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    1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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    第I卷(选择题 共56分)
    从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1.—Did yu see ________ film N Mre Bets (《孤注一掷》) during the summer hliday?
    —Yes, it is ________ fantastic film.
    A.a; theB.a; aC.the; theD.the; a
    2.Junir high schl days are ver and it’s hard t ________ ur dear teachers and friends.
    A.separate frmB.deal with
    C.believe inD.depend n
    3.—What d yu think f Helen?
    —Indeed she has a serius face, but she is very ________ at heart.
    4.It is a gd idea t experience life ________ the schl by vlunteering. Take an active part in it, and yu will make a difference t the wrld.
    5.— A rbt served us dinner last night. Dn’t yu think we are living in amazing times?
    — I can’t agree mre. The ________ makes ur lives easier and happier.
    6.— Hw d yu find yur classmates?
    — Mst are kind, but ________ f them is gd t me as Cathy.
    A.nneB.n neC.smeneD.everyne
    7.—D yu like the mvie ________ is called The Battle at Lake Changjin?
    —Sure. I think n mvie is ________ than it.
    A.that; mre tuching B.what; less tuching C.that; mre tuchedD.which; less tuched
    8.Father’s Day is cming. I’m thinking abut ________.
    A.what present I gave my fatherB.if I planned a party fr my father
    C.hw I can give my father a surpriseD.where will my father and I have a big meal
    9.—Harvey, I hear that Nick came first again in the exam.
    —It’s nt surprise. ________. He learns mst carefully in ur class.
    A.N pain, n gainB.Every dg has its day
    C.Many hands make light wrkD.Actins speak luder than wrd
    10.—I hnestly dn’t think I’m ging t be accepted by the league.
    —Well, ________! Yu may have made a better impressin than yu think.
    A.yu never knw B.I tld yuC.nt a chanceD.what a pity
    A few weeks ag, Catherine asked Thmas, her 7-year-ld sn, what he wuld like t be when he grws up. Thmas said he wanted t either run a dg htel r be a Leg (乐高) 11 . “When I was seven, my mum asked me the same questin, and I said I wanted t be an astrnaut. But I did nt make it. Unlike me, 12 , Thmas was active,” Catherine said.
    The next day he appeared with a letter, written in his “best handwriting”, asking Leg if he culd wrk fr them. He 13 shared that he culd help with designing Legs after schl, n weekends and in the hlidays. Catherine put the letter in the mail but als tried t manage his 14 . She tld Thmas that while Leg wuld appreciate (欣赏) his letter, the cmpany prbably wuldn’t 15 . After hearing what Catherine said, Thmas was very sad and disappinted (失望的).
    Then a package (包裹) arrived frm Christian Pau, the general manager f Leg U.K. 16 was a Leg kit (成套设备) and a handwritten letter. In this letter, Pau thanked Thmas fr his letter and said his creatins lk 17 ! He invited Thmas t visit his cmpany.
    “Seeing my sn 18 with pride at the letter,” Catherine said, “was smething I wn’t frget.” And 19 will Thmas. Christian Pau didn’t knw what Thmas’s 20 might hld. He simply tk the time t reply. It was a small mment t him, but prbably a 21 mment fr Thmas. As Catherine wrte, “Thank yu fr making my sn see that it’s always wrth 22 .” That’s the real beauty f Pau’s letter. Yu can never expect when a small mment will make a big difference.
    18.A.turn upB.put upC.light upD.take up
    A strange siphn
    A siphn(虹吸管)is a simple tl fr mving water frm ne place t anther and it’s usually made with a hse(软管)f sme kind.
    Here’s ne that’s made f nthing but paper:
    Yu’ll need
    ·Tilet paper
    ·Tw drinking glasses
    1. Tear ff(撕掉)five squares f tilet paper and gently rll them int a tng cylinder(圆柱形).
    2. Fill ne f the glasses with water, stand it next t the empty glass and lay the paper int as shwn in the picture.
    3. Leave the glasses and check them a day later.
    What happened?
    Sme f the water—as much as half f the water if yur siphn wrks well—will have mved frm the full glass t the empty glass.
    Water is made up f tiny particles(粒子). and a piece f paper cntains tiny spaces between the paper fibers(纤维)that hld nt water particles.
    Thse tiny spaces null water alng with a frce called capillary actin(毛细管作用)”, In yur siphn, they pulled the water particles ver int the empty glass.
    23.What is the siphn made f in this experiment?
    24.Hw much tilet paper d we use t make a siphn?
    A.4 square meters. B.5 square meters.C.4 squares.D.5 squares.
    25.What makes the water mve frm ne glass int the ther?
    A.Paper fibers.B.Tiny particles.C.Capillary actin.D.Water particles.
    D yu have any nline classes? It is pssible t take classes at hme. All yu need is a cmputer and a headset (耳机).
    Hwever, mst students dn’t seem t like nline classes. Accrding t a recent survey (调查), nly 33 percent f the students wuld take such classes. Over 1,500 students frm 10 cities are surveyed.
    Many students said it was hard t fcus n (专注于) studying while taking nline classes. This was true fr Li Mei, 15, at Beijing N.5 Middle Schl. “There are n classmates and n real teachers watching me. I can use the Internet r d ther things if I want t. It’s harder t always stay fcused,” she said.
    Li Mei prepares a lt befre taking her classes t make sure she will keep her attentin. She als pushes herself t cmmunicate with teachers. Students can cme up with r answer questins while taking nline classes.
    Wen Wen, Li Mei’s classmate thinks nline interactin (互动) isn’t enugh. “The nline teachers dn’t really get t knw me. When I dn’t hand in hmewrk, all I get is a shrt message instead f real cncern (关心),” she said.
    Hwever, nline classes are gd in sme ways. “It saves time and mney cmpared with taking ffline classes. Als, if I dn’t understand sme parts f a lessn, I can watch it ver again,” Li Mei said.
    26.Many students think ________.
    A.it is impssible t take nline classes at hme
    B.they can’t cmmunicate with the teachers nline
    C.they can’t cme up with r answer questins while taking nline classes
    D.it’s hard t fcus n studying while taking nline classes
    27.The underlined wrd “ffline” means “________” in Chinese.
    28.Which f the fllwing is NOT TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.Li Mei thinks that nline interactin isn’t enugh.
    B.Wen Wen is a student frm a middle schl in Beijing.
    C.Li Mei thinks it hard t always stay fcused.
    D.Li Mei pushes herself t cmmunicate with teachers in nline classes.
    29.The passage is mainly abut ________.
    A.hw the students take nline classes at hmeB.what the students think f nline classes
    C.where the students take nline classesD.why the students like taking nline classes
    Mr. Gng was angry when he fund ut that his 12-year-ld child had spent 13,272 yuan frm March 17 t 21 when playing vide games n his mbile phne. Gng made a cmplaint and required the vide cmpany t return all the mney. But “It’s in the air s far.” Gng tld wrkers’ Daily.
    This is nt a single case in which children have paid a great deal f mney t play nline games. The Guangdng Cnsumer Cuncil (消费者委员会) has received mre than 10,000 similar cmplaints frm lcal parents in the first three mnths f this year.
    Because f the increasing number f similar cases, the cuncil talked with many nline game cmpanies in the prvince, strngly suggesting that they shuld intrduce useful methds t prtect the cnsumer rights f children.
    In fact, many nline cmpanies and mbile apps have prvided a yuth mde, annuncing that parents can cntrl the cntent and limit the time their children spend in using the apps.
    Hwever, accrding t the cnsumer survey reprt by the Jiangsu Cnsumer Cuncil. Sme f the prtectin mdes f cmpanies such as Huya, Duyu, Bilibili and Team Talk are far frm useful.
    Fr example users f all f the abve cmpanies can extend watching time by entering a passwrd. Team Talk’s yuth mde is n different frm the usual mde, which means that children can watch all cntent. Wang Yihan, 16, frm Fuzhu N. l High Schl, shared her experience. She said “Sme apps wuld nly send a ntice t check whether the user is ver 18 years ld. The user can simply chse “Yes’ and star playing the game. It’s n gd.”
    Accrding t Guangdng Cnsumer Cuncil, game cmpanies are being advised t intrduce different methds t check wh the players are, including fingerprint, passwrd r facial recgnitin (人脸识别) when children pay t play nline games.
    30.Frm the underlined sentence “It’s up in the air s far”, we can guess ________.
    A.the cmpany ran ut f mney thenB.Mr. Gng hasn’t gt the mney back
    C.the cmpany threw the mney int the airD.Mr. Gng thanked Wrkers’ Daily fr helping him
    31.What’s the meaning f the wrd “extend” in Paragraph 6?
    A.Change the way.B.Make smething lnger.
    C.Imprve the quality.D.Cut smething shrter.
    32.What can we infer (推断) frm the passage?
    A.A father is angry with vide games.B.Famus vide game cmpanies will be against by the public.
    C.All pr1ctin mdes f nline games wrk well.D.Stricter rules are needed fr nline games.
    There are a few different kinds f hckey, including ice hckey and field hckey. One f the biggest differences between the sprts is the surface n which they are played. Sme suggest that field hckey has been arund fr thusands f years. There is evidence t supprt that a similar game was played by ancient peple in Greece and Rme.
    Ice hckey has been arund, fficially, since the late 1800s. This is when the rules were made by J.A.Creightn. The first league was in place by the early 1900s. Later, ice hckey became an Olympic sprt.
    Hckey is a team sprt with six players n tw ppsing teams. The game is played n a rink f ice with tw gals at each end. The standard rink size is 200 feet lng and 85 feet wide. Players, all wearing ice skates, mve a disk called a puck arund the ice. Their purpse is t sht the puck int the ther team’s gal. The gal is a net that is six feet wide and fur feet tall. Each gal is guarded by a galie, wh is the nly ne that can tuch the puck with his hckey stick as well as any part f his bdy. Galies can even use their feet t stp the puck frm getting int the net.
    A hckey stick is what players use t mve the puck. It is usually 5 t 6 feet in length with a flat blade at the end. Hckey sticks are straight sticks made f wd. The puck is made f vulcanized (硫化的) rubber, which is a much better material than the first pucks. It’s said that the first infrmal hckey games were played with pucks made f frzen cw waste! The mdern puck is typically ne inch thick and three inches in diameter.
    36 Instead, the names f the winning hckey team’s players, caches, and managers are added t the presentatin cup. There are five rings f names. The ldest ring is remved when a new ne is added.
    Tday, ice hckey is the mst ppular team sprt played n the ice all ver the wrld.
    33.Frm the passage, we knw that ________ decides what kind f hckey it is.
    A.the rules t fllwB.the time f appearing
    C.the material f puckD.the place fr playing
    34.What is the crrect rder f the events in ice hckey’s histry?
    a. The rules f ice hckey were made.
    b. Ice hckey became an Olympic sprt.
    c. The first league f ice hckey was set up.
    d. Ice hckey became the mst ppular ice sprt.
    e. Peple played with frzen cw waste in the field.
    35.Which f the fllwing sentences is prper at the beginning f Paragraph 5?
    A.Cmpared with ther sprts, all the members f the champin can get a ring.
    B.Unlike ther sprts, the champin team can get ne mre cup each year.
    C.Unlike ther sprts, a new cup fr the champin isn’t created each year.
    D.Cmpared with ther sprts, at mst five names in all can be added t the cup.
    36.The main purpse f the article is t ________.
    A.explain the rules f ice hckey
    B.shw the materials f the ice hckey
    C.tell us the champinship f the ice hckey
    D.intrduce the develpment f the ice hckey
    Mst peple enjy listening t music. But if yu ask yur classmates what kind f music they like, yu may get many different answers. 37 What d these differences say abut peple?
    Researchers frm Cambridge University tried t answer the questins. They surveyed 350, 000 peple frm 50 different cuntries. 38
    Outging peple, fr example, prefer rhythmic music and danceable music. Peple wh enjy cuntry music are shwn t be mre serius abut their wrk. One f the results is quite interesting. The researchers predicted (预测) that peple wh were under t much stress shuld like either sad music t express their feelings r rhythmic music t imprve their mds. But it burned ut that these peple liked neither. 39 Perhaps it helps reduce their stress.
    The researchers als fund that climates might influence peple’s musical preferences (偏爱) and persnality. Peple in warmer climates prefer danceable music. They are mre utging. This may be a result f lnger daylight hurs and warmer evenings.
    Of curse, nthing is clear-cut (确切的). 40 The Cambridge study shws us that peple f different cultures are mre similar than we think.
    “Peple may be divided by gegraphy, language and culture,” said Dr. David Greenberg, the leading researcher. “But if an utging persn in ne part f the wrld likes the same music as utging peple elsewhere, then we can say that music is really like a pwerful bridge.
    A.D yu enjy listening t music?
    B.In fact, they prefer lud and pwerful music.
    C.T much stress makes peple in a bad md.
    D.We may nt grup peple just by their musical tastes.
    E.Why d different peple have different musical preferences?
    F.Then, they discvered sme cnnectins between musical preferences and persnality.
    第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共34分)
    Calling smene names, spreading wrng infrmatin abut smene, and threatening smene—these terrible things are all kinds f bullying. Nwadays, teenagers face 41 new kind f bullying: cyber-bullying (网络欺凌). Cyber-bullying is ne f the bad sides f the technlgy. Smart phnes and cmputers 42 (use) ften t bully thers by the bullies n the Internet.
    There is a 43 (pssible) that cyber-bullying will happen at any time r place. 44 teenagers feel safe at their wn hmes, they may still be cyber-bullied.
    Nt nly is cyber-bullying hard t avid, it is als hard t catch. It is quite easy t send a message by text frm an 45 (knw) phne number. Bullies spend little time 46 (set) up a scial netwrk accunt (网络账号) and share a bad message. And, if the bullies knw hw 47 (hide) the IP address, they can send a rude vide t a website. And peple wuldn’t knw wh did it and hw they wuld deal with it 48 (prper).
    One f the mst terrible things abut cyber-bullying is that it can hurt mre peple than traditinal frms f bullying. A bully can tell lies abut a teenager and share them 49 the whle schl at the tuch f a buttn (按钮).
    Fr sme teenagers, it’s t much. The UK charity Beatbullying suggests that up t 44 percent f suicides (自杀) amng 10- t 14-year-lds may be caused by bullying.
    The gd news is that peple 50 (take) actin t fight against cyber-bullying ver the last few years. Schls and websites like Childnet Internatinal ffer advice and supprt t students. Scial netwrks nw advise users t think carefully abut their privacy settings. Many als prvide a special buttn fr users t reprt uncmfrtable r dangerus activities.
    We are all , but we als .
    In winter, the weather in Hainan .
    Culd yu tell me ?
    The gvernment again in such a shrt time.
    my university classmate yesterday!
    Changzhu Zhngwu Htel .
    参考词汇:猜谜guess a riddle
    Dear Helen,
    Happy New Term!
    I knw frm the news that this year is very special. After the winter hliday, yu start yur new term at the Lantern Festival. I am very interested in knwing mre abut this festival. Hw d yu use lanterns fr this festival? What special fd d yu eat? What kinds f celebratin activities d yu have in yur schl? Culd yu please satisfy my curisity(好奇心)?
    Best wishes!
    Dear Sandy,
    Thank yu fr emailing me.
    Yes, the Lantern Festival is a traditinal festival all ver China, which is cnsidered as the end f the Spring Festival. In China, we think lanterns can
    Hpe we can spend the next Lantern Festival tgether!
    【详解】句意:——暑假期间你看了电影《孤注一掷》了吗? ——是的,这是一部精彩的电影。
    考查冠词。a“一个”,表泛指,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;the“这/那个,这/那些”,表示特指。第一空,根据“…film N Mre Bets”可知,此处指电影《孤注一掷》,用the表示特指;第二空,根据“…fantastic film”可知,此处应a/an来表示泛指,fantastic是以辅音音素开头的单词,应用a。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。separate frm与……分开;deal with处理;believe in信任;depend n依赖。根据“it’s hard t … ur dear teachers and friends”可知,很难与初中的老师和朋友分开,故选A。
    考查形容词辨析。selfish自私的;patient耐心的;humrus幽默的;generus慷慨的。根据“Indeed she has a serius face”及but可知,表面很严肃,内心很幽默,故选C。
    考查介词的用法。abve在……上方;beynd在……之外;ver在……上方;against倚着。根据“ schl by vlunteering”可知是学校之外的生活。故选B。
    【详解】句意:——昨晚一个机器人为我们提供晚餐。你不觉得我们生活在一个令人惊奇的时代吗? ——我非常同意。科技使我们的生活更轻松、更快乐。
    考查名词。infrmatin信息;technlgy科技;discvery发现;cmpetitin竞赛。根据上文A rbt served us dinner last night可知,科技的进步让人们的生活更轻松和快乐了。B选项符合句意,故选B。
    考查不定代词。nne(三者或三者以上)都不,通常与表范围的f短语连用;n ne没人,不能与f短语连用;smene某人;everyne每人;上文“ Mst are kind”大多数人都很善良,根据but表示句意转折, 可知此处指“但是没有一个像凯茜那样对我好”,排除C和D;空格后接f短语,排除B。故选A。
    考查宾语从句。根据“I’m thinking abut …”及选项可知此处是宾语从句,宾语从句需用陈述语序,故排除选项D;根据“Father’s Day is cming.”可知父亲节还没到,选项A和B为一般过去时,不符合题意。故选C。
    考查谚语。N pain, n gain一分耕耘,一份收获;Every dg has its day凡人皆有得意日;Many hands make light wrk众人拾柴火焰高;Actins speak luder than wrd行动胜于雄辩。根据“He learns mst carefully in ur class.”可知,此处指尼克很努力,N pain, n gain“一分耕耘,一份收获”符合语境。故选A。
    考查交际用语。yu never knw很难说;I tld yu我告诉过你;nt a chance没有机会;what a pity真可惜。根据“Yu may have made a better impressin than yu think.”可知你可能给人留下的印象比你想象的要好,因此是很难说,表示安慰。故选A。
    11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.A
    player运动员;designer设计师;prducer生产商;creatr创造者。根据“he culd help with designing Legs”可知想要成一名乐高设计师。故选B。
    wisely明智地;lightly轻轻地;crrectly正确地;pssibly可能地。根据“shared that he culd help with designing Legs after schl, n weekends and in the hlidays”可知能考虑到设计时间的托马斯是明智地。故选A。
    creatins创造;intrductins介绍;instructins说明;expectatins期待。根据“She tld Thmas that while Leg wuld appreciate his letter, the cmpany prbably wuldn’t ...”可知告诉托马斯他不太可能会收到回复,应是降低他的期待。故选D。
    arrive到达;invite邀请;reply答复;return返回。根据“She tld Thmas that while Leg wuld appreciate his letter, the cmpany prbably wuldn’t ...”可推出是可能不会回复托马斯的信。故选C。
    Inside在里面;Outside在外面;With有;Beynd超出。根据“Then a package arrived frm Christian Pau”可知此处介绍包裹里面的东西。故选A。
    strange奇怪的;fantastic极好的,了不起的;impssible不可能的;pwerful有力量的。根据“with pride”可知保罗赞扬托马斯的作品很棒。故选B。
    turn up调大;put up张贴;light up露出喜色;take up开始从事。根据“In this letter, Pau thanked Thmas fr his letter and said his creatins lk ...! He invited Thmas t visit his cmpany.”可知保罗回信了而且赞扬了托马斯,托马斯面露喜色。故选C。
    s因此;then然后;neither两者都不;either也。根据“I wn’t frget”可知此处用“neither will Thmas”表示托马斯也不会忘记。故选C。
    letter信件;design设计;handwriting手写;future未来。根据“might hld”可推出是不知道托马斯的未来会怎样。故选D。
    helpless无助的;huge巨大的;useful有用的;satisfying令人满意的。根据“It was a small mment t him”及but引起的转折可推出对托马斯来说是个大时刻。故选B。
    23.B 24.D 25.C
    23.细节理解题。根据“Yu’ll need·Tilet paper·Tw drinking glasses”可知,用纸做的这个实验。故选B。
    24.细节理解题。根据“ Tear ff five squares f tilet paper and gently rll them int a tng cylinder.”可知,用5块厕纸,也就是5方格厕纸来做虹吸管。故选D。
    25.细节理解题。根据“Thse tiny spaces null water alng with a frce called capillary actin”可知, 把水引入另一个杯子的是“毛细管作用”。故选 C。
    26.D 27.C 28.A 29.B
    【导语】本文是一篇议论文,文章是关于线上课程的一项调查,主要介绍两个学生Li Mei和 Wen Wen的不同看法。
    26.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Many students said it was hard t fcus n(专注于)studying while taking nline classes.”可知,许多学生表示,在线上课很难集中精力学习。故选D。
    27.词句猜测题。分析“Hwever, nline classes are gd in sme ways.‘It saves time and mney cmpared with taking ffline classes.’”可知,与线下课程相比,在线课程节省了时间和金钱。所以ffline的意思是“线下的”。故选C。
    28.细节理解题。根据“Wen Wen, Li Mei’s classmate thinks nline interactin(互动)isn’t enugh.”可知,李梅的同学文文认为线上互动是不够的。A选项“李梅认为在线互动还不够。”与文章表述不符。故选A。
    29.主旨大意题。根据通读全文可知,本文主要是关于线上课程的调查,主要介绍两个学生Li Mei和Wen Wen的不同看法。故选B。
    30.B 31.B 32.D
    30.推理判断题。“It’s in the air s far.”句意为:到目前为止,事情悬而未决。根据此句可推知龚先生的投诉还没有得到很好的解决,钱还没有拿回来。故选B。
    31.词义猜测题。根据“limit the time their children spend in using the apps.”可知,这里是“用户可以通过输入密码来延长观看时间”,extend表示“延长”,即:Make smething lnger.故选B。
    32.推理判断题。根据“Accrding t Guangdng Cnsumer Cuncil, game cmpanies are being advised t intrduce different methds t check wh the players are, including fingerprint, passwrd r facial recgnitin (人脸识别) when children pay t play nline games.”可知,游戏公司需要对网络游戏制订更严格的规则。故选D。
    33.D 34.A 35.C 36.D
    33.细节理解题。根据“One f the biggest differences between the sprts is the surface n which they are played.”可知,这两种运动之间最大的区别之一是它们的比赛场地,故选D。
    34.细节理解题。根据“It’s said that the first infrmal hckey games were played with pucks made f frzen cw waste!”;“Ice hckey has been arund, fficially, since the late 1800s. This is when the rules were made by J.A. Creightn.”;“The first league was in place by the early 1900s.”;“Later, ice hckey became an Olympic sprt.”以及“Tday, ice hckey is the mst ppular team sprt played n the ice all ver the wrld.”可知,正确的顺序是e-a-c-b-d,故选A。
    35.推理判断题。根据“Instead, the names f the winning hckey team’s players, caches, and managers are added t the presentatin cup. There are five rings f names. The ldest ring is remved when a new ne is added.”可知,当一个新的戒指被添加时,旧的戒指被移除,也就是说并不是每年都会为冠军创造一个新的奖杯,故选C。
    37.E 38.F 39.B 40.D
    37.根据“What d these differences say abut peple?”和“Researchers frm Cambridge University tried t answer the questins.”可知,下文是在回答“这些问题”,因此空处也是在提问,询问差异产生的原因,选项E“为什么不同的人有不同的音乐偏好?”符合语境,故选E。
    38.根据“Outging peple, fr example, prefer rhythmic music and danceable music.”可知,下文举例的都是音乐偏好和个性之间的关系,因此空处说的也是音乐偏好和个性这间的联系,选项F“然后,他们发现了音乐偏好和个性之间的一些联系”符合语境,故选F。
    39.根据“The researchers predicted that peple wh were under t much stress shuld like either sad music t express their feelings r rhythmic music t imprve their mds. But it burned ut that these peple liked neither.”可知,研究人员预测压力过大的人应该喜欢悲伤的音乐来表达他们的感受,或者有节奏的音乐来改善他们的情绪,但事实却与之相反,所以他们应该喜欢更轻快的音乐,选项B“事实上,他们更喜欢响亮而有力的音乐”符合语境,故选B。
    40.根据“Of curse, nthing is clear-cut”和“The Cambridge study shws us that peple f different cultures are mre similar than we think”可知,这里说明不同文化的人也会更加相似,一切都不是一刀切的分类,所以不能只凭借音乐品味来分类人群,选项D“我们可能不会仅仅根据音乐品味对人们进行分组”符合语境,故选D。
    41.a 42.are used 43.pssibility 44.Thugh/Althugh/When 45.unknwn 46.setting 47.t hide 48.prperly 49.with 50.have taken
    41.句意:如今,青少年面临着一种新的欺凌:网络欺凌。根据“teenagers face ... new kind f bullying”可知,此处是指一种新的欺凌,且new是以辅音音素开头的单词,用不定冠词a表示。故填a。
    42.句意:智能手机和电脑经常被网络上的欺凌者用来欺负别人。主语与use之间是动宾关系,时态为一般现在时,因此用一般现在时的被动语态is/are dne,主语是复数,be用are。故填are used。
    44.句意:虽然/当青少年在自己的家里感到安全,他们可能仍然会受到网络欺凌。根据“teenagers feel safe at their wn hmes, they may still be cyber-bullied.”可知,句子前后是让步关系,可用thugh/althugh“虽然”引导让步状语从句;此句也可表示“当……时”,用when引导时间状语从句,句首首字母大写。故填Thugh/Althugh/When。
    45.句意:通过来自不知道的电话号码发送短信是相当容易的。根据“frm an ... (knw) phne number.”可知,此处表示不知道的电话号码,unknwn“不知道的”,形容词作定语。故填unknwn。
    46.句意:欺凌者花很少时间建立一个社交网络账号,分享不好的信息。spend time ding sth“花时间做某事”,空处用动名词。故填setting。
    47.句意:如果欺凌者知道如何隐藏IP地址,他们可以发送一个粗鲁的视频到网站。根据“if the bullies knw hw ... (hide) the IP address”可知,此处是“疑问词+不定式”作knw的宾语。故填t hide。
    48.句意:人们不知道是谁做的,也不知道该怎么正确处理它。此处修饰动词短语deal with,用副词prperly“正确地”。故填prperly。
    49.句意:一个欺凌者可以对一个青少年说谎,并通过触摸按钮在整个学校里分享。share sth with sb“和某人分享某事”,固定短语。故填with。
    50.句意:好消息是,在过去的几年里,人们已经采取行动反对网络欺凌。根据“ver the last few years.”可知,句子用现在完成时have/has dne,主语是复数,助动词用have。故填have taken。
    51. prud f the fast develpment f ur cuntry need t take n new challenges
    【详解】be prud f“以……为傲”,the fast develpment f ur cuntry“我们祖国的快速发展”,need t d sth“需要做某事”,take n new challenges“接受新的挑战”,根据are可知,此句是一般现在时,we作主语,谓语动词用原形。故填prud f the fast develpment f ur cuntry;need t take n new challenges。
    52. cmpared with the weather in the nrth is much mre cmfrtable
    【详解】根据中英文句子可知此处缺少“与北方的天气相比”和“舒服得多”,cmpared with“与……相比”,过去分词作状语;the weather in the nrth“北方的天气”,因此第一个空应填cmpared with the weather in the nrth;cmfrtable“舒服的”,形容词作be动词的表语,二者比较用比较级,much mre cmfrtable“舒服得多”,主语是不可数名词the weather,be动词用is,因此第二个空应填is much mre cmfrtable。故填cmpared with the weather in the nrth;is much mre cmfrtable。
    53.hw lng yu have had this English-Chinese dictinary
    【详解】空处缺少的是“你买这本英汉字典多久了”,作tell的宾语,是宾语从句,用陈述句语序,时态是现在完成时;hw lng“多久”;“你”yu;延续性动词have had表示“买”;this English-Chinese dictinary“买这本英汉字典”,故填hw lng yu have had this English-Chinese dictinary。
    54.was satisfied with us fr carrying ut this plan
    【详解】根据中英文句子可知此处缺少“对我们开展这项计划是满意的”的翻译,be satisfied with对……满意;carry ut开展;this plan这项计划;根据句意分析此句时态为一般过去时。故填was satisfied with us fr carrying ut this plan。
    55.What a ( big ) surprise it is t happen t meet
    【详解】根据中英文句子可知此处缺少“碰巧遇到”和“多么惊喜”的翻译,“多么惊喜”,其英文表达为what a ( big ) surprise it is,“碰巧遇到”,其英文表达为happen t meet;句首单词的首字母应大写。故填What a ( big ) surprise it is t happen t meet。
    56.has been famus fr prviding a high level f service fr custmers
    【详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处缺少“一直以给顾客提供优质的服务而有口皆碑”,“以……而有口皆碑”的英文表达可用be famus fr,结合语境,句子时态为现在完成时,表示状态的持续,主语是Changzhu Zhngwu Htel,此时谓语结构是has dne,be动词的过去分词是been;“给顾客提供优质的服务”的英文表达为prvide a high level f service fr custmers,prvide前是介词fr,此时prvide应用动名词形式prviding。故填has been famus fr prviding a high level f service fr custmers。
    57.Dear Sandy,
    Thank yu fr emailing me.
    Yes, the Lantern Festival is a traditinal festival all ver China, which is cnsidered as the end f the Spring Festival. In China, we think lanterns can break darkness as well as bring warmth and hpe t peple. S, at night, we can enjy red lanterns in different sizes alng the street. We can let ff firewrks and enjy the night view as well.
    Als, this festival is a wnderful time fr families t get tgether. On this day, we usually eat Tangyuan which means all the families get tgether and enjy their nice time.
    Yes, yu are right. In ur schl, we have different activities. We can guess riddles n the red paper r plastic lanterns and get nice presents if we get right answers. What’s mre, because it’s als the beginning f a new term, we can write dwn ur best wishes t ur friends and teachers fr the new term.
    Hpe we can spend the next Lantern Festival tgether!
    ①let ff 燃放
    ②as well as以及
    ③write dwn写下
    ①we usually eat Tangyuan which means all the families get tgether and enjy their nice time.(which引导的限制性定语从句)
    ②We can guess riddles n the red paper r plastic lanterns and get nice presents if we get right answers.(if引导的条件状语从句)
    ③because it’s als the beginning f a new term, we can write dwn ur best wishes t ur friends and teachers fr the new term.(because引导的原因状语从句)

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