractive imaginatin. But sme peple believe it is 43 that there is a sixth sense beynd smell, taste, tuch, hearing and sight. Nw, scientists are carrying ut experiments nt nly t prve that it exists, but als t find ut hw yu can 44 it t yur advantage.
    Dean Radin, a researcher in Califrnia, has set up the Bundary Institute in Ls Alts and is currently using its website t recruit (招募) 4, 000 peple in 57 cuntries t find ut if there are any 45 instances f sixth sense r, as he calls it, "recgnitin"— the ability t predict utcmes. The results s far are 46 . In a card test, where yu have t 47 which f the five cards n a cmputer screen will be turned ver t reveal a picture, the tp scrers hit the the right card 48% f the time— 48 f this happening are 2,669 t 1.
    49 , Radin’ s mst famus study invlves participants lking at a variety f image that are designed t stimulate a specific respnse. In the experiment, participants sit alne in rm in frnt f a cmputer, with devices attached t their bdies t measure changes in skin resistance and bld flw, which are measures f emtinal arusal. Radin has fund that ne in six peple has a rise in arusal befre they see the rad accident-type pictures, while remaining 50 befre the tree-type pictures.
    But even if yu d accept that a sixth sense exists, the questin is, des it actually 51 ? Radin says it des. “The future f ur civilizatin depends n 52 that are being made nw, whether it's abut hw we farm ur fd, hw we get rid f ur waste r whether we allw chemicals t be included in everyday prducts. We dn’ t have answers t these imprtant questins, yet what we decide n will 53 ur lives fr decades r lnger. Anything we can d t imprve ur ability t predict future events is well wrth the 54 .” He says. If it turns ut that sme peple can genuinely frecast the future sme f the time, as I believe the data shws, then 55 this ability is as imprtant as cutting-edge science.
    41. A. unfamiliar B. tugh C. harmless D. ridiculus
    42. A. cincidence B. resistance C. innvatin D. distractin
    43. A. mystery B. evidence C. falsehdD. inncence
    44. A. alter B. define C. find D. use
    45. A. histrical B. strange C. mistaken D. true
    46. A. extrardinary B. inevitable C. alarmingD. disappinting
    47. A. askB. guess C. recall D. learn
    48. A. figures B. methdsC.dds D. scres
    49. A Hwever B. OtherwiseC. Meanwhile D. Cnsequently
    50. A. active B. calm C.silentD. alert
    51. A. serve any purpse B. take any advantage C. make any prgress D. win any supprt
    52. A. inquiries B. decisins C. dnatins D. cmparisns
    53. A. ruin B. imprveC. affect D. maintain
    54. A. expense B. risk C. effrtD. wait
    55. A. prvingB. challenging C. limitingD. understanding
    答案:41-45 CABDD 46-50 ABCCB 51-55.ABCCD
    41.C解析]harmless 无害的 根据文中 Or have yu experienced a sudden feeling f unease r danger even thugh yu're in a(n) harmless situatin?或者你是否经历过有一种突然的即使你处在一个无害的环境中也会有不安或者危险的感觉。可知选C。
    42.A[解析] cincidence 巧合 根据 If yu dn't believe in it, yu'll put it dwn t cincidence and n veractive imaginatin.如果你不相信,你就会把它归为一个巧合和过度的想象。可知选 A。
    43.B[解析] evidence 证据 But sme peple believe it is evidence that there is a sixth sense beynd smell,taste,tuch, hearing and sight. 但有些人认为有证据表明在嗅觉、味觉、触觉、听觉和视觉之外还有第六感。
    44.D[解析]use 利用 根据文中 Nw,scientists are carrying ut experiments nt nly t prve that it exists, but als t find ut hw yu can use it t yur advantage句意;现在,科学家们正在进行实验,不仅是为了证明它的存在,更是是为了找出你如何利用它。故选 D.
    45.D[解析] true 真的 Dean Radin, a researcher in Califrnia, has set up the Bundary Institute in Ls Alts and is currently using its website t recruit (招募)4,000 peple in 57 cuntries t find ut if there are any true instances f sixth sense ras he calls it,“precgnitin”-the ability t predict utcmes.加州研究员迪恩雷丁在洛斯阿尔托斯设立了边界研究所,目前正在利用其网站在 57 个国家招募 4000 人,以确定是否存在第六感或他所称的“预先认知”的实例-预测结果的能力。
    46.A[解析]extrardinary 不寻常的 The results s far are extrardinary.到目前为止的结果是不寻常的。
    47. B[解析] guess 猜测 In a card test, where yu have t guess which f the five cards n a cmputer screen will be turned ver t reveal a picture, the tp scrers hit the right card 48% f the time-the dds f this happening are 2,669 t l.在一张卡测试中,你要猜电脑屏幕上五张卡片中的哪一个将被翻转以显示一张图片,排名前列的排是 48%的时间,发生的赔率是 2669 比1。
    48.C[解析]dd 作为形容词为“怪异的;奇数的”含义而dds 作为名词有“可能性;逆境;投注赔率”的意思,这里意思为“赔率”。句子中表示意思为这种赔率的发生为 2669 比1。
    49.C[解析] meanwhile 同时 由文中 Meanwhile, Radin's mst famus study invlves participants lking at a variety f images that are designed t stimulate a specific respnses.句意:与此同时,Radin 最著名的研究包括了参与者观察各和为了刺激特定反应的图像, 可知选 C。
    50.B[解析]calm 冷静根据文中 Radin has fund that ne in six peple has a rise in aruse befre they see the rad accident-type pictures, while remaining calm befre the tree-type pictures.根据 Radin 发现,六分之一的人在看到道路交通事故类型的照片之前就有了上升,而在树型照片之前保持平静。
    51.A[解析]serve any purpse 服务于任何目的 根据文中 But even if yu d accept that a sixth sense exists, the questin is, des it actually serve any purpse? 即使你按受了第六感存在,但问题是,它实际上是否服务于某种目的?故选 A。
    52.B[解析] decisins 取决于 Radin says it des.“the future f ur civilizatin depends n decisins that are being made nw, whether it's abut hw we farm ur fd, hw we get rid f ur waste r whether we allw chemicals t be included in everyday prducts.拉丁说:“我们文明的未来取决于现在正在作出的决定,不管是关于我们如何种植我们的食物,我们如何处理我们的废物,还是我们是否允许化学物质包括在日常用品中。
    53.C[解析]affect 影响。 根据文中 We dn't have answers t these imprtant questins; yet what we decide n will affect ur lives fr decades r lnger. 句意: 我们没有这些重要问题的答案,但我们的决定将影响我们的生活几十年或更长时间。
    54. C[解斯]effrt 努力。 Anything we can d t imprve ur ability t predict future events is well wrth the effrt,” he says他说:“我们为提高预测未来事件的能力所能做的任何事情都是值得的、
    55. D [解析] understanding 理解。根据文章“If it turns ut that sme peple can genuinely frecast the future sme f the time, as I believe the data shws, then understanding thin ability is a imprtant as cutting-edge science,,句意:“如果像我相信的数据所显示的服样,有些人有时真的可以限测未来,那么理解这种能力就像尖端科学一样重要。”
    Reading Cmprehensin (21 – 35题,每题1分;36 – 50题,每题2分;共45分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    (2023·上海·上海市复兴高级中学校考模拟预测)Human beings have smehw managed t engineer the night t receive us by filling it with light. This kind f cntrl is n different frm the feat ( 壮 举 ) f damming a river. Its benefits cme with 21 — called light pllutin — whse effects scientists are nly nw beginning t study. Light pllutin is largely the result f bad lighting design. 22 lighting washes ut the darkness f night, altering light levels and light rhythms t which many frms f life, including urselves, have 23 . Wherever man-made light spills int the natural wrld, sme aspects f life-migratin, reprductin, feeding-is affected.
    Fr mst human histry, the phrase “light pllutin” wuld have 24 . Imagine walking twards Lndn n a mnlit night arund 1800, when it was Earth’s mst ppulus city. Nearly a millin peple lived there, 25 candles, trches and lanterns, as they always had. Only a few huses were lit by gas, and there wuld be n public gaslights in the streets r squares fr anther seven years. Frm a few miles away, yu wuld have been mre likely t 26 Lndn than t see its dim cllective glw.
    We’ve lit up the night as if it were a(n) 27 cuntry. As a matter f fact, amng mammals (哺乳动物) alne, the number f species active at night is astnishing. Light is a pwerful bilgical frce, and n many species it acts as a magnet attracting them t it. The effect is s pwerful that scientists speak f sngbirds and seabirds being 28 by searchlights n land r by the light frm gas flares n marine il platfrms, circling and circling in the thusands until they drp.
    It was nce thught that light pllutin nly affected astrnmers, wh need t see the night sky in all its glrius clarity. Unlike astrnmers, mst f us may nt need a 29 view f the night sky fr ur wrk. 30 , like mst ther creatures, we d need darkness. 31 darkness is pintless. It is as essential t maintaining ur bilgical welfare as 32 itself; the price f mdifying ur internal clckwrk means it desn’t perate as it shuld, causing varius physical discmfrts. S fundamental are the regular rhythms f waking and sleep t ur being that 33 them is similar t altering ur center f gravity.
    In a very real sense, light pllutin causes us t 34 ur true place in the universe, t frget the scale f ur being, which is best 35 against the dimensins f a deep night with the Milky Way — the edge f ur galaxy — arching verhead.
    22.A.Randmly-designed B.Well-designedC.Prly-designed D.Ecnmically-designed
    24.A.cme under criticism B.made n difference C.cme int effectD.made n sense
    25.A.making d withB.fed up withC.identifying withD.verflwing with
    33.A.emerging frmB.withdrawing frmC.messing withD.cinciding with
    34.A.keep track fB.lse sight fC.catch hld fD.let g f
    21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.B 31.C 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.A
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它的好处伴随着被称为光污染的后果,科学家们现在才开始研究光污染的影响。A. cnsequences结果;B. achievements成就;C. agreement同意;D. circumstances情况。根据下文“light pllutin (光污染)”可知,这是人类黑夜使用灯光造成的结果。故选A项。
    22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:拙劣设计的的照明消除夜晚的黑暗,改变包括我们在内的许多生命形式所适应的光线水平和光线节奏。A. Randmly-designed随意设计的;B. Well-designed好好设计的;C. Prly-designed拙劣设计的;D. Ecnmically-designed经济实惠设计的。根据上文“Light pllutin is largely the result f bad lighting design. (光污染在很大程度上是不良照明设计的结果)”可知,本文探讨的光污染与不良照明设计关系密切,即拙劣设计的照明。故选C项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:拙劣设计的的照明消除夜晚的黑暗,改变包括我们在内的许多生命形式所适应的光线水平和光线节奏。A. appealed呼吁;B. adapted使适应;C. bjected反对;D. amunted共计。根据上文“altering light levels and light rhythms (改变光线水平和光线节奏)”可推测,发生改变的是大家习以为常的光线水平和节奏,而动词搭配adapt t意为“使适应”,此处表示人们以及适应的光线水平和节奏被改变,符合语境。故选B项。
    24.考查动词短语辨析。句意:对于大多数人类历史而言,“光污染”这一短语毫无意义。A. cme under criticism遭受批评;B. made n difference没区别;C. cme int effect生效;D. made n sense没意义。根据下文“Imagine walking twards Lndn n a mnlit night arund 1800, when it was Earth’s mst ppulus city. (想象一下,大概在1800年,在一个月明的夜晚走向伦敦这个地球上人口最多的城市)”可知,人类历史上很长一段时间大家并没意识到光污染这件事情,因此“光污染”这一短语毫无意义。故选D项。
    25.考查动词短语辨析。句意:近一百万人住在那里,像往常一样,凑合着使用蜡烛、火把和灯笼。A. making d with凑合着用;B. fed up with使对……厌烦;C. identifying with认同;D. verflwing with充满。根据下文“Only a few huses were lit by gas (只有几所房子被煤气点亮)”可知,许多家庭无法使用煤气灯,凑合使用蜡烛等照明。故选A项。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几英里之外,你更可能闻到伦敦的味道,而不是看到它暗淡的集体光芒。A. visit参观;B. greet打招呼;C. feel感受;D. smell闻。根据上文“candles, trches and lanterns (蜡烛、火把和灯笼)”和“gas (煤气)”可知,这些照明方式有很重的气味,可能先闻到气味才能看见灯光。故选D项。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们点亮了夜晚,仿佛这是一个无人居住的国家。A. independent独立的;B. discnnected不连贯的;C. unccupied空置的;D. excluded排除在外的。根据下文“Light is a pwerful bilgical frce, and n many species it acts as a magnet attracting them t it. (光是一种强大的生物力,对许多物种来说,它就像一块磁铁,吸引着它们)”可知,因为照明的灯光,夜晚不再是原本意义上的夜晚,生物物种都被照明灯光吸引,不在身处黑夜,故可将这样的夜晚比喻成没有物种,空置的地方。故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种效应是如此强大,以至于科学家们说,鸣禽和海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的废气燃烧器所捕获,数千只在空中盘旋,直到坠落。A. expsed暴露;B. captured捕获;C. dismissed解雇;D. frustrated使受挫。根据上文“Light is a pwerful bilgical frce, and n many species it acts as a magnet attracting them t it. (光是一种强大的生物力,对许多物种来说,它就像一块磁铁,吸引着它们)”可知,这些鸣禽海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的废气燃烧器产生的灯光吸引,最终掉落,可以比喻为被捕获。故选B项。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与天文学家不同,我们大多数人的工作可能不需要清晰的夜空。A. clear清楚的;B. cmprehensive全面的;C. traditinal传统的;D. critical批评的。根据上文“It was nce thught that light pllutin nly affected astrnmers, wh need t see the night sky in all its glrius clarity. (曾经有人认为光污染只会影响天文学家,他们需要看到夜空的明亮)”可知,此处把天文学家和大多数普通人作对比,天文学家需要清晰的夜空,而普通人不需要。故选A项。
    30.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,和大多数生物一样,我们的确需要黑暗。A. Subsequently随后;B. Hwever然而;C. Therefre因此;D. Similarly相似地。根据上文“Unlike astrnmers, mst f us may nt need a clear view f the night sky fr ur wrk. (与天文学家不同,我们大多数人的工作可能不需要清晰的夜空)”可知,这与下文“我们的确需要黑暗”形成转折关系。故选B项。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:否认黑暗是无意义的。A. Reviewing复习;B. Embracing拥抱;C. Denying否认;D. Regulating调节。根据下文“It is as essential t maintaining ur bilgical welfare as light itself (它对维持我们的生物福利和光本身一样重要)”可知,此处it指代的“黑暗”本身对我们生物而言很重要,和光线一样必不可少,因此我们不能否认它。故选C项。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它就像光本身一样,对维持我们的生物福利至关重要;改变我们体内生物钟的代价意味着它不能正常工作,导致各种身体不适。A. light光;B. rhythm节奏;C. status身份;D. dawn黎明。根据上文“Denying darkness is pintless. (否认黑暗是无意义的)”可知,前后两句在对比黑暗和光线,二者一样重要,空格处应该填light“光”。故选A项。
    33.考查动词短语辨析。句意:清醒和睡眠的规律对我们来说是如此的基本,以至于打乱它们就像改变我们的重心。A. emerging frm来自;B. withdrawing frm从……中退出;C. messing with打乱;D. cinciding with与……一致。根据上文“the price f mdifying ur internal clckwrk means it desn’t perate as it shuld, causing varius physical discmfrts. (修改我们内部时钟的代价意味着它不能正常工作,导致各种身体不适)”可知,修改内部时钟即意味着打乱清醒和睡眠的节奏。故选C项。
    34.考查动词短语辨析。句意:从某种非常实际的意义上来说,光污染使我们看不到我们在宇宙中的真实位置,忘记了我们人类存在的规模,而衡量人类位置和规模的最佳对照就是悬拱于头顶、处在星系边缘的银河所在的幽深夜空。A. keep track f了解……的动态;B. lse sight f看不见;C. catch hld f抓住;D. let g f放开。根据下文“ur true place in the universe (我们在宇宙中的真实位置)”可知,位置是需要用眼睛看的,而光污染使我们看不清天空,故也看不见我们在宇宙中的位置。故选B项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从某种非常实际的意义上来说,光污染使我们看不到我们在宇宙中的真实位置,忘记了我们人类存在的规模,而衡量人类位置和规模的最佳对照就是悬拱于头顶、处在星系边缘的银河所在的幽深夜空。A. measured衡量;B. neutralized使无效;C. undergne经受;D. supervised监督。根据上文“light pllutin causes us t lse sight f ur true place in the universe, t frget the scale f ur being (光污染使我们看不到我们在宇宙中的真实位置,忘记了我们人类存在的规模)”可知,此处所提到的“我们在宇宙中的真实位置”以及“我们人类存在的规模”都是我们应该清楚的东西,而清楚的方式就是用黑夜来进行对比,词组measure against意为“使相比较,衡量”符合语境。故选A项。
    Reading Cmprehensin (21 – 35题,每题1分;36 – 50题,每题2分;共45分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    (2023·上海·上海市民办文绮中学校考三模)The teenage years f an individual is marked by evaluating ne’s values, experiencing a shift in utlks, and a tendency t act rebellius. It can als be a time when smene becmes extremely 21 t negative influences, and is drawn twards dangerus situatins. On the ther hand, fr parents, the perid f their children’s adlescence means regularly wrrying abut their safety and frmatin as a citizen. Thus, a methd f 22 teenagers’ security is needed, and curfews(宵禁)are ften seen as such a measure, since they have prved their 23 . At the same time, certain peculiarities exist abut establishing curfews fr children.
    The issue f teenage curfews is widely debated in the United States, where this methd is still rather 24 , and in Eurpean demcracies, where this measure is yet nt s widely used. The first and fremst reasn fr establishing curfews is children’s security. 25 curfews require teenagers under 17 years t stay ut f streets starting frm 11 p. m. r midnight. This is believed t prtect them frm crimes cmmitted after nightfall, as well as frm breaking the law, and there exists serius evidence 26 this belief. Fr example, when New Orleans enabled a dusk-till-dawn curfew in 1994, the rates f juvenile crime were reprted t fall mre than 20 percent. Even mre impressive 27 were recrded in Dallas, which reprted a 30-percent decrease in vilent juvenile crime, and a 21-percent decrease in the verall rates f crimes cmmitted by yung peple(The New Yrk Times).
    On the ther hand, curfews can be seen as a preventive measure that rb yung peple f their rights, 28 their freedm. This pinin is particularly supprted by the fact that curfew vilatins and the respective charges are amng the mst ften cmmitted juvenile crimes in the United States. 29 , there were reprts claiming that plice arrested mre nn-white teenagers fr curfew vilatins.
    All this can cause a teenager t believe they have crssed a psychlgical line dividing them as 30 ; thus, such teenagers may start t see themselves as utlaws, which can 31 cmmitting mre serius crimes than a curfew ffense.
    What is imprtant fr a parent t remember when establishing a curfew fr their children is that a teenager’s misjudged view f certain 32 may cause them t misbehave in sme ther way; this is prved by research cnducted by the University f Minnesta, accrding t which teens tend t prtest against what they see as 33 . Cnsidering this, parents shuld 34 the authritarian style f establishing curfews; instead, they shuld have a cnversatin with their teenager that wuld be aimed at finding ideal cnditins fr a curfew that wuld 35 bth sides.
    26.A.in place fB.in hnr fC.in case fD.in favr f
    29.A.By cntrastB.In additinC.In cnclusinD.In general
    31.A.take charge fB.cntribute tC.result frmD.deal with
    21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.A
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这也可能是一个人变得非常受到负面影响的时候,并被危险的情况所吸引。A. ppsed反对;B. subjected使经受;C. related联系;D. restricted限制。由下文“and is drawn twards dangerus situatins”可知,被危险的情况所吸引,自然容易受到负面影响,be subjected t固定搭配,意为“遭受;受……影响”。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,需要一种确保青少年安全的方法,宵禁往往被视为这样一种措施,因为它们已经证明了自己的有效性。A. imprving提高;B. restring恢复;C. ensuring确保;D. expanding扩大。由下文“teenagers’ security is needed, and curfews(宵禁)are ften seen as such a measure”可知,为了确保青少年安全的方法而采取了宵禁这种措施,故选C。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:需要一种确保青少年安全的方法,宵禁往往被视为这样一种措施,因为它们已经证明了自己的有效性。A. principle原则;B. reference参考;C. apprach方法;D. efficiency效率;成效。由上文“curfews(宵禁)are ften seen as such a measure, since they have prved their”可知,采取宵禁这种措施,是因为这种措施很有效,故选D。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:青少年宵禁的问题在美国引起了广泛的争论,在美国,这种方法仍然相当流行,而在欧洲民主国家,这种措施还没有得到广泛使用。A. ppular有名的;流行的;B. absent缺席的;C. practical实用的;D. accessible可接近的。由上文“The issue f teenage curfews is widely debated in the United States,”可知,青少年宵禁的问题在美国引起了广泛的争论,这说明在美国,这种方法很流行,故选A。
    25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:典型的宵禁要求17岁以下的青少年从晚上11点或午夜开始不得上街。A. Typical典型的;B. Evident显然的;C. Critical批评的;D. Specific具体的。由下文“curfews require teenagers under 17 years t stay ut f streets starting frm 11 p. m. r midnight.”可知,此处列举典型例子具体介绍了宵禁的要求,故选A。
    26.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:这被认为可以保护他们免受夜幕降临后的罪行,以及免受违法行为的伤害,并且有确凿的证据支持这一观点。A. in place f代替;B. in hnr f为了纪念;C. in case f 以防;D. in favr f支持。由下文“ Fr example, when New Orleans enabled a dusk-till-dawn curfew in 1994, the rates f juvenile crime were reprted t fall mre than 20 percent.(例如,当新奥尔良在1994年实行从黄昏到黎明的宵禁时,据报道青少年犯罪率下降了20% 以上。)”可知,此处举例子来支持宵禁是有效的这一观点,故选D。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:达拉斯的结果更令人印象深刻,报告显示青少年暴力犯罪率下降了30% ,青少年犯罪率整体下降了21%(纽约时报)。A. results结果;B. events事件;C. patterns类型;D. links联结。由下文“which reprted a 30-percent decrease in vilent juvenile crime, and a 21-percent decrease in the verall rates f crimes cmmitted by yung peple(The New Yrk Times).”可知,报告显示青少年暴力犯罪率下降了30%,青少年犯罪率整体下降了21%,这是达拉斯的调查结果,故选A。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一方面,宵禁可被视为一种预防性措施,剥夺了年轻人的权利,限制了他们的自由。A. prtecting保护;B. acknwledging承认;C. limiting限制;D. liberating解放。由上文“On the ther hand, curfews can be seen as a preventive measure that rb yung peple f their rights”可知,有些人认为宵禁限制了他们的自由,故选C。
    29.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:此外,有报道称,警方以违反宵禁为由逮捕了更多的非白人青少年。A. By cntrast相比之下;B. In additin此外;C. In cnclusin总之;D. In general一般地。上文描述了宵禁限制了年轻人的自由这一缺点,此处描写了宵禁的另一缺点——警方以违反宵禁为由逮捕了更多的非白人青少年,由此可知,空前句子和空后句子是并列关系,此处应用in additin,表示“此外”,故选B。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所有这些都可能导致青少年认为他们已经越过了将他们划分为罪犯的心理防线;因此,这些青少年可能开始将自己视为不法之徒,这可能导致犯下比宵禁更严重的罪行。A. winners获胜者;B. criminals罪犯;C. victims受害者;D. prtectrs保护者。由下文“thus, such teenagers may start t see themselves as utlaws,”可知,所有这些都可能导致青少年认为他们已经越过了将他们划分为罪犯的心理防线,因此,这些青少年可能开始将自己视为不法之徒,故选B。
    31.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:所有这些都可能导致青少年认为他们已经越过了将他们划分为罪犯的心理防线;因此,这些青少年可能开始将自己视为不法之徒,这可能导致犯下比宵禁更严重的罪行。A. take charge f 控制;B. cntribute t有助于;促使;C. result frm由……导致;D. deal with解决。由上文“thus, such teenagers may start t see themselves as utlaws”可知,这些青少年可能开始将自己视为不法之徒,这促使他们犯下比宵禁更严重的罪行。故选B。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在为孩子设立宵禁时,父母需要记住的重要一点是,青少年对某些规定的错误看法可能会导致他们在其他方面行为不端,明尼苏达大学进行的研究证明了这一点,根据这项研究,青少年倾向于抗议他们认为不公平的行为。A. rules规则;B. charges收费;C. crimes犯罪;D. relatins关系。由上文“when establishing a curfew fr their children is that a teenager’s misjudged view f certain”可知,此处指宵禁的一些规定,故选A。
    33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在为孩子设立宵禁时,父母需要记住的重要一点是,青少年对某些规定的错误看法可能会导致他们在其他方面行为不端,明尼苏达大学进行的研究证明了这一点,根据这项研究,青少年倾向于抗议他们认为不公平的行为。A. implite不礼貌的;B. unrealistic不现实的;C. inadequate不足的;D. unfair不公平的。由上文“teens tend t prtest against what they see as”可知,青少年会对他们认为不公平的行为而抗议,故选D。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:考虑到这一点,父母应该避免建立宵禁的独裁风格;相反,他们应该与孩子进行对话,旨在为宵禁寻找双方都满意的理想条件。A. adpt采取;B. allw允许;C. avid避免;D. address解决。由下文“the authritarian style f establishing curfews; instead”可知,父母应该避免建立宵禁的独裁风格,故选C。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:考虑到这一点,父母应该避免建立宵禁的独裁风格;相反,他们应该与孩子进行对话,旨在为宵禁寻找双方都满意的理想条件。A. satisfy使满意;B. spare抽出,留出;C. surrund围绕;D. settle定居;解决。由上文“they shuld have a cnversatin with their teenager that wuld be aimed at finding ideal cnditins fr a curfew that wuld ”和下文“bth sides”可知,父母应该与孩子进行对话,旨在为宵禁寻找双方都满意的理想条件。故选A。
    B. Rather
    C. Mrever
    42.A. childhd
    B. ends
    C. decreases
    44.A. minrities
    B. aviding
    D. missing

    D. realized
    B. surrundings
    C. custms
    48.A. wrng
    C. ppsite
    B. issue
    D. ccasin
    B. questins
    D. diseases
    D. cnsiderably
    51.A. slwer
    D. faster
    B. related
    54.A. implement
    55.A. cause
    C. stress
    C. equally
    47.A. prductivity
    a wrd
    B.in additin
    C.by cntrast
    D.what’s mre

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