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    Nbdy likes t spend mney n a new bk nly t face disappintment when it desn't live up t yur expectatins. Here are the best bk review sites t help yu avid buying bks that yu'll regret reading.
    Gd reads
    Gd reads is the leading nline cmmunity fr bk lvers. If yu want sme inspiratin fr which nvel r bigraphy t read next, this is the best bk review site t visit. There are an endless number f user-generated reading lists t explre.
    Fantasy Bk Review
    Fantasy Bk Review shuld be high n the list fr anyne wh is a fan f fantasy wrks. The bk review site publishes reviews fr bth children's bks and adults' bks. It has a sectin n the tp fantasy bks f all time.
    Bk list
    Bk list is a print magazine that als ffers an nline prtal (门户). Trusted experts frm the American Library Assciatin write all the bk reviews. Yu can see parts f reviews fr different bks. Hwever, t read them in full, yu will need t subscribe.
    YuTube is nt the type f place that immediately springs t mind when yu think f the best bk review sites nline. Hwever, there are several engaging YuTube channels that frequently ffer pinins n bks they've read.
    Althugh it's easy t be attracted by an impressive bk cver, it's always best t have a quick lk at the bk reviews befre actually buying a cpy. This way, yu can save yur mney and spend it n the bks that yu'll be prud t display n yur shelves fr a lng time.
    1.Which site best suits peple wh want t buy a bigraphy?
    A. Gd reads.B. Fantasy Bk Review.
    C. Bk list.D. YuTube.
    2.What can visitrs d n Bk list?
    A. Edit bk reviews.B. Discuss with experts.
    C. Read full reviews after payment.D. Find infrmatin abut writers.
    3.What is recmmended befre buying a bk?
    A. Nting the bk cver.B. Reading the bk reviews.
    C. Preparing a display shelf.D. Checking the bk's ratings.
    The pwer f "seeing"
    A spn-billed sandpiper (勺嘴鹬) steps int the frame,heading straight fr a small bug placed there.It swallws its fd with its spn-shaped beak.
    The perfrmance is fr Jel Sartre,funder f Pht Ark,a persnal effrt t dcument animals arund the wrld.
    The critically endangered bird,f which there are fewer than 1,000 individuals in the wild,is the 13,000th species Sartre has phtgraphed in 16 years.His gal is 20,000.
    Befre he started Pht Ark,Sartre spent mre than a decade wrking as a phtgrapher fr Natinal Gegraphic,mainly cvering cnservatin stries in the field.He had seen wildlife decreasing firsthand,but felt like the public wasn't interested.
    Sartre thught f a new way t inspire peple.He picked up his camera and set abut taking shts f wildlife-but rather than recrding animals in the wild,he wanted t phtgraph them utside their natural habitat.He visited zs,aquariums and rehabilitatin (康复) centers and phtgraphed prtraits f individual animals against a white r black backdrp (背景幕).
    The respnse has indeed been huge.Sartre has mre than 1.6 millin fllwers n Instagram and a best-selling series f Pht Ark bks.Part f the prceeds (收益) frm his bks ges t fund n-the-grund cnservatin effrts.
    Gary Ward wh wrks at Lndn Z where Sartre has sht befre,said, "Seeing is the first step t caring,and caring is the first step t cnservatin actin."
    By chsing animals utside their natural habitat,Sartre admits he will nly shw a small part f the wrld's wildlife.Accrding t the Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature,there are mre than 2 millin described species n the planet,and he plans t phtgraph just 1% f them.But ding s allws him t highlight species that are already extinct in the wild,and thse that wuld be difficult t take prtraits f in their natural habitat.It als enables him t sht in a cntrlled envirnment,meaning the animal can be kept safe and cmfrtable,with zkeepers r carers n hand t advise n its behavir.
    4.What is Sartre ding at the beginning f the text? ______ ​
    A. He is feeding a bird.B. He is training a bird.
    C. He is phtgraphing a bird.D. He is studying a bird's behavir.
    5.What des Sartre aim t d with his Pht Ark? ______ ​
    A. Make a recrd f cnservatin stries.
    B. Braden his experience in saving animals.
    C. Gather infrmatin n endangered species.
    D. Raise peple's awareness f prtecting wildlife.
    6.What is Gary Ward's attitude twards Sartre's wrk? ______ ​
    A. Unclear.B. Dubtful.C. Apprving.D. Critical.
    7.What is the last paragraph mainly abut? ______ ​
    A. Why Sartre fcuses n animals in human care.
    B. Why Sartre can't cver all animals in the wrld.
    C. The benefits f wrking with zkeepers r carers.
    D. The difficulties f phtgraphing animals in the wild.
    If yu fllwed the 2016 Olympic Games,yu may have nticed that several athletes,including US swimmer Michael Phelps,had circular bruises n their bdies.These bruises were the result f"cupping therapy"(拔火罐),a traditinal Chinese medicinal practice that has been arund fr mre than 2000 years.
    Many athletes say that they have benefited frm the therapy.Phelps used the therapy in the fall f 2014 and has used it abut twice a week since,reprted ABC News.Anther US swimmer,Dana Vllmer,als believes that"it really helps with bld flw."
    Hwever,sme have said that the suppsed health effects result frm peple feeling that the treatment wrks,rather than any physical effect f the treatment.
    T figure ut cupping therapy has any physical effects,last year researchers frm Germany carried ut a test in which a false treatment was prvided.
    In the study,the same type f cups was used in the real treatment and the false treatment.But in the false treatment,the cups had a hle at the tp s that they culdn't create the prper suctin(吸力).
    The tested patients,wh suffered frm a disrder that causes a lt f pain,were tld that they wuld receive either a traditinal cupping r"sft cupping".But they were nt infrmed that the s-called"sft cupping"was a false treatment.
    It turned ut that mst patients crrectly guessed which kind f cupping they had received.In bth grups,patients als experienced abut the same reductins in pain."The results suggest the effects f cupping therapy might cme frm factrs that are nt necessarily part f the treatment itself",the researchers tld the Live Science website.
    The questin f whether cupping therapy wrks still needs t be answered.But because the treatment is relatively safe and it culd be helpful fr sme peple,"the therapy can be used as a part f a cmprehensive treatment prgram invlving ther exercises,nutritinal chices and lifestyle changing"Dr Brent Bauer,directr f the US May Clinic Cmplementary and Prgram,tld Live Science.
    8.Why is Michael Phelps mentined in the passage? ______
    A. T give athletes a new way t swim faster.
    B. T prvide athletes a new way f treatment.
    C. T intrduce the tpic n cupping therapy.
    D. T shw swimmers suffer frm disrders.
    9.The purpse f the test by researchers frm Germany was t ______ .
    A. prmte the health effects f cupping therapy.
    B. see whether cupping therapy has a physical effect.
    C. cmpare traditinal cupping with the sft cupping.
    D. cmpare cupping therapy's effects n different grups f peple.
    10.What can be learned frm the passage? ______
    A. Different peple need different types f cupping therapy.
    B. The real treatment and false treatment almst have the same effect.
    C. The results shw that cupping therapy is nt part f the treatment.
    D. Cupping therapy is nly effective when used with lifestyle changing.
    11.Accrding t Dr Brent Bauer,cupping therapy ______ .
    A. is a fast and easy treatment fr peple t carry ut
    B. is a newly invented way t cure sme diseases.
    C. needs a lng perid f time t take effect
    D. can be used tgether with ther treatments.
    What d the randm, scribbled (潦草的) drawings crwding the margins (页边空白处) f mst high schl students' papers mean ? When a student is caught ddling (乱画) in class, he will prbably be criticized fr daydreaming. But ddling while listening can help with remembering details, rather than implying that the mind is wandering, accrding t a study published in the scientific jurnal Applied Cgnitive Psychlgy.
    In an experiment cnducted by the Medical Research Cuncil's Cgnitin and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, 40 subjects were asked t listen t a tw-minute tape giving several names f peple and places. Half f the participants were asked t shade in shapes n a piece f paper at the same time, withut paying attentin t neatness, while the rest were given n such instructins. After the tape had finished, all participants in the study were asked t recall the names f peple and places. The ddlers recalled n average 7.5 names f peple and places, cmpared t nly 5.8 by the nn-ddlers.
    "If smene is ding a bring task, like listening t a dull telephne cnversatin, they may start t daydream." said study researcher, Prfessr Jackie Andrade, f the Schl f Psychlgy, University f Plymuth. "Daydreaming distracts them frm the task, resulting in prer perfrmance. A simple task, like ddling, may be sufficient (足够的) t stp daydreaming withut affecting perfrmance n the main task."
    "In psychlgy, tests f memry r attentin will ften use a secnd task t selectively blck a particular mental prcess. If that prcess is imprtant fr the main task, then perfrmance will be impaired. But my research suggests that in everyday life ddling may be smething we d because it helps t keep us n track with a bring task, rather than being an unnecessary distractin (分心) that we shuld try t resist ding." said Andrade.
    Dan Ware, ascial studies teacher, used t cnsider ddling a distractin frm learning, but after teaching kids with all persnality types he learned scribbling away during lectures helps certain students remember mre infrmatin. "In my first few years f teaching, I thught, 'Well, this kid isn't paying attentin. He's daydreaming.' But I had sme really pwerful experiences with students and came t understand in many cases that was their way f fcusing, and thse students were prbably paying mre attentin than ther students." Ware said.
    12.What d we knw abut the participants invlved in the experiment ? ______
    A. Sme were asked t nte dwn the infrmatin neatly.
    B. Sme were asked t memrize the names they wuld hear.
    C. Sme were instructed t listen t the tape with full attentin.
    D. Sme were instructed t make randm drawings n paper.
    13.What des the underlined wrd "impaired" in paragraph 4 refer t ? ______
    A. Imprved.B. Weakened.C. Stpped.D. Repaired.
    14.Which f the fllwing will bth Jackie Andrade and Dan Ware agree with ? ______
    A. Ddling helps sme peple fcus.
    B. Students wh ddle perfrm prly.
    C. Ddling makes a dull task interesting.
    D. Students wh ddle lack cncentratin.
    15.What is the best title f the text ? ______
    A. Daydreaming Can Sharpen Study Skills
    B. Ddling Can Help Memry Recall
    C. A Wandering Mind Imprves Prductivity
    D. Distractins Harm Academic Perfrmance
    A majrity f the peple d nt read the classics.Their reasns begin with the language being t difficult and end with the stryline t distant t the present cntext.Lve fr classics is bviusly nt at first sight. (1) ______ We begin as acquaintances (泛泛之交) and eventually becme clse friends with private jkes between us.S hw des ne apprach a classic?
    Dn't be afraid t be cnfused.
    We get it:it's hard t pwer thrugh cnfusin.It desn't feel great when a bk makes yu feel cnfused.Every reader has t start smewhere. (2) ______ Instead,be prud f yurself fr trying,and get excited abut all the new things yu'll learn.
    ( 3) ______ Researching the authr-and the time and place they were writing abut-can help yu situate yurself during tricky passages.The authr's experience,viewpint,and histrical cntext might help yu make the cnnectins yu might nt have therwise.
    Just pick the bk up.
    This step is self-explanatry.While it's nt hard t just pick a bk up,we knw hw difficult it can be t cnvince yurself t d s. (4) ______ Take a deep breath,then leap nt the deck (甲板) f Melville's Pequd r step cautiusly thrugh the gates f Castle Dracula.
    Remember:there is n right answer.
    There is n perfect way t read a classic text.There is n defining interpretatin,n singular,exact answer.Yur gal as a reader is t discver what aspects and insights are meaningful t yu.Enjy the prcess. (5) ______ Even if yur interpretatin f the wrk isn't quite perfect,it is still valuable!
    A.It is a gradual affair.
    B.Allw the bk t grw with yu.
    C.It has sme frm f histrical influence.
    D.Befre yu turn t page ne,d sme digging.
    E.Never beat yurself up fr nt knwing smething.
    F.Remind yurself that it's a new learning pprtunity.
    G.Cnsider what cnfuses yu,read with intentin,and think critically.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Fr years,Sammie Vance,14,has been helping kids wh feel lnely make friends.She has been (1) ______ the Buddy Bench prgram since the third grade.The prgram was that anyne at schl feeling (2) ______ culd sit n the "buddy bench",telling ther kids he r she needed a friend.
    Sammie gt the (3) ______ fr the prgram at a summer camp in 2017.She thught it wuld be cl t have a buddy bench in her (4) ______ ,s when she returned,she (5) ______ the idea t the headteacher.
    Getting (6) ______ fr the prject was just the first step. "There have been a lt f ther (7) ______ ,like mney," Sammie says.T cut dwn csts and be ec-friendly,Sammie decided t make the bench ut f (8) ______ material.S she gt her cmmunity t gather bttle caps.
    ( 9) ______ f the prject gt ut,and sn Sammie was getting caps frm peple in all 50 states,and even frm peple in Germany,the Netherlands,and ther cuntries. (10) ______ ,she cllected mre than 1,200 punds f bttle caps.A cmpany called Green Tree Plastics was (11) ______ f upcycling (升级改造) these int three benches.
    Nt lng after that,( 12) ______ her wn schl,mre than 200 schls and parks natinwide,in Mexic and Australia (13) ______ benches thrugh the prgram as well.Her wrk cntinues t spread (14) ______ far and wide. "We recently gt a bench in Ghana,Africa," she says.
    Sammie thinks her small gesture can make ther peple's day and that even small acts f kindness can (15) ______ .
    21.A. imaginingB. changingC. prtestingD. running
    22.A. sensitiveB. curiusC. lnelyD. ashamed
    23.A. inspiratinB. intentinC. principleD. practice
    24.A. hmeB. schlC. twnD. cuntry
    25.A. returnedB. lentC. presentedD. delivered
    26.A. cmmentB. discuntC. appreciatinD. apprval
    27.A. challengesB. cmplaintsC. cmpetitinsD. evidences
    28.A. cmmnB. expensiveC. recycledD. imprted
    29.A. NatureB. WrdC. PartD. Histry
    30.A. EventuallyB. AbslutelyC. RegularlyD. Originally
    31.A. fndB. capableC. prudD. aware
    32.A. due tB. instead fC. apart frmD. except fr
    33.A. acquiredB. designedC. bservedD. remved
    34.A. infrmatinB. knwledgeC. diseaseD. kindness
    35.A. make senseB. make a difference
    C. cme t lifeD. cme t pwer
    36.The silver jewelry prduced by the Mia ethnic grup has been the key t driving rural develpment in Taijiang Cunty,(1) ______ area lcated in the Qiandngnan Mia and Dng Autnmus Prefecture(自治州)f Guizhu Prvince.
    The jewelry is a magnificent treasure f Mia culture,(2) ______ (present) delicate silver jewels and traditinal craftsmanship.The Mia ethnic grup(3) ______ (keep)the traditin f decrating themselves with handmade silver rnaments fr ver 400 years.In May 2011,the silver frging skill f the Mia ethnic grup was recgnized and included in the third grup f(4) ______ (natin)intangible cultural heritage list.
    ( 5) ______ (drive)by the ppularity f ethnic festivals and peple's grwing interest in silver jewelry,the lcal turism industry has enjyed a bst in recent years.T(6) ______ (far) encurage develpment,Taijiang Cunty has fcused(7) ______ develping the ethnic flk handicraft industry,aiming t enhance the prmtin f traditinal Mia silver jewelry,create mre jb(8) ______ (pprtunity)and bst reginal turism.By the end f 2021,there were 102 lcal enterprises devted t making silver jewelry,(9) ______ ttal utput value reached mre than100 millin yuan($13.68 millin).This significant grwth in the silver jewelry industry has laid a strng fundatin fr the cunty(10) ______ ( prmte)rural revitalizatin.
    Students' Unin
    Tw Glden Hearts Meg and her eight-year-ld daughter,Haley,were n their way hme frm schl,and it had just stpped raining. "What's that squeaky(吱吱作响的) nise?" Meg asked.She lked dwn at the girl's shes and nticed her shes had been tr pen.Water n the rad had leaked int Haley's damaged shes,making the squeaky nise.
    Meg immediately tk her daughter t a she stre t buy her a new pair f shes.She had sme mney fr grceries but thught getting Haley a new pair f shes was mre imprtant. "Hw abut these?" asked Haley,wh was checking shes in the sectin nly fr bys.
    Meg frwned and apprached her daughter.
    "Mama,I want these sneakers(运动鞋).Buddy needs them badly."
    Meg was surprised.Nt nly did she nt have mney t affrd tw pairs f shes,but she wndered why Haley was t interested in getting her classmate Buddy a new pair. "Why d yu want t d that?" asked Meg.Haley's tne became serius. "Buddy is frm a very pr family,mama.Prer than us.His shes are tm.Everybdy laughs at him.Please,can we buy these shes fr him?Yu can buy mine later."
    Meg thught fr a while and decided it wuld be best if she bught her daughter shes fr nw. "Yu will fall sick if yu keep wearing yur wet,tm shes.I'm srry,hney,but I really can't affrd tw pairs."
    Haley sighed (叹气) heavily but agreed.
    As Meg and Haley left,Bb,the she stre wner wh knew Meg well,walked t the entrance and sighed.He had verheard everything and knew what it was like t live in pverty.He wanted t help Haley cmplete her missin f helping Buddy but didn't knw hw.Mrever,the sneakers Haley wanted t get fr Buddy was a limited-editin cllectin.They were pretty expensive,and he culd nt just give them away fr free.
    Suddenly,Bb remembered the stre's basement where unsld shes were stred.______
    The next mrning,Haley was surprised t find a she bx n the drstep.______
    1. 根据文章第二段中的If yu want sme inspiratin fr which nvel r bigraphy t read next, this is the best bk review site t visit.(如果你想要一些下一本小说或传记的灵感,这是最好的书评网站访问)可知,Gd reads最适合想买传记的人。故选A。
    2. 根据文章倒数第三段中的Yu can see parts f reviews fr different bks. Hwever, t read them in full, yu will need t subscribe.(你可以看到不同书籍的部分评论。然而,要完整阅读它们,你需要订阅)可知,访客可以在Bk list上付款后阅读完整的评论。故选C。
    3. 根据文章最后一段中的Althugh it's easy t be attracted by an impressive bk cver, it's always best t have a quick lk at the bk reviews befre actually buying a cpy.(尽管人们很容易被一本令人印象深刻的书的封面所吸引,但在真正购买之前,最好还是快速浏览一下书评。)可知,在买书之前,建议阅读书评。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段A spn-billed sandpiper (勺嘴鹬) steps int the frame,heading straight fr a small bug placed there.It swallws its fd with its spn-shaped beak.(一只勺嘴鹬走进镜头,直奔放在那里的一只小虫子。它用匙形喙吞咽食物。)可知,萨尔托雷在拍摄一只鸟,故选C项。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第四段He had seen wildlife decreasing firsthand,but felt like the public wasn't interested.(他亲眼目睹了野生动物的减少,但觉得公众对此不感兴趣)和第五段Sartre thught f a new way t inspire peple.(萨尔托雷思考了一种激励人们的新方式)可知,萨尔托雷在拍摄时发现许多野生动物正在减少,但是发现大众并不感兴趣,所以他成立了Pht Ark,其目的是唤起大家共同的关注,提高人们保护野生动物的意识,故选D项。
    (3)观点态度题。根据倒数第二段Seeing is the first step t caring,and caring is the first step t cnservatin actin.(看到是关爱的第一步,关爱是保护行动的第一步。)可推断出加里•沃德对萨尔托雷拍摄动物引起大众关注这种行为是持支持赞成的态度,故选C项。
    (4)段落大意题。根据最后一段But ding s allws him t highlight species that are already extinct in the wild,and thse that wuld be difficult t take prtraits f in their natural habitat.It als enables him t sht in a cntrlled envirnment,meaning the animal can be kept safe and cmfrtable,with zkeepers r carers n hand t advise n its behavir.(这样做可以让他关注那些已经在野外灭绝的物种,以及那些在自然栖息地难以拍摄肖像的物种。它还使它能够在受控的环境中拍摄,这意味着动物可以保持安全和舒适,动物园管理员或看护人员随时为它的行为提供建议)可知最后一段主要讲的是为什么萨尔托雷关注人类护理中的动物,故选A项。
    【解析】(1)C 细节理解题,根据第一段yu may have nticed that several athletes,including US swimmer Michael Phelps,had circular bruises n their bdies.These bruises were the result f"cupping therapy"(拔火罐),a traditinal Chinese medicinal practice that has been arund fr mre than 2000 years.可知提到Michael Phelps 是为了引出本文的主题,即拔罐疗法,故选C.
    (2)B 细节理解题,根据第四段T figure ut cupping therapy has any physical effects,last year researchers frm Germany carried ut a test in which a false treatment was prvided.可知德国的研究人员进行了一项试验是为了找出拔罐疗法是否有任何物理效果,故选B.
    (3)B 推理判断题,根据倒数第二段It turned ut that mst patients crrectly guessed which kind f cupping they had received.可知真正的治疗和错误的治疗几乎都有同样的效果,故选B.
    (4)D 推理判断题.根据文章内容The therapy can be used as a part f a cmprehensive treatment prgram invlving ther exercises,nutritinal chices and life-style interventins"拔罐疗法可以与其他一些治病方法相结合的使用,那样可以治疗更多的疾病.故选D.
    本文主要讲述了中国传统的一种治疗疾病的方法 --拔罐疗法以及它的功效.现在越来越多的人知道并接受了它.
    【解析】(1)D. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容"Half f the participants were asked t shade in shapes n a piece f paper at the same time, withut paying attentin t neatness, while the rest were given n such instructins."可知,在实验中,一半的参与者被要求同时在纸上给形状涂上阴影,不注意整洁,而剩下的人没有得到这样的指示,即:有一部分参与者可以在纸上随意涂画。选项D"Sme were instructed t make randm drawings n paper.(一些参与者被要求在纸上随意画画。) "与原文内容表达信息一致。故选D项。
    (2)B. 词义猜测题。根据划线单词句之后存在了"but"句,可知,"but"句与划线句应是转折关系。分析"But my research suggests that in everyday life ddling may be smething we d because it helps t keep us n track with a bring task, rather than being an unnecessary distractin that we shuld try t resist ding.(但我的研究表明,在日常生活中,涂鸦可能是我们做的事情,因为它有助于让我们跟上无聊的任务,而不是一个不必要的我们应该努力抵制的分心。) "可知,but句在解释涂鸦的对于"无聊任务"的有益作用,因此可推知,划线单词"impaired"应是与but句中的"help"为反义词关系,"impaired"可以理解为"没有帮助"或"损害"含义,与选项B"Weakened.(变弱)"表达含义一致。A. Imprved提高;B. Weakened减弱;C.Stpped停止;D.Repaired修理。故选B项。
    (3)A. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容"But my research suggests that in everyday life ddling may be smething we d because it helps t keep us n track with a bring task, rather than being an unnecessary distractin that we shuld try t resist ding."可知,Jackie Andrade的研究表明,在日常生活中,涂鸦有助于跟上无聊的任务,而不是一个不必要的分心;文章第五段内容"but after teaching kids with all persnality types he learned scribbling away during lectures helps certain students remember mre infrmatin."可知,Dan Ware在教授了所有性格类型的孩子之后,了解到在课堂上涂鸦有助于某些学生记住更多信息。因此可推知,在他们看来,涂鸦是有助于在任务中或课堂中集中精力的。故选A项。
    (4)B. 标题归纳题。根据文章体裁为说明文,文章结构为总分结构可知,文章首段提出主旨要义:But ddling while listening can help with remembering details, rather than implying that the mind is wandering, accrding t a study published in the scientific jurnal Applied Cgnitive Psychlgy.(但是根据发表在科学期刊《应用认知心理学》上的一项研究,边听边涂鸦有助于记忆细节,而不是暗示走神。)可知,本文主要讲述了涂鸦对于记忆是有益的,同时文章的其他段落分别从 Jackie Andrade的实验和教师Dan Ware的教学经历两个方面进行了该主题的阐述。选项B"Ddling Can Help Memry Recall(涂鸦可以帮助记忆)"贴合主旨要义,为最佳标题。故选B项。
    这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了与传统思维认为的边听边涂鸦是走神的表现不同,实质上边听边涂鸦是有助于记忆的,教授Jackie Andrade的实验和教师Dan Ware的教学经历进行了该观点的证实。
    【解析】(1)语境衔接题。根据上文Lve fr classics is bviusly nt at first sight. (对经典的喜爱显然不是一见钟情)及下文We begin as acquaintances (泛泛之交) and eventually becme clse friends with private jkes between us. (我们开始是熟人,最终因为私下里的笑话而成为亲密的朋友)可知,对经典的喜爱是一个循序渐进的过程。由此可知,A.It is a gradual affair. (这是一个循序渐进的过程)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选A。
    (2)联系下文题。根据下文Instead,be prud f yurself fr trying,and get excited abut all the new things yu'll learn. (相反,你应该为自己的尝试感到自豪,并为你将学到的所有新事物感到兴奋)可知,此处与下文形成转折关系。由此可知,E.Never beat yurself up fr nt knwing smething. (永远不要因为不知道而责怪自己)能够与下文形成语义的转折,符合语境。故选E。
    (3)联系上文题。根据本段小标题Research,research,research. (研究,研究,再研究)可知,本段主要建议要做研究。由此可知,D.Befre yu turn t page ne,d sme digging. (在你翻到第一页之前,做一些调查)符合本段主旨,符合语境。故选D。
    (4)联系下文题。根据下文Take a deep breath,then leap nt the deck (甲板) f Melville's Pequd r step cautiusly thrugh the gates f Castle Dracula. (深吸一口气,然后跳上梅尔维尔的《裴廓德号》的甲板,或者小心翼翼地穿过德古拉城堡的大门)可知,此处在讲述读书的具体做法。由此可知,F.Remind yurself that it's a new learning pprtunity. (提醒自己这是一个新的学习机会)能够衔接下文,属于真正开始读书前的思想准备工作,符合语境。故选F。
    (5)联系上文题。根据上文There is n perfect way t read a classic text.There is n defining interpretatin,n singular,exact answer.Yur gal as a reader is t discver what aspects and insights are meaningful t yu.(阅读经典文本没有完美的方法。没有明确的解释,没有单一的、精确的答案。作为读者,你的目标是发现哪些方面和见解对你有意义。)可知,阅读经典文本时,应用进行思考。由此可知,G.Cnsider what cnfuses yu,read with intentin,and think critically. (思考让你困惑的是什么,用心阅读,批判性思考)能够衔接上文,符合语境。故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.imagining想象;B.changing改变;C.prtesting抗议;D.running运行。句意:她从三年级开始就一直在运行Buddy Bench项目。根据下文Sammie想出这个项目的主意,并开始想办法实施可知,她是在运行这个项目。故选D。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.sensitive敏感的;B.curius好奇的;C.lnely孤独的;D.ashamed羞愧的。句意:该项目是任何在学校感到孤独的人都可以坐在"伙伴长椅"上,告诉其他孩子他或她需要一个朋友。根据上文"Fr years,Sammie Vance,14,has been helping kids wh feel lnely make friends."可知,Sammie的这个项目是帮助在学校感到孤独的人。故选C。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.inspiratin灵感;B.intentin意图;C.principle原则;D.practice实践。句意:Sammie在2017年的一次夏令营中得到了这个项目的灵感。根据下文"She thught it wuld be cl t have a buddy bench in her(4)"可推知,Sammie是从夏令营中得到了设置伙伴长椅的灵感。故选A。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.hme家;B.schl学校;C.twn城镇;D.cuntry国家。句意:她认为在她的学校里有一个伙伴长椅会很酷,所以当她回来的时候,她向校长提出了这个想法。根据下文"she(5)the idea t the headteacher"可知,Sammie和校长沟通了想法,因此是在学校里设置伙伴长椅。故选B。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.returned归还;B.lent借给;C.presented提出;D.delivered运送。句意:她认为在她的学校里有一个伙伴长椅会很酷,所以当她回来的时候,她向校长提出了这个想法。根据下文"the idea t the headteacher"可推知,Sammie是向校长提出该想法。故选C。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.cmment评论;B.discunt折扣;C.appreciatin欣赏;D.apprval批准。句意:获得项目批准只是第一步。根据上文"s when she returned,she(5)the idea t the headteacher"可知,Sammie和校长沟通了关于这个项目的想法,此处指获得学校方面的批准。故选D。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.challenges挑战;B.cmplaints抱怨;C.cmpetitins竞争;D.evidences证据。句意:"还有很多其他的挑战,比如钱,"Sammie说。根据下文"like mney"和"T cut dwn csts and be ec-friendly"可知,进行该项目面临着钱、环保方面的挑战,并不容易。故选A。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.cmmn普通的;B.expensive昂贵的;C.recycled可回收的;D.imprted进口的。句意:为了降低成本和环保,Sammie决定用可回收材料制作长椅。根据上文"T cut dwn csts and be ec-friendly"可知,Sammie希望这个项目是环保的,因此会决定用可回收的材料制作长椅。故选C。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.Nature自然;B.Wrd消息;C.Part部分;D.Histry历史。句意:这个项目的消息传开了,很快Sammie就收到了来自50个州的人的瓶盖,甚至还有德国、荷兰和其他国家的人。根据下文"f the prject gt ut,and sn Sammie was getting caps frm peple in all 50 states,and even frm peple in Germany,the Netherlands,and ther cuntries"可推知,应该是项目的消息传开了,然后美国各州,甚至是其他国家的人开始提供帮助。故选B。
    (10)考查副词及语境理解。A.Eventually最终;B.Abslutely绝对地;C.Regularly定期地;D.Originally最初地。句意:最终,她收集了超过1200磅的瓶盖。根据下文"she cllected mre than 1,200 punds f bttle caps"可知,此处陈述收集瓶盖的结果,应该是承接上文,说明事情最终是这样。故选A。
    (11)考查形容词及语境理解。A.fnd喜爱的;B.capable有能力的;C.prud自豪的;D.aware意识到的。句意:一家名为Green Tree Plastics的公司能够将这些瓶盖改造升级为三条长椅。根据下文"f upcycling (升级改造) these int three benches"可推知,此处是较为客观地陈述事实,说明该公司能将这些瓶盖改造升级为三条长椅,满足Sammie的项目需求。故选B。
    (12)考查介词短语及语境理解。A.due t由于;B.instead f代替;C.apart frm除了(还有);D.except fr除了。句意:不久之后,除了她自己的学校,墨西哥和澳大利亚的200多所学校和公园也通过这个项目获得了长椅。根据下文"her wn schl,mre than 200 schls and parks natinwide,in Mexic and Australia(13)benches thrugh the prgram as well"可推知,除了Sammie自己的学校外,还有很多其他学校和公园也获得了长椅。故选C。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.acquired获得;B.designed设计;C.bserved观察;D.remved移除。句意:不久之后,除了她自己的学校,墨西哥和澳大利亚的200多所学校和公园也通过这个项目获得了长椅。根据上文"She thught it wuld be cl t have a buddy bench in her(4)"可知,最初Sammie是想自己的学校有伙伴长椅,因此此处指后来多所学校和公园也通过这个项目获得了长椅。故选A。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.infrmatin信息;B.knwledge知识;C.disease疾病;D.kindness善意。句意:她的工作继续将善意传播到世界各地。根据下文"even small acts f kindness"可知,此处指将善意传播到世界各地。故选D。
    (15)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.make sense有意义;B.make a difference产生影响;C.cme t life复活;D.cme t pwer上台执政。句意:Sammie认为她的小举动可以让别人开心,即使是小小的善举也能产生影响。根据上文叙述的Sammie想创立该项目帮助自己学校里孤独的人结交朋友,到后来得到很多人的帮助,让项目走得更远,在很多学校和公园设置伙伴长椅,帮助更多的人可知,她小小的善举产生了影响。故选B。
    本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Sammie Vance从夏令营中获得灵感,创立了Buddy Bench项目,帮助学校中孤单的人找到朋友,她请求自己的社区帮忙收集瓶盖作为长椅的材料,项目的消息传播出去后,很多不同地方的人都提供了帮助,最终很多学校和公园都得以有了这样的长椅,她的善意产生了影响。
    【小题3】has kept
    【小题10】t prmte
    (2)考查现在分词。句意:这些首饰是苗族的文化瑰宝,代表着精美的银饰和传统工艺。此处作状语,present与主语The jewelry之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词作状语,故填presenting。
    (3)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:苗族保留了400多年来用手工银饰装饰自己的传统。此处作谓语动词,主语为名词单数The Mia ethnic grup,根据本句的时间状语fr ver 400 years可知,此处应用现在完成时,助动词为has,故填has kept。
    (5)考查过去分词。句意:由于民族节日的流行和人们对银饰的越来越感兴趣,当地旅游业在近几年得到了大大的提升。drive与主语the lcal turism之间为被动关系,故应用过去分词作状语,句首单词首字母大写,故填Driven。
    (7)考查介词。句意:为了进一步鼓励发展,台江县专注于发展民族民间手工业,旨在促进传统银饰的提升,创造更多的工作机会,刺激当地旅游业的发展。此处意为"专注于",所以用固定短语fcus n,故填n。
    (9)考查非限制性定语从句。句意:到2021年末,当地有102家企业专门生产银饰,其总产值超过1亿人民币。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为enterprises,且先行词与从句的主语ttal utput之间为从属关系,故应用whse引导,在从句中作定语,故填whse。
    (10)考查动词不定式。句意:银饰这一行业显著的增长为该地区农村的发展奠定了坚定的基础。此处意为"为某人做某事奠定了基础",表达为了lay a strng fundatin fr sb.t d sth.,故此处应用动词不定式作后置定语修饰fundatin,故填t prmte。
    37.【答案】NticeA phtgraphic exhibitin abut sprtsmanship is arranged t be held at ur schl n March 26,2023.It will start frm 2:00 t 5:00 n the afternn in the schl dinner hall.(摄影展的展出时间和地点)
    Any student wh is interested is welcme t participate. 【高分句型一】This is surely a gd chance fr mre peple t see them.If yu want t jin,yu can g there and enjy the phts.【高分句型二】I wuld appreciate it if yu culd prvide us with sme phts abut the theme "sprtsmanship" and send them t yucai163@.cm befre March 23.(展出的内容及提供照片的截止日期)
    Students' Unin
    【解析】高分句型一:Any student wh is interested is welcme t participate.
    高分句型二:If yu want t jin,yu can g there and enjy the phts.
    38.【答案】Suddenly,Bb remembered the stre's basement where unsld shes were stred. "Hmmm!" Bb grinned.He quickly brught dwn an entire shelf f unsld shes and started t search.Finally,he picked ut the pair which lked similar t what Buddy desired.【高分句型一】Then he cntacted Meg,explaining that he had verheard everything and he wanted t surprise the girl by drpping ff the shes n the drstep tmrrw mrning.Meg culdn't cntain her delight and expressed the depth f gratitude t him.(描写了鲍勃思考如何帮助海莉,以及告诉海莉他的决定)
    The next mrning,Haley was surprised t find a she bx n the drstep.She rubbed her sleepy eyes and caught sight f the nte stuck n the bx,which read, "Hpe Buddy lves them!" Curius t knw what was inside,Haley hurriedly pened the bx and std in shck the next minute.【高分句型二】Inside the bx were the shes that she wanted,thugh a bit different.She believed they wuld make Buddy verjyed.Seeing Haley's delight,Meg felt tuched,bth fr her daughter and Bb.She was cnvinced smething else lightened her up that day — tw glden hearts.(描写了海莉发现鞋子后的惊讶以及海莉迫不及待地把鞋子送给巴迪,并且也可以描写母亲梅格的感悟)
    高分句型一:Finally,he picked ut the pair which lked similar t what Buddy desired.
    高分句型二:Curius t knw what was inside,Haley hurriedly pened the bx and std in shck the next minute.
    分析:本句运用了what引导的宾语从句和形容词短语Curius t knw what was inside作状语。

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