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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)06 阅读理解说明文(原卷版+解析版)01
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)06 阅读理解说明文(原卷版+解析版)02
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)06 阅读理解说明文(原卷版+解析版)03
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)06 阅读理解说明文(原卷版+解析版)01
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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)06 阅读理解说明文(原卷版+解析版)

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    Scientifc Methd
    The scientific methd uses a series f steps t establish facts r create knwledge. The verall prcess is well established , but the specifics f each step may change depending n what is being examined and wh is perfrming it. The scientific methd can nly answer questins that can be prven r disprven thrugh testing.
    Make an bservatin r ask a questin. The first step is t bserve smething that yu wuld like t learn abut r ask a questin that yu wuld like answered. These can be specific r general. Sme examples wuld be “I bserve that ur ttal available netwrk bandwidth drps at nn every weekday” r “Hw can we increase ur website registratin numbers?Taking the time t establish a well-defined questin will help yu in later steps.
    Gather backgrund infrmatin.
    This invlves ding research int what is already knwn abut the tpic, This can als invlve finding if anyne has already asked the same questin.
    Create a hypthesis.
    A hypthesis is an explanatin fr the bservatin r questin. If prven later, it can becme a fact. Sme examples wuld be “ Our emplyees watching nline vides during lunch is using ur internet bandwidth”’ r “ Our website visitrs dn't see ur registratin frm.Create a predictin and perfrm a test.Create a testable predictin based n the hypthesis. The test shuld establish a nticeable change that can be measured r bserved using empirical analysis. It is als imprtant t cntrl fr ther variables during the test. Sme examples wuld be “If we blck vide-sharing sites.ur available bandwidth will nt g dwn significantly during lunch” r “ If we make ur registratin bx bigger, a greater percentage f visitrs will register fr ur website than befre the change.”
    Analyze the results and draw a cnclusin.
    Use the metrics established befre the test see if the results match the predictin. Fr example,“ After blcking vide-sharing sites, ur bandwidth utilizatin nly went dwn by10% frm befre; this is nt enugh f a change t be the primary cause f the netwrk cngestin”r “After increasing the size f the registratin bx, the percent f sign-ups went frm 2% f ttal page views t 5% , shwing that making the bx larger results in mre registratins.
    Share the cnclusin r decide what questin t ask next: Dcument the results f yur experiment.
    By sharing the results with thers, yu als increase the ttal bdy f knwledge available.Yur experiment may have als led t ther questins, r if yur hypthesis is disprven yu may need t create a new ne and test that. Fr example, “Because user activity is nt the cause f excessive bandwidth use, we nw suspect that an autmated prcess is running at nn everyday.
    60What is the imprtant rle f cllecting backgrund infrmatin?
    A.Make full preparatin fr the research questins.
    B.Understand the knwledge f existing research results.
    C.Prvide evidence t refute the research cnclusin.
    D.Encurage researchers t reflect deeply n their wrk.
    61. In which case wuld it be necessary t create a new hypthesis fr retesting?
    A. The research hypthesis has been fully prved.
    B.The research results lead t ther related issues.
    C. The scpe f test data needs t be expanded again.
    D.The backgrund investigatin is nt bjective enugh.
    62. What can we infer frm this passage?
    A. Creating a questin will help yu in the fllwing step.
    B.Cllecting infrmatin includes research n an unknwn subject.
    C. The test shuld establish a change that cannt be measured easily.
    D. Yu may need t create a new hypthesis if the ld ne is verturned.
    60-62 BBD
    60.B[解析]根据文章第三段提及的 This invlves ding research int what is already knwn abut the tpic. This can als invlve finding if anyne has already asked the same questin可知,收集背景信息不仅涉及到对已经知道的主题进行研究,还可能涉及到是否有人已经问过同样的问题。结合相关选项分析,B 项表述的“了解现有研究成果的知识”是收集背景信息重要作用,故选 B。
    61.B[解析]根据文章最后一段第三句提及的Yur experiment may have als led t ther questins, r if yur hypthesis is disprven yu may need t create a new ne and test that 可知,你的实验可能还引出了其他问题,或者如果你的假设被推翻,你可能需要创建一个新的假设并进行测试。结合相关选项分析,当研究结果引出了其他相关问题时,我们需要创建新的假设进行测试,故选B。62D[解析]根据文章第二段的Taking the time t establish a well-defined questin will help yu in later steps可知花点时间建立一个定义明确的问题会在后面的步骤中帮助你。A(创建一个问题将帮助你完成后面的步骤)错误;根据第三段的Gather backgrund infrmatin. This invlves ding research int what is already knwn abut the tpic.可知收集背景资料包括对已知的主题进行研究。B(收集信息包括对未知主题的研究)错误;根据第五段的 The test shuld establish a nticeable change that can be measured r bserved using empirical analysis.可知湖试应该建立一个可以用经验分析测量或观察到的明显变化。C(测试应该建立一个不能轻松测量的变化)错误;根据最后一段的r if yur hypthesis is disprven yu may need t create a new ne and test that 可知如果你的假设被推翻了,你可能需要创建一个新的假设并进行验证。D(如果你的假设被推翻了,你可能需要创建一个新的假设并验证它)正确,故选 D。
    Summer Camp Rules
    Whether it s yur child's first year at camp , r they are a seasned camper and need a little refresher , it’s a gd idea t g ver summer camp rules and guidelines befre leaving fr camp. Camp rules are in place l keep the camp cmmunity safe and camp peratins running smthly thrughut their stay.
    Keep Yur Persnal Space Clean
    Since yur child will be in clse quarters with many ther campers , it’s imprtant that they understand the necessity f keeping their sleeping and living areas rganized.
    G ver ways fr yur child t stay rganized and tidy befre they leave fr camp. When packing, make sure t prvide a laundry bag t keep clean and dirty clthing separate. Utilize under bed space r put clthes n yur shelves r cabinets rather than living ut f yur suitcase r camp trunk.
    It als helps t nt ver pack. Fllw packing list guidelines clsely s yur child can find what they need withut having t dig thrugh piles f clthing that were nt recmmended. This als helps yu child knw what they have in their luggage s they pull ut the sweatshirt when it gets cld. instead f thinking there wasn't ne in their bag. Remind yur child f their camp accunt s they can purchase items frm the camp stre if necessary.
    2. Valuables at Camp
    As a best practice, we recmmend leaving all valuables at hme, Even if yur child has a bracelet r necklace that they never take ff, there is still the chance that it culd be lst while swimming r participating in camp activities
    If yu are thinking abut bringing an expensive item f clthing, be prepared fr it t gel lst r damaged. Yu may be better ff buying a new, less expensive versin. T be n the safe side, dn't let yur child bring anything irreplaceable r emtinally valuable t camp.
    3. Play Nice
    Name calling,fighting, bullying, and arguing are strictly prhibited at summer camp Camp is a place t make friends, s aggressive behavir is nt tlerated. Remind yur child that they dn't have t be everybdy's best friend, but they d have t be friendly t everyne.
    Encurage yur child t g int camp with the mindset f making a few new friends, and chances are they will leave camp having made mre than a few.
    4. Have Fun and Try New Things
    At the end f the day, summer camp is abut getting ut f yur cmfrt zne, trying new things, and having a blast. Befre yur child leaves fr camp, cngratulate them fr being brave enugh t try sleep away amp in the first place. Let them knw that they've already wn just by trying, and the fun part is just abut t begin. Remind them again that summer camp rules exist nly t imprve the verall camp experience and t create a cmmunity f fun.
    What is the purpse f clarifying the rules f summer camp?
    Enrich children's summer camp peratin
    Ensure the safety f children participating in summer camp
    Cultivate children's ability t survive in the wild
    Help children develp gd cleaning habits
    61.Which f the fllwing behavirs is advcated by the summer camp?
    A. Take yur favrite valuables
    B Fight with camping friends
    C. Avid participating in hazardus activities
    D. Keep persnal camping supplies in rder
    62. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Enjy the unique fun brught by new things
    B. Make gd friends wherever yu are
    C. Fllw the rules f summer camp
    D. Get enugh sleep befre camping
    【答案】60-62 BDC
    60.B[解析]根据文章第一段最后一句提及的 Camp rules are in place t keep the camp cmmunity safe and camp peratins running smthly thrughut their stay 可知,明确夏令营规则主要是为了确保营地社区的安全,并保证营地在整个逗留期可平稳远行,换言之就是为了确保参与露营孩子的个人安全,B 项表述正确,故达B。
    61.D[解析]根据文章第五段第一句提及的 As a best practice, we recmmend leaving all valuables at hme 可知,夏营并不希望人们随身携带贵重物品,而应汽指贵业物品留在家中,A项不是夏今营提倡的行为;根据文章第七段提及的Name calling, lighting, bullying, and arguing are strictly prhibited at summer camp可知,夏令营严禁辱骂、打架、欺凌和争吵等行为,B 项的行为是被夏令营所禁的:项文未明确挑及,根据文靠第二段提及的 it's imprtant that they understand the necessity f keeping their sleeping and living areas rganized 和下 天内容可知,保持个人路营用品的整洁有序是夏令营所提倡的行为,D 项表述正确,选D。
    62.C[解折]根期整篇文章内容分析,本文主要讲述和介绍了在参加夏令营时需要追守的机关规则,由此可知C项的“进守夏令营的规则”这一表述正确,其余选现难以概括全文且部分装述有误,故选 C。

    Running is a great frm f exercise. Hwever , running under certain cnditins can cause a variety f injuries.
    The Natinal Running Assciatin recently released the results f its latest survey n cmmn running injuries , as illustrated in the picture n the abve. Accrding t the survey results, the mst reprted cases are related t knee injury and muscle pull. With the frmer ccurring a little less frequently. Abut a quarter f the respndents say they have had plantar fasciitis ( 筋膜炎 ) . The number f respndents suffering frm Achilles tendnitis (跟腱炎) r shin splints in nearly twice that f thse with stress fracture, which is als what fewest
    respndents reprt.
    There are tw main causes f running injury: structural imbalance and training vlume. Structural imbalance ccurs when a certain muscle grup is weak and requires ther muscle grups t help. The bdy adapts t stresses and becmes strnger. This is the basic principle f training. Hwever , if yu push t fast r run t far, yu can stress the bdy in such a way that it never has time t fully recver. Training prgressin and mderatin are the keys t aviding veruse injury. Here are several ways t avid running injury.
    Prepare yur bdy fr running by walking.
    Understand yur bdy type and be patient
    Fllw a sensible training plan r find a cach.
    Wear the right shes.
    The cause f the injury is nt easy t diagnse. Fr example, a ft prblem can cause a prblem in the knees r back. Finding and treating the cause f a running injury is the jb f a trained dctr. Mre imprtantly , listen t yur bdy and recgnize the signs f ver-training s that yu can avid running injury.
    60. Which grup f injuries best fits the blanks numbered (1), (2), 3) and (4) in the picture?
    A.(1) knee injury; (2)muscle pull; (3)stress fracture; (4) shin splints
    B.(1)muscle pull; (2)knee injury; (3)stress fracture; (4)Achilles tendnitis.
    C.(1)knee injury; (2)muscle pull; (3shin splints; (4)stress fracture
    D.(1)muscle pull; (2)knee injury ; (3)Achilles tendnitis; (4)stress fracture
    61. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing leads t structural imbalance?
    A.Using sme muscles mre intensely than thers.
    B.Training weak muscles mre ften than strng nes.
    C.Adapting yur bdy t stresses slwly.
    D.Giving yur bdy little time t recver.
    62. Accrding t the passage, if yu want t find ut why yur back and knees hurt after running, yu had better_______________.
    A. turn t a cach fr help
    B. cnsult a trained dctr
    C. understand yur bdy type first
    D. wear anther pair f running shes
    【答案】60-62 DAB
    60.D[解析]根据文章第二段的Accrding t the survey results,the mst reprted cases are related t knee injury and muscle pull, with the frmer ccurring a little less frequently, Abut a quarter f the respndents say they have had plantar fasciitis, The number f respndents suffering frm Achilles tendnitis r shin splints is nearly twice that f thse with stress fracture, which is als what fewest respndents reprt可知报道的病例多与膝关节损伤和肌肉拉伤有关,前者发生的频率略低。大约分之一的受访者表示,他们患有足底筋膜炎。患有跟睫炎或胫骨夹板的受访者量几乎是患有应力性骨折的人的两倍,这也是受访者报告的最少的。因此可以推断出 (4) 是stress fracture,排除A和 B; 那么(3) 有可能是 Achilles tendnitis 或者 shin splints;而膝关节损伤比肌肉拉伤发生的频率略低,所以(2)为 knee injury ; (1)为 muscle pull,故选 D。
    61.A[解析]根据文章第三段的 Structural imbalance ccurs when a certain muscle grup is weak and requires ther muscle grups t help.可知当某一肌肉群虚弱,要其他肌肉群帮助时,就会发生结构失衡。A(使用某些肌肉的强度比其他肌肉大)正确:B(多训练弱肌,少训练强肌)、C(让身体慢慢适应压力)、D(让价的身体几乎没有时间恢复) 都说法错误,故选 A。
    62.B[解析]根据文章最后一段的 The cause f the injury is nt easy t diagnse.Fr example, a ft prblem can cause a prblem in the knees r back. Finding and treating the cause f a running injury is the jb f a trained dctr.可知受伤的原不容易诊断。例如,脚的问题会导致膝盖或背部的问题。发现和治疗跑步损伤的原因是训练有素的医生的工作。也就是说如果你想知道为什么你的背部和膝盖步后疼,你最好去找医生。A(向教练寻求帮助)、C(首先了解自己的体型)D(穿另一双跑鞋)都说法错误,B(咨询训练有素的医生) 正确,故选 B
    xMAP Technlgy allws users t perfrm a wide range f prtein-and nucleic acid-based multiplex assays, which can simultaneusly detect up t 500 targets in a single run.
    Key Advantages f xMAP Technlgy :
    Test fr mre bimarkers.
    Develp custm assays.
    Use less sample.
    Save time and reagents.
    Gain a better understanding f cmplex bilgical systems.
    Order frm thusands f redesigned kits frm ur Partners
    xMAP Technlgy : The Science
    What is multiplexing? Multiplexing is a methd fr high-vlume bimarker testing一r testing multiple analytes simultaneusly within a single run-using a single sample vlume.xMAP Technlgy is best-suited fr testing 3-500 targets.
    Hw des xMAP Technlgy wrk? xMAP Technlgy uses labeled micr-spheres r beads, allwing fr the simultaneus capture f multiple analytes frm a single reactin.Because f their small size and lw density, XMAP micr-sphere-based assays exhibit virtual slutin-phase kinetics during the reactin. The beads are individually read using an xMAP instrument.
    What des xMAP mean? Multi-Analyte Prfiling, where the “x” represents the bimarkers ( such as prteins , nucleic acids, r plyacrylamides ) that are being tested.
    xMAP Beads
    xMAP beads cme in a variety f frmats, including magnetic ( MagPlex ) and nnmagnetic ( MicrPlex) beads.
    xMAp beads puss thrugh a red laser, r LED, which excites the internal dyes t distinguish the micrsphere set. Then , a green laser r LED excites the flurescent reprter dye t determine the result f the assay.
    xMAP in Actin
    Explre xMAPW Technlgy and discver sme f the many applicatins used by multiplexing research experts acrss the glbe:
    xMAP Assny Autmatin: Autmatin can bst prductivity , minimize errrs , and save n reagents.
    Immungenicity : By using xMAP Technlgy , researchers can cnslidate multiple essays int ne fr mre efficient immune respnse studies.
    Bend-Based Multiplexing vs. Electrchemiluminescence: Bead-based multiplexing ffers significantly higher plex capacity , requires less hands-n time, and delivers superir results cmpared t traditinal methds.
    Generate mre data while saving sample, time , and reagents
    xMAp beads cme in a variety f frmats. The MagPlex Micrspheres-6.5 micrnsuperparamagnetic beads that are dyed with three red and infrared flurescent dyes , resulting in500 distinctly clred bead sets are ur mst versatile and efficient micrspheres fr high-plex applicatins. Apprximately 10* surface carbxyl grups ( COOH) cver the surface f the bead and serve as cvalent attachments fr capture ligands. A flurescent reprter is cupled t a target mlecule, which allws its detectin after specific capture n the micrsphere surface.
    Accrding t the passage, what is xMAP?
    A mind map.B.A lest methd. C.A navigatin map. D. An applicatin.
    6l.All f the fllwing are advantages f xMAP, except_____________.
    develping custm analysis B. frming a netwrk structure
    generating mre dataD. saving samples and reagents
    Which f the fllwing ptins is crrect?
    The xMAP beads distinguish grups f micrspheres by a blue laser.
    xMAP allws fr the capture f a single analyte frm multiple reactins
    C.MAP technlgy is used mre in the experimental phase.
    D.The“x”in xMAP represents the bimarkers being tested.
    【答案】60-62 BBD
    60.B[解析]根据文中“Multiplexing is a methd fr high-vlume bimarker testing-r testing multiple analytes simultaneusly within a single run--using asingle sample vlume.”多路复用是一种大容量生物标志物测试方法,或使用单个样品体积在一次运行中同时测试多个分析物。故选 B。
    61.B[解析]细节题。根据文章中“Key Advantages fxMAP Technlgy”部分的介绍可知A和D是xMAP的优势;根据文章中“Generate mre data while saving sample,time,and reagents”生成更多数据,同时节省样本、时间和试剂,可知D也是XMAP 的优势之一。故答案选 B,文章中没有提到xMAP 可以形成网状结构。
    62.D[解析]根据文章中“Multi-Analyte Prfiling,where the“x”represents the bimarkers (such as prteins, nucleic acids, r plysaccharides) that are being tested.'多分析物分析,其中“x”代表正在测试的生物标记物(如蛋白质、核酸或多糖)可知D正确。根据文章中“xMAP beads pass thrugh a red laser, r LED,which excites the internal dyes t distinguish the micrsphere set."xMAP 珠子通过一个红色的激光,或发光二极管,激发内部染料来区分微球组,可知A错误;根据中“ xMAP Technlgy uses labeled micrspheres r beads, allwing fr the simultaneus capture f multiple analytes frm a single reactin."xMAP 技术使用标记的微球或微珠,允许从单个反应中同时捕获多个分析物。可知 B 错误;根据文靠中的标题“xMAP- The Wrld's Mst Used Multiplexing多路复用技术,以及文章中讲到的xMAP的应用可知C错误。
    When I became a budget traveler, and I discvered sme f the cheapest ways t travel arund the wrld. Dn’t let mney prblems stp yu frm traveling. Here are a few ways t travel cheap that can help yu see the wrld n a budget.
    1. Pay with pints
    Yu’re smart enugh t knw mney desn’t grw n trees, but earning credit card pints and miles may have yu thinking therwise.
    Figure ut hw much mney yu regularly spend, and cnsider making thse purchases n a travel card, like the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card, s that yu have the ptential t be rewarded with pints and miles every time yu swipe. Yu can redeem (兑换) these rewards fr airfare, htels and ther qualifying expenses.
    2. Want t scre even cheaper flights?
    Yu may want t subscribe t Sctt’s Cheap Flights. This email newsletter alerts budget travelers when airlines hld sales r mistakenly lwer their prices. In the past, Sctt’s Cheap Rights has ntified subscribers abut amazing deals like a $260 flight frm New Yrk t Paris and a flight frm San Francisc t Bali fr $ 364.
    TheFlightDeal.cm and SecretFlying.cm are tw mre sites that may be able t help yu find cheap flights, accrding t Nic Atienza, a frnt desk agent at the Travel Hacking Cartel.
    3. Timing is everything
    It’s typically easier t find cheap flights when yur travel schedule is flexible.
    Often, yu’ll find the best deals when yu travel in the middle f the week r take a red-eye flight vernight. If yu’re prepared t face less-than-idyllic weather, yu culd save even mre mney n airfare and htels by traveling during ff-peak seasns.
    “The mst imprtant thing is t be flexible n timing”, says Atienza. “The tighter yur time frame, the less chance yu’re ging t get a cheap fare”.
    It can als help t bk early.
    4. When yu travel tgether, yu can split the csts with yur friends and family
    There’s smething t be said abut sl travel.
    But if yu’re n a budget, yu can split the csts f htels and rental cars when yu travel with a small grup f friends r family. S dn’t be shy abut squeezing int a small mtel rm r renting an entire hme n Airbnb if it’s less expensive per persn.
    “The ptimal party size tends t wrk ut t be fur peple,” says Atienza.
    Any mre than that and the htel might charge yu fr anther rm.
    Yu shuld als be able t fit abut fur peple in yur rental car, depending n the type f car yu rent.
    60. What is learned frm the passage?
    A. The airfare frm San Francisc t Bali is nly $ 364.
    B. Yu may find cheap flights frm TheFlightDeal. cm and SecretFlying. cm.
    C. The tighter yur time frame, the mre chance yu’re ging t get a cheap fare.
    D. Atienza believes that the ptimal party size tends t wrk ut t be three peple.
    61. Accrding t this article, which f the fllwing is NOT a way t get cheap airline tickets?
    A. Redeem Pints fr Airline Tickets.
    B. Ntice the airlines’ price reductin and discunt emails.
    C. Chse ff-seasn travel times.
    D. Split the csts with yur friends and family.
    62. This article is mst likely t cme frm ________.
    A. a travel magazineB. a speech
    C. a prmtin emailD. a daily newspaper
    【答案】60—62 BDA
    60.B[解析]细节题,A 选项,对应文中的 tips2,“In the past,
    Sctt's Cheap Flights has ntified subscribers abut amazing deals like a $260 flight frm New Yrk t Paris and a flight frm San Francisc t Bali fr $364.",可知旧金山到巴厘岛的机票,最便宜的票价 364 美元。表述不完整,少了“in the past 时间状语和 cheap flights 廉价航空”,故 A错误。B选项,对应tips2 的第二段,“The Flight Deal.cm and Secret Flying.cm are tw mre sites that may be able t help yu find cheap fights,”这两个网站可以帮助你找到更便宜的机票。故 B 正确。C选项,定位到 tips3,第句: When yur schedule is flexible, it's usually easier t find cheap fights“当你的行程安排灵活时,通常更容易找到便宜的航班”,关键词: flexible,自由的 灵活的,跟C 所说的 tighter“时间紧张”相反,所以C 错误D 选项,定位到 tips4:“The ptimal party size tends t wrk ut t be fur peple.says Aticnza.可知,“最理想的聚会规模往往是四人。”,所以 D 错误。
    61.D[解析]细节题,“哪项不能帮你获得廉价航空机票”A.用积分兑换机票。对应tips l:Pay with pints,正确。B.注意航空公司的降价和折扣邮件。对应 tips2: This email newsletter alerts
    budget travelers when airlines hld sales r mistakenly lwer their prices. 当空司保持销售或错误地降低价格时,此电子邮件实时通知预算有限的旅客。所以 B选项正确。C.选择淡季出行时间。对应tips3:“yu culd save even mre mney n airfare and htels by traveling during f-peak seasns.”在非旺季旅行可以节省更多的机票利酒店费用。所以C 正确。
    D.和你的朋友和家人分摊费用。看似对应 tips4:When yu travel tgether yu can split the csts with yur friends and family 当你们一起旅行时,你可以和一小群朋友或家人分摊费用。但是,题目里说的是“cheap airline tickets”廉价航空机票,而D 说的是“, yu can split the csts f htels and rental cars when yu travel with a small grup f friends r family”你可以和朋友家人分摊住宿费和租车费“the cst f rental cars”,所以D 不合题目要求,选D。
    62.A[解析]推理判断题,由全文内容可知,都是在讲预算内的旅行攻略,所以这篇文章可能摘自 A.a travel magazine 旅行杂志; B.a speech 演讲;C.a prmtin email 促销电子邮件;D.a daily newspaper 日报。
    Tp Apps Fr Climate Activists
    The wrld ppulatin is at 7 billin and it’s predicted that by the end f this year there will be ne smartphne fr every five peple in the wrld. That’s a lt f phnes and a lt f infrmatin literally at ur fingertips.
    Infrmatin is cnstantly changing and thse f us wrking hard t prtect the envirnment fr urselves and future generatins need t have access t up-t-date material. Being a climate change activist can be time cnsuming. But…There’s an app (r ten) fr that! The number f apps ut there is staggering.
    With these apps yu’ll be amazed at hw easy it is t stay in the knw when it cmes t yur health, and the health f the envirnment.
    60. Accrding t this text, the authr recmmends APPs because___________.
    A. thse APPs culd help peple gain the up-t-date material
    B. thse APPs culd frecast the changing climate accurately
    C. thse APPs culd help peple wh have a fast-paced lifestyle
    D. thse APPs are free fr thse peple wh have a designated phne
    61. If yu want t find in seasn fds, which Apps shuld yu dwnlad?
    A. ZimrideB. FducateC. LcavreD. Findfd
    62. Which f the fllwing is true abut the APPs mentined in this passage?
    A. Carbn Emissins Calculatr fr Air Travel culd calculate the accurate carbn emissins f passengers.
    B. Lcavre can nt nly tell us which fruits and meat are in seasn, it als tell us hw lng they’ll be in seasn.
    C. Zimride will charge fr rides and then take a cut and the rest is belng t drivers.
    D. Fducate will recmmend minimally prcessed fds which are naturally rich in nutrients and antixidants.
    【答案】 60—62 ACD
    60.解析:答案选A。根据文中“Infrmatin is cnstantly changing and thse f us wrking hard t prtect the envirnment fr urselves and future generatins need t have access t up-t-date material.”信息是不断变化的,那些为了保护我们的环境和后代的人们需要有渠道去接触最近的资料。所以 A 正确。
    6l.解析: 答案选 C,根据文中关于 Lcavre 的介绍中提到“Lcavre is a great app fr thse searching fr lcal, in seasn, rganic fds in yur area. "Lcavre 是个在你所在的地区寻找那些当地的当季的有机食物方面很出色的应用软件。故选C。
    解析:答案选 D。根据文中介绍第二个应用程序的段落可知“The app will recmmend minimally prcessed, real fds which are naturally rich in nutrients and antixidants.”该应用程序将推荐加工最少的,富含天然营养和抗氧化剂的真正的食物。故 D正确。A选项中Carbn Emissins Calculatr fr Air Travel 这个APP不能计算出准确的碳排放。B 选项中 Lcavre 介绍中没有提到它推荐时令肉类C 选项中 Zimride 不收取平台费用,司机可以直接向客户收费。故排除 A、B、C选项。
    Gegraphers are interested in the spatial patterns bserved n earth. Bridging the natural and scial science, Gegraphy is the disciplinary study f envirnments and hw peple interact with the envirnment. It is imprtant t study gegraphy because many f the wrld's prblems require understanding the interdependence between human activities and the envirnment. Gegraphy is therefre a beneficial majr fr students because its theries and methds prvide them with analytical skills relevant t ccupatins fcused n slving scial and envirnmental prblems. The Department f Gegraphy ffers eight majrs that help students tailr their fcus f study.
    The Gegraphy—Glbalizatin and Develpment majr will prvide students with a sphisticated understanding f cntemprary glbal issues and a gegraphical framewrk fr analyzing key issues invlved in natinal and internatinal develpment, especially as it relates t the glbal suth. Reflecting the discipline f gegraphy as a whle, this majr emphasizes an integrated apprach t studying the relatinship f glbal change t individual and cmmunity well-being by cmbining the benefits f area studies with theretical and tpical investigatins in the curriculum.
    Our department is cmmitted t excellence in bth teaching and advising. Several f ur faculty members have received teaching awards, and we are knwn acrss campus fr the quality f ur advising. As a gegraphy majr, yu will meet ne-n-ne with yur faculty advisr every semester during advising week, and yu are always welcme t talk with yur advisr at any time thrughut the semester whenever questins may arise. In additin t advising ur students abut their academic prgrams, we prvide timely infrmatin abut internships, natinally cmpetitive awards, and ther pprtunities as they arise. Many f ur students cmplete internships and several f ur students ver the last few years have received natinally cmpetitive awards.
    Fr mre infrmatin abut ur prgram, please visit ur website, r cntact ur Undergraduate Chair, whse infrmatin is listed abve.
    Admissins Infrmatin
    Freshmen/First-Year Admissin
    N requirements beynd University admissin requirements.
    Change f Prgram Plicy
    N selective r limited admissin requirements.
    External Transfer Admissin
    N requirements beynd University admissin requirements.
    Opprtunities Upn Graduatin students
    With a liberal arts degree in Gegraphy—Glbalizatin and Develpment, students are prepared fr emplyment in a variety f fields, including nn-prfit and gvernment wrk, particularly in the areas f cmmunity and internatinal develpment. This degree will als prepare students well t wrk in the private sectr in an internatinal cntext. Graduates frm this prgram will als be well situated t cntinue n t graduate schl r law schl, with research and prfessinal interest in academic fields, including, but nt limited t, gegraphy, public affairs and plicy, develpment studies, and cmmunity and reginal planning.
    Brwse thrugh dzens f internship pprtunities and full-time jb pstings fr Ohi University students and alumni n Handshake, OHIO's key resurce fr researching jbs, emplyers, wrkshps, and prfessinal develpment events.
    Wh can be selected as the target f the gegraphy curse in the passage?
    A freshman wh has studied in a university.
    B. A cllege student graduate majring in gegraphy.
    C. A senir high schl graduate interested in gegraphy.
    D. A high schl graduate wh wants t find a jb.
    61.What are the advantages f chsing the gegraphy majr in this university in terms f emplyment?
    A. Acquiring skills t slve scial and envirnmental prblems.
    B. Understanding cntemprary glbal issues.
    C. Getting ne — n — ne infrmatin n gegraphy teaching.
    D. Achieving mre internatinal pprtunities.
    62.Where is the mst likely place t read this passage?
    A. In a magazine. B. On the university website.
    C. In a gegraphic jurnal. D. On the enrllment infrmatin netwrk.
    【答案】 60-62 CDB
    C[解析]考查逻辅推理。先全文把掘这是一篇地理学的招生信息介绍,然后根据文象中“Freshmen/First-Year Admissin N requirements beynd University admissin requirements”可知,对学生要求为“新生/第一年入学 除大学入学要求外没有其他要求。”经推理,最有可能是对地理学感兴趣的高中毕业生,故选C。
    D[解析] 考查细节理解。根据文章中“With a liberal arts degree in Gegraphy Glbalizatin and Develpment, students are prepared fr emplyment in a variety f fields, including nn-prfit and gvernment wrk, particularly in the areas f cmmunity and internatinal develpment”可知,学生就业特别是在社区和国际发展领域,其余三项是在专业学习中的获得到的,故选 D。
    62.B[解析]考查逻辑推理。根据文章中“Fr mre infrmatin abut ur prgram.please view this vide, visit ur website, r cntact ur Undergraduate Chair, whse infrmatin is listed abve.”可知,这篇文章最有可能出现在该校网站上,其余选项未被提到属于干扰项,故选 B。
    (412)561-4363 www. mtlebann.rg
    WHO: Skaters f all ages and abilities. Must be 3 years f age and ptty trained.
    Any Preschl Kindergarten age child wh has never taken lessns at the Mr. Lebann Ice Center needs t be evaluated.
    The On-line registratin feature des nt apply t evaluatin registratin.
    Evaluatin dates and times are listed belw.
    EVALUATIONS: Evaluatins help t determine bth readiness and class placement. Upn cmpletin f the evaluatin, it is recmmended that yu register fr classes with an assciate lcated in the ice center bth. A variety f days and times fr the evaluatins are als listed nline and at the Ice Center.
    Evaluatin registratin may be dne in persn r by phne at 412-561-4363.
    Additinal evaluatin dates may be ffered fr sessin Ⅱ.
    REFUND POLICY: Refund requests must be made a minimum f 7 days prir t event. See fr details.
    In persn—Stp by the Mt. Lebann Recreatin Center, grund flr, Mnday thrugh Saturday 9:00 a. m.9:00 p.m. r Sunday 9: 00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
    By Phne—Call the Ice Center at (412)561-4363 t schedule yur skating evaluatin appintment
    Make checks payable t: Mt. Lebann, PA visa, Master Card, &Debit Cards accepted
    QLESTIONS: Please call the Mt. Lebann Ice Center staff at (412)561-4363
    LebALERT—A FREE ntificatin service(phne, text, e-mail). In the event f an emergency and t prvide yu with updates abut cancellatins and recreatin department prgrams and events. Please visit www.mtlebann,rg and sign up fr LebALERT. All recreatin participants shuld sign up, and at minimum select the “Cancellatins” categry.
    60. What’s the passage manly abut?
    A. T intrduce a skating prgram.
    B. T advertise a skating center.
    C. T serve as a skating assessment schedule.
    D. T issue a free skating ntificatin.
    61. Mary’s mther wants t registers the evaluatin fr her daughter. Which time as fllws is suitable fr her t g t the center?
    A. Mnday 8: 30 a.m.B. Wednesday 2 p.m.
    C. Friday 9: 30 p.m.D. Sunday 6: 00 p.m.
    62. Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the passage?
    A. The evaluatin is intended fr all preschl and kindergarten children.
    B. Refund requests can be accepted within 7 days after the registratin.
    C. Participants wh sign up fr Leb Alert can receive free ntificatin abut the event.
    D. Evaluatin registratin can be dne in persn, by phne r n-line
    【答案】60. B 61. B 62. C
    细节理解题。根据In persn—Stp by the Mt. Lebann Recreatin Center, grund flr, Mnday thrugh Saturday 9:00 a. m.9:00 p.m. r Sunday 9: 00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.可知,去报名的话,周一到周六上午九点到晚上酒店都可以,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段LebALERT—A FREE ntificatin service(phne, text, e-mail). In the event f an emergency and t prvide yu with updates abut cancellatins and recreatin department prgrams and events.可知,参加了LebALERT可以获得免费的通知服务,比如取消,项目以及事件安排等,故选C。
    Hw D Yu Mve a Giant Sequia?
    Bise, Idah, recently relcated a century-ld, living tree prvided by Jhn Muir
    Inhabitants f Bise, Idah, watched with trepidatin earlier this year as the city's ldest, tallest resident mved tw blcks. The 105-year-ld sequia tree serves as a lcal landmark, nt nly fr its lngevity but als because renwned naturalist and Sierra Club c-funder Jhn Muir prvided the riginal seedling. S, when Saint Luke's Health System fund that the 10-stry-tall cnifer (针叶树) std in the way f its planned hspital expansin, fficials called tree-mving firm Envirnmental Design.
    The Texas-based cmpany has develped and patented scping and lifting technlgy t mve massive trees. Weighing in at mre than 800,000 punds, the Bise sequia is its largest undertaking yet. “I [had] lst enugh sleep ver this,” says David Cx, the cmpany's Western regin vice president—and that was befre the hspital mentined the tree's distinguished rigin.
    Befre the heavy lifting began, the team assessed the rt system and dug a five-ft-deep cylinder, measuring 40 feet in diameter, arund the trunk t prtect all essential rts. After encapsulating the rt ball in wire mesh, the mvers allwed the tree t acclimate t its new situatin fr seven mnths befre relcating it. The illustratin details what fllwed.-Leslie Nem
    l. Mark A Merit and his team at Envirnmental Design installed underneath the rt ball a platfrm f seven-inch-diameter, 44-ft-lng steelbars and , just belw the rds , a first set f uninflated airbags ( shwn in gray ). The team als dug a shallw ramp.
    2. In rughly 15 minutes , the mvers inflated the airbags t abut three feet in diameter t raise the rt ball t the surface f the hle.
    3. By underinflating the frnt bags, the team allwed the platfrm carrying the tree t rll up the ramp and ut f the hle while staying level. A trailer hauled the tree alng as team members remved the airbags frm the back f the platfrm and replaced them in the frnt. They repeated the prcess until the tree arrived at the edge f its new hme.
    4.There a secnd set f partially inflated bags( shwn in white ) waited inside the hle. Sil surrunding the sequia in its riginal lcatin was relcated as well, because trees are mre likely t survive a transplant when they mve with their riginal sil.
    5. Using the first set f airbags , the mvers rlled the platfrm int the new hle.
    6. The bags waiting there were then inflated further t take the weight f the sequia while the transprtatin bags were deflated and remved frm under the tree.
    7. The white bags were then deflated in abut half an hur t lwer the sequia's rt ball t the bttm f its hle. The bags were remved, but the metal bars were left with the tree because they rust and degrade ver a number f years.
    8. Fr the next five years the lcal park service will mnitr and maintain the tree in its new hme.
    60. Which f the fllwing wrds can be used t replace the wrds underlined “std in the way f"?
    A.Resisted. B.Balanced C. Blcked. D.Prmted
    6l. What is the reasn fr the relcatin f Sequia trees?
    A. Because the Scping and lifting technlgy shuld be put int use.
    B. Because it blcks lcal hspital expansin plans.
    C. Because it crrespnds t gvernment's plan f Envirnmental Design.
    D. Because sequia trees are ver a hundred years ld.
    62. Hw will the migrated sequia trees be dealt with?
    A. They will be given new sil in the new living envirnment
    B. Metal rds used t mve sequia trees will nt be left n the trees.
    C. They will be kept in transprt bags all the time
    D. They will be managed by specialists in the next five years.
    【答案】60.C 61.B 62. D
    60.C[解析]考查短语意思及上下文理解。根据文章上下文理解可知,此处 std in the way f 为阻碍的意思,可以替换的单词为C选项 hinder 阻碍;妨碍; 阻挡故选 C。
    61.B[解析]考查文章细节理解。根据第一段中“ S,when Saint Luke's Health System fund that the 10-stry-tall cnifer std in the way f its planned hspital expansin, fficials called tree-mving firm Envirnmental Design."可知,红移树碍了医院扩建计划,故选 B。
    62.D[解析]考查文章细节理解。根据文章中“8. Fr the next five years the lcal park service will mnitr and maintain the tree in its new hme.”可知,在未来五年内本地公园服务处将会监察及维修新居树木,故选 D.
    Why UPS Trucks (Almst) Never Turn Left
    By favring right-hand turns at all times--unless a left is unavidable-the carrier saves millins f gallns f fuel each year, and avids emissins equivalent t ver 20 ,000 passenger cars.
    The practice started decades ag, befre cmputers and GPS, and is nw managed by asftware that cnjures the mst efficient rute fr each truck.
    What's wrng with turning left?
    Left-hand turns are generally cnsidered unsafe and wasteful n right-hand driving rads, such as thse in the US.
    A study n crash factrs in intersectin-related accidents frm the US Natinal Highway Traffic Safety Assciatin shws that turning left is ne f the leading "critical pre-crash events" (an event that made a cllisin inevitable), ccurring in 22.2 percent f crashes, as ppsed t 1.2 percent fr right turns. Abut 61 percent f crashes that ccur while turning r crssing an intersectin invlve left turns, as ppsed t just 3.1 percent invlving right turns.
    Left turns are als three times mre likely t kill pedestrians than right nes, accrding t data cllected by New Yrk City's transprtatin planners.
    "A left-hand turn is als less fuel efficient," said Jack Levis, UPS Senir Directr f Prcess Management, "because yur car's idling lnger, which is als nt gd fr yur vehicle."
    UPS des nt ban left turns utright, says Levis: "We will make left hand turns, but nt nes that are unnecessary. We dn't need t g in circles all day lng by making nly right hand turns. We have tls analyze the number f left hand turns fr each rute, and we can wrk ut which nes are avidable."
    The rule, says Levis, can als be applied t left-hand driving cuntries, such as Australia and the UK, where it discurages right-hand turns and the prcedure is nw incrprated in mst cuntries arund the wrld.
    60. Hw much resurces can UPS trucks save by aviding turning left?
    A.UPS trucks will cnsume millins f gallns f fuel.
    B. The emissin f UPS trucks is equivalent t that f ver 2000 passenger cars.
    C.UPS trucks estimate t save 100 000 metrie tns f CO, emissin a year.
    D. UPS trucks estimate an increase f 6 t 8 miles per rute.
    6l. In Tm Vanderbilt's View, hw t Deal with the Left Turn Prblem in the United States?
    A. Install a dedicated left turn phase.
    B.Traffic planners manage rad cnditins.
    C.Operatrs make their wn traffic maps.
    D.Natinal plicy encurages left turn f vehicles.
    62. Which f the fllwing ptins is NOT TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.It's unsafe t turn left n right-hand driving rads.
    B.Turning left is resurce-efficient n right-hand driving rads.
    C.Left turning is likely t cause traffic accidents.
    D. Left-turn is discuraged in all cuntries.
    【答案】60.C 61. A 62.D
    60.C[解析]考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中“By favring right-hand tums at all times-unless a left is unavidable-the carrier saves millins f gallns f fuel each year, and avids emissins equivalent t ver 20,000 passenger cars."可知 AB两表述错误,且结合文章图片表述,C 项正确,D项错误,故选 C。
    61.A[解析]考查细节理解。根据文章中表述“This can nt nly be dangerus,but makes traffic build up, unless yu install a dedicated left-turn 'phase”可知,根据姆·范德比尔认为解决左转问题需要安装一个专门左转向,故选 A。
    62.D[解析]考查细节理解。根据文章中“The rule,says Levis,can als be applied t left-hand driving cuntries, such as Australia and the UK, where it discurages right-hand turns."可知,不是所有国家都不鼓励左转,只是在右侧驾驶的国家而已阐述错误,故选D。
    60. The abve dcument serves as _____.
    A. evidence f bked ticketsB. explanatins f check-in plicies
    C. a reminder f airline regulatinsD. an airline ticket and its cnfirmatin
    61. During his jurney, Ping Lu will _____.
    A. fly nn-stp t his destinatin
    B. arrive in Chicag in the late afternn f the same day
    C. have t stay at CHICAGO OHARE airprt fr tw hurs
    D. reach his final destinatin n the next day
    62. Accrding t the dcument, in rder t check in at the airprt faster, a passenger may _____.
    A. arrive at the airprt far ahead f timeB. chse the seat in advance
    C. use a self-service machineD. cntact the recrd lcatr nline
    【答案】 60. D 61.C 62.C
    60. D[解析]根据文中 Belw is yur jurney plan fr the ticket(s) purchased.下面是您购买的机票的旅行计划。可知应选D。
    61.C[解析]根据文中表格,到达 CHICAGO OHARE 时间为12:40 p.m,从CHICAGO OHARE 起飞时间为 2:40 pm.。故选C。
    62.C[解析]根据文中 Fr faster check-in at the airprt, scan the bar cde at any AA Self Service machine.为了在机场办理更快的登机手续,请在任何AA 自助机器上扫描条形码。故选 C。
    Christmas Shipping Deadlines
    Dmestic rders placed by December 20 will arrive fr Christmas
    Overseas rders placed by December 9 will arrive fr Christmas.
    Overnight rders placed by December 22 will arrive fr Christmas fr an additinal fee.
    Framed rders (dmestic r verseas)require additinal time fr delivery.
    Abut Our Paper
    We use high-quality, acid-free papers r heavyweight Exhibitin Gallery Canvas
    Paper Sizes
    Paper sizes are in inches. If an image's dimensins (尺寸) dn't exactly match the papers dimensins there will be a wider margin n the narrwest side. The lng edge n prints 34x47 and larger will vary depending n the dimensins f the pht and may be lnger than the size listed.
    We’ve partnered with Simply Framed t ffer high-quality custm frames made in the USA. Please allw an additinal 3 weeks fr delivery. Frames cme in black r brwn wden finish and include prtective paperback finish, wall bumpers, hanging hardware +nails, hanging and care instructins. Frames arrive gift-wrapped in brwn paper.
    Framed sales are final.
    60. If yu want t rder a 17x22 print f canvas with a black frame, hw much are yu expected t pay?
    A. $45.00USD.B. $70.00USD.C. $215.00USD.D. $285.00USD.
    61. If yu hpe yur framed rder will reach yur friend in Germany fr Christmas, yu’d better place yur rder by___________________.
    A. December 20 B. December 9C. Nvember 30D. Nvember 19
    62. The abve advertisement is mainly intended t prmte_________________.
    A. a painting exhibitin B. superir prints
    C. Germany as a rmantic destinatin D. high-quality custm frames
    【答案】 60-62 DBD
    60.D[解析]根据文中S215.00USD-17x22 Framed(Black)+ S70.00USD-17x22Exhibitin Canvas(帆布)=S285.00USD,可知选D。
    6l.B[解析]注意审题干,“framed rder”;“yur fiend in Germany”根据文中Overseas rders placed by December 9 will arrive fr Christmas, 以及“Framed rders(dmestic r verseas) require additinal time fr delivery.”十二月九日之前发出的海外订单将于圣诞节到来,又因为定制框架的需要额外的时间,所以应该尽可能的提前下单,所以最佳答案为B。
    (2023·上海·卢湾高级中学校考三模)When a sharp chest pain wke me up arund 3 A.M., I had the bvius questin: Was this truly panic-wrthy?
    I thught abut dialing 911, but then I nticed that… well, the pain was n the right side f my chest rather than the left. My breathing wasn’t labred. My heart wasn’t beating fast. S like millins befre me, I cmpared my symptms with thse n the search engine. On tp f the screen was an article entitled “16 Causes f Right Side Chest Pain.” Bing, I thught—except it was an ad. I mved n t the actual search results, which were headlined “17 Causes f Pain in the Right Side f the Chest” and “26 Causes f Chest Pain & Tightness.” When I gt t “3 Types f Chest Pain That Wn’t Kill Yu,” I started wndering: What were all these weird articles?
    The titles were abut making use f search engine’s algrithm (算法) t grab peple’s attentin at their weak mments. This is called search-engine ptimizatin, r SEO: the art and science f engineering fr higher placement in the search results and getting peple t click n the links. Unlike a lt f “medical infrmatin” nline, SEO itself is in fact based n the scientific methd called stand-ut. We ntice things that stand ut—like ddly precise numbers.
    I still needed infrmatin, thugh, s I clicked n a result frm WebMD.I had seen that site befre, and it didn’t seem like it cntained fake infrmatin. I was barely a paragraph r tw in when I nticed links abut lung cancer symptms. Huh? Lung cancer ften causes n pain until its later stages. Then I realized that the infrmatin abut lung cancer was an ad, but the “ad” sign was barely nticeable. During an emergency it is bviusly nt the best time t scare peple int clicking links fr unlikely diseases. Indeed, if yu clicked n these “lung cancer symptms,” the brwser tk yu eventually t a site advertising a lung cancer medicine. Ugh.
    Having medical infrmatin nline be financed by advertisers r drug cmpanies — r supplement manufacturers — is certainly nt healthy. They ften have an incentive (动机) t scare us. It’s a lse-lse situatin. Smetimes we d need t be wrried and seek medical care. Other times it’s just fearmngering clicks. But wh can tell when ne is in crisis?
    40.When the authr searched her symptms nline, she was trying t find ut whether _____.
    A.she needed t call fr an ambulance immediately
    B.she shuld visit a medical prfessinal fr advice
    C.there was an effective medicine fr her chest pain
    D.her pain was a sign f sme kind f heart prblem
    41.Accrding t SEO, which part f the fllwing article title makes it stand ut?
    16 Causes f Pain in the Right Side f the Chest that Wn’t Kill Yu
    A.“16.”B.“Causes f Pain.”
    C.“Right Side f the Chest.”D.“Kill Yu.”
    42.What is the main prblem f the WebMD accrding t the authr?
    A.Its infrmatin is t scary and wrrying fr brwsers.
    B.It is nt a specialized website f lung cancer symptms.
    C.It is nt designed fr treating emergency situatins.
    D.It is prbably spnsred by medical cmpanies.
    【答案】40.D 41.A 42.D
    40.细节理解题。根据第二段“S like millins befre me, I cmpared my symptms with thse n the search engine. On tp f the screen was an article entitled “16 Causes f Right Side Chest Pain.” Bing, I thught—except it was an ad. I mved n t the actual search results, which were headlined “17 Causes f Pain in the Right Side f the Chest” and “26 Causes f Chest Pain & Tightness.” (于是,像我之前的数百万人一样,我将自己的症状与搜索引擎上的症状进行了比较。屏幕上方是一篇题为“右侧胸痛的16种原因”的文章。答对了,我想——只不过这是个广告。我接着看实际的搜索结果,标题是“右侧胸部疼痛的17个原因”和“胸部疼痛和胸闷的26个原因”)”可知,作者在网上搜索她的症状时,是在查找她胸痛的原因,也就是她的疼痛是某种心脏问题的征兆。故选D。
    41.推理判断题。根据第二段“Unlike a lt f “medical infrmatin” nline, SEO itself is in fact based n the scientific methd called stand-ut. We ntice things that stand ut — like ddly precise numbers. (不像网上的很多“医学信息”,SEO本身其实是基于所谓的脱颖而出的科学方法。我们会注意到一些突出的东西——比如奇怪的精确数字)”可知,根据SEO,以下文章标题的数字会脱颖而出。故选A。
    42.细节理解题。根据第四段“I still needed infrmatin, thugh, s I clicked n a result frm WebMD. I had seen that site befre, and it didn’t seem like it cntained fake infrmatin. I was barely a paragraph r tw in when I nticed links abut lung cancer symptms. Huh? Lung cancer ften causes n pain until its later stages. Then I realized that the infrmatin abut lung cancer was an ad, but the “ad” sign was barely nticeable. (不过,我仍然需要一些信息,所以我点击了WebMD的一个结果。我以前见过那个网站,它看起来不像包含虚假信息。我刚读了一两段,就注意到有关肺癌症状的链接。嗯?肺癌通常直到晚期才会引起疼痛。然后我意识到,关于肺癌的信息是一个广告,但“广告”的标志几乎不明显)”以及最后一段“Having medical infrmatin nline be financed by advertisers r drug cmpanies—r supplement manufacturers—is certainly nt healthy. They ften have an incentive (动机) t scare us. (让广告客户、制药公司或保健品制造商为网上的医疗信息提供资金当然是不健康的。他们常常有吓唬我们的动机)”可知,作者认为WebMD的主要问题是广告客户、制药公司或保健品制造商为网上的医疗信息提供资金当然是不健康的,也就是它可能是由医药公司赞助的。故选D。
    (2023·上海·南洋中学校考三模)What is PayQwiq?
    PayQwiq is a fast and secure payment service that helps yu g quickly thrugh the Tesc checkut. It lets yu add yur credit r debit card details t the app s yu can use yur smartphne t pay fr yur shpping with just ne scan. Nt nly that but it cllects yur Clubcard pints autmatically. This means yu can nw g wallet-free in all UK Tesc stres. S why nt give it a g? It nly takes a mment t dwnlad and yu will receive these benefits:
    Cllect yur Clubcard pints autmatically
    Pay fr yur weekly shp up t £250
    Use payQwiq ffline, even with n signal
    Track yur spending in Tesc
    Sign up t PayQwiq and cllect 100 extra Clubcard pints fr each week yu pay with the app, fr up t 5 weeks—that’s up t 500 extra pints.
    Available t new custmers wh sign up by 3 September 2018 and make all payments by 31 Octber 2018. One ffer per custmer. Only ne qualifying deal per week will cllect the extra pints. Additinal payments in the same week will nt receive extra pints. Clubcard pints will be added t a future Clubcard statement.
    Hw des it wrk?
    Head t the App Stre r Ggle Play t dwnlad the PayQwiq app.
    As sn as yu’ve added yur card details, yu’ll be ready t shp using just yur phne.
    And there’s n need t wrry abut yur bank details being stred n yur phne—they’re all securely prtected in ur data centers. S nt nly it is quicker and easier, it’s safer t.
    40.If custmers use PayQwiq in UK Tesc stres, they can _______.
    A.get Clubcard pints autmaticallyB.pay fr their weekly shp withut limit
    C.budget their everyday spendingD.win 500 extra pints at a time
    41.Frm the passage we can learn that _______.
    A.users must sign up by 3 September 2018
    B.users needn’t add their payment card infrmatin
    C.PayQwiq can guarantee bth cnvenience and safety
    D.PayQwiq can be dwnladed nly frm the App Stre
    42.What is the purpse f this passage?
    A.T stress the imprtance f PayQwiq.B.T ppularize the use f PayQwiq.
    C.T describe the feasibility f PayQwiq.D.T ensure the safety f PayQwiq.
    【答案】40.A 41.C 42.B
    40.细节理解题。根据第一段“Nt nly that but it cllects yur Clubcard pints autmatically.(不仅如此,它还会自动收集你的会员卡积分)”可知,如果顾客在英国乐购商店使用PayQwiq,他们可以自动获得会员卡积分。故选A。
    41.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“As sn as yu’ve added yur card details, yu’ll be ready t shp using just yur phne.(一旦你添加了信用卡的详细信息,你就可以只用手机购物了)”以及最后一段“And there’s n need t wrry abut yur bank details being stred n yur phne—they’re all securely prtected in ur data centers.(你也不必担心你的银行信息会被存储在手机上——它们都在我们的数据中心得到安全保护)”可知,PayQwiq既方便又安全。故选C。
    42.推理判断题。根据第一段“PayQwiq is a fast and secure payment service that helps yu g quickly thrugh the Tesc checkut. (PayQwiq是一种快速安全的支付服务,可以帮助您快速通过Tesc结账)”结合文章主要介绍了名为PayQwiq的支付服务,介绍了其提供的好处以及工作方式。可推知,这篇文章的目的是推广PayQwiq的使用。故选B。
    Carbn Emissins Calculatr fr Air Travel
    (iOS-Free) This app allws passengers t estimate the carbn emissins attributed t their air travel. It is simple t use-just select yur rigin and destinatin airprts, specify the class f travel and number f passengers. View the carbn ftprint and the distance traveled fr yur trip.
    Fducate ( iOS and Andrid- $ 4. 99 ) This app empwers fd shppers everywhere t make healthy, infrmed decisins while at the supermarket. Scan yur fd and Fducate generates a letter grade ( A, B, C, r D) fr each prduct scanned, alng with brief explanatins and warnings abut its nutrients and ingredients. There is als an ptin t enter the bar cde manually. The app will recmmend minimally prcessed, real fds which are naturally rich in nutrients and antixidants.
    Lcavre (iOS and Andrid-Free) If yu’re lking fr the clsest farmers market selling yur favrite in seasn prduce, then Lcavre is the app fr yu. Lcavre is a great app fr thse searching fr lcal, in seasn, rganic fds in yur area. The app has ne-click access t thusands f healthy, seasnal recipes and ther infrmatin that can be shared with yur friends and family. I like hw the app nt nly lets yu knw which fruits and veggies are in seasn-it als lets yu knw hw lng they’ll be in seasn.
    Zimride (iOS and Andrid-Free) Ridesharing apps are all the rage. Zimride is a new spin n ridesharing, using scial netwrks t enable real cnnectins. Once yu set up a prfile yu are able t bk a ride in yur area, r pst a ride f yur wn. Drivers can charge fr rides and Zimride desn’t take a cut. Rides seem t be reasnably priced and since prfiles are linked with Facebk it’s easy t check ut yur ptential ride cmpanins.
    June 2,2018
    12:00 p.m.
    June 3,2018
    12:00 p.m.
    June 4,2018
    10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
    June 6,2018
    10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
    June 7,20l8
    10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
    eTicket Cnfirmatin
    Date f Issue: 23JAN10
    Ping Lu:
    Thank yu fr chsing American Airlines / American Eagle, a member f the ne wrld™ Alliance. Belw is yur jurney plan fr the ticket(s) purchased. Please print and keep pssessin f this dcument fr use thrughut yur trip.
    Recrd Lcatr: HPMDLH
    Yu may check in and btain yur barding pass fr U.S. dmestic electrnic tickets within 24 hurs f yur flight time nline at AA.cm by using r at a Self-Service Check-In machine at the airprt. Fr faster check-in at the airprt, scan the barcde (条形码) at any AA Self-Service machine.
    Effective February 1, American Airlines will be cashless nbard all flights. Fr in-flight purchases, we will accept Citi® / AAdvantage® MasterCard® and ther majr credit r debit cards nly. Cashless cabins will nt be implemented nbard American Eagle and American Cnnectin flights—nly cash will cntinue t be accepted nbard thse flights.
    Date & Time
    American Airlines
    SUN 31 JAN
    11:05 AM
    12:40 PM
    Ping Lu
    Seat 9C
    Fd Fr Purchase
    American Airlines
    SUN 31 JAN
    2:40 PM
    3:25 PM
    Ping Lu
    Seat 17C
    Fd Fr Purchase
    Flight Number
    Bking Cde
    Date & Time
    American Airlines
    SUN 31 JAN
    11:05 AM
    12:40 PM
    Ping Lu
    Seat 9C
    Fd Fr Purchase
    American Airlines
    SUN 31 JAN
    2:40 PM
    3:25 PM
    Ping Lu
    Seat 17C
    Fd Fr Purchase
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