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    1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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    A: I’m very happy t be yur guide these days. 1
    B: Yes. I did. And yu did a gd jb!
    A: Happy t hear that. What d yu think f the peple here?
    B: 2
    A: Hw abut the city?
    B: Oh, it’s beautiful and clean. I like the city.
    A: 3
    B: Well, I want sme ppular lcal fd fr my family. 4
    A: There is a shp ver there, next t the bank.
    B: 5 Thanks a lt!
    A: N prblem. Thanks again fr visiting ur city!
    A.OK. I will g nw.
    B.Did yu have a great time here?
    C.Where can I buy them?
    D.They are friendly and plite.
    E.What else can I d fr yu?
    F.But it can write a gd ne in secnds.
    “Mrs. Grumbein, Wuld it be OK if we arrived tday abut 1:00 p.m.?”
    “Yes, that wuld be fine.” Bth 6 and excitement flded my heart as I hung up the phne. Smene had given ur name and 7 number t the cmmunity center, and they were 8 us Christmas presents. I made sure the huse was as tidy as it culd be with fur naughty children living in it.
    As 9 drew near, I sat n the edge f the cuch. Each time I 10 a car, I jumped up t see if they were here. Finally a huge SUV pulled int the driveway, and fur men gt ut.
    I greeted them with a smile. My heart was beating s 11 I wndered if they culd hear it.
    “Mrs. Grumbein, we have cllected tys fr families wh might be having a 12 time this hliday seasn.” They made several trips and sn my living rm was full f 13 . “We hpe yu have a blessed 14 , Ma’am,” the ldest man said.
    I tried t say “ 15 ,” but my thrat suddenly clsed up and tears were in my eyes. He lked uncmfrtably at the flr, 16 in hand.
    “Thank yu,” I managed t speak.
    “Yes, Ma’am,” he said, putting n his hat and smiling at me.
    “What is yur 17 , s I can send a thank-yu card?”
    “We can’t tell yu that, Ma’am. N thanks necessary.”
    I watched thrugh the windw as they 18 away, wndering what they thught f me. I had always dnated, nt 19 . We weren’t always like this. I’d wanted t say this t them, but the wrds wuldn’t cme ut. I felt ashamed.
    Amng the bxes, there was a card, it said: 20 the sea gets rugh, n strm lasts frever. I was suddenly ashamed f being ashamed. I finally understd.
    9.A.12:30 p.m.B.1:00 p.m.C.1:30 p.m.D.2:00 p.m.
    14.A.ChristmasB.New YearC.HallweenD.Thanks-giving Day
    15.A.Thank yuB.SrryC.GdbyeD.Hell
    21.Hw des the writer tell readers that smething smells bad in the passage?
    A.By shwing frms.B.By listing numbers.
    C.By drawing pictures.D.By giving examples.
    22.What can yu learn frm the passage?
    A.Different bacteria prduce the same smell.
    B.A smelly egg gives ff sulfur and hydrgen.
    C.Dry shes and scks can help bacteria grw.
    D.Lemn increases the bad smell f saltwater fish.
    23.Which part f a magazine is the passage mst prbably taken frm?
    A.Wrd Histry.B.Cking Tips.C.Travel Guide.D.Fun Facts.
    Dear Jseph,
    Tday yu are ten years ld. Everyne says it, but where has the time gne?
    Life was quite hard after yu were brn, but I lved yu with all f my heart. What I want t tell yu nw is hw prud I am f the yung man yu have becme.
    Yu have vercme s many challenges and my heart is filled with pride each time—whether that be the cntinuing develpment f yur speech and language, the way yu prgressed with yur swimming, r yur achievements in dance.
    I recently asked a number f peple wh lve yu t think f a wrd they cnnect with yu and I was surprised with their answers. Cnfident, kind, funny, lvely—t name but a few. I want yu t remember these in years t cme and if yu ever have dubts abut wh yu are.
    Yu see, there is anther wrd, autistic(患自闭症的), that peple ften use t describe yu. If there is a time in the future when yur understanding f the wrld arund yu has grwn, I will explain t yu what that actually means.
    The way yur brain wrks means that yu see the wrld very differently frm ther peple. Yu can’t ften say what yu feel when yu becme upset. The things in disrder always truble yu.
    Yu like having peple arund yu, but friendship desn’t cme easily. I knw yu have many peple wh enjy yur cmpany, but yu haven’t quite yet wrked ut hw t share thse feelings.
    At sme pint in the future, yu will mve t anther schl away frm the peple yu have grwn up with, but ne where they can hpefully prepare yu mre fr yur adult life.
    At last, I want t say, the mst fitting wrd t describe yu, ut f all that were prvided, was this “perfect”—yu are and always will be.
    24.The mther is quite satisfied with Jseph’s ________.
    ①develpment f speeches ②understanding f music
    ③prgress in swimming ④achievements in dance
    25.“I want yu t remember these in years t cme”. The underlined wrd “these” refers t ________.
    A.the dubts that Jseph hasB.the surprises that Jseph brings
    C.the pinins that the mther hldsD.the wrds that the mther gets frm thers
    26.Why des the mther use the wrd “perfect” t describe Jseph?
    A.T shw her lve and encuragement t him.
    B.T make him feel less wrried abut the health.
    C.T guide him t knw the imprtance f friendship.
    D.T tell the result f cmparing his behavirs with thers.
    ①We ften reach a pint in ur life when we shuld be ready fr change that will help us unlck ur self-imprvement pwer. Hwever, there’s always smething staring at us right under ur nse but we dn’t see it. The nly time we think f unlcking ur self-imprvement pwer is when everything gets wrst.
    ②When d we realize that we need t change diets? When nne f ur shirts and jeans wuld fit us. When d we stp eating candies and chclates? When all f ur teeth have fallen ff. When d we realize that we need t stp smking? When ur lungs have gne bad. We see the warning signs and signals when things get rugh and difficult.
    ③The nly time mst f us ever learn abut unlcking ur self-imprvement pwer is when the whle wrld is falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is nt easy t change, but change becmes mre painful when we pay n attentin t it.
    ④Change will happen, like it r hate it. At ne pint r anther, we are all ging t finally unlck ur self-imprvement pwer nt because the wrld says s, but because we realize it’s fr ur wn gd.
    ⑤Happy peple dn’t just accept change; they welcme it. Unlcking ur self-imprvement pwer means unlcking urselves ut f the bx f thught that is just the way we are. It is such a pr excuse fr peple wh fear change.
    ⑥Jane always tells everyne that she desn’t have the curage t be arund grups f peple. She heard her family tell the same things abut her t ther peple. Over the years, that is what Jane has believed. Every time a great crwd cme, she steps back and lcks herself up in a rm. Jane nt nly believes in her stry, but lives it!
    ⑦Self-imprvement may nt be everybdy’s favrite wrd, but if we lk at things in a different way, we might have greater chances f enjying the whle prcess instead f cunting the days until we are fully imprved. Three sessins in a week at the gym wuld result in a healthier life. Reading bks every day wuld build up knwledge. And nly when we are enjying the whle prcess f unlcking ur self-imprvement pwer will we realize that we’re beginning t take things light and becme happy.
    27.What’s the writer’s purpse f writing Paragraph 2?
    A.T remind health is the mst imprtant.B.T explain we will meet trubles in life.
    C.T tell prblems are nt realized at times.D.T shw we learn lessns when experiencing pain.
    28.What advice might be given t help slve Jane’s prblem?
    A.Always believe in herself.B.Unlck herself ut f the bx f thught.
    C.Get n with peple in a friendly way.D.Cunt the days until she is fully imprved.
    29.What’s the structure f the passage? (1=Paragraph 1)
    30.Which f the fllwing pinins may the writer supprt?
    A.Dn’t imprve urselves until things get wrst.
    B.Peple change when they find it easy t d that.
    C.If yu welcme change in life, yu’ll make it better.
    D.Prcess f self-imprvement makes chances happen.
    At a lng table in Galamei wrkshp, a yung wman is busy with Tantu-style New Year pictures, a flk craft(手艺) that has been carried frward by her family fr fur generatins. She is Zhng Xinglin, a flk artist in Tantu twn, Lnghui cunty, Central China’s Hunan prvince.
    Tantu-style New Year pictures feature auspicius(吉祥的) figures and elements frm flklre that carry peple’s prayers fr gd luck in a new year. As an intangible cultural heritage, the art style can be traced t the late Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644). In the early 1900s, this frm f wdblck-printed New Year pictures entered a glden age, nt nly making its way acrss the cuntry but als being exprted t mre than 10 cuntries and regins in Sutheast Asia.
    Zhng’s interest in this craft stemmed frm the influence f her family. Her grandparents were all natinal-level inheritrs(继承人), and her father wn the title in 2018. Their century-ld family wrkshp is named after Zhng’s grandmther Ga Lamei.
    “My childhd memries mstly revlve arund the wrkshp, where I watched them (grandparents and parents) making the New Year pictures,” she says, adding that she then spent time learning the craft and played with the tls lying arund. “The engraved pear wd fr printing, varius pigments, and the stries behind each picture still ften cme int my mind,” she says.
    In 2011, Zhng landed a jb at a lcal news agency in Changsha, the prvincial capital f Hunan, after cmpleting her Japanese-language studies at Guizhu Nrmal University in suthwestern China. “I gt expsure t varius cultural develpment mdels and discvered the charm f traditinal culture,” Zhng says.
    After her grandparents passed away, she felt a great sense f respnsibility t carry n with the family’s wrk. In 2017, she quit her jb and learned mre abut the New Year pictures frm her father. T make Tantu-style New Year pictures, sme 20 steps are fllwed, including using pear wd fr engraving and bamb t make paper, as well as multiple uses f wdwrk and hand-painting befre vivid, clrful flk paintings are prduced by the skillful hands f craftsmen. Althugh things have changed a lt ver the years, the New Year pictures are still a name card fr the twn and an emtinal cnnectin fr peple frm the prvince.
    In recent years, Tantu-style New Year pictures have gained attentin beynd the cuntry’s brders. “Freign friends lve this traditinal Chinese culture,” Zhng says, “Each time we went abrad fr such exchanges and exhibitins, the several large bxes f New Year paintings that we tk with us were sld ut.”
    In her wrks, Zhng has incrprated elements f Tantu’s culture and turism t attract travelers t Hunan. She plans t incrprate mre lcal natural landscape and flk stries int the New Year pictures in the future.
    Zhng has started Tantu-style New Year picture classes in Changsha t ppularize the craft. Zhng has wrked with lcal beverage and clthes brands and restaurants, as well as game designers t expand the presence f the pictures in daily life.
    31.When was Tantu-style New year pictures spread t Sutheast Asia?
    A.In the 1360s.B.In the early1900s.C.In the year 2011.D.In the year 2018.
    32.The wrkshp Zhng Xinglin wrks in gt its name frm
    A.Flk striesB.Zhng’s grandma.
    C.Tantu’s culture.D.A lcal news agency.
    33.Which f the fllwing best describes the value f Tantu-stylc New year pictures?
    A.They are prduced by the skillful hands f craftsmen.
    B.They help imprve the way f making paper frm bamb.
    C.They are auspicius nt nly in China but all ver the wrld.
    D.They stand fr the twn and cnnect peple frm Hunan as well.
    34.What des the underline wrd “incrprate” mean?
    35.What has Zhng dne t pass n the traditinal craft?
    A.She has studied Japanese at Guizhu Nrmal University.
    B.She has made plans fr wrking with different businesses.
    C.She has started classes abut the traditinal art in Changsha.
    D.She has created new pictures based n lcal natural landscape.
    Straight r arched, thick r thin eyebrws (眉毛) cme in many shapes and sizes. But what are eyebrws even fr? They dn’t keep us warm like ur hair, r help us breathe like ur nses. 36 Researchers frm the University f Yrk in the UK believe that eyebrws helped us cmmunicate better when we were still evlving (进化).
    Early humans had large brw ridges (眉骨). 37 Later, as the human face evlved t becme smaller and flatter, ur eyebrws allwed us t express cmplex emtins, as well as better understand thers’ emtins. Fr example, a quick flash f the eyebrws is a sign that smene is willing t interact with thers, while pulling ur eyebrws up in the middle is an expressin f sympathy.
    If yu still find this hard t understand, just draw a simple face n a piece f paper and draw a line abve the eyes. 38 Yu will find that it is very easy t shw anger, fear r surprise n a face.
    But this is nt the nly purpse f ur eyebrws. 39 Their arched shape can help t mve rain r sweat arund t the sides f ur faces, keeping ur eyes dry, the BBC reprted. Tgether with ur eyelashes (眼睫毛), eyebrws can als help t keep dust and ther things ut f ur eyes.
    40 In that case, sme researchers believe that we wuld have evlved sme ther facial feature t perfrm the same functins. That culd make us lk quite different.
    A.S why d we have them?
    B.They can als prtect ur eyes.
    C.What if we didn’t have eyebrws?
    D.This helped them shw their strength.
    E.Let’s take rlling ne’s eyes as an example.
    F.Yu can draw lines in different shapes and directins.
    D yu knw what the Fur Treasures f the Study are? Yes, they are ink brush, ink, paper and inkstne. They are 41 by peple in traditinal Chinese painting and calligraphy. The traditinal art tls are nw getting 42 with yung peple. Yang Mei, wh is 43 traditinal Chinese painting in cllege, is a fan f the Fur Treasures f the Study. She said that many yung peple arund her have rediscvered the beauty f traditinal Chinese art, and that they like t 44 t discuss painting and calligraphy.
    “It’s the lve f the traditinal Chinese culture that ignites (点燃) ur lve fr the Fur Treasures f the Study.” said Yang.
    Xu Heping, an 45 f a traditinal art tl shp in Yinchuan, has seen an 46 number f yung peple cme t his shp t buy the Fur Treasures f the Study.
    Seeing the grwing ppularity f traditinal art tls, manufacturers are trying t 47 their prducts. They make traditinal art tls with mdern designs in rder t 48 yung buyers.
    Wang Weiji runs an nline shp that sells traditinal art tls. One f the shp’s bestsellers is an inkstne 49 like the paw f a cat. Wang said that many f his 50 are yung peple, wh knw Chinese yung peple’s likes and dislikes.
    Let’s hpe mre and mre yung peple will fall in lve with the Fur Treasures f the Study.
    Many peple agree that it is imprtant t teach children the gratitude (感恩). A great way t d this is t read sme s 51 abut it. Here is a stry fr yu.
    Once a by had everything his family culd ffer but he was still unhappy. One day, he was sitting utside when a girl came up and a 52 him t help her lk fr the Thankful Cat. He was surprised at such a thing. Then he f 53 it n the tree. It was the mst beautiful cat he had ever seen. She tld him t put it n. He did and felt happier than ever. He was very thankful t her and that made him feel e 54 better. Later, she tld him she had t g and take the cat with her. Befre leaving, she tld him that the s 55 t happiness is being thankful. He culd make his wn imaginary Thankful Cat, thinking abut all the things he’s thankful fr, and be happy. Hwever, he wasn’t a 56 t d it and finally he was in hspital. He was sadder b 57 he culdn’t play utside. One mrning, he was lking ut f the windw and saw a penguin eating a sandwich. It said “Hell” and left. The next day, there was a mnkey, wearing a diaper (纸尿裤) and blwing up a balln... This kind f funny things made him laugh d 58 the time he was in hspital.
    After r 59 t schl, he tld his best friend abut these crazy things he had seen. While he was talking t his friend, he nticed smething s 60 cming ut f his friend’s bag. When he asked his friend abut it, his friend shwed him all the cstumes he used t cheer him up.
    In ancient times, there was the legend f “Chang’e flying t the mn”. In the Ming dynasty, the first slid(固体的) rcket was tested. Chinese peple have always dreamed f flying int the sky fr thusands f years. Here’s hw things have develped.
    Flying int the space
    On April 24, 1970, China’s first man-made satellite was sent up int space. In memry f this success, that day was made Space Day f China. Since then, the cuntry has been n a challenging but hpeful space jurney.
    The manned spacecraft tk mre than 30 years. The Shenzhu-5 spacecraft was launched in 2003. Yang Liwei became China’s first astrnaut t g int space.
    In 2007, Chang’e-1, which travelled arund the mn, was launched. It tk phts f the mn. Infrmatin cllected by Chang’e-1 was used t create a 3D map f the mn’s surface. In January 2019, Chang’e-4 lander successfully put its Yutu 2 rver(月球车) n the far side f the mn, which is very different frm the near side that we can see frm the earth. In Nvember 2020, China launched the Chang’e-5 spacecraft. It carried a special rver nt the mn t cllect samples(样本) frm the surface f the mn.
    Setting up the space lab
    In 2011, the first space lab Tiangng-1 was sent int rbit(轨道). And Liu Yang became the first Chinese wman in space in 2012. In 2016, China launched its secnd space lab, Tiangng-2 int rbit. In June 2021, the Shenzhu-12 spaceship lifted ff at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which was the first time that Chinese peple had entered ur wn space statin.
    N pains, n gains. These achievements were hard-wn. Over the years, Chinese scientists have created a traditin f nn-stpping hard wrk under very difficult cnditins t slve very imprtant prblems and achieve success. That is als called the China Space Spirit. S many peple agree that if dreams have clr, it must be space blue.
    61.When is Space Day f China?

    62.What is the best title fr Paragraph 4?

    63.Wh is the first Chinese wman in space?

    64.Hw d yu understand the China Space Spirit?

    65.What is the passage mainly abut?

    66.当你跨越时间之门,打开历史之窗,你会追随谁的足迹?阳光中学英语广播站推出一个专题为My Favrite Histrical Persn的栏目,请同学们介绍他们心中最喜欢的中国历史人物,请你就此写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. General infrmatin(name, age, birthplace...)
    2. Why d yu chse him/her?
    3. What have yu learnt frm him/her?
    My Favrite Histrical Persn
    In the lng histry f China, there are many famus histrical persns.
    The nse helps us a lt. It tells us when dinner is almst ready and leads the way t sweet cakes. It als tells us t keep away frm bad smells. But d yu knw the interesting facts abut smething that smells bad?
    Yu might have nticed that fish smell unpleasant smetimes. Fish frm the cean smell the strngest. These saltwater fish have a chemical (化学物质) called TMAO. While we prepare fish fr cking, TMAO is already changing int ther things. One is called TMA.It smells super smelly. Usually, befre cks make saltwater fish a dish, they wash fish. And mst f the TMA can be washed away. Cks als add lemn t make the fish less smelly.
    Ft sweat (脚汗) itself des nt have a bad smell at first. But it has fd and water that the bacteria (细菌) need. With them, the bacteria give ff sme smell. Mst shes ften keep sweat in them. That makes shes and scks warm and wet—a place where bacteria can grw. Different types f bacteria give ff different smells. That’s why feet may smell like bad vegetables, smelly eggs r ther smelly things.
    Many things smell terrible when they g bad. But a bad egg gives ff the mst famus bad smell f all and draws peple’s attentin. When an egg ges bad, the bacteria help t change the sulfur (硫) in its white part int sulfur and hydrgen (硫化氢). And it smells really bad. The nse just warns us away frm it because t much sulfur and hydrgen will harm ur health.
    increase imprve meet the tastes f use learn get tgether shaped ppular design wn designer
    1.B 2.D 3.E 4.C 5.A
    1.根据下一句“Yes. I did.”可知,本句是Did引导的一般疑问句。选项B“你在这里玩得愉快吗?”符合语境。故选B。
    2.根据上一句“What d yu think f the peple here?”可知,是在询问你觉得这儿的人怎么样。选项D“他们既友好又有礼貌。”符合语境。故选D。
    3.根据“Well, I want sme ppular lcal fd fr my family.”可知,我想为我的家人买一些当地流行的小吃。表达的是自己的想法。选项E“我还能为你做什么?”符合语境。故选E。
    4.根据上文“Well, I want sme ppular lcal fd fr my family.”可知,我想为我的家人买一些当地流行的小吃。根据下文“There is a shp ver there, next t the bank.”可知,那边有一家商店,就在银行旁边。所以本句是在询问在哪里可以买到当地流行的小吃。选项C“我能在哪里买到它们”符合语境。故选C。
    5.根据上文“There is a shp ver there, next t the bank.”可知,那边有一家商店,就在银行旁边。根据下文“Thanks a lt!”可知,非常感谢。选项A“好的,我现在就去。”符合语境。故选A。
    6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.D
    sadness难过;wrry担心;happiness开心;interest兴趣。根据“Bth… and excitement”可知,此处是两种不同的心情,wrry符合语境,故选B。
    phne电话;rm房间;accunt账户;car汽车。根据“hung up the phne”可知,是把电话给了社区中心,故选A。
    buying买;psting邮寄;bringing带来;taking带走。根据“Wuld it be OK if we arrived tday abut 1:00 p.m.”可知,社区中心给作者带来圣诞节礼物,故选C。
    12:30 p.m.下午12点半;1:00 p.m.下午1点钟;1:30 p.m.下午一点半;2:00 p.m.下午2点。根据“if we arrived tday abut 1:00 p.m.”可知,约定的时间要到了,也就是快到下午一点了,故选B。
    saw看见;fund发现;felt感觉;heard听到。根据“Each time I … a car, I jumped up t see if they were here.”可知,听到汽车的声音就看看是不是他们到了,故选D。
    ludly大声地;slwly缓慢地;happily开心地;freely自由地。根据“beating”及“I wndered if they culd hear it”可知,心跳的声音很大,故选A。
    wnderful精彩的;different不同的;mad生气的;difficult困难的。根据“we have cllected tys fr families wh might be having a … time this hliday seasn”可知,把这些玩具送给过得艰难的家庭,故选D。
    bags包;cards卡;bxes盒子;letters信件。根据“Amng the bxes”可知,堆满了箱子,故选C。
    Christmas圣诞;New Year新年;Hallween万圣节;Thanks-giving Day感恩节。根据“Christmas presents”可知,过来送圣诞礼物,所以是祝福过一个幸福的圣诞节,故选A。
    Thank yu谢谢;Srry抱歉;Gdbye再见;Hell你好。根据“We hpe yu have a blessed”可知,对于别人的祝福应表示感谢,故选A。
    cat外套;hat帽子;glves手套;scarf围巾。根据“putting n his hat”可知,手里拿着帽子,故选B。
    number号码;price价格;address地址;cst成本。根据“send a thank-yu card”可知,询问对方的地址,故选C。
    ran跑步;drve驾驶;rde骑行;flated漂浮。根据“Finally a huge SUV pulled int the driveway”可知,驾车离开了,故选B。
    raised饲养;begged祈求;cllected收集;received收到。根据“I had always dnated”以及nt可知,总是捐赠,而不是接受,故选D。
    Because因为;If如果;Befre在……之前;Althugh尽管。“the sea gets rugh”与“n strm lasts frever”是让步关系,用althugh引导让步状语从句,故选D。
    21.D 22.B 23.D
    21.推理判断题。根据“But d yu knw the interesting facts abut smething that smells bad?”可知,文章第一段介绍本文主题,一些闻起来很难闻的东西的有趣事实,接下来作者列举了鱼、脚以及变质的鸡蛋的味道,故作者通过举例子的方式介绍文章内容。故选D。
    22.细节理解题。根据“When an egg ges bad, the bacteria help t change the sulfur (硫) in its white part int sulfur and hydrgen (硫化氢).”可知,臭鸡蛋会释放出硫和氢。故选B。
    23.推理判断题。根据“But d yu knw the interesting facts abut smething that smells bad?”及全文可知,本文介绍了一些关于闻起来很难闻的东西的有趣事实,故文章可能来源于“Fun Facts”版块。故选D。
    24.B 25.D 26.A
    24.细节理解题。根据“whether that be the cntinuing develpment f yur speech and language, the way yu prgressed with yur swimming, r yur achievements in dance.”可知,在口语和语言方面的不断发展,在游泳方面的进步和在舞蹈方面的成就感。故选B。
    27.D 28.B 29.A 30.C
    27.推理判断题。根据“We see the warning signs and signals when things get rugh and difficult.”可知,第2段主要告诉我们,当事情变得艰难时,我们会看到警告信号。也就是说,我们在经历痛苦时才会吸取了教训。故选D。
    28.推理判断题。根据“Unlcking ur self-imprvement pwer means unlcking urselves ut f the bx f thught that is just the way we are.”可知,释放我们自我提升的力量意味着把我们自己从思维的盒子里解放出来。因此,要解决简的问题,要建议她把自己从思维的盒子里解放出来。故选B。
    30.观点态度题。根据“Happy peple dn’t just accept change; they welcme it.”可知,快乐的人不仅仅接受改变;他们对此表示欢迎。也就是说,作者认为,如果你欢迎生活中的变化,你会让它变得更好。故选C。
    31.B 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.C
    31.细节理解题。根据“In the early 1900s, this frm f wdblck-printed New Year pictures entered a glden age, nt nly making its way acrss the cuntry but als being exprted t mre than 10 cuntries and regins in Sutheast Asia.”可知,20世纪初,这种形式的木版年画进入了黄金时期,不仅风靡全国,而且还出口到东南亚十多个国家和地区。故选B。
    32.细节理解题。根据“Their century-ld family wrkshp is named after Zhng’s grandmther Ga Lamei.”可知,他们的家族作坊已有百年历史,以钟的祖母高腊梅的名字命名。故选B。
    33.细节理解题。根据“Althugh things have changed a lt ver the years, the New Year pictures are still a name card fr the twn and an emtinal cnnectin fr peple frm the prvince.”可知,年画仍然是这座城镇的名片,也是该省人民的情感纽带,即它们代表着这个小镇,也把湖南人联系在一起。故选D。
    34.词义猜测题。根据“plans t incrprate mre lcal natural landscape and flk stries int the New Year pictures in the future.”(计划未来……更多的地方自然景观和民间故事到年画中)可推断,应是在年画中加入更多当地的自然景观和民间故事,划线单词表示“加入”,与include意思相近,故选A。
    35.细节理解题。根据“Zhng has started Tantu-style New Year picture classes in Changsha t ppularize the craft. .”可知,她在长沙开设了“滩头式年画”课程,以推广这一工艺。故选C。
    36.A 37.D 38.F 39.B 40.C
    36.根据“But what are eyebrws even fr? They dn’t keep us warm like ur hair, r help us breathe like ur nses.”可知眉毛不保暖也不能帮我们呼吸,问为何要有眉毛,A项“那么我们为什么要有它们呢?”符合语境。故选A。
    37.根据“Early humans had large brw ridges.”可知此处介绍早期人类的眉骨很大的作用,D项“这有助于他们展示自己的力量。”符合语境。故选D。
    38.根据“If yu still find this hard t understand, just draw a simple face n a piece f paper and draw a line abve the eyes.”可知此处讲到在眼睛上方画线,F项“你可以画不同形状和方向的线。”符合语境。故选F。
    39.根据“Their arched shape can help t mve rain r sweat arund t the sides f ur faces, keeping ur eyes dry, the BBC reprted. Tgether with ur eyelashes, eyebrws can als help t keep dust and ther things ut f ur eyes.”可知眉毛能够保护我们的眼睛,B项“它们还可以保护我们的眼睛。”符合语境。故选B。
    40.根据“In that case, sme researchers believe that we wuld have evlved sme ther facial feature t perfrm the same functins.”可知这是没有眉毛的情况下会发生的事情,C项“如果我们没有眉毛呢?”符合语境。故选C。
    41.used 42.ppular 43.learning 44.get tgether 45.wner 46.increasing 47.imprve 48.meet the tastes f 49.shaped 50.designers
    41.句意:它们被用于中国传统的绘画和书法。根据“Yes, they are ink brush, ink, paper and inkstne. They traditinal Chinese painting and calligraphy.”和备选词汇可知,创作中国画和写书法时要使用文房四宝,可推测此处文房四宝被用于中国画和书法,be used in表示“被用于……”。故填used。
    42.句意:传统的艺术工具现在越来越受到年轻人的欢迎。根据“getting ... with yung peple”及备选词可知,此处是固定短语get ppular with sb“受某人欢迎”,故填ppular。
    43.句意:在大学学习国画的杨梅是“文房四宝”的粉丝。根据“wh is... traditinal Chinese painting in cllege”及备选词可知,在大学里应是学习国画,learn“学习”,is后跟现在分词构成现在进行时结构,故填learning。
    44.句意:她说,她周围的许多年轻人重新发现了中国传统艺术的美,他们喜欢聚在一起讨论书画。根据“t discuss painting and calligraphy.”及备选词可知,谈论应是很多人聚在一起进行的,get tgether“聚在一起”,不定式符号t后跟动词原形,故填get tgether。
    45.句意:银川一家传统艺术工具店的老板许和平,发现越来越多的年轻人来他的店里买文房四宝。根据“an ... f a traditinal art tl shp”可知,an后跟元音音素开头的单数名词,构成f所有格,结合后文“t his shp t buy ”可知,许和平是这家店的主人,所以用wn 的名词wner“所有人”,故填wner。
    46.句意:银川一家传统艺术工具店的老板许和平,发现越来越多的年轻人来他的店里买文房四宝。根据“an number f yung peple”可知,空处应填形容词修饰数量的大小,且an后应跟以元音音素开头的单词,备选词increase的形容词increasing“越来越多的”符合语境,故填increasing。
    47.句意:看到传统艺术工具越来越受欢迎,制造商们正在努力改进他们的产品。根据“They make traditinal art tls with mdern designs”可知,此处指改进产品,imprve“改进”,不定式符号t后跟动词原形,故填imprve。
    48.句意:他们用现代设计制作传统的艺术工具,以满足年轻买家的爱好。根据“Seeing the grwing ppularity f traditinal art tls”和“They make traditinal art tls with mdern designs”可知,改进产品是为了满足买家的爱好,meet the tastes f符合语境,不定式符号t后跟动词原形。故填meet the tastes f。
    49.句意:店里最畅销的商品之一是一种形状像猫爪的砚台。根据“an inkstne... like the paw f a cat”可知,此处指形状像猫抓,shaped符合语境,过去分词作后置定语,故填shaped。
    50.句意:王说,他的许多设计师都是年轻人,他们知道中国年轻人的好恶。根据“wh knw Chinese yung peple’s likes and dislikes.”可知,知道年轻人的好恶的应是设计师,designer符合语境,mst f后跟可数名词复数,故填designers。
    51.(s)tries 52.(a)sked 53.(f)und 54.(e)ven 55.(s)ecret 56.(a)ble 57.(b)ecause 58.(d)uring 59.(r)eturning 60.(s)trange/special
    51.句意:这样做的一个好方法是读一些关于它的故事。根据句子结构可知,此处需填名词。结合首字母和“Here is a stry fr yu”,可知填可数名词stry“故事”,名词前有sme修饰,因此用复数形式stries。故填(s)tries。
    52.句意:一天,他坐在外面,一个女孩走过来请他帮她找“感恩外套”。根据句子结构可知,此处需填谓语动词,时态为一般过去时和came并列。结合首字母和“him t help her”,可知ask“询问”符合语境,ask sb t d“让某人做某事”,其过去式为asked。故填(a)sked。
    53.句意:然后他在树上找到了它。根据句子结构可知,此处需填谓语动词,动作发生在过去,因此时态为一般过去时。结合上文“asked him t help her lk fr the Thankful Cat”、下文“It was the mst beautiful cat he had ever seen”和首字母,可知find“发现”符合语境,其过去式为fund。故填(f)und。
    54.句意:他非常感谢她,这使他感觉更好。根据句子结构可知,此处需填副词修饰better。结合首字母和“He did and felt happier than ever. He was very thankful t her and that made him ”,可知even“甚至”符合语境。故填(e)ven。
    55.句意:临走前,她告诉他,幸福的秘诀是感恩。根据句子结构可知,此处需填名词。结合首字母和“t happiness”,可知secret“秘密、秘诀”符合语境,the secret t sth“……的秘诀”。故填(s)ecret。
    56.句意:然而,他没能做到,最后他住进了医院。根据句子结构可知,此处需填形容词。结合首字母、上文“thinking abut all the things he’s thankful fr, and be happy”和下文“finally he was in hspital”,可知able“有能力的”符合语境,be able t d“有能力做某事”。这里的“he wasn’t able t d it”指的是他没办法开心起来。故填(a)ble。
    57.句意:他更伤心,因为他不能出去玩。根据句子结构可知,此处需填连词。结合“he culdn’t play utside”可知,应填because表示原因,因为不能出去玩,所以更难过了。故填(b)ecause。
    58.句意:这种有趣的事情使他在住院期间笑了起来。根据句子结构可知,此处需填介词。结合首字母和“the time he was in hspital”,可知during“在……期间”符合语境。故填(d)uring。
    59.句意:回到学校后,他告诉最好的朋友他所看到的这些疯狂的事情。根据句子结构可知,此处需填动名词。结合上文去了医院以及首字母,可知return“返回”符合语境,其动名词形式为returning,return t“回到某地”。故填(r)eturning。
    60.句意:当他和朋友说话的时候,他注意到一个奇怪/特殊的东西从他朋友的包里出来了。根据句子结构可知,此处需填形容词。结合“When he asked his friend abut it, his friend shwed him all the cstumes he used t cheer him up.”可知,这个男孩看到了些奇怪/特殊的东西,所以问他的朋友那些东西是干什么的,因此strange“奇怪的”或special“特殊的”符合语境。故填(s)trange/(s)pecial。
    61.It’s n April 24. 62.Explring the mn 63.Liu Yang. 64.Never give up. 65.The develpment f Chinese space explratin.
    61.根据第二段的“On April 24, 1970, China’s first man-made satellite was sent up int space. In memry f this success, that day was made Space Day f China. ”可知1970年4月24日,中国第一颗人造卫星被送入太空。为了纪念这一成功,这一天被定为中国太空日。因此是4月24日。故填It’s n April 24.
    62.通读第二段可知,主要介绍了中国对月球的探索,因此可以此作为标题。故填Explring the mn。
    63.根据第五段的“And Liu Yang became the first Chinese wman in space in 2012.”可知2012年,刘洋成为第一位进入太空的中国女性。故填Liu Yang.
    64.根据最后一段的“Over the years, Chinese scientists have created a traditin f nn-stpping hard wrk under very difficult cnditins t slve very imprtant prblems and achieve success. That is als called the China Space Spirit. ”可知多年来,中国科学家创造了一种在非常困难的条件下不停地努力工作以解决非常重要的问题并取得成功的传统。那也被称为中国太空精神。因此中国太空精神是不放弃的精神。故填Never give up.
    65.通读全文可知,主要介绍了中国对太空的探索及其发展过程。故填The develpment f Chinese space explratin.
    My Favrite Histrical Persn
    In the lng histry f China, there are many famus histrical persns. A great number f histrical figures have made great cntributins t the sciety and sme f them really impressed themselves n ur memry.
    As fr me, my favrite histrical persn is Zhuge Liang, a famus plitician with great achievement in literature in the Three Kingdms perid. His intelligence is acknwledged by the Chinese. He helped Liu Bei t get ver the emergencies and successfully established Shu. Mrever, varius articles written by him have been passed n until nw, impressing me with his lyalty and huge amunt f knwledge. Therefre, I regard lyalty as the mst valuable quality and always keep n learning t be a knwledgeable persn. At the same time, I als learn his wisdm t help mre peple.
    There used t be a lt f peple wh had utstanding thughts and great achievements. They are ur mst precius wealth. We shuld learn frm them.
    ①a great number f大量的
    ②used t d sth曾经做某事
    ③with great achievement in literature在文学方面有很高的成就
    ④regard sth as将某物视为
    ①His intelligence is acknwledged by the Chinese.(一般现在时的被动语态)
    ②Therefre, I regard lyalty as the mst valuable quality and always keep n learning t be a knwledgeable persn. (and连接两个并列谓语)

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