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    人教版2019高二英语选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions单元词汇、句型、语法、题型完美精练
    人教版2019高二英语选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions单元词汇、句型、语法、题型完美精练01
    人教版2019高二英语选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions单元词汇、句型、语法、题型完美精练02
    人教版2019高二英语选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions单元词汇、句型、语法、题型完美精练03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions优秀练习题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions优秀练习题,共12页。试卷主要包含了 bakery n, fence n, herb n, hllw adj, frg n, getaway n, glf n, strait n等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I. 阅读障碍词——写出下列单词的汉语意思
    1. bakery n. __________
    2. fence n. __________
    3. herb n. __________
    4. hllw adj. __________
    5. frg n. __________
    6. getaway n. __________
    7. glf n. __________
    8. strait n. __________
    9. sample n. _________
    10. trunk n. __________
    11. mammal n. __________
    12. hatch vi. __________ vt. __________
    II. 核心四会词——根据汉语写出单词
    1. __________ n. 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);关节adj. 联合的;共同的
    2. __________ adj. 最著名的;第一的;首要的n. 总理;首相
    3. __________ adj. 坦率的;简单的
    4. __________ n. 标语;口号
    5. __________ n. 部长;大臣;外交使节
    6. __________ n. 箭;箭头
    7. __________ vt. 给……命名(或题名);使享有权利
    8. __________ vt. 倡议;赞助;主办n. (法案等的)倡议者;赞助者
    9. __________ n. 自由
    10. __________n. 纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹
    11. __________ adj. 暂时的;短暂的
    12. __________ n. 阶段;时期
    13. __________ adj. 得到正式许可的
    14. __________ vt. 批准;许可n. 许可证;执照
    15. __________ n. 一场;一段时间;会议
    16. __________ n. 巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点
    17. __________n. 监狱;监禁
    18. __________adj. 大;宏大的
    III. 拓展延伸词——根据词性和汉语意思写单词
    1. fund vt. 成立;建立→__________ n. 创建者;缔造者→__________ n. 创建;基础;地基
    2. plitics n. 政治学→__________ adj. 政治的→__________ n. 政客
    3. dive vi. 潜水;跳水;俯冲→_______ n. 潜水者;跳水者
    4. free adj. 自由的;空闲的;免费的vt. 释放→__________ n. 自由;不受……影响的状态→__________ adv. 自由地
    5. distribute vt. 分发;分配→__________ n. 分配;分布;分发→__________ n. 经销商;分销商
    6. frequent adj. 频繁的→__________adv. 频繁地→__________ n. 发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
    7. vilent adj. 暴力的;猛烈的→__________ adv. 猛烈地;剧烈地→__________ n. 暴力;暴行
    8. bilgy n. 生物学→__________ adj. 生物学的→__________ n. 生物学家
    9. lcate vt. 找出……的位置;把……设置(在);使……坐落(于)→__________ adj. 位于→__________ n. 地点;位置
    10. capable adj. 有能力的;能干的→__________ n. 能力;容量
    IV. 重点短语英汉互译
    (i) 课内基础达标
    1. __________________一群(羊或鸟)
    2. __________________少数人(或物);一把(的量)
    3. __________________另一方面
    4. __________________偶然遇见
    5. __________________对……独具的/特有的
    6. __________________ be referred t as
    7. in a gd state fr __________________
    8. feel at hme __________________
    9. be native t Australia __________________
    10. shape the unique Australian culture __________________
    (ii) 课外拓展延伸
    1. __________________给……打下基础;为……奠定基础
    2. __________________位于;坐落在
    3. __________________一束
    4. __________________一群
    5. __________________把……分给……
    6. fairly straightfrward __________________
    7. be capable f (ding) ... __________________
    8. have the freedm d sth __________________
    9. be entitled t d... __________________
    10. free frm/f... __________________
    V. 经典句式过关练
    (i) 课内基础达标——补全句子
    1. 位于赤道以南,并在地球上很多国家的下方,它常被非正式地称为“dwn under”。(过去分词短语作状语)
    _________________________________, belw many ther cuntries n the glbe, it’s ften infrmally referred t as “dwn under”.
    2. 就我个人而言,关于澳大利亚我最喜欢的是澳大利亚人。(what引导主语从句)
    Persnally speaking, ________________________________ is the peple themselves.
    3. 他们绝大多数的乐器其实就是地上找到的树枝,其中就有一种令人惊叹的、叫作迪吉里杜管的乐器。(“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句)
    Mst f their musical instruments are really just sticks fund n the grund, __________________ _______________.
    4. 它们制造的噪音能够吵醒死人。(修辞之夸张手法)
    The nise they make culd _________________.
    (ii) 课外拓展延伸——补全句子
    1. 我们学校有丰富多彩的课外活动,旨在扩大我们视野。(There be...+定语从句)
    There are __________________ __________________ __________________.
    2. 我真的相信通过我们的共同努力,我们的世界将会变得更加和谐。(jint)
    I really believe ur wrld will __________________ __________________.
    3. 位于这座城市的西端,这个公园有很大的空间供游客漫步。(lcate)
    __________________ _______________, the park has a lt f rm fr visitrs t walk arund.
    Part Tw 核心考点基础练
    I. 词形变化练
    1. The small shp where my yunger brther wrks is ____________ (license) t sell tbacc.
    2. Here’s a ____________ (hand) f ways that will set yu in the right directin.
    3. The drps f rain beat the glass f the windws ____________ (vilent).
    4. Every night it ges n the web, keeping parents and the wrld ________ (infrm) f the happenings.
    5. Actually the ____________ (plitics) leader turned ut t be a persn f integrity and dignity.
    6. Hw __________ (please) and prud Mther wuld be when they brught her breakfast in bed.
    7. The exhibitin__________ (spnsr) by several famus cmpanies turned ut t be a great success.
    8. Higher-incme parents tended t have children play with puzzles mre __________ (frequent), and bth bys and girls wh played with puzzles had better spatial skills.
    II. 固定用法练
    1. _________ the interest f ur cmpany, mre machines have been brught _________ in recent years.
    2. I majr ________ scial studies, s I’m mre interested in experiencing their culture and fd.
    3. Our schl will rganize a fruit-picking activity n a farm and a number f students can’t wait _________ (take)an active part in it t experience the life in the cuntryside.
    4. Reflecting n my experience, I felt prud f what I managed t achieve tgether _________ my partners.
    5. _________ the ther hand, there is n dubt that they becme strnger physically and mentally thrugh the training.
    6. After encuntering _________ several friends in the street, the spnsr accmpanied them t the park where there existed _____ flck f wild birds.
    7. There are many peple available, with_________ students can discuss their wishes, feelings, interests r prblems.
    8. Taking n this challenge will bring yu _________ cntact with smene wh shares yur interests.
    Part Three高考题型强化练
    I. 阅读理解
    Rck climbing, ne f the fastest grwing sprts, nt nly builds physical strength and mental fcus, but als leads yu t sme beautiful places. Here are sme climbing spts fr climbers.
    Acadia Natinal Park, Maine
    This ppular New England park is ne f the few places where yu can climb seaside rcks. The granite is gd fr climbing. In sme areas, yu need t start when the sea is at its lwest level. The area has guides, instructrs and climbing schls, making it particularly welcming fr beginners.
    Mre infrmatin: nps.gv/acad
    Red River Grge, Kentucky
    This gelgical area in Daniel Bne Natinal Frest is prized fr its climbing rutes and rck scenery. The park, lcated an hur’s drive sutheast f Lexingtn, is well knwn in the climbing wrld fr bth its beginner-friendly terrain (地形) and mre challenging sectins. It’s a place where yu can find a lt f fellw climbers.
    Mre infrmatin:
    City f Rcks Natinal Reserve,Idah
    This natinal reserve near the Utah brder is wrth a trip fr the scenery alne.Named by gld miners heading t Califrnia in 1849, its granite lks like skyscrapers, twering 600 feet abve the grund. It’s a fascinating area frm the gelgic and gegraphic angles. Many visitrs cme fr August’s Idah Muntain Festival, a celebratin f climbing with tp athletes in attendance.
    Mre infrmatin: nps.gv/cir
    Earth Treks Englewd,Clrad
    While yu can find climbing gyms acrss the cuntry, this ne just in the suth f Denver is wrth a special trip. With mre than 53,000 square feet, the massive facility has a special rck climbing area, a grup f guides and even extras like childcare and yga.
    Mre infrmatin: earthtreksclimbing.cm/englewd
    1. What is special abut Acadia Natinal Park?
    A. It has gd climbing rutes.
    B. It’s lcated in a castal area.
    C. It prvides a free guided trip.
    D. It’s intended fr beginners.
    2. What can yu d in City f Rcks Natinal Reserve?
    A. Meet many gld miners.
    B. Enjy the view frm a twer.
    C. G t enjy a festival in August.
    D. Get trained in a climbing gym.
    3. Which f the fllwing favrs a parent with a child?
    A. Acadia Natinal Park. B. Red River Grge.
    C. City f Rcks Natinal Reserve. D. Earth Treks Englewd.
    Tristan da Cunha, a British territry, is 2,300 miles east f Suth America and 1,600 miles west f Suth Africa. T reach it requires a seven-day bat trip frm Suth Africa, and nce yu’re there, yu feel s much like yu’re at the edge f the wrld.
    Remte as it is, Tristan da Cunha is nt withut its cnservatin threats. Invasive mice, brught by passing ships, kill abut tw millin birds a year. The regin has seen illegal fishing vessels. A 2017 reprt by Pristine Seas used satellite data t track fishing vessels in the area frm 2014 t 2016. A majrity f the 253 vessels lgged appeared t be passing thrugh, but 11 shwed activity cnsistent with fishing. Imprper fishing activities can make seabirds, sharks, and ther imprtant species caught in nets r n fishing lines by accident.
    T stp the situatin ging frm bad t wrse, Tristan da Cunha will receive mre resurces fr patrlling its waters fr illegal fishing activity t prtect the marine areas. Marine prtected areas (MPAs) are seen by experts as a cnservatin silver bullet. A study published n Tuesday in the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences further cnfirmed established scientific evidence that MPAs wrldwide prtect seafd supplies by prducing larger catch yields. Fisheries that are left undisturbed in marine prtected areas can prduce a “spillver” effect in which an abundance f fish frm a prtected area “spill ver” int fishing htspts. Expanding the current netwrk f prtected areas by just 5 percent, the study fund, culd bst the glbal fish catch by at least 20 percent.
    “The increasing demand fr seafd frm the wrld human ppulatin explsin, in additin t the expected negative impacts f climate change n many fisheries, increases the need fr managing and prtecting fish surces well,” says Reniel Cabral, an eclgist at the University f Califrnia, Santa Barbara, and ne f the study’s authrs.
    4. Which cuntry des Tristan da Cunha belng t?
    A. Suth Africa. B. The United Kingdm.
    C. America. D. France.
    5. Which f the fllwing is nt a threat t Tristan da Cunha?
    A. Illegal fishing. B. Passing ships. C. Alien mice. D. Spillver effect.
    6. What benefit can MPAs bring t us?
    A. Increasing catch yields.
    B. Meeting the need fr fd.
    C. Imprving the expected climate.
    D. Leaving the island undisturbed.
    7. Frm what Reniel Cabral says we knw that ________.
    A. ppulatin explsin des harm t fish surces
    B. the climate change will be bad fr fisheries
    C. the demand fr seafd delays prtecting fish surces
    D. prtecting fish surces cntributes t envirnmental prtectin
    There are arund 100 tribes that live in glbal islatin, mstly in Suth America and India.
    The Sentinelese (250 peple) have lived n ne f the Andaman Islands in Eastern India fr 60 000 years. They prtect their island by fighting against peple frm utside. Their language is different frm any ther knwn language.
    Anther Andaman tribe is the Jarawa (300 peple). In the past, they were independent and fught against anybdy trying t make cntact with them. But in 1998, the Indian gvernment built a rad acrss their land, and since then, they’ve had mre cntact with the utside wrld.
    Sme Amazn tribes avid cntact because f unhappy memries. The Mashc-Pir left their vegetable gardens after rubber cmpanies killed mst f their tribe at the beginning f the 20th century. Thse wh survived became nmadic (游牧的) and started hunting animals in the frest.
    The Awa live in the Amazn frests f Brazil. Out f 350 members, 100 have n cntact with the utside wrld. They left their villages and adpted a nmadic lifestyle arund 1850 t escape attacks by Eurpeans. In the fllwing years, farmers in nearby cmmunities started cutting the trees t expand their farmland. The Awa lst mst f their hunting land.
    The few Amazn tribes that still exist are fighting t keep their traditinal way f life.
    Survival, an rganizatin that fights fr the rights f tribal peple, says that uncntacted tribes are the mst vulnerable(弱势的) humans n the planet and that’s why their envirnment shuld be unavailable t the rest f us.
    After years f pressure, the rganizatin gt Brazil’s gvernment t clear invaders frm the Awa land. All nn-Awa peple are leaving s the tribe can get their frest back. But sme think it’s impssible fr tribes t stay islated frever in a cnnected wrld. Cntact will be made ne day. S the questin is: Whse chice shuld it be, urs r theirs?
    8. What culd be learnt abut the Sentinelese frm the text?
    A. They speak the same language as the Jarawa.
    B. They resist cntact frm the utside wrld.
    C. There are abut 350 members in their tribe.
    D. They received help frm the Indian gvernment.
    9. Why did the Awa adpt a nmadic lifestyle?
    A. T avid being attacked by Eurpeans.
    B. T avid being rbbed by rubber cmpanies.
    C. T prtect their hunting land.
    D. T maintain their traditinal way f life.
    10. Hw des the authr describe the islated tribes?
    A. Dubtfully. B. Critically. C. Indifferently. D. Objectively.
    Ⅱ. 七选五
    It may be tempting (诱人的) t take the summer ff and relax, but lking fr a jb will give yu helpful life skills. Finding a jb may be hard, but the search will be wrth it. Jbs are ut there. __1__, even if yu dn’t land the jb yu want.
    Yu’ll develp yur interview skills. The mre jbs yu apply fr, the better yu’ll get at interviewing. Learning t interview well is a skill. It can help yu get int cllege and even land a full-time jb.
    __2__. Yu may nt get the first jb yu interview fr. Rejectin happens in life and it can be hard t handle. The mre we face rejectin, the easier it becmes t mve frward and bunce back.
    Yu’ll learn smething abut yurself. If yu get a jb that wasn’t yur first chice, yu might discver a new skill r interest. If yu need t save mney, yu may learn that cmmitment is necessary t reach yur gals. What if nthing wrks ut?__3__.
    Yu’ll push the limits f yur cmfrt zne. It’s a lt easier t sit at hme ding the same things. __4__. Experiencing new things can make yu mre prductive and yu might even have fun!
    __5__. Yu have nthing t lse and a lt t gain. And if yu dn’t get a jb, vlunteer.
    Vlunteering is a great way t gain experience. It lks favrable n résumés (简历) fr cllege applicatins r future jbs.
    If yu need help in writing a résumé t apply fr a jb, search nline. A number f websites ffer free tips.
    A. Practice makes perfect
    B. Yu’ll find a better wrld
    C. Yu’ll get better at dealing with rejectin
    D. Yu may decide t start yur wn business
    E. Yu’ll still gain these skills frm the prcess
    F. If yu’re thinking abut a summer jb, apply
    G. But jb-hunting can push yu ut f yur cmfrt zne
    Part One 词汇句式一遍过
    I. 阅读障碍词
    1. 面包(糕饼)店;面包厂 2. 栅栏;围栏 3. 药草;香草;草本 4. 中空的;空心的 5. 蛙;青蛙 6. 适合度假的地方 7. 高尔夫球运动 8. 海峡 9. _样本;样品 10. 树干 11. 哺乳动物 12. 孵出;破壳; 使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋
    II. 核心四会词
    1. jint 2. premier 3. straightfrward 4. slgan 5. minister 6. arrw 7. entitle 8. spnsr 9. liberty 10. mnument 11. temprary 12. phase 13. licensed 14. license 15. sessin 16. nest 17. prisn 18. grand
    III. 拓展延伸词
    1. funder; fundatin 2. plitical; plitician 3. diver 4. freedm; freely 5. distributin; distributr 6. frequently; frequency 7. vilently; vilence 8. bilgical; bilgist 9. lcated; lcatin 10. capacity
    IV. 重点短语英汉互译
    1. a flck f 2. a handful f 3. n the ther hand 4. cme acrss 5. be unique t 6. 被认为是 7. 处于良好的状态 8. 舒适,自在 9. 原产于澳大利亚 10. 塑造了独特的澳大利亚文化
    1. lay the fundatin fr 2. be lcated in/n/within... 3. a bunch f 4. a herd f 5. 6. 相当简单 7. 能够(做)…… 8. 有(做)……的自由 9. 有权做…… 10. 不受……影响的;无……的
    V. 经典句式过关练
    1. Lcated t the suth f the equatr
    2. what I like mst abut Australia
    3. amng which there is an amazing instrument called the didgerid
    4. wake the dead
    1. clrful after-class activities in ur schl which can braden ur hrizns
    2. becme a mre harmnius ne with ur jint effrts
    3. Lcated at the west end f the city
    Part Tw 核心考点基础练
    I. 词形变化练
    1. licensed 2. handful 3. vilence 4. infrmed 5. plitical 6. pleased 7. spnsred 8. frequently
    II. 固定用法练
    1. In; in 2. In 3. t take 4. with 5. On 6. with; a 7. whm 8. in
    Part Three高考题型强化练
    1. B。细节理解题。根据Acadia Natinal Park,Maine 部分中的“This ppular New England park can climb seaside rcks”“when the sea is at its lwest level”可知,阿卡迪亚国家公园是为数不多的临海的可攀岩之处,这是其特别之处。
    2. C。细节理解题。根据City f Rcks Natinal Reserve,Idah部分中的“Many visitrs cme tp athletes in attendance”可知,游客在爱达荷州的岩石之城国家自然保护区可以参加八月爱达荷山脉节,所以C项正确。
    3. D。细节理解题。根据Earth Treks Englewd,Clrad 部分中的“the massive facility even extras like childcare and yga”可知,带小孩的家长适合去Earth Treks Englewd,故D项正确。
    4. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Tristan da Cunha,a British territry”可知,Tristan da Cunha是英国的领土。
    5. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Fisheries that are left fishing htspts”可知,溢出效应不会给Tristan da Cunha带来威胁。
    6. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“MPAs wrldwide prtect seafd supplies by prducing larger catch yields”可知,海洋保护区可以通过产出更大的捕获量来保护海产品供应。
    7. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中Reniel Cabral 所说的话“in additin many fisheries”可知,气候变化对渔场不利。
    8. B。推理判断题。根据第二段第一、二句可推知,森蒂纳尔人抵制来自外界的联系。
    9. A。细节理解题。根据第五段第三句可知,阿瓦人采用游牧的生活方式是为了避免被欧洲人攻击。
    10. D。推理判断题。通读全文尤其是最后一段最后三句可推知,作者在文章中没有表达自己的看法,只是客观地描述了这些与世隔绝的部落。
    1. E。过渡衔接句。根据逗号后的让步状语从句“即使你没有得到你想要的工作”以及下文介绍的你可以在找工作的经历中学到的东西可知,E项符合语境。
    2. C。主旨概括句。本段主要讲的是应对“Rejectin”方面的收获,故C项适合作本段的主旨句。
    3. D。过渡衔接句。本段主旨句讲的是“你会对自己有所了解”,接下来作者列举了两种情况并提出问题“如果都不行怎么办?”,故空处应是对空前问题的回答,所以D项“你可能会决定自己创业”符合语境。
    4. G。过渡衔接句。本段主旨句讲的是挑战你舒适区的极限,根据空前一句“坐在家里做同样的事情会很容易”可知,空处讲到的应该是找工作会让你走出舒适区。
    5. F。过渡衔接句。空后一句讲了你没有什么可以失去,还会得到很多,所以F项“如果你想要找一份暑期工作,去申请吧”符合语境。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Care精品课时练习: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009229_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 5 Launching Your Care精品课时练习</a>,共10页。试卷主要包含了 breast n, wrist n, bridegrm n, categrise vt, cde n, entrepreneur n, fx n, canal n等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 4 Sharing优秀课后复习题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009228_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 Sharing优秀课后复习题</a>,共12页。试卷主要包含了 secndary adj, cttn n, tablet n, washrm n, rigid adj, tube n, wrinkle vt, hut n等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration优秀课时练习: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009227_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 3 Sea Exploration优秀课时练习</a>,共10页。试卷主要包含了 merchant n, channel n, maritime adj, turnament n, laptp n, submersible n, underwater adv, cral n等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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